#define _WIN32_DCOM
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iadmw.h> // COM Interface header file.
#include <iiscnfg.h> // MD_ & IIS_MD_ #defines header file.
#include <conio.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "auth.h"
#include "filecopy.h"
#include "mbase.h"
#pragma comment(lib,"Shlwapi.lib")
HRESULT CreateAndCopyKey( IMSAdminBase* pIMetaSource, METADATA_HANDLE hMDSourceHandle, //metabase handle to the source key.
wchar_t* pszMDSourcePath, //path of the source relative to hMDSourceHandle.
IMSAdminBase* pIMetaTarget, METADATA_HANDLE hMDDestHandle, //metabase handle to the destination.
wchar_t* pszMDDestPath, //path of the destination, relative to hMDDestHandle.
BOOL bMDCopySubKeys //whether to copy all subkey data
) {
DWORD indx = 0; WCHAR SubKeyName[MAX_PATH*2]; _bstr_t bstrTargetSubKeyPath; _bstr_t bstrSourceSubKeyPath;
ATLASSERT(pIMetaSource != NULL); ATLASSERT(pIMetaTarget != NULL); ATLASSERT(pszMDSourcePath); ATLASSERT(pszMDDestPath);
// first this will create the destination key.
while (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = pIMetaSource->EnumKeys(hMDSourceHandle, pszMDSourcePath, SubKeyName, indx); if(SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { bstrTargetSubKeyPath = pszMDDestPath; bstrTargetSubKeyPath += L"/"; bstrTargetSubKeyPath += SubKeyName; bstrSourceSubKeyPath = pszMDSourcePath; bstrSourceSubKeyPath += L"/"; bstrSourceSubKeyPath += SubKeyName;
//wprintf(L"%s %s\n",SubKeyName,KeyType);
CreateAndCopyKey (pIMetaSource,hMDSourceHandle,bstrSourceSubKeyPath,pIMetaTarget, hMDDestHandle,bstrTargetSubKeyPath, bMDCopySubKeys); } indx++; } //while (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
hRes = EnumProperties(pIMetaSource,hMDSourceHandle,pszMDSourcePath,pIMetaTarget,hMDDestHandle,pszMDDestPath);
return hRes; }
HRESULT EnumProperties(IMSAdminBase* pIMetaSource, METADATA_HANDLE hKeySource, wchar_t* SourceMDPath, IMSAdminBase* pIMetaTarget, METADATA_HANDLE hKeyTarget, wchar_t* TargetMDPath ) {
HRESULT hRes = 0; METADATA_RECORD mRec; DWORD indx = 0; DWORD dwReqBufLen = 0; DWORD dwBufLen = ORIGINAL_BUFFER_SIZE; PBYTE pbBuffer = new BYTE[dwBufLen]; wchar_t *ptemp = 0;
while (SUCCEEDED(hRes)){
mRec.dwMDDataType = ALL_METADATA; mRec.dwMDDataLen = dwBufLen; mRec.pbMDData = pbBuffer; hRes = pIMetaSource->EnumData(hKeySource, SourceMDPath, &mRec, indx, &dwReqBufLen); if (hRes == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { delete [] (pbBuffer); pbBuffer = new BYTE[dwReqBufLen]; dwBufLen = dwReqBufLen; mRec.dwMDDataLen = dwReqBufLen; mRec.pbMDData = pbBuffer; hRes = pIMetaSource->EnumData(hKeySource, SourceMDPath, &mRec, indx, &dwReqBufLen); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hRes) ) {
// write the property to the target
if( mRec.dwMDIdentifier == MD_APP_ROOT ) { // mRec.pbMDData = new WCHAR[MAX_PATH];
wcscpy((LPWSTR)mRec.pbMDData, _bstr_t(L"/LM") + _bstr_t(TargetMDPath) ); mRec.dwMDDataLen = (DWORD)(wcslen((LPWSTR)mRec.pbMDData)+1)*2;
} hRes = pIMetaTarget->SetData(hKeyTarget,TargetMDPath,&mRec); if( !SUCCEEDED(hRes) ) return hRes; } // Increment the index.
indx++; } // End while.
delete pbBuffer; //wprintf(L"Done numerating properties set at: %s ...\n",SourceMDPath);
return S_OK; }
// INPUT canonicalized source path node in relation to the root key "/LM" ex: /w3svc/1
HRESULT CopyIISConfig(COSERVERINFO *pCoServerInfoSource, COSERVERINFO *pCoServerInfoTarget, WCHAR *pwszSourceKey, _bstr_t &bstrTargetKey) { HRESULT hRes; METADATA_HANDLE hKeySource; METADATA_HANDLE hKeyTarget; CComPtr <IMSAdminBase> pIMetaSource = 0L; CComPtr <IMSAdminBase> pIMetaTarget = 0L; BOOL bIsLocal; _bstr_t bstrRootKey = L"/LM"; _bstr_t bstrTargetNode;
long lTargetSiteID;
// Declare a MULTI_QI for remote usage
MULTI_QI rgmqi[1] = { &IID_IMSAdminBase,0,0 };
ATLASSERT(pCoServerInfoSource); ATLASSERT(pCoServerInfoTarget);
bIsLocal = IsServerLocal( (char*)_bstr_t(pCoServerInfoSource->pwszName) );
hRes = CoCreateInstanceEx(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, pCoServerInfoSource, 1, rgmqi); if(SUCCEEDED(hRes)) pIMetaSource = reinterpret_cast<IMSAdminBase*>(rgmqi[0].pItf); else { wprintf( L"error creating IMSAdminbase on machine: %s. HRESULT=%x\n", pCoServerInfoSource->pwszName, hRes); return hRes; }
if( pCoServerInfoSource->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->User ) { //hRes = SetBlanket(pIMetaSource);
if (!SUCCEEDED(SetBlanket(pIMetaSource,pCoServerInfoSource->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->User, pCoServerInfoSource->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Domain, pCoServerInfoSource->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Password) ) ) { _tprintf(_T("error setting COM impersonation: HRESULT=%x\n"), hRes); return hRes; } }
if(bIsLocal) //hRes = pIMetaSource->QueryInterface(IID_IMSAdminBase,(void**)&pIMetaTarget);
pIMetaTarget = pIMetaSource; else { // Create the IMSAdminBase object on the target server
rgmqi[0].pItf = 0L; rgmqi[0].hr = 0L;
hRes = CoCreateInstanceEx(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, pCoServerInfoTarget, 1, rgmqi);
if(SUCCEEDED(hRes)) pIMetaTarget = reinterpret_cast<IMSAdminBase*>(rgmqi[0].pItf); else { _tprintf(_T("error creating IMSAdminbase on this machine: %s. HRESULT=%x\n"), (char*)_bstr_t(pCoServerInfoTarget->pwszName), hRes); return hRes; } }
// Open the metabase on the source and target
if( bIsLocal )
{ if( !SUCCEEDED( hRes = pIMetaSource->OpenKey(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, bstrRootKey, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ | METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, 10000, &hKeySource) ) ) { _tprintf( _T("OpenKey() failed on the root key %s on server: %s, hr = %x\n"), (char*)bstrRootKey, (char*)_bstr_t(pCoServerInfoSource->pwszName), hRes ); return hRes; } hKeyTarget = hKeySource; } else { // Get a handle to the Root key of the Source machine
if( !SUCCEEDED( hRes = pIMetaSource->OpenKey(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, bstrRootKey, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ , 10000, &hKeySource) )) { _tprintf( _T("OpenKey() failed on the root key %s on server: %s, hr = %x\n"), (char*)bstrRootKey, (char*)_bstr_t(pCoServerInfoSource->pwszName), hRes ); return hRes; } // Get a handle to the Root key of the Target machine
if( !SUCCEEDED( hRes = pIMetaTarget->OpenKey(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, bstrRootKey, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ | METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, 10000, &hKeyTarget) )) { _tprintf( _T("OpenKey() failed on the root key %s on server: %s, hr = %x\n"), (char*)bstrRootKey, (char*)_bstr_t(pCoServerInfoTarget->pwszName), hRes );
pIMetaSource->CloseKey(hKeySource); return hRes; } }
if( bstrTargetKey.length() == 0 ) { lTargetSiteID = GetAvailableSiteID(pIMetaTarget,hKeyTarget); bstrTargetNode = L"/W3SVC/"; bstrTargetNode += _bstr_t(lTargetSiteID); bstrTargetKey = bstrTargetNode; } else bstrTargetNode = bstrTargetKey;
// replicate the metabase node
fwprintf(stderr, L"replicating IIS metabase properties set at: %s ...\n",pwszSourceKey); hRes = CreateAndCopyKey(pIMetaSource,hKeySource, pwszSourceKey, pIMetaTarget, hKeyTarget,bstrTargetNode, true );
if( !SUCCEEDED(hRes) ) { _tprintf( _T("Error encountered in metabase copy operation\n") ); }
pIMetaSource->CloseKey(hKeySource); if( !bIsLocal ) pIMetaTarget->CloseKey( hKeyTarget );
pIMetaSource = 0; pIMetaTarget = 0;
return hRes; }
HRESULT ApplyMBFixUp(COSERVERINFO *pCoServerInfo, WCHAR * pwszKey, WCHAR * pwszAppPoolID, PXCOPYTASKITEM pXCOPYList, WCHAR * pwszServerBinding, BOOL bApplyFPSE) { HRESULT hRes; METADATA_HANDLE hKey; CComPtr <IMSAdminBase> pIMeta = 0L; MULTI_QI rgmqi[1] = { &IID_IMSAdminBase,0,0 }; WCHAR DataBuf[MAX_PATH]; memset (DataBuf,0,sizeof(DataBuf) ); PXCOPYTASKITEM pList = pXCOPYList; bstr_t bstrRealTargetPath; WCHAR *pTemp = NULL; DWORD dwFPSEBOOL; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); _bstr_t bstrCommandline; TCHAR szOwsAdmPath[MAX_PATH];
if( !pCoServerInfo ) return E_UNEXPECTED;
if( SUCCEEDED(hRes = CoCreateInstanceEx(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, pCoServerInfo,1, rgmqi) ) ) pIMeta = reinterpret_cast<IMSAdminBase*>(rgmqi[0].pItf); else { fwprintf( stderr, L"error creating IMSAdminbase on machine: %s. HRESULT=%x\n", pCoServerInfo->pwszName, hRes); return hRes; }
if( UsesImpersonation(pCoServerInfo) ) { if (!SUCCEEDED(hRes = SetBlanket(pIMeta,pCoServerInfo->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->User, pCoServerInfo->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Domain, pCoServerInfo->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Password) ) ) { fwprintf( stderr, L"error setting CoSetProxyBlanket on machine: %s for user: %s HRESULT=%x\n", pCoServerInfo->pwszName,pCoServerInfo->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->User, hRes); pIMeta = 0; return hRes; } }
if( !SUCCEEDED( hRes = pIMeta->OpenKey(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, L"/LM", METADATA_PERMISSION_READ | METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE , 10000, &hKey) ) ) { fwprintf( stderr, L"Error opening key: %s on computer: %s. HRESULT=%x\n", L"/LM", pCoServerInfo->pwszName, hRes); pIMeta = 0; return hRes; }
if( !SUCCEEDED( hRes = CreateAppPool(pIMeta,hKey,pwszAppPoolID) ) ) { return hRes; }
// Now set the AppPoolID property of the Key
// wcscpy((LPWSTR)DataBuf, pwszAppPoolID);
hRes = SetPropertyData(pIMeta,hKey,_bstr_t(pwszKey) + _bstr_t(L"/root"), MD_APP_APPPOOL_ID, METADATA_INHERIT, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER,STRING_METADATA, (PBYTE)pwszAppPoolID, (wcslen(pwszAppPoolID) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// Loope thought the list and reset any Path direcrories
if( pList ) { ATLASSERT(pList->pwszMBPath); ATLASSERT(pList->pwszDestPath); pTemp = wcsstr(_wcslwr(pList->pwszMBPath),L"/root"); bstrRealTargetPath = _bstr_t(pwszKey) + _bstr_t(pTemp);
hRes = SetPropertyData(pIMeta,hKey,bstrRealTargetPath, MD_VR_PATH, METADATA_INHERIT, IIS_MD_UT_FILE,STRING_METADATA, pList->pwszDestPath, (wcslen(pList->pwszDestPath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); while( pList->pNextItem ) { pList = pList->pNextItem; pTemp = wcsstr(_wcslwr(pList->pwszMBPath),L"/root"); bstrRealTargetPath = _bstr_t(pwszKey) + _bstr_t(pTemp); hRes = SetPropertyData(pIMeta,hKey,bstrRealTargetPath, MD_VR_PATH, METADATA_INHERIT, IIS_MD_UT_FILE,STRING_METADATA, pList->pwszDestPath, (wcslen(pList->pwszDestPath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } }
// Set the serverbinding string if present
if( pwszServerBinding ) {
hRes = SetPropertyData(pIMeta,hKey,pwszKey, MD_SERVER_BINDINGS, METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER,MULTISZ_METADATA, pwszServerBinding, (wcslen(pwszServerBinding) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) + 1 * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
if (bApplyFPSE) { // Check to see if the web is front page extended
bstrCommandline = "-o install -p /lm"; bstrCommandline += _bstr_t(pwszKey); hRes = GetPropertyData(pIMeta,hKey,pwszKey,MD_FRONTPAGE_WEB,METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, DWORD_METADATA, &dwFPSEBOOL, &dwSize );
if( SUCCEEDED(hRes) ) { if(SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON , NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, szOwsAdmPath)) ) { PathAppend(szOwsAdmPath, TEXT("Microsoft Shared\\Web Server Extensions\\50\\bin\\owsadm.exe") ); } } }
if( !SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIMeta->CloseKey(hKey) ) ) { fwprintf( stderr, L"Error closing key: /LM/W3SVC on computer: %s. HRESULT=%x\n", pCoServerInfo->pwszName, hRes); } pIMeta = 0;
if( bApplyFPSE ) { fwprintf(stderr,L"reconfiguring FPSE settings...\n" ); MyCreateProcess(szOwsAdmPath,bstrCommandline,CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP,360000); }
return hRes; }
HRESULT CreateAppPool(IMSAdminBase* pIMeta,METADATA_HANDLE hKey,WCHAR *pAppPoolID) { HRESULT hRes;
_bstr_t bstrAppPoolPath(L"/w3svc/AppPools/"); WCHAR DataBuf[MAX_PATH]; memset (DataBuf,0,sizeof(DataBuf) );
bstrAppPoolPath += pAppPoolID;
hRes = pIMeta->AddKey(hKey,bstrAppPoolPath);
// Set the KeyType property of the AppPool
// hRes = SetKeyType( pIMeta, hKey, bstrAppPoolPath, L"IIsApplicationPool" );
hRes = SetPropertyData(pIMeta,hKey,bstrAppPoolPath,MD_KEY_TYPE,METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER,STRING_METADATA,L"IIsApplicationPool",(wcslen(L"IIsApplicationPool") + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
return hRes; }