Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : digestprovider.cxx
Abstract: Digest authentication provider Author: Ming Lu (minglu) 24-Jun-2000
Environment: Win32 - User Mode
Project: ULW3.DLL --*/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "uuencode.hxx"
HRESULT DIGEST_AUTH_PROVIDER::Initialize( DWORD dwInternalId ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize Digest SSPI provider
None Return Value:
--*/ { SetInternalId( dwInternalId );
return NO_ERROR; }
Routine Description:
Terminate SSPI Digest provider
None Return Value:
--*/ { // no-op
HRESULT DIGEST_AUTH_PROVIDER::DoesApply( W3_MAIN_CONTEXT * pMainContext, BOOL * pfApplies ) /*++
Routine Description:
Does the given request have credentials applicable to the Digest provider
pMainContext - Main context representing request pfApplies - Set to true if Digest is applicable Return Value:
--*/ { SSPI_CONTEXT_STATE * pContextState; LPCSTR pszAuthHeader; HRESULT hr; PCHAR szDigest = "Digest"; DWORD cchDigest = sizeof("Digest") - 1; USHORT cchAuthHeader = 0; if ( pMainContext == NULL || pfApplies == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } *pfApplies = FALSE;
// Is using of Digest SSP enabled?
if ( !g_pW3Server->QueryUseDigestSSP() ) { return NO_ERROR; }
// Get authorization header
pszAuthHeader = pMainContext->QueryRequest()->GetHeader( HttpHeaderAuthorization, &cchAuthHeader ); //
// No package, no auth
if ( pszAuthHeader == NULL ) { return NO_ERROR; } //
// Is it Digest?
if ( _strnicmp( pszAuthHeader, szDigest, cchDigest ) == 0 ) { //
// Save away the package so we don't have to calc again
DBG_ASSERT( pszAuthHeader != NULL ); pContextState = new (pMainContext) SSPI_CONTEXT_STATE( ( cchAuthHeader > cchDigest ) ? ( pszAuthHeader + cchDigest + 1 ) : "" ); if ( pContextState == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
hr = pContextState->SetPackage( szDigest ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in SetPackage(). hr = %x\n", hr )); delete pContextState; pContextState = NULL; return hr; }
pMainContext->SetContextState( pContextState );
*pfApplies = TRUE; } return NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT DIGEST_AUTH_PROVIDER::DoAuthenticate( W3_MAIN_CONTEXT * pMainContext, BOOL * // unused
) /*++
Do authentication work (we will be called if we apply)
pMainContext - Main context pfFilterFinished - Set to TRUE if filter wants out Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD err; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; W3_METADATA * pMetaData = NULL; W3_REQUEST * pW3Request = NULL; SSPI_SECURITY_CONTEXT * pDigestSecurityContext = NULL; SSPI_CONTEXT_STATE * pContextState = NULL; SSPI_USER_CONTEXT * pUserContext = NULL; SSPI_CREDENTIAL * pDigestCredentials = NULL;
SecBufferDesc SecBuffDescOutput; SecBufferDesc SecBuffDescInput;
// We have 5 input buffer and 1 output buffer to fill data
// in for digest authentication
SecBuffer SecBuffTokenOut[ 1 ]; SecBuffer SecBuffTokenIn[ 5 ];
CtxtHandle hServerCtxtHandle;
TimeStamp Lifetime;
ULONG ContextReqFlags = 0; ULONG ContextAttributes = 0;
STACK_STRU( strOutputHeader, 256 );
STACK_BUFFER( bufOutputBuffer, 4096 ); STACK_STRA( strMethod, 10 ); STACK_STRU( strUrl, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRA( strUrlA, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRU( strRealm, 128 );
SecPkgContext_Target Target; STACK_STRU( strDigestUri, MAX_PATH + 1 ); ULONG cbBytesCopied;
SecInvalidateHandle( &hServerCtxtHandle );
if ( pMainContext == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } pContextState = ( SSPI_CONTEXT_STATE* ) pMainContext->QueryContextState(); DBG_ASSERT( pContextState != NULL ); pMetaData = pMainContext->QueryUrlContext()->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL ); pW3Request = pMainContext->QueryRequest(); DBG_ASSERT( pW3Request != NULL ); //
// clean the memory and set it to zero
ZeroMemory( &SecBuffDescInput , sizeof( SecBufferDesc ) ); ZeroMemory( SecBuffTokenIn , sizeof( SecBuffTokenIn ) );
// define the buffer descriptor for the Input
SecBuffDescInput.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; SecBuffDescInput.cBuffers = 5; SecBuffDescInput.pBuffers = SecBuffTokenIn;
// set the digest auth header in the buffer
SecBuffTokenIn[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SecBuffTokenIn[0].cbBuffer = strlen(pContextState->QueryCredentials()); SecBuffTokenIn[0].pvBuffer = (void*) pContextState->QueryCredentials();
// Get and Set the information for the method
hr = pW3Request->GetVerbString( &strMethod ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error getting the method. hr = %x\n", hr )); return hr; }
SecBuffTokenIn[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[1].cbBuffer = strMethod.QueryCB(); SecBuffTokenIn[1].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )strMethod.QueryStr();
// Get and Set the infomation for the Url
hr = pW3Request->GetUrl( &strUrl ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error getting the URL. hr = %x\n", hr )); return hr; } hr = strUrlA.CopyW( strUrl.QueryStr() ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying the URL. hr = %x\n", hr )); return hr; } SecBuffTokenIn[2].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[2].cbBuffer = strUrlA.QueryCB(); SecBuffTokenIn[2].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )strUrlA.QueryStr();
// Get and Set the information for the hentity
SecBuffTokenIn[3].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[3].cbBuffer = 0; // this is not yet implemeted
SecBuffTokenIn[3].pvBuffer = NULL; // this is not yet implemeted
// Get a Security Context
// get the credential for the server
hr = SSPI_CREDENTIAL::GetCredential( NTDIGEST_SP_NAME, &pDigestCredentials ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Error get credential handle. hr = 0x%x \n", hr )); return hr; }
DBG_ASSERT( pDigestCredentials != NULL );
// Resize the output buffer to max token size
if( !bufOutputBuffer.Resize( pDigestCredentials->QueryMaxTokenSize() ) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
if( pW3Request->IsProxyRequest() ) { //
// If the request comes from a proxy, we shouldn't use the
// security context associate with the connection because
// the request could actually come from a different client
SetConnectionAuthContext( pMainContext, NULL ); }
pDigestSecurityContext = ( SSPI_SECURITY_CONTEXT * ) QueryConnectionAuthContext( pMainContext );
// check to see if there is an old Context Handle
if ( pDigestSecurityContext != NULL ) { //
// defined the buffer
SecBuffTokenIn[4].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SecBuffTokenIn[4].cbBuffer = bufOutputBuffer.QuerySize(); SecBuffTokenIn[4].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )bufOutputBuffer.QueryPtr();
secStatus = VerifySignature( pDigestSecurityContext->QueryContextHandle(), &SecBuffDescInput, 0, 0 ); if( FAILED( secStatus ) ) { //
// Clean up the security context cause we will initialize
// another new challenge on the same connection
SetConnectionAuthContext( pMainContext, NULL ); } } if( pDigestSecurityContext == NULL || FAILED( secStatus ) ) { //
// clean the memory and set it to zero
ZeroMemory( &SecBuffDescOutput, sizeof( SecBufferDesc ) ); ZeroMemory( SecBuffTokenOut , sizeof( SecBuffTokenOut ) );
// define the buffer descriptor for the Outpt
SecBuffDescOutput.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; SecBuffDescOutput.cBuffers = 1; SecBuffDescOutput.pBuffers = SecBuffTokenOut;
SecBuffTokenOut[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SecBuffTokenOut[0].cbBuffer = bufOutputBuffer.QuerySize(); SecBuffTokenOut[0].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )bufOutputBuffer.QueryPtr();
// Get and Set the Realm Information
if( pMetaData->QueryRealm() ) { hr = strRealm.Copy( pMetaData->QueryRealm() ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying the realm. hr = %x\n", hr )); return hr; }
// Limit the realm length to 1024 since there is limitation in Digest SSP
if( strRealm.QueryCCH() > 1024 ) { return E_FAIL; }
SecBuffTokenIn[4].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[4].cbBuffer = strRealm.QueryCB(); SecBuffTokenIn[4].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )strRealm.QueryStr(); } else { SecBuffTokenIn[4].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[4].cbBuffer = 0; SecBuffTokenIn[4].pvBuffer = NULL; }
// set the flags
// Register the remote IP address with LSA so that it can be logged
if( pW3Request->QueryRemoteAddressType() == AF_INET ) { secStatus = SecpSetIPAddress( ( PUCHAR )pW3Request->QueryRemoteSockAddress(), sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN ) ); } else if( pW3Request->QueryRemoteAddressType() == AF_INET6 ) { secStatus = SecpSetIPAddress( ( PUCHAR )pW3Request->QueryRemoteSockAddress(), sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN6 ) ); } else { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); }
if( FAILED( secStatus ) ) { return secStatus; } ThreadPoolSetInfo( ThreadPoolIncMaxPoolThreads, 0 );
// get the security context
secStatus = AcceptSecurityContext( pDigestCredentials->QueryCredHandle(), NULL, &SecBuffDescInput, ContextReqFlags, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &hServerCtxtHandle, &SecBuffDescOutput, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime);
if (g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog() != NULL) { WriteRefTraceLogEx(g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog(), 1, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwLower, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwUpper, (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)secStatus, NULL); }
ThreadPoolSetInfo( ThreadPoolDecMaxPoolThreads, 0 );
if( secStatus == SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL ) { //
// The error is caused by changes of the machine password, we
// need to regenerate a credential handle in this case
SSPI_CREDENTIAL::RemoveCredentialFromCache( pDigestCredentials );
hr = SSPI_CREDENTIAL::GetCredential( NTDIGEST_SP_NAME, &pDigestCredentials ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Error get credential handle. hr = 0x%x \n", hr )); return hr; }
// Register the remote IP address with LSA so that it can be logged
if( pW3Request->QueryRemoteAddressType() == AF_INET ) { secStatus = SecpSetIPAddress( ( PUCHAR )pW3Request->QueryRemoteSockAddress(), sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN ) ); } else if( pW3Request->QueryRemoteAddressType() == AF_INET6 ) { secStatus = SecpSetIPAddress( ( PUCHAR )pW3Request->QueryRemoteSockAddress(), sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN6 ) ); } else { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); }
if( FAILED( secStatus ) ) { return secStatus; } ThreadPoolSetInfo( ThreadPoolIncMaxPoolThreads, 0 );
secStatus = AcceptSecurityContext( pDigestCredentials->QueryCredHandle(), NULL, &SecBuffDescInput, ContextReqFlags, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &hServerCtxtHandle, &SecBuffDescOutput, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime );
if (g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog() != NULL) { WriteRefTraceLogEx(g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog(), 1, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwLower, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwUpper, (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)secStatus, NULL); }
ThreadPoolSetInfo( ThreadPoolDecMaxPoolThreads, 0 );
} if( SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED == secStatus ) { //
//defined the buffer
SecBuffTokenIn[4].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SecBuffTokenIn[4].cbBuffer = bufOutputBuffer.QuerySize(); SecBuffTokenIn[4].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )bufOutputBuffer.QueryPtr();
secStatus = CompleteAuthToken( &hServerCtxtHandle, &SecBuffDescInput ); }
if ( SUCCEEDED( secStatus ) ) { //
// Check URI field match URL
secStatus = QueryContextAttributes( &hServerCtxtHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_TARGET, &Target ); if( SUCCEEDED( secStatus ) ) { if( Target.TargetLength ) { if( !strDigestUri.QueryBuffer()->Resize( (Target.TargetLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ) ) { FreeContextBuffer( Target.Target ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
// Normalize DigestUri
hr = UlCleanAndCopyUrl( ( PUCHAR )Target.Target, Target.TargetLength, &cbBytesCopied, strDigestUri.QueryStr(), NULL );
FreeContextBuffer( Target.Target );
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// after modyfing string data in internal buffer
// call SyncWithBuffer to synchronize string length
if ( !strUrl.Equals( strDigestUri ) ) { //
// Note: RFC says that BAD REQUEST should be returned
// but for now to be backward compatible with IIS5.1
// we will return ACCESS_DENIED
if (g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog() != NULL) { WriteRefTraceLogEx(g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog(), 0, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwLower, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwUpper, NULL, NULL); }
DeleteSecurityContext( &hServerCtxtHandle ); secStatus = E_FAIL; } else { pDigestSecurityContext = new SSPI_SECURITY_CONTEXT( pDigestCredentials, TRUE ); if ( NULL == pDigestSecurityContext ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto Cleanup; }
pDigestSecurityContext->SetContextHandle( hServerCtxtHandle );
pDigestSecurityContext->SetContextAttributes( ContextAttributes );
// Mark the security context is complete, so we can detect
// reauthentication on the same connection
pDigestSecurityContext->SetIsComplete( TRUE );
if (FAILED( hr = SetConnectionAuthContext( pMainContext, pDigestSecurityContext ))) { //
// There is no connection, no point creating
// the response
goto Cleanup; } } } else { if (g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog() != NULL) { WriteRefTraceLogEx(g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog(), 0, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwLower, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwUpper, NULL, NULL); }
DeleteSecurityContext( &hServerCtxtHandle ); secStatus = E_FAIL; } } else { if (g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog() != NULL) { WriteRefTraceLogEx(g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog(), 0, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwLower, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwUpper, NULL, NULL); }
DeleteSecurityContext( &hServerCtxtHandle ); } } }
if( FAILED( secStatus ) ) { err = GetLastError(); if( err == ERROR_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE || err == ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err ); }
hr = SetDigestHeader( pMainContext ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
pMainContext->SetProviderHandled( TRUE );
pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusUnauthorized, Http401BadLogon ); pMainContext->SetErrorStatus( secStatus ); } else { //
// Create a user context and set it up
pUserContext = new SSPI_USER_CONTEXT( this ); if ( pUserContext == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } hr = pUserContext->Create( pDigestSecurityContext, pMainContext ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { pUserContext->DereferenceUserContext(); pUserContext = NULL; return hr; } pMainContext->SetUserContext( pUserContext ); }
return NO_ERROR;
if ( pDigestSecurityContext != NULL ) { pDigestSecurityContext->Cleanup(); pDigestSecurityContext = NULL; } else if ( SecIsValidHandle( &hServerCtxtHandle ) ) { if (g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog() != NULL) { WriteRefTraceLogEx(g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog(), 0, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwLower, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwUpper, NULL, NULL); }
DeleteSecurityContext( &hServerCtxtHandle ); }
return hr; }
Description: Add WWW-Authenticate Digest headers on access denied
pMainContext - main context Return Value:
--*/ { if ( pMainContext == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// Is using of Digest SSP enabled?
if ( !g_pW3Server->QueryUseDigestSSP() ) { return NO_ERROR; }
if( !W3_STATE_AUTHENTICATION::QueryIsDomainMember() ) { //
// We are not a domain member, so do nothing
return NO_ERROR; }
return SetDigestHeader( pMainContext ); }
Description: Add WWW-Authenticate Digest headers
pMainContext - main context Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; W3_METADATA * pMetaData;
// 4096 is the max output for digest authenticaiton
STACK_BUFFER( bufOutputBuffer, 4096 ); STACK_STRA( strOutputHeader, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRA( strMethod, 10 ); STACK_STRU( strUrl, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRA( strUrlA, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRU( strRealm, 128 );
SecBufferDesc SecBuffDescOutput; SecBufferDesc SecBuffDescInput;
SecBuffer SecBuffTokenOut[ 1 ]; SecBuffer SecBuffTokenIn[ 5 ];
SSPI_CREDENTIAL * pDigestCredential = NULL; CtxtHandle hServerCtxtHandle;
ULONG ContextReqFlags = 0; ULONG ContextAttributes = 0; TimeStamp Lifetime;
pMetaData = pMainContext->QueryUrlContext()->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL );
// Get a Security Context
// get the credential for the server
hr = SSPI_CREDENTIAL::GetCredential( NTDIGEST_SP_NAME, &pDigestCredential ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Error get credential handle. hr = 0x%x \n", hr )); return hr; }
DBG_ASSERT( pDigestCredential != NULL );
if( !bufOutputBuffer.Resize( pDigestCredential->QueryMaxTokenSize() ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Error resize the output buffer. hr = 0x%x \n", hr )); return hr; }
// clean the memory and set it to zero
ZeroMemory( &SecBuffDescOutput, sizeof( SecBufferDesc ) ); ZeroMemory( SecBuffTokenOut , sizeof( SecBuffTokenOut ) );
ZeroMemory( &SecBuffDescInput , sizeof( SecBufferDesc ) ); ZeroMemory( SecBuffTokenIn , sizeof( SecBuffTokenIn ) );
// define the OUTPUT
SecBuffDescOutput.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; SecBuffDescOutput.cBuffers = 1; SecBuffDescOutput.pBuffers = SecBuffTokenOut;
SecBuffTokenOut[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SecBuffTokenOut[0].cbBuffer = bufOutputBuffer.QuerySize(); SecBuffTokenOut[0].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )bufOutputBuffer.QueryPtr();
// define the Input
SecBuffDescInput.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; SecBuffDescInput.cBuffers = 5; SecBuffDescInput.pBuffers = SecBuffTokenIn;
// Get and Set the information for the challenge
// set the inforamtion in the buffer, this case is Null to
// authenticate user
SecBuffTokenIn[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; SecBuffTokenIn[0].cbBuffer = 0; SecBuffTokenIn[0].pvBuffer = NULL;
// Get and Set the information for the method
hr = pMainContext->QueryRequest()->GetVerbString( &strMethod ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error getting the method. hr = %x\n", hr )); return hr; }
SecBuffTokenIn[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[1].cbBuffer = strMethod.QueryCB(); SecBuffTokenIn[1].pvBuffer = strMethod.QueryStr();
// Get and Set the infomation for the Url
hr = pMainContext->QueryRequest()->GetUrl( &strUrl ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error getting the URL. hr = %x\n", hr )); return hr; } hr = strUrlA.CopyW( strUrl.QueryStr() ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying the URL. hr = %x\n", hr )); return hr; } SecBuffTokenIn[2].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[2].cbBuffer = strUrlA.QueryCB(); SecBuffTokenIn[2].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )strUrlA.QueryStr();
// Get and Set the information for the hentity
SecBuffTokenIn[3].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[3].cbBuffer = 0; // this is not yet implemeted
SecBuffTokenIn[3].pvBuffer = NULL; // this is not yet implemeted
//Get and Set the Realm Information
if( pMetaData->QueryRealm() ) { hr = strRealm.Copy( pMetaData->QueryRealm() ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying the realm. hr = %x\n", hr )); return hr; }
// Limit the realm length to 1024 since there is limitation in Digest SSP
if( strRealm.QueryCCH() > 1024 ) { return E_FAIL; }
SecBuffTokenIn[4].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[4].cbBuffer = strRealm.QueryCB(); SecBuffTokenIn[4].pvBuffer = ( PVOID )strRealm.QueryStr(); } else { SecBuffTokenIn[4].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS; SecBuffTokenIn[4].cbBuffer = 0; SecBuffTokenIn[4].pvBuffer = NULL; }
// set the flags
ThreadPoolSetInfo( ThreadPoolIncMaxPoolThreads, 0 );
// get the security context
secStatus = AcceptSecurityContext( pDigestCredential->QueryCredHandle(), NULL, &SecBuffDescInput, ContextReqFlags, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &hServerCtxtHandle, &SecBuffDescOutput, &ContextAttributes, &Lifetime);
if (g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog() != NULL) { WriteRefTraceLogEx(g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog(), 1, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwLower, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwUpper, (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)secStatus, NULL); }
ThreadPoolSetInfo( ThreadPoolDecMaxPoolThreads, 0 );
// a challenge has to be send back to the client
if ( SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED == secStatus ) {
// The partial server context generated from the ASC call needs
// to be deleted if the client doesn't authenticate again in some
// time, the digest security context cache will handle this
hr = g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()-> AddContextCacheEntry( &hServerCtxtHandle ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { if (g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog() != NULL) { WriteRefTraceLogEx(g_pW3Server->QueryDigestContextCache()->QueryTraceLog(), 0, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwLower, (PVOID)hServerCtxtHandle.dwUpper, NULL, NULL); }
DeleteSecurityContext( &hServerCtxtHandle );
return hr; }
// Do we already have a digest security context
hr = strOutputHeader.Copy( "Digest " ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
hr = strOutputHeader.Append( ( CHAR * )SecBuffDescOutput.pBuffers[0].pvBuffer, SecBuffDescOutput.pBuffers[0].cbBuffer ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
// Add the header WWW-Authenticate to the response after a
// 401 server error
hr = pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", 16, strOutputHeader.QueryStr(), (USHORT)strOutputHeader.QueryCCH() ); } else { hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }