// File: stressMain.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Purpose:
// This is an empty template for WinHttp stressScheduler stress apps.
// The stress test lives in WinHttp_StressTest() and will be called
// repeatedly in the main function.
// This process will inherit a named event handle from
// stressScheduler in the form: "ExitProcessEvent" + <PID of this process>.
// When the stressScheduler sets the object state to signaled, then
// the stress test application must exit immediately.
// If this app is running without the stressScheduler, use the
// "/s" switch to run the standalone mode. The app will exit when the user
// sends a break message (CTRL-C).
// This stress test will continue to run if:
// When not using any switches:
// - The "ExitProcessEvent" object inherited from stressScheduler is in the un-signaled state
// - WinHttp_StressTest() returns true
// When using the "/s" standalone switch:
// - WinHttp_StressTest() returns true
// History:
// 03/30/01 DennisCh Created
// Includes
// Project headers
#include "stressMain.h"
// Globals and statics
// ****************************
// ** The name of the stress test and your stress test function
// ** should be declared in a seperate file.
extern LPSTR g_szStressTestName; extern BOOL WinHttp_StressTest();
// ****************************
// ** hande to the name exit event object inherited from the stressScheduler
HANDLE g_hExitEvent = NULL;
// ****************************
// ** FALSE = run with stressScheduler, TRUE = run without stressScheduler
BOOL g_bStandAloneMode = FALSE;
// Function: LogText(DWORD, LPCSTR)
// Purpose:
// Prints text.
VOID LogText( LPCSTR szLogText, ... ) { CHAR szBuffer[1024] = {0}; va_list vaList;
if (!szLogText) return;
va_start( vaList, szLogText ); _vsnprintf( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), szLogText, vaList );
printf("%s\n", szBuffer);
va_end(vaList); }
// Function: GetExitEventHandle()
// Purpose:
// This opens a named event object inherited from the stressScheduler.
// The object is in the form: "ExitProcessEvent" + <PID of current process>
// By default this is in the unsignaled state. When the stressScheduler
// sets it to signaled, then it's time for the stress App to exit.
HANDLE GetExitEventHandle() { CHAR szPID[32]; CHAR szExitProcessName[sizeof(EXIT_PROCESS_EVENT_NAME) + sizeof(szPID)]; HANDLE hExitEvent = NULL;
// if user used the "/S" switch, we run without the stressScheduler and exit when user
// tells us to instead. No need to get inherited event object from stressScheduler
if (g_bStandAloneMode) return NULL;
// wait for the stressScheduler to create the event object before trying to obtain it.
// Get the processID string
_itoa(_getpid(), szPID, 10);
// build ExitProcess event object name
ZeroMemory(szExitProcessName, sizeof(szExitProcessName)); strcpy(szExitProcessName, EXIT_PROCESS_EVENT_NAME); strcat(szExitProcessName, szPID);
LogText("\n[ Opening inherited named event object \"%s\". ]", szExitProcessName);
hExitEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, szExitProcessName);
if (!hExitEvent) LogText("[ ERROR: OpenEvent() failed to open object \"%s\". GetLastError() = %u ]\n", szExitProcessName, GetLastError()); else LogText("[ OpenEvent() opened object \"%s\". ] \n", szExitProcessName);
return hExitEvent; }
// Function: IsTimeToExitStress()
// Purpose:
// Returns TRUE if the exit event object is signaled or NULL. FALSE if not.
// The object is in the form: "ExitProcessEvent" + <PID of current process>
// By default this is in the unsignaled state. When the stressScheduler
// sets it to signaled, then it's time for the stress App to exit.
BOOL IsTimeToExitStress() { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// if user used the "/S" switch, we run without the stressScheduler and exit when user
// tells us to instead.
if (g_bStandAloneMode) return FALSE;
if (!g_hExitEvent) { bResult = TRUE; goto Exit; }
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(g_hExitEvent, 0)) bResult = TRUE;
Exit: return bResult; }
// Function: main(INT, LPSTR)
// Purpose:
// Program entry point.
INT main( INT argc, LPSTR argv[] ) { DWORD dwIndex = 0;
// **************************
// **************************
// ** Parse command line arguments
// **
if (argc >= 2) { // print out options
if (0 == stricmp(argv[1], "/?") || 0 == stricmp(argv[1], "-?")) { LogText("USAGE: '/S' to run in standalone mode with the stressScheduler.\n\n"); goto Exit; }
// run in standalone mode without stressScheduler
if (0 == stricmp(argv[1], "/S") || 0 == stricmp(argv[1], "-S")) { LogText("[ Running in standalone mode. \"/S\" switch used. ]\n\n"); g_bStandAloneMode = TRUE; } }
// **************************
// **************************
// ** open the exit event object inherited from WinHttpStressScheduler
// **
g_hExitEvent = GetExitEventHandle(); if (!g_bStandAloneMode && !g_hExitEvent) goto Exit;
// **************************
// **************************
// ** run the stress test until stressScheduler tells us to exit or the stress app does
// **
while (!IsTimeToExitStress() && WinHttp_StressTest()) LogText("[ Running stressExe \"%s\" iteration #%u ]\n", g_szStressTestName, ++dwIndex);
Exit: if (g_hExitEvent) CloseHandle(g_hExitEvent);
LogText("[ Exiting test case \"%s\" ]", g_szStressTestName);
return 0; }