#include "precomp.h"
static BOOL copyHttFileHelper(LPCTSTR pcszInsFile, LPCTSTR pcszHttWorkDir, LPCTSTR pcszHttFile, LPCTSTR pcszHttKey);
BOOL WINAPI CopyHttFileA(LPCSTR pcszInsFile, LPCSTR pcszHttWorkDir, LPCSTR pcszHttFile, LPCSTR pcszHttKey) { USES_CONVERSION;
return copyHttFileHelper(A2CT(pcszInsFile), A2CT(pcszHttWorkDir), A2CT(pcszHttFile), A2CT(pcszHttKey)); }
BOOL WINAPI CopyHttFileW(LPCWSTR pcwszInsFile, LPCWSTR pcwszHttWorkDir, LPCWSTR pcwszHttFile, LPCWSTR pcwszHttKey) { USES_CONVERSION;
return copyHttFileHelper(W2CT(pcwszInsFile), W2CT(pcwszHttWorkDir), W2CT(pcwszHttFile), W2CT(pcwszHttKey)); }
static BOOL copyHttFileHelper(LPCTSTR pcszInsFile, LPCTSTR pcszHttWorkDir, LPCTSTR pcszHttFile, LPCTSTR pcszHttKey) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; TCHAR szOldHttFile[MAX_PATH];
if (pcszInsFile == NULL || pcszHttWorkDir == NULL || pcszHttFile == NULL || pcszHttKey == NULL) return FALSE;
// read the old entry for pcszHttKey
GetPrivateProfileString(DESKTOP_OBJ_SECT, pcszHttKey, TEXT(""), szOldHttFile, ARRAYSIZE(szOldHttFile), pcszInsFile);
// delete the old htt file and all the imgs, if any, in it from pcszHttWorkDir
if (*szOldHttFile) { DeleteHtmlImgs(szOldHttFile, pcszHttWorkDir, NULL, NULL); DeleteFileInDir(szOldHttFile, pcszHttWorkDir);
// clear out the entries in the INS file that correspond to this htt file
WritePrivateProfileString(DESKTOP_OBJ_SECT, pcszHttKey, NULL, pcszInsFile); }
// copy the htt file and all the imgs, if any, in it to pcszHttWorkDir
if (*pcszHttFile && CopyFileToDir(pcszHttFile, pcszHttWorkDir)) { CopyHtmlImgs(pcszHttFile, pcszHttWorkDir, NULL, NULL);
WritePrivateProfileString(DESKTOP_OBJ_SECT, pcszHttKey, pcszHttFile, pcszInsFile); WritePrivateProfileString(DESKTOP_OBJ_SECT, OPTION, TEXT("1"), pcszInsFile);
bRet = TRUE; }
return (*pcszHttFile == TEXT('\0')) || bRet; }