// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
#include <urlint.h>
#include <map_kv.h>
#include "coll.hxx"
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifdef AFX_CORE1_SEG
#pragma code_seg(AFX_CORE1_SEG)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// The following macros are used on data declarations/definitions
// (they are redefined for extension DLLs and the shared MFC DLL)
#define AFX_DATA
// used when building the "core" MFC42.DLL
// used when building the MFC/OLE support MFCO42.DLL
#ifndef AFX_OLE_DATA
#define AFX_OLE_DATA
#define TRACE1(x,a)
//int AFX_CDECL _mbstowcsz(wchar_t* wcstr, const char* mbstr, size_t count);
// conversion helpers
int AFX_CDECL _wcstombsz(char* mbstr, const wchar_t* wcstr, size_t count); int AFX_CDECL _mbstowcsz(wchar_t* wcstr, const char* mbstr, size_t count);
// static class data, special inlines
// afxChNil is left for backward compatibility
AFX_DATADEF TCHAR afxChNil = '\0';
// For an empty string, m_pchData will point here
// (note: avoids special case of checking for NULL m_pchData)
// empty string data (and locked)
static int rgInitData[] = { -1, 0, 0, 0 }; static AFX_DATADEF CStringData* afxDataNil = (CStringData*)&rgInitData; static LPCTSTR afxPchNil = (LPCTSTR)(((BYTE*)&rgInitData)+sizeof(CStringData)); // special function to make afxEmptyString work even during initialization
const CString& AFXAPI AfxGetEmptyString() { return *(CString*)&afxPchNil; }
// Construction/Destruction
CString::CString() { Init(); }
CString::CString(const CString& stringSrc) { ASSERT(stringSrc.GetData()->nRefs != 0); if (stringSrc.GetData()->nRefs >= 0) { ASSERT(stringSrc.GetData() != afxDataNil); m_pchData = stringSrc.m_pchData; InterlockedIncrement(&GetData()->nRefs); } else { Init(); *this = stringSrc.m_pchData; } }
void CString::AllocBuffer(int nLen) // always allocate one extra character for '\0' termination
// assumes [optimistically] that data length will equal allocation length
{ ASSERT(nLen >= 0); ASSERT(nLen <= INT_MAX-1); // max size (enough room for 1 extra)
if (nLen == 0) Init(); else { CStringData* pData = (CStringData*)new BYTE[sizeof(CStringData) + (nLen+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)]; pData->nRefs = 1; pData->data()[nLen] = '\0'; pData->nDataLength = nLen; pData->nAllocLength = nLen; m_pchData = pData->data(); } }
void CString::Release() { if (GetData() != afxDataNil) { ASSERT(GetData()->nRefs != 0); if (InterlockedDecrement(&GetData()->nRefs) <= 0) delete[] (BYTE*)GetData(); Init(); } }
void PASCAL CString::Release(CStringData* pData) { if (pData != afxDataNil) { ASSERT(pData->nRefs != 0); if (InterlockedDecrement(&pData->nRefs) <= 0) delete[] (BYTE*)pData; } }
void CString::Empty() { if (GetData()->nDataLength == 0) return; if (GetData()->nRefs >= 0) Release(); else *this = &afxChNil; ASSERT(GetData()->nDataLength == 0); ASSERT(GetData()->nRefs < 0 || GetData()->nAllocLength == 0); }
void CString::CopyBeforeWrite() { if (GetData()->nRefs > 1) { CStringData* pData = GetData(); Release(); AllocBuffer(pData->nDataLength); memcpy(m_pchData, pData->data(), (pData->nDataLength+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); } ASSERT(GetData()->nRefs <= 1); }
void CString::AllocBeforeWrite(int nLen) { if (GetData()->nRefs > 1 || nLen > GetData()->nAllocLength) { Release(); AllocBuffer(nLen); } ASSERT(GetData()->nRefs <= 1); }
CString::~CString() // free any attached data
{ if (GetData() != afxDataNil) { if (InterlockedDecrement(&GetData()->nRefs) <= 0) delete[] (BYTE*)GetData(); } }
// Helpers for the rest of the implementation
void CString::AllocCopy(CString& dest, int nCopyLen, int nCopyIndex, int nExtraLen) const { // will clone the data attached to this string
// allocating 'nExtraLen' characters
// Places results in uninitialized string 'dest'
// Will copy the part or all of original data to start of new string
int nNewLen = nCopyLen + nExtraLen; if (nNewLen == 0) { dest.Init(); } else { dest.AllocBuffer(nNewLen); memcpy(dest.m_pchData, m_pchData+nCopyIndex, nCopyLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); } }
// More sophisticated construction
CString::CString(LPCTSTR lpsz) { Init(); if (lpsz != NULL && (DWORD_PTR)lpsz <= 0xFFFF) { UINT nID = PtrToUlong(lpsz) & 0xFFFF; //if (!LoadString(nID))
// TRACE1("Warning: implicit LoadString(%u) failed\n", nID);
} else { int nLen = SafeStrlen(lpsz); if (nLen != 0) { AllocBuffer(nLen); memcpy(m_pchData, lpsz, nLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); } } }
// Special conversion constructors
#ifdef _UNICODE
CString::CString(LPCSTR lpsz) { Init(); int nSrcLen = lpsz != NULL ? lstrlenA(lpsz) : 0; if (nSrcLen != 0) { AllocBuffer(nSrcLen); _mbstowcsz(m_pchData, lpsz, nSrcLen+1); ReleaseBuffer(); } } #else //_UNICODE
CString::CString(LPCWSTR lpsz) { Init(); int nSrcLen = lpsz != NULL ? wcslen(lpsz) : 0; if (nSrcLen != 0) { AllocBuffer(nSrcLen*2); _wcstombsz(m_pchData, lpsz, (nSrcLen*2)+1); ReleaseBuffer(); } } #endif //!_UNICODE
// Diagnostic support
#ifdef _DEBUG
CDumpContext& AFXAPI operator<<(CDumpContext& dc, const CString& string) { dc << string.m_pchData; return dc; } #endif //_DEBUG
// Assignment operators
// All assign a new value to the string
// (a) first see if the buffer is big enough
// (b) if enough room, copy on top of old buffer, set size and type
// (c) otherwise free old string data, and create a new one
// All routines return the new string (but as a 'const CString&' so that
// assigning it again will cause a copy, eg: s1 = s2 = "hi there".
void CString::AssignCopy(int nSrcLen, LPCTSTR lpszSrcData) { AllocBeforeWrite(nSrcLen); memcpy(m_pchData, lpszSrcData, nSrcLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); GetData()->nDataLength = nSrcLen; m_pchData[nSrcLen] = '\0'; }
const CString& CString::operator=(const CString& stringSrc) { if (m_pchData != stringSrc.m_pchData) { if ((GetData()->nRefs < 0 && GetData() != afxDataNil) || stringSrc.GetData()->nRefs < 0) { // actual copy necessary since one of the strings is locked
AssignCopy(stringSrc.GetData()->nDataLength, stringSrc.m_pchData); } else { // can just copy references around
Release(); ASSERT(stringSrc.GetData() != afxDataNil); m_pchData = stringSrc.m_pchData; InterlockedIncrement(&GetData()->nRefs); } } return *this; }
const CString& CString::operator=(LPCTSTR lpsz) { ASSERT(lpsz == NULL || AfxIsValidString(lpsz, FALSE)); AssignCopy(SafeStrlen(lpsz), lpsz); return *this; }
// Special conversion assignment
#ifdef _UNICODE
const CString& CString::operator=(LPCSTR lpsz) { int nSrcLen = lpsz != NULL ? lstrlenA(lpsz) : 0; AllocBeforeWrite(nSrcLen); _mbstowcsz(m_pchData, lpsz, nSrcLen+1); ReleaseBuffer(); return *this; } #else //!_UNICODE
const CString& CString::operator=(LPCWSTR lpsz) { int nSrcLen = lpsz != NULL ? wcslen(lpsz) : 0; AllocBeforeWrite(nSrcLen*2); _wcstombsz(m_pchData, lpsz, (nSrcLen*2)+1); ReleaseBuffer(); return *this; } #endif //!_UNICODE
// concatenation
// NOTE: "operator+" is done as friend functions for simplicity
// There are three variants:
// CString + CString
// and for ? = TCHAR, LPCTSTR
// CString + ?
// ? + CString
void CString::ConcatCopy(int nSrc1Len, LPCTSTR lpszSrc1Data, int nSrc2Len, LPCTSTR lpszSrc2Data) { // -- master concatenation routine
// Concatenate two sources
// -- assume that 'this' is a new CString object
int nNewLen = nSrc1Len + nSrc2Len; if (nNewLen != 0) { AllocBuffer(nNewLen); memcpy(m_pchData, lpszSrc1Data, nSrc1Len*sizeof(TCHAR)); memcpy(m_pchData+nSrc1Len, lpszSrc2Data, nSrc2Len*sizeof(TCHAR)); } }
CString AFXAPI operator+(const CString& string1, const CString& string2) { CString s; s.ConcatCopy(string1.GetData()->nDataLength, string1.m_pchData, string2.GetData()->nDataLength, string2.m_pchData); return s; }
CString AFXAPI operator+(const CString& string, LPCTSTR lpsz) { ASSERT(lpsz == NULL || AfxIsValidString(lpsz, FALSE)); CString s; s.ConcatCopy(string.GetData()->nDataLength, string.m_pchData, CString::SafeStrlen(lpsz), lpsz); return s; }
CString AFXAPI operator+(LPCTSTR lpsz, const CString& string) { ASSERT(lpsz == NULL || AfxIsValidString(lpsz, FALSE)); CString s; s.ConcatCopy(CString::SafeStrlen(lpsz), lpsz, string.GetData()->nDataLength, string.m_pchData); return s; }
// concatenate in place
void CString::ConcatInPlace(int nSrcLen, LPCTSTR lpszSrcData) { // -- the main routine for += operators
// concatenating an empty string is a no-op!
if (nSrcLen == 0) return;
// if the buffer is too small, or we have a width mis-match, just
// allocate a new buffer (slow but sure)
if (GetData()->nRefs > 1 || GetData()->nDataLength + nSrcLen > GetData()->nAllocLength) { // we have to grow the buffer, use the ConcatCopy routine
CStringData* pOldData = GetData(); ConcatCopy(GetData()->nDataLength, m_pchData, nSrcLen, lpszSrcData); ASSERT(pOldData != NULL); CString::Release(pOldData); } else { // fast concatenation when buffer big enough
memcpy(m_pchData+GetData()->nDataLength, lpszSrcData, nSrcLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); GetData()->nDataLength += nSrcLen; ASSERT(GetData()->nDataLength <= GetData()->nAllocLength); m_pchData[GetData()->nDataLength] = '\0'; } }
const CString& CString::operator+=(LPCTSTR lpsz) { ASSERT(lpsz == NULL || AfxIsValidString(lpsz, FALSE)); ConcatInPlace(SafeStrlen(lpsz), lpsz); return *this; }
const CString& CString::operator+=(TCHAR ch) { ConcatInPlace(1, &ch); return *this; }
const CString& CString::operator+=(const CString& string) { ConcatInPlace(string.GetData()->nDataLength, string.m_pchData); return *this; }
// Advanced direct buffer access
LPTSTR CString::GetBuffer(int nMinBufLength) { ASSERT(nMinBufLength >= 0);
if (GetData()->nRefs > 1 || nMinBufLength > GetData()->nAllocLength) { // we have to grow the buffer
CStringData* pOldData = GetData(); int nOldLen = GetData()->nDataLength; // AllocBuffer will tromp it
if (nMinBufLength < nOldLen) nMinBufLength = nOldLen; AllocBuffer(nMinBufLength); memcpy(m_pchData, pOldData->data(), (nOldLen+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); GetData()->nDataLength = nOldLen; CString::Release(pOldData); } ASSERT(GetData()->nRefs <= 1);
// return a pointer to the character storage for this string
ASSERT(m_pchData != NULL); return m_pchData; }
void CString::ReleaseBuffer(int nNewLength) { CopyBeforeWrite(); // just in case GetBuffer was not called
if (nNewLength == -1) nNewLength = lstrlen(m_pchData); // zero terminated
ASSERT(nNewLength <= GetData()->nAllocLength); GetData()->nDataLength = nNewLength; m_pchData[nNewLength] = '\0'; }
LPTSTR CString::GetBufferSetLength(int nNewLength) { ASSERT(nNewLength >= 0);
GetBuffer(nNewLength); GetData()->nDataLength = nNewLength; m_pchData[nNewLength] = '\0'; return m_pchData; }
void CString::FreeExtra() { ASSERT(GetData()->nDataLength <= GetData()->nAllocLength); if (GetData()->nDataLength != GetData()->nAllocLength) { CStringData* pOldData = GetData(); AllocBuffer(GetData()->nDataLength); memcpy(m_pchData, pOldData->data(), pOldData->nDataLength*sizeof(TCHAR)); ASSERT(m_pchData[GetData()->nDataLength] == '\0'); CString::Release(pOldData); } ASSERT(GetData() != NULL); }
LPTSTR CString::LockBuffer() { LPTSTR lpsz = GetBuffer(0); GetData()->nRefs = -1; return lpsz; }
void CString::UnlockBuffer() { ASSERT(GetData()->nRefs == -1); if (GetData() != afxDataNil) GetData()->nRefs = 1; }
// Commonly used routines (rarely used routines in STREX.CPP)
#ifdef unused
int CString::Find(TCHAR ch) const { // find first single character
LPTSTR lpsz = _tcschr(m_pchData, (_TUCHAR)ch);
// return -1 if not found and index otherwise
return (lpsz == NULL) ? -1 : (int)(lpsz - m_pchData); }
int CString::FindOneOf(LPCTSTR lpszCharSet) const { ASSERT(AfxIsValidString(lpszCharSet, FALSE)); LPTSTR lpsz = _tcspbrk(m_pchData, lpszCharSet); return (lpsz == NULL) ? -1 : (int)(lpsz - m_pchData); } void CString::MakeReverse() { CopyBeforeWrite(); _tcsrev(m_pchData); } #endif //unused
void CString::MakeUpper() { CopyBeforeWrite(); ::CharUpper(m_pchData); }
void CString::MakeLower() { CopyBeforeWrite(); ::CharLower(m_pchData); }
void CString::SetAt(int nIndex, TCHAR ch) { ASSERT(nIndex >= 0); ASSERT(nIndex < GetData()->nDataLength);
CopyBeforeWrite(); m_pchData[nIndex] = ch; }
#ifndef _UNICODE
void CString::AnsiToOem() { CopyBeforeWrite(); ::AnsiToOem(m_pchData, m_pchData); } void CString::OemToAnsi() { CopyBeforeWrite(); #pragma prefast(suppress:56, "We don't hit this piece of code in the current codebase")
::OemToAnsi(m_pchData, m_pchData); } #endif
// CString conversion helpers (these use the current system locale)
int AFX_CDECL _wcstombsz(char* mbstr, const wchar_t* wcstr, size_t count) { if (count == 0 && mbstr != NULL) return 0;
int result = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wcstr, -1, mbstr, count, NULL, NULL); ASSERT(mbstr == NULL || result <= (int)count); if (result > 0) mbstr[result-1] = 0; return result; }
int AFX_CDECL _mbstowcsz(wchar_t* wcstr, const char* mbstr, size_t count) { if (count == 0 && wcstr != NULL) return 0;
int result = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, mbstr, -1, wcstr, count); ASSERT(wcstr == NULL || result <= (int)count); if (result > 0) wcstr[result-1] = 0; return result; }
LPWSTR AFXAPI AfxA2WHelper(LPWSTR lpw, LPCSTR lpa, int nChars) { if (lpa == NULL) return NULL; ASSERT(lpw != NULL); // verify that no illegal character present
// since lpw was allocated based on the size of lpa
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpw[0] = '\0'; VERIFY(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpa, -1, lpw, nChars)); return lpw; }
LPSTR AFXAPI AfxW2AHelper(LPSTR lpa, LPCWSTR lpw, int nChars) { if (lpw == NULL) return NULL; ASSERT(lpa != NULL); // verify that no illegal character present
// since lpa was allocated based on the size of lpw
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpa[0] = '\0'; VERIFY(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpw, -1, lpa, nChars, NULL, NULL)); return lpa; }