// ListRow.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "certmap.h"
#include "ListRow.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define SZ_RES_COLOR_PREFS "Control Panel\\Colors"
#define SZ_RES_COLOR_HILITE "Hilight"
#define SZ_RES_COLOR_HILITETEXT "HilightText"
// CListSelRowCtrl
CListSelRowCtrl::CListSelRowCtrl(): m_StartDrawingCol( 0 ) { }
CListSelRowCtrl::~CListSelRowCtrl() { }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CListSelRowCtrl, CListCtrl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CListSelRowCtrl)
void CListSelRowCtrl::GetHiliteColors() { // get the hilite color
m_colorHilite = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT );
// get the hilited text color
m_colorHiliteText = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT ); }
// CListSelRowCtrl message handlers
void CListSelRowCtrl::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) { CRect rcItem = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem; CRect rcSection; UINT itemID = lpDrawItemStruct->itemID; UINT cpLeft = rcItem.left; CString sz; LV_COLUMN colData; COLORREF colorTextOld; COLORREF colorBackOld;
// setup the CDC object
CDC cdc; cdc.Attach( lpDrawItemStruct->hDC );
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( m_StartDrawingCol == 0 ) sz.Empty(); #endif
// clear the columnd buffer
ZeroMemory( &colData, sizeof(colData) ); colData.mask = LVCF_WIDTH;
// if this is the selected item, prepare the background and the text color
BOOL fSelected = lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED; if ( fSelected ) { GetHiliteColors(); colorTextOld = cdc.SetTextColor( m_colorHiliteText ); colorBackOld = cdc.SetBkColor( m_colorHilite ); }
// starting with the m_StartDrawingCol column, draw the columns
// do it in a loop, just skipping until we hit m_StartDrawingCol
DWORD iCol = 0; while ( GetColumn(iCol, &colData) ) { // see if we are ready yet
if ( iCol < m_StartDrawingCol ) { // set the new left.
cpLeft += colData.cx; // increment the column counter
iCol++; continue; }
// prepare the background but once
if ( iCol == m_StartDrawingCol ) { // prepare the background
rcSection = rcItem; rcSection.left = cpLeft; rcSection.right--; CBrush brush; if ( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED ) brush.CreateSolidBrush( m_colorHilite ); else brush.CreateSolidBrush( GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ) ); cdc.FillRect( &rcSection, &brush ); }
// display the name
sz = GetItemText( itemID, iCol ); if ( !sz.IsEmpty() ) { // figure out the sectional rect
rcSection = rcItem; rcSection.left = cpLeft + 2; rcSection.right = cpLeft + colData.cx - 1; // fit the string into the required space
FitString( sz, rcSection.right - rcSection.left, &cdc );
//draw the string
cdc.DrawText( sz, &rcSection, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_LEFT|DT_BOTTOM|DT_NOPREFIX ); }
// set the new left.
cpLeft += colData.cx; // increment the column counter
iCol++; }
// if this is the selected item, restore the colors
if ( fSelected ) { cdc.SetTextColor( colorTextOld ); cdc.SetBkColor( colorBackOld ); }
// cleanup the CDC object
cdc.Detach(); }
void CListSelRowCtrl::FitString( CString &sz, int cpWidth, CDC* pcdc ) { CSize size; UINT cch; CString szEllipsis;
// start by testing the existing width
size = pcdc->GetTextExtent( sz ); if ( size.cx <= cpWidth ) return;
// initialize szTrunc and szEllipsis
cch = sz.GetLength();
// while we are too big, truncate one letter and add an ellipsis
while( (size.cx > cpWidth) && (cch > 1) ) { // chop off the last letter of the string - not counting the ...
cch--; sz = sz.Left( cch );
// add the elipsis (spelling?)
sz += szEllipsis;
// get the length
size = pcdc->GetTextExtent( sz ); } }
void CListSelRowCtrl::HiliteSelectedCells() { int iList = -1; while( (iList = GetNextItem( iList, LVNI_SELECTED )) >= 0 ) HiliteSelectedCell( iList ); }
void CListSelRowCtrl::HiliteSelectedCell( int iCell, BOOL fHilite ) { // if there is no selected cell, do nothing
if ( iCell < 0 ) return;
// get the rect to draw
CRect rect; if ( !FGetCellRect(iCell, -1, &rect) ) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; }
// get the client rect
CRect rectClient; GetClientRect( rectClient );
// make sure it fits ok (problems can occur here when scrolled)
// don't want it to draw in the column titles
if ( rect.top < (rect.bottom - rect.top) ) return;
// now prepare to draw
CDC *pdc = GetDC();
// clip to the client area
pdc->IntersectClipRect( rectClient );
// set up the brush
CBrush cbrush; if ( fHilite ) cbrush.CreateSolidBrush( RGB(192,192,192) ); else cbrush.CreateSolidBrush( RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF) );
// draw the hilite rect
pdc->FrameRect( rect, &cbrush );
// cleanup
ReleaseDC( pdc ); }
BOOL CListSelRowCtrl::FGetCellRect( LONG iRow, LONG iCol, CRect *pcrect ) { // first, get the rect that the list thinks is appropriate
if ( !GetItemRect(iRow, pcrect, LVIR_BOUNDS) ) return FALSE;
// if iCol < 0, then return the total size of the row
if ( iCol < 0 ) return TRUE;
// trim the horizontal dimension to the correct column positioning
LONG cpLeft; LONG cpRight = 0; for ( WORD i = 0; i <= iCol; i++ ) { // set the left side
cpLeft = cpRight;
// get the right
LONG cpWidth = GetColumnWidth(i); if ( cpWidth < 0 ) return FALSE; cpRight += cpWidth; }
// well, now trim it seeing as we have the right values
pcrect->left = cpLeft; pcrect->right = cpRight; // success!
return TRUE; }
#define MAKE_LPARAM(x,y) ( ((unsigned long)(y)<<16) | ((unsigned long)(x)) )
void CListSelRowCtrl::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // force the point to be in the right place
point.x = 6; LPARAM lp = MAKE_LPARAM(point.x, point.y); // DefWindowProc(WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, nFlags, lp );
CListCtrl::OnLButtonDblClk( nFlags, point); }
void CListSelRowCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { point.x = 6; LPARAM lp = MAKE_LPARAM(point.x, point.y); // DefWindowProc(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, nFlags, lp );
CListCtrl::OnLButtonDown( nFlags, point); }