#include "pch.h"
#include <ole2.h>
#include "advpub.h"
#include "sdsutils.h"
#include "migrate.h"
#include "utils.h"
BOOL AppendString(LPSTR *lpBuffer, DWORD *lpdwSize, LPCSTR lpStr) { DWORD cbBufferUsed = 0; DWORD dwNewSize = 0; LPSTR lpTmp = NULL; DWORD dwLen = 0;
// Sanity check
if (lpStr == NULL || *lpStr == '\0') return FALSE; if (*lpBuffer == NULL) { // Allocate the buffer.
*lpdwSize = sizeof(char) * MAX_PATH; *lpBuffer = (char *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, *lpdwSize); if (*lpBuffer == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG
SetupLogError("IE6: AppendString memory failure\r\n",LogSevInformation); #endif
return FALSE; } }
dwNewSize = lstrlen(lpStr);
// Get the number of bytes used up, excluding the second terminating NULL (-1)
cbBufferUsed = CountMultiStringBytes((LPCSTR)*lpBuffer) - 1;
if ( (*lpdwSize - cbBufferUsed) < (dwNewSize + 2)) { LPSTR lpNewBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwTemp = 0;
// Need to reallocate.
dwTemp = *lpdwSize + (max((sizeof(char) * MAX_PATH), dwNewSize+2)); lpNewBuffer = (char *) LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwTemp);
if ( lpNewBuffer == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG
SetupLogError("IE6: AppendString memory failure\r\n",LogSevInformation); #endif
return FALSE; } else { // Rearrange the IN pointer to point to the new block.
// Copy over the old info to the new allocated block.
// +1 for the one that we subtracted above.
CopyMemory(lpNewBuffer, *lpBuffer, cbBufferUsed+1);
// Free the old buffer.
// Point to the new buffer.
*lpBuffer = (char *) lpNewBuffer; *lpdwSize = dwTemp; } }
// Append the new string now.
lpTmp = *lpBuffer + cbBufferUsed; lstrcpy(lpTmp,lpStr);
// Add the second terminating NULL to it now.
lpTmp += (dwNewSize + 1); *lpTmp = '\0';
return TRUE; }
// NOTE NOTE: This function is called during the QueryVersion phase. Hence it needs to be small and fast
// So we just do the check for the presence of the "HKLM\S\M\W\CV\Policies\Ratings" key and don't try to
// verify using MSRating API.
#define REGVAL_KEY "Key"
BOOL IsRatingsEnabled() { HKEY hKey; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
SetupLogError("IE6: Located RATINGS\Key", LogSevInformation); #endif
// The Ratings key exists and Password has been set. Means Ratings
// is enabled.
bRet = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return bRet; }
// Returns the number of used bytes in a double NULL terminated string, including the two NULLS.
DWORD CountMultiStringBytes (LPCSTR lpString) { DWORD cbBytes; LPSTR lpTmp; DWORD dwLen; // Sanity check
if (lpString == NULL) return 0;
// Get to the double \0 termination of lpBuffer
lpTmp = (LPSTR)lpString; cbBytes = 1; while (lpTmp && *lpTmp != '\0') { dwLen = lstrlen(lpTmp) + 1; lpTmp = lpTmp + dwLen; cbBytes += dwLen; }
return cbBytes; }
BOOL PathEndsInFile(LPSTR lpPath, LPCSTR lpFile) { LPSTR pTmp = lpPath;
// Sanity check
if (lpPath == NULL || lpFile == NULL) return FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG
char szDebug[MAX_PATH*3]; wsprintf(szDebug,"IE5 (PathEndsInFile): %s :: %s \r\n", lpPath, lpFile); SetupLogError(szDebug,LogSevInformation); #endif
// Point pTmp to the terminating NULL
pTmp = lpPath + lstrlen(lpPath);
while (*pTmp != '\\' && pTmp != lpPath) { pTmp = CharPrev(lpPath, pTmp); }
pTmp = CharNext(pTmp);
#ifdef DEBUG
wsprintf(szDebug,"IE5 (PathEndsInFile): %s :: %s \r\n", pTmp, lpFile); SetupLogError(szDebug,LogSevInformation); #endif
return (lstrcmpi(pTmp, lpFile) == 0); }
// Helper function to get the path for "Ratings.pol" from the MIGRATE.INF
// The path is returned in a buffer allocated by the function.
// **********************************************************************
// *** NOTE *** : It is the caller function responsibilty to free memory.
// **********************************************************************
// Parameters:
// lpOutBuffer: Ptr to variable to hold the new string allocated.
// User can pass in NULL if only interested in existance of Ratings.pol
// and not the actual path to it.
BOOL GetRatingsPathFromMigInf( LPSTR *lpOutBuffer) { INFCONTEXT ic; HINF hInf; BOOL bFound = FALSE; LPSTR lpBuf = NULL; DWORD dwSize, dwNewSize;
if (lpOutBuffer) *lpOutBuffer = NULL;
dwSize = MAX_PATH; lpBuf = (char *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(char)*dwSize); if (lpBuf == NULL) return FALSE; // Before calling the migration DLL, Setup sets the CurrentDirectory to
// the directory assigned to that migration DLL. Hence can use this.
//hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(cszMIGRATEINF, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL);
hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(g_szMigrateInf, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (hInf) { #ifdef DEBUG
SetupLogError("IE6: Opened Miginf.inf \r\n", LogSevInformation); #endif
if (SetupFindFirstLine(hInf,cszMIGINF_MIGRATION_PATHS,NULL,&ic)) { do { dwNewSize = 0; if( SetupGetLineTextA(&ic,hInf,NULL,NULL,lpBuf,dwSize,&dwNewSize) == 0 && dwNewSize > dwSize) { // Need more buffer space
// Free the old buffer space.
// Try and allocate a new buffer.
dwSize = dwNewSize; lpBuf = (char *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(char)*dwSize);
if (lpBuf == NULL) { // Memory Error - break out.
break; }
if (!SetupGetLineTextA(&ic,hInf,NULL,NULL,lpBuf,dwSize,&dwNewSize)) { // The bFound check below takes care of LocalFree(lpBuf);
#ifdef DEBUG
SetupLogError("IE6: Error doing SetupGetTextLineA \r\n", LogSevInformation); #endif
break; // Failure can't help it.
} }
// So managed to read out the line. Check if it contains .pol
if (PathEndsInFile(lpBuf,cszRATINGSFILE)) { if (lpOutBuffer) { *lpOutBuffer = lpBuf; } else { // User is not interested in Path. Free the block.
LocalFree(lpBuf); } bFound = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUG
SetupLogError("IE6: Found Ratings.Pol in Migrate.Inf \r\n", LogSevInformation); #endif
} } while (!bFound && SetupFindNextLine(&ic,&ic));
SetupCloseInfFile(hInf); }
if (!bFound) { // Free the local buffer.
LocalFree(lpBuf); }
return bFound; }
// GenerateFilePaths:
// NOTE NOTE NOTE: The migration DLL remains loaded from the "Initialize9x" phase
// right till the end of the "MigrateSystem9x" phase. And again from "InitializeNT" phase
// right till the end of the "MigrateSystemNT" phase. Hence these paths are usable
// through out.
void GenerateFilePaths() {
*g_szMigrateInf = '\0'; *g_szPrivateInf = '\0';
if (g_lpWorkingDir) { // generate the path to the Migrate.Inf file
wsprintf(g_szMigrateInf, "%s\\%s", g_lpWorkingDir, cszMIGRATEINF); #ifdef DEBUG
char szDebug[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szDebug,"IE6: g_szMigrateInf: %s \r\n",g_szMigrateInf);
SetupLogError(szDebug,LogSevInformation); #endif
// generate the path to the Private.Inf file
wsprintf(g_szPrivateInf, "%s\\%s", g_lpWorkingDir, cszPRIVATEINF); #ifdef DEBUG
wsprintf(szDebug,"IE6: g_szPrivateInf: %s \r\n",g_szPrivateInf);
SetupLogError(szDebug,LogSevInformation); #endif
} }
#define IE_KEY "Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer"
#define VERSION_KEY "Version"
BOOL NeedToMigrateIE() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; char szPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwInstalledVer, dwInstalledBuild;
// Currently, the only thing we are interested in are the Ratings settings.
if (IsRatingsEnabled()) { // Append the "ratings.pol" filename to the list of files needed.
// NOTE: AppendString allocates memory for the 1st parameter. User
// must remember to free it.
bRet |= AppendString(&g_lpNameBuf, &g_dwNameBufSize, cszRATINGSFILE); }
if (!bRet) { GetSystemDirectory(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); AddPath(szPath, "shdocvw.dll"); GetVersionFromFile(szPath, &dwInstalledVer, &dwInstalledBuild, TRUE); // are running with IE5.5 installed.
bRet = (dwInstalledVer == 0x00050032); } // Can add other modules that need to be migrated over here.
// use bRet |= (....) so that you don't stomp previous bRet settings.
return bRet; }
void MyDelRegTree(HKEY hRoot, LPSTR szSubKey) { char szName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwNameSize; HKEY hKey;
dwIndex = 0; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); if (RegOpenKeyEx(hRoot, szSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { while (RegEnumKey(hKey, dwIndex, szName, dwNameSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MyDelRegTree(hKey,szName); // dwIndex++; DONT INCR. SINCE WE HAVE DELETED A SUBKEY.
dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); }
//Finally delete the named subkey supplied above.
RegDeleteKey(hRoot, szSubKey); }
// Recursively Enum values and subkey and copy them over. And then
// delete all subkeys of the Source key.
void MoveRegBranch(HKEY hFromKey, HKEY hToKey) { char szName[MAX_PATH]; char szValue[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwNameSize; DWORD dwValueSize; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwIndex;
// Enumerate all the values here and copy them over to the right
// location.
dwIndex = 0; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); dwValueSize = sizeof(szValue); while (RegEnumValue(hFromKey,dwIndex, szName, &dwNameSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szValue, &dwValueSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueEx(hToKey,szName,0,dwType,(LPBYTE)szValue, dwValueSize);
// Get ready for the next round.
dwIndex++; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); dwValueSize = sizeof(szValue); }
// Next Enum all the subkeys under source and move them over.
dwIndex = 0; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); while (RegEnumKey(hFromKey, dwIndex, szName, dwNameSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hFromSubKey = NULL; HKEY hToSubKey = NULL;
// Open this SubKey that we enumerated.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hFromKey, szName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hFromSubKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Create the destination subkey.
if (RegCreateKeyEx(hToKey, szName, 0, NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hToSubKey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Move the subkeys...
MoveRegBranch(hFromSubKey, hToSubKey); RegCloseKey(hToSubKey); } RegCloseKey(hFromSubKey); }
// Get ready for the next round
dwIndex++; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); }
// Now Delete all the SubKeys. The above recursive call ensures that
// the Subkeys are one-level deep and hence deletable.
dwIndex = 0; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); while (RegEnumKey(hFromKey, dwIndex, szName, dwNameSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegDeleteKey(hFromKey,szName);
dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); } }
#define REGKEY_DEFAULT ".Default"
#define REGKEY_MIGRATE_HIVE "Software\\Microsoft\\Policies\\Users"
#define REGKEY_MIGRATE_PICSRULES "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Ratings\\PICSRules"
BOOL UpgradeRatings() { // Real Ratings locations...
// HKLM\S\M\W\CV\Policies\Ratings (called RATING)
// Open HKLM\software\Microsoft\Policies\Users.. This is where NT Setup puts
// the migrated Ratings HIVE.
// Users [FileNamex] gets copied to RATING [FileNamex]
// NOTE: Need to take care of SYSTEM/SYSTEM32.
// Users\.Default branch gets moved to RATING
// Users\S\M\W\CV\Policies\Ratings\PICSRules branch gets moved to RATING.
HKEY hRealRatings = NULL; HKEY hRealDefault = NULL; HKEY hRealPicsRules = NULL; HKEY hMigratedRoot = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
// Open the RegKey to the real location of Ratings.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_RATING, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hRealRatings) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Done; // Open the RegKey to the real location of .Default
if (RegCreateKeyEx(hRealRatings, REGKEY_DEFAULT, 0, NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hRealDefault, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Done; // Open the RegKey to the real location of PICSRules
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_MIGRATE_HIVE, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hMigratedRoot) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hMigrateSubKey = NULL; char szName[MAX_PATH]; char szValue[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwNameSize; DWORD dwValueSize; DWORD dwType; char szNewPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwNewPathSize; DWORD dwIndex;
// Enumerate all the values here and copy them over to the right
// location. Make sure to replace 'System' with 'System32'
dwIndex = 0; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); dwValueSize = sizeof(szValue); while (RegEnumValue(hMigratedRoot,dwIndex, szName, &dwNameSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szValue, &dwValueSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Munge the Value and replace 'System' with System32.
// Return value includes the terminating NULL char, which is
// need by the RegSetValueEx API.
dwNewPathSize = GetFixedPath(szNewPath, MAX_PATH, szValue);
// Set the correct Ratings setting.
RegSetValueEx(hRealRatings,szName,0,dwType,(LPBYTE)szNewPath, dwNewPathSize); // Get ready for the next round.
dwIndex++; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName); dwValueSize = sizeof(szValue); }
// Now grab Users\.Default and move it to the right location.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hMigratedRoot, REGKEY_DEFAULT, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hMigrateSubKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MoveRegBranch(hMigrateSubKey,hRealDefault); RegCloseKey(hMigrateSubKey); }
// Now grab Users\...\PICSRules and move it to the right location.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hMigratedRoot, REGKEY_MIGRATE_PICSRULES, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hMigrateSubKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MoveRegBranch(hMigrateSubKey,hRealPicsRules); RegCloseKey(hMigrateSubKey); }
bRet = TRUE; }
// Now clean the Migrated Hive.
Done: if (hRealRatings) RegCloseKey(hRealRatings); if (hRealDefault) RegCloseKey(hRealDefault); if (hRealPicsRules) RegCloseKey(hRealPicsRules);
return bRet; }
// Returns the size of NewPath including the terminating NULL.
DWORD GetFixedPath(LPSTR lpBuf, DWORD dwSize, LPCSTR lpPath) { char lpLocalCopy[MAX_PATH], szTemp[5]; char chSave; DWORD dwCount = 0; LPSTR pTmp, pTmp2;
if (lpBuf == NULL || lpPath == NULL) return 0;
// Create a local copy to party on.
lstrcpy(lpLocalCopy, lpPath);
pTmp = lpLocalCopy; *lpBuf = '\0';
while (*pTmp && dwCount < dwSize) { pTmp2 = pTmp; while(*pTmp2 && *pTmp2 != '\\') pTmp2 = CharNext(pTmp2);
chSave = *pTmp2; *pTmp2 = '\0';
if (lstrcmpi(pTmp,"system")==0) { dwCount += 8; if (dwSize <= dwCount) { //Error
*lpBuf = '\0'; return 0; } lstrcat(lpBuf,"system32"); } else { dwCount += lstrlen(pTmp); if (dwSize <= dwCount) { // Error
*lpBuf = '\0'; return 0; } lstrcat(lpBuf,pTmp); }
// Append the saved character to Output buffer also.
wsprintf(szTemp,"%c",chSave); dwCount += lstrlen(szTemp); if (dwSize <= dwCount) { // Error
*lpBuf = '\0'; return 0; } lstrcat(lpBuf, szTemp);
*pTmp2 = chSave; pTmp = CharNext(pTmp2); }
return dwCount; }
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi(LPSTR psz) { LPWSTR pwsz; int i;
// arg checking.
if (!psz) return NULL;
// compute the length of the required BSTR
i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (i <= 0) return NULL;
// allocate the widestr
pwsz = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(i * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!pwsz) return NULL;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pwsz, i); pwsz[i - 1] = 0; return pwsz; }