#include "wininetp.h"
static const CHAR szRegPathConnections[] = REGSTR_PATH_INTERNET_SETTINGS "\\Connections";
// some winsock stacks fault if we do a gethostbyname(NULL). If we come
// accross one of these, don't do any more autodetecting.
BOOL g_fGetHostByNameNULLFails = FALSE;
// IsConnectionMatch - a worker function to simply some logic elsewhere,
// it just handles Connection Name Matching.
BOOL IsConnectionMatch( LPCSTR lpszConnection1, LPCSTR lpszConnection2) { if ( lpszConnection1 == NULL && lpszConnection2 == NULL) { return TRUE; }
if ( lpszConnection1 && lpszConnection2 && stricmp(lpszConnection1, lpszConnection2) == 0 ) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// CRegBlob implementation
CRegBlob::CRegBlob( BOOL fWrite ) { // initialize members
_fWrite = fWrite; _fCommit = TRUE; _dwOffset = 0; _pBuffer = NULL; _dwBufferLimit = 0; _hkey = NULL; }
CRegBlob::~CRegBlob( ) { Commit();
if(_hkey) REGCLOSEKEY(_hkey);
if(_pBuffer) FREE_FIXED_MEMORY(_pBuffer);
// caller owns _pszValue pointer
DWORD CRegBlob::Init( HKEY hBaseKey, LPCSTR pszSubKey, LPCSTR pszValue ) { long lRes; REGSAM regsam = KEY_QUERY_VALUE; DWORD dwDisposition;
// If we're writing, save reg value name and set access
if(_fWrite) { _pszValue = pszValue; regsam = KEY_SET_VALUE;
lRes = REGCREATEKEYEX(hBaseKey, pszSubKey, 0, "", 0, regsam, NULL, &_hkey, &dwDisposition); } else { // If not writing, then use RegOpenKeyEx so we don't need
// registry write permissions.
lRes = REGOPENKEYEX(hBaseKey, pszSubKey, 0, regsam, &_hkey); }
if(lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return lRes; }
// figure out buffer size
_dwBufferLimit = BLOB_BUFF_GRANULARITY; if(FALSE == _fWrite) { // get size of registry blob
lRes = RegQueryValueEx(_hkey, pszValue, NULL, NULL, NULL, &_dwBufferLimit); if(lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // nothing there - make zero size buffer
_dwBufferLimit = 0; } }
// allocate buffer if necessary
if(_dwBufferLimit) { _pBuffer = (BYTE *)ALLOCATE_FIXED_MEMORY(_dwBufferLimit); if(NULL == _pBuffer) return GetLastError(); }
// if we're reading, fill in buffer
if(FALSE == _fWrite && _dwBufferLimit) { // read reg key
DWORD dwSize = _dwBufferLimit; lRes = RegQueryValueEx(_hkey, pszValue, NULL, NULL, _pBuffer, &dwSize); if(lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return lRes; } }
// reset pointer to beginning of blob
_dwOffset = 0;
return 0; }
DWORD CRegBlob::Abandon( VOID ) { // don't commit changes when the time comes
_fCommit = FALSE;
return 0; }
DWORD CRegBlob::Commit( ) { long lres = 0;
if(_fCommit && _fWrite && _pszValue && _pBuffer) { // save blob to reg key
lres = RegSetValueEx(_hkey, _pszValue, 0, REG_BINARY, _pBuffer, _dwOffset); }
return lres; }
DWORD CRegBlob::WriteString( LPCSTR pszString ) { DWORD dwBytes, dwLen = 0;
if(pszString) { dwLen = lstrlen(pszString); }
dwBytes = WriteBytes(&dwLen, sizeof(DWORD)); if(dwLen && dwBytes == sizeof(DWORD)) dwBytes = WriteBytes(pszString, dwLen);
return dwBytes; }
DWORD CRegBlob::ReadString( LPCSTR * ppszString ) { DWORD dwLen, dwBytes = 0; LPSTR lpszTemp = NULL;
dwBytes = ReadBytes(&dwLen, sizeof(DWORD)); if(dwBytes == sizeof(DWORD)) { if(dwLen) { lpszTemp = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwLen + 1); if(lpszTemp) { dwBytes = ReadBytes(lpszTemp, dwLen); lpszTemp[dwBytes] = 0; } } }
*ppszString = lpszTemp; return dwBytes; }
DWORD CRegBlob::WriteBytes( LPCVOID pBytes, DWORD dwByteCount ) { BYTE * pNewBuffer;
// can only do this on write blob
if(FALSE == _fWrite) return 0;
// grow buffer if necessary
if(_dwBufferLimit - _dwOffset < dwByteCount) { DWORD dw = _dwBufferLimit + ((dwByteCount / BLOB_BUFF_GRANULARITY)+1)*BLOB_BUFF_GRANULARITY; pNewBuffer = (BYTE *)ALLOCATE_FIXED_MEMORY(dw); if(NULL == pNewBuffer) { // failed to get more memory
return 0; }
memset(pNewBuffer, 0, dw); memcpy(pNewBuffer, _pBuffer, _dwBufferLimit); FREE_FIXED_MEMORY(_pBuffer); _pBuffer = pNewBuffer; _dwBufferLimit = dw; }
// copy callers data to buffer
memcpy(_pBuffer + _dwOffset, pBytes, dwByteCount); _dwOffset += dwByteCount;
// tell caller how much we wrote
return dwByteCount; }
DWORD CRegBlob::ReadBytes( LPVOID pBytes, DWORD dwByteCount ) { DWORD dwActual = _dwBufferLimit - _dwOffset;
// can only do this on read blob
if(_fWrite) return 0;
// don't read past end of blob
if(dwByteCount < dwActual) dwActual = dwByteCount;
// copy bytes and increment offset
if(dwActual > 0) { memcpy(pBytes, _pBuffer + _dwOffset, dwActual); _dwOffset += dwActual; }
// tell caller how much we actually read
return dwActual; }
// Function Declarations
DWORD LoadProxySettings() /*
** Load global proxy info from registry. ** */ { DWORD error;
// Get proxy struct for proxy object
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
info.dwStructSize = sizeof(info); info.lpszConnectionName = NULL;
// Read LAN proxy settings and stuff them into the GlobalProxyInfo object.
error = ReadProxySettings(&info);
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = g_pGlobalProxyInfo->SetProxySettings(&info, FALSE);
info.lpszConnectionName = NULL; // we don't allocate this field
CleanProxyStruct(&info); }
return error; }
#define INTERNET_SETTINGS_KEY "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings"
HKEY FindBaseProxyKey( VOID ) /*
** Determine whether proxy settings live in HKLM or HKCU ** ** WinHttpX is hard-coded to always use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ** */
{ CRegBlob r(FALSE); LPCSTR pszConnectionName; LPCSTR pszSavedConnectionName; DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; long lRes; HKEY hBaseKey;
DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_PROXY, Dword, "ReadProxySettings", "%#x", pInfo ));
// verify pInfo
// figure out connection name (NULL == 'network')
pszConnectionName = pInfo->lpszConnectionName; pszSavedConnectionName = pInfo->lpszConnectionName; if(NULL == pszConnectionName || 0 == *pszConnectionName) { pszConnectionName = "WinHttpSettings"; }
// figure out base key
hBaseKey = FindBaseProxyKey();
// initialize structure
memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo)); pInfo->dwStructSize = sizeof(*pInfo); pInfo->lpszConnectionName = pszSavedConnectionName; pInfo->dwFlags = PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT;
// init blob
lRes = r.Init(hBaseKey, szRegPathConnections, pszConnectionName); if(lRes) { error = (lRes == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : lRes; goto quit; }
// read fields from blob
if(0 == r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->dwStructSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pInfo->dwStructSize < sizeof(*pInfo))) { // blob didn't exist or in correct format - set default values
pInfo->dwStructSize = sizeof(*pInfo); } else { // read the rest of the blob
r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->dwCurrentSettingsVersion, sizeof(DWORD)); r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->dwFlags, sizeof(DWORD)); r.ReadString(&pInfo->lpszProxy); r.ReadString(&pInfo->lpszProxyBypass); }
// WinHttpX does not support proxy autodection or autoconfig URL's,
// so make sure those PROXY_TYPE flags are turned off.
DEBUG_PRINT(PROXY, INFO, ("conn=%s, vers=%u, flag=%X, prox=%s, by=%s\n", pszConnectionName, pInfo->dwCurrentSettingsVersion, pInfo->dwFlags, (pInfo->lpszProxy ? pInfo->lpszProxy : "<none>"), (pInfo->lpszProxyBypass ? pInfo->lpszProxyBypass : "<none>") ));
quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; }
void CleanProxyStruct( LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX pInfo )
{ if(pInfo->lpszConnectionName) GlobalFree((LPSTR) pInfo->lpszConnectionName); if(pInfo->lpszProxy) GlobalFree((LPSTR) pInfo->lpszProxy); if(pInfo->lpszProxyBypass) GlobalFree((LPSTR) pInfo->lpszProxyBypass); memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(INTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX)); pInfo->dwFlags = PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT; }
DWORD WriteProxySettings(INTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX * pInfo) { CRegBlob r(TRUE); DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; long lRes;
// verify pInfo
if(NULL == pInfo || pInfo->dwStructSize != sizeof(INTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// init blob
lRes = r.Init(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegPathConnections, "WinHttpSettings"); if (lRes) { error = lRes; goto quit; }
if (r.WriteBytes(&pInfo->dwStructSize, sizeof(DWORD)) == 0 || r.WriteBytes(&pInfo->dwCurrentSettingsVersion, sizeof(DWORD)) == 0 || r.WriteBytes(&pInfo->dwFlags, sizeof(DWORD)) == 0 || r.WriteString(pInfo->lpszProxy) == 0 || r.WriteString(pInfo->lpszProxyBypass) == 0) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; r.Abandon(); goto quit; }
lRes = r.Commit(); if (lRes) { error = lRes; goto quit; }
quit: return error; }
// support routines for WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser API ///////////
// Maximum size of TOKEN_USER information.
sizeof( TOKEN_USER ) \ + sizeof( SID ) \ + sizeof( ULONG ) * SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES
#define MAX_SID_STRING 256
// type for RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString, exported from ntdll.dll
typedef NTSTATUS (* PCONVERTSID)( PUNICODE_STRING UnicodeString, PSID Sid, BOOLEAN AllocateDestinationString );
// Function Declarations
BOOL InitClientUserString ( LPWSTR pString )
Routine Description:
pString - output string of current user
Return Value:
TRUE = success, FALSE = fail
Returns in pString a ansi string if the impersonated client's SID can be expanded successfully into Unicode string. If the conversion was unsuccessful, returns FALSE.
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_PROXY, Bool, "InitClientUserString", "%#x", pString ));
HANDLE TokenHandle; UCHAR TokenInformation[ SIZE_OF_TOKEN_INFORMATION ]; ULONG ReturnLength; BOOL Status; DWORD dwLastError; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; HMODULE hNtDll; PCONVERTSID pRtlConvertSid;
// get RtlConvertSideToUnicodeString entry point in NTDLL
hNtDll = LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll"); if(NULL == hNtDll) { return FALSE; }
pRtlConvertSid = (PCONVERTSID)GetProcAddress(hNtDll, "RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString"); if(NULL == pRtlConvertSid) { FreeLibrary(hNtDll); DEBUG_LEAVE(FALSE); return FALSE; }
// We can use OpenThreadToken because this server thread
// is impersonating a client
Status = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ, TRUE, // Open as self
&TokenHandle ); dwLastError = GetLastError();
if( Status == FALSE ) { DEBUG_PRINT(PROXY, INFO, ("OpenThreadToken() failed: Error=%d\n", dwLastError ));
Status = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_READ, &TokenHandle ); dwLastError = GetLastError();
if( Status == FALSE ) { DEBUG_LEAVE(FALSE); return FALSE ; } }
// Notice that we've allocated enough space for the
// TokenInformation structure. so if we fail, we
// return a NULL pointer indicating failure
Status = GetTokenInformation( TokenHandle, TokenUser, TokenInformation, sizeof( TokenInformation ), &ReturnLength ); dwLastError = GetLastError(); CloseHandle( TokenHandle );
if ( Status == FALSE ) { DEBUG_PRINT(PROXY, INFO, ("GetTokenInformation failed: Error=%d\n", dwLastError )); DEBUG_LEAVE(FALSE); return FALSE; }
// Convert the Sid (pointed to by pSid) to its
// equivalent Unicode string representation.
UnicodeString.Length = 0; UnicodeString.MaximumLength = MAX_SID_STRING; UnicodeString.Buffer = pString;
Status = (*pRtlConvertSid)( &UnicodeString, ((PTOKEN_USER)TokenInformation)->User.Sid, FALSE ); FreeLibrary(hNtDll);
if( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )){ DEBUG_PRINT(PROXY, INFO, ("RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString failed: Error=%d\n", Status )); DEBUG_LEAVE(FALSE); return FALSE; } DEBUG_PRINT(PROXY, INFO, ("User SID = %ws\n", pString ));
HKEY GetClientUserHandle( IN REGSAM samDesired )
Routine Description:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_PROXY, Dword, "GetClientUserHandle", "%#x", samDesired ));
HKEY hKeyClient; WCHAR String[MAX_SID_STRING]; LONG ReturnValue;
if (!InitClientUserString(String)) { DEBUG_LEAVE(0); return NULL ; }
// We now have the Unicode string representation of the
// local client's Sid we'll use this string to open a handle
// to the client's key in the registry.
ReturnValue = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_USERS, String, 0, samDesired, &hKeyClient );
// If we couldn't get a handle to the local key
// for some reason, return a NULL handle indicating
// failure to obtain a handle to the key
if ( ReturnValue != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DEBUG_PRINT(PROXY, INFO, ("RegOpenKeyW failed: Error=%d\n", ReturnValue ));
DEBUG_ERROR(PROXY, ReturnValue); SetLastError( ReturnValue );
DEBUG_LEAVE(0); return NULL; }
DEBUG_LEAVE(hKeyClient); return( hKeyClient ); }
HKEY FindWinInetBaseProxyKey( VOID )
** Determine whether proxy settings live in HKLM or HKCU ** ** Returns HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ** ** Checks \HKLM\SW\MS\Win\CV\Internet Settings\ProxySettingsPerUser. If ** exists and is zero, use HKLM otherwise use HKCU. */
{ HKEY hkeyBase = NULL;
DWORD dwType, dwValue, dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, INTERNET_POLICY_KEY, TEXT("ProxySettingsPerUser"), &dwType, &dwValue, &dwSize) && 0 == dwValue) { hkeyBase = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else { //
// Find an HKCU equivalent for this process
hkeyBase = GetClientUserHandle(KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE);
if (!hkeyBase) { BOOL fLocalSystem = FALSE;
if (GlobalIsProcessNtService) { char szUserName[32]; DWORD cbUserNameSize = sizeof(szUserName); if (GetUserName(szUserName, &cbUserNameSize)) { if (0 == lstrcmpi(szUserName, "SYSTEM") || 0 == lstrcmpi(szUserName, "LOCAL SERVICE") || 0 == lstrcmpi(szUserName, "NETWORK SERVICE")) { fLocalSystem = TRUE; } } } if (hkeyBase == NULL && !fLocalSystem) { hkeyBase = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } } }
return hkeyBase; }
DWORD ReadWinInetProxySettings( LPWININET_PROXY_INFO_EX pInfo )
{ CRegBlob r(FALSE); LPCSTR pszConnectionName; LPCSTR pszSavedConnectionName; DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; long lRes; BOOL fLanConnection = FALSE; HKEY hBaseKey = NULL; DWORD dwStructVersion = 0;
DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_PROXY, Dword, "ReadWinInetProxySettings", "%#x", pInfo ));
// verify pInfo
if (NULL == pInfo || pInfo->dwStructSize != sizeof(WININET_PROXY_INFO_EX)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// figure out connection name (NULL == 'network')
pszConnectionName = pInfo->lpszConnectionName; pszSavedConnectionName = pInfo->lpszConnectionName; if(NULL == pszConnectionName || 0 == *pszConnectionName) { fLanConnection = TRUE; pszConnectionName = "DefaultConnectionSettings"; }
// figure out base key
hBaseKey = FindWinInetBaseProxyKey(); if (hBaseKey == NULL) { error = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto quit; }
// initialize structure
memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo)); pInfo->dwStructSize = sizeof(*pInfo); pInfo->lpszConnectionName = pszSavedConnectionName; pInfo->dwFlags = PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT;
// init blob
lRes = r.Init(hBaseKey, szRegPathConnections, pszConnectionName); if(lRes) { error = lRes; goto quit; }
// read fields from blob
if(0 == r.ReadBytes(&dwStructVersion, sizeof(DWORD)) || (dwStructVersion < WININET_PROXY_INFO_EX_VERSION)) { // blob didn't exist or in correct format - set default values
// All lan connections and overridden dial-ups get autodetect
if(fLanConnection) { pInfo->dwFlags |= PROXY_TYPE_AUTO_DETECT; } } else { // read the rest of the blob
r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->dwCurrentSettingsVersion, sizeof(DWORD)); r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->dwFlags, sizeof(DWORD)); r.ReadString(&pInfo->lpszProxy); r.ReadString(&pInfo->lpszProxyBypass); r.ReadString(&pInfo->lpszAutoconfigUrl); r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->dwAutoDiscoveryFlags, sizeof(DWORD)); r.ReadString(&pInfo->lpszLastKnownGoodAutoConfigUrl);
#if 0 // WinHttp does not need the rest of the WinInet proxy config data.
r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->ftLastKnownDetectTime, sizeof(FILETIME));
// read interface ips
r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->dwDetectedInterfaceIpCount, sizeof(DWORD)); if(pInfo->dwDetectedInterfaceIpCount) { pInfo->pdwDetectedInterfaceIp = (DWORD *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(DWORD) * pInfo->dwDetectedInterfaceIpCount); if(pInfo->pdwDetectedInterfaceIp) { for(i=0; i<pInfo->dwDetectedInterfaceIpCount; i++) { r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->pdwDetectedInterfaceIp[i], sizeof(DWORD)); } } }
r.ReadString(&pInfo->lpszAutoconfigSecondaryUrl); r.ReadBytes(&pInfo->dwAutoconfigReloadDelayMins, sizeof(DWORD)); */ #endif
DEBUG_PRINT(PROXY, INFO, ("conn=%s, vers=%u, flag=%X, prox=%s, by=%s, acu=%s\n", pszConnectionName, pInfo->dwCurrentSettingsVersion, pInfo->dwFlags, (pInfo->lpszProxy ? pInfo->lpszProxy : "<none>"), (pInfo->lpszProxyBypass ? pInfo->lpszProxyBypass : "<none>"), (pInfo->lpszAutoconfigUrl ? pInfo->lpszAutoconfigUrl : "<none>") ));
quit: if (hBaseKey != NULL && hBaseKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hBaseKey != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE && hBaseKey != HKEY_CURRENT_USER) { RegCloseKey(hBaseKey); }
DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; }
void CleanWinInetProxyStruct( LPWININET_PROXY_INFO_EX pInfo )
{ if(pInfo->lpszConnectionName) GlobalFree((LPSTR) pInfo->lpszConnectionName); if(pInfo->lpszProxy) GlobalFree((LPSTR) pInfo->lpszProxy); if(pInfo->lpszProxyBypass) GlobalFree((LPSTR) pInfo->lpszProxyBypass); if(pInfo->lpszAutoconfigUrl) GlobalFree((LPSTR) pInfo->lpszAutoconfigUrl); if(pInfo->lpszLastKnownGoodAutoConfigUrl) GlobalFree((LPSTR) pInfo->lpszLastKnownGoodAutoConfigUrl); if(pInfo->pdwDetectedInterfaceIp) GlobalFree(pInfo->pdwDetectedInterfaceIp); memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(WININET_PROXY_INFO_EX)); pInfo->dwFlags = PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT; }