Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
String Functions
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager (cluster edition)
Revision History:
// Include Files
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "ipa.h"
#include "iisdebug.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <pudebug.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#ifdef _MT
// Thread protected stuff
#define RaiseThreadProtection() EnterCriticalSection(&_csSect)
#define LowerThreadProtection() LeaveCriticalSection(&_csSect)
static CRITICAL_SECTION _csSect;
#pragma message("Module is not thread-safe")
#define RaiseThreadProtection()
#define LowerThreadProtection()
#endif // _MT
#define MAKE_NULL(obj) { if (obj) delete obj, obj = NULL; }
CString AppendToDevicePath(CString szPath, LPCTSTR szName ) { TCHAR szPathCopy[_MAX_PATH] = _T(""); StrCpyN(szPathCopy, szPath, _MAX_PATH); LPTSTR p = szPathCopy; ASSERT(szPathCopy); ASSERT(szName);
// Find end of the string
while (*p){p = _tcsinc(p);} // If no trailing backslash then add one
if (*(_tcsdec(szPathCopy, p)) != _T('\\')) {_tcscat(szPathCopy, _T("\\"));} // if there are spaces precluding szName, then skip
while ( *szName == _T(' ') ) szName = _tcsinc(szName);;
// make sure that the szName
// does not look like this "\filename"
CString csTempString = szName; if (_tcsicmp(csTempString.Left(1), _T("\\")) == 0) { csTempString = csTempString.Right( csTempString.GetLength() - 1); } // Add new name to existing path string
StrCatN(szPathCopy, csTempString,_MAX_PATH);
return szPathCopy; }
// Text copy functions
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
BOOL PCToUnixText( OUT LPWSTR & lpstrDestination, IN const CString strSource ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert CR/LF string to LF string (T String to W String). Destination string will be allocated.
LPWSTR & lpstrDestination : Destination string const CString & strSource : Source string
Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
--*/ { int cch = strSource.GetLength() + 1; lpstrDestination = (LPWSTR)AllocMem(cch * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (lpstrDestination != NULL) { LPCTSTR lpS = strSource; LPWSTR lpD = lpstrDestination;
do { if (*lpS != _T('\r')) {
#ifdef UNICODE
*lpD++ = *lpS; #else
::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpS, 1, lpD++, 1); #endif // UNICODE
} } while (*lpS++);
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL UnixToPCText( OUT CString & strDestination, IN LPCWSTR lpstrSource ) /*++
Routine Description:
Expand LF to CR/LF (no allocation necessary) W String to T String.
CString & strDestination : Destination string LPCWSTR lpstrSource : Source string
Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
--*/ { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
try { LPCWSTR lpS = lpstrSource;
// Since we're doubling every linefeed length, assume
// the worst possible expansion to start with.
int cch = (::lstrlenW(lpstrSource) + 1) * 2; LPTSTR lpD = strDestination.GetBuffer(cch);
do { if (*lpS == L'\n') { *lpD++ = _T('\r'); }
#ifdef UNICODE
*lpD++ = *lpS; #else
::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpS, 1, lpD++, 1, NULL, NULL); #endif // UNICODE
} while (*lpS++);
++fSuccess; } catch(CMemoryException * e) { TRACEEOLID("Exception in UnixToPCText"); e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL TextToText( OUT LPWSTR & lpstrDestination, IN const CString & strSource ) /*++
Routine Description:
Straight copy with allocation. T String to W String.
LPWSTR & lpstrDestination : Destination string const CString & strSource : Source string
Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
--/ { int cch = strSource.GetLength() + 1; lpstrDestination = (LPWSTR)AllocMem(cch * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (lpstrDestination != NULL) { TWSTRCPY(lpstrDestination, strSource, cch); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
#ifndef UNICODE
#define WBUFF_SIZE 255
LPWSTR ReferenceAsWideString( IN LPCTSTR str ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reference a T string as a W string (non-unicode only).
LPCTSTR str : Source string
Return Value:
Wide char pointer to wide string.
This uses an internal wide char buffer, which will be overwritten by subsequent calls to this function.
--/ { static WCHAR wchBuff[WBUFF_SIZE + 1];
::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, str, -1, wchBuff, WBUFF_SIZE + 1 );
return wchBuff; }
#endif !UNICODE
LPSTR AllocAnsiString( IN LPCTSTR lpString ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert the wide string to an ansi (multi-byte) string, which is allocated by this function
LPCTSTR lpString : Input wide string
Return Value:
Pointer to the allocated string
--*/ { //
// Character counts are DBCS friendly
int cChars = lstrlen(lpString); int nLength = (cChars * 2) + 1; LPSTR lp = (LPSTR)AllocMem(nLength);
if (lp) { ::WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, lpString, cChars + 1, lp, nLength, NULL, NULL ); }
return lp; }
LPTSTR AllocString( IN LPCTSTR lpString, IN int nLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate and copy string
LPCTSTR lpString : Input string int nLen : Length or -1 to autodetermine
Return Value:
Pointer to the allocated string
--*/ { if (nLen < 0) { nLen = lstrlen(lpString); } LPTSTR lp = (LPTSTR)AllocMem((nLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (lp) { lstrcpy(lp, lpString); }
return lp; }
BOOL IsUNCName( IN const CString & strDirPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the given string path is a UNC path.
const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string
Return Value:
TRUE if the path is a UNC path, FALSE otherwise.
Any string of the form \\foo\bar\whatever is considered a UNC path, with the exception of \\.\device paths. No validation for the existance occurs, only for the correct format.
also with the exeption of \\?\
--*/ { if (strDirPath.GetLength() >= 5) // It must be at least as long as \\x\y,
{ //
LPCTSTR lp = strDirPath; //
if (*lp == _T('\\') // It must begin with \\,
&& *(lp + 1) == _T('\\') //
&& *(lp + 2) != _T('.') // This is a device.
&& *(lp + 2) != _T('?') // This is a "?" device.
&& _tcschr(lp + 3, _T('\\')) // And have at least one more \ after that
) { //
// Yes, it's a UNC path
return TRUE; } }
// No, it's not
return FALSE; }
BOOL GetSpecialPathRealPath( IN INT iUsageFlag, IN const CString & strDirPath, OUT CString & strDestination ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LPCTSTR lpszDeviceStuff = _T("\\\\.\\"); LPCTSTR lpszSpecialStuff = _T("\\\\?\\"); LPCTSTR lpszUNCDevice = _T("UNC\\"); LPCTSTR lpszUseStuff = NULL;
// Default it with something
strDestination = strDirPath;
if (1 == iUsageFlag) { lpszUseStuff = lpszDeviceStuff; } else { lpszUseStuff = lpszSpecialStuff; }
// Check for the "special stuff"
BOOL bIsValidPath = (0 == _tcsnccmp(strDirPath, lpszUseStuff, lstrlen(lpszUseStuff))); // check if we need to verifiy that it is indeeded a valid devicepath
if (bIsValidPath) { CString strTempPath;
// verify that this is indeed a valid special path
// grab everyting after the part we're interested in...
// and check if that is a fully qualified path
// or a fully qualified UNC path.
// 1) \\?\c:\temp\testind.dll
// 2) \\?\UNC\MyUnc\testing.dll
// check for #1
strTempPath = strDirPath.Right(strDirPath.GetLength() - lstrlen(lpszUseStuff));
// check if it starts with UNC
if (0 == _tcsnccmp(strTempPath, lpszUNCDevice, lstrlen(lpszUNCDevice))) { CString strTempPath2; strTempPath2 = strTempPath.Right(strTempPath.GetLength() - lstrlen(lpszUNCDevice));
DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,it's a UNC path!\r\n"),strTempPath2);
// Append on the extra ("\\\\") when returning the munged path
strDestination = _T("\\\\") + strTempPath2;
bReturn = TRUE; } else { // check if the path if fully qualified and
// if it's valid
strDestination = strTempPath; if (PathIsRelative(strTempPath)) { // don't accept relative paths as valid type paths..
bReturn = FALSE; DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,is relative.\r\n"),strTempPath); } else { // check if it has these 3 parts "c:\"
if (IsFullyQualifiedPath(strTempPath)) { bReturn = TRUE; DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s a valid path\r\n"),strTempPath); } else { bReturn = FALSE; DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,is missing drive part\r\n"),strTempPath); } } } } return bReturn; }
BOOL IsSpecialPath( IN const CString & strDirPath, IN BOOL bCheckIfValid, IN BOOL bDevicePath ) /*++
Routine Description: Determine if the given path is of the form: 1) \\?\c:\temp\testind.dll 2) \\?\UNC\MyUnc\testing.dll Arguments: const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string BOOL bCheckIfValid : to say "return true only if it's a "special path" and if it's valid" BOOL bDevicePath : check on device path, not special path
Return Value: TRUE if the path given is a special path, FALSE if it is not.
if bCheckIfValid = TRUE then: TRUE if the path given is a special path and it's valid FALSE if it is not.
--*/ { BOOL bIsSpecialPath = FALSE; LPCTSTR lpszDeviceStuff = _T("\\\\.\\"); LPCTSTR lpszSpecialStuff = _T("\\\\?\\"); LPCTSTR lpszUNCDevice = _T("UNC\\"); LPCTSTR lpszUseStuff = NULL;
// Check for the "special stuff"
if (bDevicePath) { lpszUseStuff = lpszDeviceStuff; } else { lpszUseStuff = lpszSpecialStuff; }
bIsSpecialPath = (0 == _tcsnccmp(strDirPath, lpszUseStuff, lstrlen(lpszUseStuff)));
// check if we need to verifiy that it is indeeded a valid devicepath
if (bIsSpecialPath && bCheckIfValid) { bIsSpecialPath = FALSE; CString strTempPath;
// verify that this is indeed a valid special path
// grab everyting after the part we're interested in...
// and check if that is a fully qualified path
// or a fully qualified UNC path.
// 1) \\?\c:\temp\testind.dll
// 2) \\?\UNC\MyUnc\testing.dll
// check for #1
strTempPath = strDirPath.Right(strDirPath.GetLength() - lstrlen(lpszUseStuff)); // check if it starts with UNC
if (0 == _tcsnccmp(strTempPath, lpszUNCDevice, lstrlen(lpszUNCDevice))) { bIsSpecialPath = TRUE; DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,it's a UNC path!\r\n"),strTempPath); } else { // check if the path if fully qualified and
// if it's valid
if (!PathIsRelative(strTempPath)) { bIsSpecialPath = TRUE; DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,it's NOT a UNC path!\r\n"),strTempPath); } } } return bIsSpecialPath; }
BOOL IsDevicePath( IN const CString & strDirPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the given path is of the form "\\.\foobar"
const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string
Return Value:
TRUE if the path given is a device path, FALSE if it is not.
--*/ { LPCTSTR lpszDevice = _T("\\\\.\\"); return (0 == _tcsnccmp(strDirPath, lpszDevice, lstrlen(lpszDevice))); }
BOOL IsRestrictedFilename( IN const CString & strDirPath ) { // The following are the possible file names that can cause problems
// Restricted Filenames:
// CON
// PRN
// AUX
// NUL
// COM1-COM9
// LPT1-LPT9
return FALSE; }
BOOL IsFullyQualifiedPath( IN const CString & strDirPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the given string is a fully qualified path name
const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string
Return Value:
TRUE if the path is a fully qualified path name
--*/ { return strDirPath.GetLength() >= 3 && strDirPath[1] == _T(':') && strDirPath[2] == _T('\\'); }
BOOL IsNetworkPath( IN const CString & strDirPath, OUT CString * pstrDrive, OPTIONAL OUT CString * pstrUNC OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the path exists on a network directory in the context of the local machine.
const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string CString * pstrDrive : Returns drive CString * pstrUNC : Returns UNC path
Return Value:
TRUE if the path is a network path, FALSE if it is local.
Only fully qualified paths with drive letters are checked.
--*/ { BOOL fUNC = FALSE; CString strDrive;
try { if (pstrDrive == NULL) { pstrDrive = &strDrive; }
ASSERT(strDirPath[1] == _T(':'));
if (strDirPath[1] == _T(':')) { *pstrDrive = _T("?:");
// Fill in actual drive letter
pstrDrive->SetAt(0, strDirPath[0]); UINT nType = GetDriveType(*pstrDrive);
// DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR? this is a little dodgy, but
// this is the result I get back after browsing
// using a file open dialog. Weird.
fUNC = (nType == DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR || nType == DRIVE_REMOTE); }
// Return UNC path if requested
if (fUNC && pstrUNC != NULL) { DWORD dwSize = _MAX_PATH; LPTSTR lp = pstrUNC->GetBuffer(dwSize); ::WNetGetConnection(*pstrDrive, lp, &dwSize); pstrUNC->ReleaseBuffer(); } } catch(CException * e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); }
return fUNC; }
LPCTSTR MakeUNCPath( IN OUT CString & strDir, IN LPCTSTR lpszOwner, IN LPCTSTR lpszDirectory ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert the given directory to a UNC path.
CString & strDir : UNC String. LPCTSTR lpszOwner : Computer name LPCTSTR lpszDirectory : Source string
Return Value:
Pointer to strDir
The owner may or may not start with "\\". If it doesn't, the backslashes are provided.
--*/ { //
// Try to make make a unc path out of the directory
ASSERT(lpszDirectory[1] == _T(':')); if (lpszDirectory[1] != _T(':')) { strDir = _T(""); return (LPCTSTR)strDir; }
// Problem here could be that lpszOwner is not a computername but rather
// an IP Address!!!!
LPCTSTR lpszServer = PURE_COMPUTER_NAME(lpszOwner); if (LooksLikeIPAddress(lpszServer)) { //
// Get by ip address
CString strTemp; CIPAddress ia(lpszServer); if (NOERROR != MyGetHostName((DWORD)ia, strTemp)) { strTemp = lpszServer; }
strDir.Format( _T("\\\\%s\\%c$\\%s"), PURE_COMPUTER_NAME((LPCTSTR) strTemp), lpszDirectory[0], lpszDirectory + 3 ); } else { strDir.Format( _T("\\\\%s\\%c$\\%s"), PURE_COMPUTER_NAME(lpszOwner), lpszDirectory[0], lpszDirectory + 3 ); }
return (LPCTSTR)strDir; }
BOOL IsURLName( IN const CString & strDirPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the given string path is an URL path.
const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string
Return Value:
TRUE if the path is an URL path, FALSE otherwise.
Any string of the form protocol://whatever is considered an URL path
--*/ { if (strDirPath.GetLength() >= 4) // It must be at least as long as x://
{ //
if (strDirPath.Find(_T("://")) > 0) // Must contain ://
{ //
// Yes, it's an URL path
return TRUE; } }
// No, it's not
return FALSE; }
int CStringFindNoCase( IN const CString & strSrc, IN LPCTSTR lpszSub ) /*++
Routine Description:
This should be CString::FindNoCase(). Same as CString::Find(), but case-insensitive.
const CString & strSrc : Source string LPCTSTR lpszSub : String to look for.
Return Value:
The position of the substring, or -1 if not found.
--*/ { LPCTSTR lp1 = strSrc; LPCTSTR lp2, lp3; int nPos = -1;
while (*lp1) { lp2 = lp1; lp3 = lpszSub;
while(*lp2 && *lp3 && _totupper(*lp2) == _totupper(*lp3)) { ++lp2; ++lp3; }
if (!*lp3) { //
// Found the substring
nPos = (int)(lp1 - (LPCTSTR)strSrc); break; } ++lp1; }
return nPos; }
DWORD ReplaceStringInString( OUT IN CString & strBuffer, IN CString & strTarget, IN CString & strReplacement, IN BOOL fCaseSensitive ) /*++
Routine Description:
Replace the first occurrence of a string with a second string inside a third string.
CString & strBuffer : Buffer in which to replace CString & strTarget : String to look for CString & strReplacement : String to replace it with BOOL fCaseSensitive : TRUE for case sensitive replacement. Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS for successful replacement. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any string is empty, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if the target string doesn't exist, or another win32 error code indicating failure.
--*/ { if (strBuffer.IsEmpty() || strTarget.IsEmpty() || strReplacement.IsEmpty()) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
DWORD err = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; int nPos = fCaseSensitive ? strBuffer.Find(strTarget) : CStringFindNoCase(strBuffer, strTarget);
if (nPos >= 0) { try { CString str(strBuffer.Left(nPos));
str += strReplacement; str += strBuffer.Mid(nPos + strTarget.GetLength()); strBuffer = str;
err = ERROR_SUCCESS; } catch(CMemoryException * e) { e->Delete(); err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
return err; }
DWORD DeflateEnvironmentVariablePath( IN LPCTSTR lpszEnvVar, IN OUT CString & strTarget ) /*++
Routine Description:
Take a path, and if the path represents a superset of the path in the environment variable given, replace the relevant portion of the path with the environment variable.
LPCTSTR lpszEnvVar : Environment variable CString & strTarget : Path
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the replacement was done succesfully, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if the path represented by the environment variable is not contained within the string, or an other win32 error for error conditions
--*/ { CError err; CString strEnv;
if (!::GetEnvironmentVariable( lpszEnvVar, strEnv.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH )) { err.SetLastWinError(); }
if (err.Succeeded()) { try { CString strReplacement(_T("%")); strReplacement += lpszEnvVar; strReplacement += _T("%");
err = ReplaceStringInString( strTarget, strEnv, strReplacement, FALSE ); } catch(CMemoryException * e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; e->Delete(); } }
return err; }
LPCTSTR GUIDToCString( IN REFGUID guid, OUT CString & str ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert a GUID to a CString, returning pointer to the string
REFGUID : GUID to be converted CString & str : Output string buffer
Return Value:
Pointer to the string
--*/ { LPTSTR lpGUID = str.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH);
if (lpGUID) { ::StringFromGUID2(guid, lpGUID, MAX_PATH); str.ReleaseBuffer(); }
return str; }
int CountCharsToDoubleNull( IN LPCTSTR lp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Count TCHARS up to and including the double NULL.
Return Value:
Number of chars up to and including the double NULL
--*/ { int cChars = 0;
for(;;) { ++cChars;
if (lp[0] == _T('\0') && lp[1] == _T('\0')) { return ++cChars; }
++lp; } }
DWORD ConvertDoubleNullListToStringList( IN LPCTSTR lpstrSrc, OUT CStringList & strlDest, IN int cChars OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert a double null terminate list of null terminated strings to a more manageable CStringListEx
LPCTSTR lpstrSrc : Source list of strings CStringList & strlDest : Destination string list. int cChars : Number of characters in double NULL list. if -1, autodetermine length
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the list was converted properly ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the list was empty ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if there was a mem exception
if (lpstrSrc == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (cChars < 0) { //
// Calculate our own size. This might be off if multiple
// blank linkes (0) appear in the multi_sz, so the character
// size is definitely preferable
cChars = CountCharsToDoubleNull(lpstrSrc); }
try { strlDest.RemoveAll();
if (cChars == 2 && *lpstrSrc == _T('\0')) { //
// Special case: MULTI_SZ containing only
// a double NULL are in fact blank entirely.
// N.B. IMHO this is a metabase bug -- RonaldM
--cChars; }
// Grab strings until only the final NULL remains
while (cChars > 1) { CString strTmp = lpstrSrc; strlDest.AddTail(strTmp); lpstrSrc += (strTmp.GetLength() + 1); cChars -= (strTmp.GetLength() + 1); } } catch(CMemoryException * e) { TRACEEOLID("!!! exception building stringlist"); err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; e->Delete(); }
return err; }
DWORD ConvertStringListToDoubleNullList( IN CStringList & strlSrc, OUT DWORD & cchDest, OUT LPTSTR & lpstrDest ) /*++
Routine Description:
Flatten the string list into a double null terminated list of null terminated strings.
CStringList & strlSrc : Source string list DWORD & cchDest : Size in characters of the resultant array (including terminating NULLs) LPTSTR & lpstrDest : Allocated flat array.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the list was converted properly ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the list was empty ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if there was a mem exception
--*/ { cchDest = 0; lpstrDest = NULL; BOOL fNullPad = FALSE;
// Compute total size in characters
for(pos = strlSrc.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; /**/ ) { CString & str = strlSrc.GetNext(pos);
cchDest += str.GetLength() + 1; }
if (!cchDest) { //
// Special case: A totally empty MULTI_SZ
// in fact consists of 2 (final) NULLS, instead
// of 1 (final) NULL. This is required by the
// metabase, but should be a bug. See note
// at reversal function above.
++cchDest; fNullPad = TRUE; }
// Remember final NULL
cchDest += 1;
lpstrDest = AllocTString(cchDest);
if (lpstrDest == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
LPTSTR pch = lpstrDest;
for(pos = strlSrc.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; /**/ ) { CString & str = strlSrc.GetNext(pos);
lstrcpy(pch, (LPCTSTR)str); pch += str.GetLength(); *pch++ = _T('\0'); }
*pch++ = _T('\0');
if (fNullPad) { *pch++ = _T('\0'); }
int ConvertSepLineToStringList( IN LPCTSTR lpstrIn, OUT CStringList & strlOut, IN LPCTSTR lpstrSep ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert a line containing multiple strings separated by a given character to a CStringListEx
LPCTSTR lpstrIn : Input line CStringListEx & strlOut : Output stringlist LPCTSTR lpstrSep : List of separators
Return Value:
The number of items added
--*/ { int cItems = 0; strlOut.RemoveAll();
try { CString strSrc(lpstrIn); LPTSTR lp = strSrc.GetBuffer(0); lp = _tcstok(lp, lpstrSep);
while (lp) { CString str(lp);
strlOut.AddTail(str); lp = _tcstok(NULL, lpstrSep); ++cItems; } } catch(CMemoryException * e) { TRACEEOLID("Exception converting CSV list to stringlist"); e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); }
return cItems; }
LPCTSTR ConvertStringListToSepLine( IN CStringList & strlIn, OUT CString & strOut, IN LPCTSTR lpstrSep ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert stringlist into a single CString, each entry separated by the given separator string.
CStringListEx & strlIn : Input stringlist CString & strOut : Output string LPCTSTR lpstrSep : Separator string
Return Value:
Pointer to the output string.
--*/ { strOut.Empty(); POSITION pos = strlIn.GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CString & str = strlIn.GetNext(pos);
strOut += str; strOut += lpstrSep; }
// Fix for bug #286824
// Remove separator from the last line: it looks ugly in edit control
if (!strOut.IsEmpty()) { strOut.GetBufferSetLength(strOut.GetLength() - 1); strOut.ReleaseBuffer(); }
return strOut; }
BOOL CStringListEx::operator ==( IN const CStringList & strl ) /*++
Routine Description:
Compare against CStringList. In order for two CStringLists to match, they must match in every element, which must be in the same order.
CStringList strl : String list to compare against.
Return Value:
TRUE if the two string lists are identical
--*/ { if (strl.GetCount() != GetCount()) { return FALSE; }
POSITION posa = strl.GetHeadPosition(); POSITION posb = GetHeadPosition();
while (posa) { ASSERT(posa); ASSERT(posb);
CString & strA = strl.GetNext(posa); CString & strB = GetNext(posb);
if (strA != strB) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
CStringListEx & CStringListEx::operator =( IN const CStringList & strl ) /*++
Routine Description:
Assignment operator
const CStringList & strl : Source stringlist
Return Value:
Reference to this
--*/ { RemoveAll(); POSITION pos = strl.GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CString & str = strl.GetNext(pos); AddTail(str); }
return *this; }
BOOL CvtStringToLong( IN LPCTSTR lpNumber, OUT DWORD * pdwValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Helper function to convert string (hex or decimal) to a dword.
LPCTSTR lpNumber : Input number DWORD * pdwValue : Returns the value
Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
--*/ { const TCHAR rgchHex[] = _T("00112233445566778899aAbBcCdDeEfF");
DWORD dwResult = 0L; DWORD dwResultPrev = 0L;
// Assume a decimal base
DWORD dwBase = 10L;
while (*lpNumber == _T(' ') || *lpNumber == _T('0')) { ++lpNumber; }
if (*lpNumber == _T('x') || *lpNumber == _T('X')) { dwBase = 16L; ++lpNumber; }
while (*lpNumber) { DWORD dwDigit;
// Search the character in the hexadecimal string
LPCTSTR pchDigit = _tcschr(rgchHex, *lpNumber);
if (!pchDigit) { //
// Character is not found
return FALSE; }
dwDigit = DIFF(pchDigit - rgchHex) >> 1;
if (dwDigit >= dwBase) { //
// Hexadecimal character in a decimal integer
return FALSE; }
dwResultPrev = dwResult; dwResult *= dwBase; dwResult += dwDigit;
if (dwResult < dwResultPrev) { //
// Overflow
return FALSE; }
// Parse the next character
++lpNumber; }
*pdwValue = dwResult;
return TRUE; }
const LPCTSTR g_cszMonths[] = { _T("Jan"), _T("Feb"), _T("Mar"), _T("Apr"), _T("May"), _T("Jun"), _T("Jul"), _T("Aug"), _T("Sep"), _T("Oct"), _T("Nov"), _T("Dec"), };
const LPCTSTR g_cszWeekDays[] = { _T("Sun"), _T("Mon"), _T("Tue"), _T("Wed"), _T("Thu"), _T("Fri"), _T("Sat"), };
inline BOOL SkipTillDigit(LPCTSTR & lp) { while (lp && *lp && !_istdigit(*lp)) ++lp;
return lp != NULL; }
inline BOOL SkipPastDigits(LPCTSTR & lp) { while (lp && *lp && _istdigit(*lp)) ++lp;
return lp != NULL; }
BOOL FetchIntField( LPCTSTR & lp, int & n ) { if (SkipTillDigit(lp)) { n = _ttoi(lp); if (n < 0) { ASSERT_MSG("Bogus string->int"); return FALSE; }
return SkipPastDigits(lp); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL MatchString( LPCTSTR lpTarget, const LPCTSTR * rglp, int cElements, int & idx ) { for (idx = 0; idx < cElements; ++idx) { if (!_tcsnicmp(lpTarget, rglp[idx], _tcslen(rglp[idx]))) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
static g_dwCurrentTimeZone = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID; static TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION g_tzInfo;
BOOL CvtGMTStringToInternal( IN LPCTSTR lpTime, OUT time_t * ptValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert GMT string to time in the local timezone format
IN LPCSTSTR lpTime : Input time string OUT time_t * ptValue : Output time_t
Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
--*/ { ASSERT_READ_PTR(lpTime); ASSERT_WRITE_PTR(ptValue);
int year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds;
do { if (!lpTime || !ptValue) { break; }
if (!FetchIntField(lpTime, day)) { break; }
++lpTime; // Skip separator
if (!MatchString(lpTime, g_cszMonths, 12, month)) { break; }
++month; // 0-based.
if (!FetchIntField(lpTime, year) || !FetchIntField(lpTime, hour) || !FetchIntField(lpTime, minutes) || !FetchIntField(lpTime, seconds)) { break; }
if (year < 100) { year += ((year < 50) ? 2000 : 1900); }
CTime time(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds); if (time.GetTime() == (time_t)-1L) { break; }
*ptValue = time.GetTime();
TRACEEOLID("GMT Time is " << ctime(ptValue));
// Adjust for local time zone
if (g_dwCurrentTimeZone == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) { //
// GetTimeZoneInfo() is expensive, so cache its output
g_dwCurrentTimeZone = GetTimeZoneInformation(&g_tzInfo); }
if (g_dwCurrentTimeZone != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) { _tzset();
struct tm * tb = localtime(ptValue);
BOOL fDST = tb->tm_isdst;
RaiseThreadProtection(); *ptValue -= (g_tzInfo.Bias * 60L);
TRACEEOLID("local time (w/o dst adjustment) is " << ctime(ptValue));
if (fDST) { *ptValue -= (g_tzInfo.DaylightBias * 60L); } else { //
// Almost always this is zero
*ptValue -= (g_tzInfo.StandardBias * 60L); } LowerThreadProtection();
TRACEEOLID("Local time adjusted for dst is " << ctime(ptValue)); }
// Time OK
return TRUE; } while(FALSE);
// Set max abs timeout value.
CTime time(2037, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0); *ptValue = (time_t)time.GetTime();
return FALSE; }
void CvtInternalToGMTString( IN time_t tm, OUT CString & str ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reverse of the above function. Convert internal time_t to a GMT time string (converting to GM time in the process)
time_t tm : Input time_t CString & str : Out CString
Return Value:
--*/ { try { _tzset();
struct tm * tb = gmtime(&tm);
str.Format( _T("%-3.3s, %02d %-3.3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT"), g_cszWeekDays[tb->tm_wday], tb->tm_mday, g_cszMonths[tb->tm_mon], tb->tm_year + 1900, tb->tm_hour, tb->tm_min, tb->tm_sec );
TRACEEOLID("Time string is " << str); } catch(CMemoryException * e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } }
// International numeric strings
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// Initialize library
BOOL InitIntlSettings() { #ifdef _MT
return CINumber::Allocate(); }
// De-initialize library
void TerminateIntlSettings() { CINumber::DeAllocate();
#ifdef _MT
DeleteCriticalSection(&_csSect); #endif // _MT
// Static Member Initialization
// NOTE: MFC classes CANNOT be global in an AFX extension, as they
// will not be initialized properly. Solution is to allocate them.
CString * CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator = NULL; CString * CINumber::_pstrDecimalPoint = NULL; CString * CINumber::_pstrBadNumber = NULL; CString * CINumber::_pstrCurrency = NULL; CString * CINumber::_pstr = NULL; BOOL CINumber::_fAllocated = FALSE; BOOL CINumber::_fCurrencyPrefix = TRUE; BOOL CINumber::_fInitialized = FALSE;
CINumber::CINumber() /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { if (!CINumber::_fInitialized) { CINumber::Initialize(); } }
CINumber::~CINumber() /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { }
/* static */ BOOL CINumber::Allocate() /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate with US settings
Return Value:
TRUE if allocation was successfull, FALSE otherwise
--*/ { RaiseThreadProtection();
if (!IsAllocated()) { try { //
// NOTE: Cannot use globals for these, because
// they will not be initialized properly
// when used in an extension dll.
CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator = new CString(_T(",")); CINumber::_pstrDecimalPoint = new CString(_T(".")); CINumber::_pstrBadNumber = new CString(_T("--")); CINumber::_pstrCurrency = new CString(_T("$ ")); CINumber::_pstr = new CString; _fAllocated = TRUE; } catch(CMemoryException * e) { TRACEEOLID("Initialization Failed"); e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } }
return IsAllocated(); }
/* static */ void CINumber::DeAllocate() /*++
Routine Description:
Clean up allocations
Return Value:
--*/ { RaiseThreadProtection(); ASSERT(IsAllocated());
if (IsAllocated()) { MAKE_NULL(CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator); MAKE_NULL(CINumber::_pstrDecimalPoint); MAKE_NULL(CINumber::_pstrBadNumber); MAKE_NULL(CINumber::_pstrCurrency); MAKE_NULL(CINumber::_pstr); }
_fAllocated = FALSE; }
/* static */ BOOL CINumber::Initialize( IN BOOL fUserSetting /* TRUE */ ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize all the international settings, such as thousand separators and decimal points
BOOL fUserSetting If TRUE, use current user settings, if FALSE use system settings. Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
Note that this function only needs to be explicitly called when the country settings have changed, or when system settings are desired (user is default)
--*/ { #define MAXLEN 6
int cErrors = 0;
TRACEEOLID("Getting locale-dependend information");
ASSERT(IsAllocated()); if (!IsAllocated()) { Allocate(); }
try { LCID lcid = fUserSetting ? ::GetUserDefaultLCID() : GetSystemDefaultLCID();
LCTYPE lctype = fUserSetting ? 0 : LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE;
// Get Decimal Point
if (!::GetLocaleInfo( lcid, LOCALE_SDECIMAL | lctype, CINumber::_pstrDecimalPoint->GetBuffer(MAXLEN), MAXLEN )) { TRACEEOLID("Unable to get intl decimal point"); ++cErrors; }
// Get Thousand Separator
if (!::GetLocaleInfo( lcid, LOCALE_STHOUSAND | lctype, CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator->GetBuffer(MAXLEN), MAXLEN )) { TRACEEOLID("Unable to get 1000 separator"); ++cErrors; }
#ifndef _UNICODE
// Some countries have a space as a 1000 separator,
// but for some reason, this is ansi 160, which
// shows up as a space fine on windows apps,
// looks like garbage on console apps.
if ((*CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator)[0] == CHAR(160)) { CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator->SetAt(0, ' '); TRACEEOLID("Space 1000 separator substituted"); } #endif // _UNICODE
// Get currency symbol
if (!::GetLocaleInfo( lcid, LOCALE_SCURRENCY | lctype, CINumber::_pstrCurrency->GetBuffer(MAXLEN), MAXLEN )) { TRACEEOLID("Unable to get currency symbol"); ++cErrors; }
CINumber::_pstrCurrency->ReleaseBuffer(); }
catch(CMemoryException * e) { TRACEEOLID("!!!exception in getting intl settings:"); e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); ++cErrors; }
TRACEEOLID("Thousand Separator . . . . . : " << *CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator); TRACEEOLID("Decimal Point . . . . . . . : " << *CINumber::_pstrDecimalPoint); TRACEEOLID("Currency Symbol. . . . . . . : " << *CINumber::_pstrCurrency); TRACEEOLID("Bad number . . . . . . . . . : " << *CINumber::_pstrBadNumber); TRACEEOLID("Currency Prefix. . . . . . . : " << CINumber::_fCurrencyPrefix);
CINumber::_fInitialized = TRUE;
return cErrors == 0; }
/* static */ double CINumber::BuildFloat( IN const LONG lInteger, IN const LONG lFraction ) /*++
Return Value:
Combine integer and fraction to form float
const LONG lInteger Integer portion const LONG lFraction Fractional portion
Return Value:
float value
--*/ { double flValue = 0.0;
// Negative fractions?
ASSERT(lFraction >= 0);
if (lFraction >= 0) { flValue = (double)lFraction;
while (flValue >= 1.0) { flValue /= 10.0; }
// Re-add (or subtract if the original number
// was negative) the fractional part
if (lInteger > 0L) { flValue += (double)lInteger; } else { flValue -= (double)lInteger; flValue = -flValue; } }
return flValue; }
/* static */ LPCTSTR CINumber::ConvertLongToString( IN const LONG lSrc, OUT CString & str ) /*++
Convert long number to string with 1000 separators
const LONG lSrc Source number CString & str String to write to
Return Value:
Pointer to converted string
--*/ { LPTSTR lpOutString = str.GetBuffer(16);
// Forget about the negative sign for now.
LONG lNum = (lSrc >= 0L) ? lSrc : -lSrc; int outstrlen = 0;
do { lpOutString[outstrlen++] = _T('0') + (TCHAR)(lNum % 10L); lNum /= 10L;
// if more digits left and we're on a 1000 boundary (printed 3 digits,
// or 3 digits + n*(3 digits + 1 comma), then print a 1000 separator.
// Note: will only work if the 1000 separator is 1 character.
ASSERT(CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator->GetLength() == 1);
if (lNum != 0L && (outstrlen == 3 || outstrlen == 7 || outstrlen == 11)) { lstrcpy(lpOutString + outstrlen, *CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator); outstrlen += CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator->GetLength(); }
} while (lNum > 0L);
// Add a negative sign if necessary.
if (lSrc < 0L) { lpOutString[outstrlen++] = _T('-'); }
str.ReleaseBuffer(outstrlen); str.MakeReverse();
return (LPCTSTR)str; }
/* static */ LPCTSTR CINumber::ConvertFloatToString( IN const double flSrc, IN int nPrecision, OUT CString & str ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert floating point number to string represenation
const double flSrc Source floating point number int nPrecision Number of decimal points CString & str String to convert to
Return Value:
Pointer to converted string.
--*/ { //
// Forget about the negative sign for now,
// and the fractional portion.
TCHAR szFraction[256]; LPCTSTR lpFraction = NULL;
::_stprintf(szFraction, _T("%.*f"), nPrecision, flSrc); lpFraction = ::_tcschr(szFraction, _T('.') ); ASSERT(lpFraction != NULL); ++lpFraction;
CINumber::ConvertLongToString((LONG)flSrc, str);
str += *CINumber::_pstrDecimalPoint + lpFraction;
return (LPCTSTR)str; }
/* static */ BOOL CINumber::ConvertStringToLong( IN LPCTSTR lpsrc, OUT LONG & lValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert string to long integer. 1000 Separators will be treated correctly.
LPCTSTR lpsrc Source string LONG & lValue Value to convert to. Will be 0 in case of error
Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
--*/ { CString strNumber(lpsrc); LONG lBase = 1L; BOOL fNegative = FALSE;
lValue = 0L;
// Empty strings are invalid
if (strNumber.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; }
// Check for negative sign (at the end only)
if (strNumber[0] == _T('-')) { fNegative = TRUE; }
// Strip negative sign
if (fNegative) { strNumber.ReleaseBuffer(strNumber.GetLength()-1); }
// Make sure the 1000 separator is only 1 char. See note below
ASSERT(CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator->GetLength() == 1);
for (int i = 0; i < strNumber.GetLength(); ++i) { if ((strNumber[i] >= _T('0')) && (strNumber[i] <= _T('9'))) { LONG lDigit = (LONG)(strNumber[i] - _T('0')); if (lDigit != 0L) { LONG lOldValue = lValue; LONG lDelta = (lDigit * lBase); if (lDelta / lDigit != lBase) { TRACEEOLID("Overflow!"); lValue = 0x7fffffff;
return FALSE; }
lValue += lDelta;
if (lValue - lDelta != lOldValue) { TRACEEOLID("Overflow!"); lValue = 0x7fffffff;
return FALSE; } }
lBase *= 10L; } //
// It's not a digit, maybe a thousand separator?
// CAVEAT: If a thousand separator of more than
// one character is used, this won't work.
else if ((strNumber[i] != (*CINumber::_pstrThousandSeparator)[0]) || (i != 3) && (i != 7) && (i != 11)) { //
// This is just invalid, since it is not a thousand
// separator in the proper location, nor a negative
// sign.
TRACEEOLID("Invalid character " << (BYTE)strNumber[i] << " encountered"); return FALSE; } }
if (fNegative) { lValue = -lValue; }
return TRUE; }
/* static */ BOOL CINumber::ConvertStringToFloat( IN LPCTSTR lpsrc, OUT double & flValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert fully decorated floating point string to double
LPCTSTR lpsrc Source string double & flValue float value generated from string
Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
--*/ { CString strNumber(lpsrc);
// This only works if the decimal point is a
// single character
ASSERT(CINumber::_pstrDecimalPoint->GetLength() == 1);
// Strip off the > 0 part
LONG lFraction = 0;
int nPoint = strNumber.ReverseFind((*CINumber::_pstrDecimalPoint)[0]);
if (nPoint >= 0) { //
// Convert fractional part
LPCTSTR lpszFraction = (LPCTSTR)strNumber + ++nPoint; lFraction = ::_ttol(lpszFraction); strNumber.ReleaseBuffer(--nPoint); }
// Convert integer part
LONG lInteger;
if (ConvertStringToLong(strNumber, lInteger)) { flValue = CINumber::BuildFloat(lInteger, lFraction); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
CILong::CILong() /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor without arguments
Return Value:
--*/ : m_lValue(0L) { }
CILong::CILong( IN LONG lValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor taking LONG argument
LONG lValue Value to be set
Return Value:
--*/ : m_lValue(lValue) { }
CILong::CILong( IN LPCTSTR lpszValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor taking string argument
LPCTSTR lpszValue String number
Return Value:
--*/ { ConvertStringToLong(lpszValue, m_lValue); }
CILong & CILong::operator =( IN LONG lValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Assignment operator taking long value
LONG lValue Value to be set
Return Value:
this object
--*/ { m_lValue = lValue;
return *this; }
CILong & CILong::operator =( IN LPCTSTR lpszValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Assignment operator taking string value
LPCTSTR lpszValue String number
Return Value:
this object
--*/ { ConvertStringToLong(lpszValue, m_lValue);
return *this; }
// Arithmetic Shorthand operators
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CILong & CILong::operator +=( IN const LONG lValue ) { m_lValue += lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator +=( IN const LPCTSTR lpszValue ) { LONG lValue;
ConvertStringToLong(lpszValue, lValue);
m_lValue += lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator +=( IN const CILong& value ) { m_lValue += value.m_lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator -=( IN const LONG lValue ) { m_lValue -= lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator -=( IN const LPCTSTR lpszValue ) { LONG lValue;
ConvertStringToLong(lpszValue, lValue);
m_lValue -= lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator -=( IN const CILong & value ) { m_lValue -= value.m_lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator *=( IN const LONG lValue ) { m_lValue *= lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator *=( IN const LPCTSTR lpszValue ) { LONG lValue;
ConvertStringToLong(lpszValue, lValue);
m_lValue *= lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator *=( IN const CILong & value ) { m_lValue *= value.m_lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator /=( IN const LONG lValue ) { m_lValue /= lValue;
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator /=( IN const LPCTSTR lpszValue ) { LONG lValue;
ConvertStringToLong(lpszValue, lValue); if (lValue != 0) { m_lValue /= lValue; }
return *this; }
// As above
CILong & CILong::operator /=( IN const CILong& value ) { m_lValue /= value.m_lValue;
return *this; }