Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#ifndef _RASHELP_H_
#define _RASHELP_H_
#include <regstr.h>
#include <inetreg.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <rasdlg.h>
typedef enum { ENUM_NONE, ENUM_MULTIBYTE, // Win9x
class GetOSVersion { protected: static ENUM_TYPE _EnumType;
public: GetOSVersion(); ~GetOSVersion(); };
class RasEnumHelp : public GetOSVersion { private:
// Win2k version of RASENTRYNAMEW struct
// match RAS packing so structs match
#include <pshpack4.h>
W2KRASENTRYNAMEW { DWORD dwSize; WCHAR szEntryName[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1 ]; DWORD dwFlags; WCHAR szPhonebookPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; }; #define LPW2KRASENTRYNAMEW W2KRASENTRYNAMEW*
#include <poppack.h>
// Any error we got during enumeration
DWORD _dwLastError;
// Number of entries we got
DWORD _dwEntries;
// Pointer to info retrieved from RAS
// Last entry returned as multibyte or unicode when conversion required
CHAR _szCurrentEntryA[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1]; WCHAR _szCurrentEntryW[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1];
public: RasEnumHelp(); ~RasEnumHelp();
DWORD GetError(); DWORD GetEntryCount(); LPSTR GetEntryA(DWORD dwEntry); LPWSTR GetEntryW(DWORD dwEntry); };
class RasEnumConnHelp : public GetOSVersion { private:
// match RAS packing so structs match
#include <pshpack4.h>
#define W2KRASCONNW struct tagW2KRASCONNW
W2KRASCONNW { DWORD dwSize; HRASCONN hrasconn; WCHAR szEntryName[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1 ]; //#if (WINVER >= 0x400)
WCHAR szDeviceType[ RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1 ]; WCHAR szDeviceName[ RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1 ]; //#endif
//#if (WINVER >= 0x401)
WCHAR szPhonebook [ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwSubEntry; //#endif
//#if (WINVER >= 0x500)
GUID guidEntry; //#endif
#include <poppack.h>
DWORD _dwLastError; // Any error we got during enumeration
DWORD _dwConnections; // Number of connections
DWORD _dwStructSize; RASCONNA *_pRasCon;
// Last entry returned as multibyte or unicode when conversion required
WCHAR _szEntryNameW[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1 ]; // WCHAR _szDeviceTypeW[ RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1 ];
// WCHAR _szDeviceNameW[ RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1 ];
// WCHAR _szPhonebookW[ MAX_PATH ];
CHAR _szEntryNameA[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1 ]; // CHAR _szDeviceTypeA[ RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1 ];
// CHAR _szDeviceNameA[ RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1 ];
// CHAR _szPhonebookA[ MAX_PATH ];
public: RasEnumConnHelp(); ~RasEnumConnHelp();
DWORD Enum(); DWORD GetError(); DWORD GetConnectionsCount(); LPWSTR GetEntryW(DWORD dwConnectionNum); LPSTR GetEntryA(DWORD dwConnectionNum); LPWSTR GetLastEntryW(DWORD dwConnectionNum); LPSTR GetLastEntryA(DWORD dwConnectionNum); HRASCONN GetHandle(DWORD dwConnectionNum); };
class RasEntryPropHelp : public GetOSVersion { private:
// match RAS packing so structs match
#include <pshpack4.h>
W2KRASENTRYW { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwfOptions; //
// Location/phone number
DWORD dwCountryID; DWORD dwCountryCode; WCHAR szAreaCode[ RAS_MaxAreaCode + 1 ]; WCHAR szLocalPhoneNumber[ RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1 ]; DWORD dwAlternateOffset; //
// PPP/Ip
RASIPADDR ipaddr; RASIPADDR ipaddrDns; RASIPADDR ipaddrDnsAlt; RASIPADDR ipaddrWins; RASIPADDR ipaddrWinsAlt; //
// Framing
DWORD dwFrameSize; DWORD dwfNetProtocols; DWORD dwFramingProtocol; //
// Scripting
WCHAR szScript[ MAX_PATH ]; //
// AutoDial
WCHAR szAutodialDll[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szAutodialFunc[ MAX_PATH ]; //
// Device
WCHAR szDeviceType[ RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1 ]; WCHAR szDeviceName[ RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1 ]; //
// X.25
WCHAR szX25PadType[ RAS_MaxPadType + 1 ]; WCHAR szX25Address[ RAS_MaxX25Address + 1 ]; WCHAR szX25Facilities[ RAS_MaxFacilities + 1 ]; WCHAR szX25UserData[ RAS_MaxUserData + 1 ]; DWORD dwChannels; //
// Reserved
DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwReserved2; //#if (WINVER >= 0x401)
// Multilink
DWORD dwSubEntries; DWORD dwDialMode; DWORD dwDialExtraPercent; DWORD dwDialExtraSampleSeconds; DWORD dwHangUpExtraPercent; DWORD dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds; //
// Idle timeout
DWORD dwIdleDisconnectSeconds; //#endif
//#if (WINVER >= 0x500)
// Entry Type
DWORD dwType;
// EncryptionType
DWORD dwEncryptionType;
// CustomAuthKey to be used for EAP
DWORD dwCustomAuthKey;
// Guid of the connection
GUID guidId;
// Custom Dial Dll
WCHAR szCustomDialDll[MAX_PATH];
// Vpn Strategy
DWORD dwVpnStrategy; //#endif
#include <poppack.h>
DWORD _dwStructSize; DWORD _dwLastError; // Any error we got during enumeration
RASENTRYA *_pRasEntry;
// Last entry returned as multibyte or unicode when conversion required
WCHAR _szEntryNameW[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1 ]; WCHAR _szDeviceTypeW[ RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1 ]; WCHAR _szAutodialDllW[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR _szAutodialFuncW[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR _szCustomDialDllW[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR _szPhoneNumberW[ RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1 ]; WCHAR _szAreaCodeW[ RAS_MaxAreaCode + 1 ]; CHAR _szEntryNameA[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1 ]; CHAR _szDeviceTypeA[ RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1 ]; CHAR _szAutodialDllA[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR _szAutodialFuncA[ MAX_PATH ];
public: RasEntryPropHelp(); ~RasEntryPropHelp();
DWORD GetError(); DWORD GetA(LPSTR lpszEntryName); DWORD GetW(LPWSTR lpszEntryName); LPWSTR GetDeviceTypeW(VOID); LPSTR GetDeviceTypeA(VOID); LPWSTR GetAutodiallDllW(); LPSTR GetAutodiallDllA(); LPWSTR GetAutodialFuncW(); LPSTR GetAutodialFuncA(); LPWSTR GetCustomDialDllW(); LPWSTR GetPhoneNumberW(); DWORD GetCountryCode(); DWORD GetOptions(); LPWSTR GetAreaCodeW();
class RasGetConnectStatusHelp : public GetOSVersion { private: DWORD _dwLastError; // Any error we got during enumeration
DWORD _dwStructSize; RASCONNSTATUSA *_pRasConnStatus;
public: RasGetConnectStatusHelp(HRASCONN hrasconn); ~RasGetConnectStatusHelp(); DWORD GetError(); RASCONNSTATE ConnState(); };
#endif // _RASHELP_H_