** ** File: sspspm.c ** ** Synopsis: Security Protocol Module for SSPI Authentication providers. ** ** This module contains major funtions of the SEC_SSPI.DLL which ** allows the Internet Explorer to use SSPI providers for authentication. ** The function exported to the Internet Explorer is Ssp_Load() which ** passes the address of the Ssp__DownCall() function to the Explorer. ** Then the Explorer will call Ssp__DownCall() when it needs service from ** this SPM DLL. The two major functions called by Ssp__DownCall() to ** service Explorer's request are Ssp__PreProcessRequest() and ** Ssp__ProcessResponse(). In brief, Ssp__PreProcessRequest() is ** called before the Explorer sends out a request which does not have ** any 'Authorization' header yet. And Ssp__ProcessResponse() is called ** whenever the Explorer receives an 401 'Unauthorized' response from the ** server. This SPM DLL supports all SSPI packages which are installed ** on the machine. ** ** This SPM DLL is called by the Internet Explorer only for its ** The Internet Explorer only calls this SPM DLL when it needs ** authentication data in its request/response. In other words, the ** Explorer never calls this SPM DLL when an authentication succeeded; ** it never calls this DLL when it decide to give up on a connection ** because of server response timeout. Because of this fact, this SPM ** DLL never has sufficient information on the state of each server ** connection; it only know its state based on the content of the last ** request and the content of the current response. For this reason, this ** SPM DLL does not keep state information for each host it has visited ** unless the information is essential. ** The security context handle returned from the first call of ** InitializeSecurityContext() for NEGOTIATE message generation is ** always the identical for a SSPI package when the same server host is ** passed. Since the server host name is always in the request/response ** header, the only information essential in generating a NEGOTIATE or ** RESPONSE is already available in the header. So unlike most SSPI ** application, this DLL will not keep the security context handle which ** it received from the SSPI function calls. Whenever it needs to call ** the SSPI function for generating a RESPONSE, it will first call the ** SSPI function without the CHALLENGE to get a security context handle. ** Then it calls the SSPI function again with the CHALLENGE to generate ** a RESPONSE. ** ** ** Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ** ** Authors: LucyC Created 25 Sept. 1995 ** **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <wininetp.h>
#include <ntlmsp.h>
#include "sspspm.h"
// Global variable where all the SSPI Pkgs data is collected
SspData *g_pSspData;
** ** Function: SpmAddSSPIPkg ** ** Synopsis: This function adds a SSPI package to the SPM's package list. ** ** Arguments: pData - Points to the private SPM data structure containing ** the package list and the package info. ** pPkgName - package name ** cbMaxToken - max size of security token ** ** Returns: The index in the package list where this new package is added. ** If failed to add the new package, SSPPKG_ERROR is returned. ** ** History: LucyC Created 21 Oct. 1995 ** **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static UCHAR SpmAddSSPIPkg ( SspData *pData, LPTSTR pPkgName, ULONG cbMaxToken ) { if ( (pData->PkgList[pData->PkgCnt] = (SSPAuthPkg *)LocalAlloc(0, sizeof(SSPAuthPkg))) == NULL) { return SSPPKG_ERROR; }
if ( (pData->PkgList[pData->PkgCnt]->pName = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc(0, lstrlen(pPkgName)+1)) == NULL) { LocalFree(pData->PkgList[pData->PkgCnt]); pData->PkgList[pData->PkgCnt] = NULL; return SSPPKG_ERROR; }
lstrcpy (pData->PkgList[pData->PkgCnt]->pName, pPkgName); pData->PkgList[ pData->PkgCnt ]->Capabilities = 0 ;
pData->PkgList[ pData->PkgCnt ]->cbMaxToken = cbMaxToken;
// Determine if this package supports anything of interest to
// us.
if ( lstrcmpi( pPkgName, NTLMSP_NAME_A ) == 0 ) { //
// NTLM supports the standard credential structure
pData->PkgList[ pData->PkgCnt ]->Capabilities |= SSPAUTHPKG_SUPPORT_NTLM_CREDS ; } else if ( lstrcmpi( pPkgName, "Negotiate" ) == 0 ) { //
// Negotiate supports that cred structure too
pData->PkgList[ pData->PkgCnt ]->Capabilities |= SSPAUTHPKG_SUPPORT_NTLM_CREDS ;
} else { //
// Add more comparisons here, eventually.
; }
pData->PkgCnt++; return (pData->PkgCnt - 1); }
** ** Function: SpmFreePkgList ** ** Synopsis: This function frees memory allocated for the package list. ** ** Arguments: pData - Points to the private SPM data structure containing ** the package list and the package info. ** ** Returns: void. ** ** History: LucyC Created 21 Oct. 1995 ** **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static VOID SpmFreePkgList ( SspData *pData ) { int ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < pData->PkgCnt; ii++) { LocalFree(pData->PkgList[ii]->pName);
LocalFree(pData->PkgList[ii]); }
LocalFree(pData->PkgList); }
** ** Function: Ssp__Unload ** ** Synopsis: This function is called by the Internet Explorer before ** the SPM DLL is unloaded from the memory. ** ** Arguments: fpUI - From Explorer for making all UI_SERVICE call ** pvOpaqueOS - From Explorer for making all UI_SERVICE call ** htspm - the SPM structure which contains the global data ** storage for this SPM DLL. ** ** Returns: always returns SPM_STATUS_OK, which means successful. ** ** History: LucyC Created 25 Sept. 1995 ** **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD SSPI_Unload() { if (!AuthLock()) { return SPM_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
if (g_pSspData != NULL) { SpmFreePkgList(g_pSspData); LocalFree(g_pSspData); g_pSspData = NULL; }
if (g_hSecLib) { FreeLibrary (g_hSecLib); g_hSecLib = NULL; }
AuthUnlock(); return SPM_STATUS_OK; }
** ** Function: SspSPM_InitData ** ** Synopsis: This function allocates and initializes global data structure ** of the SPM DLL. ** ** Arguments: ** ** Returns: Pointer to the allocated global data structure. ** ** History: LucyC Created 25 Sept. 1995 ** **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPVOID SSPI_InitGlobals(void) { SspData *pData = NULL; OSVERSIONINFO VerInfo; INIT_SECURITY_INTERFACE addrProcISI = NULL;
SECURITY_STATUS sstat; ULONG ii, cntPkg; PSecPkgInfo pPkgInfo = NULL; PSecurityFunctionTable pFuncTbl = NULL;
if (g_pSspData) return g_pSspData;
static BOOL Initializing = FALSE; static BOOL Initialized = FALSE;
if (!AuthLock()) { goto done; }
if (Initializing) { //if re-entered on same thread, fail.
goto leave; } else if (g_pSspData) { //else some other thread succeeded, and we can fall out.
goto leave; } else if (Initialized) { //else if we've failed initialization for non-entrancy reasons, don't reattempt
goto leave; }
Initializing = TRUE;
//Ensure that the AuthLock is never abandoned.
__try { //
// Initialize SSP SPM Global Data
VerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); if (!GetVersionEx (&VerInfo)) // If this fails, something has gone wrong
{ goto quit; }
if (VerInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { goto quit; }
if ((pData = (SspData *) LocalAlloc(0, sizeof(SspData))) == NULL) { goto quit;
// Keep these information in global SPM
ZeroMemory (pData, sizeof(SspData));
// Load Security DLL
g_hSecLib = LoadLibrary (SSP_SPM_NT_DLL); if (g_hSecLib == NULL) { // This should never happen.
LocalFree(pData); pData = NULL; goto Cleanup; }
addrProcISI = (INIT_SECURITY_INTERFACE) GetProcAddress( g_hSecLib, SECURITY_ENTRYPOINT); if (addrProcISI == NULL) { LocalFree(pData); pData = NULL; goto Cleanup; }
// Get the SSPI function table
pFuncTbl = (*addrProcISI)();
if (pFuncTbl == NULL) { LocalFree(pData); pData = NULL; goto Cleanup; } //
// Get list of packages supported
sstat = (*(pFuncTbl->EnumerateSecurityPackages))(&cntPkg, &pPkgInfo); if (sstat != SEC_E_OK || pPkgInfo == NULL) { //
// ??? Should we give up here ???
// EnumerateSecurityPackage() failed
goto Cleanup; }
if (cntPkg) { //
// Create the package list
if ((pData->PkgList = (PSSPAuthPkg *)LocalAlloc(0, cntPkg*sizeof(PSSPAuthPkg))) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } }
for (ii = 0; ii < cntPkg; ii++) { //DebugTrace(SSPSPMID, "Found %s SSPI package\n",
// pPkgInfo[ii].Name);
if (SpmAddSSPIPkg (pData, pPkgInfo[ii].Name, pPkgInfo[ii].cbMaxToken ) == SSPPKG_ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } }
pData->pFuncTbl = pFuncTbl; pData->bKeepList = TRUE;
if (pData->PkgCnt == 0) { goto Cleanup; }
g_pSspData = pData; pData = NULL; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { goto Cleanup; } ENDEXCEPT
if( pPkgInfo != NULL ) { //
// Free buffer returned by the enumerate security package function
(*(pFuncTbl->FreeContextBuffer))(pPkgInfo); }
if( pData != NULL ) { SpmFreePkgList (pData); }
if (g_hSecLib) { FreeLibrary (g_hSecLib); g_hSecLib = NULL; } */
quit: Initialized = TRUE; Initializing = FALSE;
//jump here if you grabbed the auth lock but don't want to affect Init*
leave: AuthUnlock();
//jump here IFF you didn't grab the Authlock
done: return (g_pSspData); }
INT GetPkgId(LPTSTR lpszPkgName) { int ii;
if ( g_pSspData == NULL ) { return -1; } if (!AuthLock()) { return -1; } for (ii = 0; ii < g_pSspData->PkgCnt; ii++) { if (!lstrcmp(g_pSspData->PkgList[ii]->pName, lpszPkgName)) { AuthUnlock(); return(ii); } }
AuthUnlock(); return(-1); }
DWORD GetPkgCapabilities( INT Package ) { if (!AuthLock()) { return 0; } DWORD dwCaps; if ( Package < g_pSspData->PkgCnt ) { dwCaps = g_pSspData->PkgList[ Package ]->Capabilities ; } else dwCaps = 0 ;
AuthUnlock(); return dwCaps; }
ULONG GetPkgMaxToken( INT Package ) { if (!AuthLock()) { return MAX_AUTH_MSG_SIZE; } ULONG dwMaxToken;
if ( Package < g_pSspData->PkgCnt ) { dwMaxToken = g_pSspData->PkgList[ Package ]->cbMaxToken; } else { // be compatible with old static buffer size
dwMaxToken = MAX_AUTH_MSG_SIZE; }
AuthUnlock(); return dwMaxToken; }
// Calls to this function are serialized
DWORD_PTR SSPI_InitScheme (LPCSTR lpszScheme) { int ii;
if (!SSPI_InitGlobals()) return 0; if (!AuthLock()) { return 0; } // Once initialized, check to see if this scheme is installed
for (ii = 0; ii < g_pSspData->PkgCnt && lstrcmp (g_pSspData->PkgList[ii]->pName, lpszScheme); ii++);
if (ii >= g_pSspData->PkgCnt) { // This scheme is not installed on this machine
AuthUnlock(); return (0); } AuthUnlock(); return ((DWORD_PTR)g_pSspData); }