#include <wininetp.h>
#include <perfdiag.hxx>
#include "httpp.h"
// HTTP_HEADER_PARSER implementation
Routine Description:
Constructor for the HTTP_HEADER_PARSER object. Calls ParseHeaders to build a parsed version of the header string passed in.
szHeaders - pointer to the headers to parse
cbHeaders - length of the headers
Return Value:
{ DWORD dwBytesScaned = 0; BOOL fFoundCompleteLine; BOOL fFoundEndOfHeaders; DWORD error;
error = ParseHeaders( szHeaders, cbHeaders, TRUE, // Eof
&dwBytesScaned, &fFoundCompleteLine, &fFoundEndOfHeaders );
INET_ASSERT(error == ERROR_SUCCESS); INET_ASSERT(fFoundCompleteLine); INET_ASSERT(fFoundEndOfHeaders); }
BOOL HTTP_HEADER_PARSER::ParseStatusLine( IN LPSTR lpHeaderBase, IN DWORD dwBufferLength, IN BOOL fEof, IN OUT DWORD *lpdwBufferLengthScanned, OUT DWORD *lpdwStatusCode, OUT DWORD *lpdwMajorVersion, OUT DWORD *lpdwMinorVersion )
Routine Description:
Parses the Status line of an HTTP server response. Takes care of adding the status line to HTTP header array.
lpszHeader - pointer to the header to check
dwHeaderLength - length of the header
Return Value:
BOOL - TRUE if line was successively parsed and processed, FALSE otherwise
LPSTR lpszEnd = lpHeaderBase + dwBufferLength; LPSTR response = lpHeaderBase + *lpdwBufferLengthScanned; DWORD dwBytesScanned = 0; DWORD dwStatusLineSize = 0; LPSTR lpszStatusLine; int ver_state = BEFORE_VERSION_NUMBERS; DWORD adwStatusInts[MAX_STATUS_INTS]; BOOL success = TRUE;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_STATUS_INTS; i++) adwStatusInts[i] = 0;
lpszStatusLine = response;
// While walking the Status Line looking for terminating \r\n,
// we extract the Major.Minor Versions and Status Code in that order.
// text and spaces will lie between/before/after the three numbers
// but the idea is to remeber which number we're calculating based on a numeric state
// If all goes well the loop will churn out an array with the 3 numbers plugged in as DWORDs
while ((response < lpszEnd) && (*response != '\r') && (*response != '\n')) { // below should be wrapped in while (response[i] != ' ') to be more robust???
switch (ver_state) { case BEFORE_VERSION_NUMBERS: if (*response == '/') { INET_ASSERT(ver_state == BEFORE_VERSION_NUMBERS); ver_state++; // = MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER
} else if (*response == ' ') { ver_state = STATUS_CODE_NUMBER; }
if (*response == '.') { INET_ASSERT(ver_state == MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER); ver_state++; // = MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER
break; } // fall through
if (*response == ' ') { INET_ASSERT(ver_state == MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER); ver_state++; // = STATUS_CODE_NUMBER
break; } // fall through
if (isdigit(*response)) { int val = *response - '0'; adwStatusInts[ver_state] = adwStatusInts[ver_state] * 10 + val; } else if ( adwStatusInts[STATUS_CODE_NUMBER] > 0 ) { //
// we eat spaces before status code is found,
// once we have the status code we can go on to the next
// state on the next non-digit. This is done
// to cover cases with several spaces between version
// and the status code number.
break; } else if (!isspace(*response)) { adwStatusInts[ver_state] = (DWORD)-1; }
case AFTER_STATUS_CODE: break;
++response; ++dwBytesScanned; }
dwStatusLineSize = dwBytesScanned;
if (response == lpszEnd) {
// response now points one past the end of the buffer. We may be looking
// over the edge...
// if we're at the end of the connection then the server sent us an
// incorrectly formatted response. Probably an error.
// Otherwise its a partial response. We need more
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("found end of short response in status line\n" ));
success = fEof ? TRUE : FALSE;
// if we really hit the end of the response then update the amount of
// headers scanned
if (!success) { dwBytesScanned = 0; }
goto quit;
while ((response < lpszEnd) && ((*response == '\r') || (*response == ' '))) { ++response; ++dwBytesScanned; }
if (response == lpszEnd) {
// hit end of buffer without finding LF
success = FALSE;
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, WARNING, ("hit end of buffer without finding LF\n" ));
goto quit;
} else if (*response == '\n') { ++response; ++dwBytesScanned;
// if we found the empty line then we are done
success = TRUE; }
// Now we have our parsed header to add to the array
HEADER_STRING * freeHeader; DWORD iSlot;
freeHeader = FindFreeSlot(&iSlot); if (freeHeader == NULL) { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); success = FALSE; goto quit; } else { INET_ASSERT(iSlot == 0); // status line should always be first
freeHeader->CreateOffsetString((DWORD)(lpszStatusLine - lpHeaderBase), dwStatusLineSize); freeHeader->SetHash(0); // status line has no hash value.
*lpdwStatusCode = adwStatusInts[STATUS_CODE_NUMBER]; *lpdwMajorVersion = adwStatusInts[MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER]; *lpdwMinorVersion = adwStatusInts[MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER];
*lpdwBufferLengthScanned += dwBytesScanned;
return success; }
DWORD HTTP_HEADER_PARSER::ParseHeaders( IN LPSTR lpHeaderBase, IN DWORD dwBufferLength, IN BOOL fEof, IN OUT DWORD *lpdwBufferLengthScanned, OUT LPBOOL pfFoundCompleteLine, OUT LPBOOL pfFoundEndOfHeaders )
Routine Description:
Loads headers into HTTP_HEADERS member for subsequent parsing.
Parses string based headers and adds their parts to an internally stored array of HTTP_HEADERS.
Input is assumed to be well formed Header Name/Value pairs, each deliminated by ':' and '\r\n'.
lpszHeader - pointer to the header to check
dwHeaderLength - length of the header
Return Value:
LPSTR lpszEnd = lpHeaderBase + dwBufferLength; LPSTR response = lpHeaderBase + *lpdwBufferLengthScanned; DWORD dwBytesScanned = 0; BOOL success = FALSE; DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
*pfFoundEndOfHeaders = FALSE;
// Each iteration of the following loop
// walks an HTTP header line of the form:
// HeaderName: HeaderValue\r\n
do { DWORD dwHash = HEADER_HASH_SEED; LPSTR lpszHeaderName; DWORD dwHeaderNameLength = 0; DWORD dwHeaderLineLength = 0; DWORD dwPreviousAmountOfBytesScanned = dwBytesScanned;
// Remove leading whitespace from header
while ( (response < lpszEnd) && ((*response == ' ') || (*response == '\t')) ) { ++response; ++dwBytesScanned; }
// Scan for HeaderName:
lpszHeaderName = response; dwPreviousAmountOfBytesScanned = dwBytesScanned;
while ((response < lpszEnd) && (*response != ':') && (*response != '\r') && (*response != '\n')) { //
// This code incapsulates CalculateHashNoCase as an optimization,
// we attempt to calculate the Hash value as we parse the header.
CHAR ch = *response;
if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) { ch = MAKE_LOWER(ch); } dwHash += (DWORD)(dwHash << 5) + ch;
++response; ++dwBytesScanned; }
dwHeaderNameLength = (DWORD) (response - lpszHeaderName);
// catch bogus responses: if we find what looks like one of a (very)
// small set of HTML tags, then assume the previous header was the
// last
if ((dwHeaderNameLength >= sizeof("<HTML>") - 1) && (*lpszHeaderName == '<') && (!strnicmp(lpszHeaderName, "<HTML>", sizeof("<HTML>") - 1) || !strnicmp(lpszHeaderName, "<HEAD>", sizeof("<HEAD>") - 1))) { *pfFoundEndOfHeaders = TRUE; break; }
// Keep scanning till end of the line.
while ((response < lpszEnd) && (*response != '\r') && (*response != '\n')) { ++response; ++dwBytesScanned; }
dwHeaderLineLength = (DWORD) (response - lpszHeaderName); // note: this headerLINElength
if (response == lpszEnd) {
// response now points one past the end of the buffer. We may be looking
// over the edge...
// if we're at the end of the connection then the server sent us an
// incorrectly formatted response. Probably an error.
// Otherwise its a partial response. We need more
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("found end of short response\n" ));
success = fEof ? TRUE : FALSE;
// if we really hit the end of the response then update the amount of
// headers scanned
if (!success) { dwBytesScanned = dwPreviousAmountOfBytesScanned; }
} else {
// we reached a CR or LF. This is the end of this current header. Find
// the start of the next one
// first, strip off any trailing spaces from the current header. We do
// this by simply reducing the string length. We only look for space
// and tab characters. Only do this if we have a non-zero length header
if (dwHeaderLineLength != 0) { for (int i = -1; response[i] == ' ' || response[i] == '\t'; --i) { --dwHeaderLineLength; } }
INET_ASSERT((int)dwHeaderLineLength >= 0);
// some servers respond with "\r\r\n". Lame
// A new twist: "\r \r\n". Lamer
while ((response < lpszEnd) && ((*response == '\r') || (*response == ' '))) { ++response; ++dwBytesScanned; } if (response == lpszEnd) {
// hit end of buffer without finding LF
success = FALSE;
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, WARNING, ("hit end of buffer without finding LF\n" ));
// get more data, reparse this line
dwBytesScanned = dwPreviousAmountOfBytesScanned; break; } else if (*response == '\n') { ++response; ++dwBytesScanned;
// if we found the empty line then we are done
if (dwHeaderLineLength == 0) { *pfFoundEndOfHeaders = TRUE; break; }
success = TRUE; } }
// Now we have our parsed header to add to the array
HEADER_STRING * freeHeader; DWORD iSlot;
freeHeader = FindFreeSlot(&iSlot); if (freeHeader == NULL) { error = GetError();
INET_ASSERT(error != ERROR_SUCCESS); goto quit;
} else { freeHeader->CreateOffsetString((DWORD) (lpszHeaderName - lpHeaderBase), dwHeaderLineLength); freeHeader->SetHash(dwHash); }
//CHAR szTemp[256];
//memcpy(szTemp, lpszHeaderName, dwHeaderLineLength);
//lpszHeaderName[dwHeaderLineLength] = '\0';
// INFO,
// ("ParseHeaders: adding=%q\n", lpszHeaderName
// ));
// Now see if this is a known header we are adding, if so then we note that fact
DWORD dwKnownQueryIndex;
if (HeaderMatch(dwHash, lpszHeaderName, dwHeaderNameLength, &dwKnownQueryIndex) ) { freeHeader->SetNextKnownIndex(FastAdd(dwKnownQueryIndex, iSlot)); } } while (TRUE);
*lpdwBufferLengthScanned += dwBytesScanned; *pfFoundCompleteLine = success;
return error; }