Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the server to client protocol for DHCP.
Manny Weiser (mannyw) 21-Oct-1992
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
Madan Appiah (madana) 21-Oct-1993
Arthur Bierer (arthurbi) 15-July-1998 hacked up to use with Wininet's auto-proxy detection code
#include <wininetp.h>
#include "aproxp.h"
#include "apdetect.h"
#ifndef VXD
// ping routines.. ICMP
#include <ipexport.h>
//#include <icmpif.h>
#include <icmpapi.h>
#ifdef NEWNT
extern BOOL DhcpGlobalIsService; #endif // NEWNT
DWORD // Time in seconds
DhcpCalculateWaitTime( // how much time to wait
IN DWORD RoundNum, // which round is this
OUT DWORD *WaitMilliSecs // if needed the # in milli seconds
POPTION FormatDhcpInform( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext );
DWORD SendDhcpInform( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, PDWORD TransactionId );
DWORD // status
SendInformAndGetReplies( // send an inform packet and collect replies
IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // the context to send out of
IN DWORD nInformsToSend,// how many informs to send?
IN DWORD MaxAcksToWait, // how many acks to wait for
OUT DHCP_EXPECTED_OPTIONS *pExpectedOptions // list of things parsed out of request
VOID DhcpExtractFullOrLiteOptions( // Extract some important options alone or ALL
IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, IN LPBYTE OptStart, // start of the options stuff
IN DWORD MessageSize, // # of bytes of options
IN BOOL LiteOnly, // next struc is EXPECTED_OPTIONS and not FULL_OPTIONS
OUT LPVOID DhcpOptions, // this is where the options would be stored
IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY RecdOptions, // if !LiteOnly this gets filled with all incoming options
IN OUT DWORD *LeaseExpiry, // if !LiteOnly input expiry time, else output expiry time
IN LPBYTE ClassName, // if !LiteOnly this is used to add to the option above
IN DWORD ClassLen // if !LiteOnly this gives the # of bytes of classname
DWORD SendDhcpMessage( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, DWORD MessageLength, PDWORD TransactionId );
DWORD OpenDhcpSocket( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext );
DWORD GetSpecifiedDhcpMessage( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, PDWORD BufferLength, DWORD TransactionId, DWORD TimeToWait );
DWORD CloseDhcpSocket( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext );
// functions
DWORD // Time in seconds
DhcpCalculateWaitTime( // how much time to wait
IN DWORD RoundNum, // which round is this
OUT DWORD *WaitMilliSecs // if needed the # in milli seconds
) { DWORD MilliSecs; //DWORD WaitTimes[4] = { 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000 };
DWORD WaitTimes[4] = { 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 };
if( WaitMilliSecs ) *WaitMilliSecs = 0; if( RoundNum >= sizeof(WaitTimes)/sizeof(WaitTimes[0]) ) return 0;
MilliSecs = WaitTimes[RoundNum] - 1000 + ((rand()*((DWORD) 2000))/RAND_MAX); if( WaitMilliSecs ) *WaitMilliSecs = MilliSecs;
return (MilliSecs + 501)/1000; }
VOID _inline ConcatOption( IN OUT LPBYTE *Buf, // input buffer to re-alloc
IN OUT ULONG *BufSize, // input buffer size
IN BYTE UNALIGNED *Data, // data to append
IN ULONG DataSize // how many bytes to add?
) { LPBYTE NewBuf; ULONG NewSize;
NewSize = (*BufSize) + DataSize; NewBuf = (LPBYTE) DhcpAllocateMemory(NewSize); if( NULL == NewBuf ) { // could not alloc memory?
return; // can't do much
memcpy(NewBuf, *Buf, *BufSize); // copy existing part
memcpy(NewBuf + *BufSize, Data, DataSize); // copy new stuff
if( NULL != *Buf ) DhcpFreeMemory(*Buf); // if we alloc'ed mem, free it now
*Buf = NewBuf; *BufSize = NewSize; // fill in new values..
VOID DhcpExtractFullOrLiteOptions( // Extract some important options alone or ALL
IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // input context
IN LPBYTE OptStart, // start of the options stuff
IN DWORD MessageSize, // # of bytes of options
IN BOOL LiteOnly, // next struc is EXPECTED_OPTIONS and not FULL_OPTIONS
OUT LPVOID DhcpOptions, // this is where the options would be stored
IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY RecdOptions, // if !LiteOnly this gets filled with all incoming options
IN OUT DWORD *LeaseExpiry, // if !LiteOnly input expiry time, else output expiry time
IN LPBYTE ClassName, // if !LiteOnly this is used to add to the option above
IN DWORD ClassLen // if !LiteOnly this gives the # of bytes of classname
) { BYTE UNALIGNED* ThisOpt; BYTE UNALIGNED* NextOpt; BYTE UNALIGNED* EndOpt; BYTE UNALIGNED* MagicCookie; DWORD Size, ThisSize, UClassSize = 0; LPBYTE UClass= NULL; // concatenation of all OPTION_USER_CLASS options
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DhcpContext); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(RecdOptions); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ClassName); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ClassLen); EndOpt = OptStart + MessageSize; // all options should be < EndOpt;
ExpOptions = (PDHCP_EXPECTED_OPTIONS)DhcpOptions; FullOptions = (PDHCP_FULL_OPTIONS)DhcpOptions; RtlZeroMemory((LPBYTE)DhcpOptions, LiteOnly?sizeof(*ExpOptions):sizeof(*FullOptions)); // if(!LiteOnly) InitializeListHead(RecdOptions); -- clear off this list for getting ALL options
// dont clear off options... just accumulate over..
MagicCookie = OptStart; if( 0 == MessageSize ) goto DropPkt; // nothing to do in this case
if( 0 != memcmp(MagicCookie, ReqdCookie, sizeof(ReqdCookie)) ) goto DropPkt; // oops, cant handle this packet
NextOpt = &MagicCookie[sizeof(ReqdCookie)]; while( NextOpt < EndOpt && OPTION_END != *NextOpt ) { if( OPTION_PAD == *NextOpt ) { // handle pads right away
NextOpt++; continue; }
ThisOpt = NextOpt; // take a good look at this option
if( NextOpt + 2 > EndOpt ) { // goes over boundary?
break; }
NextOpt += 2 + (unsigned)ThisOpt[1]; // Option[1] holds the size of this option
Size = ThisOpt[1];
if( NextOpt > EndOpt ) { // illegal option that goes over boundary!
break; // ignore the error, but dont take this option
if(!LiteOnly) do { // look for any OPTION_MSFT_CONTINUED ..
if( NextOpt >= EndOpt ) break; // no more options
if( OPTION_MSFT_CONTINUED != NextOpt[0] ) break; if( NextOpt + 1 + NextOpt[1] > EndOpt ) { NextOpt = NULL; // do this so that we know to quit at the end..
break; }
NextOpt++; // skip opt code
ThisSize = NextOpt[0]; // # of bytes to shift back..
memcpy(ThisOpt+2+Size, NextOpt+1,ThisSize); NextOpt += ThisSize+1; Size += ThisSize; } while(1); // keep stringing up any "continued" options..
if( NULL == NextOpt ) { // err parsing OPTION_MSFT_CONTINUED ..
break; }
if( LiteOnly ) { // handle the small subnet of options
switch( ThisOpt[0] ) { // ThisOpt[0] is OptionId, ThisOpt[1] is size
case OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE: if( ThisOpt[1] != 1 ) goto DropPkt; ExpOptions->MessageType = &ThisOpt[2]; continue; case OPTION_SUBNET_MASK: if( ThisOpt[1] != sizeof(DWORD) ) goto DropPkt; ExpOptions->SubnetMask = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; continue; case OPTION_LEASE_TIME: if( ThisOpt[1] != sizeof(DWORD) ) goto DropPkt; ExpOptions->LeaseTime = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; continue; case OPTION_SERVER_IDENTIFIER: if( ThisOpt[1] != sizeof(DWORD) ) goto DropPkt; ExpOptions->ServerIdentifier = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; continue; case OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME: if( ThisOpt[1] == 0 ) goto DropPkt; ExpOptions->DomainName = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; ExpOptions->DomainNameSize = ThisOpt[1]; break; case OPTION_WPAD_URL: if( ThisOpt[1] == 0 ) goto DropPkt; ExpOptions->WpadUrl = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; ExpOptions->WpadUrlSize = ThisOpt[1]; break;
default: continue; } } else { // Handle the full set of options
switch( ThisOpt[0] ) { case OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE: if( Size != 1 ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->MessageType = &ThisOpt[2]; break; case OPTION_SUBNET_MASK: if( Size != sizeof(DWORD) ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->SubnetMask = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; break; case OPTION_LEASE_TIME: if( Size != sizeof(DWORD) ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->LeaseTime = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; break; case OPTION_SERVER_IDENTIFIER: if( Size != sizeof(DWORD) ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->ServerIdentifier = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; break; case OPTION_RENEWAL_TIME: // T1Time
if( Size != sizeof(DWORD) ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->T1Time = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; break; case OPTION_REBIND_TIME: // T2Time
if( Size != sizeof(DWORD) ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->T2Time = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; break; case OPTION_ROUTER_ADDRESS: if( Size < sizeof(DWORD) || (Size % sizeof(DWORD) ) ) goto DropPkt; // There can be many router addresses
FullOptions->GatewayAddresses = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; FullOptions->nGateways = Size / sizeof(DWORD); break; case OPTION_STATIC_ROUTES: if( Size < 2*sizeof(DWORD) || (Size % (2*sizeof(DWORD))) ) goto DropPkt; // the static routes come in pairs
FullOptions->StaticRouteAddresses = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; FullOptions->nStaticRoutes = Size/(2*sizeof(DWORD)); break; case OPTION_DYNDNS_BOTH: if( Size < 3 ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->DnsFlags = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; FullOptions->DnsRcode1 = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[3]; FullOptions->DnsRcode2 = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[3]; break; case OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME: if( Size == 0 ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->DomainName = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; FullOptions->DomainNameSize = Size; break; case OPTION_WPAD_URL: if( Size == 0 ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->WpadUrl = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; FullOptions->WpadUrlSize = Size; break; case OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS: if( Size < sizeof(DWORD) || (Size % sizeof(DWORD) )) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->DnsServerList = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; FullOptions->nDnsServers = Size / sizeof(DWORD); break; case OPTION_MESSAGE: if( Size == 0 ) break; // ignore zero sized packets
FullOptions->ServerMessage = &ThisOpt[2]; FullOptions->ServerMessageLength = ThisOpt[1]; break; case OPTION_MCAST_LEASE_START: if ( Size != sizeof(DATE_TIME) ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->MCastLeaseStartTime = (DWORD UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; break; case OPTION_MCAST_TTL: if ( Size != 1 ) goto DropPkt; FullOptions->MCastTTL = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&ThisOpt[2]; break; case OPTION_USER_CLASS: if( Size <= 6) goto DropPkt; ConcatOption(&UClass, &UClassSize, &ThisOpt[2], Size); continue; // don't add this option yet...
default: // unknowm message, nothing to do.. especially dont log this
break; }
} // if LiteOnly then else
} // while NextOpt < EndOpt
if( LiteOnly && LeaseExpiry ) { // If asked to calculate lease expiration time..
DWORD LeaseTime; time_t TimeNow, ExpirationTime;
// BBUGBUGBUG [arthurbi] broken intensionlly, dead code.
//if( ExpOptions->LeaseTime ) LeaseTime = _I_ntohl(*ExpOptions->LeaseTime);
if( ExpOptions->LeaseTime ) LeaseTime = 0; else LeaseTime = DHCP_MINIMUM_LEASE; ExpirationTime = (TimeNow = time(NULL)) + (time_t)LeaseTime; if( ExpirationTime < TimeNow ) { ExpirationTime = INFINIT_TIME; }
*LeaseExpiry = (DWORD)ExpirationTime ; }
if( !LiteOnly && NULL != UClass ) { // we have a user class list to pass on..
DhcpAssert(UClassSize != 0 ); // we better have something here..
DhcpFreeMemory(UClass); UClass = NULL; }
DropPkt: RtlZeroMemory(DhcpOptions, LiteOnly?sizeof(ExpOptions):sizeof(FullOptions)); if( LiteOnly && LeaseExpiry ) *LeaseExpiry = (DWORD) time(NULL) + DHCP_MINIMUM_LEASE; //if(!LiteOnly) DhcpFreeAllOptions(RecdOptions);// ok undo the options that we just added
if(!LiteOnly && NULL != UClass ) DhcpFreeMemory(UClass); }
POPTION // ptr to add additional options
FormatDhcpInform( // format the packet for an INFORM
IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext // format for this context
) { LPOPTION option; LPBYTE OptionEnd;
BYTE value; PDHCP_MESSAGE dhcpMessage;
dhcpMessage = DhcpContext->MessageBuffer; RtlZeroMemory( dhcpMessage, DHCP_SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE );
// BUGBUG [arthurbi] -
// For RAS client, use broadcast bit, otherwise the router will try
// to send as unicast to made-up RAS client hardware address, which
// will not work. So will this work without it?
// Transaction ID is filled in during send
dhcpMessage->Operation = BOOT_REQUEST; dhcpMessage->HardwareAddressType = DhcpContext->HardwareAddressType; dhcpMessage->SecondsSinceBoot = (WORD) DhcpContext->SecondsSinceBoot; memcpy(dhcpMessage->HardwareAddress,DhcpContext->HardwareAddress,DhcpContext->HardwareAddressLength); dhcpMessage->HardwareAddressLength = (BYTE)DhcpContext->HardwareAddressLength; dhcpMessage->ClientIpAddress = DhcpContext->IpAddress; //dhcpMessage->Reserved = 0;
//dhcpMessage->Reserved = _I_htons(DHCP_BROADCAST);
//if ( IS_MDHCP_CTX(DhcpContext ) ) MDHCP_MESSAGE( dhcpMessage );
option = &dhcpMessage->Option; OptionEnd = (LPBYTE)dhcpMessage + DHCP_SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE;
// always add magic cookie first
option = (LPOPTION) DhcpAppendMagicCookie( (LPBYTE) option, OptionEnd );
value = DHCP_INFORM_MESSAGE; option = DhcpAppendOption( option, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, &value, 1, OptionEnd );
// BUGBUG [arthurbi], shouldn't we uncomment this?
// un comment later on
/*option = DhcpAppendClassIdOption(
DhcpContext, (LPBYTE)option, OptionEnd );*/
return( option ); }
DWORD // status
SendDhcpInform( // send an inform packet after filling required options
IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // sned out for this context
IN OUT DWORD *pdwXid // use this Xid (if zero fill something and return it)
) { DWORD size; POPTION option; LPBYTE OptionEnd; BYTE SentOpt[OPTION_END+1]; BYTE SentVOpt[OPTION_END+1]; BYTE VendorOpt[OPTION_END+1]; DWORD VendorOptSize;
RtlZeroMemory(SentOpt, sizeof(SentOpt)); // initialize boolean arrays
RtlZeroMemory(SentVOpt, sizeof(SentVOpt)); // so that no option is presumed sent
VendorOptSize = 0; // encapsulated vendor option is empty
option = FormatDhcpInform( DhcpContext ); // core format
OptionEnd = (LPBYTE)(DhcpContext->MessageBuffer) + DHCP_SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE;
if( DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.fSpecified) // client id specified in registy
option = DhcpAppendClientIDOption( // ==> use this client id as option
option, DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.bType, DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.pbID, (BYTE)DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.cbID, OptionEnd ); else // client id was not specified
option = DhcpAppendClientIDOption( // ==> use hw addr as client id
option, DhcpContext->HardwareAddressType, DhcpContext->HardwareAddress, (BYTE)DhcpContext->HardwareAddressLength, OptionEnd );
{ // add hostname and comment options
char szHostName[255];
if ( _I_gethostname(szHostName, ARRAY_ELEMENTS(szHostName)) != SOCKET_ERROR ) { option = DhcpAppendOption( option, OPTION_HOST_NAME, (LPBYTE)szHostName, (BYTE)((strlen(szHostName) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR)), OptionEnd ); } }
if( NULL != DhcpGlobalClientClassInfo ) { // if we have any info on client class..
option = DhcpAppendOption( option, OPTION_CLIENT_CLASS_INFO, (LPBYTE)DhcpGlobalClientClassInfo, strlen(DhcpGlobalClientClassInfo), OptionEnd ); }
SentOpt[OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE] = TRUE; // these must have been added by now
option = DhcpAppendSendOptions( // append all other options we need to send
DhcpContext, // for this context
&DhcpContext->SendOptionsList, // this is the list of options to send out
DhcpContext->ClassId, // which class.
DhcpContext->ClassIdLength, // how many bytes are there in the class id
(LPBYTE)option, // start of the buffer to add the options
(LPBYTE)OptionEnd, // end of the buffer up to which we can add options
SentOpt, // this is the boolean array that marks what opt were sent
SentVOpt, // this is for vendor spec options
VendorOpt, // this would contain some vendor specific options
&VendorOptSize // the # of bytes of vendor options added to VendorOpt param
if( !SentOpt[OPTION_VENDOR_SPEC_INFO] && VendorOptSize && VendorOptSize <= OPTION_END ) option = DhcpAppendOption( // add vendor specific options if we havent already sent it
option, OPTION_VENDOR_SPEC_INFO, VendorOpt, (BYTE)VendorOptSize, OptionEnd );
option = DhcpAppendOption( option, OPTION_END, NULL, 0, OptionEnd ); size = (DWORD)((PBYTE)option - (PBYTE)DhcpContext->MessageBuffer);
return SendDhcpMessage( // finally send the message and return
DhcpContext, size, pdwXid ); }
DWORD InitializeDhcpSocket( SOCKET *Socket, DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function initializes and binds a socket to the specified IP address.
Socket - Returns a pointer to the initialized socket.
IpAddress - The IP address to bind the socket to. It is legitimate to bind a socket to if the card has no current IP address.
Return Value:
The status of the operation.
--*/ { DWORD error; DWORD closeError; DWORD value; struct sockaddr_in socketName; DWORD i; SOCKET sock;
// Sockets initialization
sock = _I_socket( PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP );
if ( sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) { error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("socket failed, error = %ld\n", error )); return( error ); }
// Make the socket share-able
value = 1;
error = _I_setsockopt( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char FAR *)&value, sizeof(value) ); if ( error != 0 ) { error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("setsockopt failed, err = %ld\n", error ));
closeError = _I_closesocket( sock ); if ( closeError != 0 ) { DhcpPrint(("closesocket failed, err = %d\n", closeError )); } return( error ); }
error = _I_setsockopt( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char FAR *)&value, sizeof(value) ); if ( error != 0 ) { error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("setsockopt failed, err = %ld\n", error ));
closeError = _I_closesocket( sock ); if ( closeError != 0 ) { DhcpPrint(("closesocket failed, err = %d\n", closeError )); } return( error ); }
// If the IpAddress is zero, set the special socket option to make
// stack work with zero address.
if( IpAddress == 0 ) { value = 1234; error = _I_setsockopt( sock, SOL_SOCKET, 0x8000, (char FAR *)&value, sizeof(value) ); if ( error != 0 ) { error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("setsockopt failed, err = %ld\n", error ));
closeError = _I_closesocket( sock ); if ( closeError != 0 ) { DhcpPrint(("closesocket failed, err = %d\n", closeError )); } return( error ); } }
socketName.sin_family = PF_INET; socketName.sin_port = _I_htons( DHCP_CLIENT_PORT ); socketName.sin_addr.s_addr = IpAddress;
for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i++ ) { socketName.sin_zero[i] = 0; }
// Bind this socket to the DHCP server port
error = _I_bind( sock, (struct sockaddr FAR *)&socketName, sizeof( socketName ) );
if ( error != 0 ) { error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("bind failed (address 0x%lx), err = %ld\n", IpAddress, error )); closeError = _I_closesocket( sock ); if ( closeError != 0 ) { DhcpPrint(("closesocket failed, err = %d\n", closeError )); } return( error ); }
*Socket = sock; return( NO_ERROR ); }
DWORD // status
SendInformAndGetReplies( // send an inform packet and collect replies
IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // the context to send out of
IN DWORD nInformsToSend,// how many informs to send?
IN DWORD MaxAcksToWait, // how many acks to wait for
OUT DHCP_EXPECTED_OPTIONS *pExpectedOptions // list of things parsed out of request
) { time_t StartTime; time_t TimeNow; DWORD TimeToWait; DWORD Error; DWORD Xid; DWORD MessageSize; DWORD RoundNum; DWORD MessageCount; DWORD LeaseExpirationTime; DHCP_FULL_OPTIONS FullOptions;
DhcpPrint(("SendInformAndGetReplies entered\n"));
if((Error = OpenDhcpSocket(DhcpContext)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DhcpPrint(("Could not open socket for this interface! (%ld)\n", Error)); return Error; }
Xid = 0; // Will be generated by first SendDhcpPacket
MessageCount = 0; // total # of messages we have got
DhcpContext->SecondsSinceBoot = 0; // start at zero..
for( RoundNum = 0; RoundNum < nInformsToSend; RoundNum ++ ) { Error = SendDhcpInform(DhcpContext, &Xid); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint(("SendDhcpInform: %ld\n", Error)); goto Cleanup; } else { DhcpPrint(("Sent DhcpInform\n")); }
TimeToWait = DhcpCalculateWaitTime(RoundNum, NULL); DhcpContext->SecondsSinceBoot += TimeToWait; // do this so that next time thru it can go thru relays..
StartTime = time(NULL); while ( TRUE ) { // wiat for the specified wait time
DhcpPrint(("Waiting for ACK[Xid=%x]: %ld seconds\n",Xid, TimeToWait)); Error = GetSpecifiedDhcpMessage( // try to receive an ACK
DhcpContext, &MessageSize, Xid, (DWORD)TimeToWait ); if ( Error == ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT ) break; if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DhcpPrint(("GetSpecifiedDhcpMessage: %ld\n", Error)); goto Cleanup; }
DhcpExtractFullOrLiteOptions( // Need to see if this is an ACK
DhcpContext, (LPBYTE)&DhcpContext->MessageBuffer->Option, MessageSize - DHCP_MESSAGE_FIXED_PART_SIZE, TRUE, // do lite extract only
pExpectedOptions, // check for only expected options
NULL, // unused
&LeaseExpirationTime, NULL, // unused
0 // unused
if( NULL == pExpectedOptions->MessageType ) { DhcpPrint(("Received no message type!\n")); } else if( DHCP_ACK_MESSAGE != *(pExpectedOptions->MessageType) ) { DhcpPrint(("Received unexpected message type: %ld\n", *(pExpectedOptions->MessageType))); } else if( NULL == pExpectedOptions->ServerIdentifier ) { DhcpPrint(("Received no server identifier, dropping inform ACK\n")); } else { MessageCount ++; DhcpPrint(("Received %ld ACKS so far\n", MessageCount)); DhcpExtractFullOrLiteOptions( // do FULL options..
DhcpContext, (LPBYTE)&DhcpContext->MessageBuffer->Option, MessageSize - DHCP_MESSAGE_FIXED_PART_SIZE, FALSE, &FullOptions, &(DhcpContext->RecdOptionsList), &LeaseExpirationTime, DhcpContext->ClassId, DhcpContext->ClassIdLength ); if( MessageCount >= MaxAcksToWait ) goto Cleanup; } // if( it is an ACK and ServerId present )
TimeNow = time(NULL); // Reset the time values to reflect new time
if( TimeToWait < (DWORD) (TimeNow - StartTime) ) { break; // no more time left to wait..
} TimeToWait -= (DWORD)(TimeNow - StartTime); // recalculate time now
StartTime = TimeNow; // reset start time also
} // end of while ( TimeToWait > 0)
} // for (RoundNum = 0; RoundNum < nInformsToSend ; RoundNum ++ )
Cleanup: CloseDhcpSocket(DhcpContext); if( MessageCount ) Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; DhcpPrint(("SendInformAndGetReplies: got %d ACKS (returning %ld)\n", MessageCount,Error)); return Error; }
// This function gets the options from the server using DHCP_INFORM message.
// It picks the first ACK and then processes it.
// It ignores any errors caused by TIME_OUTS as that only means there is no
// server, or the server does not have this functionality. No point giving up
// because of that.
BOOL // win32 status
DhcpDoInform( // send an inform packet if necessary
IN CAdapterInterface * pAdapterInterface, IN BOOL fBroadcast, // Do we broadcast this inform, or unicast to server?
OUT LPSTR * ppszAutoProxyUrl ) { DHCP_CONTEXT StackDhcpContext; // input context to do inform on
PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext = &StackDhcpContext; DWORD Error; DWORD LocalError; BOOL WasPlumbedBefore; time_t OldT2Time; DHCP_EXPECTED_OPTIONS ExpectedOptions;
if ( ! pAdapterInterface->IsDhcp() ) { return FALSE; }
if (! pAdapterInterface->CopyAdapterInfoToDhcpContext(DhcpContext) ) { return FALSE; } // mdhcp uses INADDR_ANY so it does not have to have an ipaddress.
if( 0 == DhcpContext->IpAddress && !IS_MDHCP_CTX( DhcpContext) ) { DhcpPrint(("Cannot do DhcpInform on an adapter without ip address!\n")); return FALSE; }
// Open the socket ahead... so that things work. Tricky, else does not work!!!
if((Error = OpenDhcpSocket(DhcpContext)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DhcpPrint(("Could not open socket (%ld)\n", Error)); return FALSE; }
// If you always need to broadcast this message, the KLUDGE is to
// set pContext->T2Time = 0; and pContext->fFlags &= ~DHCP_CONTEXT_FLAGS_PLUMBED
// and that should do the trick! Safe to change the struct as it was cloned.
OldT2Time = DhcpContext->T2Time; WasPlumbedBefore = IS_ADDRESS_PLUMBED(DhcpContext); if(fBroadcast) { DhcpContext->T2Time = 0; // !!!! KLUDGE.. look at SendDhcpMessage to understand this ..
ADDRESS_UNPLUMBED(DhcpContext); CONNECTION_BROADCAST(DhcpContext); } else { DhcpContext->T2Time = (-1); }
memset((void *) &ExpectedOptions, 0, sizeof(DHCP_EXPECTED_OPTIONS));
Error = SendInformAndGetReplies( // get replies on this
DhcpContext, // context to send on
2, // send atmost 2 informs
1, // wait for as many as 4 packets..
&ExpectedOptions ); DhcpContext->LastInformSent = time(NULL); // record when the last inform was sent
DhcpContext->T2Time = OldT2Time; if( WasPlumbedBefore ) ADDRESS_PLUMBED(DhcpContext);
LocalError = CloseDhcpSocket(DhcpContext); DhcpAssert(ERROR_SUCCESS == LocalError);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint(("DhcpDoInform:return [0x%lx]\n", Error)); } else { //
// Did we actually get a response with an URL that can be used ?
if (ExpectedOptions.WpadUrl && ExpectedOptions.WpadUrlSize > 0) { LPSTR lpszAutoProxyUrl = NewString(NULL, ExpectedOptions.WpadUrlSize);
if (lpszAutoProxyUrl) { memcpy(lpszAutoProxyUrl, ExpectedOptions.WpadUrl, ExpectedOptions.WpadUrlSize); *ppszAutoProxyUrl = lpszAutoProxyUrl; } return (lpszAutoProxyUrl != NULL); } }
return FALSE; }
DWORD SendDhcpMessage( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, DWORD MessageLength, PDWORD TransactionId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function sends a UDP message to the DHCP server specified in the DhcpContext.
DhcpContext - A pointer to a DHCP context block.
MessageLength - The length of the message to send.
TransactionID - The transaction ID for this message. If 0, the function generates a random ID, and returns it.
Return Value:
The status of the operation.
--*/ { DWORD error; int i; struct sockaddr_in socketName; time_t TimeNow; BOOL LockedInterface = FALSE;
if ( *TransactionId == 0 ) { *TransactionId = (rand() << 16) + rand(); }
DhcpContext->MessageBuffer->TransactionID = *TransactionId;
// Initialize the outgoing address.
socketName.sin_family = PF_INET; socketName.sin_port = _I_htons( DHCP_SERVR_PORT );
if ( IS_MDHCP_CTX(DhcpContext) ) { socketName.sin_addr.s_addr = DhcpContext->DhcpServerAddress; if ( CLASSD_NET_ADDR( DhcpContext->DhcpServerAddress ) ) { int TTL = 16; //
// Set TTL
// MBUG: we need to read this from the registry.
if (_I_setsockopt( DhcpContext->Socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, (char *)&TTL, sizeof((int)TTL)) == SOCKET_ERROR){
error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("could not set MCast TTL %ld\n",error )); return error; }
} } else if( IS_ADDRESS_PLUMBED(DhcpContext) && !IS_MEDIA_RECONNECTED(DhcpContext) && // media reconnect - braodcast
!IS_POWER_RESUMED(DhcpContext) ) { // power resumed - broadcast
// If we are past T2, use the broadcast address; otherwise,
// direct this to the server.
TimeNow = time( NULL );
// BUGBUG why did we broadcast here before ?
if ( TimeNow > DhcpContext->T2Time && IS_CONNECTION_BROADCAST(DhcpContext)) { socketName.sin_addr.s_addr = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS)(INADDR_BROADCAST); } else { socketName.sin_addr.s_addr = DhcpContext->DhcpServerAddress; } } else { socketName.sin_addr.s_addr = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS)(INADDR_BROADCAST); INET_ASSERT(FALSE); }
for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i++ ) { socketName.sin_zero[i] = 0; }
if( socketName.sin_addr.s_addr == (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS)(INADDR_BROADCAST) ) {
// BUGBUG TODO [arthurbi] This code below is needed for
// Broadcasts to work. We need to make some fancy driver
// calls to work...
// if we broadcast a message, inform IP stack - the adapter we
// like to send this broadcast on, otherwise it will pick up the
// first uninitialized adapter.
// InterfaceId = DhcpContext->IpInterfaceContext;
// if( !IPSetInterface( InterfaceId ) ) {
// // DhcpAssert( FALSE );
// }
// InterfaceId = ((PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO)
// DhcpContext->LocalInformation)->IpInterfaceContext;
// LockedInterface = TRUE;
// Error = IPSetInterface( InterfaceId );
// DhcpAssert( Error == ERROR_SUCCESS );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint(("IPSetInterface failed with %lx error\n", Error)); UNLOCK_INTERFACE(); return Error; } }
// send minimum DHCP_MIN_SEND_RECV_PK_SIZE (300) bytes, otherwise
// bootp relay agents don't like the packet.
MessageLength = (DWORD)((MessageLength > DHCP_MIN_SEND_RECV_PK_SIZE) ? MessageLength : DHCP_MIN_SEND_RECV_PK_SIZE); error = _I_sendto( DhcpContext->Socket, (PCHAR)DhcpContext->MessageBuffer, MessageLength, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&socketName, sizeof( struct sockaddr ) );
#ifndef VXD
if( LockedInterface ) { UNLOCK_INTERFACE(); } #endif VXD
if ( error == SOCKET_ERROR ) { error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("Send failed, error = %ld\n", error )); } else { IF_DEBUG( PROTOCOL ) { DhcpPrint(("Sent message to %s: \n", _I_inet_ntoa( socketName.sin_addr ))); }
DhcpDumpMessage( DEBUG_PROTOCOL_DUMP, DhcpContext->MessageBuffer ); error = NO_ERROR; }
return( error ); }
DWORD OpenDhcpSocket( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext ) {
DWORD Error;
if ( DhcpContext->Socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { return ( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
// create a socket for the dhcp protocol. it's important to bind the
// socket to the correct ip address. There are currently three cases:
// 1. If the interface has been autoconfigured, it already has an address,
// say, IP1. If the client receives a unicast offer from a dhcp server
// the offer will be addressed to IP2, which is the client's new dhcp
// address. If we bind the dhcp socket to IP1, the client won't be able
// to receive unicast responses. So, we bind the socket to
// This will allow the socket to receive a unicast datagram addressed to
// any address.
// 2. If the interface in not plumbed (i.e. doesn't have an address) bind
// the socket to
// 3. If the interface has been plumbed has in *not* autoconfigured, then
// bind to the current address.
Error = InitializeDhcpSocket( &DhcpContext->Socket, DhcpContext->IpAddress );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DhcpContext->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; DhcpPrint((" Socket Open failed, %ld\n", Error )); }
return(Error); }
DWORD CloseDhcpSocket( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext ) {
if( DhcpContext->Socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) {
Error = _I_closesocket( DhcpContext->Socket );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DhcpPrint((" Socket close failed, %ld\n", Error )); }
DhcpContext->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
// Reset the IP stack to send DHCP broadcast to first
// uninitialized stack.
//Bool = IPResetInterface();
//DhcpAssert( Bool == TRUE );
return( Error ); }
typedef struct /* anonymous */ { // structure to hold waiting recvfroms
LIST_ENTRY RecvList; // other elements in this list
PDHCP_CONTEXT Ctxt; // which context is this wait for?
DWORD InBufLen; // what was the buffer size to recv in?
PDWORD BufLen; // how many bytes did we recvd?
DWORD Xid; // what xid is this wait for?
time_t ExpTime; // wait until what time?
HANDLE WaitEvent; // event for waiting on..
BOOL Recd; // was a packet received..?
} RECV_CTXT, *PRECV_CTXT; // ctxt used to recv on..
VOID InsertInPriorityList( // insert in priority list according to Secs
IN OUT PRECV_CTXT Ctxt, // Secs field changed to hold offset
IN PLIST_ENTRY List, OUT PBOOL First // adding in first location?
) {
if( IsListEmpty(List) ) { // no element in list? add this and quit
*First = TRUE; // adding at head
} else { *First = FALSE; // adding at tail..
InsertTailList( List, &Ctxt->RecvList); // insert element..
//LeaveCriticalSection( &DhcpGlobalRecvFromCritSect );
DWORD TryReceive( // try to recv pkt on socket
IN SOCKET Socket, // socket to recv on
IN LPBYTE Buffer, // buffer to fill
OUT PDWORD BufLen, // # of bytes filled in buffer
OUT PDWORD Xid, // Xid of recd pkt
IN DWORD Secs // # of secs to spend waiting?
) { DWORD Error; struct timeval timeout; fd_set SockSet; struct sockaddr SockName; int SockNameSize;
FD_ZERO(&SockSet); FD_SET(Socket,&SockSet);
SockNameSize = sizeof( SockName );
timeout.tv_sec = Secs; timeout.tv_usec = 0;
DhcpPrint(("Select: waiting for: %ld seconds\n", Secs)); Error = _I_select( 0, &SockSet, NULL, NULL, &timeout ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == Error ) { // timed out..
DhcpPrint(("Recv timed out..\n")); return ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT; }
Error = _I_recvfrom(Socket,(char *)Buffer,*BufLen, 0, &SockName, &SockNameSize); if( SOCKET_ERROR == Error ) { Error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("Recv failed 0x%lx\n",Error)); } else { *BufLen = Error; Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; *Xid = ((PDHCP_MESSAGE)Buffer)->TransactionID; DhcpPrint(("Recd msg XID: 0x%lx [Mdhcp? %s]\n", *Xid, IS_MDHCP_MESSAGE(((PDHCP_MESSAGE)Buffer))?"yes":"no" ));
return Error; }
VOID DispatchPkt( // find out any takers for Xid
IN OUT PRECV_CTXT Ctxt, // ctxt that has buffer and buflen
IN DWORD Xid // recd Xid
) { do { // not a loop, just for ease of use
Entry = DhcpGlobalRecvFromList.Flink; while(Entry != &DhcpGlobalRecvFromList ) { ThisCtxt = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, RECV_CTXT, RecvList); Entry = Entry->Flink;
if(Xid != ThisCtxt->Xid ) continue; // mismatch.. nothing more todo
// now check for same type of message and ctxt...
if( (unsigned)IS_MDHCP_MESSAGE((Ctxt->Ctxt->MessageBuffer)) != IS_MDHCP_CTX( (ThisCtxt->Ctxt) ) ) { //
// The contexts dont match.. give up
continue; }
// check for same hardware address..
if( ThisCtxt->Ctxt->HardwareAddressLength != Ctxt->Ctxt->MessageBuffer->HardwareAddressLength ) { continue; }
if( 0 != memcmp(ThisCtxt->Ctxt->HardwareAddress, Ctxt->Ctxt->MessageBuffer->HardwareAddress, ThisCtxt->Ctxt->HardwareAddressLength ) ) { continue; }
// matched.. switch buffers to give this guy this due..
DhcpDumpMessage(DEBUG_PROTOCOL_DUMP, (PDHCP_MESSAGE)(Ctxt->Ctxt->MessageBuffer) );
*(ThisCtxt->BufLen) = *(Ctxt->BufLen); Tmp = (LPBYTE)(Ctxt->Ctxt)->MessageBuffer; (Ctxt->Ctxt)->MessageBuffer = (ThisCtxt->Ctxt)->MessageBuffer; (ThisCtxt->Ctxt)->MessageBuffer = (PDHCP_MESSAGE)Tmp;
RemoveEntryList(&ThisCtxt->RecvList); InitializeListHead(&ThisCtxt->RecvList); DhcpAssert(FALSE == ThisCtxt->Recd); ThisCtxt->Recd = TRUE; if( 0 == SetEvent(ThisCtxt->WaitEvent) ) { DhcpAssert(FALSE); }
break; } } while (FALSE); //LeaveCriticalSection(&DhcpGlobalRecvFromCritSect);
DWORD ProcessRecvFromSocket( // wait using select and process incoming pkts
IN OUT PRECV_CTXT Ctxt // ctxt to use
) { time_t TimeNow; SOCKET Socket; LPBYTE Buffer; DWORD Xid; DWORD Error; PLIST_ENTRY Entry;
Socket = (Ctxt->Ctxt)->Socket; TimeNow = time(NULL); Xid = 0;
Error = ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT; while(TimeNow <= Ctxt->ExpTime ) { // while required to wait
Buffer = (LPBYTE)((Ctxt->Ctxt)->MessageBuffer); *(Ctxt->BufLen) = Ctxt->InBufLen; Error = TryReceive(Socket, Buffer, Ctxt->BufLen, &Xid, (DWORD)(Ctxt->ExpTime - TimeNow)); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { // did not recv?
if( WSAECONNRESET != Error ) break; // ignore possibly spurious conn-resets..
else { TimeNow = time(NULL); continue; } }
if( Xid == Ctxt->Xid ) break; // this was destined for this ctxt only..
DispatchPkt(Ctxt, Xid); TimeNow = time(NULL); }
if( TimeNow > Ctxt->ExpTime ) { // we timed out.
// now done.. so we must remove this ctxt from the list and signal first guy
RemoveEntryList(&Ctxt->RecvList); CloseHandle(Ctxt->WaitEvent); if( !IsListEmpty(&DhcpGlobalRecvFromList)) { // ok got an elt.. signal this.
Entry = DhcpGlobalRecvFromList.Flink; Ctxt = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, RECV_CTXT, RecvList); if( 0 == SetEvent(Ctxt->WaitEvent) ) { DhcpAssert(FALSE); } } //LeaveCriticalSection(&DhcpGlobalRecvFromCritSect);
return Error; }
// get dhcp message with requested transaction id, but also make sure only one
// socket is used at any given time (one socket bound to, and also
// re-distribute message for some other thread if that is also required..
DWORD GetSpecifiedDhcpMessageEx( IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // which context to recv for
OUT PDWORD BufferLength, // how big a buffer was read?
IN DWORD Xid, // which xid to look for?
IN DWORD TimeToWait // how many seconds to sleep?
) { RECV_CTXT Ctxt; // element in list for this call to getspe..
BOOL First; // is this the first element in list?
DWORD Result;
Ctxt.Ctxt = DhcpContext; // fill in the context
Ctxt.InBufLen = *BufferLength; Ctxt.BufLen = BufferLength; Ctxt.Xid = Xid; Ctxt.ExpTime = time(NULL) + TimeToWait; Ctxt.WaitEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); Ctxt.Recd = FALSE; if( NULL == Ctxt.WaitEvent ) { DhcpAssert(NULL != Ctxt.WaitEvent); return GetLastError(); }
First = FALSE; InsertInPriorityList(&Ctxt, &DhcpGlobalRecvFromList, &First);
if( First ) { // this *is* the first call to GetSpec..
Result = ProcessRecvFromSocket(&Ctxt); } else { // we wait for other calls to go thru..
Result = WaitForSingleObject(Ctxt.WaitEvent, TimeToWait * 1000); //EnterCriticalSection(&DhcpGlobalRecvFromCritSect);
if( Ctxt.Recd || WAIT_FAILED == Result || WAIT_TIMEOUT == Result ) { if( WAIT_FAILED == Result ) Result = GetLastError(); else if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == Result ) Result = ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT; else Result = ERROR_SUCCESS;
RemoveEntryList(&Ctxt.RecvList); // remove it from list
CloseHandle(Ctxt.WaitEvent); return Result; } else { DhcpAssert(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == Result && Ctxt.Recd == FALSE ); // have not received a packet but have been woken up? must be first in line now..
Result = ProcessRecvFromSocket(&Ctxt); } }
return Result; }
#define RATIO 1
DWORD GetSpecifiedDhcpMessage( PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, PDWORD BufferLength, DWORD TransactionId, DWORD TimeToWait ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function waits TimeToWait seconds to receives the specified DHCP response.
DhcpContext - A pointer to a DHCP context block.
BufferLength - Returns the size of the input buffer.
TransactionID - A filter. Wait for a message with this TID.
TimeToWait - Time, in milli seconds, to wait for the message.
Return Value:
The status of the operation. If the specified message has been been returned, the status is ERROR_TIMEOUT.
--*/ { struct sockaddr socketName; int socketNameSize = sizeof( socketName ); struct timeval timeout; time_t startTime, now; DWORD error; DWORD actualTimeToWait; SOCKET clientSocket; fd_set readSocketSet;
if( !IS_ADDRESS_PLUMBED(DhcpContext) ) { //
// For RAS server Lease API this call won't happen as we don't have to do this nonsense
error = GetSpecifiedDhcpMessageEx( DhcpContext, BufferLength, TransactionId, TimeToWait ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == error ) { // received a message frm the dhcp server..
SERVER_REACHED(DhcpContext); } return error; }
startTime = time( NULL ); actualTimeToWait = TimeToWait;
// Setup the file descriptor set for select.
clientSocket = DhcpContext->Socket;
FD_ZERO( &readSocketSet ); FD_SET( clientSocket, &readSocketSet );
while ( 1 ) {
timeout.tv_sec = actualTimeToWait / RATIO; timeout.tv_usec = actualTimeToWait % RATIO; DhcpPrint(("Select: waiting for: %ld seconds\n", actualTimeToWait)); error = _I_select( 0, &readSocketSet, NULL, NULL, &timeout );
if ( error == 0 ) {
// Timeout before read data is available.
DhcpPrint(("Recv timed out\n", 0 )); error = ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT; break; }
error = _I_recvfrom( clientSocket, (PCHAR)DhcpContext->MessageBuffer, *BufferLength, 0, &socketName, &socketNameSize );
if ( error == SOCKET_ERROR ) { error = _I_WSAGetLastError(); DhcpPrint(("Recv failed, error = %ld\n", error ));
if( WSAECONNRESET != error ) break;
// ignore connreset -- this could be caused by someone sending random ICMP port unreachable.
} else if (DhcpContext->MessageBuffer->TransactionID == TransactionId ) { DhcpPrint(( "Received Message, XID = %lx, MDhcp = %d.\n", TransactionId, IS_MDHCP_MESSAGE( DhcpContext->MessageBuffer) ));
if (((unsigned)IS_MDHCP_MESSAGE( DhcpContext->MessageBuffer) == IS_MDHCP_CTX( DhcpContext))) { DhcpDumpMessage(DEBUG_PROTOCOL_DUMP, DhcpContext->MessageBuffer );
*BufferLength = error; error = NO_ERROR;
if( DhcpContext->MessageBuffer->HardwareAddressLength == DhcpContext->HardwareAddressLength && 0 == memcmp(DhcpContext->MessageBuffer->HardwareAddress, DhcpContext->HardwareAddress, DhcpContext->HardwareAddressLength )) {
// Transction IDs match, same type (MDHCP/DHCP), Hardware addresses match!
break; } } } else { DhcpPrint(( "Received a buffer with unknown XID = %lx\n", DhcpContext->MessageBuffer->TransactionID )); }
// We received a message, but not the one we're interested in.
// Reset the timeout to reflect elapsed time, and wait for
// another message.
now = time( NULL ); actualTimeToWait = (DWORD)(TimeToWait - RATIO * (now - startTime)); if ( (LONG)actualTimeToWait < 0 ) { error = ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT; break; } }
if ( ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT != error ) { //
// a message was received from a DHCP server. disable IP autoconfiguration.
SERVER_REACHED(DhcpContext); }
return( error ); }
DWORD QueryWellKnownDnsName( OUT LPSTR * ppszAutoProxyUrl ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function walks a list of standard DNS names trying to find an entry for "wpad.some-domain-here.org" If it does, it constructs an URL that is suitable for use in auto-proxy.
lpszAutoProxyUrl - Url used to return a successful auto-proxy discover
dwAutoProxyUrlLength - length of buffer passed in above
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS - if we found a URL/DNS name
ERROR_NOT_FOUND - on error
revised: joshco 7-oct-1998 if we dont get a valid domain back, be sure and try the netbios name ("wpad") no trailing dot.
revised: joshco 7-oct-1998 use the define PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_PATH instead of hardcoding "wpad.dat" --*/
{ #define WORK_BUFFER_SIZE 356
DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Dword, "QueryWellKnownDnsName", "%x", ppszAutoProxyUrl ));
char szHostDomain[WORK_BUFFER_SIZE + 2]; char * pszTemp = szHostDomain ; char *pszDot1 = NULL; char *pszDot2 = NULL; DWORD error = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; DWORD dwMinDomain = 2; // By default, assume domain is of the form: .domain-name.org
lstrcpy(szHostDomain, "wpad."); pszTemp += (sizeof("wpad.") - 1);
if ( SockGetSingleValue(CONFIG_DOMAIN, (LPBYTE)pszTemp, WORK_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof("wpad.") ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lstrcpy(szHostDomain, "wpad."); pszTemp = szHostDomain ; pszTemp += (sizeof("wpad.") - 1); }
if (*pszTemp == '\0') { // if the debug setting for no domain (netbios) or
// we didnt get back a valid domain, then just do the
// netbios name.
// XXBUG sockgetsinglevalue returns true even if there is no domain
INET_ASSERT(*(pszTemp - 1 ) == '.');
*(pszTemp - 1) = '\0'; }
// Now determine which form the domain name follows:
// domain-name.org
// domain-name.co.uk
pszDot1 = &szHostDomain[lstrlen(szHostDomain)-1];
while (pszDot1 >= szHostDomain && *pszDot1 != '.') pszDot1--;
// Only check .?? endings
if (pszDot1 >= szHostDomain && (pszDot1 + 3 == &szHostDomain[lstrlen(szHostDomain)]) ) { pszDot2 = pszDot1 - 1;
while (pszDot2 >= szHostDomain && *pszDot2 != '.') pszDot2--; if (pszDot2 >= szHostDomain && pszDot2 + 3 >= pszDot1) { // Domain ended in something of the form: .co.uk
// This requires at least 3 pieces then to be considered a domain
dwMinDomain = 3; } else if ((pszDot2 + 4) == pszDot1) { // Check domain endings of the form ending in .com.uk
// These special 3-letter pieces also need 3 dots to be classified
// as a domain. Unfortunately, we can't leverage the equivalent
// code used by cookies because there, the strings are reversed.
static const char *s_pachSpecialDomains[] = {"COM", "EDU", "NET", "ORG", "GOV", "MIL", "INT" };
for (int i=0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(s_pachSpecialDomains); i++) { if (StrCmpNIC(pszDot2+1, s_pachSpecialDomains[i], 3) == 0) { dwMinDomain = 3; break; } } } }
// Append a "." suffix to the domain name in order to suppress
// the DNS suffix search list.
if (lstrlen(szHostDomain)+1 < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(szHostDomain)) { lstrcat(szHostDomain, "."); dwMinDomain++; }
while (TRUE) { PHOSTENT lpHostent = _I_gethostbyname(szHostDomain);
if ( lpHostent != NULL ) { //
// Found a host, extract the IP address and form an URL to use.
char *pszAddressStr; LPBYTE * addressList; struct in_addr sin_addr; LPSTR lpszAutoProxyUrl;
addressList = (LPBYTE *)lpHostent->h_addr_list; *(LPDWORD)&sin_addr = *(LPDWORD)addressList[0] ;
pszAddressStr = _I_inet_ntoa (sin_addr);
lpszAutoProxyUrl = NewString(NULL, lstrlen(pszAddressStr) + sizeof("http:///") + sizeof(PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_PATH)); if (lpszAutoProxyUrl) { wsprintf(lpszAutoProxyUrl, "http://%s/%s", pszAddressStr, PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_PATH ); *ppszAutoProxyUrl = lpszAutoProxyUrl; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } goto quit; } else { //
// Did not find anything yet, reduce the domain level,
// and if we're in the root domain stop and return error
DWORD dwPeriodCnt = 0, dwNewEndLength = 0; LPSTR lpszPeriod1 = NULL, lpszPeriod2 = NULL;
for (pszTemp = szHostDomain; *pszTemp; pszTemp++ ) { if ( *pszTemp == '.' ) { dwPeriodCnt ++; if ( lpszPeriod1 == NULL ) { lpszPeriod1 = pszTemp; } else if ( lpszPeriod2 == NULL ) { lpszPeriod2 = pszTemp; } } }
if ( dwPeriodCnt <= dwMinDomain) { error = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; goto quit; }
dwNewEndLength = lstrlen(lpszPeriod2); MoveMemory(lpszPeriod1, lpszPeriod2, dwNewEndLength); *(lpszPeriod1 + dwNewEndLength) = '\0'; } } quit:
return error; }
// End of file