Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the implementation of the HttpSendRequestA API.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 16-Nov-1994
Revision History:
29-Apr-97 rfirth Conversion to FSM
#include <wininetp.h>
#include <perfdiag.hxx>
#include "httpp.h"
// HTTP Request Handle Object methods
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::InitBeginSendRequest( IN LPCSTR lpszHeaders OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwHeadersLength, IN LPVOID *lplpOptional, IN LPDWORD lpdwOptionalLength, IN DWORD dwOptionalLengthTotal )
Routine Description:
Performs Initiatization of the HTTP Request by setting up the necessary headers and preparing the POST data.
lpszHeaders - Additional headers to be appended to the request. This may be NULL if there are no additional headers to append
dwHeadersLength - The length (in characters) of the additional headers. If this is -1L and lpszAdditional is non-NULL, then lpszAdditional is assumed to be zero terminated (ASCIIZ)
lpOptionalData - Any optional data to send immediately after the request headers. This is typically used for POST operations. This may be NULL if there is no optional data to send
dwOptionalDataLength - The length (in BYTEs) of the optional data. This may be zero if there is no optional data to send
dwOptionalLengthTotal - Total Length for File Upload.
Return Value:
Failure - One of the Win32 Error values.
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::InitBeginSendRequest", "%#x, %d, %d, %#x", lplpOptional ? *lplpOptional : NULL, lpdwOptionalLength ? *lpdwOptionalLength : NULL, dwOptionalLengthTotal ));
DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPVOID lpOptional = *lplpOptional; DWORD dwOptionalLength = *lpdwOptionalLength;
// validate parameters
if ((lpOptional == NULL) || (dwOptionalLength == 0)) { lpOptional = NULL; dwOptionalLength = 0; }
// the headers lengths can be -1 meaning that we should calculate the
// string lengths. We must do this before calling MakeAsyncRequest()
// which is expecting the parameters to be correct
if (dwHeadersLength == -1) { dwHeadersLength = lstrlen((LPCSTR)lpszHeaders); }
// if the caller specified some additional headers, then add them before
// we make the request asynchronously
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszHeaders) && (*lpszHeaders != '\0')) {
// we use the API here because the headers came from the app, and
// we don't trust it
if (!HttpAddRequestHeaders(GetPseudoHandle(), lpszHeaders, dwHeadersLength,
// if the object is being re-used then
// replace the headers to avoid
// duplicating original headers
)) { error = GetLastError(); goto quit; } }
// If we fall through then we are connected and a) either the thing
// is not in the cache or we did a conditional get or c) there was
// some cache error
// if the app supplied a user-agent string to InternetOpen() AND hasn't
// added a "User-Agent:" header, then add it
LPSTR userAgent; DWORD userAgentLength;
userAgent = GetUserAgent(&userAgentLength); if (userAgent != NULL) { ReplaceRequestHeader(HTTP_QUERY_USER_AGENT, userAgent, userAgentLength, 0, // dwIndex,
// do the same thing with the "Host:" header. The header-value is the host
// name supplied to InternetConnect() (or the name of the redirected host)
LPSTR hostName; DWORD hostNameLength; INTERNET_PORT hostPort;
hostName = GetHostName(&hostNameLength); hostPort = GetHostPort();
INET_ASSERT((hostName != NULL) && (hostNameLength > 0));
char hostValue[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + sizeof(":4294967295")];
if ((hostPort != INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT) && (hostPort != INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT)) { if (lstrlen(hostName) > INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH) { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto quit; } hostNameLength = wsprintf(hostValue, "%s:%d", hostName, (hostPort & 0xffff)); hostName = hostValue; } ReplaceRequestHeader(HTTP_QUERY_HOST, hostName, hostNameLength, 0, // dwIndex,
// if the app requested keep-alive then add the header; if we're going via
// proxy then use the proxy-connection header
//if (pRequest->GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION) {
// pRequest->SetWantKeepAlive(TRUE);
// add the content-length header IF we are sending data OR this is a POST,
// AND ONLY if the app has not already added the header
if (dwOptionalLength || dwOptionalLengthTotal) SetMethodBody(); if (((dwOptionalLength != 0) || (dwOptionalLengthTotal != 0))
// BUGBUG - just comparing against a method type is insufficient. We need
// a test of whether the method implies sending data (PUT, etc).
// We make the same test in other places
|| (GetMethodType() != HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_GET)) {
DWORD dwContentLength;
char number[sizeof("4294967295")];
// For File Upload we need to add the Content-Length
// header off of the Total Length, Not the current
// data size. Since we get more data via InternetWriteFile
if ( dwOptionalLengthTotal != 0 ) { dwContentLength = dwOptionalLengthTotal; } else { dwContentLength = dwOptionalLength; }
// _itoa(dwOptionalLength, number, 10);
wsprintf(number, "%d", dwContentLength);
DWORD numberLength = lstrlen(number);
#62953 NOTE -- Authstate can never be in the AUTHSTATE_NEGOTIATE
state here. It is not necessary to zero out the content length header here when omitting post data on NTLM negotiate since this will be done later in the request. The commented-out code is not necessary.
if ((GetMethodType() == HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_POST) && (GetAuthState() == AUTHSTATE_NEGOTIATE)) {
ReplaceRequestHeader(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, "0", 1, 0, // dwIndex
// Normally we don't over-write the content-length
// header if one already exists.
DWORD dwAddHeader; dwAddHeader = ADD_HEADER_IF_NEW;
// But if we're posting data and have an auth ctx
// over-write the content-length header which will
// have been reset to 0 to omit post data on the
// negotiate phase.
AUTHCTX *pAuthCtx; pAuthCtx = GetAuthCtx(); if (pAuthCtx) { dwAddHeader = ADD_HEADER; }
ReplaceRequestHeader(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, (LPSTR)number, numberLength, 0, // dwIndex
dwAddHeader );
*lplpOptional = lpOptional; *lpdwOptionalLength = dwOptionalLength;
return error; }
DWORD CFsm_HttpSendRequest::RunSM( IN CFsm * Fsm )
Routine Description:
Fsm -
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "CFsm_HttpSendRequest::RunSM", "%#x", Fsm ));
CFsm_HttpSendRequest * stateMachine = (CFsm_HttpSendRequest *)Fsm;
pRequest = (HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *)Fsm->GetContext(); switch (Fsm->GetState()) { case FSM_STATE_INIT: case FSM_STATE_CONTINUE:
error = pRequest->HttpSendRequest_Start(stateMachine); break;
error = pRequest->HttpSendRequest_Finish(stateMachine); break;
error = Fsm->GetError();
// If we block to call GetProxyInfo async, then
// we may get unblocked during a cancel. We need to
// handle it by freeing the object in our destructor.
INET_ASSERT( (!stateMachine->m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj) ? ( error == ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED || error == ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT ) : TRUE );
Fsm->SetDone(); break;
stateMachine->m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj = TRUE; error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; Fsm->SetDone(ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
break; }
return error; }
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::HttpSendRequest_Start( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm )
Routine Description:
Calls SendData() method in a loop, handling redirects (& authentications?) until we have successfully started to retrieve what was originally requested
Fsm - HTTP send request FSM
Return Value:
DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully
ERROR_IO_PENDING Operation will complete asynchronously
Failure - ERROR_WINHTTP_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE The HTTP request handle is in the wrong state for this request
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Ran out of resources
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::HttpSendRequest_Start", "%#x", Fsm ));
CFsm_HttpSendRequest & fsm = *Fsm;
// we must loop here while the server redirects us or while we authenticate
// the user
FSM_STATE state = fsm.GetState(); DWORD error = fsm.GetError();
// We set m_fOwnsProxyInfoObj TRUE, because by virtue of being here
// we have know that we now own the pointer in our fsm, pointed to by
// fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery.
// This boolean is used to know when we are allowed to FREE and ACCESS
// this pointer. If FALSE, we CANNOT touch this pointer because
// the auto-proxy thread may be accessing it. The auto-proxy thread
// will unblock us, this releasing its "un-offical" lock on this pointer.
fsm.m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj = TRUE;
if (state == FSM_STATE_INIT) { if ( fsm.m_arRequest == AR_HTTP_END_SEND_REQUEST ) { state = FSM_STATE_4; fsm.SetFunctionState(FSM_STATE_4); } } else { state = fsm.GetFunctionState(); }
do { switch (state) { case FSM_STATE_INIT: case FSM_STATE_1:
fsm.m_iRetries = 2; fsm.m_bAuthNotFinished = FALSE; fsm.m_dwCookieIndex = 0;
// Terrible bug that afflicts NS servers while doing SSL,
// they lie (those buggers), and claim they do keep-alive,
// but when we attempt to reuse their Keep-Alive sockets,
// they all fail, so we therefore must increase the retry count
// so we can empty all the bad keep-alive sockets out of the pool
if ( (GetOpenFlags() & WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE) ) { CServerInfo * pServerInfo = GetServerInfo(); if ( pServerInfo && pServerInfo->IsBadNSServer() ) { fsm.m_iRetries = 5; } }
// if we're not in the right state to send, drain the socket
if (!IsValidHttpState(SEND)) {
if (fsm.m_pBuffer == NULL) { fsm.m_pBuffer = (LPVOID)ALLOCATE_MEMORY( LMEM_FIXED, DRAIN_SOCKET_BUFFER_LENGTH); if (fsm.m_pBuffer == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; } } do { if (!fsm.m_bSink) { fsm.m_bSink = TRUE; fsm.SetFunctionState(FSM_STATE_2); error = ReadData(fsm.m_pBuffer, DRAIN_SOCKET_BUFFER_LENGTH, &fsm.m_dwBytesDrained, TRUE, 0); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto quit; } }
// fall through to state 2
case FSM_STATE_2:
fsm.m_bSink = FALSE; } while ((error == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (fsm.m_dwBytesDrained != 0)); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; } if (fsm.m_pBuffer != NULL) { fsm.m_pBuffer = (LPVOID)FREE_MEMORY(fsm.m_pBuffer);
INET_ASSERT(fsm.m_pBuffer == NULL);
// BUGBUG - if we're not in the right state?
// generate the correct request headers based
// on what types, or whether we're using
// proxies
fsm.SetFunctionState(FSM_STATE_3); error = UpdateProxyInfo(Fsm, FALSE);
if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto done; }
// set function state to not-FSM_STATE_3 to differentiate interrupted
// path in FSM_STATE_3
// fall through
case FSM_STATE_3:
if ((error == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (fsm.GetFunctionState() == FSM_STATE_3)) { error = UpdateProxyInfo(Fsm, TRUE); }
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fsm.m_bCancelRedoOfProxy = TRUE; goto quit; }
// get any cookies required for this site, but only if app didn't
// tell us it will handle cookies
if (!(GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES) ) { if (CreateCookieHeaderIfNeeded()) { // SetPerUserItem(TRUE);
} }
// if this URL requires authentication then add its header here, but
// only if the app didn't tell us not to
if (!(GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTH)) { SetPPAbort(FALSE); // let's assume Passport is not going to abort the send.
error = AuthOnRequest(this); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
if (PPAbort()) { // Passport needed to abort the send cuz the DA wanted to redirect
// the App to an different site *AND* the app wanted to handle the
// redirect itself.
error = ERROR_WINHTTP_LOGIN_FAILURE; goto quit; } } try_again: fsm.SetFunctionState(FSM_STATE_4); DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("State_3_Start: lpOptional = 0x%x deOptionalLength = %d\n", fsm.m_lpOptional, fsm.m_dwOptionalLength)); error = DoFsm(New CFsm_SendRequest(fsm.m_lpOptional, fsm.m_dwOptionalLength, this )); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto quit; }
// fall through
case FSM_STATE_4: DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("State_4_start: lpOptional = 0x%x deOptionalLength = %d\n", fsm.m_lpOptional, fsm.m_dwOptionalLength));
// This adds CR-LF for the File Upload case
//if (_RequestMethod == HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_POST && _AddCRLFToPOST && fsm.m_arRequest == AR_HTTP_END_SEND_REQUEST)
// error = _Socket->Send(gszCRLF, 2, 0);
// if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// goto quit;
// }
fsm.m_bWasKeepAlive = (_bKeepAliveConnection || IsKeepAlive()); if ((error != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((GetStatusCode() != HTTP_STATUS_OK) && (GetStatusCode() != 0))) {
// must be doing proxy tunnelling request if status code set
INET_ASSERT(((GetStatusCode() != HTTP_STATUS_OK) && (GetStatusCode() != 0)) ? IsTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy() : TRUE );
// server may have reset keep-alive connection
if ((error == ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR) && fsm.m_bWasKeepAlive && (--fsm.m_iRetries != 0)) {
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("keep-alive connection failed after send. Retrying\n" ));
//dprintf("*** retrying k-a connection after send\n");
CloseConnection(TRUE); goto try_again; } goto quit; } if (fsm.m_arRequest == AR_HTTP_BEGIN_SEND_REQUEST) { goto quit; } fsm.SetFunctionState(FSM_STATE_5); error = DoFsm(New CFsm_ReceiveResponse(this)); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto quit; }
// fall through
case FSM_STATE_5:
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("State_5_Start: lpOptional = 0x%x deOptionalLength = %d\n", fsm.m_lpOptional, fsm.m_dwOptionalLength));
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //dprintf("*** post-receive: error=%d, retries=%d\n", error, fsm.m_iRetries);
// server may have reset keep-alive connection
if (((error == ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR) || (error == ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE)) && fsm.m_bWasKeepAlive && (--fsm.m_iRetries != 0)) {
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("keep-alive connection failed after receive. Retrying\n" ));
//dprintf("*** retrying k-a connection after receive\n");
CloseConnection(TRUE); _ResponseHeaders.FreeHeaders(); ResetResponseVariables(); _ResponseHeaders.Initialize(); goto try_again; }
goto quit; }
case FSM_STATE_6: DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("State_6_Start: lpOptional = 0x%x deOptionalLength = %d\n", fsm.m_lpOptional, fsm.m_dwOptionalLength));
// put any received cookie headers in the cookie jar, but only if the
// app didn't tell us not to
if (!(GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES) && IsResponseHeaderPresent(HTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE) ) { DWORD dwError; dwError = ExtractSetCookieHeaders(&fsm.m_dwCookieIndex);
if ( dwError == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { error = ERROR_IO_PENDING; goto quit; } }
// we need to handle various intermediary return codes:
// 30x - redirection
// 40x - authentication
// BUT ONLY if the app didn't tell us it wanted to handle these itself
DWORD statusCode; BOOL bNoAuth;
statusCode = GetStatusCode(); bNoAuth = (GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTH) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// if the status is 200 (most frequently return header == success)
// and we are not authenticating all responses then we're done
if ((statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_OK) && bNoAuth) { goto quit; }
// handle authentication before checking the cache
if (!bNoAuth) {
// call packages for basic, ntlm
error = AuthOnResponse(this); // passport1.4 auth could change the status code from 302 to 401 here
statusCode = GetStatusCode();
// Force a retry error only if Writes are required, otherwise we have all the data for a redirect:
if ( fsm.m_arRequest == AR_HTTP_END_SEND_REQUEST && IsWriteRequired()) { goto quit; }
// the object has been updated with new info - try again
fsm.m_bFinished = FALSE; fsm.m_bAuthNotFinished = TRUE; error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Reset auto-proxy info so we can retry the connection
if ( fsm.m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj && fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery && fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery->IsAlloced()) { delete fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery; fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery = NULL; }
// just return success to the app which will have to check the
// headers and make the request again, with the right password
error = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto quit; } }
// if we can read from the cache then let us try
if ((statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_OK) || (statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) || (statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_PRECOND_FAILED) || (statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT) || (statusCode == 0)) {
BOOL fMustRedirect; fMustRedirect = FALSE;
if (_pAuthCtx) { if (_pAuthCtx->GetSchemeType() == WINHTTP_AUTH_SCHEME_PASSPORT) { PASSPORT_CTX* pPPCtx = (PASSPORT_CTX*)_pAuthCtx; if (pPPCtx->m_lpszRetUrl) { fMustRedirect = TRUE; } } }
// handle redirection
fsm.m_tMethodRedirect = HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
fsm.m_bRedirected = FALSE;
if (((statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS) // 300
|| (statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_MOVED) // 301
|| (statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT) // 302
|| (statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_METHOD) // 303
|| (statusCode == HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_KEEP_VERB)) // 307
&& (fMustRedirect || !(GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT))) {
// Clean out expired PROXY_STATE
error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ( fsm.m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj && fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery && fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery->IsAlloced()) { delete fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery; fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery = NULL; } //fsm.m_pProxyState = NULL;
SetProxyName(NULL, 0, 0);
// if we've already had the max allowable redirects then quit
if (fsm.m_dwRedirectCount == 0) { error = ERROR_HTTP_REDIRECT_FAILED; fsm.m_bRedirectCountedOut = TRUE; goto quit; }
// we got 300 (ambiguous), 301 (permanent move), 302 (temporary
// move), or 303 (redirection using new method)
switch (statusCode) { case HTTP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS:
// 300 - multiple choice
// If there is a Location header, we do an "automatic" redirect
if (_ResponseHeaders.LockHeaders()) { if (! IsResponseHeaderPresent(HTTP_QUERY_LOCATION)) { _ResponseHeaders.UnlockHeaders(); fsm.m_bFinished = TRUE; break; } _ResponseHeaders.UnlockHeaders(); } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; }
// fall through
// Table View:
//Method 301 302 303 307
// * * * GET *
//Put another way:
//301 & 302 - All methods are redirected to the same method but POST. POST is
// redirected to a GET.
//303 - All methods are redirected to GET
//307 - All methods are redirected to the same method.
// 301 - permanently moved
// fall through
// 302 - temporarily moved (POST => GET, everything stays the same)
fsm.m_tMethodRedirect = GetMethodType(); if (fsm.m_tMethodRedirect == HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_POST) //
// A POST change method to a GET
{ fsm.m_tMethodRedirect = HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_GET;
// force no optional data on second and subsequent sends
fsm.m_dwOptionalLength = 0; _fOptionalSaved = FALSE; }
INET_ASSERT(((fsm.m_tMethodRedirect == HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_GET) || (fsm.m_tMethodRedirect == HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_HEAD)) ? (fsm.m_dwOptionalLength == 0) : TRUE);
fsm.m_bRedirected = TRUE; --fsm.m_dwRedirectCount;
// 303 - see other (POST => GET)
// force no optional data on second and subsequent sends
fsm.m_dwOptionalLength = 0; _fOptionalSaved = FALSE;
fsm.m_bRedirected = TRUE; --fsm.m_dwRedirectCount; break;
// 307 - see other (POST => POST)
//if (IsHttp1_1()) {
fsm.m_tMethodRedirect = GetMethodType();
INET_ASSERT(((fsm.m_tMethodRedirect == HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_GET) || (fsm.m_tMethodRedirect == HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_HEAD)) ? (fsm.m_dwOptionalLength == 0) : TRUE);
fsm.m_bRedirected = TRUE; --fsm.m_dwRedirectCount; break;
default: fsm.m_tMethodRedirect = HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_GET;
// BUGBUG - force no optional data on second and subsequent
// sends
fsm.m_dwOptionalLength = 0; fsm.m_bRedirected = TRUE; --fsm.m_dwRedirectCount; break; }
// Only allow redirect to continue if we are successful.
if (fsm.m_bRedirected && ((fsm.m_tMethodRedirect != HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_UNKNOWN) || (fsm.m_tMethodRedirect == GetMethodType()))) { fsm.SetFunctionState(FSM_STATE_7); error = Redirect(fsm.m_tMethodRedirect, FALSE); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; } } } else {
// not a status that we handle. We're done
// BUT WAIT, we're only finshed if also
// finished retrying HTTP authentication.
// if the app told us not to handle authentication auth_not_finished
// will be FALSE
if (!fsm.m_bAuthNotFinished) { fsm.m_bFinished = TRUE; } }
// fall through
case FSM_STATE_7: DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("State_7_Start: lpOptional = 0x%x deOptionalLength = %d\n", fsm.m_lpOptional, fsm.m_dwOptionalLength));
if (fsm.m_bRedirected) { if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// cleanup response headers from redirection
// Allow Redirects to exit out and force the HttpEndRequestA
// caller to notice.
if ( fsm.m_arRequest == AR_HTTP_END_SEND_REQUEST && fsm.m_tMethodRedirect != HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_GET && fsm.m_tMethodRedirect != HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_HEAD && // Force a retry error only if Writes are required, otherwise we have all the data for a redirect:
IsWriteRequired() ) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_FORCE_RETRY; } } } state = FSM_STATE_INIT; } while (!fsm.m_bFinished && (error == ERROR_SUCCESS));
quit: DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("Quit1: error = 0x%x\r\n", error));
if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto done; }
{ AUTHCTX* pAuthCtx = GetAuthCtx(); DWORD eAuthScheme = 0; if (pAuthCtx != NULL) { eAuthScheme = pAuthCtx->GetSchemeType(); }
if (!fsm.m_bCancelRedoOfProxy && //(GetStatusCode() != HTTP_STATUS_DENIED) &&
((eAuthScheme != WINHTTP_AUTH_SCHEME_PASSPORT) || (GetStatusCode() != HTTP_STATUS_DENIED)) && // this is safer
fsm.m_pInternet->RedoSendRequest(&error, fsm.m_pRequest->GetSecureFlags(), fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery, GetOriginServer(), GetServerInfo())) { fsm.m_bFinished = FALSE; fsm.m_bRedirectCountedOut = FALSE; fsm.m_dwRedirectCount = GlobalMaxHttpRedirects; fsm.SetState(FSM_STATE_INIT); state = FSM_STATE_INIT; DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("Quit2: error = 0x%x\r\n", error)); goto retry_send_request; } else { //SetProxyName(NULL, 0, 0);
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("Quit3: error = 0x%x\r\n", error)); } }
// if ERROR_HTTP_REDIRECT_FAILED then we tried to redirect, but found that
// we couldn't do it (e.g. http:// to ftp:// or file://, etc.) We need to
// defer this to the caller to clean up & make the new request. They will
// have all the header info (plus we probably already indicated the new
// URL during the redirect callback). Rather than returning ERROR_SUCCESS,
// we will now fail with this error.
// Cases where we are redirected to the same site will return ERROR_SUCCESS.
if ((error == ERROR_HTTP_NOT_REDIRECTED) && !fsm.m_bRedirectCountedOut) { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return error; }
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::HttpSendRequest_Finish( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm )
Routine Description:
Fsm -
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::HttpSendRequest_Finish", "%#x", Fsm ));
CFsm_HttpSendRequest & fsm = *Fsm; DWORD error = fsm.GetError();
fsm.m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj = TRUE;
INET_ASSERT(fsm.m_hRequestMapped != NULL);
//if (!IsAsyncHandle() && (fsm.m_hRequestMapped != NULL)) {
// DereferenceObject((LPVOID)fsm.m_hRequestMapped);
// we will return FALSE even if this is an async operation and the error is
fsm.SetDone(error); //fsm.SetApiResult(error == ERROR_SUCCESS);
return error; }
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::BuildProxyMessage( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG * pProxyMsg, IN OUT URL_COMPONENTS * pUrlComponents )
Routine Description:
Calls CrackUrl to parses request URL, and transfers the information to the AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG
Fsm - HTTP send request FSM
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Ran out of resources
LPSTR currentUrl; DWORD currentUrlLength;
// Gather the URL off the handle
currentUrl = GetURL();
if (currentUrl) { currentUrlLength = lstrlen(currentUrl);
// BUGBUG [arthurbi] the following can be a slow call,
// but its too risky to change the complete behavior where
// we cache it
// crack the current URL
memset(pUrlComponents, 0, sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS)); pUrlComponents->dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS);
error = CrackUrl(currentUrl, currentUrlLength, FALSE, // don't escape URL-path
&(pUrlComponents->nScheme), NULL, // don't care about Scheme Name
NULL, &(pUrlComponents->lpszHostName), &(pUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength), &(pUrlComponents->nPort), NULL, // don't care about user name
NULL, NULL, // or password
NULL, &(pUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath), &(pUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength), NULL, // no extra
pProxyMsg->SetProxyMsg( pUrlComponents->nScheme, currentUrl, currentUrlLength, pUrlComponents->lpszHostName, pUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength, pUrlComponents->nPort ); } else { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_URL; } return error; }
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::QueryProxySettings( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT * pInternet, IN OUT URL_COMPONENTS * pUrlComponents )
Routine Description:
Wrapper over GetProxyInfo call to determine proxy settings on our given object
Fsm - HTTP send request FSM
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Ran out of resources
{ DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; CFsm_HttpSendRequest & fsm = *Fsm;
INET_ASSERT(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery); INET_ASSERT(pInternet);
SetProxyName(NULL, 0, 0);
fsm.m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj = FALSE;
if (IsProxy() || (GetProxyInfo() == PROXY_INFO_DIRECT)) { error = GetProxyInfo(&fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery); } else { error = pInternet->GetProxyInfo(&fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery); }
// If GetProxyInfo returns pending, then we no longer have
// access to the pointer that we've passed.
if ( error == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { //
// Bail out, DO NOT TOUCH any OBJECTS or FSMs
goto quit; }
// then regardless we own it unless GetProxyInfo went pending with the FSM
fsm.m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj = TRUE;
if ( error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto quit; }
if ( ! ((fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->IsUseProxy()) ) { SetIsTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy(FALSE); }
return error; }
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::CheckForCachedProxySettings( IN AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG *pProxyMsg, OUT CServerInfo **ppProxyServerInfo )
Routine Description:
Attempts to determine and then resolve if there are cached proxy settings saved away in the CServerInfo object, which is found in our HTTP_REQUEST_ object. This can be very useful since calling off to an auto-proxy thread can be quite expensive in terms of performance.
pProxyMsg - the object containing our current proxy message information, that we use to scripple our proxy state for a given request
ppProxyServerInfo - on return, may contain the resultant cached ServerInfo object.
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Ran out of resources
CServerInfo * pOriginServer = GetOriginServer(); CServerInfo * pProxyServer;
*ppProxyServerInfo = NULL;
if (pOriginServer) { BOOL fCachedEntry;
pProxyServer = pOriginServer->GetCachedProxyServerInfo( pProxyMsg->_tUrlProtocol, pProxyMsg->_nUrlPort, &fCachedEntry );
if (fCachedEntry) { if ( pProxyServer ) { if (pProxyServer->CopyCachedProxyInfoToProxyMsg(pProxyMsg)) { SetOriginServer(); *ppProxyServerInfo = pProxyServer; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto quit; } // nuke extra ref, sideeffect of GetCachedProxy... call
::ReleaseServerInfo(pProxyServer); } else { // DIRECT, no-proxy cached.
pProxyMsg->SetUseProxy(FALSE); pProxyMsg->_lpszProxyHostName = NULL; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto quit; } } }
quit: return error; }
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::ProcessProxySettings( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, IN OUT URL_COMPONENTS * pUrlComponents, OUT LPSTR * lplpszRequestObject, OUT DWORD * lpdwRequestObjectSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Armed with the results of the proxy query, this method takes care of assembling the various variables and states to deal with various types of proxies.
More specifally, this handles HTTP Cern Proxies, SOCKS proxies, SSL-CONNECT/HTTP proxies, and special cases such as FTP URLs with passwords through an HTTP Cern Proxy.
Fsm - HTTP send request FSM
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Ran out of resources
{ DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; CFsm_HttpSendRequest & fsm = *Fsm;
LPSTR lpszUrlObject = NULL; LPSTR lpszObject = pUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath; DWORD dwcbObject = pUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength;
if ((fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->GetProxyScheme() == INTERNET_SCHEME_SOCKS) { SetSocksProxyName((fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_lpszProxyHostName, (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_dwProxyHostNameLength, (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_nProxyHostPort );
(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_lpszProxyHostName = NULL; (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_dwProxyHostNameLength = 0; } else if (pUrlComponents->nScheme == INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS) { SetIsTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy(TRUE); } else { SetIsTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy(FALSE); // default value.
// if this request is going via proxy then we send the entire URL as the
// request
DWORD urlLength;
// in secure proxy tunnelling case we are going to send the request
// "CONNECT <host>:<port>"
if (IsTunnel()) { urlLength = pUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength + sizeof(":65535"); } else { urlLength = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH; }
lpszUrlObject = (LPSTR)ResizeBuffer(NULL, urlLength, FALSE); if (lpszUrlObject == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; }
if (IsTunnel()) { // When tunneling, the scheme is http for the CONNECT and the port
// info may be stripped to 0 if the default http port was specified
// in the original SSL tunneling URL.
if (pUrlComponents->nPort == INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER) { INET_ASSERT (pUrlComponents->nScheme == INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP); pUrlComponents->nPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; } memcpy (lpszUrlObject, pUrlComponents->lpszHostName, pUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength); wsprintf (lpszUrlObject + pUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength, ":%d", pUrlComponents->nPort); } else { //
// there may be a user name & password (only if FTP)
LPSTR userName; DWORD userNameLength; LPSTR password; DWORD passwordLength;
userName = NULL; userNameLength = 0; password = NULL; passwordLength = 0;
if (pUrlComponents->nPort == INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER) { switch (pUrlComponents->nScheme) { case INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP: pUrlComponents->nPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; break;
default: INET_ASSERT(FALSE); break; } }
pUrlComponents->lpszUserName = userName; pUrlComponents->dwUserNameLength = userNameLength; pUrlComponents->lpszPassword = password; pUrlComponents->dwPasswordLength = passwordLength;
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { if (!WinHttpCreateUrlA(pUrlComponents, 0, lpszUrlObject, &urlLength)) { error = GetLastError();
if ((error == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) && (i==0)) { LPSTR pTemp = (LPSTR)ResizeBuffer(lpszUrlObject, urlLength, FALSE);
if (pTemp) { lpszUrlObject = pTemp; continue; } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
goto quit; } else { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } } //
// shrink the buffer to fit
lpszUrlObject = (LPSTR)ResizeBuffer(lpszUrlObject, (urlLength + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR), FALSE );
INET_ASSERT(lpszUrlObject != NULL);
if (lpszUrlObject == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; } }
lpszObject = lpszUrlObject; dwcbObject = lstrlen(lpszUrlObject); }
*lplpszRequestObject = lpszObject; *lpdwRequestObjectSize = dwcbObject;
return error; }
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::UpdateRequestInfo( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, IN LPSTR lpszObject, IN DWORD dwcbObject, IN OUT URL_COMPONENTS * pUrlComponents, IN OUT CServerInfo **ppProxyServerInfo )
Routine Description:
Based on object and URL information, for a given HTTP request, this function assembles the "special cases" and modifes the request headers in prepartion of making the actual request.
The "special cases" includes the handling of HTTP versioning, HTTP 1.0/1.1 keep-alives, and Pragma headers.
This function also deals with the update the ServerInfo object that contains the host resolution information.
Fsm - HTTP send request FSM
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Ran out of resources
LPSTR lpszVersion = NULL; DWORD dwVersionLen = 0;
CFsm_HttpSendRequest & fsm = *Fsm;
if ( lpszObject == NULL) { lpszObject = pUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath; dwcbObject = pUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength; } INET_ASSERT(dwcbObject > 0 );
if (!_RequestHeaders.LockHeaders()) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; }
// if we are going via proxy and HTTP 1.1 through proxy is disabled
// then modify the request version to HTTP/1.0
if ((fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->IsUseProxy() && ((fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_lpszProxyHostName != NULL) && !GlobalEnableProxyHttp1_1 || GetMethodType() == HTTP_METHOD_TYPE_CONNECT) { lpszVersion = "HTTP/1.0"; dwVersionLen = sizeof("HTTP/1.0") - 1; }
ModifyRequest(GetMethodType(), lpszObject, dwcbObject, lpszVersion, dwVersionLen );
if ((fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->IsUseProxy() ) { SetProxyName( (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_lpszProxyHostName, (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_dwProxyHostNameLength, (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_nProxyHostPort );
if ((fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_lpszProxyHostName != NULL) {
if (_ServerInfo != NULL) { _ServerInfo->SetProxyByPassed(FALSE); }
// changing server info from origin server to proxy server. Keep
// pointer to origin server so that we can update connect and
// round-trip times
if (*ppProxyServerInfo) { // cached server info
SetServerInfo(*ppProxyServerInfo); *ppProxyServerInfo = NULL; } else { error = SetServerInfo((fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_lpszProxyHostName, (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_dwProxyHostNameLength ); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Cleanup; } } } } else { if (_ServerInfo != NULL) { _ServerInfo->SetProxyByPassed(TRUE);
if ( pUrlComponents->lpszHostName ) { error = SetServerInfo(pUrlComponents->lpszHostName, pUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength );
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Cleanup; } }
} }
// determine whether we use persistent connections and ensure the correct
// type and number of keep-alive headers are present
// BUGBUG - we need to check for "Connection: keep-alive". There may be
// other types of "Connection" header, and the keep-alive header
// may contain additional information
DWORD bufferLength; DWORD index; DWORD dwHeaderNameIndex;
if (IsRequestUsingProxy()) { RemoveAllRequestHeadersByName(HTTP_QUERY_CONNECTION); dwHeaderNameIndex = HTTP_QUERY_PROXY_CONNECTION; } else { RemoveAllRequestHeadersByName(HTTP_QUERY_PROXY_CONNECTION); dwHeaderNameIndex = HTTP_QUERY_CONNECTION; }
if (IsRequestHeaderPresent(dwHeaderNameIndex)) { SetWantKeepAlive(TRUE); SetOpenFlags( GetOpenFlags() | INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION); }
// if the global keep-alive switch
// is off then we don't want any keep-alive headers
if (GlobalDisableKeepAlive) { RemoveAllRequestHeadersByName(HTTP_QUERY_CONNECTION); RemoveAllRequestHeadersByName(HTTP_QUERY_PROXY_CONNECTION);
if (IsRequestHttp1_1()) { //
// Add "Connection: Close" header because we're not doing
// keep-alive on this Request, needed for HTTP 1.1
SetOpenFlags( GetOpenFlags() & ~INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION); }
// if the app requested keep-alive then add the header; if we're going via
// proxy then use the proxy-connection header
if (GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION) { SetWantKeepAlive(TRUE); (void)ReplaceRequestHeader(dwHeaderNameIndex, KEEP_ALIVE_SZ, KEEP_ALIVE_LEN, 0, ADD_HEADER_IF_NEW ); }
// if app added "connection: close" then we don't want keep-alive
if (IsRequestHttp1_1()) {
BOOL bClose = FindConnCloseRequestHeader(dwHeaderNameIndex); BOOL bWantKeepAlive; DWORD dwOpenFlags = GetOpenFlags();
if (bClose || (IsTunnel() && GetAuthState() != AUTHSTATE_CHALLENGE)) { RemoveAllRequestHeadersByName(dwHeaderNameIndex);
// For a Tunnel to a proxy we want to make sure that
// keep-alive is off since is does not make sense
// to do keep-alive with in a HTTP CONNECT request
// Note: we do not add the Connection: close header
// because of its amphorus definition in this case.
if (!IsTunnel()) { (void)ReplaceRequestHeader(dwHeaderNameIndex, CLOSE_SZ, CLOSE_LEN, 0, REPLACE_HEADER ); } bWantKeepAlive= FALSE; dwOpenFlags &= ~INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION; } else { bWantKeepAlive = TRUE; dwOpenFlags |= INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION; } SetWantKeepAlive(bWantKeepAlive); SetOpenFlags(dwOpenFlags); }
if (GetOpenFlags() & WINHTTP_FLAG_BYPASS_PROXY_CACHE) { // add "Pragma: No-Cache" header
// add "Cache-Control: No-Cache" header for HTTP 1.1
if (IsRequestHttp1_1()) { ReplaceRequestHeader(HTTP_QUERY_PRAGMA, NO_CACHE_SZ, NO_CACHE_LEN, 0, // dwIndex
return error;
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::UpdateProxyInfo( IN CFsm_HttpSendRequest * Fsm, IN BOOL fCallback )
Routine Description:
Queries Proxy Information, and based on the proxy info it assembles the appropriate HTTP request.
Fsm - HTTP send request FSM
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Ran out of resources
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::UpdateProxyInfo", "%#x, %B", Fsm, fCallback ));
CFsm_HttpSendRequest & fsm = *Fsm;
CServerInfo *pProxyServer = NULL;
AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG proxyInfoQuery; URL_COMPONENTS urlComponents;
LPSTR lpszObject = NULL; DWORD dwcbObject = 0;
// once we're woken up, we own the obj stored in our FSM.
// Get the Obj Pointers we care about
pInternet = GetRootHandle (this);
// Clear our handle state in regards to proxy settings
SetSocksProxyName(NULL, NULL, NULL); SetRequestUsingProxy(FALSE);
// Parse URL, I have to do this every time,
// and even worse we need to do this before our caching code
// gets hit, but we can't move it because the quit code
// depends on the parsed URL. In the future we should cache this!!
error = BuildProxyMessage( Fsm, &proxyInfoQuery, &urlComponents );
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// No proxy installed on this object, bail out
if ( ((GetProxyInfo() == PROXY_INFO_DIRECT) || (!IsProxy() && ! pInternet->IsProxy())) && ! IsOverrideProxyMode() ) { INET_ASSERT(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery == NULL); fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery = &proxyInfoQuery; // !!! put our local in the FSM
goto quit; }
// If we're in the callback, just retrieve the results,
// from the orginal blocking call to proxy code
if ( fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery ) { fCallback = TRUE;
if ( ! (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->IsBackroundDetectionPending()) { (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->SetQueryOnCallback(TRUE); }
error = QueryProxySettings(Fsm, pInternet, &urlComponents); if ( error != ERROR_SUCCESS || !(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->IsUseProxy()) { goto quit; } } else { fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery = &proxyInfoQuery; // !!! put our local in the FSM
proxyInfoQuery.SetBlockUntilCompletetion(TRUE); proxyInfoQuery.SetShowIndication(TRUE);
if (!IsTunnel() && !IsOverrideProxyMode()) { error = QueryProxySettings(Fsm, pInternet, &urlComponents); if ( error != ERROR_SUCCESS || !(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->IsUseProxy()) { goto quit; } } else // fall-back
{ //
// Get the current proxy information,
// if we're in an nested SSL tunnell
GetProxyName(&(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_lpszProxyHostName, &(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_dwProxyHostNameLength, &(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_nProxyHostPort );
(fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->_tProxyScheme = INTERNET_SCHEME_DEFAULT; (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->SetUseProxy(TRUE); } }
// Need to figure out whether we're actually talking
// to a Server via proxy. In this case we need to
// special case some logic in the Send so we create
// a sub-request to the proxy-server, and then do this
// request to the main SSL server.
if ( (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->IsUseProxy() ) { error = ProcessProxySettings( Fsm, &urlComponents, &lpszObject, &dwcbObject ); } else { // Ensure this is false in case of very slim chance of
// redirect from internet https to intranet http
SetIsTalkingToSecureServerViaProxy(FALSE); }
// If we didn't fail with pending,
// go ahead and process the request headers
if ( error != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if ( error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { error = UpdateRequestInfo(Fsm, lpszObject, dwcbObject, &urlComponents, &pProxyServer); }
// Now, Unlink the proxyinfomsg struc from the fsm,
// if its our stack based variable that we used as a temp
if ( fsm.m_fOwnsProxyInfoQueryObj && fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery && ! (fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery)->IsAlloced() ) { fsm.m_pProxyInfoQuery = NULL; }
// Don't leak objects, Give a hoot, don't pollute !!
if ( pProxyServer != NULL ) { ::ReleaseServerInfo(pProxyServer); }
if ( lpszObject != NULL && lpszObject != urlComponents.lpszUrlPath) { FREE_MEMORY(lpszObject); }
return error; }
Routine Description:
Determine if Connection: Close added to request headers
dwIndex - id of Connection header to search for (Connection or Proxy-Connection)
Return Value:
BOOL TRUE - header found
FALSE - header not found
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Bool, "HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::FindConnCloseRequestHeader", "%d [%s]", dwIndex, InternetMapHttpOption(dwIndex) ));
BOOL bFound = FALSE;
if (CheckedConnCloseRequest()) { bFound = IsConnCloseRequest(dwIndex == HTTP_QUERY_PROXY_CONNECTION); } else {
LPSTR ptr; DWORD len; DWORD index = 0;
while (FastQueryRequestHeader(dwIndex, (LPVOID *)&ptr, &len, index) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((len == CLOSE_LEN) && (strnicmp(ptr, CLOSE_SZ, len) == 0)) { bFound = TRUE; break; } index++; } SetCheckedConnCloseRequest(dwIndex == HTTP_QUERY_PROXY_CONNECTION, bFound); }
return bFound; }
* When called from API functions, * caller should SetLastError() in case of failure */ BOOL HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::SetTimeout( IN DWORD dwTimeoutOption, IN DWORD dwTimeoutValue ) { BOOL bRetval = TRUE; switch (dwTimeoutOption) { case WINHTTP_OPTION_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT: _dwResolveTimeout = dwTimeoutValue; break;
case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: _dwConnectTimeout = dwTimeoutValue; break;
case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES: _dwConnectRetries = dwTimeoutValue; break;
case WINHTTP_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT: _dwSendTimeout = dwTimeoutValue; break;
case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT: _dwReceiveTimeout = dwTimeoutValue; break; default: INET_ASSERT(FALSE); bRetval = FALSE; break; }
return bRetval; }
* When called from API functions, * caller should SetLastError() in case of failure */ DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::GetTimeout( IN DWORD dwTimeoutOption ) { switch (dwTimeoutOption) { case WINHTTP_OPTION_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT: return _dwResolveTimeout;
case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: return _dwConnectTimeout;
case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES: return _dwConnectRetries;
case WINHTTP_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT: return _dwSendTimeout;
case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT: return _dwReceiveTimeout; }
INET_ASSERT(FALSE); // we should not be here, but in case we are, return 0
return 0; }
* When called from API functions, * caller should SetLastError() in case of failure */ BOOL HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::SetTimeouts( IN DWORD dwResolveTimeout, IN DWORD dwConnectTimeout, IN DWORD dwSendTimeout, IN DWORD dwReceiveTimeout ) { _dwResolveTimeout = dwResolveTimeout; _dwConnectTimeout = dwConnectTimeout; _dwSendTimeout = dwSendTimeout; _dwReceiveTimeout = dwReceiveTimeout;
return TRUE; }