- - - WABImprt.c - Contains code for importing another WAB into the currently opened WAB * * */ #include "_apipch.h"
- - PromptForWABFile * * Shows the OpenFileName dialog to prompt for the WAB file to import * <TBD>:Cache the last imported WAB file in the registry * * bOpen - if TRUE, calls GetOpenFileName; if false, calls GetSaveFileName */ BOOL PromptForWABFile(HWND hWnd, LPTSTR pszFile, DWORD cchSizeFile, BOOL bOpen) { OPENFILENAME ofn; LPTSTR lpFilter = FormatAllocFilter(idsWABImportString, TEXT("*.WAB"),0,NULL,0,NULL); TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH + 1] = TEXT(""); TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); BOOL bRet = FALSE;
LoadString( hinstMapiX, bOpen ? idsSelectWABToImport : idsSelectWABToExport, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hWnd; ofn.hInstance = hinstMapiX; ofn.lpstrFilter = lpFilter; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = 0; ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = ARRAYSIZE(szFileName); ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.nFileOffset = 0; ofn.nFileExtension = 0; ofn.lpstrDefExt = TEXT("wab"); ofn.lCustData = 0; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
if(bOpen) bRet = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); else
bRet = GetSaveFileName(&ofn);
if(bRet) StrCpyN(pszFile, szFileName, cchSizeFile);
return bRet; }
- MapOldNamedPropsToNewNamedProps - * Takes all the props from the wab being imported and finds or creates appropriate * named props from the store being imported into * *lpulOldNP and *lpulNewNP are LocalAlloced and should be freed by caller
typedef struct _NamedProp { ULONG ulPropTag; // Contains the proptag for this named prop
LPTSTR lpsz; // Contains the string for this named prop
} NAMED_PROP, * LPNAMED_PROP; typedef struct _tagGuidNamedProps { LPGUID lpGUID; // Application GUID for which these named props are
ULONG cValues; // Number of entries in the lpmn array
LPNAMED_PROP lpnm; // Array of Named Props for this Guid.
*/ HRESULT MapOldNamedPropsToNewNamedProps(HANDLE hPropertyStore, LPADRBOOK lpAdrBook, ULONG * lpulPropCount, LPULONG * lppulOldNP, LPULONG * lppulNewNP) { ULONG ulcGUIDCount = 0,i=0,j=0,ulCount=0; LPGUID_NAMED_PROPS lpgnp = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPULONG lpulOldNP = NULL, lpulNewNP = NULL; ULONG ulcOldNPCount = 0; LPSPropTagArray lpta = NULL; LPMAPINAMEID * lppPropNames = NULL; SCODE sc ;
if(HR_FAILED(hr = GetNamedPropsFromPropStore(hPropertyStore, &ulcGUIDCount, &lpgnp))) goto exit;
if(ulcGUIDCount) { for(i=0;i<ulcGUIDCount;i++) ulcOldNPCount += lpgnp[i].cValues; lpulOldNP = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(ULONG) * ulcOldNPCount); lpulNewNP = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(ULONG) * ulcOldNPCount);
if(!lpulOldNP || !lpulNewNP) { hr = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
ulCount = 0; for(i=0;i<ulcGUIDCount;i++) { for(j=0;j<lpgnp[i].cValues;j++) { lpulOldNP[ulCount++] = lpgnp[i].lpnm[j].ulPropTag; } }
sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer(sizeof(LPMAPINAMEID) * ulcOldNPCount, (LPVOID *) &lppPropNames); if(sc) { hr = ResultFromScode(sc); goto exit; }
ulCount = 0; for(i=0;i<ulcGUIDCount;i++) { for(j=0;j<lpgnp[i].cValues;j++) { if(sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(MAPINAMEID), lppPropNames, &(lppPropNames[ulCount]))) { hr = ResultFromScode(sc); goto exit; } lppPropNames[ulCount]->lpguid = lpgnp[i].lpGUID; lppPropNames[ulCount]->ulKind = MNID_STRING;
{ int nSize = lstrlen(lpgnp[i].lpnm[j].lpsz); if(!nSize) continue; else { nSize++; if(sc = MAPIAllocateMore(sizeof(WCHAR)*nSize, lppPropNames, &(lppPropNames[ulCount]->Kind.lpwstrName))) { hr = ResultFromScode(sc); goto exit; } } StrCpyN(lppPropNames[ulCount]->Kind.lpwstrName,lpgnp[i].lpnm[j].lpsz, nSize); ulCount++; } } }
// [PaulHi] 3/25/99 Use the actual count of the lppPropNames array, or we will walk off
// into unknown memory and crash.
ulcOldNPCount = ulCount; hr = lpAdrBook->lpVtbl->GetIDsFromNames(lpAdrBook, ulcOldNPCount, lppPropNames, MAPI_CREATE, &lpta); if(HR_FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
// Note that of the tags that are returned, we don't know the tag type .. this we will have
// to infer based on the original tags when we see them being used
ulCount = 0; for(i=0;i<ulcGUIDCount;i++) { for(j=0;j<lpgnp[i].cValues;j++) { lpulNewNP[ulCount++] = lpta->aulPropTag[ulCount]; } } }
*lppulNewNP = lpulNewNP; *lppulOldNP = lpulOldNP; *lpulPropCount = ulcOldNPCount;
hr = S_OK; exit:
if(lpta) MAPIFreeBuffer(lpta);
if(lppPropNames) MAPIFreeBuffer(lppPropNames);
if(HR_FAILED(hr)) { LocalFreeAndNull(&lpulNewNP); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpulOldNP); }
FreeGuidnamedprops(ulcGUIDCount, lpgnp); return hr; }
****************************************************************************/ void ChangeOldNamedPropsToNewNamedProps(ULONG ulcProps, LPSPropValue lpProps, ULONG ulcNPCount, ULONG * lpulOldNP, ULONG *lpulNewNP) { ULONG i,j; for(i=0;i<ulcProps;i++) { ULONG ulPropId = PROP_ID(lpProps[i].ulPropTag); if(ulPropId >= 0x8000) //this is a named prop
{ ULONG ulType = PROP_TYPE(lpProps[i].ulPropTag); for(j=0;j<ulcNPCount;j++) { if(ulPropId == PROP_ID(lpulOldNP[j])) { lpProps[i].ulPropTag = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(lpulNewNP[j], ulType); break; } } } } return; }
enum { eidOld=0, eidTemp, eidNew, eidMax };
void SetTempSBinary(LPSBinary lpsbTemp, LPSBinary lpsbOld) { DWORD dwTemp = 0; if(lpsbOld->cb != SIZEOF_WAB_ENTRYID) { // perhaps this is a Folder EID in it's formal proper form ..
// We should try to reduce it to a DWORD...
// this may be a WAB container .. reset the entryid to a WAB entryid
if(WAB_CONTAINER == IsWABEntryID(lpsbTemp->cb, (LPENTRYID)lpsbTemp->lpb, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)) { SBinary sbEID = {0}; IsWABEntryID(lpsbTemp->cb, (LPENTRYID)lpsbTemp->lpb, (LPVOID*)&sbEID.lpb,(LPVOID*)&sbEID.cb,NULL,NULL,NULL); if(sbEID.cb == SIZEOF_WAB_ENTRYID) CopyMemory(&dwTemp, sbEID.lpb, min(sbEID.cb, sizeof(dwTemp))); else return; } } else CopyMemory(&dwTemp, lpsbOld->lpb, min(lpsbOld->cb, sizeof(dwTemp))); dwTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF - dwTemp; SetSBinary(lpsbTemp, lpsbOld->cb, (LPBYTE)&dwTemp); }
- GetNewEID - * Finds a new entryid or a temp entryid for a given old entryid * When bTemp is true, only looks in the temp entryid column */ LPSBinary GetNewEID(LPSBinary lpsbOldEID, DWORD dwCount, LPSBinary * lppsbEIDs, BOOL bTemp) { DWORD dw = 0;
while(lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw].cb && dw < dwCount) { if( lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw].cb == lpsbOldEID->cb && // if it's an old eid, return a new or a temp
!memcmp(lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw].lpb, lpsbOldEID->lpb, lpsbOldEID->cb)) { if(bTemp) return lpsbOldEID;
if(lppsbEIDs[eidNew][dw].cb) return &(lppsbEIDs[eidNew][dw]); else if(lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw].cb) return &(lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw]); else return lpsbOldEID; } else if( lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw].cb == lpsbOldEID->cb && // if it's an old eid, return a new or a temp
!memcmp(lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw].lpb, lpsbOldEID->lpb, lpsbOldEID->cb)) { if(lppsbEIDs[eidNew][dw].cb) return &(lppsbEIDs[eidNew][dw]); else return lpsbOldEID; } dw++; } // if we reached here, then we haven't cached an appropriate temp or new eid for the current one
// so add the current one to this table
if(dw<dwCount && !lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw].cb) { SetSBinary(&(lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw]), lpsbOldEID->cb, lpsbOldEID->lpb); SetTempSBinary(&(lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw]), lpsbOldEID); return(&(lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw])); } return lpsbOldEID; }
- SetNewEID - * */ void SetNewEID(LPSBinary lpsbOldEID, LPSBinary lpsbNewEID, DWORD dwCount, LPSBinary * lppsbEIDs) { DWORD dw = 0;
while(lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw].cb && dw < dwCount) { if( lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw].cb == lpsbOldEID->cb && // if it's an old eid, return a new or a temp
!memcmp(lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw].lpb, lpsbOldEID->lpb, lpsbOldEID->cb)) { SetSBinary(&(lppsbEIDs[eidNew][dw]), lpsbNewEID->cb, lpsbNewEID->lpb); if(!lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw].cb) SetTempSBinary(&(lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw]), lpsbOldEID); return; } dw++; } if(dw<dwCount && !lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw].cb) { SetSBinary(&lppsbEIDs[eidOld][dw], lpsbOldEID->cb, lpsbOldEID->lpb); SetSBinary(&lppsbEIDs[eidNew][dw], lpsbNewEID->cb, lpsbNewEID->lpb); SetTempSBinary(&(lppsbEIDs[eidTemp][dw]), lpsbOldEID); } }
- - Replace EID * */ void ReplaceEID(LPSBinary lpsb, LPSPropValue lpProps, DWORD dwCount, LPSBinary * lppsbEIDs, BOOL bTemp) { LPSBinary lpsbOldEID = lpsb; LPSBinary lpsbNewEID = GetNewEID(lpsbOldEID, dwCount, lppsbEIDs, bTemp);
if(lpsbOldEID == lpsbNewEID) return;
if(lpsbOldEID->cb != lpsbNewEID->cb) { if(!bTemp) { // this is a prop array read from a WAB file using readrecord
LocalFree(lpsbOldEID->lpb); lpsbOldEID->lpb = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, lpsbNewEID->cb); } else { // this was called from GetProps and is a MAPI Array
lpsbOldEID->lpb = NULL; MAPIAllocateMore(lpsbNewEID->cb, lpProps, (LPVOID *) (&(lpsbOldEID->lpb))); } } if(lpsbOldEID->lpb) { lpsbOldEID->cb = lpsbNewEID->cb; CopyMemory(lpsbOldEID->lpb, lpsbNewEID->lpb, lpsbNewEID->cb); } }
- UpdateEntryIDReferences - * Updates entryids in the given prop array * * The first time the function is called, btemp is FALSE and we replace all EIDs in the * array with temp or new eids * The second time this function is called, bTemp is TRUE and we replace all temp EIDS in * the array with the new EIDs * */ void UpdateEntryIDReferences(ULONG ulcProps, LPSPropValue lpProps, DWORD dwCount, LPSBinary * lppsbEIDs, BOOL bTemp) { ULONG i, j, k, l;
for(i=0;i<ulcProps;i++) { ULONG ulType = PROP_TYPE(lpProps[i].ulPropTag); // Props containing entryids will be of Binary or MV_Binary type
if(ulType == PT_BINARY || ulType == PT_MV_BINARY) { // Check against the known set of props dealing with entryids
for(j=0;j<dwEntryIDTagCount;j++) { if(lpProps[i].ulPropTag == ulEntryIDTags[j]) { LPSBinary lpsbOldEID = NULL, lpsbNewEID = NULL;
switch(ulType) { case PT_BINARY: //if(lpProps[i].Value.bin.cb == SIZEOF_WAB_ENTRYID)
{ ReplaceEID(&(lpProps[i].Value.bin), lpProps, dwCount, lppsbEIDs, bTemp); } break; case PT_MV_BINARY: for(k=0;k<lpProps[i].Value.MVbin.cValues;k++) { //if(lpProps[i].Value.MVbin.lpbin[k].cb == SIZEOF_WAB_ENTRYID)
{ ReplaceEID(&(lpProps[i].Value.MVbin.lpbin[k]), lpProps, dwCount, lppsbEIDs, bTemp); } } break; } break; } } } } }
Name : HrImportWABFile
Purpose : Merges an external WAB file with the current on
Parameters: hwnd = hwnd lpIAB -> IAddrBook object ulFlags = 0 or MAPI_DIALOG - MAPI_DIALOG means show msgs and progress bar lpszFileName - file name to open, if 0 prompts with GetOpenFileName dialog Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT HrImportWABFile(HWND hWnd, LPADRBOOK lpAdrBook, ULONG ulFlags, LPTSTR lpszFileName) { LPIAB lpIAB = (LPIAB) lpAdrBook; BOOL bFoldersImported = FALSE; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; HRESULT hrDeferred = S_OK; TCHAR szWABFile[MAX_PATH+1] = TEXT(""); TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH+1] = TEXT(""), szPath[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); HANDLE hPropertyStore = NULL; DWORD dwWABEntryCount = 0; LPSBinary * lppsbWABEIDs = NULL; ULONG ulcNPCount = 0; LPULONG lpulOldNP = NULL,lpulNewNP = NULL; ULONG i,j,k,n; BOOL bShowUI = (hWnd && (ulFlags & MAPI_DIALOG)); ULONG rgObj[] = { MAPI_MAILUSER, MAPI_DISTLIST, MAPI_ABCONT }; #ifdef IMPORT_FOLDERS
#define ulrgObjMax 3
#define ulrgObjMax 2
SBinary sbPAB = {0};
SPropertyRestriction PropRes = {0}; //HCURSOR hOldCur = NULL;
SPropValue sp = {0}; ULONG ulcOldProps = 0; LPSPropValue lpOldProps = NULL; LPMAPIPROP lpObject = NULL;
ULONG ulEIDCount = 0; LPSBinary rgsbEntryIDs = NULL;
TCHAR szBuf[MAX_UI_STR]; LPPTGDATA lpPTGData=GetThreadStoragePointer();
if(lpszFileName && lstrlen(lpszFileName)) StrCpyN(szWABFile, lpszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szWABFile)); else if (!PromptForWABFile(hWnd, szWABFile, ARRAYSIZE(szWABFile), TRUE)) { hr = MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL; goto exit; }
//hOldCur = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// when importing old format files, there is always a possibility that the file data may get
// munged when opening the file ..
// therefore, before we attempt to import it, we will try to make a copy of the file
if(GetFileAttributes(szWABFile) == 0xFFFFFFFF) goto exit; if (!GetTempPath(ARRAYSIZE(szPath), szPath)) goto exit; if(!GetTempFileName(szPath, TEXT("WAB"), 0, szFile)) goto exit; if(!CopyFile(szWABFile, szFile, FALSE)) goto exit; if(GetFileAttributes(szFile) == 0xFFFFFFFF) goto exit;
// First let's open this file
hr = OpenPropertyStore(szFile, AB_OPEN_EXISTING | AB_DONT_RESTORE | AB_IGNORE_OUTLOOK, hWnd, &hPropertyStore);
if(HR_FAILED(hr) || (!hPropertyStore)) { //if(bShowUI)
goto exit; }
// get a count of how many entries exist in this new .wab file
if(!(dwWABEntryCount = GetWABFileEntryCount(hPropertyStore))) { hr = S_OK; goto exit; }
if(bShowUI) { EnableWindow(hWnd, FALSE); CreateShowAbortDialog(hWnd, idsImporting, IDI_ICON_IMPORT, dwWABEntryCount*2 + 1, 0); }
if(lppsbWABEIDs = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(LPSBinary) * eidMax)) { for(i=0;i<eidMax;i++) { lppsbWABEIDs [i] = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(SBinary) * dwWABEntryCount); if(!lppsbWABEIDs [i]) { hr = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; } } } else { hr = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
// Before we start doing anything we need to get the appropriate named properties
// from the importee so that we can correctly map them to stuff in the new store ..
// By calling GetIDsFromNames, all the old GUIDs etc will automatically be migrated into the
// final file from the importee
if(HR_FAILED(hr = MapOldNamedPropsToNewNamedProps(hPropertyStore, lpAdrBook, &ulcNPCount, &lpulOldNP, &lpulNewNP))) goto exit;
if(HR_FAILED(lpAdrBook->lpVtbl->GetPAB(lpAdrBook, &sbPAB.cb, (LPENTRYID *)&sbPAB.lpb))) goto exit;
for(n=0;n<ulrgObjMax;n++) { // Next we want to get a list of all the contacts in the WAB ...
PropRes.ulPropTag = PR_OBJECT_TYPE; PropRes.relop = RELOP_EQ; sp.ulPropTag = PR_OBJECT_TYPE; sp.Value.l = rgObj[n]; PropRes.lpProp = &sp;
// skip doing folders for Outlook
if(pt_bIsWABOpenExSession && rgObj[n]==MAPI_ABCONT) continue;
if(HR_FAILED(hr = FindRecords(hPropertyStore, NULL, AB_IGNORE_OUTLOOK, TRUE, &PropRes, &ulEIDCount, &rgsbEntryIDs))) goto exit;
if(bTimeToAbort()) { hr = MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL; goto exit; }
// Now that we have a list of all contacts we want to open them one by one and
// - change named props to new named props
// - tag all existing entryid properties in it
// - remove existing entryid from it
// - do a save changes with create merge
// - get the new entryid and cache it
for(i=0;i<ulEIDCount;i++) { SBinary sbOldEID = {0}; SBinary sbNewEID = {0}; BOOL bIsFolderMember = FALSE;
if(bTimeToAbort()) { hr = MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL; goto exit; }
if(HR_FAILED(hr = ReadRecord(hPropertyStore, &rgsbEntryIDs[i], AB_IGNORE_OUTLOOK, &ulcOldProps, &lpOldProps))) continue; // ignore errors
// just make sure no container has snuck in here
if(rgObj[n] != MAPI_ABCONT) { for(j=0;j<ulcOldProps;j++) { if( lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_OBJECT_TYPE && lpOldProps[j].Value.l == MAPI_ABCONT) { goto endofthisloop; } } }
for(j=0;j<ulcOldProps;j++) { if(lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_DISPLAY_NAME) { if(bShowUI) SetPrintDialogMsg(0, idsImportingName, lpOldProps[j].Value.LPSZ); } if(lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_FOLDER_PARENT_OLDPROP && PR_WAB_FOLDER_PARENT) lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag = PR_WAB_FOLDER_PARENT;
if(lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_FOLDER_PARENT) { #ifdef IMPORT_FOLDERS
bIsFolderMember = TRUE; #else
// remove any folder parent info on this entry
ULONG k = 0; lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; for(k=0;k<lpOldProps[j].Value.MVbin.cValues;k++) LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(lpOldProps[j].Value.MVbin.lpbin[k].lpb))); LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(lpOldProps[j].Value.MVbin.lpbin))); #endif
} }
// Scan these props and change any old named props in them
ChangeOldNamedPropsToNewNamedProps(ulcOldProps, lpOldProps, ulcNPCount, lpulOldNP, lpulNewNP);
// Update any references to entryids in any of the properties
UpdateEntryIDReferences(ulcOldProps, lpOldProps, dwWABEntryCount, lppsbWABEIDs, FALSE);
// negate the old eid after caching it
for(j=0;j<ulcOldProps;j++) { if(lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_ENTRYID) { Assert(lpOldProps[j].Value.bin.cb == SIZEOF_WAB_ENTRYID); SetSBinary(&sbOldEID, lpOldProps[j].Value.bin.cb, lpOldProps[j].Value.bin.lpb); LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&(lpOldProps[j].Value.bin.lpb))); lpOldProps[j].Value.bin.cb = 0; lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; break; } }
// if these are containers, they may have ProfileIDs in them .. negate the profile ids
// to some random number so they don't cause problems with the existing profile ids in this contact
if(rgObj[n]==MAPI_ABCONT) { bFoldersImported = TRUE; bIsFolderMember = FALSE; //folders shouldnt end up nested.. all should be at top level
for(j=0;j<ulcOldProps;j++) { if( lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_USER_PROFILEID ) { // This is some kind of user-folder .. well we don't know how this relates
// to the users of the WAB into which this is being imported, so we hide this value
lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; LocalFreeAndNull(&(lpOldProps[j].Value.LPSZ)); // If we were importing a User Folder, and there is no current user, this folder
// is going to get lost .. so instead we set the SHARED flag to true on it and it
// will show up under Shared Contacts
if(!bIsThereACurrentUser(lpIAB) && bDoesThisWABHaveAnyUsers(lpIAB)) { lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag = PR_WAB_SHAREDFOLDER; lpOldProps[j].Value.l = FOLDER_SHARED; } } else if( lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_FOLDEROWNER) // folder-owner info is meaningless here ..
{ lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; LocalFreeAndNull(&(lpOldProps[j].Value.LPSZ)); } else if( lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_WAB_FOLDER_PARENT) // don't want a folder parent here.
{ ULONG k = 0; lpOldProps[j].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; for(k=0;k<lpOldProps[j].Value.MVbin.cValues;k++) LocalFreeAndNull(&(lpOldProps[j].Value.MVbin.lpbin[k].lpb)); LocalFreeAndNull(&(lpOldProps[j].Value.MVbin.lpbin)); } } } #endif
{ LPSBinary lpsb = NULL; #ifdef IMPORT_FOLDERS
lpsb = bIsFolderMember ? NULL : &sbPAB;//if this is already a member of some folder, don't reset parenthood on it
lpsb = &sbPAB; #endif
// Create a new mailuser for this entry
if(HR_FAILED(hr = HrCreateNewObject(lpAdrBook, lpsb, MAPI_MAILUSER, CREATE_CHECK_DUP_STRICT | CREATE_REPLACE | CREATE_MERGE, &lpObject))) { hrDeferred = hr; hr = S_OK; goto endofthisloop; } }
// Set the old guys props on the new guy - note that this overwrites any common props on
// potential duplicates when calling savechanges
if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpObject->lpVtbl->SetProps(lpObject, ulcOldProps, lpOldProps, NULL))) { hrDeferred = hr; hr = S_OK; goto endofthisloop; }
// SaveChanges
if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpObject->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(lpObject, KEEP_OPEN_READONLY))) { hrDeferred = hr; hr = S_OK; goto endofthisloop; }
// By now the object has a new or existin EID .. if so, use this EID
{ ULONG ulcNewProps = 0; LPSPropValue lpNewProps = NULL; if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpObject->lpVtbl->GetProps(lpObject, NULL, MAPI_UNICODE, &ulcNewProps, &lpNewProps))) { hrDeferred = hr; hr = S_OK; goto endofthisloop; }
for(j=0;j<ulcNewProps;j++) { if(lpNewProps[j].ulPropTag == PR_ENTRYID) { if(rgObj[n] != MAPI_ABCONT) SetSBinary(&sbNewEID, lpNewProps[j].Value.bin.cb, lpNewProps[j].Value.bin.lpb); #ifdef IMPORT_FOLDERS
else { ULONG cb = 0; LPENTRYID lpb = NULL; if(!HR_FAILED(CreateWABEntryID( WAB_CONTAINER, lpNewProps[j].Value.bin.lpb, NULL, NULL, lpNewProps[j].Value.bin.cb, 0, NULL, &cb, &lpb))) { // Add the entryids to this prop - ignore errors
SetSBinary(&sbNewEID, cb, (LPBYTE)lpb); MAPIFreeBuffer(lpb); } } if(rgObj[n] == MAPI_ABCONT && bIsThereACurrentUser(lpIAB)) hr = HrAddRemoveFolderFromUserFolder(lpIAB, NULL, &sbNewEID, NULL, TRUE); #endif
break; } } MAPIFreeBuffer(lpNewProps); }
SetNewEID(&sbOldEID, &sbNewEID, dwWABEntryCount, lppsbWABEIDs);
endofthisloop: if(sbOldEID.lpb) LocalFree(sbOldEID.lpb); if(sbNewEID.lpb) LocalFree(sbNewEID.lpb); ReadRecordFreePropArray(NULL, ulcOldProps, &lpOldProps); ulcOldProps = 0; lpOldProps = NULL;
if(lpObject) lpObject->lpVtbl->Release(lpObject); lpObject = NULL; } //for i..
FreeEntryIDs(NULL, ulEIDCount, rgsbEntryIDs); rgsbEntryIDs = NULL; ulEIDCount = 0; } // for n..
if(bShowUI) SetPrintDialogMsg(idsImportProcessing, 0, szEmpty);
// Now that we have opened all the entries, we need to reopen the new entries in the new WAB and
// reset any temp entryids we might have put in them
for(n=0;n<dwWABEntryCount;n++) { ULONG ulObjType = 0;
if(bShowUI) SetPrintDialogMsg(0, 0, szEmpty);
if(bTimeToAbort()) { hr = MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL; goto exit; }
if(!lppsbWABEIDs[eidNew][n].cb) continue;
if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpAdrBook->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(lpAdrBook, lppsbWABEIDs[eidNew][n].cb, (LPENTRYID) lppsbWABEIDs[eidNew][n].lpb, NULL, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpObject))) { hrDeferred = hr; hr = S_OK; continue; }
if(ulObjType == MAPI_ABCONT) goto endloop; if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpObject->lpVtbl->GetProps(lpObject, NULL, MAPI_UNICODE, &ulcOldProps, &lpOldProps))) { hrDeferred = hr; hr = S_OK; goto endloop; }
// open the record and reset any temp eids in it
UpdateEntryIDReferences(ulcOldProps, lpOldProps, dwWABEntryCount, lppsbWABEIDs, TRUE); // SaveChanges
if(HR_FAILED(hr = lpObject->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(lpObject, KEEP_OPEN_READONLY))) { hrDeferred = hr; hr = S_OK; }
endloop: if(lpOldProps) { MAPIFreeBuffer(lpOldProps); ulcOldProps = 0; lpOldProps = NULL; } if(lpObject) { lpObject->lpVtbl->Release(lpObject); lpObject = NULL; } } // for n...
hr = S_OK;
exit: if(lstrlen(szFile)) DeleteFile(szFile);
if(sbPAB.lpb) MAPIFreeBuffer(sbPAB.lpb);
if(ulcOldProps && lpOldProps) LocalFreePropArray(NULL, ulcOldProps, &lpOldProps);
if(lpObject) lpObject->lpVtbl->Release(lpObject);
if(lppsbWABEIDs) { for(i=0;i<eidMax;i++) { for(j=0;j<dwWABEntryCount;j++) LocalFreeAndNull((LPVOID *) (&lppsbWABEIDs[i][j].lpb)); LocalFreeAndNull(&lppsbWABEIDs[i]); } LocalFree(lppsbWABEIDs); }
if(hPropertyStore) ClosePropertyStore(hPropertyStore,AB_DONT_BACKUP | AB_IGNORE_OUTLOOK);
FreeEntryIDs(NULL, ulEIDCount, rgsbEntryIDs);
// SetCursor(hOldCur);
LocalFreeAndNull(&lpulNewNP); LocalFreeAndNull(&lpulOldNP);
if(bShowUI) { EnableWindow(hWnd, TRUE); CloseAbortDlg();
if(hr!=MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL) ShowMessageBox(hWnd, ( HR_FAILED(hr) ? idsImportError : (HR_FAILED(hrDeferred) ? idsImportCompleteError : idsImportComplete) ), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); }
if(!hr && HR_FAILED(hrDeferred)) hr = MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED;
if(!HR_FAILED(hr) && bFoldersImported) HrGetWABProfiles(lpIAB);