Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: conmgr.cxx
Manages list of containers (CConList)
Author: Adriaan Canter (adriaanc) 04-02-97
--*/ #include <wininetp.h>
#include <cache.hxx>
#define FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT (60000)
/*--------------------- Private Functions -----------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CConMgr::Init ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::Init() { DWORD dwError = ConfigureCache();
if (dwError==ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Get the extensible cache config info.
// These containers are delay-initialized.
dwError = GetExtensibleCacheConfigInfo(TRUE); } else { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); } return dwError;
void CConMgr::CheckNoLocks(DWORD dwThreadId) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD idx;
LOCK_CACHE(); for (idx = 0; idx < ConList.Size(); idx++) { URL_CONTAINER *co;
co = ConList.Get(idx); if (co) { co->CheckNoLocks(dwThreadId); co->Release(FALSE); } } UNLOCK_CACHE(); } #endif
BOOL CConMgr::WasModified ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CConMgr::WasModified(BOOL fUpdateMemory) { DWORD dwOldCount = _dwModifiedCount; return dwOldCount != ReadModifiedCount(fUpdateMemory); }
DWORD CConMgr::ReadModifiedCount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::ReadModifiedCount(BOOL fUpdateMemory) { DWORD dwChangeCount; DWORD *pdwChangeCount = fUpdateMemory ? &_dwModifiedCount : &dwChangeCount;
_coContent->GetHeaderData(CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CONLIST_CHANGE_COUNT, pdwChangeCount); return *pdwChangeCount; }
DWORD CConMgr::IncrementModifiedCount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CConMgr::IncrementModifiedCount() { DWORD dwLocModified;
_coContent->IncrementHeaderData(CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CONLIST_CHANGE_COUNT, &dwLocModified); }
DWORD CConMgr::InitFixedContainers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::InitFixedContainers() { DWORD idx; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fInitSucceeded = TRUE;
// Create and init
_hMutexExtensible = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, TEXT("_!MSFTHISTORY!_")); if (_hMutexExtensible == NULL && (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME)) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* psa = SHGetAllAccessSA(); if (psa) { _hMutexExtensible = CreateMutex(psa, FALSE, TEXT("_!MSFTHISTORY!_")); } } if (_hMutexExtensible == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); fInitSucceeded = FALSE; goto exit; } _dwLastUnmap = GetTickCountWrap();
LOCK_CACHE(); // Containers are configured. Attempt to initialize.
for (idx = CONTENT; idx < ConList.Size(); idx++) { URL_CONTAINER *co;
co = ConList.Get(idx); if (co) { dwError = co->Init();
// only if the the existing memory mapped file has been opened
// successfully. If the memory mapped file was created, upgraded
// or corrupted (in both cases the mem mapped file will be reinited)
// the return value will be ERROR_SUCCESS.
if(dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwError != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { fInitSucceeded = FALSE; goto unlock_exit; }
// Has the container been created, upgrade or corrupted?
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(idx==CONTENT) { // Preload the content container.
LoadContent(); } else if (idx==COOKIE) { CCookieLoader cl; cl.LoadCookies(co); } } co->Release(FALSE); }
// Enable cachevu for CONTENT and HISTORY.
EnableCacheVu(_coContent->GetCachePath(), CONTENT); EnableCacheVu(_coHistory->GetCachePath(), HISTORY);
exit: dwError = (fInitSucceeded ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); if (!fInitSucceeded && _hMutexExtensible) { CloseHandle(_hMutexExtensible); _hMutexExtensible = NULL; } INET_ASSERT(dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::LoadContent() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::LoadContent() { DWORD cbFile, dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; CHAR szPreloadKey[MAX_PATH], szUrl[MAX_PATH], szFile[MAX_PATH];
// Preload registry key string.
memcpy(szPreloadKey, OLD_CACHE_KEY, sizeof(OLD_CACHE_KEY) - 1); szPreloadKey[sizeof(OLD_CACHE_KEY)-1] = '\\'; memcpy(szPreloadKey + sizeof(OLD_CACHE_KEY), "Preload", sizeof("PreLoad"));
// Construct preload registry object.
REGISTRY_OBJ roPreload(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szPreloadKey); REGISTRY_OBJ roIE5Preload; if (roPreload.GetStatus() != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
// Get the storage directory (cdf preload) to compare against to determine if we
// need to set EDITED_CACHE_ENTRY or not. We assume any preload entry not in the
// store dir IS and ECE.
DWORD cb; CHAR szStorePath[MAX_PATH];
// Store dir is hardwired to "%windir%\Web\"
if ((cb = GetWindowsDirectory(szStorePath, MAX_PATH))) { AppendSlashIfNecessary(szStorePath, &cb); memcpy(szStorePath + cb, WEBDIR_STRING, sizeof(WEBDIR_STRING)); cb += sizeof(WEBDIR_STRING) - 1; //cb now equals size of szStorePath.
// Enum the registry url/file values and commit them
// to the cache.
while (roPreload.FindNextValue(szUrl, MAX_PATH, (LPBYTE) szFile, &(cbFile = MAX_PATH)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Strip off any file:// off the file path/name.
CHAR* ptr = szFile;
if (!strnicmp(ptr, "file://", sizeof("file://") - 1)) ptr += sizeof("file://") - 1;
AddUrlArg Args; memset(&Args, 0, sizeof(Args)); Args.pszUrl = szUrl; Args.pszFilePath = ptr;
// If this is a Store entry, set the type to 0 else ECE
if (!strnicmp(ptr, szStorePath, cb)) Args.dwEntryType = 0; else Args.dwEntryType = EDITED_CACHE_ENTRY;
_coContent->AddUrl(&Args); }
if (roIE5Preload.WorkWith(&roPreload, "IE5Preload")!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit; DWORD cbMaxUrl, cbMaxEntry, cbEntry; LPSTR pszUrl; URL_FILEMAP_ENTRY *pEntry; KEY_QUERY_INFO QueryInfo;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != roIE5Preload.GetKeyInfo(&QueryInfo)) goto exit; cbMaxUrl = QueryInfo.MaxValueNameLen + 1; cbMaxEntry = QueryInfo.MaxValueLen + 1; pszUrl = new CHAR[cbMaxUrl]; pEntry = (URL_FILEMAP_ENTRY*) new CHAR[cbMaxEntry];
if (!(pszUrl && pEntry)) goto exit;
__try { while ((dwError = roIE5Preload.FindNextValue(pszUrl, cbMaxUrl, (LPBYTE) pEntry, &(cbEntry = cbMaxEntry))) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { FILETIME ft; AddUrlArg Args; memset(&Args, 0, sizeof(Args));
// Url
Args.pszUrl = pEntry->UrlNameOffset ? (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pEntry, pEntry->UrlNameOffset) : NULL; // File path
Args.pszFilePath = pEntry->InternalFileNameOffset ? (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pEntry, pEntry->InternalFileNameOffset) : NULL;
// Header info
Args.pbHeaders = pEntry->HeaderInfoOffset ? (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pEntry, pEntry->HeaderInfoOffset) : NULL; Args.cbHeaders = pEntry->HeaderInfoSize;
// Last modified.
Args.qwLastMod = pEntry->LastModifiedTime;
// Expires time.
DosTime2FileTime(pEntry->dostExpireTime, &ft); Args.qwExpires = FT2LL(ft);
// Post check time.
DosTime2FileTime(pEntry->dostPostCheckTime, &ft); Args.qwPostCheck = FT2LL(ft);
// File creation time.
DosTime2FileTime(pEntry->dostFileCreationTime, &ft); Args.ftCreate = ft; // File extension.
Args.pszFileExt = pEntry->FileExtensionOffset ? (LPSTR) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pEntry, pEntry->FileExtensionOffset) : NULL; // Entry type.
Args.dwEntryType = pEntry->CacheEntryType;
// File size
Args.dwFileSize = pEntry->dwFileSize;
// Add the url.
_coContent->AddUrl(&Args); }
} // __try
if (pszUrl) delete pszUrl; if (pEntry) delete pEntry; exit: return dwError; }
HANDLE CConMgr::FindFirstContainer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HANDLE CConMgr::FindFirstContainer(DWORD *pdwModified, LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA lpContainerInfo, LPDWORD lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize, DWORD dwOptions) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; CONTAINER_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE *pFind; DWORD dwContainers = 0; DWORD dwNames = 0; DWORD dwPrefixes = 0; DWORD dwLabels = 0; DWORD dwTitles = 0; DWORD dwTotal; HANDLE hFind = NULL; DWORD dwModified;
LOCK_CACHE(); dwModified = *pdwModified; *pdwModified = _dwModifiedCount;
if ((CACHE_FIND_CONTAINER_RETURN_NOCHANGE & dwOptions) == 0 || dwModified != *pdwModified) { for (DWORD i = NCONTAINERS; i < ConList.Size(); i++) { URL_CONTAINER *co = ConList.Get(i); if (co) { if (co->IsVisible()) { dwContainers++; dwNames += strlen(co->GetCacheName()) + 1; dwPrefixes += strlen(co->GetCachePrefix()) + 1; dwLabels += strlen(co->GetVolumeLabel()) + 1; dwTitles += strlen(co->GetVolumeTitle()) + 1; } co->Release(TRUE); } }
dwTotal = sizeof(CONTAINER_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE)+ dwContainers*(4 * sizeof(LPSTR)) + (dwNames+dwPrefixes+dwLabels+dwTitles) * sizeof(char);
hFind = HandleMgr.Alloc (dwTotal); if (hFind) { LPSTR ps;
pFind = (CONTAINER_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE*) HandleMgr.Map (hFind); pFind->dwSignature = SIGNATURE_CONTAINER_FIND; pFind->dwContainer = 0; pFind->dwNumContainers = dwContainers; if (dwContainers) { pFind->ppNames = (LPTSTR *) (((LPBYTE) pFind) + sizeof(CONTAINER_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE)); pFind->ppPrefixes = pFind->ppNames + dwContainers; pFind->ppLabels = pFind->ppPrefixes + dwContainers; pFind->ppTitles = pFind->ppLabels + dwContainers; ps = (LPSTR) (((LPBYTE) pFind) + sizeof(CONTAINER_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE)+ dwContainers*(4 * sizeof(LPSTR))); dwContainers = 0;
for (DWORD i = NCONTAINERS; i < ConList.Size(); i++) { URL_CONTAINER *co = ConList.Get(i); if (co) { if (co->IsVisible()) { pFind->ppNames[dwContainers] = ps; strcpy(ps, co->GetCacheName()); ps += strlen(co->GetCacheName()) + 1; pFind->ppPrefixes[dwContainers] = ps; strcpy(ps, co->GetCachePrefix()); ps += strlen(co->GetCachePrefix()) + 1; pFind->ppLabels[dwContainers] = ps; strcpy(ps, co->GetVolumeLabel()); ps += strlen(co->GetVolumeLabel()) + 1; pFind->ppTitles[dwContainers] = ps; strcpy(ps, co->GetVolumeTitle()); ps += strlen(co->GetVolumeTitle()) + 1;
dwContainers++; } co->Release(TRUE); } }
if (hFind) { if (FindNextContainer(hFind, lpContainerInfo, lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize)) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; else dwError = GetLastError(); } if( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { FreeFindHandle(hFind); SetLastError(dwError); return NULL; } return hFind; }
BOOL CConMgr::FindNextContainer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CConMgr::FindNextContainer(HANDLE hFind, LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA lpContainerInfo, LPDWORD lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize) { // BUGBUG - this logic is borrowed from the original cachapia.cxx.
// Map and validate the handle.
LOCK_CACHE(); pFind = (CONTAINER_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE*) HandleMgr.Map (hFind); UNLOCK_CACHE(); if (!pFind || pFind->dwSignature != SIGNATURE_CONTAINER_FIND || !lpContainerInfo || *lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize < sizeof(INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA)) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; }
// Continue the enumeration.
if (pFind->dwContainer < pFind->dwNumContainers) { DWORD cbName = strlen(pFind->ppNames[pFind->dwContainer])+1; DWORD cbPrefix = strlen(pFind->ppPrefixes[pFind->dwContainer])+1; DWORD cbLabel = strlen(pFind->ppLabels[pFind->dwContainer])+1; DWORD cbTitle = strlen(pFind->ppTitles[pFind->dwContainer])+1;
DWORD cbTotal = cbName+cbPrefix+cbLabel+cbTitle+sizeof(INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA); if (cbTotal > *lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize) { dwError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { lpContainerInfo->lpszName = (LPSTR) (((LPBYTE) lpContainerInfo) + sizeof(INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA)); lpContainerInfo->lpszCachePrefix = lpContainerInfo->lpszName + cbName; lpContainerInfo->lpszVolumeLabel = lpContainerInfo->lpszCachePrefix + cbPrefix; lpContainerInfo->lpszVolumeTitle = lpContainerInfo->lpszVolumeLabel + cbLabel;
strcpy(lpContainerInfo->lpszName, pFind->ppNames[pFind->dwContainer]); strcpy(lpContainerInfo->lpszCachePrefix, pFind->ppPrefixes[pFind->dwContainer]); strcpy(lpContainerInfo->lpszVolumeLabel, pFind->ppLabels[pFind->dwContainer]); strcpy(lpContainerInfo->lpszVolumeTitle, pFind->ppTitles[pFind->dwContainer]); lpContainerInfo->dwCacheVersion = URL_CACHE_VERSION_NUM; pFind->dwContainer++; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } *lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize = cbTotal; } else { dwError = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; }
exit: if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwError); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
DWORD CConMgr::GetContainerInfo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::GetContainerInfo(LPSTR szUrl, LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA pCI, LPDWORD pcbCI) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError;
// Find the associated container.
DWORD idx;
idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl); co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { DWORD cbName = strlen(co->GetCacheName()) + 1; DWORD cbPrefix = strlen(co->GetCachePrefix()) + 1; DWORD cbLabel = strlen(co->GetVolumeLabel()) + 1; DWORD cbTitle = strlen(co->GetVolumeTitle()) + 1; DWORD cbReq = cbName + cbPrefix + cbLabel + cbTitle; if (cbReq > *pcbCI) { *pcbCI = cbReq; dwError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { pCI->lpszName = (LPSTR) (((LPBYTE) pCI) + sizeof(INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA));
pCI->lpszCachePrefix = pCI->lpszName + cbName; pCI->lpszVolumeLabel = pCI->lpszName + cbName + cbPrefix; pCI->lpszVolumeTitle = pCI->lpszName + cbName + cbPrefix + cbLabel;
memcpy(pCI->lpszName, co->GetCacheName(), cbName); memcpy(pCI->lpszCachePrefix, co->GetCachePrefix(), cbPrefix); memcpy(pCI->lpszVolumeLabel, co->GetVolumeLabel(), cbLabel); memcpy(pCI->lpszVolumeTitle, co->GetVolumeTitle(), cbTitle); pCI->dwCacheVersion = URL_CACHE_VERSION_NUM;
*pcbCI = cbReq; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
co->Release(TRUE); } else { dwError = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
return dwError; }
VOID CompressPath(PTSTR pszPath, PTSTR pszScratch);
DWORD CConMgr::CreateContainer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::CreateContainer(LPCSTR Name, LPCSTR CachePrefix, LPCSTR CachePath, DWORD KBCacheLimit, DWORD dwOptions) { BOOL fInsertOk = TRUE; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; CHAR szVendorKey[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szDefaultPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szCachePath[MAX_PATH]; LONGLONG CacheStartUpLimit; HKEY hKey; DWORD cbKeyLen;
if (!Name || !*Name) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; } if (!CachePath || !*CachePath) { LPSTR p = _coHistory->GetCachePath(); int len = _coHistory->GetCachePathLen(); int clen = lstrlen(Name);
if (len + clen + sizeof(DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING) > sizeof(szDefaultPath)) { dwError = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto exit; } memcpy(szDefaultPath, p, len);
memcpy(&szDefaultPath[len], Name, clen); memcpy(&szDefaultPath[len + clen], DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING, sizeof(DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING)); } else { INET_ASSERT((CachePrefix && *CachePrefix));
// For non-history containers, we need to stuff into the appropriate subcontainer
// Assumption: Content cache never falls here.
if (!GenerateStringWithOrdinal(CachePath, GlobalIdentity, szDefaultPath, ARRAY_ELEMENTS(szDefaultPath))) { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); dwError = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto exit; } } CachePath = szDefaultPath; if (KBCacheLimit == 0) { CacheStartUpLimit = _coHistory->GetCacheStartUpLimit(); KBCacheLimit = (DWORD) (CacheStartUpLimit / 1024); }
if (!CachePrefix || !*CachePrefix || !CachePath || !*CachePath) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; }
pro = CreateExtensiRegObj(hKey); if (!pro) { dwError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto exit; } { REGISTRY_OBJ& roExtensibleCache = *pro; mh.Grab(_hMutexExtensible, FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT);
// Get the container paths, prefixes (if any) and default limit values.
while (roExtensibleCache.FindNextKey(szVendorKey, MAX_PATH) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { REGISTRY_OBJ roVendor(&roExtensibleCache, szVendorKey); if (roVendor.GetStatus()==ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Path.
TCHAR szScratch[MAX_PATH]; cbKeyLen = MAX_PATH; if (roVendor.GetValue(CACHE_PATH_VALUE,(LPBYTE) szScratch,&cbKeyLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue;
ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szScratch, szCachePath, sizeof(szCachePath)-1); // don't count the NULL
if (!stricmp(szVendorKey, Name) || !stricmp(CachePath, szCachePath)) { fInsertOk = FALSE; break; } } }
if (fInsertOk) { REGISTRY_OBJ roNewVendor(&roExtensibleCache, (LPSTR)Name, CREATE_KEY_IF_NOT_EXISTS); if (roNewVendor.GetStatus() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CHAR szScratch[MAX_PATH]; CompressPath((LPTSTR)CachePath, szScratch); // Path.
if ((dwError = roNewVendor.SetValue(CACHE_PATH_VALUE, (LPSTR)szScratch, REG_EXPAND_SZ)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
// Prefix.
if ((dwError = roNewVendor.SetValue(CACHE_PREFIX_VALUE, (LPSTR)CachePrefix, REG_SZ)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
// Limit.
if ((dwError = roNewVendor.SetValue(CACHE_LIMIT_VALUE, &KBCacheLimit)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
// Options.
if ((dwError = roNewVendor.SetValue(CACHE_OPTIONS_VALUE, &dwOptions)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit; } } else { dwError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } }
if (fInsertOk) { IncrementModifiedCount(); }
exit: if (pro) { delete pro; } mh.Release(); if (fInsertOk) { GetExtensibleCacheConfigInfo(TRUE); } return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::FindExtensibleContainer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // THIS FUNCTION MUST BE CALLED WITH THE CACHE CRIT SECTION
DWORD CConMgr::FindExtensibleContainer(LPCSTR Name) { DWORD n = NOT_AN_INDEX; DWORD i; URL_CONTAINER *co;
for (i = NCONTAINERS; i < ConList.Size(); i++) { co = ConList.Get(i); if (co) { if (!stricmp(Name, co->GetCacheName()) && co->IsVisible()) { // Found a match
n = i; co->Release(FALSE); break; } co->Release(FALSE); } }
return n; }
DWORD CConMgr::DeleteContainer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::DeleteContainer(LPCSTR Name, DWORD dwOptions) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; URL_CONTAINER *co = NULL; DWORD n = NOT_AN_INDEX; HKEY hKey;
if (!Name || !*Name) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; }
LOCK_CACHE(); n = FindExtensibleContainer(Name); if (n != NOT_AN_INDEX) { co = ConList.Get(n);
if (co) { co->SetDeletePending(TRUE); // Don't release here, hold it pending until we've updated registry
if (n!= NOT_AN_INDEX) { hKey = (_fProfilesCapable ? HKEY_CURRENT_USER : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
REGISTRY_OBJ* pro = CreateExtensiRegObj(hKey); if (!pro) { dwError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto exit; } { REGISTRY_OBJ& roExtensibleCache = *pro; MUTEX_HOLDER mh; mh.Grab(_hMutexExtensible, FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT); dwError = roExtensibleCache.DeleteKey((LPSTR)Name); mh.Release(); IncrementModifiedCount(); } delete pro; }
exit: LOCK_CACHE(); SAFERELEASE(co, TRUE); UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::DeleteFileIfNotRegistered ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CConMgr::DeleteFileIfNotRegistered(URL_CONTAINER *coDelete) { BOOL fDelete = TRUE; BOOL fFound = FALSE; CHAR szCachePath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szCachePrefix[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwOptions; LONGLONG cbCacheLimit;
HKEY hKey = (HKEY) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD cbKeyLen, cbKBLimit, dwError; CHAR szVendorKey[MAX_PATH];
hKey = (_fProfilesCapable ? HKEY_CURRENT_USER : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); REGISTRY_OBJ* pro = CreateExtensiRegObj(hKey); MUTEX_HOLDER mh; if (!pro) { dwError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto exit; } if (!WasModified(FALSE)) { // If our internal cache is up to date, it can't
// have been deleted unless DeletePending or Deleted
fFound = !(coDelete->GetDeletePending()||coDelete->GetDeleted()); if (fFound) { goto exit; } // If not found, need to look at registry to make sure we're not
// deleting a path that has been reused
mh.Grab(_hMutexExtensible, FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT);
{ REGISTRY_OBJ& roExtensibleCache = *pro;
// Get the container paths, prefixes.
while (roExtensibleCache.FindNextKey(szVendorKey, MAX_PATH) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BOOL fPathMatch; REGISTRY_OBJ roVendor(&roExtensibleCache, szVendorKey); if (roVendor.GetStatus()==ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Path.
TCHAR szScratch[MAX_PATH]; cbKeyLen = MAX_PATH; if (roVendor.GetValue(CACHE_PATH_VALUE,(LPBYTE) szScratch, &cbKeyLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue;
ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szScratch, szCachePath, sizeof(szCachePath)-1); // don't count the NULL
// Prefix.
cbKeyLen = MAX_PATH; if (roVendor.GetValue(CACHE_PREFIX_VALUE,(LPBYTE) szCachePrefix, &cbKeyLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue;
// Options.
if (roVendor.GetValue(CACHE_OPTIONS_VALUE,&dwOptions) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue;
fPathMatch = !stricmp(coDelete->GetCachePath(), szCachePath); if (!stricmp(coDelete->GetCacheName(), szVendorKey) && fPathMatch && !stricmp(coDelete->GetCachePrefix(), szCachePrefix) && coDelete->GetOptions() != dwOptions) { fFound = TRUE; } if (fPathMatch) fDelete = FALSE; } } } if (fDelete) { // This will fail if another process still has the container mapped,
// that's ok. They will check on exit if container needs to be
// deleted
if (coDelete->GetOptions() & INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_AUTODELETE) { CFileMgr::DeleteCache(coDelete->GetCachePath()); } } exit: if (pro) { delete pro; } mh.Release(); return !fFound; }
DWORD CConMgr::FindIndexFromPrefix ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // THIS FUNCTION MUST BE CALLED WITH THE CACHE CRIT SEC
DWORD CConMgr::FindIndexFromPrefix(LPCSTR szUrl) { // Unless we find a matching prefix, CONTENT is the default.
// NOTE: if deleting a container is supported, ConList.Get(i) can
// return NULL, if list shrinks after getting size.
// NOTE: if deleting containers is supported, it is not safe to
// assume CONTENT if prefix is not found. client may be trying to
// insert into a container that has been deleted, but once existed.
// proper response is to return an error. the simplest way to do this
// is to insist that all Extensible cache prefixes start with an illegal
GetExtensibleCacheConfigInfo(FALSE); for (DWORD i = COOKIE; i < ConList.Size(); i++) { co = ConList.Get(i); if (co) { if (co->PrefixMatch(szUrl)) { // For content container, strnicmp (szUrl, "", 0) returns nonzero
if (co->IsVisible()) { // Found a match
n = i; if (!co->IsInitialized()) { // Init the container. If this fails,
// Mark it as DELETED and return CONTENT.
switch (co->Init()) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: if (!(co->GetOptions() & INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_NODESKTOPINIT)) EnableCacheVu(co->GetCachePath(), n); break; default: INET_ASSERT(FALSE); co->SetDeleted(TRUE); n = szUrl[0]==EXTENSIBLE_FIRST ? NOT_AN_INDEX : CONTENT; break; } } co->Release(FALSE); break; } } co->Release(FALSE); } } return n; }
BOOL CConMgr::PathPrefixMatch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CConMgr::PathPrefixMatch(LPCSTR szPath, LPCSTR szPathRef) { // BUGBUG - logic borrowed from original cacheapi.cxx
INT len;
// TRUE if the passed in path is NULL
if (!szPath) return TRUE;
len = lstrlen(szPath);
// TRUE if it is 0 length.
if (!len) return TRUE;
// stripout the trailing slash
if (szPath[len-1] == DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) --len;
// Compare paths.
if (!strnicmp(szPath, szPathRef, len)) if (szPathRef[len] == DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR || szPathRef[len] == 0) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
/*--------------------- Public Functions -----------------------------------*/
Default Constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CConMgr::CConMgr() : ConList() { _coContent = NULL; _coCookies = NULL; _coHistory = NULL; _hMutexExtensible = 0;
// Assume this is a profiles-capable machine. Later on, we'll make sure this is
// the case.
_fProfilesCapable = TRUE;
// Assume that we'll be using the regular containers, instead of the backup
_fUsingBackupContainers = FALSE; _dwStatus = Init(); }
Default Destructor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CConMgr::~CConMgr() { ConList.Free(); if (_hMutexExtensible) { CloseHandle(_hMutexExtensible); } }
DWORD CConMgr::GetStatus() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::GetStatus() { return _dwStatus; }
DWORD CConMgr::UnlockUrl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::UnlockUrl(LPCSTR szUrl) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
DWORD idx;
idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl); co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); // Call UnlockUrl on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->UnlockUrl(szUrl); // may be expensive
LOCK_CACHE(); co->Release(TRUE); } UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::DeleteUrl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::DeleteUrl(LPCSTR szUrl) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
DWORD idx;
idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl); co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); // Call DeleteUrl on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->DeleteUrl(szUrl); // may be expensive.
// Update the change count for the cookies container.
if (idx == COOKIE) { DWORD dwChange = 0; _coContent->IncrementHeaderData(CACHE_HEADER_DATA_COOKIE_CHANGE_COUNT, &dwChange); } }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
BOOL CConMgr::GetHeaderData ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CConMgr::GetHeaderData(DWORD nIdx, LPDWORD pdwData) { return _coContent->GetHeaderData(nIdx, pdwData); }
BOOL CConMgr::SetHeaderData ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CConMgr::SetHeaderData(DWORD nIdx, DWORD dwData) { UNIX_RETURN_ERR_IF_READONLY_CACHE(FALSE); return _coContent->SetHeaderData(nIdx, dwData); }
BOOL CConMgr::IncrementHeaderData ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CConMgr::IncrementHeaderData(DWORD nIdx, LPDWORD pdwData) { UNIX_RETURN_ERR_IF_READONLY_CACHE(FALSE); return _coContent->IncrementHeaderData(nIdx, pdwData); }
DWORD CConMgr::SetUrlGroup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::SetUrlGroup( IN LPCSTR szUrl, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN GROUPID GroupId ) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
LOCK_CACHE(); DWORD idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl);
co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); // Call SetUrlInGroup on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->SetUrlGroup (szUrl, dwFlags, GroupId); LOCK_CACHE(); co->Release(TRUE); }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::CreateUniqueFile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::CreateUniqueFile(LPCSTR szUrl, DWORD dwExpectedSize, LPCSTR szFileExtension, LPTSTR szFileName, HANDLE *phfHandle, BOOL fCreatePerUser) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
LOCK_CACHE(); DWORD idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl);
co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); // Call CreateUniqueFile on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->CreateUniqueFile(szUrl, dwExpectedSize, szFileExtension, szFileName, phfHandle, fCreatePerUser); // expensive call
co->Release(TRUE); }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::AddUrl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::AddUrl(AddUrlArg* pArgs) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
DWORD idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(pArgs->pszUrl); co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); // Call AddUrl on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->AddUrl(pArgs); // may be expensive
// Update the change count for the cookies container.
if (idx == COOKIE) { DWORD dwChange = 0; _coContent->IncrementHeaderData(CACHE_HEADER_DATA_COOKIE_CHANGE_COUNT, &dwChange); } }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::RetrieveUrl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::RetrieveUrl( LPCSTR szUrl, LPCACHE_ENTRY_INFOA* ppCacheEntryInfo, LPDWORD pcbCacheEntryInfoBufferSize, DWORD dwLookupFlags, DWORD dwRetrievalFlags) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
LOCK_CACHE(); DWORD idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl);
co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); // Call RetrieveUrl on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->RetrieveUrl(szUrl, ppCacheEntryInfo, pcbCacheEntryInfoBufferSize, dwLookupFlags, dwRetrievalFlags); // expensive?
LOCK_CACHE(); co->Release(TRUE); }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::GetUrlInfo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::GetUrlInfo( LPCSTR szUrl, LPCACHE_ENTRY_INFOA* ppCacheEntryInfo, LPDWORD pcbCacheEntryInfoBufferSize, DWORD dwLookupFlags, DWORD dwEntryFlags, DWORD dwRetrievalFlags) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
LOCK_CACHE(); DWORD idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl);
co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { // Call GetUrlInfo on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->GetUrlInfo(szUrl, ppCacheEntryInfo, pcbCacheEntryInfoBufferSize, dwLookupFlags, dwEntryFlags, dwRetrievalFlags);
co->Release(TRUE); } UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::GetUrlInfo(LPCSTR szUrl, LPCACHE_ENTRY_INFOA pCacheEntryInfo, LPDWORD pcbCacheEntryInfoBufferSize, DWORD dwLookupFlags, DWORD dwEntryFlags) { return GetUrlInfo(szUrl, (pCacheEntryInfo) ? &pCacheEntryInfo : NULL, pcbCacheEntryInfoBufferSize, dwLookupFlags, dwEntryFlags, 0); }
DWORD CConMgr::SetUrlInfo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::SetUrlInfo(LPCSTR szUrl, LPCACHE_ENTRY_INFOA pCacheEntryInfo, DWORD dwFieldControl) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
LOCK_CACHE(); DWORD idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl);
co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { // Call SetUrlInfo on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->SetUrlInfo(szUrl, pCacheEntryInfo, dwFieldControl); co->Release(TRUE); }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
if (hFind) { LOCK_CACHE();
if (pFind->dwSig == SIG_CACHE_FIND && !pFind->fFixed) { URL_CONTAINER *co = ConList.Get(pFind->nIdx); if (co) { // It now has 2 AddRefs to balance
co->Release(FALSE); co->Release(TRUE); } }
HandleMgr.Free (hFind); dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); } return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::FindNextEntry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::FindNextEntry( HANDLE *phFind, LPCSTR szPrefix, LPCACHE_ENTRY_INFOA* ppInfo, LPDWORD pcbInfo, DWORD dwFilter, GROUPID GroupId, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwRetrievalFlags) { DWORD idx, dwError; URL_CONTAINER *co = NULL; LPCACHE_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE pFind = NULL;
// Null handle initiates enumeration.
if (!*phFind) { // Allocate a handle.
*phFind = HandleMgr.Alloc (sizeof(CACHE_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE)); if (*phFind) pFind = (CACHE_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE*) HandleMgr.Map (*phFind); //UNLOCK_CACHE();
if (!*phFind) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
if (!pFind) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto exit; }
// Set signature and initial hash table find
// handle in the newly allocated find handle.
pFind->dwSig = SIG_CACHE_FIND; pFind->dwHandle = 0; pFind->dwFlags = dwFlags;
// Find the associated container. NULL prefix
// results in enumeration over fixed containers.
if (!szPrefix) { pFind->fFixed = TRUE; pFind->nIdx = CONTENT;
} else {
idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szPrefix); if (idx == NOT_AN_INDEX) { dwError = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; goto exit; }
// Under old semantics prefix resolving to CONTENT
// container implies that an enumeration over all
// the fixed containers is desired. Enumeration then
// begins with the CONTENT container. We do not keep
// a refcount on any fixed containers in this case.
if (idx == CONTENT && (dwFlags & FIND_FLAGS_OLD_SEMANTICS)) { pFind->fFixed = TRUE; pFind->nIdx = CONTENT; } else { // Otherwise only enumeration over the found container
// is implied. Retrieve this container. Set fFixed to FALSE.
// NO RELEASE: hold RefCnt until handle is closed
co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { pFind->fFixed = FALSE; pFind->nIdx = idx; pFind->dwHandle = co->GetInitialFindHandle(); } else { dwError = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; goto exit; } }
} // Set filter and group id in handle.
pFind->dwFilter = dwFilter; pFind->GroupId = GroupId; } else { // Valid handle passed in - map it.
pFind = (CACHE_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE*) HandleMgr.Map (*phFind); //UNLOCK_CACHE();
if (!pFind) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto exit; } }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The handle is initialized or was created via a previous FindNextEntry.
// Are we only enumerating over one container?
if (!pFind->fFixed) { // Get the associated container.
co = ConList.Get(pFind->nIdx);
if (co) { // Enum on the container and release.
dwError = co->FindNextEntry(&pFind->dwHandle, ppInfo, pcbInfo, pFind->dwFilter, pFind->GroupId, pFind->dwFlags, dwRetrievalFlags); co->Release(TRUE); } else { // Getting container failed.
dwError = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; goto exit; }
} else { // fFixed is TRUE - enumerate over the fixed containers.
while (pFind->nIdx < NCONTAINERS) { // Get the associated container.
co = ConList.Get(pFind->nIdx);
if (co) { // Get the initial hash find handle if not already done so.
if (!pFind->dwHandle) pFind->dwHandle = co->GetInitialFindHandle();
// Enum on the container and release.
dwError = co->FindNextEntry(&pFind->dwHandle, ppInfo, pcbInfo, pFind->dwFilter, pFind->GroupId, pFind->dwFlags, dwRetrievalFlags); co->Release(TRUE);
// Goto exit only if ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.
// This handles ERROR_SUCCESS correctly.
if (dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) goto exit;
// ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: Go to next container
// and begin enum anew.
pFind->nIdx++; pFind->dwHandle = 0; } else { // Getting container failed.
dwError = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; goto exit; } } }
INET_ASSERT(*phFind != 0); INET_ASSERT(pFind != NULL);
return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::FindNextEntry( HANDLE *phFind, LPCSTR szPrefix, LPCACHE_ENTRY_INFOA pInfo, LPDWORD pcbInfo, DWORD dwFilter, GROUPID GroupId, DWORD dwFlags) { return FindNextEntry( phFind, szPrefix, (pInfo ? &pInfo : NULL), pcbInfo, dwFilter, GroupId, dwFlags, 0); }
DWORD CConMgr::CleanupUrls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::CleanupUrls (LPCTSTR szCachePath, DWORD dwFactor, DWORD dwFilter) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Bad cleanup parameter.
if (dwFactor <= 0 || dwFactor > 100) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; }
// For null or empty path, clean up content container.
if (!szCachePath || !*szCachePath) { _coContent->CleanupUrls(dwFactor, dwFilter); } else { LOCK_CACHE();
// Find the container with the matching cache path and clean it up.
for (DWORD idx = CONTENT; idx < NCONTAINERS; idx++) { URL_CONTAINER *co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { if (PathPrefixMatch(szCachePath, co->GetCachePath())) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); co->CleanupUrls(dwFactor, dwFilter); // expensive?
LOCK_CACHE(); co->Release(TRUE); break; } co->Release(TRUE); } }
exit: return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::GetUrlInGroup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::GetUrlInGroup(LPCSTR szUrl, GROUPID* pGroupId, LPDWORD pdwExemptDelta) { URL_CONTAINER *co; DWORD dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; // Find the associated container.
LOCK_CACHE(); DWORD idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szUrl);
co = ConList.Get(idx);
if (co) { UNLOCK_CACHE(); // Call GetUrlInGroup on the appropriate container.
dwError = co->GetUrlInGroup(szUrl, pGroupId, pdwExemptDelta); LOCK_CACHE(); co->Release(TRUE); } UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::CreateGroup() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::CreateGroup(DWORD dwFlags, GROUPID* pGID) { INET_ASSERT(_coContent);
if( gm.Init(_coContent) ) { dwError = gm.CreateGroup(dwFlags, pGID); }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::CreateDefaultGroups() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::CreateDefaultGroups() { INET_ASSERT(_coContent);
if( gm.Init(_coContent) ) { dwError = gm.CreateDefaultGroups(); }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::DeleteGroup() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::DeleteGroup(GROUPID gid, DWORD dwFlags) { INET_ASSERT(_coContent);
if( gm.Init(_coContent) ) { dwError = gm.DeleteGroup(gid, dwFlags); }
return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::FindNextGroup() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::FindNextGroup( HANDLE* phFind, DWORD dwFlags, GROUPID* pGroupId ) { DWORD dwError; GROUP_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE* pFind = NULL; GroupMgr gm;
// Null handle initiates enumeration.
if (!*phFind) { // BUGBUG currently only supports SEARCH_ALL option
if( dwFlags ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; }
// Allocate a handle.
*phFind = HandleMgr.Alloc (sizeof(GROUP_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE)); if (*phFind) pFind = (GROUP_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE*) HandleMgr.Map (*phFind);
if (!*phFind) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
if (!pFind) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto exit; }
// Set signature and initial hash table find
// handle in the newly allocated find handle.
pFind->dwSig = SIG_GROUP_FIND; pFind->fFixed = TRUE; pFind->nIdx = CONTENT; pFind->dwLastItemOffset = 0; } else { // Valid handle passed in - map it.
pFind = (GROUP_FIND_FIRST_HANDLE*) HandleMgr.Map (*phFind); if (!pFind) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto exit; } }
// The handle is initialized or was created via a previous FindNextEntry.
// Enum on the container and release.
if( gm.Init(_coContent) ) { DWORD dwLastItemOffset = pFind->dwLastItemOffset;
dwError = gm.GetNextGroup(&dwLastItemOffset, pGroupId);
// update offset field of the find handle
pFind->dwLastItemOffset = dwLastItemOffset;
return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::GetGroupAttributes() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::GetGroupAttributes( GROUPID gid, DWORD dwAttrib, LPINTERNET_CACHE_GROUP_INFOA lpGroupInfo, LPDWORD lpdwGroupInfo ) { INET_ASSERT(_coContent); DWORD dwError = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR;
LOCK_CACHE(); GroupMgr gm; if( gm.Init(_coContent) ) { dwError = gm.GetGroup(gid, dwAttrib, lpGroupInfo, lpdwGroupInfo); }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::SetGroupAttributes() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CConMgr::SetGroupAttributes( GROUPID gid, DWORD dwAttrib, LPINTERNET_CACHE_GROUP_INFOA lpGroupInfo ) { INET_ASSERT(_coContent); DWORD dwError = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR;
LOCK_CACHE(); GroupMgr gm; if( gm.Init(_coContent)) { dwError = gm.SetGroup(gid, dwAttrib, lpGroupInfo); }
UNLOCK_CACHE(); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::RegisterCacheNotify( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, GROUPID gid, DWORD dwFilter ) { DWORD dwError; INET_ASSERT(_coContent); dwError = _coContent->RegisterCacheNotify(hWnd, uMsg, gid, dwFilter); return dwError; }
DWORD CConMgr::SendCacheNotification( DWORD dwOp) { DWORD dwError;
INET_ASSERT(_coContent); _coContent->SendCacheNotification(dwOp); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
VOID CConMgr::GetCacheInfo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CConMgr::GetCacheInfo(LPCSTR szPrefix, LPSTR szCachePath, LONGLONG *cbLimit) { URL_CONTAINER *co; // Find the associated container.
LOCK_CACHE(); DWORD idx = FindIndexFromPrefix(szPrefix); co = ConList.Get(idx); if (co) { // Call GetCacheInfo on the appropriate container.
co->GetCacheInfo(szCachePath, cbLimit); co->Release(TRUE); }
VOID CConMgr::SetCacheLimit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CConMgr::SetCacheLimit(LONGLONG cbLimit, DWORD idx) { URL_CONTAINER *co; // Find the associated container.
UNIX_RETURN_IF_READONLY_CACHE; LOCK_CACHE(); co = ConList.Get(idx); if (co) { // Call SetCacheLimit on the container.
co->SetCacheLimit(cbLimit); co->Release(TRUE); }