Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by wizard.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDA_DOWNLOAD 201
  6. #define IDB_WIZARD 501
  7. #define IDB_LEGEND 502
  8. #define IDB_SELECT 503
  9. #define IDB_UNSELECT 504
  10. #define IDB_CHECK 505
  11. #define IDB_X 506
  12. #define IDB_LEGEND2 507
  13. #define IDI_BROWN 796
  14. #define IDI_BROWN2 797
  15. #define IDI_BLUE 798
  16. #define IDI_GREEN 800
  17. #define IDI_YELLOW 801
  18. #define IDI_RED 802
  19. #define IDI_ICON1 803
  20. #define IDI_ICON2 804
  21. #define IDI_ICON3 805
  22. #define IDI_ICON4 806
  23. #define IDI_ICON5 807
  24. #define IDI_BLUE2 899
  25. #define IDC_LINK 905
  26. #define IDD_WELCOME 2001
  27. #define IDD_OCWWELCOME 2002
  28. #define IDD_STAGE1 2011
  29. #define IDD_KEYINS 2012
  30. #define IDD_LANGUAGE 2014
  31. #define IDD_MEDIA 2015
  32. #define IDD_TARGET 2016
  33. #define IDD_ADVANCEDPOPUP 2017
  34. #define IDD_IEAKLITE 2018
  35. #define IDD_WAITIEAKLITE 2019
  36. #define IDD_STAGE2 2021
  37. #define IDD_OPTDOWNLOAD 2023
  38. #define IDD_CUSTCOMP4 2024
  39. #define IDD_CUSTOMCUSTOM 2025
  40. #define IDD_CORPCUSTOM 2026
  41. #define IDD_COPYCOMP 2027
  42. #define IDD_STAGE3 2031
  43. #define IDD_ISKBACKBITMAP 2032
  44. #define IDD_SETUPWIZARD 2033
  45. #define IDD_SILENTINSTALL 2034
  46. #define IDD_ICM 2036
  47. #define IDD_COMPSEL4 2037
  48. #define IDD_COMPURLS 2038
  49. #define IDD_ADDON 2039
  50. #define IDD_INSTALLDIR 2040
  51. #define IDD_STAGE4 2051
  52. #define IDD_OCWSTAGE2 2052
  53. #define IDD_WELCOMEMSGS 2053
  54. #define IDD_QUERYSIGNUP 2055
  55. #define IDD_SERVERISPS 2057
  56. #define IDD_SIGNUPINS 2058
  57. #define IDD_ADDROOT 2061
  58. #define IDD_STAGE5 2071
  59. #define IDD_ADM 2072
  60. #define IDD_OCWFINISH 2073
  61. #define IDD_FINISH 2074
  62. #define IDD_ADMDESC 2075
  63. #define IDD_DOWNLOAD 2081
  64. #define IDD_ERRORLOG 2082
  65. #define IDD_STATUS 2083
  66. #define IDD_WAITSITES 2084
  67. #define IDD_DOWNLOADERR 2085
  68. #define IDD_DOWNLOADSEC 2086
  69. #define IDD_DUPESYNCH 2088
  70. #define IDD_UPDATE 2089
  71. #define IDD_CD 2090
  72. #define IDD_ICW 2091
  73. #define IDD_SIGNUPFILES 2092
  74. #define IDD_SIGNUPPOPUP 2093
  75. #define IDD_OPTUPDATE 2094
  76. #define IDD_FINDUPDATE 2095
  77. #define IDC_YESSYNCH 15000
  78. #define IDC_NOSYNCH 15001
  79. #define IDC_NOTOALL 15002
  80. #define IDC_OFFLINE 15206
  81. #define IDC_LANGUAGE 15221
  82. #define IDC_BROWSE 15231
  83. #define IDC_PLATFORMTEXT 15232
  84. #define IDE_TARGETDIR 15233
  85. #define IDC_CHECKCD 15234
  86. #define IDC_BROWSE2 15235
  87. #define IDC_CHECKDL 15236
  88. #define IDC_CHECKSDB 15238
  89. #define IDC_LOADINSTEXT2 15240
  90. #define IDE_SOURCEDIR 15241
  91. #define IDC_CHECKLAN 15242
  92. #define IDE_LOADINS 15243
  93. #define IDC_BROWSEINS 15244
  94. #define IDC_ADVANCED 15245
  95. #define IDC_IEAKLITE 15246
  96. #define IDC_IEAKLITEDESC 15247
  97. #define IDC_TARGETTEXT 15248
  98. #define IDC_TARGETTEXT2 15249
  99. #define IDC_STAGE2TEXT1 15301
  100. #define IDC_STAGE2TEXT2 15302
  101. #define IDC_STAGE2TEXT3 15303
  102. #define IDC_DOWNLOADLIST 15311
  103. #define IDC_COMPLIST 15321
  104. #define IDC_DOWNLOAD 15322
  105. #define IDC_DOWNLOADALL 15323
  106. #define IDC_DISKSPACENEEDED 15324
  107. #define IDC_DISKSPACE 15325
  108. #define IDC_DISKSPACETEXT 15326
  109. #define IDC_DISKSPACETEXT2 15327
  110. #define IDC_UPDATE 15328
  111. #define IDC_TITLE1 15431
  112. #define IDC_COMPTITLE 15432
  113. #define IDC_ADDNEWCOMP 15433
  114. #define IDC_REMOVECOMP 15434
  115. #define IDC_LOC1 15435
  116. #define IDE_COMPFILENAME 15436
  117. #define IDC_BROWSEFILE 15437
  118. #define IDC_LOC4 15438
  119. #define IDE_COMPCOMMAND 15439
  120. #define IDC_VERIFY 15440
  121. #define IDC_LOC3 15441
  122. #define IDE_COMPGUID 15442
  123. #define IDC_PARAM1 15444
  124. #define IDE_COMPPARAM 15445
  125. #define IDC_SIZE2 15446
  126. #define IDE_COMPVERSION 15447
  127. #define IDC_INSTALLSUCCESS 15448
  128. #define IDE_COMPDESC 15449
  129. #define IDC_PARAM2 15450
  130. #define IDE_UNINSTALLKEY 15451
  131. #define IDC_COMPDESC 15452
  132. #define IDC_POSTINSTALL 15453
  133. #define IDC_PREINSTALL 15454
  134. #define IDC_REBOOTINSTALL 15455
  135. #define IDC_STAGE3TEXT1 15601
  136. #define IDC_STAGE3TEXT2 15603
  137. #define IDC_STAGE3TEXT3 15605
  138. #define IDC_STAGE3TEXT4 15606
  139. #define IDC_STAGE3TEXT6 15608
  140. #define IDE_ISKTITLEBAR 15621
  141. #define IDE_ISKBACKBITMAP 15622
  142. #define IDC_ISKBROWSE 15623
  143. #define IDC_ISKNORMAL1 15624
  144. #define IDC_ISKNORMAL 15625
  145. #define IDC_ISKHIGHLIGHT1 15626
  146. #define IDC_ISKHIGHLIGHT 15627
  147. #define IDC_RADIO2 15628
  148. #define IDC_COOLBUTTON 15629
  149. #define IDC_ISKCUST3D 15630
  150. #define IDE_ISKBUTTON 15631
  151. #define IDC_ISKBROWSE2 15632
  152. #define IDE_WIZBITMAPPATH 15633
  153. #define IDC_BROWSEWIZPATH 15634
  154. #define IDC_CCTITLE 15636
  155. #define IDE_WIZBITMAPPATH2 15637
  156. #define IDC_BROWSEWIZPATH2 15638
  157. #define IDC_SILENTNOT 15650
  158. #define IDC_SILENTALL 15651
  159. #define IDC_SILENTSOME 15652
  160. #define IDC_URD 15653
  161. #define IDC_URD_GROUP 15654
  162. #define IDC_URD_TEXT1 15655
  163. #define IDC_URD_TEXT2 15656
  164. #define IDC_URD_TEXT3 15657
  165. #define IDC_ICMPROCHECK 15681
  166. #define IDE_ICMPRO 15682
  167. #define IDC_BROWSEICMPRO 15683
  168. #define IDC_STARTCMAK 15684
  169. #define IDC_CMAKICON 15685
  170. #define IDC_OPTLISTOCW 15690
  171. #define IDC_OPTIONTEXT1 15691
  172. #define IDC_OPTLIST 15692
  173. #define IDC_NEWOPT 15693
  174. #define IDC_DELOPT 15694
  175. #define IDC_OPTIONTEXT2 15695
  176. #define IDC_OPTDESC 15696
  177. #define IDC_LISTAVAIL 15697
  178. #define IDC_LISTINSTALL 15698
  179. #define IDC_ADDCOMP 15699
  180. #define IDC_ADDALLCOMP 15700
  181. #define IDC_REMCOMP 15701
  182. #define IDC_REMALLCOMP 15702
  183. #define IDC_OPTIONTEXT3 15703
  184. #define IDC_RESETCOMPS 15704
  185. #define IDC_HIDECHECKALL 15705
  186. #define IDC_HIDEUNCHECKALL 15706
  187. #define IDC_HIDECOMP 15707
  188. #define IDC_IECOMPAT 15708
  189. #define IDC_NOBACKUPDATA 15709
  190. #define IDE_DOWNSITENAME 15711
  191. #define IDC_ADDBASEURL 15712
  192. #define IDC_REMOVEBASEURL 15713
  193. #define IDE_DOWNSITEURL 15714
  194. #define IDE_DOWNSITEREGION 15715
  195. #define IDC_BASEURLLIST 15716
  196. #define IDC_NO_ADDON 15738
  197. #define IDC_DEF_ADDON 15739
  198. #define IDC_CUST_ADDON 15740
  199. #define IDC_MENUTEXT 15741
  200. #define IDE_MENUTEXT 15742
  201. #define IDC_ADDONURL 15743
  202. #define IDE_ADDONURL 15744
  203. #define IDC_MSDL 15745
  204. #define IDC_INSTALLDIRTEXT1 15751
  205. #define IDE_INSTALLDIR 15753
  206. #define IDC_BROWSEDIR 15754
  207. #define IDC_PROGFILES32 15756
  208. #define IDC_FULLPATH32 15757
  209. #define IDC_ALLOWINSTALLDIR 15760
  210. #define IDC_INSTALLDIRTEXT3 15761
  211. #define IDC_CUSTCUST 15762
  212. #define IDC_CUSTCUSTTEXT 15763
  213. #define IDC_WEBDLOPT 15764
  214. #define IDC_STAGE4TEXT1 15901
  215. #define IDC_STAGE4TEXT2 15902
  216. #define IDC_STAGE4TEXT3 15903
  217. #define IDC_WELCOMEDEF 15911
  218. #define IDC_WELCOMENO 15912
  219. #define IDC_WELCOMECUST 15913
  220. #define IDE_WELCOMEURL 15914
  221. #define IDC_ISS2 15930
  222. #define IDC_ISS 15931
  223. #define IDC_SERVLESS 15932
  224. #define IDC_NOSIGNUP 15933
  225. #define IDC_SIGNUPURLTXT 15935
  226. #define IDE_SIGNUPURL 15936
  227. #define IDC_CONNECTION1 16111
  228. #define IDE_CONNECTION 16113
  229. #define IDC_AREACODE1 16114
  230. #define IDE_AREACODE 16115
  231. #define IDC_SUPPORTNUM 16117
  232. #define IDE_PHONENUMBER 16118
  233. #define IDC_COUNTRYCODE1 16119
  234. #define IDE_COUNTRYCODE 16120
  235. #define IDE_USERNAME 16122
  236. #define IDE_COUNTRYID 16123
  237. #define IDC_CHECKSTATICDNS 16124
  238. #define IDC_PRIMARY 16125
  239. #define IDE_DNSA 16126
  240. #define IDE_DNSB 16127
  241. #define IDE_DNSC 16128
  242. #define IDE_DNSD 16129
  243. #define IDC_ALT 16130
  244. #define IDE_ALTDNSA 16131
  245. #define IDE_ALTDNSB 16132
  246. #define IDE_ALTDNSC 16133
  247. #define IDE_ALTDNSD 16134
  248. #define IDC_CHECKIPHDRCOMP 16135
  249. #define IDC_CHECKDEFGW 16136
  250. #define IDC_CHECKPWENCRYPT 16137
  251. #define IDC_CHECKSWCOMP 16138
  252. #define IDE_PASSWORD 16139
  253. #define IDC_ENTER 16140
  254. #define IDE_SUPPORTNUM 16141
  255. #define IDE_ISPROOTCERT 16160
  256. #define IDC_BROWSEROOTCERT 16161
  257. #define IDC_ADMTREE 16301
  258. #define IDC_ADMINSTR 16302
  259. #define IDC_ADMIMPORT 16303
  260. #define IDC_ADMDELETE 16304
  261. #define IDC_ADMWIN32 16311
  262. #define IDC_ADMWIN2K 16312
  263. #define IDC_PROGRESS 16501
  264. #define IDC_DOWNCOMPNAMD 16502
  265. #define IDC_DOWNSTATUS 16503
  266. #define IDC_ANIM 16504
  267. #define IDC_LOGTEXT 16511
  268. #define IDC_STEP1 16521
  269. #define IDC_STEP3 16522
  270. #define IDC_FINISHTXT1 16525
  271. #define IDC_FINISHTXT3 16527
  272. #define IDC_BADCOMP 16531
  273. #define IDC_ERRDLABORT 16532
  274. #define IDC_ERRDLRETRY 16533
  275. #define IDC_ERRDLIGNORE 16534
  276. #define IDC_BADCOMPSEC 16541
  277. #define IDC_SECERRYES 16542
  278. #define IDC_SECERRNO 16543
  279. #define IDE_STARTHTM 16901
  280. #define IDC_BROWSESTARTHTM 16902
  281. #define IDC_ENABLESTARTHTM 16903
  282. #define IDE_MOREINFO 16904
  283. #define IDC_BROWSEMOREINFO 16905
  284. #define IDC_LITECHECKALL 16906
  285. #define IDC_LITEUNCHECKALL 16907
  286. #define IDC_COPYCOMP 16908
  287. #define IDC_ICWTITLE 16911
  288. #define IDE_ICWTITLE 16912
  289. #define IDE_ICWHEADERBMP 16913
  290. #define IDC_BROWSEICWHEADERBMP 16914
  291. #define IDE_ICWWATERBMP 16915
  292. #define IDC_BROWSEICWWATERBMP 16916
  293. #define IDC_COPYCHECKALL 16930
  294. #define IDC_COPYUNCHECKALL 16931
  295. #define IDC_SFBMP1 16932
  296. #define IDC_SFBMP2 16933
  297. #define IDC_SFBMP3 16934
  298. #define IDC_SFBMP4 16935
  299. #define IDC_USERTXT 17000
  300. #define IDC_PASSWORDTXT 17001
  301. #define IDC_DESKTOPUPDATE 17002
  302. #define IDC_SFLOC 17003
  303. #define IDE_SFCOPY 17005
  304. #define IDC_SFBROWSE 17006
  305. #define IDC_COPYSF 17007
  306. #define IDC_SFSTATUS 17008
  307. #define IDC_SFSTATUS1 17009
  308. #define IDC_SFSTATUS2 17010
  309. #define IDC_SFSTATUS3 17011
  310. #define IDC_SFSTATUS4 17012
  311. #define IDC_CHECK3 17013
  312. #define IDC_CHECK4 17014
  313. #define IDC_SFADVANCED 17015
  314. #define IDE_BRANDINGCABNAME 17016
  315. #define IDC_BRANDURL 17017
  316. #define IDE_BRANDINGCABURL 17018
  317. #define IDC_BRANDNAME 17019
  318. #define IDC_DONTAPPLYINS 17020
  319. #define IDC_DONTMODIFY 17021
  320. #define IDC_APPLYINS 17022
  321. #define IDC_DIALASIS 17500
  322. #define IDC_CONNECTION 17501
  323. #define IDC_ADDCONNECTION 17502
  324. #define IDC_RMCONNECTION 17503
  325. #define IDC_NEGOTIATETCP 17504
  326. #define IDC_DISABLELCP 17505
  327. #define IDC_REQLOGON 17506
  328. #define IDC_ICMPRO_TXT 17507
  329. #define IDC_CCTITLE_TXT 17508
  330. #define IDC_DOWNSITENAME_TXT 17509
  331. #define IDC_DOWNSITEURL_TXT 17510
  332. #define IDC_DOWNSITEREGION_TXT 17511
  333. #define IDC_ICWTITLE_TXT 17512
  334. #define IDC_STARTHTM_TXT 17514
  335. #define IDC_XFLAGFALSE 18000
  336. #define IDC_XFLAGTRUE 18001
  337. #define IDC_NOXFLAG 18002
  338. #define IDS_BADKEY 35002
  339. #define IDS_BADDIR 35003
  340. #define IDS_BADDIR2 35004
  341. #define IDS_CANCELOK 35005
  342. #define IDS_ERR_PATH 35006
  343. #define IDS_ENDEMO 35007
  344. #define IDS_TITLE 35008
  345. #define IDS_ERROREXIT 35009
  346. #define IDS_BADSIGN 35010
  347. #define IDS_NEEDPATH 35011
  348. #define IDS_ERROR_CIFRWFILE 35012
  349. #define IDS_ERROR_INVALIDMODE 35013
  350. #define IDS_DARKCYAN 35014
  351. #define IDS_DARKYELLOW 35015
  352. #define IDS_DARKMAGENTA 35016
  353. #define IDS_DARKBLUE 35017
  354. #define IDS_DARKGREEN 35018
  355. #define IDS_DARKRED 35019
  356. #define IDS_DARKGRAY 35020
  357. #define IDS_YELLOW 35021
  358. #define IDS_MAGENTA 35022
  359. #define IDS_CYAN 35023
  360. #define IDS_BLUE 35024
  361. #define IDS_GREEN 35025
  362. #define IDS_RED 35026
  363. #define IDS_LIGHTGRAY 35027
  364. #define IDS_BLACK 35028
  365. #define IDS_WHITE 35029
  366. #define IDS_ERROR_IEUPDATECIF 35030
  367. #define IDS_ERROR_UPDATEFOLDER 35031
  368. #define IDS_INTRANET 35032
  369. #define IDS_REDIST 35033
  370. #define IDS_BRANDED 35034
  371. #define IDS_WIZARDTYPETEXT 35035
  372. #define IDS_CORPTYPE 35036
  373. #define IDS_ICPTYPE 35037
  374. #define IDS_ISPTYPE 35038
  375. #define IDS_INSTALLDIR 35039
  376. #define IDS_SFDIR 35040
  377. #define IDS_COMPDLDIR 35041
  378. #define IDS_TARGETDIR 35042
  379. #define IDS_DISKERROR 35043
  380. #define IDS_DESTDISKMSG 35044
  381. #define IDS_TEMPDISKMSG 35045
  382. #define IDS_MAIL 35052
  383. #define IDS_DESTDISKMSG2 35062
  384. #define IDS_TEMPDISKMSG2 35063
  385. #define IDS_ROOTILLEGAL 35068
  386. #define IDS_ENTERISS 35075
  387. #define IDS_ENTERSLESS 35076
  388. #define IDS_BADSIGNHTM 35078
  389. #define IDS_NOCUSTCOMPNAME 35079
  390. #define IDS_INVALID_VERSION 35080
  391. #define IDS_LANGUAGE 35082
  392. #define IDS_OPTIONS 35084
  393. #define IDS_BADIPADDR 35092
  394. #define IDS_NEWCUST 35094
  395. #define IDS_DOWNLOADURL 35095
  396. #define IDS_DOWNSITENAME 35097
  397. #define IDS_DOWNSITEURL 35098
  398. #define IDS_DOWNSITEREGION 35099
  399. #define IDS_DOWNLOADSITE 35100
  400. #define IDS_NORTHAMERICA 35101
  401. #define IDS_DOWNLOADERR 35106
  402. #define IDS_PLEASESIGNMSG 35108
  403. #define IDS_SIGNEDMSG 35110
  404. #define IDS_CERTEXPIREDMSG 35112
  405. #define IDS_CERTERRORMSG 35114
  406. #define IDS_BADPROVIDERMSG 35116
  407. #define IDS_NEWINSTALLOPT 35118
  408. #define IDS_CUSTDESK 35119
  409. #define IDS_CUSTNAME 35121
  410. #define IDS_CUSTICMPRO 35134
  411. #define IDS_NEWSNAME 35145
  412. #define IDS_QUERYPROXY 35147
  413. #define IDS_BADDEST 35159
  414. #define IDS_ADMINVALIDEXTN 35171
  415. #define IDS_ADMOVRWWARN 35172
  416. #define IDS_ADMDELWARN 35173
  417. #define IDS_ADMPARSEDLLERROR 35175
  418. #define IDS_BLANKSITE 35177
  419. #define IDS_INVALID_URL 35178
  420. #define IDS_ERROR_COMMA 35184
  421. #define IDS_BLANKOPTION 35185
  422. #define IDS_NO_DUPLICATEKEYS 35187
  423. #define IDS_TOOBIG49x49 35188
  424. #define IDS_TOOSMALL49x49 35189
  425. #define IDS_TOOBIG164x458 35190
  426. #define IDS_TOOSMALL164x458 35191
  427. #define IDS_BADFILE 35200
  428. #define IDS_TOOBIG164x312 35201
  429. #define IDS_TOOSMALL164x312 35202
  430. #define IDS_TOOBIG496x56 35203
  431. #define IDS_TOOSMALL496x56 35204
  432. #define IDS_DOWNLOADLIST_ERROR 35205
  433. #define IDS_COMPINITDOWNLOAD 35207
  434. #define IDS_COMPINITPROCESSING 35208
  435. #define IDS_QUICKLAUNCH 35213
  436. #define IDS_CHANNELSDIR 35216
  437. #define IDS_ADDISPCHAN_ERRMSG 35221
  438. #define IDS_ADDISPCHAN_ERR 35222
  439. #define IDS_SRCNEEDPATH 35227
  440. #define IDS_SRCROOTILLEGAL 35228
  441. #define IDS_OCWLANGERROR 35229
  442. #define IDS_DEFAULT_TARGETDIR 35230
  443. #define IDS_CUSTOMCOMPTITLE 35231
  444. #define IDS_CUSTOMCOMPTITLE_ERROR 35232
  445. #define IDS_DEPEND_WARNING 35234
  446. #define IDS_CHANDESC 35235
  447. #define IDS_BANNERFONT 35236
  448. #define IDS_BANNERFONTSIZE 35237
  449. #define IDS_BACKUPDLGFONT 35238
  450. #define IDS_BACKUPDLGFONTSIZE 35239
  451. #define IDS_NOIE 35241
  452. #define IDS_INVALIDCHARINPATH 35242
  453. #define IDS_VIRUSPROGRAMRUNNING 35243
  454. #define IDS_COMPNAME 35245
  455. #define IDS_VERSION 35246
  456. #define IDS_LOCALAUTOCONFIGTXT 35247
  457. #define IDS_NOCMAK 35248
  458. #define IDS_UPDATEERROR 35252
  459. #define IDS_NEEDAVS 35253
  460. #define IDS_NEEDAVS2 35254
  461. #define IDS_SF_ICWHTM_FOUND 35255
  462. #define IDS_SF_ICWHTM_NOTFOUND 35256
  463. #define IDS_SF_SIGNUPHTM_FOUND 35257
  464. #define IDS_SF_SIGNUPHTM_NOTFOUND 35258
  465. #define IDS_SF_ISPFILES 35259
  466. #define IDS_SF_INSFILES 35260
  467. #define IDS_ICWHTM_MISSING 35261
  468. #define IDS_SIGNUPHTM_MISSING 35262
  469. #define IDS_SIGNUPISP_MISSING 35263
  470. #define IDS_INSTALLINS_FOUND 35264
  471. #define IDS_NON_ISP_EXTN 35265
  472. #define IDS_NON_INS_EXTN 35266
  473. #define IDS_PATH_DOESNT_EXIST 35267
  474. #define IDS_IL_ACTIVESETUP 35500
  475. #define IDS_IL_ACTIVESETUPDESC 35501
  476. #define IDS_IL_CORPINSTALL 35504
  477. #define IDS_IL_CORPINSTALLDESC 35505
  478. #define IDS_IL_CABSIGN 35508
  479. #define IDS_IL_CABSIGNDESC 35509
  480. #define IDS_IL_ICM 35512
  481. #define IDS_IL_ICMDESC 35513
  482. #define IDS_IL_BROWSER 35516
  483. #define IDS_IL_BROWSERDESC 35517
  484. #define IDS_IL_URL 35520
  485. #define IDS_IL_URLDESC 35521
  486. #define IDS_IL_FAV 35528
  487. #define IDS_IL_FAVDESC 35529
  488. #define IDS_IL_UASTR 35536
  489. #define IDS_IL_UASTRDESC 35537
  490. #define IDS_IL_CONNECT 35540
  491. #define IDS_IL_CONNECTDESC 35541
  492. #define IDS_IL_SIGNUP 35548
  493. #define IDS_IL_SIGNUPDESC 35549
  494. #define IDS_IL_CERT 35552
  495. #define IDS_IL_CERTDESC 35553
  496. #define IDS_IL_ZONES 35556
  497. #define IDS_IL_ZONESDESC 35557
  498. #define IDS_CONNECTFILE_ISP 35558
  499. #define IDS_CONNECTFILE_INS 35559
  500. #define IDS_IL_MAILNEWS 35560
  501. #define IDS_IL_MAILNEWSDESC 35561
  502. #define IDS_IL_ADM 35564
  503. #define IDS_IL_ADMDESC 35565
  504. #define IDS_NOMEDIA 35566
  505. #define IDS_SAMEDIR 35567
  506. #define IDS_AVSUPDATEINITFAIL 35568
  507. #define IDS_AVSINITFAIL 35569
  508. #define IDS_SIGNUPBROWSEDESC 35570
  509. #define IDS_TOOBIG540x347 35571
  510. #define IDS_TOOSMALL540x347 35572
  511. #define IDS_ERROR_MULTWIZ 35573
  512. #define IDS_STATUS 35574
  513. #define IDS_STATUSFORCE 35575
  514. #define IDS_STATUSNOSHOW 35576
  515. #define IDS_STATUSSHOW 35577
  516. #define IDS_NEEDSIGNUPISP 35578
  517. #define IDS_CONNECTNAME 35579
  518. #define IDS_INSTALLINS_SPECIFIED 35580
  519. #define IDS_ISPINFILEHEADER 35581
  520. #define IDS_ERROR_CMAKVER 35582
  521. #define IDS_STAGE1 35583
  522. #define IDS_STAGE2 35584
  523. #define IDS_STAGE3 35585
  524. #define IDS_STAGE4 35586
  525. #define IDS_STAGE5 35587
  526. #define IDS_OCWOPTDESC 35588
  527. #define IDS_ISPINS1_TITLE 35589
  528. #define IDS_ISPINS1_TEXT 35590
  529. #define IDS_ISPINS2_TITLE 35591
  530. #define IDS_ISPINS2_TEXT 35592
  531. #define IDS_AVSNOUPDATES 35593
  532. #define IDS_OLD_CABS 35594
  533. #define IDS_RELATIVE_ONLY 35598
  534. #define IDS_OPTCAB_ERROR 35599
  535. #define IDS_IL_PROGRAMS 35600
  536. #define IDS_IL_PROGRAMSDESC 35601
  537. #define IDS_NOUPDATETITLE 35602
  538. #define IDS_ERROR_UPDATESPACE 35604
  539. #define IDS_SIGNUPNAME 35605
  540. #define IDS_ERROR_CSADDCERT 35606
  541. #define IDS_SUCCESS_CSADDCERT 35607
  542. // Next default values for new objects
  543. //
  544. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  546. #define _APS_NO_MFC 1
  547. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 2101
  548. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 35701
  549. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 17003
  550. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 2131
  551. #endif
  552. #endif