Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains async socket (select) thread and support functions. Work items now processed by SHLWAPI/KERNEL32 thread pool
Contents: InitializeAsyncSupport TerminateAsyncSupport QueueSocketWorkItem BlockWorkItem UnblockWorkItems CheckForBlockedWorkItems ICAsyncThread::~ICAsyncThread ICAsyncThread::QueueSocketWorkItem ICAsyncThread::BlockWorkItem ICAsyncThread::UnblockWorkItems ICAsyncThread::CheckForBlockedWorkItems ICAsyncThread::SelectThreadWrapper ICAsyncThread::SelectThread (ICAsyncThread::CreateSelectSocket) (ICAsyncThread::DestroySelectSocket) (ICAsyncThread::RecreateSelectSocket) (ICAsyncThread::InterruptSelect) (ICAsyncThread::DrainSelectSocket)
Richard L Firth (rfirth) 04-Mar-1998
Win32 user-mode
Revision History:
04-Mar-1998 rfirth Created
#include <wininetp.h>
#include <perfdiag.hxx>
DWORD CAsyncCount::AddRef() { DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!GeneralInitCritSec.Lock()) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; }
GeneralInitCritSec.Unlock(); quit: return error; }
VOID CAsyncCount::Release() { BOOL bUnlock = GeneralInitCritSec.Lock();
//Decrement the refcount always, but only Terminate if we obtained the critsec.
if (!--dwRef && bUnlock) { //BUGBUG-enable later.
TerminateAsyncSupport(TRUE); }
if (bUnlock) { GeneralInitCritSec.Unlock(); } } //
// private classes
class ICAsyncThread {
CPriorityList m_BlockedQueue; SOCKET m_SelectSocket; LONG m_lSelectInterrupts; BOOL m_bTerminating; DWORD m_dwError; HANDLE m_hThread; BOOL m_bCleanUp;
ICAsyncThread() {
DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, None, "ICAsyncThread::ICAsyncThread", NULL ));
m_SelectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; m_lSelectInterrupts = -1; m_bTerminating = FALSE; m_dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
DWORD dwThreadId;
m_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ICAsyncThread::SelectThreadWrapper, (LPVOID)this, 0, &dwThreadId ); if (m_hThread == NULL) { SetError(); }
m_bCleanUp = FALSE; DEBUG_LEAVE(0); }
VOID SetCleanUp() { m_bCleanUp = TRUE; } DWORD GetError(VOID) const { return m_dwError; }
VOID SetError(DWORD dwError = GetLastError()) { m_dwError = dwError; }
BOOL IsTerminating(VOID) const { return m_bTerminating; }
VOID SetTerminating(VOID) { m_bTerminating = TRUE; }
DWORD QueueSocketWorkItem( IN CFsm * pFsm );
BOOL RemoveFsmFromAsyncList( IN CFsm * pFsm );
DWORD BlockWorkItem( IN CFsm * WorkItem, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId, IN DWORD dwTimeout = TP_NO_TIMEOUT );
DWORD UnblockWorkItems( IN DWORD dwCount, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId, IN DWORD dwError, IN LONG lPriority = TP_NO_PRIORITY_CHANGE );
DWORD CheckForBlockedWorkItems( IN DWORD dwCount, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId );
static DWORD SelectThreadWrapper( IN ICAsyncThread * pThread );
DWORD SelectThread( VOID );
DWORD CreateSelectSocket( VOID );
PRIVATE VOID DestroySelectSocket( VOID );
VOID RecreateSelectSocket( VOID );
VOID InterruptSelect( VOID );
BOOL DrainSelectSocket( VOID ); };
// private data
PRIVATE ICAsyncThread * p_AsyncThread = NULL; PRIVATE HANDLE* p_ThreadHandleArray = NULL; PRIVATE DWORD* p_ThreadIdArray = NULL; PRIVATE int p_iNumIOCPThreads = 0;
// functions
VOID TerminateIOCPGlobals() { if (g_lpCustomOverlapped) { delete g_lpCustomOverlapped; g_lpCustomOverlapped = NULL; } if (g_hCompletionPort) { CloseHandle(g_hCompletionPort); g_hCompletionPort = NULL; } }
DWORD IOCompletionThreadFunc( IN ULONG_PTR pContext ) { LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped; DWORD dwBytes; ULONG_PTR lpCompletionKey; DWORD dwTimeout = 1000; DWORD dwError = 0; BOOL bDeleteOverlapped = FALSE; LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo;
BOOL fExitThread = FALSE; lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo();
while (TRUE) { BOOL bRet = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hCompletionPort, &dwBytes, &lpCompletionKey, &lpOverlapped, fExitThread ? 0 : INFINITE);
DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_API, Dword, "***GetQueuedCompletionStatus", "(hcomp)%#x, (dwBytes)%#x, (completionkey)%#x, (overlapped)%#x", g_hCompletionPort, dwBytes, lpCompletionKey, lpOverlapped ));
if (!bRet && !lpOverlapped) { DEBUG_LEAVE_API(NULL); DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
if (dwError == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { break; }
// other errors currently not possible since we only have custom completion packets.
continue; }
ICSocket* pObject; CFsm* pFsm; CWrapOverlapped* lpWrapOverlapped; if (lpOverlapped != g_lpCustomOverlapped) { pObject = (ICSocket *) lpCompletionKey; pFsm = pObject->GetAndSetCurrentFsm(NULL); DEBUG_LEAVE(pFsm); #if INET_DEBUG
InterlockedDecrement(&g_cWSACompletions); #endif
INET_ASSERT(pFsm); bDeleteOverlapped = TRUE; lpWrapOverlapped = GetWrapOverlappedObject(lpOverlapped);
if (pFsm->HasTimeout()) { if (!RemoveFsmFromAsyncList(pFsm)) { //failure! the select thread already enforced timeout and updated state
goto runworkitem; } } ((CFsm_SocketIOCP*)pFsm)->dwBytesTransferred = dwBytes; ((CFsm_SocketIOCP*)pFsm)->bIOCPSuccess = bRet; pFsm->ResetSocket(); pFsm->SetPriority(TP_NO_PRIORITY_CHANGE); if (bRet) { pFsm->SetError(ERROR_SUCCESS); pFsm->SetState(pFsm->GetNextState()); } else { //VENKATK_BUG-informational assert - remove later.
DWORD dwErrorDebug = GetLastError(); INET_ASSERT (FALSE && "IoCompletionError"); ((CFsm_SocketIOCP*)pFsm)->dwIOCPError = GetLastError();
if (((CFsm_SocketIOCP*)pFsm)->dwIOCPError == WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED) pFsm->SetErrorState(ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED); else pFsm->SetErrorState(ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR); } } else { DEBUG_LEAVE(lpCompletionKey); INET_ASSERT( lpOverlapped == g_lpCustomOverlapped ); INET_ASSERT( (dwBytes == COMPLETION_BYTES_CUSTOM) || (dwBytes == COMPLETION_BYTES_EXITIOCP) );
if (dwBytes == COMPLETION_BYTES_EXITIOCP) { INET_ASSERT (lpCompletionKey == NULL); break; }
bDeleteOverlapped = FALSE; pFsm = (CFsm*) lpCompletionKey; #if INET_DEBUG
InterlockedDecrement(&g_cCustomCompletions); #endif
runworkitem: if (pFsm) { INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE *pBase = ((INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE *)pFsm->GetMappedHandleObject()); pBase->Reference(); // might go away if closehandle is called.
lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread = TRUE; dwError = CFsm::RunWorkItem(pFsm);
if (dwError != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // If there are any pending async work items for this request,
// then schedule the first one in the list.
if (pBase->GetHandleType() == TypeHttpRequestHandle) { HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest = (HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *)pBase; if (pRequest->LockAsync()) { if (!pRequest->IsWorkItemListEmpty()) { pRequest->ScheduleWorkItem(); } else { pRequest->SetWorkItemInProgress(FALSE); } pRequest->UnlockAsync(); } else { // Need to report an error even if async item was
// successful if we can't check for pending work items.
dwError = (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS ? ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY : dwError); } } } pBase->Dereference(); // Must stay marked as being on an async worker thread until after
// releasing the reference in order to prevent confusion in the async count.
lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread = FALSE; } else { INET_ASSERT (pFsm); }
if (!lpThreadInfo) { lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); }
if (lpThreadInfo && lpThreadInfo->fExitThread) { //exit this thread after dequeuing as many available completions as possible.
fExitThread = TRUE; } if (bDeleteOverlapped) { lpWrapOverlapped->Dereference();//VENKATKBUG - move it up later, but for now keep it here for debugging.
} }
if (fExitThread) { if (GeneralInitCritSec.Lock()) { if (g_pAsyncCount && !g_pAsyncCount->GetRef()) { //Additional check to make sure we don't go and knock off a freshly created set of globals.
//These won't be leaked - would already have been deleted in the renewed InitializeIOCPSupport call.
TerminateIOCPGlobals(); } GeneralInitCritSec.Unlock(); } } return dwError; }
* called from InitalizeAsyncSupport and synchronized there * * also, don't bother to cleanup - if there's an error TerminateIOCPSupport is called. */
DWORD InitializeIOCPSupport( VOID ) { int dwNumIOCPThreads = g_cNumIOCPThreads;
if (!dwNumIOCPThreads) { SYSTEM_INFO sSysInfo; memset(&sSysInfo, 0, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); GetSystemInfo(&sSysInfo); if (sSysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors) dwNumIOCPThreads = sSysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
if (!dwNumIOCPThreads) { dwNumIOCPThreads = WINHTTP_GLOBAL_IOCP_THREADS_BACKUP; } } g_cNumIOCPThreads = dwNumIOCPThreads;
g_cWSACompletions = 0; g_cCustomCompletions = 0; #endif
//May be left over from previous run.
if (g_hCompletionPort) { CloseHandle(g_hCompletionPort); g_hCompletionPort = NULL; };
if (g_lpCustomOverlapped) { delete g_lpCustomOverlapped; g_lpCustomOverlapped = NULL; } g_hCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0);
if (!g_hCompletionPort) { dwError = GetLastError(); goto quit; }
g_lpCustomOverlapped = New OVERLAPPED();
if (!g_lpCustomOverlapped) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; }
memset(g_lpCustomOverlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
p_ThreadHandleArray = New HANDLE[dwNumIOCPThreads]; p_ThreadIdArray = New DWORD[dwNumIOCPThreads];
if (!p_ThreadHandleArray || !p_ThreadIdArray) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; } for (int i=0; i<dwNumIOCPThreads; i++) { BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwThreadId; HANDLE hThread;
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)IOCompletionThreadFunc, NULL, 0, &dwThreadId ); if (hThread) { p_ThreadHandleArray[p_iNumIOCPThreads++] = hThread; p_ThreadIdArray[i] = dwThreadId; } else { //successfully queued functions terminated in TerminateIOCPSupport
dwError = GetLastError(); break; } }
quit: return dwError; }
VOID TerminateIOCPSupport( VOID ) { DWORD dwWaitResult; int iNumThreadsToEnd = p_iNumIOCPThreads; HANDLE* pThreadHandleArray = p_ThreadHandleArray; DWORD fDeleteHandleArray = FALSE; BOOL fTerminatingOnWorker = FALSE; if (!p_ThreadHandleArray) goto quit;
if (g_cWSACompletions || g_cCustomCompletions) { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); WaitForMultipleObjects(p_iNumIOCPThreads, p_ThreadHandleArray, TRUE, 500); } #endif
lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo();
if (!lpThreadInfo) { goto quit; }
if (lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread) { //can't terminate the worker thread we're on.
--iNumThreadsToEnd; fTerminatingOnWorker = TRUE;
lpThreadInfo->fExitThread = TRUE; if (iNumThreadsToEnd) { int iIndex = -1; DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
//verify we're on a worker thread.
for (int i=0; i<p_iNumIOCPThreads; i++) { if (p_ThreadIdArray[i] == dwThreadId) { iIndex = i; break; } } if (iIndex != -1) { pThreadHandleArray = New HANDLE[iNumThreadsToEnd];
if (!pThreadHandleArray) { goto quit; } fDeleteHandleArray = TRUE; int i=0; for (int j=0; j<p_iNumIOCPThreads; j++) { if (j != iIndex) { pThreadHandleArray[i++] = p_ThreadHandleArray[j]; } } } else { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); } } else { goto quit; } } for (int i=0; i<iNumThreadsToEnd; i++) { BOOL bSuccess = PostQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hCompletionPort, COMPLETION_BYTES_EXITIOCP, NULL, g_lpCustomOverlapped ); INET_ASSERT (bSuccess); }
dwWaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(iNumThreadsToEnd, pThreadHandleArray, TRUE, 2000);
if ((dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) || (dwWaitResult == WAIT_FAILED)) { goto forceTerminate; } else { INET_ASSERT ( ((LONG)dwWaitResult >= WAIT_OBJECT_0) && ((LONG)dwWaitResult < (WAIT_OBJECT_0+p_iNumIOCPThreads))); }
quit: INET_ASSERT ((g_cWSACompletions == 0) && (g_cCustomCompletions == 0)); if (p_ThreadHandleArray) { for (int i=0; i<p_iNumIOCPThreads; i++) { CloseHandle(p_ThreadHandleArray[i]); } delete [] p_ThreadHandleArray; p_ThreadHandleArray = NULL; } if (p_ThreadIdArray) { delete [] p_ThreadIdArray; p_ThreadIdArray = NULL; } if (fDeleteHandleArray) { delete [] pThreadHandleArray; } if (fTerminatingOnWorker) { //don't delete these globals since they may be in use on this last thread.
TerminateIOCPGlobals(); } p_iNumIOCPThreads = 0; return;
forceTerminate: for (int i=0; i<iNumThreadsToEnd; i++) { if (WaitForSingleObject(pThreadHandleArray[i], 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { TerminateThread(pThreadHandleArray[i], -1); } } goto quit; }
DWORD InitializeAsyncSupport( VOID )
Routine Description:
Create async select thread object
Return Value:
Failure -
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "InitializeAsyncSupport", NULL ));
if (!InDllCleanup) {
if (!GeneralInitCritSec.Lock()) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; }
if (!InDllCleanup) { if (p_AsyncThread == NULL) {
HANDLE hThreadToken = NULL; //
// If the current thread is impersonating, then grab its access token
// and revert the current thread (so it is nolonger impersonating).
// After creating the worker thread, we will make the main thread
// impersonate again. Apparently you should not call CreateThread
// while impersonating.
if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), (TOKEN_IMPERSONATE | TOKEN_READ), FALSE, &hThreadToken)) { INET_ASSERT(hThreadToken != 0);
RevertToSelf(); }
p_AsyncThread = New ICAsyncThread(); if (p_AsyncThread == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { error = p_AsyncThread->GetError(); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) error = InitializeIOCPSupport(); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TerminateAsyncSupport(TRUE); } }
if (hThreadToken) { SetThreadToken(NULL, hThreadToken);
CloseHandle(hThreadToken); }
} else { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } GeneralInitCritSec.Unlock(); }
quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(error);
return error; }
VOID TerminateAsyncSupport( BOOL bCleanUp )
Routine Description:
Terminates async support
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, None, "TerminateAsyncSupport", NULL ));
ICAsyncThread * pThread; if (GeneralInitCritSec.Lock()) { TerminateIOCPSupport(); pThread = (ICAsyncThread *)InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID*)&p_AsyncThread, (PVOID)NULL ); if (pThread != NULL) { if (bCleanUp) pThread->SetCleanUp(); delete pThread; }
GeneralInitCritSec.Unlock(); } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); }
BOOL RemoveFsmFromAsyncList( IN CFsm * pFsm ) { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; if (p_AsyncThread != NULL) { bSuccess = p_AsyncThread->RemoveFsmFromAsyncList(pFsm); }
return bSuccess; }
DWORD QueueSocketWorkItem( IN CFsm * pFsm, IN SOCKET Socket )
Routine Description:
Adds a blocked socket operation/work item to the blocked queue
pFsm - in-progress socket operation (FSM)
Socket - socket handle to wait on
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "QueueSocketWorkItem", "%#x, %#x", pFsm, Socket ));
if (p_AsyncThread != NULL) { pFsm->SetSocket(Socket); error = p_AsyncThread->QueueSocketWorkItem(pFsm); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = ERROR_IO_PENDING; } }
return error; }
DWORD BlockWorkItem( IN CFsm * pFsm, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId, IN DWORD dwTimeout )
Routine Description:
Blocks a work item
pFsm - work item to block
dwBlockId - block on this id
dwTimeout - for this number of milliseconds
Return Value:
Failure -
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "BlockWorkItem", "%#x, %#x, %d", pFsm, dwBlockId, dwTimeout ));
if (p_AsyncThread != NULL) { error = p_AsyncThread->BlockWorkItem(pFsm, dwBlockId, dwTimeout); }
return error; }
DWORD UnblockWorkItems( IN DWORD dwCount, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId, IN DWORD dwError, IN LONG lPriority )
Routine Description:
Unblocks 1 or more work items
dwCount - unblock this many work items
dwBlockId - that are blocked on this id
dwError - with this error
lPriority - new priority unless default value of TP_NO_PRIORITY_CHANGE
Return Value:
Failure -
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Int, "UnblockWorkItems", "%d, %#x, %d (%s), %d", dwCount, dwBlockId, dwError, InternetMapError(dwError), lPriority ));
DWORD dwUnblocked = 0;
if (p_AsyncThread != NULL) { dwUnblocked = p_AsyncThread->UnblockWorkItems(dwCount, dwBlockId, dwError, lPriority ); }
return dwUnblocked; }
DWORD CheckForBlockedWorkItems( IN DWORD dwCount, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId )
Routine Description:
Checks if there are any items blocked on dwBlockId
dwCount - number of items to look for
dwBlockId - blocked on this id
Return Value:
DWORD Number of blocked items found
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Int, "CheckForBlockedWorkItems", "%d, %#x", dwCount, dwBlockId ));
DWORD dwFound = 0;
if (p_AsyncThread != NULL) { dwFound = p_AsyncThread->CheckForBlockedWorkItems(dwCount, dwBlockId); }
return dwFound; }
// private functions
// ICAsyncThread methods
ICAsyncThread::~ICAsyncThread( VOID )
Routine Description:
ICAsyncThread destructor. If we are being dynamically unloaded, signal the selecter thread and allow it to cleanup. Else the thread is already dead and we just need to reclaim the resources
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, None, "ICAsyncThread::~ICAsyncThread", NULL ));
SetTerminating(); if (GlobalDynaUnload || m_bCleanUp) { InterruptSelect();
// Assuming the async thread was successfully created, the above clean-up
// will have put it in a state where it's going to exit. Need to wait
// for it to exit before returning from here so it doesn't get scheduled
// after wininet has been unloaded.
if(m_hThread) { DWORD dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, 5 * 1000); INET_ASSERT(dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0); } } DestroySelectSocket();
if(m_hThread) { CloseHandle(m_hThread); }
DWORD ICAsyncThread::QueueSocketWorkItem( IN CFsm * pFsm )
Routine Description:
Add the work-item waiting on a blocked socket to the blocked queue. Interrupt the SelectThread to alert it to new work
pFsm - blocked work-item to queue
Return Value:
Async Issues: VENKATK_BUG 1. Reduce contention for m_BlockedQueue by: maintaining sorted queue for timeout-only fsms. 2. Don't call InterruptSelect() for timeout queueing 3. check if content can be moved to per-fsm instead of global queue.. --*/
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "ICAsyncThread::QueueSocketWorkItem", "%#x", pFsm ));
INET_ASSERT(lpThreadInfo != NULL);
if (lpThreadInfo != NULL) { pFsm->StartTimer(); error = m_BlockedQueue.Insert((CPriorityListEntry *)pFsm->List()); lpThreadInfo->Fsm = NULL; InterruptSelect(); }
return error; }
BOOL ICAsyncThread::RemoveFsmFromAsyncList( IN CFsm * pFsm ) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; if (m_BlockedQueue.Acquire()) { if (pFsm->IsOnAsyncList()) { m_BlockedQueue.Remove((CPriorityListEntry *)pFsm); pFsm->SetOnAsyncList(FALSE); bSuccess = TRUE; } m_BlockedQueue.Release(); } return bSuccess; }
DWORD ICAsyncThread::BlockWorkItem( IN CFsm * pFsm, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId, IN DWORD dwTimeout )
Routine Description:
Blocks a work item (FSM)
pFsm - work item (FSM) to block
dwBlockId - block on this
dwTimeout - for this amount of time (mSec)
Return Value:
Failure -
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "ICAsyncThread::BlockWorkItem", "%#x [%d], %#x, %d", pFsm, pFsm->GetPriority(), dwBlockId, dwTimeout ));
DWORD error = error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo();
INET_ASSERT(lpThreadInfo != NULL);
if (lpThreadInfo != NULL) { pFsm->SetBlockId(dwBlockId); pFsm->SetTimeout(dwTimeout);
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("!!! FSM %#x unowned\n", pFsm ));
error = m_BlockedQueue.Insert((CPriorityListEntry *)pFsm->List()); lpThreadInfo->Fsm = NULL; }
DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; }
DWORD ICAsyncThread::UnblockWorkItems( IN DWORD dwCount, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId, IN DWORD dwError, IN LONG lPriority )
Routine Description:
Unblock a nunber of work items waiting on a block id
dwCount - unblock this many work items
dwBlockId - unblock work items waiting on this id
dwError - unblock work items with this error code
lPriority - if not TP_NO_PRIORITY_CHANGE, change priority to this value
Return Value:
DWORD Number of work items unblocked
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Int, "ICAsyncThread::UnblockWorkItems", "%d, %#x, %d (%s), %d", dwCount, dwBlockId, dwError, InternetMapError(dwError), lPriority ));
DWORD dwUnblocked = 0;
if (!m_BlockedQueue.Acquire()) goto quit;
CPriorityListEntry * pCur = (CPriorityListEntry *)m_BlockedQueue.Head(); CPriorityListEntry * pPrev = (CPriorityListEntry *)m_BlockedQueue.Self();
while ((dwCount != 0) && (pCur != (CPriorityListEntry *)m_BlockedQueue.Self())) {
CFsm * pFsm = ContainingFsm((LPVOID)pCur);
if (pFsm->IsBlockedOn(dwBlockId)) { m_BlockedQueue.Remove((CPriorityListEntry *)pFsm); pFsm->SetError(dwError); if (lPriority != TP_NO_PRIORITY_CHANGE) { pFsm->SetPriority(lPriority); } //dprintf("UNBLOCKED %s FSM %#x state %s socket %#x\n", pFsm->MapType(), pFsm, pFsm->MapState(), pFsm->GetSocket());
pFsm->QueueWorkItem(); ++dwUnblocked; --dwCount; } else { pPrev = pCur; } pCur = (CPriorityListEntry *)pPrev->Next(); } m_BlockedQueue.Release();
quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(dwUnblocked);
return dwUnblocked; }
DWORD ICAsyncThread::CheckForBlockedWorkItems( IN DWORD dwCount, IN DWORD_PTR dwBlockId )
Routine Description:
Examines to see if a blocked FSM is still blocked in order to prevent wasted processing if it isn't.
dwCount - unblock this many work items
dwBlockId - unblock work items waiting on this id
Return Value:
DWORD Number of work items that are currently blocked
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Int, "ICAsyncThread::CheckForBlockedWorkItems", "%d, %#x", dwCount, dwBlockId ));
DWORD dwFound = 0;
if (!m_BlockedQueue.Acquire()) goto quit;
CPriorityListEntry * pCur = (CPriorityListEntry *)m_BlockedQueue.Head(); CPriorityListEntry * pPrev = (CPriorityListEntry *)m_BlockedQueue.Self();
while ((dwCount != 0) && (pCur != (CPriorityListEntry *)m_BlockedQueue.Self())) {
CFsm * pFsm = ContainingFsm((LPVOID)pCur);
if (pFsm->IsBlockedOn(dwBlockId)) { ++dwFound; --dwCount; } pCur = (CPriorityListEntry *)pCur->Next(); } m_BlockedQueue.Release();
quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(dwFound);
return dwFound; }
DWORD ICAsyncThread::SelectThreadWrapper( IN ICAsyncThread * pThread )
Routine Description:
Kicks off select thread as member function of pThread object
pThread - pointer to thread object
Return Value:
DWORD return code from SelectThread (not used)
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "ICAsyncThread::SelectThreadWrapper", "%#x", pThread ));
DWORD error = pThread->SelectThread();
return error; }
DWORD ICAsyncThread::SelectThread( VOID )
Routine Description:
Waits for completed items on blocked queue to finish, either due to timeout, invalidated request handle or successful or error completion of the socket operation.
Completed items are put on the work queue and a worker signalled to process it
Return Value:
Failure -
{ //
// we need thread info for debug output
LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo();
if (lpThreadInfo == NULL) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, FATAL, ("Can't get thread info block\n" ));
DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "ICAsyncThread::SelectThread", NULL ));
// have to create select socket in this thread or winsock blocks main thread
// on Win95 when autodial enabled
DWORD error = CreateSelectSocket();
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return error; }
DWORD ticks = GetTickCountWrap();
while (!IsTerminating()) {
// run through the blocked items finding sockets to wait on and minimum
// time to wait. If we find any items already timed out or invalidated
// then remove them and put on the work queue
if (!m_BlockedQueue.Acquire()) { // wait and try again when more memory might be available
goto wait_again; }
pPrev = m_BlockedQueue.Self();
// BUGBUG - queue limited by size of FD_SET
struct fd_set read_fds; int nTimeouts = 0; struct fd_set write_fds; struct fd_set except_fds; int n = 0; BOOL bLazy = FALSE; DWORD timeout = 0xffffffff; DWORD timeNow = GetTickCountWrap();
FD_ZERO(&read_fds); FD_ZERO(&write_fds); FD_ZERO(&except_fds);
CFsm * pFsm;
for (pEntry = m_BlockedQueue.Head(); pEntry != m_BlockedQueue.Self(); pEntry = ((CPriorityListEntry *)pPrev)->Next()) {
pFsm = ContainingFsm((LPVOID)pEntry); if (pFsm->IsInvalid() || pFsm->IsTimedOut(timeNow)) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("%s FSM %#x %s\n", pFsm->MapType(), pFsm, pFsm->IsInvalid() ? "invalid" : "timed out" ));
m_BlockedQueue.Remove((CPriorityListEntry *)pEntry);
if (pFsm->IsOnAsyncList()) { INET_ASSERT( (pFsm->GetAction() == FSM_ACTION_SEND) || (pFsm->GetAction() == FSM_ACTION_RECEIVE) ); ((INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE *)pFsm->GetMappedHandleObject())->AbortSocket(); pFsm->SetErrorState(pFsm->IsInvalid() ? ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED : ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT ); pFsm->SetOnAsyncList(FALSE); continue; }
pFsm->SetErrorState(pFsm->IsInvalid() ? ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED : ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT ); pFsm->ResetSocket(); pFsm->QueueWorkItem(); continue; } else if (pFsm->IsOnAsyncList()) { INET_ASSERT (pFsm->IsActive()); ++nTimeouts; } else if (pFsm->IsActive()) { SOCKET sock = pFsm->GetSocket();
if (pFsm->GetAction() == FSM_ACTION_RECEIVE) { DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("FSM %#x READ waiting on socket %#x\n", pFsm, sock ));
FD_SET(sock, &read_fds); } else { //
// connect() & send()
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("%s FSM %#x WRITE waiting on socket %#x\n", pFsm->MapType(), pFsm, sock ));
FD_SET(sock, &write_fds); }
// all sockets are checked for exception
FD_SET(sock, &except_fds); ++n;
//DWORD t;
//if ((t = pFsm->GetElapsedTime()) > 10) {
// dprintf("%s FSM %#x socket %#x on queue %d mSec times-out in %d\n",
// pFsm->MapType(),
// pFsm,
// sock,
// t,
// pFsm->GetTimeout() - GetTickCount());
}// if pFsm->IsActive()
DWORD interval = pFsm->GetTimeout() - timeNow;
//VENKATKBUG - check negative interval issue?
if (interval < timeout) { timeout = interval; //dprintf("min timeout = %d\n", timeout);
} pPrev = pEntry; }
wait_again: //
// BUGBUG - wait for default (5 secs) timeout if nothing currently on
// list
if ((n == 0) && (nTimeouts == 0)) { timeout = 5000; bLazy = TRUE; }
FD_SET(m_SelectSocket, &read_fds); ++n;
struct timeval to;
to.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; to.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("waiting %d mSec (%d.%06d) for select(). %d sockets\n", timeout, to.tv_sec, to.tv_usec, n ));
if (IsTerminating()) { break; } n = PERF_Select(n, &read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds, &to); if (IsTerminating()) { break; }
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("select() returns %d\n", n ));
// if the only thing that's happened is that a new request has been
// added to the list then rebuild the list and re-select
if ((n == 1) && FD_ISSET(m_SelectSocket, &read_fds)) { if (!DrainSelectSocket() && !IsTerminating()) { RecreateSelectSocket(); } continue; }
// if any items are completed (either successfully or with an error)
// or timed out or invalidated then put them on the work queue
if ((n>=0) || (nTimeouts >= 0)) { if (m_BlockedQueue.Acquire()) {
pPrev = m_BlockedQueue.Self(); timeNow = GetTickCountWrap();
for (pEntry = m_BlockedQueue.Head(); pEntry != m_BlockedQueue.Self(); pEntry = ((CPriorityListEntry *)pPrev)->Next()) { DWORD dwEntryError; BOOL bComplete = FALSE; LONG lPriority = TP_NO_PRIORITY_CHANGE;
pFsm = ContainingFsm((LPVOID)pEntry); if (pFsm->IsInvalid()) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("%s FSM %#x invalid\n", pFsm->MapType(), pFsm ));
dwEntryError = ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED; bComplete = TRUE; } else if (pFsm->IsTimedOut(timeNow)) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("%s FSM %#x timed out\n", pFsm->MapType(), pFsm ));
dwEntryError = ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT; bComplete = TRUE; } else if (pFsm->IsActive()) {
SOCKET sock = pFsm->GetSocket();
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &except_fds)) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("%s FSM %#x socket %#x exception\n", pFsm->MapType(), pFsm, sock ));
switch (pFsm->GetAction()) { case FSM_ACTION_CONNECT: dwEntryError = ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT; break;
break; } bComplete = TRUE; } else if (FD_ISSET(sock, &read_fds) || FD_ISSET(sock, &write_fds)) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("%s FSM %#x socket %#x completed\n", pFsm->MapType(), pFsm, sock ));
dwEntryError = ERROR_SUCCESS; bComplete = TRUE;
// BUGBUG - the priority needs to be boosted
} } if (bComplete) { m_BlockedQueue.Remove((CPriorityListEntry *)pFsm); if (dwEntryError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pFsm->IsOnAsyncList()) { INET_ASSERT( (pFsm->GetAction() == FSM_ACTION_SEND) || (pFsm->GetAction() == FSM_ACTION_RECEIVE) ); INET_ASSERT( (dwEntryError == ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT) || (dwEntryError == ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED) ); ((INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE *)pFsm->GetMappedHandleObject())->AbortSocket(); //INET_ASSERT (FALSE && "ICASYNC aborting FSM!");
pFsm->SetErrorState(dwEntryError);//VENKATKBUG - ?? to do?
pFsm->SetOnAsyncList(FALSE); continue; } pFsm->SetErrorState(dwEntryError); } else { INET_ASSERT (! (pFsm->IsOnAsyncList()) ); pFsm->SetError(ERROR_SUCCESS); pFsm->SetState(pFsm->GetNextState()); } pFsm->SetPriority(lPriority);
//dprintf("%s FSM %#x socket %#x signalled, time on queue = %d\n", pFsm->MapType(), pFsm, pFsm->GetSocket(), pFsm->StopTimer());
// no longer waiting on this socket handle
// BUGBUG - if the next operation will complete quickly
// (FSM_HINT_QUICK) then we should run it here
// instead of queuing to another thread
pFsm->QueueWorkItem(); } else { pPrev = pEntry; } }//loop: for (pEntry = m_BlockedQueue.Head();pEntry != m_BlockedQueue.Self();pEntry = ((CPriorityListEntry *)pPrev)->Next())
m_BlockedQueue.Release(); }// if (m_BlockedQueue.Acquire())
else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else // if! n >= 0
{ error = _I_WSAGetLastError();
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, ERROR, ("select() returns %d (%s)\n", error, InternetMapError(error) ));
// WSAENOTSOCK can happen if the socket was cancelled just
// before we waited on it. We can also get WSAEINTR if
// select() is terminated early (by APC)
INET_ASSERT((error == WSAENOTSOCK) || (error == WSAEINTR) || (error == WSAEBADF));
if (error == WSAEINTR) { continue; }
// when running on a portable (& probably desktops also), if we
// suspend & resume, the select socket can be invalidated. We
// need to recognize this situation and handle it
FD_ZERO(&read_fds); FD_ZERO(&write_fds); FD_ZERO(&except_fds);
FD_SET(m_SelectSocket, &read_fds);
to.tv_sec = 0; to.tv_usec = 0; n = _I_select(1, &read_fds, &write_fds, &except_fds, &to); if (n < 0) {
// the select socket is dead. Throw it away & create a new
// one. We should pick up any blocked requests that tried
// unsuccessfully to interrupt the old select socket
RecreateSelectSocket(); } else {
// some socket(s) other than the select socket has become
// invalid. Cancel the corresponding request(s)
} } // if! n >= 0
// perform timed events
// BUGBUG - need variable for 5000
if ((GetTickCountWrap() - ticks) >= 5000) { if( bLazy == TRUE && !InDllCleanup && !IsTerminating()) { #ifndef WININET_SERVER_CORE
// wake background task mgr
// this may involve one of the background workitem
// to be queued and get executed
NotifyBackgroundTaskMgr(); #endif
} #ifndef WININET_SERVER_CORE //now per-session
PurgeServerInfoList(FALSE); #endif
ticks = GetTickCountWrap(); } } //REDUNDANT: TerminateAsyncSupport();
DEBUG_LEAVE(error); //dprintf("!!! Waiter FSM is done\n");
return error; }
DWORD ICAsyncThread::CreateSelectSocket( VOID )
Routine Description:
In order to not have to keep inefficiently polling select() with a short time-out, we create a 'trick' datagram socket that we can use to interrupt select() with: this is a local socket, and if we send something to ourself then select() will complete (assuming one of the sockets we are waiting on is the one we create here)
N.B. Sockets support must be initialized by the time we get here
Return Value:
Failure - mapped socket error
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Dword, "ICAsyncThread::CreateSelectSocket", NULL ));
DWORD error; SOCKET sock;
sock = _I_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, ERROR, ("socket() failed\n" ));
goto socket_error; }
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; sockAddr.sin_port = 0; *(LPDWORD)&sockAddr.sin_addr = _I_htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); memset(&sockAddr.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(sockAddr.sin_zero));
int rc;
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("binding socket %#x to address %d.%d.%d.%d\n", sock, ((LPBYTE)&sockAddr.sin_addr)[0] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&sockAddr.sin_addr)[1] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&sockAddr.sin_addr)[2] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&sockAddr.sin_addr)[3] & 0xff ));
rc = _I_bind(sock, (LPSOCKADDR)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, ERROR, ("bind() failed\n" ));
goto socket_error; }
int namelen; SOCKADDR sockname; namelen = sizeof(sockname);
rc = _I_getsockname(sock, &sockname, &namelen); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, ERROR, ("getsockname() failed\n" ));
goto socket_error; }
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("connecting to address %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ((LPBYTE)&sockname.sa_data)[2] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&sockname.sa_data)[3] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&sockname.sa_data)[4] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&sockname.sa_data)[5] & 0xff ));
rc = _I_connect(sock, &sockname, namelen); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, ERROR, ("connect() failed\n" ));
goto socket_error; }
m_SelectSocket = sock; error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
return error;
error = MapInternetError(_I_WSAGetLastError()); DestroySelectSocket(); goto quit; }
VOID ICAsyncThread::DestroySelectSocket( VOID )
Routine Description:
Just closes SelectSocket (if we think its open)
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, None, "ICAsyncThread::DestroySelectSocket", NULL ));
if (m_SelectSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { _I_closesocket(m_SelectSocket); m_SelectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; }
VOID ICAsyncThread::RecreateSelectSocket( VOID )
Routine Description:
Attempt to destroy & recreate select socket. Required when socket is killed due to suspend, e.g.
Since the underlying net components may take a while to restart, we loop up to 12 times, waiting up to ~16 secs (~32 secs cumulative)
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, None, "ICAsyncThread::RecreateSelectSocket", NULL ));
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("current interrupt count = %d\n", m_lSelectInterrupts ));
m_lSelectInterrupts = -1;
int iterations = 12; DWORD time = 8; DWORD error;
do { error = CreateSelectSocket(); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PERF_Sleep(time); time <<= 1; } } while ((error != ERROR_SUCCESS) && --iterations);
VOID ICAsyncThread::InterruptSelect( VOID )
Routine Description:
We interrupt a waiting select() by sending a small amount of data to ourself on the 'trick datagram socket'
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, None, "ICAsyncThread::InterruptSelect", NULL ));
// if the async select socket is already created then interrupt it. If it is
// not yet created then it probably means that the async scheduler thread
// hasn't gotten around to it yet, ipso facto the async scheduler can't be
// stuck in a select(), hence its okay to skip
if (m_SelectSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (InterlockedIncrement(&m_lSelectInterrupts) == 0) { if (_I_send != NULL) { #if INET_DEBUG
int nSent = #endif
_I_send(m_SelectSocket, gszBang, 1, 0);
if (nSent < 0) {
DWORD error = _I_WSAGetLastError();
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("send(%#x) returns %s (%d)\n", m_SelectSocket, InternetMapError(error), error ));
INET_ASSERT(!InDllCleanup ? (nSent == 1) : TRUE); #endif
} } else { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lSelectInterrupts);
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, INFO, ("select() already interrupted, count = %d\n", m_lSelectInterrupts ));
} } else {
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, WARNING, ("select socket not yet created\n" ));
BOOL ICAsyncThread::DrainSelectSocket( VOID )
Routine Description:
Just reads the data written to the async select socket in order to wake up select()
Return Value:
BOOL TRUE - successfully drained
FALSE - error occurred
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_ASYNC, Bool, "ICAsyncThread::DrainSelectSocket", NULL ));
BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
if (m_SelectSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
// reduce the interrupt count. Threads making async requests will cause
// the select() to be interrupted again
char buf[32]; int nReceived;
nReceived = _I_recv(m_SelectSocket, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
#ifdef unix
if(nReceived > -1) { #endif /* unix */
//INET_ASSERT(nReceived == 1);
//INET_ASSERT(buf[0] == '!');
#ifdef unix
} #endif /* unix */
if (nReceived < 0) {
DWORD error = _I_WSAGetLastError();
DEBUG_PRINT(ASYNC, ERROR, ("recv() returns %s [%d]\n", InternetMapError(error), error ));
bSuccess = FALSE; } } else {
bSuccess = FALSE; }
return bSuccess; }