/* * w95inf16.c * * Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation * * 16bit portion of the INFINST program. This DLL contains all the * stuff to drive GenInstall (a 16 bit DLL) * */ #include "w95inf16.h" #include <regstr.h> #include <cpldebug.h> #include <memory.h> #include <string.h> //#include "..\core\infinst.h"
#define SHORTSTRING 256
/* * GLOBALS */ HINSTANCE hInstance;
CHAR szDll16[] = "W95INF16.DLL"; CHAR szDll32[] = "W95INF32.DLL";
static char g_szRunOnceExe[] = {"runonce"};
/* * S T R I N G S */ char *szSectVersion = "version"; char *szKeySignature = "signature"; char *szValSignature = "$CHICAGO$";
/* * Declarations */ BOOL FAR PASCAL w95thk_ThunkConnect16(LPSTR pszDLL16, LPSTR pszDll32, WORD hInst, DWORD dwReason); VOID WINAPI GetSETUPXErrorText16(DWORD,LPSTR, DWORD); WORD WINAPI CtlSetLddPath16(UINT, LPSTR); //BUGBUG: 32-bit HWND //WORD WINAPI GenInstall16(LPSTR, LPSTR, LPSTR, DWORD, DWORD); WORD WINAPI GenInstall16(LPSTR, LPSTR, LPSTR, DWORD); BOOL WINAPI GenFormStrWithoutPlaceHolders16(LPSTR, LPSTR, LPSTR);
/* * Library Initialization * * Call by LibInit */ BOOL FAR PASCAL LibMain(HINSTANCE hInst, WORD wDataSeg, WORD wHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine) { // Keep Copy of Instance hInstance = hInst;
DEBUGMSG("W95INF16.DLL - LibMain()");
return( TRUE ); }
/* * Thunk Entry Point */ BOOL FAR PASCAL DllEntryPoint(DWORD dwReason, WORD hInst, WORD wDS, WORD wHeapSize, DWORD dwReserved1, WORD wReserved2) {
DEBUGMSG("W95INF16.DLL - DllEntryPoint()"); if (! (w95thk_ThunkConnect16(szDll16, szDll32, hInst, dwReason))) { DEBUGMSG("W95INF16.DLL - w95thk_ThunkConnect16() Failed"); return( FALSE ); }
return( TRUE ); }
/* * O P E N _ V A L I D A T E _ I N F * * Routine: OpenValidateInf * * Purpose: Open INF and validate internals * * Notes: Stolen from setupx * * */
RETERR OpenValidateInf(LPCSTR lpszInfFile, HINF FAR * phInf ) { RETERR err; HINF hInfFile; char szTmpBuf[SHORTSTRING];
ASSERT(lpszInfFile); ASSERT(phInf);
DEBUGMSG("OpenValidateInf([%s])", lpszInfFile );
/* * Open the INF */ err = IpOpen( lpszInfFile, &hInfFile ); if (err != OK) { DEBUGMSG("IpOpen(%s) returned %u",(LPSTR) lpszInfFile,err); return err; }
/* * Get INF signature */ err = IpGetProfileString( hInfFile, szSectVersion, szKeySignature, szTmpBuf, sizeof(szTmpBuf)); if (err != OK) { DEBUGMSG("IpGetProfileString returned %u",err); return err; }
/* * Check INF signature */ if ( lstrcmpi(szTmpBuf,szValSignature) != 0 ) { DEBUGMSG("signature error in %s",(LPSTR) lpszInfFile); IpClose(hInfFile); return ERR_IP_INVALID_INFFILE; }
/* * Set Out Parameter phInf */ *phInf = hInfFile;
DEBUGMSG("OpenValidateInf([%s]) Complete", lpszInfFile ); return OK; }
/* * I N S T A L L F I L E S F R O M I N F * * Routine: InstallFilesFromINF() * * Purpose: Call GenInstall to GenInstall a section of an INF * using specified flags * */
RETERR InstallFilesFromINF(HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR lpszINF, LPCSTR lpszSection, WORD wFlags) { RETERR err = OK; HINF hInf;
ASSERT(lpszINF); ASSERT(lpszSection);
DEBUGMSG("InstallFilesFromINF([%s], [%s], [%x])", lpszINF, lpszSection, wFlags );
/* * Open INF */ err = OpenValidateInf(lpszINF, &hInf); if (err != OK) { DEBUGMSG("OpenValidateInf(%s) returned %u",lpszINF, err); return err; } ASSERT(hInf);
/* * GenInstall Go Do your thing */ err = GenInstall(hInf,lpszSection, wFlags );
/* * Close INF */ IpClose(hInf);
return err; }
//*************************************************************************** //* * //* NAME: AddPath * //* * //* SYNOPSIS: * //* * //* REQUIRES: * //* * //* RETURNS: * //* * //*************************************************************************** VOID AddPath(LPSTR szPath, LPCSTR szName ) { LPSTR szTmp;
// Find end of the string szTmp = szPath + lstrlen(szPath);
// If no trailing backslash then add one if ( szTmp > szPath && *(AnsiPrev( szPath, szTmp )) != '\\' ) *(szTmp++) = '\\';
// Add new name to existing path string while ( *szName == ' ' ) szName++; lstrcpy( szTmp, szName ); }
//BUGBUG: Ideally, we would like to use the HWND in here, but in 32-bit land, // HWND is 32-bits and in 16-bit land, HWND is 16-bits, so we have a // problem.
//WORD WINAPI GenInstall16(LPSTR lpszInf, LPSTR lpszSection, LPSTR lpszDirectory, DWORD dwQuietMode, DWORD hWnd ) WORD WINAPI GenInstall16(LPSTR lpszInf, LPSTR lpszSection, LPSTR lpszDirectory, DWORD dwQuietMode ) { VCPUIINFO VcpUiInfo; RETERR err; BYTE fNeedBoot = 1; char szPrevSourcePath[MAX_PATH+1] = ""; BOOL fNeedToRestorePrevSourcePath = FALSE; char szTempPath[MAX_PATH]; int i = 0; static const char c_aszDlls[3][20] = { "advpack.dll", "w95inf16.dll", "w95inf32.dll", };
/* * Save source path for restoration * * If we get a non-zero length string for the old * source path then we will restore it when finished */ err = CtlGetLddPath(LDID_SRCPATH,szPrevSourcePath); if ((err == OK) && (lstrlen(szPrevSourcePath))) { DEBUGMSG("Saved Sourcpath [%s]", szPrevSourcePath ); fNeedToRestorePrevSourcePath = TRUE; }
/* * Set Source Path for GenInstall */
DEBUGMSG("Setting Source path to [%s]", lpszDirectory ); CtlSetLddPath(LDID_SRCPATH, lpszDirectory );
/* * Set Up GenInstall UI */ _fmemset(&VcpUiInfo,0,sizeof(VcpUiInfo)); if ( ! dwQuietMode ) { VcpUiInfo.flags = VCPUI_CREATEPROGRESS; } else { VcpUiInfo.flags = 0; }
VcpUiInfo.hwndParent = 0; // Our parent // VcpUiInfo.hwndParent = (HWND)hWnd; // Our parent VcpUiInfo.hwndProgress = NULL; // No progress DLG VcpUiInfo.idPGauge = 0; VcpUiInfo.lpfnStatCallback = NULL; // No stat callback VcpUiInfo.lUserData = 0L; // No client data.
/* * Open VCP to batch copy requests */ DEBUGMSG("Setting up VCP"); err = VcpOpen((VIFPROC) vcpUICallbackProc, (LPARAM)(LPVCPUIINFO)&VcpUiInfo); if (err != OK) { DEBUGMSG("VcpOpen returned %u",err); return err; } DEBUGMSG("VCP Setup Complete");
// Install advpack.dll and w95inf16.dll and w95inf32.dll
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i += 1 ) { lstrcpy( szTempPath, lpszDirectory ); AddPath( szTempPath, c_aszDlls[i] );
if ( GetFileAttributes( szTempPath ) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { continue; }
err = VcpQueueCopy( c_aszDlls[i], c_aszDlls[i], NULL, NULL, LDID_SRCPATH, LDID_SYS, NULL, VNFL_MULTIPLEOK, VNLP_KEEPNEWER );
if ( err != OK ) { VcpClose(VCPFL_ABANDON, NULL); return err; } }
/* * Call GenInstall to Install Files */ DEBUGMSG("Installing Files using InstallFilesFromINF()");
err = InstallFilesFromINF(0, lpszInf, lpszSection, GENINSTALL_DO_FILES); // err = InstallFilesFromINF((HWND)hWnd, lpszInf, lpszSection, GENINSTALL_DO_FILES); DEBUGMSG("InstallFilesFromINF() Returned %d", err); if (err == OK) { err = VcpClose(VCPFL_COPY | VCPFL_DELETE | VCPFL_RENAME, NULL); if (err != OK) { DEBUGMSG("VcpClose returned %u", err); return(err); } } else { err = VcpClose(VCPFL_ABANDON, NULL); if (err != OK) { DEBUGMSG("VcpClose returned %u", err); return(err); } }
/* * Now have GenInstall do rest of install */ DEBUGMSG("Installing everything else using InstallFilesFromINF()"); err = InstallFilesFromINF(0, lpszInf, lpszSection, GENINSTALL_DO_ALL ^ GENINSTALL_DO_FILES); // err = InstallFilesFromINF((HWND)hWnd, lpszInf, lpszSection, GENINSTALL_DO_ALL ^ GENINSTALL_DO_FILES); if (err != OK) { DEBUGMSG("InstallFilesFromINF() Non Files returned %d", err ); return(err); }
/* * Restore Source LDID */ if (fNeedToRestorePrevSourcePath) { DEBUGMSG("Restoring source path to: %s",(LPSTR) szPrevSourcePath); err=CtlSetLddPath(LDID_SRCPATH,szPrevSourcePath); ASSERT(err == OK); }
return(err); }
VOID WINAPI GetSETUPXErrorText16(DWORD dwError,LPSTR pszErrorDesc, DWORD cbErrorDesc) { WORD wID; // ID of string resource in SETUPX with error description
// get string ID with this error from setupx wID = suErrorToIds((WORD) dwError,E2I_SETUPX);
if (wID) { CHAR szSetupxFilename[13]; // big enough for 8.3 HMODULE hInstSetupx;
// get setupx filename out of resource LoadString(hInstance,IDS_SETUPX_FILENAME,szSetupxFilename, sizeof(szSetupxFilename));
// get the module handle for setupx hInstSetupx = GetModuleHandle(szSetupxFilename); ASSERT(hInstSetupx); // pretty weird if this fails if (hInstSetupx) {
// load the string from setupx if (LoadString(hInstSetupx,wID,pszErrorDesc,(int) cbErrorDesc)) { return; // got it } } }
// we get here if couldn't map error to string ID, couldn't get // SETUPX module handle, or couldn't find string ID in setupx. 1st // case is relatively likely, other cases are pretty unlikely. { CHAR szFmt[SMALL_BUF_LEN+1]; // load generic text and insert error number LoadString(hInstance,IDS_GENERIC_SETUPX_ERR,szFmt,sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf(pszErrorDesc,szFmt,wID); } }
WORD WINAPI CtlSetLddPath16(UINT uiLDID, LPSTR lpszPath) { return(CtlSetLddPath(uiLDID, lpszPath)); }
BOOL WINAPI GenFormStrWithoutPlaceHolders16( LPSTR lpszDst, LPSTR lpszSrc, LPSTR lpszInfFilename ) { RETERR err = OK; HINF hInf;
err = OpenValidateInf(lpszInfFilename, &hInf); if (err != OK) { DEBUGMSG("OpenValidateInf(%s) returned %u",lpszInfFilename, err); return FALSE; }
GenFormStrWithoutPlaceHolders( lpszDst, (LPCSTR) lpszSrc, hInf );
IpClose( hInf );
return TRUE; }