//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995. // // File: webchk.idl // // Contents: // // Classes: // // Functions: // // History: 11-17-1996 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import "objidl.idl"; import "oleidl.idl";
interface IOInetItem; interface IOInetDestination;
// the client exposes this interfaces interface IOInetItemSink; interface IOInetItemFilter;
// the core of the webcheck agent interface IOInetAgent; //interface IOInetSpooler;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996. // // Contents: IOInetItem interface definition // // Description: // // An item is an object which might be delivered by // a protocol or the client which should be delivered // to a destination at a given "WHEN" // // The data for an item might not be available as the item // gets announced for availability. // // Many items will in fact arrive with all data. // // The same object will expose I(Async)Moniker and the client // can call BindToXXX to bind to the object of the data. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWCHKITEM") cpp_quote("#define _LPWCHKITEM")
[ local, object, uuid(79eacbe1-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IOInetItem : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IOInetItem *LPWCHKITEM;
typedef enum _tagITEMDATA_FLAGS { ID_FROMCACHE = 0x00000001 } ITEMDATA_FLAGS;
typedef struct _tagItemData { ULONG cbSize; // more info about category etc. ITEMDATA_FLAGS grfItem; // the prefered tymed the client wants the data TYMED tymedPrefered; STGMEDIUM stgmed; } ITEMDATA, *LPITEMDATA;
HRESULT GetURL( [out] LPOLESTR *ppwzUrl );
HRESULT GetInfo( [in] DWORD dwOptions, [out] LPOLESTR *ppwzItemMime, [out] LPCLSID *pclsidItem, [out] LPOLESTR *ppwzProtocol, [out] LPCLSID *pclsidProtocol, [out] DWORD *pdwOut );
HRESULT GetItemData( [in, out] DWORD *grfITEMF, [in, out, unique] ITEMDATA * pitemdata );
// new hresult: data might not be available //
// Question: is the following method needed or is QI enough? //HRESULT GetMoniker( // [out, unique] IMoniker **ppMoniker // );
} cpp_quote("#endif")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996. // // Contents: IOInetItemSink interface definition // // Description: // // The item sink is the interface where an item gets consumed or added to // the agent where it might be downloaded later and put to the destination. // // The ItemSink migh also act as the item filter, hence it can drop an item. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWCHKITEMSINK_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWCHKITEMSINK_DEFINED")
[ local, object, uuid(79eacbe5-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IOInetItemSink : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IOInetItemSink *LPWCHKITEMSINK;
HRESULT OnItem( [in] ITEMTYPE itemtype, [in] IOInetItem *pWChkItem, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996. // // Contents: IOInetDestination interface definition // // Description: // // This interface is the gateway to the item data's destination. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWCHKDESTINATION_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWCHKDESTINATION_DEFINED")
[ local, object, uuid(79eacbea-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IOInetDestination : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IOInetDestination *LPWCHKDESTINATION;
} cpp_quote("#endif")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996. // // Contents: IOInetAgent interface definition // // Description: // // This is the object provide by webcheck will can start listening on // different protocols (APP) by using the custom verb "listen". // // The clien can also add an item to the agents scheduler or spooler which // will the item deliver to a distination at a given "WHEN" // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWCHKAGENT_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWCHKAGENT_DEFINED")
[ local, object, uuid(79eacbe7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IOInetAgent : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IOInetAgent *LPWCHKAGENT;
typedef enum _tagScheduleMode { SMODE_ONCEAT = 1, SMODE_FIRSTAT
typedef struct _tagScheduleTime { ULONG date; ULONG time;
typedef struct _tagScheduleData { SCHEDULEMODE schMode; SCHEDULETIME schtimeFirst; SCHEDULETIME schtimeRepeat; } SCHEDULEDATA;
// will start a listening protocol (APP) and listen for items // eg. mc or alert etc. HRESULT StartListen( [in] const LPCWSTR szProtocol, [in] IOInetItemFilter *pWChkItemFilter, [in] DWORD grfMode, [out] CLSID *pclsidProtocol, [in] DWORD dwReserved );
// will release the sink passed in at StartListen HRESULT StopListen( [out] CLSID *pclsidProtocol );
// add item to the spooler HRESULT ScheduleItem( [in] IOInetItem *pWChkItem, [in] IOInetDestination *pWChkDest, [in] SCHEDULEDATA *pschdata, [in] DWORD dwMode, [out, unique] DWORD *pdwCookie );
HRESULT RevokeItem( [in] DWORD dwCookie );
} cpp_quote("#endif")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996. // // Contents: IOInetAdvisor interface definition // // Description: // // This is the object provide by webcheck will can start listening on // different protocols (APP) by using the custom verb "listen". // // The clien can also add an item to the agents scheduler or spooler which // will the item deliver to a distination at a given "WHEN" // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWCHKADVISOR_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWCHKADVISOR_DEFINED")
[ local, object, uuid(79eacbe8-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IOInetAdvisor : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IOInetAdvisor *LPWCHKADVISOR;
// will start a listening protocol (APP) and listen for items // eg. mc or alert etc. HRESULT StartListen( [in] const LPCWSTR szProtocol, [in] IOInetItemFilter *pWChkItemFilter, [in] DWORD grfMode, [out] CLSID *pclsidProtocol, [in] DWORD dwReserved );
// will release the sink passed in at StartListen HRESULT StopListen( [out] CLSID *pclsidProtocol );
HRESULT Advise( [in] IOInetItemSink *pWChkItemSink, [in] DWORD grfMode, [in] ULONG cMimes, [in] const LPCWSTR *ppwzItemMimes, [in] DWORD dwReserved );
HRESULT Unadvise( [in] IOInetItemSink *pWChkItemSink, [in] ULONG cMimes, [in] const LPCWSTR *ppwzItemMimes );
HRESULT SendAdvise( [in] ITEMTYPE itemtype, [in] IOInetItem *pWChkItem, [in] DWORD grfMode, [in] LPCWSTR pwzItemMimes, [in] DWORD dwReserved );
} cpp_quote("#endif")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996. // // Contents: IOInetItemSink interface definition // // Description: // // The item sink is the interface where an item gets consumed or added to // the agent where it might be downloaded later and put to the destination. // // The ItemSink migh also act as the item filter, hence it can drop an item. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWCHKITEMFILTER_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWCHKITEMFILTER_DEFINED")
[ local, object, uuid(79eacbe9-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IOInetItemFilter : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IOInetItemFilter *LPWCHKITEMFILTER;
typedef struct _tagAnouncmentData { ULONG cbSize; // more info about category etc. LPWSTR pwzName;
HRESULT OnAnouncment( [in] ANOUNCMENTDATA *pAnouncementData, [in] LPCWSTR pwzUrl, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif")
// new API #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI GetOInetAdvisor(DWORD dwMode, IOInetAdvisor **ppOInetAdvisor, DWORD dwReserved); ")