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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by ieakui.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDB_CHANN 401
  6. #define IDB_LARGEFLAG 402
  7. #define IDB_SMALLFLAG 403
  8. #define IDA_GEARS 404
  9. #define IDD_BTITLE 1001
  10. #define IDD_CUSTICON 1003
  11. #define IDD_STARTSEARCH 1004
  12. #define IDD_FAVORITES 1006
  13. #define IDD_CATEGORYPOPUP 1010
  14. #define IDD_UASTRDLG 1014
  15. #define IDD_QUERYAUTOCONFIG 1015
  16. #define IDD_SECURITYCERT 1016
  17. #define IDD_PROXY 1017
  18. #define IDD_CONNECTSET 1018
  19. #define IDD_SECURITY1 1019
  20. #define IDD_CABSIGN 1020
  21. #define IDD_BTOOLBARS 1022
  22. #define IDD_BTOOLBARPOPUP 1023
  23. #define IDD_FAVPOPUP 1024
  24. #define IDD_SECURITYAUTH 1025
  25. #define IDD_PROGRAMS 1027
  26. #define IDD_MAIL 1033
  27. #define IDD_LDAP 1034
  28. #define IDD_OE 1035
  29. #define IDD_SIG 1036
  30. #define IDD_IMAP 1037
  31. #define IDD_PRECONFIG 1038
  32. #define IDD_OEVIEW 1039
  33. #define IDE_SMALLANIMBITMAP 10011
  34. #define IDC_BROWSESMALL 10012
  35. #define IDE_BIGANIMBITMAP 10013
  36. #define IDC_BROWSEBIG 10014
  37. #define IDC_BITMAP2 10021
  38. #define IDC_BROWSEICON2 10022
  39. #define IDC_BITMAP 10023
  40. #define IDC_BROWSEICON 10024
  41. #define IDC_BITMAPCHECK 10027
  42. #define IDC_SMALLBITMAP_TXT 10028
  43. #define IDC_LARGEBITMAP_TXT 10029
  44. #define IDE_STARTPAGE 10031
  45. #define IDC_STARTPAGE 10032
  46. #define IDE_SEARCHPAGE 10033
  47. #define IDC_SEARCHPAGE 10034
  48. #define IDC_CUSTOMSUPPORT 10035
  49. #define IDE_CUSTOMSUPPORT 10036
  50. #define IDC_STARTPAGE_TXT 10037
  51. #define IDC_SEARCHPAGE_TXT 10038
  52. #define IDC_CUSTOMSUPPORT_TXT 10039
  53. #define IDC_TREE1 10040
  54. #define IDE_FAVURL 10041
  55. #define IDC_FAVICON 10042
  56. #define IDE_FAVICON 10043
  57. #define IDC_FAVICONBROWSE 10044
  58. #define IDC_FAVICON2 10044
  59. #define IDC_AVAILOFFLINE 10045
  60. #define IDC_MODIFY 10051
  61. #define IDC_DELFAVORITES 10052
  62. #define IDC_FAVONTOP 10053
  63. #define IDE_FAVNAME 10054
  64. #define IDC_FAVURL 10055
  65. #define IDC_ADDFOLDER 10056
  66. #define IDC_ADDURL 10057
  67. #define IDC_TESTFAVURL 10058
  68. #define IDC_REMOVE 10059
  69. #define IDC_IMPORT 10060
  70. #define IDC_FAVUP 10061
  71. #define IDC_FAVDOWN 10062
  72. #define IDC_DELIEAKFAVORITES 10063
  73. #define IDE_CSSPC 10071
  74. #define IDE_CSPVK 10072
  75. #define IDE_CSDESC 10073
  76. #define IDE_CSURL 10074
  77. #define IDC_BROWSECSSPC 10075
  78. #define IDC_BROWSECSPVK 10076
  79. #define IDC_CSCOMP 10077
  80. #define IDC_CSCOMP_TXT 10078
  81. #define IDC_CSADD 10079
  82. #define IDE_CSTIME 10080
  83. #define IDC_DELETECHANNELS 10099
  84. #define IDC_CHANNELBITMAP2 10105
  85. #define IDC_BROWSECHBMP2 10106
  86. #define IDC_CHANNELICON2 10107
  87. #define IDC_BROWSECHICO2 10108
  88. #define IDC_ANIMBITMAP 10110
  89. #define IDE_CATEGORYTITLE 10111
  90. #define IDC_SMALLANIMBITMAP_TXT 10112
  91. #define IDC_CATEGORYHTML 10113
  92. #define IDC_BIGANIMBITMAP_TXT 10114
  93. #define IDC_BROWSECATHTML 10115
  94. #define IDC_TITLE_TXT 10118
  95. #define IDC_MODIFYADT 10121
  96. #define IDC_NOADT 10122
  97. #define IDC_IMPORTADT 10123
  98. #define IDC_TEXT1 10124
  99. #define IDC_TEXT3 10126
  100. #define IDC_DWPATH 10127
  101. #define IDC_BROWSEDW 10128
  102. #define IDC_DTNOIMPORT 10131
  103. #define IDC_DTIMPORT 10132
  104. #define IDC_MCPATH 10141
  105. #define IDC_BROWSEMC 10142
  106. #define IDC_CPPATH 10143
  107. #define IDC_BROWSECP 10144
  108. #define IDC_UASTRING 10151
  109. #define IDC_UASTRINGCHECK 10152
  110. #define IDC_UASTRING_TXT 10153
  111. #define IDC_AUTODETECT 10161
  112. #define IDC_YESAUTOCON 10162
  113. #define IDE_AUTOCONFIGURL 10163
  114. #define IDE_AUTOPROXYURL 10164
  115. #define IDC_AUTOCONFIGTEXT1 10165
  116. #define IDC_AUTOCONFIGTEXT2 10166
  117. #define IDE_AUTOCONFIGTIME 10167
  118. #define IDC_AUTOCONFIGTEXT3 10168
  119. #define IDC_AUTOCONFIGURL_TXT 10169
  120. #define IDC_AUTOPROXYURL_TXT 10170
  121. #define IDC_WIN32SECTEXT 10171
  122. #define IDC_SCGB 10173
  123. #define IDC_NOSC 10174
  124. #define IDC_IMPORTSC 10175
  125. #define IDC_MODIFYSC 10176
  126. #define IDC_AUTHGB 10178
  127. #define IDC_NOAUTH 10179
  128. #define IDC_IMPORTAUTH 10180
  129. #define IDC_MODIFYAUTH 10181
  130. #define IDC_TPL 10182
  131. #define IDC_TPL_TEXT 10183
  132. #define IDC_YESPROXY 10191
  133. #define IDC_HTTPPROXY1 10192
  134. #define IDE_HTTPPROXY 10193
  135. #define IDE_HTTPPORT 10194
  136. #define IDC_SECPROXY1 10195
  137. #define IDE_SECPROXY 10196
  138. #define IDE_SECPORT 10197
  139. #define IDC_FTPPROXY1 10198
  140. #define IDE_FTPPROXY 10199
  141. #define IDE_FTPPORT 10200
  142. #define IDC_GOPHERPROXY1 10201
  143. #define IDE_GOPHERPROXY 10202
  144. #define IDE_GOPHERPORT 10203
  145. #define IDC_SOCKSPROXY1 10204
  146. #define IDE_SOCKSPROXY 10205
  147. #define IDE_SOCKSPORT 10206
  148. #define IDC_SAMEFORALL 10207
  149. #define IDC_DISPROXYADR1 10208
  150. #define IDE_DISPROXYADR 10209
  151. #define IDC_DISPROXYLOCAL 10210
  152. #define IDC_SZGB 10221
  153. #define IDC_NOZONES 10222
  154. #define IDC_IMPORTZONES 10223
  155. #define IDC_MODIFYZONES 10224
  156. #define IDC_RATINGSTEXT 10225
  157. #define IDC_CRGB 10226
  158. #define IDC_NORAT 10227
  159. #define IDC_IMPORTRAT 10228
  160. #define IDC_MODIFYRAT 10229
  161. #define IDC_BTOOLBARLIST 10300
  162. #define IDC_ADDBTOOLBAR 10301
  163. #define IDC_REMOVEBTOOLBAR 10302
  164. #define IDC_EDITBTOOLBAR 10303
  165. #define IDE_BTCAPTION 10304
  166. #define IDE_BTACTION 10306
  167. #define IDC_BROWSEBTACTION 10307
  168. #define IDE_BTICON 10308
  169. #define IDC_BROWSEBTICO 10309
  170. #define IDE_BTHOTICON 10310
  171. #define IDC_BROWSEBTHOTICO 10311
  172. #define IDC_DELETEBTOOLBARS 10312
  173. #define IDC_BUTTONSTATE 10313
  174. #define IDC_POPIMAP 10441
  175. #define IDE_MAILSERVER 10442
  176. #define IDE_SMTPSERVER 10443
  177. #define IDE_NEWSERVER 10444
  178. #define IDC_USESPAMAIL 10447
  179. #define IDC_USESPASMTP 10448
  180. #define IDC_USESPANNTP 10449
  181. #define IDC_ACCTRO 10450
  182. #define IDC_ACCTNOCONFIG 10452
  183. #define IDC_ACCOUNT_STATIC 10453
  184. #define IDC_FRIENDLYNAME 10461
  185. #define IDE_FRIENDLYNAME 10462
  186. #define IDC_DIRSERVICE 10463
  187. #define IDE_DIRSERVICE 10464
  188. #define IDC_LDAPHOMEPAGE 10465
  189. #define IDE_LDAPHOMEPAGE 10466
  190. #define IDC_SEARCHBASE 10467
  191. #define IDE_SEARCHBASE 10468
  192. #define IDE_LDAPBITMAP 10469
  193. #define IDC_BROWSELDAP 10470
  194. #define IDC_CHECKNAMES 10471
  195. #define IDC_SPA 10472
  196. #define IDC_TIMEOUTSLD 10473
  197. #define IDC_TIMEOUT 10474
  198. #define IDC_SPIN1 10475
  199. #define IDE_MATCHES 10476
  200. #define IDC_OEPANEURL 10481
  201. #define IDC_OEPANELOCAL 10482
  202. #define IDE_OEPANEURL 10483
  203. #define IDE_OELOCALPATH 10484
  204. #define IDC_BROWSEOEHTML 10485
  205. #define IDE_OEIMAGEPATH 10486
  206. #define IDC_BROWSEOEIMAGE 10487
  207. #define IDE_OEWMPATH 10488
  208. #define IDC_BROWSEOEWM 10489
  209. #define IDE_OEWMSENDER 10490
  210. #define IDE_OEWMREPLYTO 10491
  211. #define IDC_OELOCALPATH_TXT 10492
  212. #define IDC_OEIMAGEPATH_TXT 10493
  213. #define IDC_MAILSIGTEXT 10502
  214. #define IDE_MAILSIGTEXT 10503
  215. #define IDC_NEWSSIGTEXT 10504
  216. #define IDE_NEWSSIGTEXT 10505
  217. #define IDC_HTMLMAIL 10508
  218. #define IDC_HTMLNEWS 10509
  219. #define IDC_HTML_STATIC 10510
  220. #define IDE_ROOTPATH 10521
  221. #define IDC_STORESPECIAL 10522
  222. #define IDE_SENTPATH 10523
  223. #define IDE_DRAFTSPATH 10524
  224. #define IDC_CHECKNEW 10527
  225. #define IDC_SENTPATH_TXT 10528
  226. #define IDC_DRAFTSPATH_TXT 10529
  227. #define IDE_NGROUPS 10540
  228. #define IDE_SERVICENAME 10541
  229. #define IDE_SERVICEURL 10542
  230. #define IDC_DEFMAIL 10545
  231. #define IDC_DEFNEWS 10546
  232. #define IDC_DELETELINKS 10547
  233. #define IDC_FOLDERBAR 10560
  234. #define IDC_FOLDERLIST 10561
  235. #define IDC_OUTLOOKBAR 10562
  236. #define IDC_STATUSBAR 10563
  237. #define IDC_CONTACTS 10565
  238. #define IDC_TOOLBAR 10566
  239. #define IDC_TBARTEXT 10571
  240. #define IDC_PREVIEW 10572
  241. #define IDC_SPLITHORZ 10573
  242. #define IDC_SPLITVERT 10574
  243. #define IDC_PREVIEWHDR 10575
  244. #define IDC_TIPOFDAY 10576
  245. #define IDC_CSNOIMPORT 10601
  246. #define IDC_CSIMPORT 10602
  247. #define IDC_DELCONNECT 10603
  248. #define IDC_MODIFYCONNECT 10604
  249. #define IDC_DELCONNECT_TXT 10605
  250. #define IDC_PROGNOIMPORT 10611
  251. #define IDC_PROGIMPORT 10612
  252. #define IDC_MODIFYPROG 10613
  253. #define IDC_VISIBLE 10808
  254. #define IDC_BGIE6 10833
  255. #define IDC_BG_CUSTOM 10835
  256. #define IDC_OPTIONTEXT3 15703
  257. #define IDC_MOVEUP2 15704
  258. #define IDC_MOVEDOWN2 15705
  259. #define IDS_AUTOCONFIG_NULL 30000
  260. #define IDS_IEAK 30001
  261. #define IDS_FOLDERMCCP 30002
  262. #define IDS_QUERYAUTOCONFIG 30003
  263. #define IDS_SECURITYCERT 30004
  264. #define IDS_SECURITY 30005
  265. #define IDS_SECURITYAUTH 30007
  266. #define IDS_SECURITY_PREF 30008
  267. #define IDS_SECURITYAUTH_PREF 30009
  268. #define IDS_QUERYAUTOCONFIG_PREF 30010
  269. #define IDS_CONNECTSET 30014
  270. #define IDS_CONNECTSET_PREF 30015
  271. #define IDS_NEWFOLDER 30101
  272. #define IDS_FAVFOLDER 30102
  273. #define IDS_NEWQL 30103
  274. #define IDS_BROWSEIMPORT 30201
  275. #define IDS_LINKS 30202
  276. #define IDS_EDIT 30203
  277. #define IDS_ENDEDIT 30204
  278. #define IDS_NEW 30205
  279. #define IDS_BROWSE 30206
  280. #define IDS_IMAP 30208
  281. #define IDS_POP3 30209
  282. #define IDS_XSECONDS 30211
  283. #define IDS_1MINUTE 30212
  284. #define IDS_XMINUTES 30213
  285. #define IDS_TOOBIG22 30401
  286. #define IDS_TOOSMALL22 30402
  287. #define IDS_TOOBIG38 30403
  288. #define IDS_TOOSMALL38 30404
  289. #define IDS_TOOMANYCOLORS 30405
  290. #define IDS_BOTHBMP_ERROR 30406
  291. #define IDS_BADFAVURL 30411
  292. #define IDS_BADFAVNAME 30412
  293. #define IDS_INVALIDBITMAP 30414
  294. #define IDS_IE 30425
  295. #define IDS_IELNK 30426
  296. #define IDS_CABSIGN_ERROR 30430
  297. #define IDS_TITLE_PREFIX 30431
  298. #define IDS_ERROR_MAXFAVS 30432
  299. #define IDS_ERROR_MAXQLS 30433
  300. #define IDS_FAVS_TOOLTIPFORMAT 30434
  301. #define IDS_FAVS_ABSENT 30435
  302. #define IDS_FAVS_OFFLINE 30436
  303. #define IDS_FAVS_NOOFFLINE 30437
  304. #define IDS_OETITLE_PREFIX 30438
  305. #define IDS_LANGDIFFERS 30451
  306. #define IDS_DUPCHAN 30452
  307. #define IDS_QUERY_CLEARSETTING 30453
  308. #define IDS_UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM 30454
  309. #define IDS_TB320 30500
  310. #define IDS_TB256 30501
  311. // Next default values for new objects
  312. //
  313. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  315. #define _APS_NO_MFC 1
  316. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 1054
  317. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 30601
  318. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 10812
  319. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 1051
  320. #endif
  321. #endif