Copyright (c) 1994-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : shts.cpp
IIS Property sheet classes
Author: Ronald Meijer (ronaldm) Sergei Antonov (sergeia)
Project: Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
--*/ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "inetprop.h"
#include "InetMgrApp.h"
#include "shts.h"
#include "mime.h"
#include "iisobj.h"
#include "shutdown.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "tracker.h"
extern CPropertySheetTracker g_OpenPropertySheetTracker;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || DBG
extern CDebug_IISObject g_Debug_IISObject; #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// CInetPropertySheet class
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CInetPropertySheet, CPropertySheet)
CInetPropertySheet::CInetPropertySheet( CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo, LPCTSTR lpszMetaPath, CWnd * pParentWnd, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lParamParentObject, UINT iSelectPage ) /*++
Routine Description:
IIS Property Sheet constructor
CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo : Authentication information LPCTSTR lpszMetPath : Metabase path CWnd * pParentWnd : Optional parent window LPARAM lParam : MMC Console parameter UINT iSelectPage : Initial page to be selected
Return Value:
--*/ : CPropertySheet(_T(""), pParentWnd, iSelectPage), m_auth(pAuthInfo), m_strMetaPath(lpszMetaPath), m_dwInstance(0L), m_bModeless(FALSE), m_lParam(lParam), m_lParamParentObject(lParamParentObject), m_fHasAdminAccess(TRUE), // Assumed by default
m_pCap(NULL), m_refcount(0), m_prop_change_flag(PROP_CHANGE_NO_UPDATE), m_fRestartRequired(FALSE), m_fChanged(FALSE) { m_fIsMasterPath = CMetabasePath::IsMasterInstance(lpszMetaPath); CIISObject * pNode = (CIISObject *)m_lParam; CIISObject * pNode2 = (CIISObject *)m_lParamParentObject; ASSERT(pNode != NULL);
if (pNode) { // Tell the object that there is a property page open on it
pNode->SetMyPropertySheetOpen(::GetForegroundWindow()); } // Addref the object, so that it doesn't get unloaded
// while we have the property sheet open
pNode->AddRef(); pNode->CreateTag(); TRACEEOLID("Tag=" << pNode->m_strTag); // Add it to the global open property sheet tracker...
// And also.... Addref the objects parent, so that it doesn't get unloaded as well
if (pNode2) { pNode2->AddRef(); }
#if defined(_DEBUG) || DBG
g_Debug_IISObject.Dump(2); #endif
void CInetPropertySheet::NotifyMMC() /*++
Notify MMC that changes have been made, so that the changes are reflected. --*/ { ASSERT(m_lParam != 0L); CIISObject * pNode = (CIISObject *)m_lParam;
if (pNode != NULL) { if (pNode->m_ppHandle != NULL) { if ( 0 != (m_prop_change_flag & PROP_CHANGE_DISPLAY_ONLY) || 0 != (m_prop_change_flag & PROP_CHANGE_REENUM_VDIR) || 0 != (m_prop_change_flag & PROP_CHANGE_REENUM_FILES) ) { pNode->m_UpdateFlag = m_prop_change_flag;
// there is something bad about sending this pNode handle
// as part of the notification...
// the scenario is when
// 1. the property page is opened
// 2. the user refreshs a node that s a parent to the object
// which has the property page open. this will delete the
// scope object associated with this object, and will
// orphan the object.
// at this time, the cleaning of the scope object, will
// call release on the object once, but of course since
// we addref/release in the createproperty sheet stuff
// we are still protected from the object getting deleted
// from under us, thus we are at Refcount=1 or something like
// but with no scope/result object in MMC
// 3. now when the user clicks OK and saves changes to this
// orphaned property sheet and passes IT's handle allong
// with the change notification....
// 4. What happens next is -- since there is no MMC scope/result
// item -- thus there is only 1 refcount on the object.
// so when the user clicks OK -- really the object will
// Get DELETED... And this pNode that we are sending below
// will try to get dereferenced by the MMC.
// 5. the MMC will get the notification and get the pointer
// and try to call some refresh or something within the object
// itself.
// To remedy this, what we'll do is:
// 1. when a property sheet is about to get orphaned
// we will set it's m_hScopeItem = 0 (gee since it won't have
// a scope/result item anywas).
// 2. thus if we see that here... that means the object
// doesn't have a mmc type scope/result object and we
// should not send the notification
if (pNode->QueryScopeItem() || pNode->QueryResultItem()) { if (pNode->UseCount() > 0) { MMCPropertyChangeNotify(pNode->m_ppHandle, (LPARAM) pNode); m_prop_change_flag = PROP_CHANGE_NO_UPDATE; } } else { TRACEEOLID("MMCPropertyChangeNotify:Looks like this is an orphaned property sheet, don't send notification..."); } } } } }
void CInetPropertySheet::NotifyMMC_Node(CIISObject * pNode) /*++
Notify MMC that changes have been made, so that the changes are reflected. --*/ { if (pNode != NULL) { if (pNode->m_ppHandle != NULL) { pNode->m_UpdateFlag = m_prop_change_flag; if (pNode->QueryScopeItem() || pNode->QueryResultItem()) { if (pNode->UseCount() > 0) { MMCPropertyChangeNotify(pNode->m_ppHandle, (LPARAM)pNode); } } else { TRACEEOLID("MMCPropertyChangeNotify:Looks like this is an orphaned property sheet, don't send notification..."); } } } }
CInetPropertySheet::~CInetPropertySheet() { CIISObject * pNode = (CIISObject *)m_lParam; CIISObject * pNode2 = (CIISObject *)m_lParamParentObject; ASSERT(pNode != NULL);
// At this moment we should have in m_pages only pages that were not activated
// in this session.
while (!m_pages.IsEmpty()) { CInetPropertyPage * pPage = m_pages.RemoveHead(); delete pPage; } // if (m_fChanged)
// {
// NotifyMMC();
// }
#if defined(_DEBUG) || DBG
g_Debug_IISObject.Dump(2); #endif
if (pNode) { // Tell the object that there is No property page open on it
// Free the MMC notify handle
if (pNode->m_ppHandle) { // Verify that is isn't a hosed handle...
if (IsValidAddress( (const void*) pNode->m_ppHandle,sizeof(void*))) { MMCFreeNotifyHandle(pNode->m_ppHandle); pNode->m_ppHandle = 0; } } pNode->Release(); // Remove it from the global open property sheet tracker...
g_OpenPropertySheetTracker.Del(pNode); }
if (pNode2) { pNode2->Release(); }
#if defined(_DEBUG) || DBG
g_Debug_IISObject.Dump(2); #endif
void CInetPropertySheet::AttachPage(CInetPropertyPage * pPage) { m_pages.AddTail(pPage); }
void CInetPropertySheet::DetachPage(CInetPropertyPage * pPage) { POSITION pos = m_pages.Find(pPage); ASSERT(pos != NULL); if (pos != NULL) { m_fChanged |= pPage->IsDirty(); m_pages.RemoveAt(pos); } }
WORD CInetPropertySheet::QueryMajorVersion() const { CIISMBNode * pNode = (CIISMBNode *)m_lParam; ASSERT(pNode != NULL); if (pNode) { return pNode->QueryMajorVersion(); } return 0; }
WORD CInetPropertySheet::QueryMinorVersion() const { CIISMBNode * pNode = (CIISMBNode *)m_lParam; ASSERT(pNode != NULL); if (pNode) { return pNode->QueryMinorVersion(); } return 0; }
/* virtual */ void CInetPropertySheet::SetObjectsHwnd() { CIISMBNode * pNode = (CIISMBNode *)m_lParam; // Set the hwnd for the CIISObject...
if (pNode) { // Tell the object that there is a property page open on it
pNode->SetMyPropertySheetOpen(::GetForegroundWindow()); } }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CInetPropertySheet::LoadConfigurationParameters() { //
// Load base values
CError err;
if (m_pCap == NULL) { //
// Capability info stored off the service path ("lm/w3svc").
ASSERT(m_strInfoPath.IsEmpty()); //
// Building path components
CMetabasePath::GetServiceInfoPath(m_strMetaPath, m_strInfoPath); //
// Split into instance and directory paths
if (IsMasterInstance()) { m_strServicePath = m_strInstancePath = QueryMetaPath(); } else { VERIFY(CMetabasePath::GetInstancePath( QueryMetaPath(), m_strInstancePath, &m_strDirectoryPath ));
VERIFY(CMetabasePath::GetServicePath( QueryMetaPath(), m_strServicePath )); }
if (m_strDirectoryPath.IsEmpty() && !IsMasterInstance()) { m_strDirectoryPath = CMetabasePath(FALSE, QueryMetaPath(), g_cszRoot); } else { m_strDirectoryPath = QueryMetaPath(); } m_dwInstance = CMetabasePath::GetInstanceNumber(m_strMetaPath); m_pCap = new CServerCapabilities(QueryAuthInfo(), m_strInfoPath); if (!m_pCap) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return err; }
err = m_pCap->LoadData(); if (err.Succeeded()) { CIISMBNode * pNode = (CIISMBNode *)GetParameter(); CIISMachine * pMachine = pNode->GetOwner(); err = DetermineAdminAccess(&pMachine->m_dwMetabaseSystemChangeNumber); } } return err; }
/* virtual */ void CInetPropertySheet::FreeConfigurationParameters() { // ASSERT_PTR(m_pCap);
SAFE_DELETE(m_pCap); }
void CInetPropertySheet::WinHelp(DWORD dwData, UINT nCmd) /*++
Routine Description: WinHelp override. We can't use the base class, because our 'sheet' doesn't usually have a window handle
Arguments: DWORD dwData : Help data UINT nCmd : Help command
--*/ {
if (m_hWnd == NULL) { /*
// Special case
::WinHelp( HWND hWndMain, LPCWSTR lpszHelp, UINT uCommand, DWORD dwData ); */
CWnd * pWnd = ::AfxGetMainWnd();
if (pWnd != NULL) { pWnd->WinHelp(dwData, nCmd); }
return; }
CPropertySheet::WinHelp(dwData, nCmd); }
// Message Map
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CInetPropertySheet, CPropertySheet) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CInetPropertySheet)
// CInetPropertyPage class
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// CInetPropertyPage property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CInetPropertyPage, CPropertyPage)
#ifdef _DEBUG
/* virtual */ void CInetPropertyPage::AssertValid() const { }
/* virtual */ void CInetPropertyPage::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { }
#endif // _DEBUG
CInetPropertyPage::CInetPropertyPage( IN UINT nIDTemplate, IN CInetPropertySheet * pSheet, IN UINT nIDCaption, IN BOOL fEnableEnhancedFonts OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
IIS Property Page Constructor
UINT nIDTemplate : Resource template CInetPropertySheet * pSheet : Associated property sheet UINT nIDCaption : Caption ID BOOL fEnableEnhancedFonts : Enable enhanced fonts
Return Value:
--*/ : CPropertyPage(nIDTemplate, nIDCaption), m_nHelpContext(nIDTemplate + 0x20000), m_fEnableEnhancedFonts(fEnableEnhancedFonts), m_bChanged(FALSE), m_pSheet(pSheet) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CInetPropertyPage)
m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_HASHELP;
ASSERT(m_pSheet != NULL); if (m_pSheet) { m_pSheet->AttachPage(this); } }
CInetPropertyPage::~CInetPropertyPage() { }
void CInetPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX);
/* virtual */ void CInetPropertyPage::PostNcDestroy() /*++
Routine Description:
handle destruction of the window by freeing the this pointer (as this modeless dialog must have been created on the heap)
Return Value:
--*/ { m_pSheet->Release(this); delete this; }
// Message Map
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CInetPropertyPage, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CInetPropertyPage)
// Message Handlers
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
/* virtual */ BOOL CInetPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() /*++
Routine Description: WM_INITDIALOG handler. Initialize the dialog. Reset changed status (sometimes gets set by e.g. spinboxes when the dialog is constructed), so make sure the dialog is considered clean.
--*/ { m_bChanged = FALSE;
// Tell derived class to load its configuration parameters
CError err(LoadConfigurationParameters());
// Tell the object which Hwnd it will have.
if (m_pSheet) { m_pSheet->SetObjectsHwnd(); }
if (err.Succeeded()) { err = FetchLoadedValues(); } else { // EndDialog(IDCANCEL);
DestroyWindow(); return TRUE; }
BOOL bResult = CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
if (m_fEnableEnhancedFonts) { CFont * pFont = &m_fontBold;
if (CreateSpecialDialogFont(this, pFont)) { ApplyFontToControls(this, pFont, IDC_ED_BOLD1, IDC_ED_BOLD5); } }
// We should call AddRef here, not in page constructor, because PostNCDestroy()
// is getting called only for pages that were activated, not for all created pages.
// OnInitDialog is also called for activated pages only -- so we will get parity
// and delete property sheet.
ASSERT(m_pSheet != NULL); if (m_pSheet) { m_pSheet->AddRef(); } return bResult; }
void CInetPropertyPage::OnHelp() { ASSERT_PTR(m_pSheet);
m_pSheet->WinHelp(m_nHelpContext); }
BOOL CInetPropertyPage::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO * pHelpInfo) { OnHelp(); return TRUE; }
void CInetPropertyPage::OnCancel() { return CPropertyPage::OnCancel(); }
BOOL CInetPropertyPage::OnApply() { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
if (IsDirty()) { CError err(SaveInfo());
if (err.MessageBoxOnFailure(m_hWnd)) { //
// Failed, sheet will not be dismissed.
// CODEWORK: This page should be activated.
bSuccess = FALSE; }
SetModified(!bSuccess); if (bSuccess && GetSheet()->RestartRequired()) { // ask user about immediate restart
CIISMBNode * pNode = (CIISMBNode *)m_pSheet->GetParameter(); CIISMachine * pMachine = pNode->GetOwner(); if (IDYES == ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_ASK_TO_RESTART, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION)) { // restart IIS
if (pMachine != NULL) { pMachine->AddRef(); CIISShutdownDlg dlg(pMachine, this); dlg.PerformCommand(ISC_RESTART, FALSE); bSuccess = dlg.ServicesWereRestarted(); pMachine->Release(); err = pMachine->CreateInterface(TRUE); bSuccess = err.Succeeded(); } } else { // user didn't want to restart iis services
// at least let's update the UI
pMachine->RefreshData(); } // mark restart required false to suppress it on other pages
m_pSheet->NotifyMMC_Node(pMachine); m_pSheet->SetRestartRequired(FALSE, PROP_CHANGE_NO_UPDATE); m_pSheet->ResetNotifyFlag(); } // This call will do nothing if we were in restart code path, at the end of this
// notify flag was reset
m_pSheet->NotifyMMC(); }
return bSuccess; }
void CInetPropertyPage::SetModified(BOOL bChanged) { CPropertyPage::SetModified(bChanged); m_bChanged = bChanged; }