#include "precomp.h"
extern TCHAR g_szTitle[]; extern TCHAR g_szBuildTemp[]; extern TCHAR g_szBaseURL[]; extern TCHAR g_szWizRoot[]; extern HWND g_hWait; extern BOOL g_fLocalMode, g_fOCW; extern int s_iType;
extern DWORD GetRootFree(LPCTSTR pcszPath); extern HRESULT DownloadCab(HWND hDlg, LPTSTR szUrl, LPTSTR szFilename, LPCTSTR pcszDisplayname, int sComponent, BOOL &fIgnore);
void UpdateIni(LPCTSTR pcszCurrentIni, CCifComponent_t * pCifComponent_t) { TCHAR szNew[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH];
if (SUCCEEDED(pCifComponent_t->GetCustomData(TEXT("Win32"), szNew, countof(szNew)))) WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("IEAK"), TEXT("Win32"), szNew, pcszCurrentIni); if (SUCCEEDED(pCifComponent_t->GetCustomData(TEXT("Ini"), szNew, countof(szNew)))) WritePrivateProfileString(VERSION, IK_INI, szNew, pcszCurrentIni);
BOOL CheckIniVersion(LPTSTR pszId, LPCTSTR pcszCurrentIni, CCifComponent_t * pCifComponent_t) { TCHAR szCurrentVer[64]; TCHAR szNewVer[64]; BOOL fRet = TRUE;
GetPrivateProfileString(VERSION, pszId, TEXT(""), szCurrentVer, countof(szCurrentVer), pcszCurrentIni);
fRet = SUCCEEDED(pCifComponent_t->GetCustomData(pszId, szNewVer, countof(szNewVer)));
return (fRet && (CheckVer(szCurrentVer, szNewVer) < 0)); }
DWORD DownloadUpdateThreadProc(LPVOID lpvUrl) { TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pFile; DWORD dwRet = 0;
GetTempPath(countof(szDest), szDest);
pFile = StrRChr((LPTSTR)lpvUrl, NULL, TEXT('/'));
if (pFile != NULL) pFile++;
if (StrCmpI(StrRChr((LPTSTR)lpvUrl, NULL, TEXT('.')), TEXT(".EXE")) == 0) { BOOL fIgnore = FALSE;
PathAppend(szDest, pFile);
if (DownloadCab(g_hWait, (LPTSTR)lpvUrl, szDest, NULL, 0, fIgnore) != NOERROR) { LoadString(g_rvInfo.hInst, IDS_UPDATEERROR, szMsg, countof(szMsg)); MessageBox(g_hWizard, szMsg, g_szTitle, MB_OK); return (DWORD)-1; } } else { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; BOOL fIgnore = FALSE;
PathCombine(szDest, g_szBuildTemp, pFile);
if (DownloadCab(g_hWait, (LPTSTR)lpvUrl, szDest, NULL, 0, fIgnore) == NOERROR) { TCHAR szTempDir[MAX_PATH];
PathCombine(szTempDir, g_szBuildTemp, TEXT("update")); PathCreatePath(szTempDir);
if (ExtractFilesWrap(szDest, szTempDir, 0, NULL, NULL, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szInf[MAX_PATH];
PathCombine(szInf, szTempDir, TEXT("ieak6.inf")); dwRet = RunSetupCommandWrap(g_hWizard, szInf, NULL, szTempDir, NULL, NULL, RSC_FLAG_INF | RSC_FLAG_QUIET, NULL);
PathRemovePath(szTempDir); DeleteFile(szDest); } else fSuccess = FALSE; } else fSuccess = FALSE;
SendMessage(g_hWait, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
if (!fSuccess) { LoadString(g_rvInfo.hInst, IDS_UPDATEERROR, szMsg, countof(szMsg)); MessageBox(g_hWizard, szMsg, g_szTitle, MB_OK); return (DWORD)-1; } }
return dwRet; }
void UpdateIEAK(HWND hDlg) { TCHAR szCurrentIni[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szUpdateUrl[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; TCHAR szCifLang[8]; TCHAR szWizLang[8]; ICifComponent * pCifComponent; CCifComponent_t * pCifComponent_t; DWORD dwTid; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fNo = FALSE; HWND hWait;
if (!g_lpCifFileNew || !(SUCCEEDED(g_lpCifFileNew->FindComponent(TEXT("ieak6OPT"), &pCifComponent)))) return;
pCifComponent_t = new CCifComponent_t((ICifRWComponent *)pCifComponent);
pCifComponent_t->GetCustomData(TEXT("Lang"), szCifLang, countof(szCifLang));
StrCpy(szUpdateUrl, g_szBaseURL); if (*(CharPrev(szUpdateUrl, szUpdateUrl + StrLen(szUpdateUrl))) != TEXT('/')) StrCat(szUpdateUrl, TEXT("/"));
PathCombine(szCurrentIni, g_szWizRoot, TEXT("ieak.ini"));
GetPrivateProfileString(VERSION, TEXT("Lang"), TEXT(""), szWizLang, countof(szWizLang), szCurrentIni);
// only allow self-update for same language as the current wizard
if (StrCmpI(szCifLang, szWizLang) != 0) goto exit;
if (CheckIniVersion(IK_FULL, szCurrentIni, pCifComponent_t)) { pCifComponent_t->GetCustomData(TEXT("FullText"), szMsg, countof(szMsg));
if (MessageBox(g_hWizard, szMsg, g_szTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { HANDLE hThread; TCHAR szExeName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwFlags; ICifComponent * pCifExeComponent; CCifComponent_t * pCifExeComponent_t;
if (SUCCEEDED(g_lpCifFileNew->FindComponent(TEXT("ieak6EXE"), &pCifExeComponent))) { pCifExeComponent_t = new CCifComponent_t((ICifRWComponent *)pCifExeComponent);
if (SUCCEEDED(pCifExeComponent_t->GetUrl(0, szExeName, countof(szExeName), &dwFlags))) { // do not allow self-update to continue if not enough size (size of Exe +
// extract size approximated by twice the size of the exe)
if (((dwFlags = pCifExeComponent_t->GetDownloadSize() * 3) > GetRootFree(g_szBuildTemp)) && dwFlags) { TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMsgTemplate[MAX_PATH];
LoadString(g_rvInfo.hInst, IDS_ERROR_UPDATESPACE, szMsgTemplate, countof(szMsgTemplate)); wnsprintf(szMsg, countof(szMsg), szMsgTemplate, pCifExeComponent_t->GetDownloadSize() * 3); dwRet = (DWORD)-1; MessageBox(hDlg, szMsg, g_szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { StrCat(szUpdateUrl, szExeName);
hWait = CreateDialog(g_rvInfo.hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_UPDATE), hDlg, DownloadStatusDlgProc); ShowWindow( hWait, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 4096, DownloadUpdateThreadProc, (LPVOID)szUpdateUrl, 0, &dwTid);
while (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hThread, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } GetExitCodeThread(hThread, &dwRet); CloseHandle(hThread); SendMessage(hWait, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } } else dwRet = (DWORD)-1;
delete pCifExeComponent_t; } else dwRet = (DWORD)-1;
if (dwRet == -1) { g_fLocalMode = TRUE; goto exit; } else { SHELLEXECUTEINFO shInfo; DWORD dwPID; TCHAR szTempBuf[MAX_PATH + 32]; TCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH];
PathCombine(szTempBuf, g_szWizRoot, TEXT("update.exe")); GetTempPath(countof(szTempPath), szTempPath); CopyFileToDir(szTempBuf, szTempPath);
ZeroMemory(&shInfo, sizeof(shInfo)); shInfo.cbSize = sizeof(shInfo); shInfo.hwnd = GetDesktopWindow(); shInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; shInfo.lpVerb = TEXT("open"); shInfo.lpFile = TEXT("update.exe"); dwPID = GetCurrentProcessId(); WCHAR wcType; switch (s_iType) { case BRANDED: wcType = TEXT('B'); break; case REDIST: wcType = TEXT('R'); break;
case INTRANET: default: wcType = TEXT('I'); break; } if (g_fOCW) wnsprintf(szTempBuf, countof(szTempBuf), TEXT("/o /p:%lu /m:%c"), dwPID,wcType); else wnsprintf(szTempBuf, countof(szTempBuf), TEXT("/p:%lu /m:%c"), dwPID,wcType);
shInfo.lpParameters = szTempBuf; shInfo.lpDirectory = szTempPath; shInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
ShellExecuteEx(&shInfo); CloseHandle(shInfo.hProcess); DoCancel(); goto exit; } } else fNo = TRUE; }
if (!fNo && (CheckIniVersion(IK_CAB, szCurrentIni, pCifComponent_t))) { pCifComponent_t->GetCustomData(TEXT("CabText"), szMsg, countof(szMsg));
if (MessageBox(g_hWizard, szMsg, g_szTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { TCHAR szNewVer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szCabName[32]; DWORD dwFlags; HANDLE hThread; ICifComponent * pCifCabComponent; CCifComponent_t * pCifCabComponent_t;
if (SUCCEEDED(g_lpCifFileNew->FindComponent(TEXT("ieak6CAB"), &pCifCabComponent))) { pCifCabComponent_t = new CCifComponent_t((ICifRWComponent *)pCifCabComponent);
if (SUCCEEDED(pCifCabComponent_t->GetUrl(0, szCabName, countof(szCabName), &dwFlags))) { // do not allow self-update to continue if not enough size (size of Cab +
// extract size approximated by twice the size of the cab)
if (((dwFlags = pCifCabComponent_t->GetDownloadSize() * 3) > GetRootFree(g_szBuildTemp)) && dwFlags) { TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMsgTemplate[MAX_PATH];
LoadString(g_rvInfo.hInst, IDS_ERROR_UPDATESPACE, szMsgTemplate, countof(szMsgTemplate)); wnsprintf(szMsg, countof(szMsg), szMsgTemplate, pCifCabComponent_t->GetDownloadSize() * 3); dwRet = (DWORD)-1; MessageBox(hDlg, szMsg, g_szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { StrCat(szUpdateUrl, szCabName);
hWait = CreateDialog(g_rvInfo.hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_UPDATE), hDlg, DownloadStatusDlgProc); ShowWindow( hWait, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 4096, DownloadUpdateThreadProc, (LPVOID)szUpdateUrl, 0, &dwTid);
while (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hThread, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } GetExitCodeThread(hThread, &dwRet); CloseHandle(hThread); SendMessage(hWait, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } } else dwRet = (DWORD)-1;
delete pCifCabComponent_t; } else dwRet = (DWORD)-1;
if (dwRet == (DWORD)-1) { g_fLocalMode = TRUE; goto exit; }
if (CheckIniVersion(IK_INI, szCurrentIni, pCifComponent_t)) UpdateIni(szCurrentIni, pCifComponent_t);
if (SUCCEEDED(pCifComponent_t->GetCustomData(TEXT("Cab"), szNewVer, countof(szNewVer)))) WritePrivateProfileString(VERSION, IK_CAB, szNewVer, szCurrentIni); } else fNo = TRUE; }
if (!fNo && (CheckIniVersion(IK_INI, szCurrentIni, pCifComponent_t))) { pCifComponent_t->GetCustomData(TEXT("IniText"), szMsg, countof(szMsg));
if (MessageBox(g_hWizard, szMsg, g_szTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { UpdateIni(szCurrentIni, pCifComponent_t); } else fNo = TRUE; }
if (dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED) DoReboot(g_hWizard);
if (fNo) g_fLocalMode = TRUE;
exit: delete pCifComponent_t; }