Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Test program for Wininet proxy settings
Richard L Firth (rfirth) 23-Jul-1996
Revision History:
23-Jul-1996 rfirth Created
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#include <catlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#ifndef _CRTAPI1
#define _CRTAPI1
#define IS_ARG(c) (((c) == '-') || ((c) == '/'))
#define NEW_USER_AGENT "and now for a completely different user-agent"
void _CRTAPI1 main(int, char**); void usage(void); void get_proxy_info(HINTERNET); void set_proxy_info(HINTERNET, LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO); void dump_proxy_info(HINTERNET, LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO); void get_user_agent(HINTERNET, char*, LPDWORD); void set_user_agent(HINTERNET, char*); void refresh_handle(HINTERNET);
BOOL Verbose = FALSE; DWORD Failures = 0;
void _CRTAPI1 main(int argc, char** argv) {
HINTERNET hInternet1; HINTERNET hInternet2; HINTERNET hInternet3; HINTERNET hInternet4; INTERNET_PROXY_INFO proxyInfo; char proxyBuffer[512]; DWORD length; BOOL ok; char uaBuf1[128]; char uaBuf2[128]; DWORD uaLen1; DWORD uaLen2;
for (--argc, ++argv; argc; --argc, ++argv) { if (IS_ARG(**argv)) { switch (*++*argv) { case 'v': Verbose = TRUE; break;
default: printf("error: unrecognized command line flag: '%c'\n", **argv); usage(); break; } } else { printf("error: unrecognized command line argument: \"%s\"\n", *argv); usage(); } }
// get global proxy info
// get & remember it
length = sizeof(proxyBuffer); ok = InternetQueryOption(NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, (LPVOID)proxyBuffer, &length); if (!ok) { print_error("tproxy()", "InternetQueryOption()"); ++Failures; }
// create handles
// 1. preconfig
hInternet1 = InternetOpen("tproxy", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, "foo", "bar", 0); if (hInternet1 == NULL) { print_error("tproxy()", "InternetOpen(PRECONFIG)"); ++Failures; } else if (Verbose) { printf("InternetOpen(PRECONFIG) returns %#x\n", hInternet1); } get_proxy_info(hInternet1);
// 2. direct
hInternet2 = InternetOpen("tproxy", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, "foo", "bar", 0); if (hInternet1 == NULL) { print_error("tproxy()", "InternetOpen(DIRECT)"); ++Failures; } else if (Verbose) { printf("InternetOpen(DIRECT) returns %#x\n", hInternet2); } get_proxy_info(hInternet2);
// 3. private proxy
hInternet3 = InternetOpen("tproxy", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, "foo", "bar", 0); if (hInternet1 == NULL) { print_error("tproxy()", "InternetOpen(PROXY)"); ++Failures; } else if (Verbose) { printf("InternetOpen(PROXY) returns %#x\n", hInternet3); } get_proxy_info(hInternet3);
// 4. another preconfig
hInternet4 = InternetOpen("tproxy", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); if (hInternet1 == NULL) { print_error("tproxy()", "InternetOpen(PRECONFIG)"); ++Failures; } else if (Verbose) { printf("InternetOpen(PRECONFIG #2) returns %#x\n", hInternet4); } get_proxy_info(hInternet4);
// change global proxy
proxyInfo.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY; proxyInfo.lpszProxy = "modified.global.proxy"; proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = "modified.global.proxy.bypass.list, *"; set_proxy_info(NULL, &proxyInfo);
// make sure global, hInternet1 and hInternet4 all reference same proxy info
get_proxy_info(NULL); get_proxy_info(hInternet1); get_proxy_info(hInternet4);
// reload global proxy info from registry
proxyInfo.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG; proxyInfo.lpszProxy = "modified.global.proxy"; proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = "modified.global.proxy.bypass.list, *"; set_proxy_info(NULL, &proxyInfo);
// set hInternet2 to use private proxy
proxyInfo.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY; proxyInfo.lpszProxy = "my.test.proxy"; proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = "www.foo.com www.bar.com"; set_proxy_info(hInternet2, &proxyInfo); get_proxy_info(hInternet2);
// set hInternet3 to use direct
proxyInfo.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; proxyInfo.lpszProxy = "this.is.a.bogus.proxy"; proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = "this.is.a.bogus.bypass.entry"; set_proxy_info(hInternet3, &proxyInfo); get_proxy_info(hInternet3);
// get the user-agent
uaLen1 = sizeof(uaBuf1); get_user_agent(hInternet1, uaBuf1, &uaLen1);
// set the user-agent
set_user_agent(hInternet1, NEW_USER_AGENT);
// get it again to make sure its the correct value
uaLen2 = sizeof(uaBuf2); get_user_agent(hInternet1, uaBuf2, &uaLen2);
// compare 'em
if (strcmp(uaBuf2, NEW_USER_AGENT)) { printf("error: tproxy(): set_user_agent() failed\n"); }
// reset global proxy info
proxyInfo.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG; proxyInfo.lpszProxy = NULL; proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = NULL; set_proxy_info(NULL, &proxyInfo);
// make sure global, hInternet1 and hInternet4 all reference same proxy info
get_proxy_info(NULL); get_proxy_info(hInternet1); get_proxy_info(hInternet4);
// close all handles
InternetCloseHandle(hInternet1); InternetCloseHandle(hInternet2); InternetCloseHandle(hInternet3); InternetCloseHandle(hInternet4);
// do the AOL test
if (Verbose) { printf("\nThe AOL Test\n\n"); }
if (Verbose) { printf("Opening PRECONFIG Internet handle #1\n"); } hInternet1 = InternetOpen("tproxy", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); if (hInternet1 == NULL) { print_error("tproxy()", "InternetOpen(PRECONFIG)"); ++Failures; } else if (Verbose) { printf("InternetOpen(PRECONFIG) returns %#x\n", hInternet1); } get_proxy_info(hInternet1);
if (Verbose) { printf("Changing global proxy info\n"); } proxyInfo.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY; proxyInfo.lpszProxy = "my.test.proxy"; proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = "www.foo.com www.bar.com"; set_proxy_info(NULL, &proxyInfo);
get_proxy_info(NULL); get_proxy_info(hInternet1);
if (Verbose) { printf("Opening PRECONFIG Internet handle #2\n"); } hInternet2 = InternetOpen("tproxy", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); if (hInternet2 == NULL) { print_error("tproxy()", "InternetOpen(PRECONFIG)"); ++Failures; } else if (Verbose) { printf("InternetOpen(PRECONFIG) returns %#x\n", hInternet2); } get_proxy_info(hInternet2);
get_proxy_info(NULL); get_proxy_info(hInternet1); get_proxy_info(hInternet2);
if (Verbose) { printf("Changing proxy info on Internet handle #2\n"); } proxyInfo.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY; proxyInfo.lpszProxy = "THIS.IS.A.BOGUS.SERVER.LIST"; proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = "THIS.IS.A.BOGUS.BYPASS.LIST"; set_proxy_info(hInternet2, &proxyInfo);
get_proxy_info(NULL); get_proxy_info(hInternet1); get_proxy_info(hInternet2);
// refresh handle 2 - shouldn't change
if (Verbose) { printf("Refreshing Internet handle #2\n"); } refresh_handle(hInternet2);
// refresh the global handle - should refresh global handle & handle 1
if (Verbose) { printf("Refreshing global handle\n"); } refresh_handle(NULL);
get_proxy_info(NULL); get_proxy_info(hInternet1); get_proxy_info(hInternet2);
// change global proxy info back to registry. Global handle & handle 1
// proxy info should change
if (Verbose) { printf("Changing global proxy info back to preconfig\n"); } proxyInfo.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG; proxyInfo.lpszProxy = NULL; proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = NULL; set_proxy_info(NULL, &proxyInfo);
get_proxy_info(NULL); get_proxy_info(hInternet1); get_proxy_info(hInternet2);
// refresh the global handle - should refresh global handle & handle 1
if (Verbose) { printf("Refreshing global handle\n"); } refresh_handle(NULL);
get_proxy_info(NULL); get_proxy_info(hInternet1); get_proxy_info(hInternet2);
// close all handles
InternetCloseHandle(hInternet1); InternetCloseHandle(hInternet2);
// pass or fail?
if (Verbose) { printf("\nDone.\n"); if (Failures) { printf("Test failed\n"); } else { printf("Test passed\n"); } } exit(Failures); }
void usage() { printf("usage: tproxy [-v]\n" "where: -v = Verbose mode\n" ); exit(1); }
void get_proxy_info(HINTERNET hInternet) {
DWORD length; BOOL ok;
length = 0; ok = InternetQueryOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, NULL, &length); if (ok) { printf("error: get_proxy_info(%#x): InternetQueryOption() w/ no buffer succeeds\n", hInternet); ++Failures; } else {
LPVOID buf = malloc(length);
if (Verbose) { printf("get_proxy_info(%#x): %d bytes required for proxy info buffer\n", hInternet, length); } memset(buf, 0x99, length); ok = InternetQueryOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, buf, &length); if (!ok) { print_error("get_proxy_info()", "InternetQueryOption()"); ++Failures; } else if (Verbose) { dump_proxy_info(hInternet, (LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO)buf); } free(buf); } }
void set_proxy_info(HINTERNET hInternet, LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO ProxyInfo) {
BOOL ok;
ok = InternetSetOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, (LPVOID)ProxyInfo, sizeof(*ProxyInfo)); if (!ok) { print_error("set_proxy_info()", "InternetSetOption()"); ++Failures; } }
void dump_proxy_info(HINTERNET hInternet, LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO ProxyInfo) { printf("INTERNET_PROXY_INFO for handle %#x:\n" "\tAccess Type : %s\n" "\tProxy Server : \"%s\"\n" "\tProxy Bypass : \"%s\"\n" "\n", hInternet, (ProxyInfo->dwAccessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG) ? "PRECONFIG" : (ProxyInfo->dwAccessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT) ? "DIRECT" : (ProxyInfo->dwAccessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY) ? "PROXY" : "?", (ProxyInfo->lpszProxy != NULL) ? ProxyInfo->lpszProxy : "", (ProxyInfo->lpszProxyBypass != NULL) ? ProxyInfo->lpszProxyBypass : "" ); }
void get_user_agent(HINTERNET hInternet, char* Buffer, LPDWORD lpdwLen) {
DWORD length; BOOL ok;
length = 0; ok = InternetQueryOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_USER_AGENT, NULL, &length); if (ok) { printf("error: get_user_agent(%#x): InternetQueryOption() w/ no buffer succeeds\n", hInternet); ++Failures; } else if (length <= *lpdwLen) { if (Verbose) { printf("get_user_agent(%#x): %d bytes required for proxy info buffer\n", hInternet, length); } memset(Buffer, 0x99, *lpdwLen); ok = InternetQueryOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_USER_AGENT, Buffer, &length); if (!ok) { print_error("get_proxy_info()", "InternetQueryOption()"); ++Failures; } else { if (Buffer[length] != '\0') { printf("error: InternetQueryOption(USER_AGENT) returns incorrectly terminated string\n"); ++Failures; } *lpdwLen = length; if (Verbose) { printf("User-Agent for %#x = \"%s\" (%d)\n", hInternet, Buffer, length); } } } else { printf("error: get_user_agent(%#x): not enough buffer (%d)\n", hInternet, *lpdwLen); ++Failures; } }
void set_user_agent(HINTERNET hInternet, char* String) {
BOOL ok;
ok = InternetSetOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_USER_AGENT, (LPVOID)String, strlen(String) + 1); if (!ok) { print_error("set_user_agent()", "InternetSetOption()"); ++Failures; } }
void refresh_handle(HINTERNET hInternet) {
BOOL ok; DWORD zero;
zero = 0; ok = InternetSetOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_REFRESH, &zero, sizeof(zero)); if (!ok) { print_error("refresh_handle()", "InternetSetOption()"); ++Failures; } }