#pragma once
#include "wrappers.h"
struct _CallbackInfo { typedef void (*PFN_CALLBACK)( void*, LPCWSTR, bool );
_CallbackInfo( PFN_CALLBACK pCB = NULL, void* pContext = NULL ) { pCallback = pCB; pCtx = pContext; }
PFN_CALLBACK pCallback; void* pCtx; };
// Class for writing files to the package
// Note that the class does not own any of the handles it contains. It just caches them
class COutPackage { // Data types
public: enum AddFileOptions { afNone = 0x0000, afNoDACL = 0x0001, afAllowNoInhAce = 0x0002, // Allows for inherited ACEs to be not exported.
private: enum { DefaultBufferSize = 4 * 1024, };
enum _SidType { sidInvalid, sidIISUser, sidWellKnown, sidExternal }; // Used for exporting file object's security settings
typedef std::list<_sid_ptr> TSIDList;
// Ctor / Dtor
public: COutPackage ( HANDLE hFile, bool bCompress, HCRYPTKEY hCryptKey );
// Class interface
public: void AddFile ( LPCWSTR wszName, const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spXMLDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spEl, DWORD dwOptions )const; void AddPath ( LPCWSTR wszPath, const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spXMLDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spEl, DWORD dwOptions )const; void WriteSIDsToXML ( DWORD dwSiteID, const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spXMLDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spEl )const; void ResetSIDList ( void )const{ m_SIDList.clear();}
void SetCallback ( const _CallbackInfo& Info )const { m_CallbackInfo = Info; }
// Implementation
private: DWORDLONG GetCurrentPos ( void )const; void ExportFileDACL ( LPCWSTR wszObject, const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spRoot, bool bAllowSkipInherited )const; void ExportAce ( LPVOID pACE, const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spRoot, bool bAllowSkipInherited )const; DWORD IDFromSID ( PSID pSID )const; bool GetSIDDetails ( PSID pSID, LPCWSTR wszIISUser, LPCWSTR wszMachine, std::wstring& rstrAccount, std::wstring& rstrDomain, SID_NAME_USE& rSidUsage, _SidType& rSidType )const; void WriteSIDToXML ( const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spSid, DWORD dwID, LPCWSTR wszAccount, LPCWSTR wszDomain, SID_NAME_USE SidUsage, _SidType SidType )const; void RemoveSidFromXML( const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spDoc, DWORD nSidID )const; void AddPathOnly ( LPCWSTR wszPath, LPCWSTR wszName, const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spXMLDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spEl, DWORD dwOptions )const;
// Data members
private: mutable TSIDList m_SIDList; // Contains all SIDs for files, added to the package
HANDLE m_hFile; // The file handle
bool m_bCompress; // If true - files are compressed
HCRYPTKEY m_hCryptKey; // If not null - used to encrypt files
TByteAutoPtr m_spBuffer; // Buffer used for the file operations
mutable _CallbackInfo m_CallbackInfo; // Calbback for add file
// Class for restoring files/dirs from the package
class CInPackage { // Data types
public: enum ExtractDirOptions { edNone = 0x0000, edNoDACL = 0x0001 // Security settings will not be extracted
private: typedef std::map<DWORD, _sid_ptr> TSIDMap; // These are the SIDs for file/dir permissions
enum { DefaultBufferSize = 4 * 1024, };
// Class interface
public: CInPackage ( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spSite, HANDLE hFile, bool bCompressed, HCRYPTKEY hDecryptKey );
void ExtractVDir ( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spVDir, DWORD dwOptions ); void ExtractFile ( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spFile, LPCWSTR wszDir, DWORD dwOptions );
void SetCallback ( const _CallbackInfo& Info )const { m_CallbackInfo = Info; }
// Implementation
private: void LoadSIDs ( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spSIDs ); bool LookupSID ( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spSID, LPCWSTR wszLocalMachine, LPCWSTR wszSourceMachine, DWORD& rdwID, TByteAutoPtr& rspData ); void ExtractDir ( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spDir, LPCWSTR wszRoot, DWORD dwOptions ); void ApplyFileObjSecurity( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spObj, LPCWSTR wszName );
// Data
private: TSIDMap m_SIDs; // SID used for file.dir access permissions
HANDLE m_hFile; // The input file ( the package )
bool m_bCompressed; // Is the package data compressed
HCRYPTKEY m_hDecryptKey; // Used to decrypt the data. If NULL - data is not encrypted
TByteAutoPtr m_spBuffer; // General memory buffer
mutable _CallbackInfo m_CallbackInfo; };