Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This interface abstracts a Passport Session.
Biao Wang (biaow) 01-Oct-2000
#ifndef SESSION_H
#define SESSION_H
class SESSION { public: static BOOL CreateObject(PCWSTR pwszHttpStack, HINTERNET hSession, SESSION*& pSess);
public: SESSION(void); virtual ~SESSION(void);
UINT GetSessionId(void) const { return m_SessionId; } BOOL Match(UINT SessionId) const { return SessionId == m_SessionId; }
void AddRef(void) { ++m_RefCount; } void RemoveRef(void) { if (m_RefCount > 0) { --m_RefCount; } }
UINT RefCount(void) const { return m_RefCount; }
// methods to retrieve the registry-configured value
// PCWSTR GetLoginHost(void) const { return m_wDAHostName; }
// PCWSTR GetLoginTarget(void) const { return m_wDATargetObj; }
PCWSTR GetRegistrationUrl(void) const { return m_wRegistrationUrl; } BOOL GetDAInfoFromPPNexus( IN PWSTR pwszRegUrl, // user supplied buffer ...
IN OUT PDWORD pdwRegUrlLen, // ... and length (will be updated to actual length
// on successful return)
IN PWSTR pwszDARealm, // user supplied buffer ...
IN OUT PDWORD pdwDARealmLen // ... and length (will be updated to actual length
// on successful return)
BOOL GetDAInfo(PCWSTR pwszSignIn, LPWSTR pwszDAHostName, DWORD HostNameLen, LPWSTR pwszDAHostObj, DWORD HostObjLen);
BOOL UpdateDAInfo( PCWSTR pwszSignIn, PCWSTR pwszDAUrl );
void Logout(void);
BOOL IsLoggedOut(void) const;
const SYSTEMTIME* GetLogoutTimeStamp(void) const;
void ResetLogoutFlag(void); virtual BOOL Open(PCWSTR pwszHttpStack, HINTERNET) = 0; virtual void Close(void) = 0;
// methods below abstracts a subset of WinInet/WinHttp functionalities.
virtual HINTERNET Connect( LPCWSTR lpwszServerName, INTERNET_PORT) = 0;
virtual HINTERNET OpenRequest( HINTERNET hConnect, LPCWSTR lpwszVerb, LPCWSTR lpwszObjectName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwContext = 0) = 0;
virtual BOOL SendRequest( HINTERNET hRequest, LPCWSTR lpwszHeaders, DWORD dwHeadersLength, DWORD_PTR dwContext = 0) = 0;
virtual BOOL QueryHeaders( HINTERNET hRequest, DWORD dwInfoLevel, LPVOID lpvBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, LPDWORD lpdwIndex = NULL) = 0;
virtual BOOL CloseHandle( IN HINTERNET hInternet) = 0;
virtual BOOL QueryOption( HINTERNET hInternet, DWORD dwOption, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength) = 0; virtual BOOL SetOption( HINTERNET hInternet, DWORD dwOption, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength) = 0;
virtual HINTERNET OpenUrl( LPCWSTR lpwszUrl, LPCWSTR lpwszHeaders, DWORD dwHeadersLength, DWORD dwFlags) = 0;
virtual BOOL ReadFile( HINTERNET hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesRead) = 0;
virtual BOOL CrackUrl( LPCWSTR lpszUrl, DWORD dwUrlLength, DWORD dwFlags, PVOID/*LPURL_COMPONENTSW*/ lpUrlComponents) = 0;
virtual PVOID SetStatusCallback( HINTERNET hInternet, PVOID lpfnCallback ) = 0;
virtual BOOL AddHeaders( HINTERNET hConnect, LPCWSTR lpszHeaders, DWORD dwHeadersLength, DWORD dwModifiers ) = 0;
#ifdef PP_DEMO
virtual BOOL ContactPartner(PCWSTR pwszPartnerUrl, PCWSTR pwszVerb, PCWSTR pwszHeaders, PWSTR pwszData, PDWORD pdwDataLength ) = 0; #endif // PP_DEMO
protected: static UINT m_SessionIdSeed;
HMODULE m_hHttpStack; HMODULE m_hCredUI; UINT m_SessionId; BOOL m_fOwnedSession; UINT m_RefCount;
// WCHAR m_wDAHostName[256];
// WCHAR m_wDATargetObj[64];
WCHAR m_wRegistrationUrl[256];
PFN_READ_DOMAIN_CRED_W m_pfnReadDomainCred; PFN_CRED_FREE m_pfnCredFree;
HKEY m_hKeyLM; HKEY m_hKeyCU; HKEY m_hKeyDAMap; WCHAR m_wDefaultDAUrl[1024];
DWORD m_LastNexusDownloadTime;
BOOL m_fLogout; SYSTEMTIME m_LogoutTimeStamp;
friend class LOGON; };
#endif // SESSION_H