Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains the implementation of autodial
Darren Mitchell (darrenmi) 22-Apr-1997
Win32(s) user-mode DLL
Revision History:
14-Jan-2002 ssulzer Ported small subset to WinHttp
22-Apr-1997 darrenmi Created
#include "wininetp.h"
#include "autodial.h"
#include "rashelp.h"
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
// Globals.
DWORD g_dwLastTickCount = 0;
// serialize access to RAS
// don't check RNA state more than once every 10 seconds
// Current ras connections - used so we don't poll ras every time we're
// interested - only poll every 10 seconds (const. above)
RasEnumConnHelp * g_RasCon;
DWORD g_dwConnections = 0; BOOL g_fRasInstalled = FALSE; DWORD g_dwLastDialupTicks = 0;
// Control of autodial initialization
BOOL g_fAutodialInitialized = FALSE;
// RAS dynaload code
static HINSTANCE g_hRasLib = NULL;
static _RASENUMENTRIESW pfnRasEnumEntriesW = NULL; static _RASGETCONNECTSTATUSW pfnRasGetConnectStatusW = NULL; static _RASENUMCONNECTIONSW pfnRasEnumConnectionsW = NULL; static _RASGETENTRYPROPERTIESW pfnRasGetEntryPropertiesW = NULL;
typedef struct _tagAPIMAPENTRY { FARPROC* pfn; LPSTR pszProc; } APIMAPENTRY;
APIMAPENTRY rgRasApiMapW[] = { { (FARPROC*) &pfnRasEnumEntriesW, "RasEnumEntriesW" }, { (FARPROC*) &pfnRasGetConnectStatusW, "RasGetConnectStatusW" }, { (FARPROC*) &pfnRasEnumConnectionsW, "RasEnumConnectionsW" }, { (FARPROC*) &pfnRasGetEntryPropertiesW, "RasGetEntryPropertiesW"}, { NULL, NULL }, };
#define RASFCN(_fn, _part, _par, _dbge, _dbgl) \
DWORD _##_fn _part \ { \ DEBUG_ENTER(_dbge); \ \ DWORD dwRet; \ if(NULL == pfn##_fn) \ { \ _dbgl(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); \ return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; \ } \ \ dwRet = (* pfn##_fn) _par; \ \ _dbgl(dwRet); \ return dwRet; \ }
RASFCN(RasEnumEntriesW, (LPWSTR lpszReserved, LPWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPRASENTRYNAMEW lprasentryname, LPDWORD lpcb, LPDWORD lpcEntries), (lpszReserved, lpszPhonebook, lprasentryname, lpcb, lpcEntries), (DBG_DIALUP, Dword, "RasEnumEntriesW", "%#x (%Q), %#x (%Q), %#x, %#x %#x", lpszReserved, lpszReserved, lpszPhonebook, lpszPhonebook, lprasentryname, lpcb, lpcEntries), DEBUG_LEAVE );
RASFCN(RasGetConnectStatusW, (HRASCONN hrasconn, LPRASCONNSTATUSW lprasconnstatus), (hrasconn, lprasconnstatus), (DBG_DIALUP, Dword, "RasGetConnectStatusW", "%#x, %#x", hrasconn, lprasconnstatus), DEBUG_LEAVE );
RASFCN(RasGetEntryPropertiesW, (LPWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPWSTR lpszEntry, LPRASENTRYW lpRasEntry, LPDWORD lpdwEntryInfoSize, LPBYTE lpbDeviceInfo, LPDWORD lpdwDeviceInfoSize), (lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, lpRasEntry, lpdwEntryInfoSize, lpbDeviceInfo, lpdwDeviceInfoSize), (DBG_DIALUP, Dword, "RasGetEntryPropertiesW", "%#x (%Q), %#x (%Q), %#x, %#x, %#x %#x", lpszPhonebook, lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, lpszEntry, lpRasEntry, lpdwEntryInfoSize, lpbDeviceInfo, lpdwDeviceInfoSize), DEBUG_LEAVE );
RASFCN(RasEnumConnectionsW, (LPRASCONNW lpRasConn, LPDWORD lpdwSize, LPDWORD lpdwConn), (lpRasConn, lpdwSize, lpdwConn), (DBG_DIALUP, Dword, "RasEnumConnectionsW", "%#x, %#x, %#x", lpRasConn, lpdwSize, lpdwConn), DEBUG_LEAVE );
BOOL EnsureRasLoaded( VOID )
Routine Description:
Dynaload ras apis
pfInstalled - return installed state of ras
Return Value:
BOOL TRUE - Ras loaded FALSE - Ras not loaded
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DIALUP, Bool, "EnsureRasLoaded", NULL ));
// Looks like RAS is installed - try and load it up!
if(NULL == g_hRasLib) { g_hRasLib = LoadLibrary("RASAPI32.DLL");
if(NULL == g_hRasLib) { DEBUG_LEAVE(FALSE); return FALSE; }
APIMAPENTRY *prgRasApiMap = rgRasApiMapW;
int nIndex = 0; while ((prgRasApiMap+nIndex)->pszProc != NULL) { // Some functions are only present on some platforms. Don't
// assume this succeeds for all functions.
*(prgRasApiMap+nIndex)->pfn = GetProcAddress(g_hRasLib, (prgRasApiMap+nIndex)->pszProc); nIndex++; } }
if(g_hRasLib) { DEBUG_LEAVE(TRUE); return TRUE; }
BOOL IsRasInstalled( VOID )
Routine Description:
Determines whether ras is installed on this machine
Return Value:
BOOL TRUE - Ras is installed
FALSE - Ras is not installed
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_DIALUP, Bool, "IsRasInstalled", NULL ));
static fChecked = FALSE;
// If RAS is already loaded, don't bother doing any work.
if(g_hRasLib) { DEBUG_LEAVE_API(TRUE); return TRUE; }
// if we've already done the check, don't do it again
if(fChecked) { DEBUG_LEAVE_API(g_fRasInstalled); return g_fRasInstalled; }
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&osvi);
if (osvi.dwMajorVersion < 5) { // WinHttp does not support the use of RAS on NT4
g_fRasInstalled = FALSE; } else { // NT5 and presumably beyond, ras is always installed
g_fRasInstalled = TRUE; }
fChecked = TRUE;
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(g_fRasInstalled); return g_fRasInstalled; }
BOOL DoConnectoidsExist( VOID )
Routine Description:
Determines whether any ras connectoids exist
Return Value:
BOOL TRUE - Connectoids exist
FALSE - No connectoids exist
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_DIALUP, Bool, "DoConnectoidsExist", NULL ));
static BOOL fExist = FALSE;
// If we found connectoids before, don't bother looking again
if(fExist) { DEBUG_LEAVE_API(TRUE); return TRUE; }
// If RAS is already loaded, ask it
if(g_hRasLib) { DWORD dwRet, dwEntries;
RasEnumHelp *pRasEnum = new RasEnumHelp;
if (pRasEnum) { dwRet = pRasEnum->GetError(); dwEntries = pRasEnum->GetEntryCount(); delete pRasEnum; } else { dwRet = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; dwEntries = 0; }
// If ras tells us there are none, return none
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRet && 0 == dwEntries) { DEBUG_LEAVE_API(FALSE); return FALSE; } // couldn't determine that there aren't any so assume there are.
fExist = TRUE; DEBUG_LEAVE_API(TRUE); return TRUE; }
// if ras isn't installed, say no connectoids
if(FALSE == IsRasInstalled()) { DEBUG_LEAVE_API(FALSE); return FALSE; }
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&osvi);
// assume connectoids exist
fExist = TRUE;
if (osvi.dwMajorVersion < 5) { fExist = FALSE; }
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(fExist); return fExist; }
// Initialization
BOOL InitAutodialModule()
Routine Description:
Initialize autodial code
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DIALUP, Bool, "InitAutodialModule", NULL ));
// Assert that WinHttp's global data has already been initialized
// only do this once...
if(g_fAutodialInitialized) { DEBUG_LEAVE(g_fAutodialInitialized); return g_fAutodialInitialized; }
if (GlobalDataInitCritSec.Lock()) { if (!g_fAutodialInitialized) { // create mutex to serialize access to RAS (per process)
g_hRasMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
if (g_hRasMutex != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { g_RasCon = new RasEnumConnHelp();
if (g_RasCon != NULL) { g_fAutodialInitialized = TRUE; } else { CloseHandle(g_hRasMutex); g_hRasMutex = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } }
GlobalDataInitCritSec.Unlock(); }
return g_fAutodialInitialized; }
VOID ExitAutodialModule( VOID )
Routine Description:
Clean up autodial code
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DIALUP, None, "ExitAutodialModule", NULL ));
// don't do anything if not initialized
if(FALSE == g_fAutodialInitialized) { DEBUG_LEAVE(0); return; }
if (g_RasCon) { delete g_RasCon; g_RasCon = NULL; }
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != g_hRasMutex) { CloseHandle(g_hRasMutex); g_hRasMutex = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (g_hRasLib) { FreeLibrary(g_hRasLib); g_hRasLib = NULL; }
g_fAutodialInitialized = FALSE;
// Connection management code
LPSTR GetActiveConnectionName()
Routine Description:
Figure out the current connection and fix proxy settings for it. Basically a cheap, return-no-info version of GetConnectedStateEx used by the winsock callback.
Return Value:
BOOL TRUE - connected FALSE - not connected
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DIALUP, String, "GetActiveConnectionName", NULL ));
static BOOL fRasLoaded = FALSE; DWORD dwNewTickCount, dwElapsed; DWORD dwConnection = 0; LPSTR lpstrConnection = NULL;
// Make sure everything's initialized
if (!InitAutodialModule()) goto quit;
// serialize
WaitForSingleObject(g_hRasMutex, INFINITE);
// Check out how recently we polled ras
dwNewTickCount = GetTickCountWrap(); dwElapsed = dwNewTickCount - g_dwLastDialupTicks;
// Only refresh if more than MIN... ticks has passed
if(dwElapsed >= MIN_RNA_BUSY_CHECK_INTERVAL) { g_dwLastDialupTicks = dwNewTickCount; if(DoConnectoidsExist()) { if(FALSE == fRasLoaded) fRasLoaded = EnsureRasLoaded();
if(fRasLoaded) { g_RasCon->Enum(); if(g_RasCon->GetError() == 0) g_dwConnections = g_RasCon->GetConnectionsCount(); else g_dwConnections = 0; } } else { g_dwConnections = 0; } }
DEBUG_PRINT(DIALUP, INFO, ("Found %d connections\n", g_dwConnections));
if(g_dwConnections > 1) { //
// We have more than one connection and caller wants to know which one
// is the interesting one. Try to find a VPN connectoid.
RasEntryPropHelp *pRasProp = new RasEntryPropHelp;
if (pRasProp) { for(DWORD dwConNum = 0; dwConNum < g_dwConnections; dwConNum++) { if(0 == pRasProp->GetW(g_RasCon->GetEntryW(dwConNum))) { if(0 == lstrcmpiA(pRasProp->GetDeviceTypeA(), RASDT_Vpn)) { DEBUG_PRINT(DIALUP, INFO, ("Found VPN entry: %ws\n", g_RasCon->GetEntryW(dwConNum))); dwConnection = dwConNum; break; } } } delete pRasProp; } }
// verify status of connection we're interested in is RASCS_Connected.
if(g_dwConnections != 0) { RasGetConnectStatusHelp RasGetConnectStatus(g_RasCon->GetHandle(dwConnection)); DWORD dwRes = RasGetConnectStatus.GetError(); if (!dwRes && (RasGetConnectStatus.ConnState() == RASCS_Connected)) { WideCharToAscii_UsingGlobalAlloc(g_RasCon->GetEntryW(dwConnection), &lpstrConnection); }
DEBUG_PRINT(DIALUP, INFO, ("Connect Status: dwRet=%x, connstate=%x\n", dwRes, RasGetConnectStatus.ConnState())); }
quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(lpstrConnection); return lpstrConnection; }