// File: StressInstance.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Purpose:
// StressInstance.cpp: interface for the StressInstance class.
// This class is used spawn and monitor instances of the stressEXE app
// History:
// 02/15/01 DennisCh Created
// Includes
// Win32 headers
// Project headers
#include "StressInstance.h"
#include "ServerCommands.h"
#include "NetworkTools.h"
#include "MemStats.h"
#include "debugger.h"
// Globals and statics
extern ServerCommands g_objServerCommands; // Declared in WinHttpStressScheduler.cpp
extern HWND g_hWnd; // Declared in WinHttpStressScheduler.cpp
StressInstance *g_hThis; // the current StressInstance object. Used only in (friend) StressExe_TimerProc.
UINT_PTR g_uiStressExeTimerID; // ID for the timer that monitors the stressExe when it's spawned
// Forward function definitions
VOID CALLBACK StressExe_TimerProc( HWND hwnd, // [IN] handle to window
UINT uMsg, // [IN] WM_TIMER message
UINT_PTR idEvent, // [IN] timer identifier
DWORD dwTime // [IN] current system time
DWORD DebuggerCallbackProc( DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpIn, LPTSTR lpszFutureString, LPVOID lpFuturePointer );
// Construction/Destruction
StressInstance::StressInstance() { m_szStressExe_URL = new TCHAR[MAX_STRESS_URL]; m_szStressExe_PDB_URL = new TCHAR[MAX_STRESS_URL]; m_szStressExe_SYM_URL = new TCHAR[MAX_STRESS_URL]; m_szStressExe_FilePath = new TCHAR[MAX_STRESS_URL]; m_szStressExe_FileName = new TCHAR[MAX_STRESS_URL]; m_szStressExe_FilePathAndName = new TCHAR[MAX_STRESS_URL]; m_szStressExe_PageHeapCommandLine = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; m_szStressExe_UMDHCommandLine = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; m_szStressExe_MemDumpPath = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH];
ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_URL, MAX_STRESS_URL); ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_PDB_URL, MAX_STRESS_URL); ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_SYM_URL, MAX_STRESS_URL); ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_FilePath, MAX_STRESS_URL); ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_FileName, MAX_STRESS_URL); ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_FilePathAndName, MAX_STRESS_URL); ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_PageHeapCommandLine, MAX_PATH); ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_UMDHCommandLine, MAX_PATH); ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_MemDumpPath, MAX_PATH); ZeroMemory(&m_piStressExeProcess, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent = NULL; g_uiStressExeTimerID = 0;
m_objDebugger = NULL;
g_hThis = this; }
StressInstance::~StressInstance() { // End any running tests
delete [] m_szStressExe_URL; delete [] m_szStressExe_PDB_URL; delete [] m_szStressExe_SYM_URL; delete [] m_szStressExe_FilePath; delete [] m_szStressExe_FileName; delete [] m_szStressExe_FilePathAndName; delete [] m_szStressExe_PageHeapCommandLine; delete [] m_szStressExe_UMDHCommandLine; delete [] m_szStressExe_MemDumpPath;
m_szStressExe_URL = NULL; m_szStressExe_PDB_URL = NULL; m_szStressExe_SYM_URL = NULL; m_szStressExe_FilePath = NULL; m_szStressExe_FileName = NULL; m_szStressExe_FilePathAndName = NULL; m_szStressExe_PageHeapCommandLine = NULL; m_szStressExe_UMDHCommandLine = NULL; m_szStressExe_MemDumpPath = NULL;
// close stressExe process handles
if (m_piStressExeProcess.hThread) CloseHandle(m_piStressExeProcess.hThread);
if (m_piStressExeProcess.hProcess) CloseHandle(m_piStressExeProcess.hProcess);
if (m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent) CloseHandle(m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent);
m_piStressExeProcess.hThread = NULL; m_piStressExeProcess.hProcess = NULL; m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent = NULL;
// free debugger object
if (m_objDebugger) { delete m_objDebugger; m_objDebugger = NULL; }
g_hThis = NULL; }
// Function: StressInstance::Begin()
// Purpose:
// This method begins stress by downloading the stress EXE from
// m_szStressExe_URL and starts it in CDB.
BOOL StressInstance::Begin() { BOOL bResult = TRUE; LPTSTR szCommandLine = new TCHAR[MAX_STRESS_URL*4]; LPTSTR szFileNameAndPath = new TCHAR[MAX_STRESS_URL*2]; DWORD dwCommandLineSize = MAX_STRESS_URL*4; DWORD dwFileNameAndPathSize = MAX_STRESS_URL*2; LPSTARTUPINFO pStartUpInfo = new STARTUPINFO;
// don't start if stress is already running or we don't have a FileName or Path.
if (IsRunning(5000) || 0 >= _tcslen(m_szStressExe_FilePath) || 0 >= _tcslen(m_szStressExe_FileName)) goto Exit;
// ********************************
// ********************************
// ** Download the stressExe and symbols.
// **
if (!DownloadStressExe()) { bResult = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// ********************************
// ********************************
// ** Enable pageheap if needed
// **
if (0 < _tcsclen(m_szStressExe_PageHeapCommandLine)) { if (!NetworkTools__PageHeap(TRUE, m_szStressExe_FileName, m_szStressExe_PageHeapCommandLine)) { NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_ERROR, "Pageheap failed when trying to enable.", NULL, Get_ID()); bResult = FALSE; // goto Exit; don't need to exit when pageheap fails
} else NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_SUCCESS, "Pageheap successfully enabled.", NULL, Get_ID()); }
// ********************************
// ********************************
// ** Create the stressExe process
// **
// build Remote/CDB/stressExe path
ZeroMemory(szCommandLine, dwCommandLineSize); _stprintf(szCommandLine, STRESSINSTANCE_DEBUG_COMMANDLINE, m_szStressExe_FilePathAndName);
// startupInfo
ZeroMemory(pStartUpInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); pStartUpInfo->cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); pStartUpInfo->dwFillAttribute = FOREGROUND_RED| BACKGROUND_RED| BACKGROUND_GREEN| BACKGROUND_BLUE; // red text on white background
pStartUpInfo->dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; pStartUpInfo->wShowWindow = SW_MINIMIZE;
// Create the stressExe process
if (!bResult) { // stressExe failed to start
goto Exit; }
// ********************************
// ********************************
// ** Attach debugger to the process only if there isn't one
// **
// remove debugger if there is one
if (m_objDebugger) { delete m_objDebugger; m_objDebugger = NULL; }
// attach new debugger
Sleep(2000); m_objDebugger = new Debugger(m_piStressExeProcess.dwProcessId, DebuggerCallbackProc); m_objDebugger->Go();
// ********************************
// ********************************
// ** Initialize dynamically named event objects.
// ** Set object access to ALL.
// **
// Create event object that'll be inherited by the stressExe process.
// StressScheduler will signal when it's time to close stressExe.
// Set a NULL security descriptor. This gives full access to handles when inherited
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD, TRUE, (PACL) NULL, FALSE);
securityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE; securityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD; securityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(securityAttributes);
// The named event object names have the PID of the process appended to the end of the constants
// These strings are also created in the stressExe dynamically.
LPTSTR szExitProcessName; LPTSTR szPID;
szExitProcessName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; szPID = new TCHAR[16];
// Get the processID string
_itot(m_piStressExeProcess.dwProcessId, szPID, 10);
// build ExitProcess event object name
_tcscpy(szExitProcessName, STRESSINSTANCE_STRESS_EXE_EVENT_EXITPROCESS); _tcscat(szExitProcessName, szPID);
if (m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent) CloseHandle(m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent);
// this event is sent by us to stressExe when we want it to exit
// Signaled = tell stressExe to exit; Not-Signaled = stressExe can continue running
m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent = CreateEvent( &securityAttributes, FALSE, // manual reset
FALSE, szExitProcessName);
delete [] szExitProcessName; delete [] szPID; delete [] pSD;
// ********************************
// ********************************
// ** Begin the stressExe memory monitoring timerproc
// **
if (g_uiStressExeTimerID) { // there shouldn't be a timer already going. If so, nuke it.
KillTimer(NULL, g_uiStressExeTimerID); g_uiStressExeTimerID = 0; }
// create a new timer object
g_uiStressExeTimerID = SetTimer( NULL, 0, STRESSINSTANCE_MONITOR_EXE_TIME, (TIMERPROC) StressExe_TimerProc);
// Notify the Command Server that stress has started
NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_BEGIN, "This stressInstance has begun.", NULL, Get_ID());
Exit: delete [] szCommandLine; delete [] szFileNameAndPath; delete [] pStartUpInfo;
return bResult; }
// Function: StressInstance::End()
// Purpose:
// This method ends stress by sending a message
VOID StressInstance::End() { // ******************************
// ******************************
// ** End the stressExe monitoring timerproc
if (g_uiStressExeTimerID) KillTimer(NULL, g_uiStressExeTimerID);
// ******************************
// ******************************
// ** Tell stressExe to shut down.
// give time for the stressExe to exit
// close stressExe process handles
if (m_piStressExeProcess.hThread) CloseHandle(m_piStressExeProcess.hThread);
if (m_piStressExeProcess.hProcess) CloseHandle(m_piStressExeProcess.hProcess);
if (m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent) CloseHandle(m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent);
m_piStressExeProcess.hThread = NULL; m_piStressExeProcess.hProcess = NULL; m_hStressExe_ProcessExitEvent = NULL;
// stop stressExe if it's still running
if (IsRunning(STRESSINSTANCE_STRESS_EXE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT)) { // stressExe failed to signal that it exited.
// Bad stressExe, terminate the process.
BOOL temp = TerminateProcess(m_piStressExeProcess.hProcess, 0); }
// ********************************
// ********************************
// ** Detach the debugger object
// **
// detaching the debugger will (read: should) stop the stressExe
if (m_objDebugger) { // ********************************
// ********************************
// ** Disable pageheap if needed
// **
NetworkTools__PageHeap(FALSE, m_szStressExe_FileName, NULL);
// let the Command Server know that stressExe has ended
// we send the message here because ServerCommands.cpp calls this too - even when
// there isn't a running test case.
// When the debugger object is valid, then we send the message - because it ensures that Begin() was called.
NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_END, "This stressInstance has ended.", NULL, Get_ID());
delete m_objDebugger; m_objDebugger = NULL; }
ZeroMemory(&m_piStressExeProcess, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); }
// Function: StressInstance::Get_StressExeID()
// Purpose:
// Returns the stress instance's ID receivedfrom the server
DWORD StressInstance::Get_ID() { return m_dwStressExe_ID; }
// Function: StressInstance::Get_StressExeMemoryDumpPath()
// Purpose:
// Sets the URL of the memory dump path
LPTSTR StressInstance::Get_StressExeMemoryDumpPath() { return m_szStressExe_MemDumpPath; }
// Function: StressInstance::Set_StressExeMemoryDumpPath()
// Purpose:
// Sets the URL of the memory dump path
VOID StressInstance::Set_StressExeMemoryDumpPath( LPTSTR szPath ) { _tcsncpy(m_szStressExe_MemDumpPath, szPath, MAX_PATH); }
// Function: StressInstance::Set_StressExeURL(LPTSTR)
// Purpose:
// Sets the URL to download the stress EXE for this object.
VOID StressInstance::Set_StressExeURL( LPTSTR szBuffer // [IN] Buffer containing the URL to download the stressExe app
) { if (!szBuffer || (0 >= _tcslen(szBuffer))) return;
_tcscpy(m_szStressExe_URL, szBuffer);
// Set the stressExe's filename
NetworkTools__GetFileNameFromURL(m_szStressExe_URL, m_szStressExe_FileName, MAX_STRESS_URL);
// Set the stressExe's default path to download to with trailing slash
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_STRESS_URL, m_szStressExe_FilePath); _tcscat(m_szStressExe_FilePath, _T("\\") STRESSINSTANCE_STRESS_EXE_DOWNLOAD_DIR _T("\\"));
// Set the full stressExe path + exe
_tcscpy(m_szStressExe_FilePathAndName, m_szStressExe_FilePath); _tcscat(m_szStressExe_FilePathAndName, m_szStressExe_FileName); }
// Function: StressInstance::Set_StressExePdbURL(LPTSTR)
// Purpose:
// Sets the URL to download the stress EXE's PDB file.
VOID StressInstance::Set_StressExePdbURL( LPTSTR szBuffer // [IN] Buffer containing the URL
) { if (!szBuffer || (0 >= _tcslen(szBuffer))) return;
_tcscpy(m_szStressExe_PDB_URL, szBuffer); }
// Function: StressInstance::Set_StressExeSymURL(LPTSTR)
// Purpose:
// Sets the URL to download the stress EXE's SYM file.
VOID StressInstance::Set_StressExeSymURL( LPTSTR szBuffer // [IN] Buffer containing the URL
) { if (!szBuffer || (0 >= _tcslen(szBuffer))) return;
_tcscpy(m_szStressExe_SYM_URL, szBuffer); }
// Function: StressInstance::Set_StressExeID(DWORD)
// Purpose:
// Sets the URL to download the stress EXE for this object.
VOID StressInstance::Set_StressExeID( DWORD dwID // [IN] ID from the stressAdmin DB uniquely identifying this stress EXE.
) { m_dwStressExe_ID = dwID; }
// Function: StressInstance::Set_PageHeapCommands(LPCTSTR)
// Purpose:
// Sets the pageheap command line.
VOID StressInstance::Set_PageHeapCommands( LPCTSTR szCommandLine // [IN] Extra command line params for pageheap.
) { ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_PageHeapCommandLine, MAX_PATH); _tcsncpy(m_szStressExe_PageHeapCommandLine, szCommandLine, MAX_PATH-1); }
// Function: StressInstance::Set_UMDHCommands(LPCTSTR)
// Purpose:
// Sets the UMDH command line.
VOID StressInstance::Set_UMDHCommands( LPCTSTR szCommandLine // [IN] Extra command line params for UMDH.
) { ZeroMemory(m_szStressExe_UMDHCommandLine, MAX_PATH); _tcsncpy(m_szStressExe_UMDHCommandLine, szCommandLine, MAX_PATH-1); }
// Function: StressInstance::DownloadStressExe()
// Purpose:
// Downloads the stressExe app to the local machine.
// We create a directory of the stress exe name. For example,
// "http://hairball/files/stress1.exe" will be put in "stress1\stress1.exe"
// on the local machine. If the file is already there, it'll try to overwrite it.
BOOL StressInstance::DownloadStressExe() { BOOL bResult = TRUE; LPTSTR szFileName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH];
// Download the stressExe file
if (NetworkTools__URLDownloadToFile(m_szStressExe_URL, STRESSINSTANCE_STRESS_EXE_DOWNLOAD_DIR, m_szStressExe_FileName)) NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_SUCCESS, "stress EXE file downloaded successfully.", NULL, Get_ID()); else { NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_ERROR, "stress EXE file not downloaded.", NULL, Get_ID()); bResult = FALSE; }
// Download PDB symbol file if there is one
if (NetworkTools__GetFileNameFromURL(m_szStressExe_PDB_URL, szFileName, MAX_PATH)) { NetworkTools__URLDownloadToFile(m_szStressExe_PDB_URL, STRESSINSTANCE_STRESS_EXE_DOWNLOAD_DIR, szFileName); NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_SUCCESS, "stress PDB file downloaded successfully.", NULL, Get_ID()); } else NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_ERROR, "stress PDB file not downloaded.", NULL, Get_ID());
// Download SYM symbol file if there is one
if (NetworkTools__GetFileNameFromURL(m_szStressExe_SYM_URL, szFileName, MAX_PATH)) { NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_SUCCESS, "stress SYM file downloaded successfully.", NULL, Get_ID()); NetworkTools__URLDownloadToFile(m_szStressExe_SYM_URL, STRESSINSTANCE_STRESS_EXE_DOWNLOAD_DIR, szFileName); } else NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_ERROR, "streses SYM file not downloaded.", NULL, Get_ID());
delete [] szFileName; return bResult; }
// Function: StressInstance::IsRunning()
// Purpose:
// Returns TRUE if this stressinstance is running. FALSE if not.
BOOL StressInstance::IsRunning(DWORD dwTimeOut) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; HANDLE hStressExe = NULL;
hStressExe = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, m_piStressExeProcess.dwProcessId);
if (!hStressExe) bResult = FALSE; else { bResult = TRUE; CloseHandle(hStressExe); }
return bResult; }
// Function: StressExe_TimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD)
// Purpose:
// When this is called, we will check on the status of the
// stressExe process send the command server it's memory info
VOID CALLBACK StressExe_TimerProc( HWND hwnd, // [IN] handle to window - should be NULL since we didn't specify one
UINT uMsg, // [IN] WM_TIMER message
UINT_PTR idEvent, // [IN] timer identifier
DWORD dwTime // [IN] current system time
) { // build directory to copy dump file
if (!g_hThis) goto Exit;
// ***********************************
// ***********************************
// ** Check that the stressExe is still running. If it isn't end this instance.
// **
if (!g_hThis->IsRunning(STRESSINSTANCE_STRESS_EXE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT)) { NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_INFORMATION, "This stress instance has exited prematurely.", NULL, g_hThis->Get_ID()); g_hThis->End(); goto Exit; }
ZeroMemory(szExeName, MAX_STRESS_URL);
// ******************************
// ** Remove the file extension of the stressExe name and send the system and process
// ** memory log to the command server
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, NULL, g_hThis->m_szStressExe_FileName, -1, szExeName, MAX_STRESS_URL, NULL, NULL);
MemStats__SendSystemMemoryLog(szExeName, g_hThis->m_piStressExeProcess.dwProcessId, g_hThis->Get_ID());
Exit: delete [] szExeName;
return; }
// Function: DebuggerCallbackProc(DWORD, LPVOID, LPTSTR, LPVOID)
// Purpose:
// Creates a memory dump on second change exceptions
DWORD DebuggerCallbackProc( DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpIn, LPTSTR lpszFutureString, LPVOID lpFuturePointer ) { //test callback for debugger lib
DWORD dwContinue = 0;
// ***********************************
// ***********************************
// ** Check that the stressExe is still running.
// **
switch (dwFlags) { case DEBUGGER_FIRST_CHANCE_EXCEPTION: NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_INFORMATION, "FIRST_CHANCE_EXCEPTION detected.", NULL, g_hThis->Get_ID()); //must use this to pass on first chance exceptions to the system
// build directory to copy dump file
LPTSTR szPath; LPTSTR szNum; LPTSTR szMachineName; szPath = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH * 2]; szNum = new TCHAR[100]; szMachineName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH];
// ******************************
// create the directory STRESSINSTANCE_MEMORY_DUMP_PATH\<MachineName>
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, g_objServerCommands.Get_ClientMachineName(), -1, szMachineName, MAX_PATH);
// if the server sent a vaild path then use it, else use the default memory dump path
if (0 < _tcslen(g_hThis->Get_StressExeMemoryDumpPath())) _tcscpy(szPath, g_hThis->Get_StressExeMemoryDumpPath()); else _tcscpy(szPath, STRESSINSTANCE_DEFAULT_MEMORY_DUMP_PATH);
// add the machine name to the end of the directory
_tcscat(szPath, szMachineName);
CreateDirectory(szPath, NULL);
// ******************************
// create the filename in form "<stressExeFileName>-<stressInstanceID>-<PID>.dmp"
_tcscat(szPath, _T("\\"));
_tcscat(szPath, g_hThis->m_szStressExe_FileName); _tcscat(szPath, _T("-"));
_itot(g_hThis->Get_ID(), szNum, 10); _tcscat(szPath, szNum); _tcscat(szPath, _T("-"));
_itot(g_hThis->m_piStressExeProcess.dwProcessId, szNum, 10); _tcscat(szPath, szNum); _tcscat(szPath, _T(".dmp"));
//this creates a full user dump
g_hThis->m_objDebugger->CreateMiniDump(szPath, _T("This is a full user dump created by debugger.lib"), DEBUGGER_CREATE_FULL_MINI_DUMP);
delete [] szPath; delete [] szNum; delete [] szMachineName;
// let the Command Server know a dump file was created
NetworkTools__SendLog(FIELDNAME__LOGTYPE_DUMPFILE_CREATED, "User dump file was created.", NULL, g_hThis->Get_ID());
// stop the debugger
default: // let the Command Server know a dump file was created
break; }
Exit: return dwContinue; }