Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common sub-API level FTP functions (created from dll\parseurl.c)
Contents: ParseFtpUrl
Richard L Firth (rfirth) 31-May-1995
Win32 user-level DLL
Revision History:
31-May-1995 rfirth Created
#include <wininetp.h>
#include "ftpapih.h"
// because wininet doesnt know IStream
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
// functions
DWORD ParseFtpUrl( IN OUT LPHINTERNET lphInternet, IN LPSTR Url, IN DWORD SchemeLength, IN LPSTR Headers, IN DWORD HeadersLength, IN DWORD OpenFlags, IN DWORD_PTR Context )
Routine Description:
URL parser for FTP URLs. Support function for InternetOpenUrl() and ParseUrl().
This is a macro function that just cracks the URL and calls FTP APIs to do the work
lphInternet - IN: pointer to InternetOpen handle OUT: if successful handle of opened item, else undefined
Url - pointer to string containing FTP URL to open
SchemeLength - length of the URL scheme, exluding "://"
Headers - unused for FTP
HeadersLength - unused for FTP
OpenFlags - optional flags for opening a file (cache/no-cache, etc.)
Context - app-supplied context value for call-backs
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_URL The URL passed in could not be parsed
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_FTP, Dword, "ParseFtpUrl", "%#x [%#x], %q, %d, %#x, %d, %#x, %#x", lphInternet, *lphInternet, Url, SchemeLength, Headers, HeadersLength, OpenFlags, Context ));
// parse out the name[:password] and host[:port] parts
DWORD urlLength; LPSTR pUserName; DWORD userNameLength; LPSTR pPassword; DWORD passwordLength; LPSTR pHostName; DWORD hostNameLength; INTERNET_PORT port; LPSTR lpszUrl = NULL, lpszBackup = NULL; char firstUrlPathCharacter;
HINTERNET hConnect = NULL; DWORD error;
// The passed in Url string gets munged during this function.
// Make a copy, so the proper URL is set to the mapped connection handle.
lpszUrl = NewString((LPCSTR)Url); if (lpszUrl == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; }
lpszBackup = lpszUrl;
lpszUrl += SchemeLength + sizeof("://") - 1;
error = GetUrlAddress(&lpszUrl, &urlLength, &pUserName, &userNameLength, &pPassword, &passwordLength, &pHostName, &hostNameLength, &port, NULL ); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// we can safely zero-terminate the address parts - the '/' between address
// info and url-path is not significant
//if (*Url == '/') {
// ++Url;
// --urlLength;
if (pUserName != NULL) { pUserName[userNameLength] = '\0'; } if (pPassword != NULL) { pPassword[passwordLength] = '\0'; }
// now get the FTP file/directory information
BOOL isDirectory;
if ((*lpszUrl == '\0') || (*(lpszUrl + 1) == '\0')) {
// if the URL just consisted of ftp://host then by default we are
// referencing an FTP directory (the root directory)
isDirectory = TRUE; } else {
LPSTR pSemiColon;
pSemiColon = strchr(lpszUrl, ';'); if (pSemiColon != NULL) {
// if there's not enough space left in the string after ';' for the
// "type=?" substring, then assume this URL is bad
if ((urlLength - (pSemiColon - lpszUrl)) < 6) { error = ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_URL; goto quit; } if (strnicmp(pSemiColon + 1, "type=", 5) == 0) { switch (tolower(*(pSemiColon + 6))) { case 'a': OpenFlags |= FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII; isDirectory = FALSE; *pSemiColon = '\0'; break;
case 'i': OpenFlags |= FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY; isDirectory = FALSE; *pSemiColon = '\0'; break;
case 'd': isDirectory = TRUE; break;
default: error = ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_URL; goto quit; } } else {
// found a ';', but not "type=". Don't understand this URL
error = ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_URL; goto quit; } urlLength = (DWORD) (pSemiColon - lpszUrl); } else {
// there is no ;type= field to help us out. If the string ends in /
// then it is a directory. Further, if the url-path refers to a
// file, we don't know which mode to use to transfer it - ASCII or
// BINARY. We'll default to binary
if (lpszUrl[urlLength - 1] == '/') { isDirectory = TRUE; } else { OpenFlags |= FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY; isDirectory = FALSE; } }
// decode the url-path
if(FAILED(UrlUnescapeInPlace(lpszUrl, 0))){ goto quit; } urlLength = lstrlen(lpszUrl); }
// we potentially need to go round this loop 3 times:
// 1. try to get the item from the cache
// 2. try to get the item from the origin server
// 3. only if we got an existing connect & the origin server request
// failed, reopen the connect handle & try step 2 again
// however, we only need make one attempt if we're in OFFLINE mode - either
// we can get the item from the cache, or we can't
HINTERNET hInternetMapped;
// BUGBUG - this function should receive the handle already mapped
error = MapHandleToAddress(*lphInternet, (LPVOID *)&hInternetMapped, FALSE); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
INET_ASSERT(hInternetMapped != NULL);
// if the InternetOpen() handle was created in OFFLINE mode then is an
// offline request
DEBUG_PRINT(FTP, INFO, ("ParseFtpUrl: pre-OpenFlags check: OpenFlags = %#x\n", OpenFlags ));
OpenFlags |= ((INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternetMapped)->GetInternetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_OFFLINE;
DEBUG_PRINT(FTP, INFO, ("ParseFtpUrl: post-OpenFlags check: OpenFlags = %#x\n", OpenFlags ));
DWORD limit;
limit = (OpenFlags & INTERNET_FLAG_OFFLINE) ? 1 : 3;
// resynchronize same as reload for FTP
DWORD i; BOOL bFromCache;
i = 0; bFromCache = (OpenFlags & INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD || (GlobalUrlCacheSyncMode == WININET_SYNC_MODE_ALWAYS)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
while (i < limit) {
// ok, all parts present and correct; open a handle to the FTP resource
DWORD dwFlags = OpenFlags;
if (bFromCache) {
// attempting to get item from cache
dwFlags |= INTERNET_FLAG_OFFLINE; } else {
// performing net request
// zero-terminating the host name will wipe out the first '/' of the
// URL-path which we must restore before using
firstUrlPathCharacter = *lpszUrl; if (pHostName != NULL) { pHostName[hostNameLength] = '\0'; }
// record current online/offline state
BOOL bOffline = IsOffline();
// create a connect handle object or find an existing one if using
if ( hConnect ) { _InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); // nuke old connect handle, otherwise we leak.
hConnect = InternetConnectA(*lphInternet, pHostName, port, pUserName, pPassword, INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP, dwFlags,
// we are creating a "hidden" handle - don't
// tell the app about it
// restore URL-path, but only if its not '\0' - we may have a const
// string (we can't write to it - we change to "/" below, which is a
// const string)
if (*lpszUrl == '\0') { *(LPSTR)lpszUrl = firstUrlPathCharacter; }
HINTERNET hConnectMapped = NULL;
if (hConnect != NULL) {
// lock the handle by mapping it
error = MapHandleToAddress(hConnect, (LPVOID *)&hConnectMapped, FALSE );
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
pConnectMapped = (INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hConnectMapped;
// the ref count should be 2: either we created the connect handle
// or we picked up an EXISTING_CONNECT handle which should not be
// used by any other requests
INET_ASSERT(pConnectMapped->ReferenceCount() == 2);
// first off, associate the last response info, possibly including
// the server welcome message, with the connection
pConnectMapped->AttachLastResponseInfo(); pConnectMapped->SetURL(Url);
if (isDirectory) { if (*lpszUrl == '\0') { lpszUrl = "/"; }
// if we are reading from cache then set the working directory
// locally, else also set the CWD at the server
if (bFromCache) { error = pConnectMapped->SetCurrentWorkingDirectory((LPSTR)lpszUrl); } else if (FtpSetCurrentDirectory(hConnect, lpszUrl)) { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { error = GetLastError(); } if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// if we are not asked to give raw data
// then set htmlfind to TRUE
if (!(dwFlags & INTERNET_FLAG_RAW_DATA)) { pConnectMapped->SetHtmlFind(TRUE); } hRequest = InternalFtpFindFirstFileA(hConnect, NULL, NULL, dwFlags, Context, bFromCache, pConnectMapped->IsHtmlFind() // allow empty
); } else { hRequest = NULL; } } else /* if (!isDirectory) */ { hRequest = InternalFtpOpenFileA(hConnect, lpszUrl, GENERIC_READ, dwFlags, Context, bFromCache );
// we may have failed because we're not trying to get a file
// after all - we've been given a directory without a trailing
// slash
if (hRequest == NULL) { if (!(dwFlags & INTERNET_FLAG_RAW_DATA)) { pConnectMapped->SetHtmlFind(TRUE); } error = pConnectMapped->SetCurrentWorkingDirectory((LPSTR)lpszUrl);
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!bFromCache) { if (!FtpSetCurrentDirectory(hConnect, lpszUrl)) { error = GetLastError(); } } if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hRequest = InternalFtpFindFirstFileA( hConnect, NULL, NULL, dwFlags, Context, bFromCache, pConnectMapped->IsHtmlFind() ); } } } }
// link the request and connect handles so that the connect handle
// object will be deleted when the request handle is closed
if (hRequest != NULL) {
HINTERNET hRequestMapped = NULL;
error = MapHandleToAddress(hRequest, (LPVOID *)&hRequestMapped, FALSE ); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RSetParentHandle(hRequestMapped, hConnectMapped, TRUE); }
// dereference the handles referenced by MapHandleToAddress()
if (hRequestMapped != NULL) { DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hRequestMapped); }
// return the request handle
*lphInternet = hRequest; }
// unmap and dereference the connect handle
// if we succeeded in opening the item then we're done
if (hRequest != NULL) { break; } else { error = GetLastError();
// close the handle without modifying the per-thread handle and
// context values
//DWORD closeError = _InternetCloseHandleNoContext(hConnect);
// if we failed because we went offline then make a cache
// request if we can
if (IsOffline() && !bFromCache) {
// this will be the last chance
bFromCache = TRUE; continue; } } } else {
// InternetConnect() failed. If the offline state didn't change then
// its a real error - quit
error = GetLastError(); if (IsOffline() == bOffline) { break; }
// we must have transitioned offline state. If we went offline then
// attempt to read from cache only
if (IsOffline() && !bFromCache) { bFromCache = TRUE; continue; } }
// next iteration - second & subsequent not from cache unless we are
// offline
bFromCache = FALSE; ++i; }
quit: if (lpszBackup) FREE_MEMORY(lpszBackup);
return error; }