Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the implementation for SSPI Authentication
The following functions are exported by this module:
UnloadAuthenticateUser AuthenticateUser PreAuthenticateUser AuthenticateUserUI
Sudheer Koneru (SudK) Created 2/17/96
Revision History:
#include <wininetp.h>
#include "htuu.h"
//#include "msnspmh.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "auth.h"
//LPSTR StrChrA(LPCSTR lpStart, WORD wMatch); // from shlwapi.h
#include "sspspm.h"
#include "winctxt.h"
extern SspData *g_pSspData; LPVOID SSPI_InitGlobals(void);
DWORD g_cSspiContexts;
#define NAME_SEPERATOR 0x5c // this is a backslash character which
// seperates the domain name from user name
VOID WINAPI UnloadAuthenticateUser(LPVOID *lppvContext, LPSTR lpszScheme, LPSTR lpszHost) {
PWINCONTEXT pWinContext = (PWINCONTEXT) (*lppvContext);
if (!SSPI_InitGlobals()) return;
if (*lppvContext == NULL) { return; }
if (pWinContext->pInBuffer != NULL && pWinContext->pInBuffer != pWinContext->szInBuffer) { LocalFree (pWinContext->pInBuffer); } pWinContext->pInBuffer = NULL; pWinContext->dwInBufferLength = 0;
// Free SSPI security context
if (pWinContext->pSspContextHandle != NULL) (*(g_pSspData->pFuncTbl->DeleteSecurityContext))(pWinContext->pSspContextHandle);
// Free SSPI credential handle
if (pWinContext->pCredential) (*(g_pSspData->pFuncTbl->FreeCredentialHandle))(pWinContext->pCredential); pWinContext->pCredential = NULL; pWinContext->pSspContextHandle = NULL; if ( (pWinContext->lpszServerName != NULL) && (pWinContext->lpszServerName != pWinContext->szServerName) ) { LocalFree(pWinContext->lpszServerName); }
*lppvContext = NULL;
AuthLock(); g_cSspiContexts--; AuthUnlock();
return; }
// Function: SaveServerName
// Synopsis: This function saves the destination server name in this
// connection context for AuthenticateUserUI
// Arguments: [lpszServerName] - points to the target server name
// [pWinContext] - points to the connection context
// Returns: TRUE if server name is successfully saved in connection context.
// Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
BOOL SaveServerName ( LPSTR lpszServerName, PWINCONTEXT pWinContext ) { DWORD dwLen = lstrlen(lpszServerName);
if (dwLen < DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME_LEN) { lstrcpy(pWinContext->szServerName, lpszServerName); pWinContext->lpszServerName = pWinContext->szServerName; } else { //
// Server name is longer, need to allocate memory for the name
// Free already allocated memory if any
if (pWinContext->lpszServerName && pWinContext->lpszServerName != pWinContext->szServerName) { LocalFree (pWinContext->lpszServerName); }
pWinContext->lpszServerName = (char *) LocalAlloc(0, dwLen+1);
if (pWinContext->lpszServerName == NULL) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(pWinContext->lpszServerName, lpszServerName); }
return TRUE; }
// Function bHasExtendedChars
// Check if an ANSI string contains extended characters
BOOL bHasExtendedChars(char const *str) { signed char const *p;
for (p = (signed char const *)str; *p; p++) if ( *p < 0) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// Function: BuildNTLMauthData
// Synopsis: This function builds SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY structure
// from the user name and password specified. If domain name
// is not specified in the user name, the Domain field in
// the structure is set to NULL. NOTE: This structure is
// specific to the NTLM SSPI package.
// This function allocates a chunck of memory big enough for
// storing user name, domain, and password. Then setup
// pointers in pAuthData to use sections of this memory.
// Arguments: [pAuthData] - points to the SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY structure
// [lpszUserName] - points to the user name, which may also
// include user's domain name.
// [lpszPassword] - points to user's password
// Returns: TRUE if SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY structure is successfully
// initialized and built. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
BOOL BuildNTLMauthData ( PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY pAuthData, LPTSTR lpszUserName, LPTSTR lpszPassword ) { DWORD dwUserLen, dwDomainLen, dwPwdLen; LPTSTR pName; LPTSTR pDomain = NULL; BOOL bUnicodeAuth = FALSE;
if ( bHasExtendedChars(lpszUserName) || bHasExtendedChars(lpszPassword)) bUnicodeAuth = TRUE;
// Check to see if domain name is specified in lpszUserName
pName = StrChrA (lpszUserName, NAME_SEPERATOR);
if (pName) // Domain name specified
{ // Make sure that we don't change the original string in lpszUserName
// because that it would be reused for other connections
// Calculate no. of bytes in domain name
dwDomainLen = (int)(pName - lpszUserName);
// Convert to no. of characters
pAuthData->DomainLength = dwDomainLen / sizeof(TCHAR);
pDomain = lpszUserName; pName++; } else // No domain specified
{ pName = lpszUserName; pAuthData->Domain = NULL; pDomain = NULL; dwDomainLen = pAuthData->DomainLength = 0; }
dwUserLen = pAuthData->UserLength = lstrlen (pName); dwPwdLen = pAuthData->PasswordLength = lstrlen (lpszPassword);
// Allocate memory for all: name, domain, and password
// The memory block is big enough for Unicode. Some bytes will be wasted in the ANSI case
pAuthData->User = (unsigned char*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, (dwUserLen + dwDomainLen + dwPwdLen + 3)*sizeof(WCHAR)); // Since the buffer is zero-initialized, strings don't need their '\0' copied over.
if (pAuthData->User == NULL) return (FALSE);
if (bUnicodeAuth) { // Convert the user name into Unicode and store in pAuthData->User
if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pName, -1, (LPWSTR)(pAuthData->User), dwUserLen+1)) return FALSE; } else CopyMemory (pAuthData->User, pName, dwUserLen);
// Setup memory pointer for password
pAuthData->Password = pAuthData->User + (dwUserLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (bUnicodeAuth) { if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszPassword, -1, (LPWSTR)(pAuthData->Password), dwPwdLen+1)) return FALSE; } else CopyMemory (pAuthData->Password, lpszPassword, dwPwdLen);
if (pAuthData->DomainLength > 0) { // Setup memory pointer for domain
pAuthData->Domain = pAuthData->Password + (dwPwdLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (bUnicodeAuth) { // pDomain is not null terminated, so provide the length
if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pDomain, dwDomainLen, (LPWSTR)(pAuthData->Domain), dwDomainLen+1)) return FALSE; } else CopyMemory (pAuthData->Domain, pDomain, dwDomainLen); } else { pAuthData->Domain = NULL; }
return (TRUE); }
// Function: FreeNTLMauthData
// Synopsis: This function frees memory allocated for the
// Arguments: [pAuthData] - points to the SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY structure
// Returns: void.
// Free User which points to memory for all domain, name, and password
if (pAuthData->User) { int iCharacterSize = 0; if (pAuthData->Flags & SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI) iCharacterSize = sizeof(char); else if (pAuthData->Flags & SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE) iCharacterSize = sizeof(WCHAR);
SecureZeroMemory(pAuthData->User, iCharacterSize * pAuthData->UserLength); SecureZeroMemory(pAuthData->Password, iCharacterSize * pAuthData->PasswordLength);
LocalFree (pAuthData->User); } }
// Function: NewWinContext
// Synopsis: This function creates a new context and a new credential
// handle for this connection. If a user name/password is
// specified, the credential handle is created for the
// specified user. Otherwise, the credential handle is created
// for the local logon user.
// Arguments: [pkgId] - the package ID (index into SSPI package list)
// [lpszScheme] - the name of the current authentication scheme,
// which is also the SSPI package name
// [ppCtxt] - this returns the pointer of the created context
// to the caller.
// [lpszUserName] - the name of a specific user to be used
// for authentication. If this is NULL, the
// credential of the currently logon user is
// used for authentication.
// [lpszPassword] - the password of the specified user, if any.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS - if the new context is created successfully
// ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - if memory allocation failed
// ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - the SSPI call for creating the
// security credential handle failed
DWORD NewWinContext ( INT pkgId, LPSTR lpszScheme, PWINCONTEXT *ppCtxt, BOOL fCanUseLogon, LPSTR lpszUserName, LPSTR lpszPassword ) { SECURITY_STATUS ss; TimeStamp Lifetime; PWINCONTEXT pWinContext; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY AuthData; PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY pAuthData; DWORD Capabilities ;
DWORD SecurityBlobSize;
// need space for maxtoken size for in+out, + base64 encoding overhead for each.
// really 1.34 overhead, but just round up to 1.5
SecurityBlobSize = GetPkgMaxToken(pkgId); SecurityBlobSize += (SecurityBlobSize/2);
// note: for compatibility sake, make the buffer size the MAX_BLOB_SIZE at the minimum
// consider removing this once we're convinced all packages return good cbMaxToken values.
if( SecurityBlobSize < MAX_BLOB_SIZE ) { SecurityBlobSize = MAX_BLOB_SIZE; }
pWinContext = (PWINCONTEXT) LocalAlloc( 0, sizeof(WINCONTEXT) + (SecurityBlobSize*2) ); if (pWinContext == NULL) return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); // Initialize context
ZeroMemory( pWinContext, sizeof(WINCONTEXT) ); pWinContext->pkgId = (DWORD)pkgId; pWinContext->szOutBuffer = (char*)(pWinContext+1); pWinContext->cbOutBuffer = SecurityBlobSize;
pWinContext->szInBuffer = pWinContext->szOutBuffer + pWinContext->cbOutBuffer; pWinContext->cbInBuffer = SecurityBlobSize;
// Get bitmask representing the package capabilities
Capabilities = GetPkgCapabilities( pkgId );
if ( ( Capabilities & SSPAUTHPKG_SUPPORT_NTLM_CREDS ) == 0 ) { pAuthData = NULL; } else if (lpszUserName && lpszPassword) { // Build AuthData from the specified user name/password
if (!BuildNTLMauthData (&AuthData, lpszUserName, lpszPassword)) { LocalFree (pWinContext); return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
pAuthData = &AuthData; } else if (fCanUseLogon && !lpszUserName && !lpszPassword) { // The zone policy allows silent use of the logon credential.
pAuthData = NULL; } else { LocalFree (pWinContext); // We must prompt the user for credentials.
// Call SSPI function acquire security credential for this package
ss = (*(g_pSspData->pFuncTbl->AcquireCredentialsHandle))( NULL, // New principal
lpszScheme, // SSPI Package Name
NULL, // Logon ID
pAuthData, // Auth Data
NULL, // Get key func
NULL, // Get key arg
&pWinContext->Credential, // Credential Handle
&Lifetime );
if (pAuthData) FreeNTLMauthData (pAuthData);
if (ss != STATUS_SUCCESS) { LocalFree (pWinContext); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
pWinContext->pCredential = &pWinContext->Credential;
*ppCtxt = pWinContext;
AuthLock(); g_cSspiContexts++; AuthUnlock();
return (ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// Function: RedoNTLMAuth4User
// Synopsis: This function recreates a NTLM credential handle for the
// specified user and generate a NEGOTIATE message in
// the provided buffer with the new credential handle.
// Arguments: [pWinContext] - points to the connection context
// [pkgId] - specifies the SSPI pkg to be used for authentication
// [lpszUserName] - the name of the specific user to be used
// for authentication.
// [lpszPassword] - the password of the specified user,
// [lpszServerName] - the target server name
// [lpszScheme] - the name of the current authentication scheme,
// which is also the SSPI package name
// [lpOutBuffer] - points to the buffer for the new authorization
// header including the UUENCODED NEGOTIATE msg
// [lpdwOutBufferLength] - returns the length of the generated
// authorization header.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS - if the new authorization header is successfully
// created for the new user name/password
// ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - if memory allocation failed
// ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - the SSPI call for generating the
// new NEGOTIATE msg failed
DWORD RedoNTLMAuth4User ( PWINCONTEXT pWinContext, INT pkgId, LPSTR lpszUserName, LPSTR lpszPassword, LPSTR lpszServerName, LPSTR lpszScheme, IN BOOL fCanUseLogon, LPSTR lpOutBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwOutBufferLength, SECURITY_STATUS *pssResult ) { SECURITY_STATUS ss; DWORD dwStatus; TimeStamp Lifetime; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY AuthData; ULONG fContextReq = ISC_REQ_DELEGATE; DWORD dwMaxLen;
if (pWinContext->pSspContextHandle) { (*(g_pSspData->pFuncTbl->DeleteSecurityContext))(pWinContext->pSspContextHandle); pWinContext->pSspContextHandle = NULL; }
// Free existing credential handle
if (pWinContext->pCredential) { (*(g_pSspData->pFuncTbl->FreeCredentialHandle))(pWinContext->pCredential); pWinContext->pCredential = NULL; } //
// Build the NTLM SSPI AuthData from the specified user name/password
if (!BuildNTLMauthData (&AuthData, lpszUserName, lpszPassword)) return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
// Call SSPI function acquire security credential for this user
ss = (*(g_pSspData->pFuncTbl->AcquireCredentialsHandle))( NULL, // New principal
lpszScheme, // SSPI Package Name
NULL, // Logon ID
&AuthData, // Auth Data
NULL, // Get key func
NULL, // Get key arg
&pWinContext->Credential, // Credential Handle
&Lifetime );
FreeNTLMauthData (&AuthData); // don't need it any more
pWinContext->pCredential = &pWinContext->Credential;
dwMaxLen = *lpdwOutBufferLength;
// Generate NEGOTIATE message in the provided buffer for this user
dwStatus = GetSecAuthMsg( g_pSspData, pWinContext->pCredential, pkgId, NULL, &(pWinContext->SspContextHandle), fContextReq, NULL, 0, lpOutBuffer, lpdwOutBufferLength, lpszServerName, fCanUseLogon, TRUE, lpszScheme, pssResult); if (dwStatus != SPM_STATUS_OK) { *lpdwOutBufferLength = 0; // no exchange blob generated
pWinContext->pSspContextHandle = &(pWinContext->SspContextHandle);
// If we are not in the initial state, continue to a RESPONSE message
if (pWinContext->pInBuffer != NULL && pWinContext->dwInBufferLength > 0) { *lpdwOutBufferLength = dwMaxLen; ZeroMemory( lpOutBuffer, dwMaxLen );
dwStatus = GetSecAuthMsg( g_pSspData, pWinContext->pCredential, pWinContext->pkgId, pWinContext->pSspContextHandle, (PCtxtHandle) &(pWinContext->SspContextHandle), fContextReq, pWinContext->pInBuffer, pWinContext->dwInBufferLength, lpOutBuffer, lpdwOutBufferLength, pWinContext->lpszServerName, fCanUseLogon, TRUE, lpszScheme, pssResult);
// Clear out the input exchange blob
if (pWinContext->pInBuffer != NULL) { if (pWinContext->pInBuffer != pWinContext->szInBuffer) LocalFree (pWinContext->pInBuffer); pWinContext->pInBuffer = NULL; pWinContext->dwInBufferLength = 0; }
if (dwStatus != SPM_STATUS_OK) { *lpdwOutBufferLength = 0; // no exchange blob generated
return (ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// functions
Routine Description:
Generates a Basic User Authentication string for WinINet or other callers can use
lpContext - if the package accepts the request & authentication requires multiple transactions, the package will supply a context value which will be used in subsequent calls, Currently this contains a pointer to a pointer of a User defined Void Pointer. Can be Assume to be NULL if this is the first instance of a Realm - Host Combo
lpszServerName - the name of the server we are performing authentication for. We may want to supply the full URL lpszScheme - the name of the authentication scheme we are seeking, in case the package supports multiple schemes
dwFlags - on input, flags modifying how the package should behave, e.g. "only authenticate if you don't have to get user information" On output contains flags relevant to future HTTP requests, e.g. "don't cache any data from this connection". Note, this information should not be specific to HTTP - we may want to use the same flags for FTP, etc. lpszInBuffer - pointer to the string containing the response from the server (if any)
dwInBufferLength - number of bytes in lpszInBuffer. No CR-LF sequence, no terminating NUL
lpOutBuffer - pointer to a buffer where the challenge response will be written by the package if it can handle the request
lpdwOutBufferLength - on input, contains the size of lpOutBuffer. On output, contains the number of bytes to return to the server in the next GET request (or whatever). If lpOutBuffer is too small, the package should return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER and set *lpdwOutBufferLength to be the required length
We will keep a list of the authentication packages and the schemes they support, along with the entry point name (should be the same for all packages) in the registry.
Wininet should keep enough information such that it can make a reasonable guess as to whether we need to authenticate a connection attempt, or whether we can use previously authenticated information
Return Value:
DWORD Success - non-zero Failure - 0. Error status is available by calling GetLastError()
--*/ DWORD WINAPI AuthenticateUser( IN OUT LPVOID *lppvContext, IN LPSTR lpszServerName, IN LPSTR lpszScheme, IN BOOL fCanUseLogon, IN LPSTR lpszInBuffer, IN DWORD dwInBufferLength, IN LPSTR lpszUserName, IN LPSTR lpszPassword, OUT SECURITY_STATUS *pssResult ) { PWINCONTEXT pWinContext; LPSTR pServerBlob = NULL; int pkgId; DWORD SPMStatus; ULONG fContextReq = ISC_REQ_DELEGATE; BOOL bNonBlock = TRUE;
if (!SSPI_InitGlobals()) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
pkgId = GetPkgId(lpszScheme);
if (pkgId == -1) return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
if (*lppvContext == NULL) // a new connection
{ DWORD dwStatus;
// First time we are getting called here, there should be no input blob
if (dwInBufferLength != 0) return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
dwStatus = NewWinContext (pkgId, lpszScheme, &pWinContext, fCanUseLogon, lpszUserName, lpszPassword); if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) return (dwStatus);
(*lppvContext) = (LPVOID) pWinContext; #ifdef DEBUG_WINSSPI
(void)wsprintf (msg, "AuthenticateUser> Scheme= %s Server= '%s'\n", lpszScheme, lpszServerName); OutputDebugString(msg); #endif
} else { pWinContext = (PWINCONTEXT) (*lppvContext);
// The package Id better be the same. Cant just switch packageId
// arbitrarily
if (pWinContext->pkgId != (DWORD)pkgId) return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); pServerBlob = lpszInBuffer;
//++(pWinContext->dwCallId); // Increment Call Id
// BUGBUG: Hack for now to know when auth failed
// The only time we get lpszInBuffer to be empty is when
// Web server failed the authentication request
if (dwInBufferLength == 0) { //
// This means auth has failed as far as NTLM are concerned.
// Will result in UI being done again for new passwd
// Make sure we should have the same server name as before
if ( pWinContext->lpszServerName != NULL && lstrcmp (pWinContext->lpszServerName, lpszServerName) != 0 ) { return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
if (!SaveServerName (lpszServerName, pWinContext)) return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
// Delete the original SSPI context handle and
// let UI recreate one.
if (pWinContext->pSspContextHandle) { (*(g_pSspData->pFuncTbl->DeleteSecurityContext))(pWinContext->pSspContextHandle); pWinContext->pSspContextHandle = NULL; }
if (pWinContext->pInBuffer != NULL && pWinContext->pInBuffer != pWinContext->szInBuffer) { LocalFree (pWinContext->pInBuffer); }
pWinContext->pInBuffer = NULL; pWinContext->dwInBufferLength = 0;
// clear buffer length for the exchange blob
pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength = 0;
// Setup dwOutBufferLength to represent max. memory in szOutBuffer
pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength = pWinContext->cbOutBuffer; ZeroMemory (pWinContext->szOutBuffer, pWinContext->cbOutBuffer);
// This will generate an authorization header with UUEncoded blob from SSPI.
// BUGBUG: Better make sure outbuf buffer is big enough for this.
SPMStatus = GetSecAuthMsg( g_pSspData, pWinContext->pCredential, pkgId, pWinContext->pSspContextHandle, &(pWinContext->SspContextHandle), fContextReq, pServerBlob, dwInBufferLength, pWinContext->szOutBuffer, &pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength, lpszServerName, fCanUseLogon, bNonBlock, lpszScheme, pssResult);
if (SPMStatus != SPM_STATUS_OK) // Fail to generate blob
{ pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength = 0; // no exchange blob generated
// if SSPI is requesting an opportunity to prompt for user credential
if (SPMStatus == SPM_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK) { if (!SaveServerName (lpszServerName, pWinContext)) return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
// If there is a exchange blob, this is not the first call
if (pServerBlob && dwInBufferLength > 0) { // Save the exchange blob in the connection context
// so we can call SSPI again with the exchange blob
if (dwInBufferLength > MAX_BLOB_SIZE) { if (pWinContext->pInBuffer != NULL && pWinContext->pInBuffer != pWinContext->szInBuffer) { LocalFree (pWinContext->pInBuffer); } pWinContext->pInBuffer = (PCHAR) LocalAlloc(0, dwInBufferLength); if (pWinContext->pInBuffer == NULL) return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } else pWinContext->pInBuffer = pWinContext->szInBuffer;
CopyMemory( pWinContext->szInBuffer, pServerBlob, dwInBufferLength ); pWinContext->dwInBufferLength = dwInBufferLength; } else { //
// Delete the original SSPI context handle and
// let UI recreate one.
if (pWinContext->pSspContextHandle) { (*(g_pSspData->pFuncTbl->DeleteSecurityContext))(pWinContext->pSspContextHandle); pWinContext->pSspContextHandle = NULL; }
// clear buffer length for the exchange blob
if (pWinContext->pInBuffer != NULL && pWinContext->pInBuffer != pWinContext->szInBuffer) { LocalFree (pWinContext->pInBuffer); }
pWinContext->pInBuffer = NULL; pWinContext->dwInBufferLength = 0; } pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength = 0;
return (ERROR_WINHTTP_LOGIN_FAILURE); } else if (pWinContext->pSspContextHandle == NULL) { // This means that we've just created a security context
pWinContext->pSspContextHandle = &(pWinContext->SspContextHandle); }
DWORD WINAPI PreAuthenticateUser( IN OUT LPVOID *lppvContext, IN LPSTR lpszServerName, IN LPSTR lpszScheme, IN BOOL fCanUseLogon, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT LPSTR lpOutBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwOutBufferLength, IN LPSTR lpszUserName, IN LPSTR lpszPassword, SECURITY_STATUS *pssResult ) { INT pkgId; DWORD dwStatus; PWINCONTEXT pWinContext; BOOL bNonBlock = TRUE; ULONG fContextReq = ISC_REQ_DELEGATE; DWORD Capabilities ;
if (!SSPI_InitGlobals()) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (lpszServerName == NULL || *lpszServerName == '\0') return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
pkgId = GetPkgId(lpszScheme);
if (pkgId == -1) { return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
Capabilities = GetPkgCapabilities( pkgId );
// If this is for an existing connection
if (*lppvContext != NULL) { pWinContext = (PWINCONTEXT) (*lppvContext);
if ((DWORD)pkgId != pWinContext->pkgId) return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// For package that does not handle its own UI, if there is no
// generated blob, it means that we have just collected
// user name/password.
if ( ( pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength == 0 ) && ( Capabilities & SSPAUTHPKG_SUPPORT_NTLM_CREDS ) ) { if (lpszUserName == NULL || lpszPassword == NULL) { return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// Need to recreate a credential handle and
// generate a new NEGOTIATE message in lpOutBuffer
dwStatus = RedoNTLMAuth4User (pWinContext, pkgId, lpszUserName, lpszPassword, lpszServerName , lpszScheme, fCanUseLogon, lpOutBuffer, lpdwOutBufferLength, pssResult);
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) return (dwStatus);
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); } else if (pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength == 0) //
// For other packages, If there is no generated blob,
// something is wrong
} // If not NTLM, don't pre-auth.
else if ( (Capabilities & SSPAUTHPKG_SUPPORT_NTLM_CREDS ) == 0 ) { return (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } else { // probably sending 1st request on a new connection for the same URL
// Create a new context and SSPI credential handle for this connection
// Set fCanUseLogon to TRUE : we would not be pre-authing
// unless we have a valid pwc which means we already checked
// zone policy for silent logon.
dwStatus = NewWinContext (pkgId, lpszScheme, &pWinContext, fCanUseLogon, lpszUserName, lpszPassword); if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) return (dwStatus); #ifdef DEBUG_WINSSPI
(void)wsprintf (msg, "PreAuthenticateUser> New Context for Scheme= %s Server= '%s'\n", lpszScheme, lpszServerName); OutputDebugString(msg); #endif
pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength = pWinContext->cbOutBuffer; ZeroMemory (pWinContext->szOutBuffer, pWinContext->cbOutBuffer); //
// This will generate an authorization header with the
// UUEncoded blob from SSPI.
// BUGBUG: Better make sure outbuf buffer is big enough for this.
dwStatus = GetSecAuthMsg( g_pSspData, pWinContext->pCredential, pkgId, NULL, &(pWinContext->SspContextHandle), fContextReq, NULL, 0, pWinContext->szOutBuffer, &pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength, lpszServerName, fCanUseLogon, bNonBlock, lpszScheme, pssResult); if (dwStatus != SPM_STATUS_OK) { // This is a rare case
pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength = 0; // no exchange blob generated
(*lppvContext) = (LPVOID) pWinContext;
// Save the pointer of the created security ctxt
pWinContext->pSspContextHandle = &(pWinContext->SspContextHandle); }
// Copy exchange blob to the output buffer
// Make sure output buffer provided is big enough
if (*lpdwOutBufferLength < pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength) { *lpdwOutBufferLength = pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength + 1; return(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); }
CopyMemory (lpOutBuffer, pWinContext->szOutBuffer, pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength); if (*lpdwOutBufferLength > pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength) lpOutBuffer[pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength] = '\0';
*lpdwOutBufferLength = pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength;
// The exchange blob has being copied to request header, so clear its len
pWinContext->dwOutBufferLength = 0;
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
BOOL g_fUUEncodeData = TRUE;
typedef enum _COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT { ComputerNameNetBIOS, ComputerNameDnsHostname, ComputerNameDnsDomain, ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified, ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain, ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified, ComputerNameMax } COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT ;
** ** Function: GetSecAuthMsg ** ** Synopsis: This function generates a SSPI NEGOTIATE or RESPONSE ** authorization string for the specified SSPI package. ** The authorization string generated by this function ** follows the format: ** "<Package Name> <Package Specific Auth. Data>" ** If global uuencoding is turned on, this functions will ** uuencode the message before building it into an ** authorization string; by default, the uuencoding flag is ** always on. ** This functions calls InitializeSecurityContext() to ** generate the NEGOTIATE/RESPONSE message for the authori- ** zation string. If the SSPI function returns NO_CREDENTIAL, ** and if the PROMPT_CREDS flag is not turned on when blocking ** is permitted, this function will call the SSPI function ** again with the PROMPT_CREDS flag set; if SSPI returns ** NO_CREDENTIAL again, this SSPI will return ERROR to the ** caller. ** ** ** Arguments: ** ** pData - pointer to SspData containing the SSPI function table ** and the SSPI package list. ** pkgID - the package index of the SSPI package to use. ** pInContext - pointer to a context handle. If NULL is specified, ** this function will use a temporary space for the context ** handle and delete the handle before returning to the ** caller. If non-NULL address is specified, the context ** handle created by the SSPI is returned to the caller. ** And the caller will have to delete the handle when it's ** done with it. ** fContextReq - the SSPI request flag to pass to InitializeSecurityContext ** pBuffIn - pointer to the uudecoded CHALLENGE message if any. ** For generating NEGOTIATE message, this pointer should be NULL. ** cbBuffIn - length of the CHALLENGE message. This should be zero when ** when pBuffIn is NULL. ** pFinalBuff - pointer to a buffer for the final authorization string. ** pszTarget - Server Host Name ** bNonBlock - a flag which is set if blocking is not permitted. ** ** Return Value: ** ** SPM_STATUS_OK - if an authorization string is generated successfully ** SPM_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK - if generating an authorization string would ** cause blocking when blocking is not permitted. ** SPM_ERROR - if any problem/error is encountered in generating an ** authorization string, including user hitting cancel on ** the SSPI dialog prompt for name/password. ** **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD GetSecAuthMsg ( PSspData pData, PCredHandle pCredential, DWORD pkgID, // the package index into package list
PCtxtHandle pInContext, PCtxtHandle pOutContext, ULONG fContextReq, // Request Flags
VOID *pBuffIn, DWORD cbBuffIn, char *pFinalBuff, DWORD *pcbBuffOut, SEC_CHAR *pszTarget, // Server Host Name
BOOL fTargetTrusted, UINT bNonBlock, LPSTR pszScheme, SECURITY_STATUS *pssResult ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(fTargetTrusted);
char *SlowDecodedBuf = NULL;
int retsize; SECURITY_STATUS SecStat; TimeStamp Lifetime; SecBufferDesc OutBuffDesc; SecBuffer OutSecBuff; SecBufferDesc InBuffDesc; SecBuffer InSecBuff; ULONG ContextAttributes;
char *SlowOutBufPlain = NULL;
char *pOutMsg = NULL; DWORD RetStatus; long maxbufsize; CHAR szDecoratedTarget[MAX_PATH + 6]; DWORD cbTarget;
ULONG cbMaxToken;
// BUGBUG: Deal with output buffer not being long enough
if (pFinalBuff == NULL) { return(SPM_ERROR); }
// Prepare our output buffer. We use a temporary buffer because
// the real output buffer will most likely need to be uuencoded
OutBuffDesc.ulVersion = 0; OutBuffDesc.cBuffers = 1; OutBuffDesc.pBuffers = &OutSecBuff;
OutSecBuff.cbBuffer = MAX_AUTH_MSG_SIZE; OutSecBuff.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
// Dynamically allocate since being in a service doesn't
// give us the guaranteed luxury of 10+KB stack allocations.
cbMaxToken = GetPkgMaxToken(pkgID);
SlowOutBufPlain = (char *) ALLOCATE_FIXED_MEMORY(cbMaxToken);
if( SlowOutBufPlain == NULL ) { RetStatus = SPM_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto Cleanup; } OutSecBuff.pvBuffer = SlowOutBufPlain; OutSecBuff.cbBuffer = cbMaxToken;
// Prepare our Input buffer if a CHALLENGE message is passed in.
if ( pBuffIn ) { InBuffDesc.ulVersion = 0; InBuffDesc.cBuffers = 1; InBuffDesc.pBuffers = &InSecBuff;
InSecBuff.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
// If this is UUENCODED, decode it first
if ( g_fUUEncodeData) { DWORD cbDecodedBuf;
cbDecodedBuf = cbBuffIn; SlowDecodedBuf = (char*) ALLOCATE_FIXED_MEMORY(cbDecodedBuf); if( SlowDecodedBuf == NULL ) { RetStatus = SPM_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto Cleanup; }
InSecBuff.cbBuffer = HTUU_decode ((char*)pBuffIn, (UCHAR*)SlowDecodedBuf, cbDecodedBuf); InSecBuff.pvBuffer = SlowDecodedBuf; } else { InSecBuff.cbBuffer = cbBuffIn; InSecBuff.pvBuffer = pBuffIn; } }
// If scheme is Negotiate, set ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH and decorate
// the server name indicated by pszTarget
if (pszScheme && !(lstrcmpi(pszScheme, "Negotiate"))) { fContextReq |= ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH; cbTarget = (pszTarget ? strlen(pszTarget) : 0); if (cbTarget && (cbTarget <= MAX_PATH - sizeof( "HTTP/" ))) { memcpy(szDecoratedTarget, "HTTP/", sizeof( "HTTP/" ) - 1 ); memcpy(szDecoratedTarget + sizeof( "HTTP/" ) - 1, pszTarget, cbTarget + 1); pszTarget = szDecoratedTarget; } }
// Call SSPI function generate the NEGOTIATE/RESPONSE message
// BUGBUG: Same credential handle could be used by multiple threads at the
// same time.
SecStat = (*(pData->pFuncTbl->InitializeSecurityContext))( pCredential, pInContext, pszTarget, fContextReq, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, (pBuffIn) ? &InBuffDesc : NULL, 0, pOutContext, &OutBuffDesc, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime ); *pssResult = SecStat; //
// If SSPI function fails
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( SecStat ) ) { RetStatus = SPM_ERROR;
// If SSPI do not have user name/password for the secified package,
if (SecStat == SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS) { //
// If we have prompted the user and still get back "No Credential"
// error, it means the user does not have valid credential; the
// user hit <CANCEL> on the UI box. If we have supplied a valid
// credential, but get back a "No Credential" error, then something
// has gone wrong; we definitely should return to caller with ERROR
if ((fContextReq & ISC_REQ_PROMPT_FOR_CREDS) || (fContextReq & ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS)) { RetStatus = SPM_ERROR; // return ERROR to caller
} else if (bNonBlock) { //
// Blocking is not permitted, return WOULD_BLOCK to caller
RetStatus = SPM_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK; } else { // Blocking is permitted and we have not asked the SSPI to
// prompt the user for proper credential, we should call
// the SSPI again with PROMPT_CREDS flag set.
fContextReq = fContextReq | ISC_REQ_PROMPT_FOR_CREDS; goto SspiRetry; } } SetLastError( SecStat );
goto Cleanup; }
RetStatus = SPM_STATUS_OK;
// Only return the SSPI blob if a output buffer is specified
if (pFinalBuff) { //
// Initialize the final buffer to hold the package name followed by
// a space. And setup the pOutMsg pointer to points to the character
// following the space so that the final NEGOTIATE/RESPONSE can be
// copied into the pFinalBuff starting at the character pointed to
// by pOutMsg.
wsprintf (pFinalBuff, "%s ", pData->PkgList[pkgID]->pName); pOutMsg = pFinalBuff + lstrlen(pFinalBuff);
if ( g_fUUEncodeData) { maxbufsize = *pcbBuffOut - lstrlen(pData->PkgList[pkgID]->pName) - 1; //
// uuencode it, but make sure that it fits in the given buffer
retsize = HTUU_encode ((BYTE *) OutSecBuff.pvBuffer, OutSecBuff.cbBuffer, (CHAR *) pOutMsg, maxbufsize); if (retsize > 0) *pcbBuffOut = retsize + lstrlen(pData->PkgList[pkgID]->pName)+1; else RetStatus = SPM_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else if ( *pcbBuffOut >= lstrlen(pData->PkgList[pkgID]->pName) + OutSecBuff.cbBuffer + 1 ) { CopyMemory( (CHAR *) pOutMsg, OutSecBuff.pvBuffer, OutSecBuff.cbBuffer ); *pcbBuffOut = lstrlen(pData->PkgList[pkgID]->pName) + 1 + OutSecBuff.cbBuffer; } else { *pcbBuffOut = lstrlen(pData->PkgList[pkgID]->pName) + OutSecBuff.cbBuffer + 1; RetStatus = SPM_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } }
if( SlowOutBufPlain != NULL ) { FREE_MEMORY( SlowOutBufPlain ); }
if( SlowDecodedBuf != NULL ) { FREE_MEMORY( SlowDecodedBuf ); }
return (RetStatus); }