// WWzTwo.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iadmw.h>
#include "certmap.h"
#include "ListRow.h"
#include "ChkLstCt.h"
extern "C" { #include <wincrypt.h>
#include <schannel.h>
} #include "Iismap.hxx"
#include "Iiscmr.hxx"
#include "brwsdlg.h"
#include "EdWldRul.h"
#include "EdtRulEl.h"
#include "WWzTwo.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define COL_CERT_FIELD 0
#define COL_SUB_FIELD 1
// CWildWizTwo property page
CWildWizTwo::CWildWizTwo() : CPropertyPage(CWildWizTwo::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CWildWizTwo)
CWildWizTwo::~CWildWizTwo() { }
void CWildWizTwo::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CWildWizTwo)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST, m_clistctrl_list); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NEW, m_cbutton_new); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT, m_cbutton_edit); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DELETE, m_cbutton_delete); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CWildWizTwo, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CWildWizTwo)
void CWildWizTwo::DoHelp() { WinHelpDebug(HIDD_CERTMAP_ADV_RUL_RULES); WinHelp( HIDD_CERTMAP_ADV_RUL_RULES ); }
BOOL CWildWizTwo::FInitRulesList() { CString sz; int i;
// setup the main field
sz.LoadString( IDS_CERT_FIELD );
i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertColumn( COL_CERT_FIELD, sz, LVCFMT_LEFT, 100 );
// setup the sub field
sz.LoadString( IDS_SUB_FIELD ); i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertColumn( COL_SUB_FIELD, sz, LVCFMT_LEFT, 70 );
// setup the match criteria column
sz.LoadString( IDS_MATCH_CRITERIA ); i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertColumn( COL_MATCH_CRITERIA, sz, LVCFMT_LEFT, 226 );
return TRUE; }
BOOL CWildWizTwo::FillRulesList() { CERT_FIELD_ID idCertField; LPBYTE pContent; DWORD cbContent; LPSTR psz;
DWORD flags;
CString sz; int i;
// UNICODE/ANSI conversion -- RonaldM
// get the number of subfield rules
DWORD cbRules = m_pRule->GetRuleElemCount();
// loop the elements, adding each to the list
for ( DWORD j = 0; j < cbRules; j++ ) { // get the raw data for the rule element
if ( !m_pRule->GetRuleElem( j, &idCertField, (PCHAR*)&pContent, &cbContent, &psz, &flags ) ) continue; // the call failed - try the next
// start converting the data into readable form and adding it to the list
sz = MapIdToField( idCertField ); // create the new entry in the list box.
i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertItem( j, sz );
// add the subfield data
sz = MapAsn1ToSubField( psz ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( i, COL_SUB_FIELD, sz );
// add the content data - reuse the psz pointer
if ( BinaryToMatchRequest( pContent, cbContent, &psz ) ) m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( i, COL_MATCH_CRITERIA, A2T(psz) );
// finally, attach the id cert field as user data to the item
DWORD dw; BOOL fMatchCapitalization = !(flags & CMR_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE); dw = ( (fMatchCapitalization << 16) | idCertField ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemData( i, dw ); }
return TRUE; }
// editing and updating
void CWildWizTwo::EnableDependantButtons() { // the whole purpose of this routine is to gray or activate
// the edit and delete buttons depending on whether or not anything
// is selected. So start by getting the selection count
UINT cItemsSel = m_clistctrl_list.GetSelectedCount();
if ( cItemsSel > 0 ) { // there are items selected
m_cbutton_edit.EnableWindow( TRUE ); m_cbutton_delete.EnableWindow( TRUE ); } else { // nope. Nothing selected
m_cbutton_edit.EnableWindow( FALSE ); m_cbutton_delete.EnableWindow( FALSE ); }
// always enable the new button
m_cbutton_new.EnableWindow( TRUE ); }
BOOL CWildWizTwo::EditRule( DWORD iList ) { // declare the editing dialog
CEditRuleElement editDlg; DWORD dw;
// fill in its data
// IA64 - OK to cast as the data really is just a DWORD
dw = (DWORD)m_clistctrl_list.GetItemData( iList ); editDlg.m_bool_match_case = HIWORD( dw ); editDlg.m_int_field = LOWORD( dw ); editDlg.m_sz_subfield = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemText( iList, COL_SUB_FIELD ); editDlg.m_sz_criteria = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemText( iList, COL_MATCH_CRITERIA );
// run the dialog
if ( editDlg.DoModal() == IDOK ) { // must convert the field into a string too
CERT_FIELD_ID id = (CERT_FIELD_ID)editDlg.m_int_field; CString sz = MapIdToField( id ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( iList, COL_CERT_FIELD, sz );
dw = ( (editDlg.m_bool_match_case << 16) | id); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemData( iList, dw ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( iList, COL_SUB_FIELD, editDlg.m_sz_subfield ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( iList, COL_MATCH_CRITERIA, editDlg.m_sz_criteria ); // we can now apply
SetModified(); } return TRUE; }
// CWildWizTwo message handlers
BOOL CWildWizTwo::OnInitDialog() { // call the parental oninitdialog
BOOL f = CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
// initialize the list
FInitRulesList(); FillRulesList(); EnableDependantButtons();
// return the answer
return f; }
BOOL CWildWizTwo::OnWizardFinish() { return OnApply(); }
BOOL CWildWizTwo::OnApply() { CERT_FIELD_ID id; CString szSub, sz; LPBYTE pbBin; DWORD cbBin; UINT cItems; UINT iItem;
// update the data
UpdateData( TRUE );
//======== store the rule elements
// start by resetting the entire rule - that way we don't have to
// mess with individual elements in the list, allowing us to cancel.
// But that is ok, because we can just spin through
// the ones in the list very quickly and re-add them
// remove the existing elements from the list.
cItems = m_pRule->GetRuleElemCount(); for ( iItem = 0; iItem < cItems; iItem++ ) m_pRule->DeleteRuleElem( 0 );
// add all the items in the list
cItems = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemCount(); for ( iItem = 0; iItem < cItems; iItem++ ) { // prepare the field id
id = (CERT_FIELD_ID)LOWORD(m_clistctrl_list.GetItemData( iItem ));
// prepare the caps flag
BOOL fCaps = HIWORD(m_clistctrl_list.GetItemData( iItem )); DWORD flags = 0; if ( !fCaps ) flags = CMR_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE;
// prepare the subfield
sz = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemText(iItem, COL_SUB_FIELD);
LPSTR szA = T2A((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)sz); szSub = MapSubFieldToAsn1( szA );
// prepare the data
sz = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemText(iItem, COL_MATCH_CRITERIA); szA = T2A((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)sz); if ( !MatchRequestToBinary( szA, &pbBin, &cbBin) ) continue;
// add the element to the rule
m_pRule->AddRuleElem( 0xffffffff, id, T2A((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)szSub), pbBin, cbBin, flags );
// free the binary match data
FreeMatchConversion( pbBin ); }
// return success
SetModified( FALSE ); return TRUE; }
void CWildWizTwo::OnDelete() { ASSERT( m_clistctrl_list.GetSelectedCount() == 1 ); DWORD iList;
// get index of the selected list item
iList = m_clistctrl_list.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); ASSERT( iList >= 0 );
// delete the item from the display list
m_clistctrl_list.DeleteItem ( iList );
// we can now apply
SetModified(); }
void CWildWizTwo::OnEdit() { ASSERT( m_clistctrl_list.GetSelectedCount() == 1 ); DWORD iList;
// get index of the selected list item
iList = m_clistctrl_list.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); ASSERT( iList >= 0 );
// edit the item
EditRule( iList ); }
void CWildWizTwo::OnNew() { // declare the editing dialog
CEditRuleElement editDlg;
// fill in its data
editDlg.m_bool_match_case = TRUE; editDlg.m_int_field = CERT_FIELD_SUBJECT; editDlg.m_sz_subfield = "O";
editDlg.m_sz_criteria.LoadString( IDS_WILDSTRING );
// run the dialog
if ( editDlg.DoModal() == IDOK ) { // get the index for adding to the end of the list
int iEnd = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemCount();
// Start with the cert field
CERT_FIELD_ID id = (CERT_FIELD_ID)editDlg.m_int_field; CString sz = MapIdToField( id ); int i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertItem( iEnd, sz );
DWORD dw = ( (editDlg.m_bool_match_case << 16) | id); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemData( i, dw ); // m_clistctrl_list.SetItemData( i, id );
m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( i, COL_SUB_FIELD, editDlg.m_sz_subfield ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( i, COL_MATCH_CRITERIA, editDlg.m_sz_criteria );
// we can now apply
SetModified(); } }
void CWildWizTwo::OnDblclkList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { *pResult = 0; // if something in the list was double clicked, edit it
if ( m_clistctrl_list.GetSelectedCount() > 0 ) OnEdit(); }
void CWildWizTwo::OnItemchangedList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; *pResult = 0;
// enable the correct items
EnableDependantButtons(); }
BOOL CWildWizTwo::OnSetActive() { // if this is a wizard, gray out the back button
if ( m_fIsWizard ) m_pPropSheet->SetWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT ); return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }