Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Simple class for parsing and storing parameter list pairs
John Ludeman (johnl) 22-Feb-1995
Revision History:
#ifndef _PARMLIST_HXX_
#define _PARMLIST_HXX_
// This is a simple class that parses and stores a field/value list
// of the form
// field=value,field2=value2;param,field3=value3
// Returned values include any parameters
class PARAM_LIST { public:
PARAM_LIST( VOID ) { InitializeListHead( &_FieldListHead ); InitializeListHead( &_FreeHead ); _fCanonicalized = FALSE; }
VOID Reset( VOID );
VOID SetIsCanonicalized( BOOL fIsCanon = FALSE ) { _fCanonicalized = fIsCanon; } //
// Takes a list of '=' or ',' separated strings
HRESULT ParsePairs( const CHAR * pszList, BOOL fDefaultParams = FALSE, BOOL fAddBlankValues = TRUE, BOOL fCommaIsDelim = TRUE );
// Parses simple comma delimited list and adds with empty value
HRESULT ParseSimpleList( const CHAR * pszList );
// Looks up a value for a field, returns NULL if not found
CHAR * FindValue( const CHAR * pszField, BOOL * pfIsMultiValue = NULL, DWORD * pcbField = NULL );
// Adds a field/value pair. Field doesn't get replaced if it
// already exists and the value is not empty.
HRESULT AddParam( const CHAR * pszFieldName, const CHAR * pszValue );
// Unconditionally adds the field/value pair to the end of the list
HRESULT AddEntry( const CHAR * pszFieldName, const CHAR * pszValue, BOOL fUnescape = FALSE, BOOL fPossibleFastMap = TRUE );
// Adds an entry not using the fast map and not unescaping
HRESULT AddEntry( const CHAR * pszField, DWORD cbField, const CHAR * pszValue, DWORD cbValue );
// concatenate with existing entry of same name or
// adds the field/value pair to the end of the list if not
// already present
HRESULT AddEntryUsingConcat( const CHAR * pszField, const CHAR * pszValue, BOOL fPossibleFastMap = TRUE );
// Removes all occurrences of the specified field from the list
BOOL RemoveEntry( const CHAR * pszFieldName );
// Enumerates the field/value pairs. Pass pCookie as NULL to start,
// pass the return value on subsequent iterations until the return is
// NULL.
VOID * NextPair( VOID * pCookie, CHAR * * ppszField, CHAR * * ppszValue );
// Return lengths also - This version does NOT use the fast map
VOID * NextPair( VOID * pCookie, CHAR * * ppszField, DWORD * pcbField, CHAR * * ppszValue, DWORD * pcbValue );
// Gets the number of elements in this parameter list
DWORD GetCount( VOID );
// Canonicalize the list
VOID CanonList( VOID );
BOOL IsCanonicalized( VOID ) const { return _fCanonicalized; }
// Actual list of FIELD_VALUE_PAIR object
LIST_ENTRY _FieldListHead; LIST_ENTRY _FreeHead; BOOL _fCanonicalized;
// The list of field/value pairs used in the PARAM_LIST class
class FIELD_VALUE_PAIR { public:
CHAR * QueryField( VOID ) { return _strField.QueryStr(); }
CHAR * QueryValue( VOID ) { return _strValue.QueryStr(); }
// Means multiple fields were combined to make this value
BOOL IsMultiValued( VOID ) const { return _cValues > 1; }
LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; STRA _strField; STRA _strValue; DWORD _cValues;
#endif //_PARMLIST_HXX_