Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
ODBC Request class used for ODBC requests from a query file
John Ludeman (johnl) 22-Feb-1995
Revision History:
MuraliK 25-Aug-1995 Fixed a heap corruption problem Phillich 24-Jan-1996 Fixed nested Ifs problem
#include "precomp.hxx"
// Accumulate and output data in chunks of this size
// This is the maximum value for the expires time. It's 10 years in seconds
#define MAX_EXPIRES_TIME 0x12cc0300
// The special tag names for marking the beginning and ending of the
// special tag sections
#define BEGIN_DETAIL_TEXT "begindetail"
#define END_DETAIL_TEXT "enddetail"
#define IF_TEXT "if"
#define ELSE_TEXT "else"
#define END_IF_TEXT "endif"
// Character set that SQL statement has to have to be valid
#define FULLCHARSET " ;([{\"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a \
\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15 \ \x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f"
// Some important and dangerous SQL keywords
CHAR * g_pSQLKeywords[] = { "ALTER", "CREATE", "DELETE", "DROP", "EXEC", "INSERT", "SELECT", "UPDATE", NULL };
// Does a case insensitive compare of a .idc field name
#define COMP_FIELD( pchName, pchField, cch ) ((toupper(*(pchName)) == \
toupper(*(pchField))) && \ !_strnicmp( (pchName), (pchField), (cch)))
// Given a pointer to a token, skips to the next white space
// delimited token
#define NEXT_TOKEN( pchToken ) SkipWhite( SkipNonWhite( pchToken ) )
ALLOC_CACHE_HANDLER * ODBC_REQ::sm_pachOdbcRequests;
// Globals
extern BOOL g_fIsSystemDBCS; // Is this system DBCS?
// Local Function Prototypes
HRESULT DoSynchronousReadFile( IN HANDLE hFile, IN PCHAR Buffer, IN DWORD nBuffer, OUT PDWORD nRead, IN LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped );
HRESULT GetFileData( IN const CHAR * pchFile, OUT BYTE * * ppbData, OUT DWORD * pcbData, IN int nCharset, IN BOOL fUseWin32Canon );
HRESULT SetOdbcOptions( ODBC_CONNECTION * pOdbcConn, STRA * pStrOptions );
HRESULT BuildMultiValue( const CHAR * pchValue, STRA * pstrMulti, BOOL fQuoteElements );
HRESULT PreProcParams( CHAR ** ppchValue, STRA * pstrValue );
BOOL SQLKeywordInParam( CHAR * pchParam );
const CHAR * SkipNonWhite( const CHAR * pch );
const CHAR * SkipTo( const CHAR * pch, CHAR ch );
const CHAR * SkipWhite( const CHAR * pch );
ODBC_REQ::ODBC_REQ( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pECB, DWORD csecConnPool, int nCharset ) : _dwSignature ( ODBC_REQ_SIGNATURE ), _pECB ( pECB ), _cchMaxFieldSize ( 0 ), _cMaxRecords ( 0xffffffff ), _cCurrentRecordNum ( 0 ), _cClientParams ( 0 ), _podbcstmt ( NULL ), _podbcconnPool ( NULL ), _cbQueryFile ( 0 ), _cNestedIfs ( 0 ), _fDirect ( FALSE ), _fValid ( FALSE ), _pbufOut ( NULL ), _csecExpires ( 0 ), _csecExpiresAt ( 0 ), _pstrValues ( NULL ), _pcbValues ( NULL ), _cQueries ( 0 ), _csecConnPool ( csecConnPool ), _pSecDesc ( NULL ), _pstrCols ( NULL ), _nCharset ( nCharset ) {}
ODBC_REQ::~ODBC_REQ() { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
if ( _podbcstmt ) { delete _podbcstmt; _podbcstmt = NULL; }
if ( _pbufOut ) { delete _pbufOut; _pbufOut = NULL; }
if ( _pSecDesc ) { LocalFree( _pSecDesc ); _pSecDesc = NULL; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::Create( CONST CHAR * pszQueryFile, CONST CHAR * pszParameters ) { HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
hr = _strQueryFile.Copy( pszQueryFile ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying QueryFile name, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
hr = _plParams.ParsePairs( pszParameters, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error parsing param pairs, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
if ( _strQueryFile.IsValid() ) { _fValid = TRUE; }
_cClientParams = _plParams.GetCount();
return hr; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::OpenQueryFile( BOOL * pfAccessDenied ) { CHAR * pchQueryFile; HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
hr = GetFileData( _strQueryFile.QueryStr(), (BYTE **) &pchQueryFile, &_cbQueryFile, _nCharset, TRUE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { STRA strError; LPCSTR apsz[1];
apsz[0] = _pECB->lpszPathInfo;
strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_QUERY_FILE_NOT_FOUND, apsz, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr() );
DWORD dwE = GetLastError(); if ( dwE == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || dwE == ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE ) { *pfAccessDenied = TRUE; }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in GetFileData(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
// CODEWORK - It is possible to avoid this copy by not modifying the
// contents of the query file. Would save a buffer copy
if( !_bufQueryFile.Resize( _cbQueryFile ) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
memcpy( _bufQueryFile.QueryPtr(), pchQueryFile, _cbQueryFile );
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::ParseAndQuery( CHAR * pszLoggedOnUser ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method parses the query file and executes the SQL statement
pchLoggedOnUser - The NT user account this user is running under
Return Value:
--*/ { STACK_STRA( strDatasource, 64 ); STACK_STRA( strUsername, 64 ); STACK_STRA( strPassword, 64 ); CHAR * pch; CHAR * pchEnd; CHAR * pszField; CHAR * pszValue; VOID * pCookie = NULL; DWORD csecPoolConnection = _csecConnPool; BOOL fRetried; HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// We don't allow some security related parameters to be
// specified from the client so remove those now
_plParams.RemoveEntry( "REMOTE_USER" ); _plParams.RemoveEntry( "LOGON_USER" ); _plParams.RemoveEntry( "AUTH_USER" );
// Do a quick Scan for the DefaultParameters value to fill
// in the blanks in the parameter list from the web browser
{ pch = (CHAR *) _bufQueryFile.QueryPtr(); pchEnd = pch + strlen(pch);
ODBC_PARSER Parser( (CHAR *) _bufQueryFile.QueryPtr() );
while ( ( pszField = Parser.QueryToken() ) < pchEnd ) { if ( COMP_FIELD( "DefaultParameters:", pszField, 18 )) { Parser.SkipTo( ':' ); Parser += 1; Parser.EatWhite();
hr = _plParams.ParsePairs( Parser.QueryLine(), TRUE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error parsing param pairs, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
break; }
Parser.NextLine(); } }
// Replace any %XXX% fields with the corresponding parameter.
// Note we reassign pch in case of a pointer shift during
// ReplaceParams
hr = ReplaceParams( &_bufQueryFile, &_plParams ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in ReplaceParams(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
pch = (CHAR *) _bufQueryFile.QueryPtr(); pchEnd = pch + strlen(pch);
// Loop through the fields looking for values we recognize
{ ODBC_PARSER Parser( pch );
while ( (pszField = Parser.QueryToken()) < pchEnd ) { //
// Ignore blank lines and Ctrl-Zs
if ( !*pszField || *pszField == 0x1a) { Parser.NextLine(); continue; }
Parser.SkipTo( ':' ); Parser += 1; Parser.EatWhite();
// Ignore comment fields
if ( *pszField == '#' || *pszField == ';' ) { Parser.NextLine(); continue; }
if ( COMP_FIELD( "Datasource:", pszField, 11 )) { hr = Parser.CopyToEOL( &strDatasource ); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "Username:", pszField, 9 )) { hr = Parser.CopyToEOL( &strUsername ); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "Password:", pszField, 9 )) { hr = Parser.CopyToEOL( &strPassword ); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "Template:", pszField, 9 )) { hr = Parser.CopyToEOL( &_strTemplateFile );
// Specifying a template of "Direct" means return the
// first column of data as raw data to the client
if ( !_stricmp( _strTemplateFile.QueryStr(), "Direct" )) { _fDirect = TRUE; } } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "MaxFieldSize:", pszField, 13 )) { _cchMaxFieldSize = atoi( Parser.QueryPos() ); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "MaxRecords:", pszField, 11 )) { _cMaxRecords = atoi( Parser.QueryPos() ); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "RequiredParameters:", pszField, 12 )) { hr = _plReqParams.ParseSimpleList( Parser.QueryLine() ); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "Content-Type:", pszField, 13 )) { hr = Parser.CopyToEOL( &_strContentType ); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "DefaultParameters:", pszField, 18 )) { //
// Ignore, already processed
} else if ( COMP_FIELD( "Expires:", pszField, 8 )) { // _csecExpires = min( (DWORD) atoi( Parser.QueryPos() ),
} else if ( COMP_FIELD( "ODBCOptions:", pszField, 12 )) { hr = Parser.CopyToEOL( &_strOdbcOptions ); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "ODBCConnection:", pszField, 15 )) { //
// Is there an override to the default?
if ( !_strnicmp( Parser.QueryToken(), "Pool", 4 )) { if ( !csecPoolConnection ) { // This is bogus - if somebody has turned off connection
// pooling on the vroot and enabled it in the idc,
// there's no defined way to set the timeout
// need to add a timeout here
csecPoolConnection = 30; } } else if ( !_strnicmp( Parser.QueryToken(), "NoPool", 6 )) { csecPoolConnection = 0; } } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "SQLStatement:", pszField, 13 )) { if ( _cQueries >= MAX_QUERIES ) { STRA strError; strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_TOO_MANY_SQL_STATEMENTS, NULL, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A );
SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr() );
return E_FAIL; }
for( ; ; ) { hr = _strQueries[_cQueries].Append( Parser.QueryLine() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appeinding value, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
// Line continuation is signified by putting a '+' at
// the beginning of the line
if ( *Parser.QueryLine() == '+' ) { hr = _strQueries[_cQueries].Append( " " ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending space, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
Parser += 1; } else { //
// Ignore blank line
if ( !*Parser.QueryLine() && Parser.QueryLine() < pchEnd ) { continue; } break; }
_cQueries++; continue; } else if ( COMP_FIELD( IDC_FIELDNAME_CHARSET, pszField, sizeof(IDC_FIELDNAME_CHARSET)-1 )) { //
// Ignore "Charset:" field
Parser.NextLine(); continue; } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "TranslationFile:", pszField, 16 )) { hr = Parser.CopyToEOL( &_strTranslationFile ); } else { //
// Unrecognized field, generate an error
STRA strError; LPCSTR apsz[1];
apsz[0] = pszField;
SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr() );
hr = E_FAIL; }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
Parser.NextLine(); } }
// Make sure the Datasource and SQLStatement fields are non-empty
if ( strDatasource.IsEmpty() || !_cQueries || _strQueries[0].IsEmpty() ) { STRA strError; strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_DSN_AND_SQLSTATEMENT_REQ, NULL, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A );
SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr() );
return E_FAIL; }
// Make sure all of the required parameters have been supplied
while ( pCookie = _plReqParams.NextPair( pCookie, &pszField, &pszValue )) { if ( !_plParams.FindValue( pszField )) { STRA strError; LPCSTR apsz[1];
apsz[0] = pszField;
if ( FAILED( hr = strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_MISSING_REQ_PARAM, apsz, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ))) { return hr; }
// Set the error text to return the user and indicate we
// couldn't continue the operation
SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr() );
return E_FAIL; } }
// Don't retry the connection/query if not pooling. The reason
// we do the retry is to report the error that occurred (this
// requires the ODBC connection object).
fRetried = csecPoolConnection == 0;
// Open the database
if ( FAILED( OpenConnection( &_odbcconn, &_podbcconnPool, csecPoolConnection, strDatasource.QueryStr(), strUsername.QueryStr(), strPassword.QueryStr(), pszLoggedOnUser ) ) || FAILED( SetOdbcOptions( QueryOdbcConnection(), &_strOdbcOptions ) ) || !( _podbcstmt = QueryOdbcConnection()->AllocStatement() ) || FAILED( _podbcstmt->ExecDirect( _strQueries[0].QueryStr(), _strQueries[0].QueryCCH() ) ) ) { //
// Delete the pooled connection and retry the open
if ( csecPoolConnection ) { delete _podbcstmt; _podbcstmt = NULL;
CloseConnection( _podbcconnPool, TRUE );
_podbcconnPool = NULL; csecPoolConnection = 0; }
if ( !fRetried ) { fRetried = TRUE; goto RetryConnection; }
return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::OutputResults( ODBC_REQ_CALLBACK pfnCallback, PVOID pvContext, STRA * pstrHeaders, ODBC_REQ_HEADER pfnSendHeader, BOOL fIsAuth, BOOL * pfAccessDenied ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method reads the template file and does the necessary result set column substitution
pfnCallback - Send callback function pvContext - Context for send callback
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD cbOut; DWORD BytesRead = 0; DWORD cbToSend; BOOL fLastRow = FALSE; const CHAR * pchStartDetail; const CHAR * pchIn; const CHAR * pchEOF; const CHAR * pchBOF = NULL; CHAR * pchTag; const CHAR * pchValue; DWORD cbValue; enum TAG_TYPE TagType; DWORD err; BOOL fTriedRelative = FALSE; BOOL fExpr; STRA strError; const CHAR * CharacterMap[256]; BOOL fMoreResults; BOOL fHaveResultSet = FALSE; DWORD iQuery = 1; HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// Set up the first buffer in the output chain
if ( !_pbufOut ) { _pbufOut = new BUFFER_CHAIN_ITEM( OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE );
if ( !_pbufOut || !_pbufOut->QueryPtr() ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } }
if ( !_fDirect ) { CHAR * pchLastSlash; STACK_STRA( str, MAX_PATH );
TryAgain: //
// Open and read the template file (automatically zero terminated)
hr = GetFileData( ( fTriedRelative ? str.QueryStr() : _strTemplateFile.QueryStr() ), ( BYTE ** )&pchBOF, &BytesRead, _nCharset, TRUE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// If the open fails with a not found error, then make the
// template file relative to the query file and try again
if ( fTriedRelative || ( ( GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) && ( GetLastError() != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) ) || FAILED( str.Copy( _strQueryFile ) ) ) { LPCSTR apsz[1]; DWORD dwE = GetLastError();
apsz[0] = _strTemplateFile.QueryStr();
strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_QUERY_FILE_NOT_FOUND, apsz, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr() );
if ( ( dwE == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || dwE == ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE) ) { *pfAccessDenied = TRUE; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwE ); }
if (!pfnSendHeader( pvContext, "500 IDC Query Error", pstrHeaders->QueryStr() )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in SendHeader(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
goto ErrorExit; }
pchLastSlash = ( PCHAR )_mbsrchr( ( PUCHAR )str.QueryStr(), '\\' );
if ( !pchLastSlash ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); }
str.SetLen( DIFF(pchLastSlash - str.QueryStr()) + 1 );
hr = str.Append( _strTemplateFile ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending template file name, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
fTriedRelative = TRUE; goto TryAgain; } else { //
// Update our template file path if it changed
if ( fTriedRelative ) { hr = _strTemplateFile.Copy( str ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error updating template file path, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; } } } }
// Open the translation file if one was specified
if ( !_strTranslationFile.IsEmpty() ) { CHAR * pchLastSlash; CHAR * pchTranslationFile; STACK_STRA( str, MAX_PATH ); VOID * pvCookie = NULL; CHAR * pchField; DWORD cbRead = 0;
fTriedRelative = FALSE;
TranslationTryAgain: //
// Open and read the template file (automatically zero terminated)
hr = GetFileData( ( fTriedRelative ? str.QueryStr() : _strTranslationFile.QueryStr()), ( BYTE ** )&pchTranslationFile, &cbRead, _nCharset, TRUE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// If the open fails with a not found error, then make the
// template file relative to the query file and try again
if ( fTriedRelative || ( GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && GetLastError() != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) || FAILED( str.Copy( _strQueryFile ) ) ) { LPCSTR apsz[1]; DWORD dwE = GetLastError();
apsz[0] = _strTranslationFile.QueryStr();
strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_QUERY_FILE_NOT_FOUND, apsz, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr());
if ( ( dwE == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || dwE == ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE ) ) { *pfAccessDenied = TRUE; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwE ); }
goto ErrorExit; }
pchLastSlash = (PCHAR)_mbsrchr( ( PUCHAR )str.QueryStr(), '\\' );
if ( !pchLastSlash ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); }
str.SetLen( DIFF(pchLastSlash - str.QueryStr()) + 1 );
hr = str.Append( _strTranslationFile ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending translation file name, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
fTriedRelative = TRUE; goto TranslationTryAgain; } else { //
// Update our template file path if it changed
if ( fTriedRelative ) { hr = _strTranslationFile.Copy( str ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } } }
hr = _plTransList.ParsePairs( pchTranslationFile, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in ParsePairs(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
// Build the character map
memset( CharacterMap, 0, sizeof( CharacterMap ) );
while ( pvCookie = _plTransList.NextPair( pvCookie, &pchField, (LPSTR *)&pchValue )) { CharacterMap[ (BYTE) *pchField ] = pchValue; } }
// We've already performed the first query at this point
// Get the list of column names in the initial result set.
// The initial set must be initialized for compatibility
// with previous versions of IDC (i.e., column variables
// can be referenced outside the detail section ).
hr = _podbcstmt->QueryColNames( &_pstrCols, &_cCols, _cchMaxFieldSize, &fHaveResultSet ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in QueryColNames, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
if ( !fHaveResultSet ) { //
// Check to see if there are anymore result sets for this query
hr = _podbcstmt->MoreResults( &fMoreResults ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in MoreResults, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
if ( fMoreResults ) { goto NextResultSet; } else if ( iQuery < _cQueries ) { //
// If there are no more result sets, see if there
// are more queries. Note calling SQLMoreResults
// will discard this result set
hr = _podbcstmt->ExecDirect( _strQueries[iQuery].QueryStr(), _strQueries[iQuery].QueryCCH() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in ExecDirect(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
goto NextResultSet; } }
// Get the first row of values
hr = NextRow( &fLastRow ); if ( fHaveResultSet && FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// Some SQL statements don't generate any rows (i.e.,
// insert, delete etc.). So don't bail if there's a column in
// the result set
if ( !_cCols ) { return hr; } }
// Send reply header
if (!pfnSendHeader( pvContext, "200 OK", pstrHeaders->QueryStr() )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in SendHeader(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
// Copy the template to the output buffer while scanning for column
// fields that need to be replaced
#define SEND_DATA( pchData, cbData ) SendData( pfnCallback, \
pvContext, \ (pchData), \ (DWORD)(cbData), \ &_pbufOut, \ &cbOut )
#define SEND_DATA_CHECK_ESC( pchData, cbData ) \
((TagType == TAG_TYPE_VALUE_TO_ESCAPE) \ ? SendEscapedData( pfnCallback, \ pvContext, \ pchData, \ (DWORD)(cbData), \ &cbOut ) \ : SEND_DATA( pchData, \ (DWORD)(cbData) ) )
cbOut = 0; pchStartDetail = NULL;
if( pchBOF == NULL ) { return E_FAIL; }
pchIn = pchBOF; pchEOF = pchBOF + BytesRead;
while ( pchIn < pchEOF ) { //
// Look for the start of a "<!--%" or <%" tag
pchTag = strchr( pchIn, '<' );
if ( pchTag ) { //
// Send any data preceding the tag
cbToSend = DIFF(pchTag - pchIn);
hr = SEND_DATA( pchIn, cbToSend ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
pchIn += cbToSend;
if ( !memcmp( pchTag, "<!--%", 5 ) || !memcmp( pchTag, "<%", 2 ) ) { //
// Is this a tag we care about? pchIn is advanced
// except in the unknown case
LookupTag( pchTag, &pchIn, &pchValue, &cbValue, &TagType );
switch( TagType ) { case TAG_TYPE_VALUE: case TAG_TYPE_VALUE_TO_ESCAPE:
// Map any characters if there was a translation file
if ( _strTranslationFile.IsEmpty() ) { hr = SEND_DATA_CHECK_ESC( pchValue, (DWORD) -1 ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending esc data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; } } else { const CHAR * pchStart = pchValue;
while ( *pchValue ) { if ( CharacterMap[ (BYTE) *pchValue ] ) { hr = SEND_DATA_CHECK_ESC( pchStart, pchValue - pchStart ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
hr = SEND_DATA_CHECK_ESC( CharacterMap[ (BYTE) *pchValue], (DWORD) -1 ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
pchStart = pchValue = pchValue + 1; } else { pchValue++; } }
hr = SEND_DATA_CHECK_ESC( pchStart, pchValue - pchStart ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; } }
// If we don't have a result set, get one now
if ( !fHaveResultSet ) { fLastRow = TRUE; _podbcstmt->FreeColumnMemory(); _cCurrentRecordNum = 0; _pstrCols = _pstrValues = NULL;
NextResultSet2: hr = _podbcstmt->MoreResults( &fMoreResults ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in MoreResults(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
if ( fMoreResults ) { NewQuery: hr = _podbcstmt->QueryColNames( &_pstrCols, &_cCols, _cchMaxFieldSize, &fHaveResultSet ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in QueryColNames, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
if ( !fHaveResultSet ) goto NextResultSet2;
hr = NextRow( &fLastRow ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// Some SQL statements don't generate
// any rows (i.e., insert, delete etc.).
// So don't bail if there's a column in
// the result set
if ( !_cCols ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in NextRow(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; } } } else if ( iQuery < _cQueries ) { //
// If there are no more result sets, see if
// there are more queries. Note calling
// SQLMoreResults will discard this result
// set
hr = _podbcstmt->ExecDirect( _strQueries[iQuery].QueryStr(), _strQueries[iQuery].QueryCCH() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in ExecDirect(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
goto NewQuery; } }
if ( !fLastRow ) { pchStartDetail = pchIn; } else { //
// If no more data, then skip the detail section
SkipToTag( &pchIn, END_DETAIL_TEXT );
fHaveResultSet = FALSE; }
hr = NextRow( &fLastRow ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in NextRow(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); return hr; }
if ( !fLastRow && _cCurrentRecordNum < _cMaxRecords ) { pchIn = pchStartDetail; } else { fHaveResultSet = FALSE; }
// pchIn points to the first character of the
// expression on the way in, the first character
// after the tag on the way out
hr = EvaluateExpression( (const CHAR **)&pchIn, &fExpr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in EvaluateExpression(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
// If the expression is FALSE, then skip the
// intervening data till the endif tag
if ( !fExpr ) { //
// Look for a closing else or endif
if ( SkipConditionalBlock( &pchIn, pchEOF, ELSE_TEXT ) ) { _cNestedIfs++; } } else { _cNestedIfs++; } break;
if ( _cNestedIfs == 0 ) { //
// else w/o an if
strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_TOO_MANY_ELSES, NULL, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr());
goto ErrorExit; }
// We got here because we just finished processing a
// TRUE expression, so skip the else portion of the if
SkipConditionalBlock( &pchIn, pchEOF, NULL );
_cNestedIfs--; break;
if ( _cNestedIfs == 0 ) { //
// endif w/o an if
strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_TOO_MANY_ENDIFS, NULL, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr());
goto ErrorExit; }
_cNestedIfs--; break;
default: case TAG_TYPE_UNKNOWN: goto UnknownTag;
} } else { UnknownTag: //
// Move past the beginning of the tag so the next
// search skips this tag
hr = SEND_DATA( pchIn, 1 ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
pchIn += 1; } } else { //
// No more tags, copy the rest of the data to the output
// buffer.
hr = SEND_DATA( pchIn, (DWORD) -1 ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
break; } }
// Send the last of the data and append the last buffer chain
// if we're caching
err = pfnCallback( pvContext, (CHAR *)_pbufOut->QueryPtr(), cbOut );
if ( err ) { SetLastError( err ); goto ErrorExit; }
return S_OK;
// We've already sent the HTTP headers at this point, so just
// append the error text to the end of this document.
{ STRA str; if ( !GetLastErrorText( &strError ) ) { return E_FAIL; } hr = str.Append( "<h1>Error performing operation</h1>"); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending error msg, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
hr = str.Append( strError ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending error msg, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
hr = str.Append( "</body>" ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending error msg, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
err = pfnCallback( pvContext, str.QueryStr(), str.QueryCB() );
if ( err ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::NextRow( BOOL * pfLast ) /*++
Routine Description:
Advances the result set to the next row
pfLast - Set to TRUE if there is no more data
Return Value:
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
return _podbcstmt->QueryValuesAsStr( &_pstrValues, &_pcbValues, pfLast ); }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::ReplaceParams( BUFFER * pbufFile, PARAM_LIST* pParamList ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method looks at the query file and replaces any occurrences of %xxx% with the specified replacement value from pszParams
pbufFile - Contents of file buffer ParamList - List of parameters to replace in the query file
Return Value:
--*/ { CHAR * pch; BOOL fIsMultiValue = FALSE; CHAR * pchValue; CHAR * pchTag; CHAR * pchTerm; CHAR * pchOldPointer; CHAR * pchQuoteOrPercent; STACK_STRA( strMultiValue, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRA( strQuotedValue, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRA( strDoubleValue, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRA( strUpperParam, MAX_PATH ); DWORD cbFile; DWORD cbTag; DWORD cbValue; HRESULT hr; CHAR szSymbolValue[ 256 ]; CHAR * achSymbolValue = szSymbolValue; DWORD dwSymbolValue = sizeof( szSymbolValue ); BOOL fInQuote = FALSE;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// Scan the query file looking for %xxx% replacements
pch = pchOldPointer = (CHAR *) pbufFile->QueryPtr(); cbFile = strlen( pch ) + sizeof( CHAR );
while ( *pch ) { if( pchQuoteOrPercent = strpbrk( pch, "\'%" ) ) { if( *pchQuoteOrPercent == '\'' ) { //
// fInQuote always presents if the next tag is
// in quote or not
fInQuote = !fInQuote; pch = pchQuoteOrPercent + 1; continue; } else { pchTag = pchQuoteOrPercent;
if( pchTerm = strchr( pchTag + 1, '%' ) ) { *pchTerm = '\0';
// Was this a '%' escape (i.e., '%%')?
if ( (pchTag + 1) == pchTerm ) { pchValue = "%"; goto Found; }
// Look through the replacement list for a matching param
pchValue = pParamList->FindValue( pchTag + 1, &fIsMultiValue );
if ( !pchValue ) { //
// Check to see if it's something the client has
// defined
if( _pECB->GetServerVariable( _pECB->ConnID, pchTag + 1, achSymbolValue, &dwSymbolValue ) ) { hr = _strSymbolValue.Copy( achSymbolValue, dwSymbolValue ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying symbol value, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
pchValue = _strSymbolValue.QueryStr(); fIsMultiValue = FALSE; goto Found; } if( dwSymbolValue > sizeof( szSymbolValue ) ) { achSymbolValue = ( CHAR * )LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, dwSymbolValue ); if( !achSymbolValue ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
if( _pECB->GetServerVariable( _pECB->ConnID, pchTag + 1, achSymbolValue, &dwSymbolValue ) ) { hr = _strSymbolValue.Copy( achSymbolValue, dwSymbolValue );
LocalFree( achSymbolValue );
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying symbol value, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
pchValue = _strSymbolValue.QueryStr(); fIsMultiValue = FALSE; goto Found; }
LocalFree( achSymbolValue ); }
// We didn't find a match, nuke the tag
memmove( pchTag, pchTerm + 1, strlen( pchTerm + 1 ) + sizeof( CHAR ) );
pch = pchTag; continue; }
Found: //
// Pre-process the params
hr = PreProcParams( &pchValue, &strDoubleValue ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
if ( fIsMultiValue ) { hr = BuildMultiValue( pchValue, &strMultiValue, fInQuote ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in BuildMultiValue(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
pchValue = strMultiValue.QueryStr(); }
// Get an upper case of the paramter
hr = strUpperParam.Copy( pchValue ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
_strupr( strUpperParam.QueryStr() );
// If we find dangerous chars or SQL keywords in the
// params, we will single quote the params as a sql
// string if the tag is not quoted.
if( !fInQuote && ( SQLKeywordInParam( strUpperParam.QueryStr() ) || strpbrk( pchValue, FULLCHARSET ) ) ) { hr = strQuotedValue.Append( "\'" ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
hr = strQuotedValue.Append( pchValue ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
hr = strQuotedValue.Append( "\'" ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
pchValue = strQuotedValue.QueryStr(); }
// We have a match, replace the tag with the value.
// Note we count the surrounding '%'s with cbTag.
cbTag = DIFF( pchTerm - pchTag ) + sizeof( CHAR ); cbValue = strlen( pchValue );
if ( cbValue > cbTag ) { //
// Resize if needed but watch for pointer shift
if ( pbufFile->QuerySize() < (cbFile + cbValue - cbTag)) { if ( !pbufFile->Resize( cbFile + cbValue - cbTag, 512 ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error resizing the buffer.\n" ));
if ( pbufFile->QueryPtr() != pchOldPointer ) { CHAR * pchNewPointer = ( CHAR * ) pbufFile->QueryPtr(); DWORD cchLen = strlen( pchNewPointer);
pch = pchNewPointer + ( pch - pchOldPointer ); pchTag = pchNewPointer + ( pchTag - pchOldPointer ); pchTerm = pchNewPointer + ( pchTerm - pchOldPointer ); pchOldPointer = pchNewPointer;
DBG_ASSERT( pch >= pchNewPointer && pch < pchNewPointer + cchLen); DBG_ASSERT( pchTag >= pchNewPointer && pchTag < pchNewPointer + cchLen); DBG_ASSERT( pchTerm >= pchNewPointer && pchTerm <= pchNewPointer + cchLen); } }
// Expand the space for the value
memmove( pchTerm + 1 + cbValue - cbTag, pchTerm + 1, strlen( pchTerm + 1 ) + sizeof( CHAR ) );
cbFile += cbValue - cbTag; } else { //
// Collapse the space since tag is longer then the
// value
memmove( pchTag + cbValue, pchTerm + 1, strlen( pchTerm + 1 ) + sizeof( CHAR ) );
cbFile -= cbTag - cbValue; }
// Replace the tag value with the replacement value
memcpy( pchTag, pchValue, cbValue ); pch = pchTag + cbValue; } else { //
// No more tags to replace so get out
break; } } } else { //
// No more tags to replace so get out
break; } }
return S_OK; }
VOID ODBC_REQ::LookupTag( CHAR * pchBeginTag, const CHAR * * ppchAfterTag, const CHAR * * ppchValue, DWORD * pcbValue, enum TAG_TYPE * pTagType ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method looks at the tag, determines the tag type and returns the associated value. This is used only for the .htx file.
pchBeginTag - Points to first character of tag (i.e., '<') ppchAfterTag - Receives the first character after the tag if the tag ppchValue - If the tag is a value, returns the database value pcbValue - Receives number of bytes in the value being returned pTagType - Returns the tag type
Return Value:
--*/ { CHAR * pchTerm; BOOL fLongTagMarker; STACK_STRA( strTagName, 128); DWORD cchToCopy; BOOL fDoEsc = FALSE;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
*pTagType = TAG_TYPE_UNKNOWN; *ppchAfterTag = pchBeginTag; *pcbValue = (DWORD) -1;
DBG_ASSERT( !memcmp( pchBeginTag, "<!--%", 5 ) || !memcmp( pchBeginTag, "<%", 2 ) );
fLongTagMarker = pchBeginTag[1] == '!';
// Move past the tag marker, 5 for "<!--%" and 2 for "<%"
pchBeginTag += (fLongTagMarker ? 5 : 2);
if ( *pchBeginTag == '"' ) { if ( !memcmp( pchBeginTag, "\"%z\",", sizeof("\"%z\",") - 1 ) ) { fDoEsc = TRUE; pchBeginTag += sizeof("\"%z\",") - 1; } else { return; } }
// Find the end of the tag and make a copy.
pchTerm = strchr( pchBeginTag, '%' );
if ( !pchTerm ) { return; }
cchToCopy = DIFF(pchTerm - pchBeginTag);
if ( FAILED( strTagName.Copy( pchBeginTag, cchToCopy * sizeof( CHAR ) ) ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying BeginTag." ));
return; }
LookupSymbol( strTagName.QueryStr(), pTagType, ppchValue, pcbValue );
if ( fDoEsc && *pTagType == TAG_TYPE_VALUE ) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_VALUE_TO_ESCAPE; }
if ( *pTagType != TAG_TYPE_IF ) { *ppchAfterTag = pchTerm + (fLongTagMarker ? 4 : 2); } else { //
// We leave the pointer on the expression if this was an if
*ppchAfterTag = NEXT_TOKEN(pchBeginTag); }
*pchTerm = '%'; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::LookupSymbol( const CHAR * pchSymbolName, enum TAG_TYPE * pTagType, const CHAR * * ppchValue, DWORD * pcbValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Looks to see if the specified symbol name is defined and what the type value of the symbol is.
The "if" symbols is special cased to allow the expression to follow it
If the symbol is a multi-value field (from command line) then the tabs in the value in will be replaced by commas.
pchSymbolName - Name of zero terminated symbol to find pTagType - Returns the tag type of the symbol ppchValue - Returns a pointer to the string value of the symbol if it has one pcbValue - Returns length of value
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL fIsMultiValue; CHAR szSymbolValue[ 256 ]; CHAR * achSymbolValue = szSymbolValue; DWORD dwSymbolValue = sizeof( szSymbolValue ); HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// Does the symbol match one of the column names?
if ( _pstrCols && _pstrValues ) { for ( DWORD i = 0; i < _cCols; i++ ) { if ( !lstrcmpiA( _pstrCols[i].QueryStr(), pchSymbolName )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_VALUE; *ppchValue = _pstrValues[i].QueryStr(); *pcbValue = _pcbValues[i];
// BugID 33406 - Don't return half DBCS char at end
// of data
if ( g_fIsSystemDBCS ) { CHAR * pch; for ( pch = (CHAR *)*ppchValue; *pch; pch++ ) { if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( *pch ) ) { if ( !*(pch+1) ) { *pch = '\0'; (*pcbValue)--; break; } pch++; } } } return S_OK; } } }
// Does it match any of the special values?
if ( !_stricmp( pchSymbolName, BEGIN_DETAIL_TEXT )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_BEGIN_DETAIL; return S_OK; } else if ( !_stricmp( pchSymbolName, END_DETAIL_TEXT )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_END_DETAIL; return S_OK; } else if ( !_strnicmp( pchSymbolName, IF_TEXT, sizeof(IF_TEXT) - 1 )) { //
// The IF tag is treated a little bit differently cause we
// expect the expression to be included as part of the
// symbol
*pTagType = TAG_TYPE_IF; return S_OK; } else if ( !_stricmp( pchSymbolName, END_IF_TEXT )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_END_IF; return S_OK; } else if ( !_stricmp( pchSymbolName, ELSE_TEXT )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_ELSE; return S_OK; }
// Is it one of the parameters from the query (either one of the
// form fields or from the DefaultParameters field in the wdg
// file)? These must be prefixed by "idc.", that is
// "<%idc.Assign%>"
if ( !_strnicmp( pchSymbolName, "idc.", 4 ) && (*ppchValue = _plParams.FindValue( pchSymbolName + 4, &fIsMultiValue, pcbValue )) ) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_VALUE;
// If this is a multi-value field, replace all the tabs with
// commas. This is somewhat of a hack as it breaks the use of
// this field when multiple queries are supported
if ( fIsMultiValue ) { CHAR * pchtmp = (CHAR *) *ppchValue;
while ( pchtmp = strchr( pchtmp, '\t' )) { *pchtmp = ','; } }
return S_OK; }
// Lastly, check to see if it's something the client has defined
if( !_pECB->GetServerVariable( _pECB->ConnID, ( LPSTR )pchSymbolName, achSymbolValue, &dwSymbolValue ) && dwSymbolValue <= sizeof( szSymbolValue ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error getting server variable." ));
return E_FAIL; }
if( dwSymbolValue > sizeof( szSymbolValue ) ) { achSymbolValue = ( CHAR * )LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, dwSymbolValue ); if( !achSymbolValue ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
if( !_pECB->GetServerVariable( _pECB->ConnID, ( LPSTR )pchSymbolName, achSymbolValue, &dwSymbolValue ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error getting server variable." ));
LocalFree( achSymbolValue ); achSymbolValue = NULL;
return E_FAIL; } }
hr = _strSymbolValue.Copy( achSymbolValue, dwSymbolValue );
if( dwSymbolValue > sizeof( szSymbolValue ) ) { LocalFree( achSymbolValue ); achSymbolValue = NULL; }
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying symbol value, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
*pTagType = TAG_TYPE_VALUE; *ppchValue = _strSymbolValue.QueryStr(); *pcbValue = _strSymbolValue.QueryCB();
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::EvaluateExpression( const CHAR * * ppchExpression, BOOL * pfExprValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Performs simple expression evaluation for an 'if' tag in the template file. Valid expressions are:
<%if <V1> <OP> <V2>%>
where V1, V2 can be one of: Positive integer TotalRecords - Total records contained in result set MaxRecords - The maximum records specified in the query file
OP can be one of: EQ - Equal LT - Less then GT - Greater then
ppchExpression - Points to V1 on entry, set to the first character after the end tag on exit pfExprValue - TRUE if the expression is TRUE, FALSE otherwise
Return Value:
--*/ { EXPR_VALUE v1( this ); EXPR_VALUE v2( this ); TAG_TYPE OpType; STRA strError; CHAR * pch;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
if ( !v1.Evaluate( ppchExpression ) || FAILED(EvaluateOperator( ppchExpression, &OpType )) || !v2.Evaluate( ppchExpression )) { return E_FAIL; }
// If the symbols weren't found, default them to empty
// strings
if ( v1.QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_UNKNOWN ) { v1.SetType( TAG_TYPE_STRING ); }
if ( v2.QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_UNKNOWN ) { v2.SetType( TAG_TYPE_STRING ); }
// The value types must match
if ( v1.QueryType() != v2.QueryType() ) { BOOL fSt = FALSE;
if ( v1.QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_STRING && v2.QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_INTEGER ) fSt = v1.ConvertToInteger(); else if ( v1.QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_INTEGER && v2.QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_STRING ) fSt = v2.ConvertToInteger();
if ( !fSt ) { strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_MISMATCHED_VALUES, NULL, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr());
return E_FAIL; } }
// Move the current position to the end of this tag
if ( pch = strchr( *ppchExpression, '>' )) { *ppchExpression = pch + 1; }
switch ( OpType ) { case TAG_TYPE_OP_LT:
*pfExprValue = v1.LT( v2 ); break;
*pfExprValue = v1.GT( v2 ); break;
*pfExprValue = v1.EQ( v2 ); break;
// Contains is only valid for string values
if ( v1.QueryType() != TAG_TYPE_STRING ) { strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_CONTAINS_ONLY_VALID_ON_STRINGS, NULL, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr());
return E_FAIL; }
*pfExprValue = v1.CONTAINS( v2 ); break;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::EvaluateOperator( const CHAR * * ppchExpression, TAG_TYPE * pTagType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines which operator is being used in this expression
ppchExpression - Points to the operator on entry, set to the next token on exit pTagType - Receives operator type
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE on error
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
if ( COMP_FIELD( *ppchExpression, "GT", 2 )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_OP_GT; } else if ( COMP_FIELD( *ppchExpression, "LT", 2 )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_OP_LT; } else if ( COMP_FIELD( *ppchExpression, "EQ", 2 )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_OP_EQ; } else if ( COMP_FIELD( *ppchExpression, "CONTAINS", 8 )) { *pTagType = TAG_TYPE_OP_CONTAINS; } else { //
// Unknown operator specified
STRA strError;
strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_UNRECOGNIZED_OPERATOR, NULL, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr()); return E_FAIL; }
*ppchExpression = NEXT_TOKEN( *ppchExpression );
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::SendData( ODBC_REQ_CALLBACK pfnCallback, PVOID pvContext, const CHAR * pbData, DWORD cbData, BUFFER_CHAIN_ITEM * * ppbufOut, DWORD * pcbOut ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method buffers the outgoing data and sends it when the output buffer is full
pfnCallback - Send callback function pvContext - Context for send callback pbData - Pointer to data to send cbData - Number of bytes to send ppbufOut - Output buffer to buffer nonsent and cached data in pcbOut - Number of valid bytes in output buffer
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE on error
--*/ { DWORD cbToCopy; DWORD err; BUFFER_CHAIN_ITEM * pbufOut = *ppbufOut; STACK_STRA( strTemp, MAX_PATH); HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// if cbData is -1 then assume the data is zero terminated
if ( cbData == -1 ) { cbData = strlen( pbData ); }
// Convert the string from shift_jis to iso-2022-jp or euc-jp
if ( CODE_ONLY_SBCS != _nCharset ) { int cbUNIXSize; int nResult;
// Get the size after Conversion
cbUNIXSize = PC_to_UNIX( GetACP(), _nCharset, (UCHAR *)pbData, (int)cbData, NULL, 0 );
hr = strTemp.Resize( cbUNIXSize + sizeof(CHAR) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error resizing string buffer, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
// Do conversion
nResult = PC_to_UNIX( GetACP(), _nCharset, (UCHAR *)pbData, (int)cbData, (UCHAR *)strTemp.QueryStr(), cbUNIXSize ); if ( -1 == nResult || nResult != cbUNIXSize ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error converting data.\n" ));
return E_FAIL; }
// update the string pointer and count
pbData = strTemp.QueryStr(); cbData = cbUNIXSize;
*(strTemp.QueryStr() + cbUNIXSize) = '\0'; }
// Append the new data onto the old data
cbToCopy = min( cbData, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - *pcbOut );
memcpy( (BYTE *) pbufOut->QueryPtr() + *pcbOut, pbData, cbToCopy );
*pcbOut += cbToCopy; cbData -= cbToCopy; pbData += cbToCopy;
// If we filled up the buffer, send the data
if ( cbData ) { err = pfnCallback( pvContext, (CHAR *) pbufOut->QueryPtr(), *pcbOut );
if ( err ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err ); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending the data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
*pcbOut = 0; } else { return S_OK; }
// We know at this point the output buffer is empty
while ( cbData ) { //
// If the input data will fill the output buffer, send the
// data directly from the input buffer
if ( cbData > OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ) { err = pfnCallback( pvContext, pbData, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE );
if ( err ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err ); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending the data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
cbData -= OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; pbData += OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { //
// We don't have enough to send so put it in the output buffer
memcpy( pbufOut->QueryPtr(), pbData, cbData );
*pcbOut = cbData; break; } }
return S_OK; }
BOOL ODBC_REQ::SkipConditionalBlock( const CHAR * * ppchIn, const CHAR * pchEOF, const CHAR * pchSearchTag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Skip a conditional block delimited by ENDIF or specified Tag returns TRUE if specified Tag found instead of ENDIF or end of text
ppchIn - Text stream to scan for tag pchTag - Name of tag (w/o '<%%>') to find and skip
--*/ { const CHAR * pchIn = *ppchIn; const CHAR * pchIf; const CHAR * pchEndif; const CHAR * pchTag; int cLev = 0;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
for ( ; pchIn < pchEOF ; ) { pchEndif = pchIf = pchIn; SkipToTag( &pchIf, IF_TEXT ); SkipToTag( &pchEndif, END_IF_TEXT ); if ( pchSearchTag == NULL ) { pchTag = pchEOF; } else { pchTag = pchIn; SkipToTag( &pchTag, pchSearchTag ); } if ( pchIf < pchTag && pchIf < pchEndif ) { ++cLev; pchIn = pchIf; } else if ( pchTag < pchIf && pchTag < pchEndif ) { if ( !cLev ) { *ppchIn = pchTag; return TRUE; } pchIn = pchTag; } else // END_IF_TEXT or nothing found
{ if ( !cLev ) { *ppchIn = pchEndif; return FALSE; } --cLev; pchIn = pchEndif; } }
// else/endif not found
*ppchIn = pchEOF;
return FALSE; }
VOID ODBC_REQ::SkipToTag( const CHAR * * ppchIn, const CHAR * pchTag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given the name of a tag, skips to the first character after the tag
ppchIn - Text stream to scan for tag pchTag - Name of tag (w/o '<%%>') to find and skip
--*/ { const CHAR * pchIn = *ppchIn; DWORD cchTag;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
cchTag = strlen( pchTag );
while ( pchIn = strchr( pchIn, '<' )) { if ( (!memcmp( pchIn, "<!--%", 5 ) || !memcmp( pchIn, "<%", 2 )) && !_strnicmp( pchIn + (pchIn[1] == '!' ? 5 : 2), pchTag, cchTag )) { goto Found; } else pchIn++; }
// Not found, return the end of file
*ppchIn += strlen( *ppchIn );
pchIn = strchr( pchIn + cchTag, '>' ); if ( !pchIn ) { *ppchIn += strlen( *ppchIn ); } else { *ppchIn = pchIn + 1; }
return; }
BOOL ODBC_REQ::IsEqual( ODBC_REQ * podbcreq ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines if the passed query's parameter would make it equivalent to this query
A query is deemed equal if:
1) The query has the same number of parameters passed from the client 2) The query's parameters match
Note parameter comparison is case insensitive for both the field and the value
The template can be different if it's parameterized, but we'll pick up the difference in the parameter list in this case.
Since podbcreq is a query that has already been processed, it may contain additional values from the .wdg default list.
podbcreq - Query to check for equality
--*/ { VOID * pCookie = NULL; CHAR * pszField; CHAR * pszValue1, * pszValue2;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// First compare the number of parameters passed from the client
if ( QueryClientParamCount() != podbcreq->QueryClientParamCount() ) { return FALSE; }
// Walk the list of parameters making sure they all match
while ( pCookie = podbcreq->_plParams.NextPair( pCookie, &pszField, &pszValue1 )) { if ( !(pszValue2 = _plParams.FindValue( pszField )) || lstrcmpiA( pszValue1, pszValue2 ) ) { //
// Either the value wasn't found or it doesn't match,
// the queries are not equal
return FALSE; } }
// The queries are equal
return TRUE; }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::AppendHeaders( STRA * pstrHeaders ) /*++
Routine Description:
Adds any headers required for this query, this will generally be the content type and an Expires header if this query is cached
pstrHeaders - String to append headers to
--*/ { CHAR * pszTail; HRESULT hr;
DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// The length of the content type is less than 255
DWORD dwMaxContentTypeLength = 255;
hr = pstrHeaders->Resize( dwMaxContentTypeLength ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error resizing the header string buffer, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
pszTail = pstrHeaders->QueryStr();
pszTail += _snprintf( pszTail, dwMaxContentTypeLength, "Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n", QueryContentType() );
return S_OK; }
BOOL ODBC_REQ::GetLastErrorText( STRA * pstrError ) { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() );
// If we stored an error explanation return that, otherwise fall back
// to an ODBC error
if ( !_strErrorText.IsEmpty() ) { if( FAILED( pstrError->Copy( _strErrorText ) ) ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } else if ( _podbcstmt ) { return _podbcstmt->GetLastErrorTextAsHtml( pstrError ); } else { return QueryOdbcConnection()->GetLastErrorTextAsHtml( pstrError, SQL_NULL_HSTMT, QueryOdbcConnection()->QueryErrorCode() ); } }
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::Initialize( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize ODBC_REQ lookaside
Return Value:
acConfig.nConcurrency = 1; acConfig.nThreshold = 100; acConfig.cbSize = sizeof( ODBC_REQ );
DBG_ASSERT( sm_pachOdbcRequests == NULL ); sm_pachOdbcRequests = new ALLOC_CACHE_HANDLER( "ODBC_REQ", &acConfig );
if ( sm_pachOdbcRequests == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } return NO_ERROR; }
VOID ODBC_REQ::Terminate( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Terminate ODBC_REQ lookaside
Return Value:
--*/ { if ( sm_pachOdbcRequests != NULL ) { delete sm_pachOdbcRequests; sm_pachOdbcRequests = NULL; } }
BOOL EXPR_VALUE::ConvertToInteger( VOID ) { if ( _tagType == TAG_TYPE_STRING ) { PSTR pS =_strValue.QueryStr(); if ( *pS == '-' || isdigit(*(UCHAR *)pS) ) { _dwValue = atoi( pS ); _tagType = TAG_TYPE_INTEGER;
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL EXPR_VALUE::Evaluate( const CHAR * * ppchIn ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines the type of value and retrieves the value appropriately
ppchIn - Pointer to first character of value on way in, next token on they way out
--*/ { const CHAR * pchIn = *ppchIn; const CHAR * pchEnd; const CHAR * pchValue; DWORD cbValue; STRA strError; DWORD cchToCopy;
if ( isdigit( *(UCHAR *)pchIn ) ) { //
// Simple number
_tagType = TAG_TYPE_INTEGER; _dwValue = atoi( pchIn ); while ( isdigit( *(UCHAR *)pchIn ) ) { pchIn++; }
*ppchIn = SkipWhite( pchIn ); } else if ( *pchIn == '"' ) { //
// Simple string, find the closing quote
pchEnd = strchr( ++pchIn, '\"' );
if ( !pchEnd ) { strError.FormatString( ODBCMSG_UNBALANCED_STRING, NULL, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); _podbcreq->SetErrorText( strError.QueryStr());
return FALSE; }
cchToCopy = DIFF(pchEnd - pchIn);
if ( FAILED( _strValue.Copy( pchIn, cchToCopy * sizeof(CHAR) ) ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying the value." ));
return FALSE; }
_tagType = TAG_TYPE_STRING; *ppchIn = SkipWhite( pchEnd + 1 ); } else { STACK_STRA( strSymbol, 64 );
// This is a keyword we need to interpret
// These fields are delimited with either white space
// or '\'' or the closing %>
pchEnd = pchIn;
if ( *pchEnd == '\'' ) { ++pchIn; ++pchEnd; while ( *pchEnd && *pchEnd != '\'' && *pchEnd != '%' ) { pchEnd++; } } else { while ( *pchEnd && !ISWHITE( *pchEnd ) && *pchEnd != '%' ) { pchEnd++; } }
if ( COMP_FIELD( "MaxRecords", pchIn, 10 )) { _tagType = TAG_TYPE_INTEGER; _dwValue = _podbcreq->QueryMaxRecords(); } else if ( COMP_FIELD( "CurrentRecord", pchIn, 12 )) { _tagType = TAG_TYPE_INTEGER; _dwValue = _podbcreq->QueryCurrentRecordNum(); } else { //
// Isolate the symbol name
cchToCopy = DIFF(pchEnd - pchIn);
if ( FAILED( strSymbol.Copy( pchIn, cchToCopy * sizeof(CHAR) ) ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying symbol name." ));
return FALSE; }
// Look up the symbol
if ( FAILED( _podbcreq->LookupSymbol( strSymbol.QueryStr(), &_tagType, &pchValue, &cbValue ) ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in LookupSymbol()." ));
return FALSE; }
if ( _tagType == TAG_TYPE_VALUE || _tagType == TAG_TYPE_STRING ) { if ( FAILED( _strValue.Copy( pchValue ) ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying tag value." )); return FALSE; }
_tagType = TAG_TYPE_STRING; } }
if ( *pchEnd == '\'' ) { ++pchEnd; }
*ppchIn = SkipWhite( pchEnd ); }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Returns TRUE if *this is Greater Then v1
v1 - Value for right side of the expression
--*/ { if ( QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_INTEGER ) { return QueryInteger() > v1.QueryInteger(); } else { return lstrcmpiA( QueryStr(), v1.QueryStr() ) > 0; } }
Routine Description:
Returns TRUE if *this is Less Then v1
v1 - Value for right side of the expression
--*/ { if ( QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_INTEGER ) { return QueryInteger() < v1.QueryInteger(); } else { return lstrcmpiA( QueryStr(), v1.QueryStr() ) < 0; } }
Routine Description:
Returns TRUE if *this is Equal to v1
v1 - Value for right side of the expression
--*/ { if ( QueryType() == TAG_TYPE_INTEGER ) { return QueryInteger() == v1.QueryInteger(); } else { return lstrcmpiA( QueryStr(), v1.QueryStr() ) == 0; } }
Routine Description:
Returns TRUE if *this contains the string in v1
v1 - Value for right side of the expression
--*/ { if ( QueryType() != TAG_TYPE_STRING || v1.QueryType() != TAG_TYPE_STRING ) { return FALSE; }
// Upper case the strings then do a search
UpperCase(); v1.UpperCase();
return strstr( QueryStr(), v1.QueryStr() ) != NULL; }
const CHAR * SkipNonWhite( const CHAR * pch ) { while ( *pch && !ISWHITE( *pch ) && *pch != '\n' ) pch++;
return pch; }
const CHAR * SkipTo( const CHAR * pch, CHAR ch ) { while ( *pch && *pch != '\n' && *pch != ch ) pch++;
return pch; }
const CHAR * SkipWhite( const CHAR * pch ) { while ( ISWHITE( *pch ) ) { pch++; }
return pch; }
struct _ODBC_OPTIONS { CHAR * pszOptionName; DWORD dwOption; BOOL fNumeric; }
OdbcOptions[] = { //
// Order roughly in order of likelihood of being used
HRESULT SetOdbcOptions( ODBC_CONNECTION * pOdbcConn, STRA * pStrOptions ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the options specified in the OdbcOptions: keyword of the .idc file
pOdbcConn - ODBC connection to set options on pStrOptions - List of options in "v=f,y=z" format.
--*/ { PARAM_LIST OptionList; VOID * pvCookie = NULL; CHAR * pszField; CHAR * pszValue; DWORD dwOption; SQLULEN dwValue; DWORD i; HRESULT hr;
hr = OptionList.ParsePairs( pStrOptions->QueryStr(), FALSE, FALSE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in ParsePairs(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
while ( pvCookie = OptionList.NextPair( pvCookie, &pszField, &pszValue )) { //
// If the field is a digit, then this is a driver specific
// option. convert the value and field as appropriate,
// otherwise look it up in our option table
if ( isdigit( *(UCHAR *)pszField )) { dwOption = atoi( pszField );
if ( isdigit( *(UCHAR *)pszValue )) { dwValue = ( SQLULEN )atoi( pszValue ); } else { dwValue = ( SQLULEN ) pszValue; } } else { i = 0;
while ( OdbcOptions[i].pszOptionName ) { if ( !_stricmp( OdbcOptions[i].pszOptionName, pszField )) { goto Found; }
i++; }
// Not found, skip this value
Found: dwOption = OdbcOptions[i].dwOption;
if ( OdbcOptions[i].fNumeric ) { //
// Numeric option, convert the value
dwValue = ( SQLULEN )atoi( pszValue ); } else { dwValue = ( SQLULEN ) pszValue; } }
pOdbcConn->SetConnectOption( ( UWORD ) dwOption, dwValue ); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT BuildMultiValue( const CHAR * pchValue, STRA * pstrMulti, BOOL fQuoteElements ) { CHAR * pchtmp = (CHAR *) pchValue; DWORD cElements = 0; HRESULT hr;
// If we're going to have to expand the size of the string,
// figure out the total size we'll need now
if ( fQuoteElements ) { while ( pchtmp = strchr( pchtmp, '\t' )) { cElements++; pchtmp++; }
hr = pstrMulti->Resize( strlen( pchValue ) + 1 + 2 * cElements ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } }
hr = pstrMulti->Copy( pchValue ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying value, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
// Replace tabs with "','" if fQuoteElements is TRUE,
// otherwise just ','
pchtmp = pstrMulti->QueryStr();
while ( pchtmp = strchr( pchtmp, '\t' )) { if ( fQuoteElements ) { memmove( pchtmp + 3, pchtmp + 1, strlen( pchtmp + 1 ) + sizeof(CHAR));
memcpy( pchtmp, "','", 3 ); } else { *pchtmp = ','; } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT PreProcParams( CHAR ** ppchValue, STRA * pstrValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method doubles every single quote in string. If it sees /* or --, it'll consider it as some sort of
SQL attack cause params shouldn't include comments.
ppchValue - the original string and the output string pstrValue - the destination string
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwNumOfQuote = 0; DWORD dwValueLen = 0; CHAR * pchSrc = *ppchValue; CHAR * pchDest;
while( *pchSrc ) { if( ( *pchSrc == '-' && *( pchSrc + 1 ) == '-' ) || ( *pchSrc == '/' && *( pchSrc + 1 ) == '*' ) ) { return E_FAIL; } dwValueLen++;
if( *pchSrc == '\'' ) { dwNumOfQuote++; }
pchSrc++; }
if( !dwNumOfQuote ) { return S_OK; } hr = pstrValue->Resize( dwNumOfQuote + dwValueLen + 1 ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
pchSrc = *ppchValue; pchDest = pstrValue->QueryStr();
while( *pchDest++ = *pchSrc ) { if( *pchSrc == '\'' ) { *pchDest++ = '\''; }
pchSrc++; }
*ppchValue = pstrValue->QueryStr();
return hr; }
BOOL SQLKeywordInParam( CHAR * pchParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Detect if there is any dangerous SQL keyword in the params
pchParam - The parameter that possibly contains SQL keyword assume it's upper case here.
Return Value:
BOOL - TRUE if there is, FALSE if there isn't any
--*/ { DWORD i = 0;
while( g_pSQLKeywords[i] ) { if( strstr( pchParam, g_pSQLKeywords[i++] ) ) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Converts a value between zero and fifteen to the appropriate hex digit
#define HEXDIGIT( nDigit ) \
(CHAR)((nDigit) > 9 ? \ (nDigit) - 10 + 'A' \ : (nDigit) + '0')
HRESULT ODBC_REQ::SendEscapedData( ODBC_REQ_CALLBACK pfnCallback, PVOID pvContext, PCSTR pch, DWORD cbIn, LPDWORD pcbOut ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method escape the outgoing data and then send it to the SendData() function
pfnCallback - Send callback function pvContext - Context for send callback pch - Pointer to data to send cbIn - Number of bytes to send pcbOut - Number of valid bytes in output buffer
Return Value:
--*/ { CHAR ch; int cNonEscaped = 0; HRESULT hr;
#define SEND_DATA2( pchData, cbData ) SendData( pfnCallback, \
pvContext, \ (pchData), \ (cbData), \ &_pbufOut, \ pcbOut )
if ( cbIn == (DWORD)-1 ) { cbIn = strlen( pch ); }
while ( cbIn-- ) { ch = *pch;
// Escape characters that are in the non-printable range
// but ignore CR and LF
if ( (((ch >= 0) && (ch <= 32)) || ((ch >= 128) && (ch <= 159))|| (ch == '%') || (ch == '?') || (ch == '+') || (ch == '&')) && !(ch == TEXT('\n') || ch == TEXT('\r')) ) { CHAR achTmp[3];
// Insert the escape character
achTmp[0] = TEXT('%');
// Convert the low then the high character to hex
UINT nDigit = (UINT)(ch % 16);
achTmp[2] = HEXDIGIT( nDigit );
ch /= 16; nDigit = (UINT)(ch % 16);
achTmp[1] = HEXDIGIT( nDigit );
hr = SEND_DATA2( pch-cNonEscaped, cNonEscaped ); if ( cNonEscaped && FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
hr = SEND_DATA2( achTmp, sizeof(achTmp) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
cNonEscaped = 0; } else { ++cNonEscaped; }
++pch; }
hr = SEND_DATA2( pch-cNonEscaped, cNonEscaped ); if ( cNonEscaped && FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error sending data, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetFileData( IN const CHAR * pchFile, OUT BYTE * * ppbData, OUT DWORD * pcbData, IN int nCharset, IN BOOL fUseWin32Canon ) /*++
Attempts to retrieve the passed file from the cache. If it's not cached, then we read the file and add it to the cache.
pchFile - Fully qualified file to retrieve pcbData - Receives pointer to first byte of data, used as handle to free data pcbSize - Size of output buffer pCacheFileInfo - File cache information nCharset - Charset (if this isn't SJIS, we convert it to SJIS before Check-In) ppSecDesc - Returns security descriptor if not null fUseWin32Canon - The resource has not been canonicalized and it's ok to use the win32 canonicalization code
Returns: HRESULT
The file is extended by two bytes and is appended with two zero bytes,thus callers are guaranteed of a zero terminated text file.
--*/ { DWORD cbLow, cbHigh; BYTE * pbData = NULL; BYTE * pbBuff = NULL; int cbSJISSize; HRESULT hr;
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
goto ErrorExit; } else { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA FileAttributes; if ( !GetFileAttributesExA( pchFile, GetFileExInfoStandard, &FileAttributes ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in GetFileAttributesExA, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
goto ErrorExit; } cbHigh = FileAttributes.nFileSizeHigh; cbLow = FileAttributes.nFileSizeLow; } //
// Limit the file size to 128k
if ( cbHigh || cbLow > 131072L ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); goto ErrorExit; }
if ( CODE_ONLY_SBCS != nCharset ) { if ( !( pbBuff = pbData = (BYTE *) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbLow ) ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error allocating memory, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
goto ErrorExit; } } else { if ( !(pbData = (BYTE *) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbLow + sizeof(WCHAR)) ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error allocating memory, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
goto ErrorExit; } }
// Read the file data
hr = DoSynchronousReadFile( hFile, ( PCHAR )pbData, cbLow, pcbData, NULL ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in DoSynchronousReadFile(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
goto ErrorExit; } if ( CODE_ONLY_SBCS != nCharset ) { pbData = NULL;
// get the length after conversion
cbSJISSize = UNIX_to_PC( GetACP(), nCharset, pbBuff, *pcbData, NULL, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( cbSJISSize <= (int)cbLow ); if ( !(pbData = (BYTE *) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbSJISSize + sizeof(WCHAR)) ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error allocating memory, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
goto ErrorExit; } //
// conversion
UNIX_to_PC( GetACP(), nCharset, pbBuff, *pcbData, pbData, cbSJISSize ); *pcbData = cbLow = cbSJISSize; }
DBG_ASSERT( *pcbData <= cbLow );
// Zero terminate the file for both ANSI and Unicode files
*((WCHAR UNALIGNED *)(pbData + cbLow)) = L'\0';
*pcbData += sizeof(WCHAR);
*ppbData = pbData;
DBG_REQUIRE( CloseHandle(hFile) );
if ( pbBuff ) { LocalFree( pbBuff ); }
return S_OK;
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DBG_REQUIRE( CloseHandle(hFile) ); }
if ( pbBuff ) { if ( pbBuff == pbData ) { pbData = NULL; } LocalFree( pbBuff ); }
if ( pbData ) { DBG_REQUIRE( LocalFree(pbData)); }
return hr; }
HRESULT DoSynchronousReadFile( IN HANDLE hFile, IN PCHAR Buffer, IN DWORD nBuffer, OUT PDWORD nRead, IN LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped ) /*++
Description: Does Asynchronous file reads. Assumes that NT handles are opened for OVERLAPPED I/O, win95 handles are not.
Arguments: hFile - Handle to use for the read Buffer - Buffer to read with nBuffer - size of buffer nRead - returns the number of bytes read Overlapped - user supplied overlapped structure
Returns: TRUE/FALSE --*/ { BOOL fNewEvent = FALSE; OVERLAPPED ov; DWORD err = NO_ERROR; if ( Overlapped == NULL ) {
Overlapped = &ov; ov.Offset = 0; ov.OffsetHigh = 0; ov.hEvent = IIS_CREATE_EVENT( "OVERLAPPED::hEvent", &ov, TRUE, FALSE );
if ( ov.hEvent == NULL ) { err = GetLastError(); DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "CreateEvent failed with %d\n", err ) ); goto ErrorExit; }
fNewEvent = TRUE; }
if ( !ReadFile( hFile, Buffer, nBuffer, nRead, Overlapped )) {
err = GetLastError();
if ( ( err != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) && ( err != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) ) {
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error %d in ReadFile\n", err));
goto ErrorExit; } }
if ( err == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) {
if ( !GetOverlappedResult( hFile, Overlapped, nRead, TRUE )) {
err = GetLastError();
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error %d in GetOverlappedResult\n", err ) );
if ( err != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) { goto ErrorExit; } } }
DBG_REQUIRE( CloseHandle( ov.hEvent ) ); return S_OK;
if ( fNewEvent ) { DBG_REQUIRE( CloseHandle( ov.hEvent ) ); }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err );
} // DoSynchronousReadFile