Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1998 All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Message box function with help button.
Author: copied from nt\printscan\ui\printui code
Revision History:
#ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX_
#define _MSGBOX_HXX_
#include "resource.h"
typedef struct MSG_HLPMAP { UINT uIdMessage; // Mapped message in resouce file
int DoHelpMessageBox(HWND hWndIn, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, UINT nType, UINT nIDPrompt); int DoHelpMessageBox(HWND hWndIn, UINT iResourceID, UINT nType, UINT nIDPrompt);
// Callback function called when the help button is clicked.
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pfHelpCallback)( HWND hwnd, PVOID pRefData );
// Message box function that can handle the help button with
// a windows that does not have a known parent.
INT MessageBoxHelper( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCTSTR pszMsg, IN LPCTSTR pszTitle, IN UINT uFlags, IN pfHelpCallback pCallBack = NULL, OPTIONAL IN PVOID RefData = NULL OPTIONAL );
// Dialog box helper class to catch the WM_HELP
// message when there is a help button on
// a message box.
class TMessageBoxDialog { public: TMessageBoxDialog( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT uFlags, IN LPCTSTR pszTitle, IN LPCTSTR pszMsg, IN pfHelpCallback pCallback, IN PVOID pRefData ) : _hWnd( hWnd ), _uFlags( uFlags ), _pszTitle( pszTitle ), _pszMsg( pszMsg ), _pCallback( pCallback ), _pRefData( pRefData ), _iRetval( 0 ) {};
inline HWND& hDlg(){return _hDlg;} inline HWND const & hDlg() const{return _hDlg;} BOOL bSetText(LPCTSTR pszTitle){return SetWindowText( _hDlg, pszTitle );}; VOID vForceCleanup(VOID){SetWindowLongPtr( _hDlg, DWLP_USER, 0L );}; BOOL bValid(VOID) const{return TRUE;}; INT iMessageBox(VOID) { _iRetval = 0; DialogBoxParam(_Module.GetResourceInstance(),MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MESSAGE_BOX_DLG),_hWnd,TMessageBoxDialog::SetupDlgProc,(LPARAM)this); return _iRetval; }; static INT_PTR CALLBACK SetupDlgProc(HWND hDlg,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
protected: VOID vSetDlgMsgResult(LONG_PTR lResult){SetWindowLongPtr( _hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (LPARAM)lResult);}; VOID vSetParentDlgMsgResult(LRESULT lResult){SetWindowLongPtr( GetParent( _hDlg ), DWLP_MSGRESULT, (LPARAM)lResult );};
private: //
// Copying and assignment are not defined.
TMessageBoxDialog(const TMessageBoxDialog &); TMessageBoxDialog & operator =(const TMessageBoxDialog &); BOOL bHandleMessage(IN UINT uMsg,IN WPARAM wParam,IN LPARAM lParam);
HWND _hDlg; HWND _hWnd; UINT _uFlags; LPCTSTR _pszTitle; LPCTSTR _pszMsg; INT _iRetval; PVOID _pRefData; pfHelpCallback _pCallback;