Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : urlinfo.cxx
Abstract: Gets metadata for URL
Author: Bilal Alam (balam) 8-Jan-2000
Environment: Win32 - User Mode
Project: ULW3.DLL --*/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include <stringau.hxx>
// Utility to guard against ~ inconsistency
DWORD CheckIfShortFileName( IN WCHAR * pszPath, IN HANDLE hImpersonation, OUT BOOL * pfShort );
CONTEXT_STATUS W3_STATE_URLINFO::OnCompletion( W3_MAIN_CONTEXT * pMainContext, DWORD cbCompletion, DWORD dwCompletionStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle URLINFO completions. CheckAccess() is called in DoWork() and this call is asynchronous.
pMainContext - W3_MAIN_CONTEXT representing execution of state machine cbCompletion - Number of bytes in an async completion dwCompletionStatus - Error status of a completion
Return Value:
CONTEXT_STATUS_CONTINUE - if we should continue in state machine else stop executing the machine and free up the current thread
--*/ { CONTEXT_STATUS contextStatus; BOOL fAccessAllowed;
contextStatus = pMainContext->CheckAccess( TRUE, // this is a completion
cbCompletion, dwCompletionStatus, &fAccessAllowed );
// If access is not allowed, then just finish state machine (
// response has already been sent)
if ( !fAccessAllowed ) { pMainContext->SetFinishedResponse(); }
CONTEXT_STATUS W3_STATE_URLINFO::DoWork( W3_MAIN_CONTEXT * pMainContext, DWORD cbCompletion, DWORD dwCompletionStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle retrieving the metadata for this request
pMainContext - W3_MAIN_CONTEXT representing execution of state machine cbCompletion - Number of bytes in an async completion dwCompletionStatus - Error status of a completion
Return Value:
CONTEXT_STATUS_CONTINUE - if we should continue in state machine else stop executing the machine and free up the current thread
--*/ { URL_CONTEXT * pUrlContext = NULL; BOOL fFinished = FALSE; HRESULT hr = NO_ERROR; W3_METADATA * pMetaData = NULL; CONTEXT_STATUS contextStatus = CONTEXT_STATUS_CONTINUE; W3_REQUEST * pHttpRequest = pMainContext->QueryRequest(); W3_RESPONSE * pResponse = pMainContext->QueryResponse(); BOOL fAccessAllowed = FALSE;
DBG_ASSERT( pHttpRequest != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pResponse != NULL );
// Set the context state. Note that passing TRUE as the final
// argument pushes the URL_CONTEXT into the main context. As
// a result, errors in this function should not attempt to
// clean it up.
hr = URL_CONTEXT::RetrieveUrlContext( pMainContext, pMainContext->QueryRequest(), &pUrlContext, &fFinished, TRUE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
DBG_ASSERT( fFinished || ( pUrlContext != NULL ) );
// From now on, errors in this function should not cleanup the URL
// context since it is owned by the main context
pUrlContext = NULL;
// If filter wants out, leave
if ( fFinished ) { pMainContext->SetDone(); return CONTEXT_STATUS_CONTINUE; }
// Check access now. That means checking for IP/SSL/Certs. We will
// avoid the authentication type check since the others (IP/SSL/Certs)
// take priority.
contextStatus = pMainContext->CheckAccess( FALSE, // not a completion
0, // cbCompletion,
NO_ERROR, &fAccessAllowed ); if ( contextStatus == CONTEXT_STATUS_PENDING ) { return CONTEXT_STATUS_PENDING; }
// If we don't have access, then the appropriate error response was
// already sent. Just finish the state machine
if ( !fAccessAllowed ) { pMainContext->SetFinishedResponse(); }
if ( pUrlContext != NULL ) { delete pUrlContext; }
if ( !pMainContext->QueryResponseSent() ) { if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { // For the non-8dot3 case
pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusNotFound ); } else if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) ) { pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusServerError, Http500BadMetadata ); } else if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE ) ) { pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusServerError, Http500UNCAccess ); } else { pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusServerError ); } }
pMainContext->SetFinishedResponse(); pMainContext->SetErrorStatus( hr );
HRESULT URL_CONTEXT::RetrieveUrlContext( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, W3_REQUEST * pRequest, OUT URL_CONTEXT ** ppUrlContext, BOOL * pfFinished, BOOL fSetInW3Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
For a given request, get a URL_CONTEXT which represents the metadata and URI-specific info for that request
pW3Context - W3_CONTEXT for the request pRequest - New request to lookup ppUrlContext - Set to point to new URL_CONTEXT pfFinished - Set to true if isapi filter said we're finished fSetInW3Context - OPTIONAL default FALSE
Return Value:
--*/ { STACK_STRU( strUrl, MAX_PATH ); W3_URL_INFO * pUrlInfo = NULL; W3_METADATA * pMetaData = NULL; TOKEN_CACHE_ENTRY * pTokenEntry = NULL; URL_CONTEXT * pUrlContext = NULL; HRESULT hr = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hToken = NULL; W3_TRACE_LOG * pTraceLog;
if ( pW3Context == NULL || pRequest == NULL || ppUrlContext == NULL || pfFinished == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } *ppUrlContext = NULL;
hr = pRequest->GetUrl( &strUrl ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
// Lookup the URI info for this request
DBG_ASSERT( g_pW3Server->QueryUrlInfoCache() != NULL );
hr = g_pW3Server->QueryUrlInfoCache()->GetUrlInfo( pW3Context, strUrl, &pUrlInfo ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
// Now, create a URL_CONTEXT object which contains the W3_URL_INFO and
// W3_METADATA pointers as well as state information for use on cleanup
DBG_ASSERT( pUrlInfo != NULL );
pMetaData = (W3_METADATA*) pUrlInfo->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL );
pUrlContext = new (pW3Context) URL_CONTEXT( pMetaData, pUrlInfo ); if ( pUrlContext == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto Failure; } else if( fSetInW3Context ) { //
// If specified, set the UrlContext in pW3Context. This is necessary
// since the below filter notification depends on having this context
// for APPL_MD_PATH and APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH. Once set the context owns
// cleaning it up.
((W3_MAIN_CONTEXT*)pW3Context)->SetUrlContext( pUrlContext ); }
// Now notify URL_MAP filters
if ( pW3Context->IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP ) ) { STACK_STRA( straPhys, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STRA( straSavePhys, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STRA( straUrl, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STRA( straScriptMap, MAX_PATH + 1 ); BOOL fRet; HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP_EX filterMap; STACK_STRU( strPhysicalPath, MAX_PATH );
hr = straPhys.CopyW( pUrlInfo->QueryPhysicalPath()->QueryStr() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
// Save a copy for comparison after filter notification
hr = straSavePhys.Copy( straPhys ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
hr = straUrl.CopyW( strUrl.QueryStr() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
filterMap.pszURL = straUrl.QueryStr(); filterMap.pszPhysicalPath = straPhys.QueryStr(); filterMap.cbPathBuff = straPhys.QuerySize(); filterMap.dwFlags = pMetaData->QueryAccessPerms(); filterMap.cchMatchingPath = pMetaData->QueryCBMatchingPathA(); filterMap.cchMatchingURL = pMetaData->QueryCBMatchingUrlA(); filterMap.pszScriptMapEntry = NULL;
if ( pUrlInfo->QueryScriptMapEntry() ) { hr = straScriptMap.CopyW( pUrlInfo->QueryScriptMapEntry()->QueryExecutable()->QueryStr() );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
filterMap.pszScriptMapEntry = straScriptMap.QueryStr(); }
fRet = pW3Context->NotifyFilters( SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP, &filterMap, pfFinished );
if ( !fRet ) { W3_MAIN_CONTEXT * pMainContext = pW3Context->QueryMainContext(); DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError );
pMainContext->SetErrorStatus( hr );
if ( dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusUnauthorized, Http401Filter ); } else if ( dwError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || dwError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) { pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusNotFound ); } else { pMainContext->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusServerError ); }
goto Failure; }
// If the filter is done, then we're done
if ( *pfFinished ) { hr = NO_ERROR; goto Failure; }
// If the physical path was changed, remember it here
if ( strcmp( straSavePhys.QueryStr(), filterMap.pszPhysicalPath ) != 0 ) { hr = strPhysicalPath.CopyA( (CHAR*) filterMap.pszPhysicalPath ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
hr = pUrlContext->SetPhysicalPath( strPhysicalPath ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; } } }
// We don't accept short filename since they can break metabase
// equivalency
if ( wcschr( pUrlContext->QueryPhysicalPath()->QueryStr(), L'~' ) ) { BOOL fShort = FALSE;
hr = pMetaData->GetAndRefVrAccessToken( &pTokenEntry ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; } if ( pTokenEntry != NULL ) { hToken = pTokenEntry->QueryImpersonationToken(); } else { hToken = NULL; }
DWORD dwError = CheckIfShortFileName( pUrlContext->QueryPhysicalPath()->QueryStr(), hToken, &fShort ); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ); goto Failure; }
if ( fShort ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); goto Failure; } } //
// Check whether the UNC user was valid. If not, fail
if ( pMetaData->QueryUNCUserInvalid() ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE ); goto Failure; }
pTraceLog = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->QueryTraceLog(); if ( pTraceLog != NULL ) { pTraceLog->Trace( L"%I64x: Successfully metadata for URL '%ws'\n", pRequest->QueryRequestId(), strUrl.QueryStr() ); }
*ppUrlContext = pUrlContext;
if( pTokenEntry != NULL ) { pTokenEntry->DereferenceCacheEntry(); pTokenEntry = NULL; }
return S_OK;
pTraceLog = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->QueryTraceLog(); if ( pTraceLog != NULL ) { pTraceLog->Trace( L"%I64x: Failed to retrieve metadata for URL '%ws'. hr = %08X\n", pRequest->QueryRequestId(), strUrl.QueryStr(), hr ); }
if ( pUrlContext != NULL ) { if( !fSetInW3Context ) { delete pUrlContext; } } else { if ( pUrlInfo != NULL ) { pUrlInfo->DereferenceCacheEntry(); } }
if( pTokenEntry != NULL ) { pTokenEntry->DereferenceCacheEntry(); pTokenEntry = NULL; }
return hr; }
HRESULT W3_STATE_URLINFO::MapPath( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, STRU & strUrl, STRU * pstrPhysicalPath, BOOL fDoFiltering, DWORD * pcchDirRoot, DWORD * pcchVRoot, DWORD * pcbAnsiDirRoot, DWORD * pcbAnsiVRoot, DWORD * pdwMask ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send a URL/Physical-Path pair to a filter for processing
pW3Context - W3_CONTEXT for the request strUrl - The URL to be mapped pstrPhysicalPath - Filled with the mapped path upon return. Set with metadata physical path on entry fDoFiltering - Enable filters pcchDirRoot - Set to point to number of characters in found physical path pcchVRoot - Set to point to number of characters in found virtual path pcbAnsiDirRoot - Set to point to number of bytes in found ANSI physical path pcbAnsiVRoot - Set to point to number of bytes in found ANSI virtual path pdwMask - Set to point to the access perms mask of virtual path
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; W3_URL_INFO * pUrlInfo = NULL; W3_METADATA * pMetaData = NULL;
DBG_ASSERT( pstrPhysicalPath );
// Get and keep the metadata and urlinfo for this path
DBG_ASSERT( g_pW3Server->QueryUrlInfoCache() != NULL );
hr = g_pW3Server->QueryUrlInfoCache()->GetUrlInfo( pW3Context, strUrl, &pUrlInfo ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
DBG_ASSERT( pUrlInfo != NULL );
// Call the filters if we should do so
if ( fDoFiltering ) { hr = FilterMapPath( pW3Context, pUrlInfo, pstrPhysicalPath ); } else { hr = pstrPhysicalPath->Copy( *( pUrlInfo->QueryUrlTranslated() ) ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
pMetaData = pUrlInfo->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL );
// Return the other goodies
if ( pcchDirRoot != NULL ) { *pcchDirRoot = pMetaData->QueryVrPath()->QueryCCH(); }
if ( pcchVRoot != NULL ) { if (strUrl.QueryCCH()) { *pcchVRoot = pMetaData->QueryVrLen(); } else { *pcchVRoot = 0; } }
if ( pcbAnsiDirRoot != NULL ) { *pcbAnsiDirRoot = pMetaData->QueryCBMatchingPathA(); }
if ( pcbAnsiVRoot != NULL ) { if ( strUrl.QueryCCH() ) { *pcbAnsiVRoot = pMetaData->QueryCBMatchingUrlA(); } else { *pcbAnsiVRoot = 0; } }
if ( pdwMask != NULL ) { *pdwMask = pMetaData->QueryAccessPerms(); }
if ( pUrlInfo != NULL ) { pUrlInfo->DereferenceCacheEntry(); pUrlInfo = NULL; }
return hr; }
// static
HRESULT W3_STATE_URLINFO::FilterMapPath( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, W3_URL_INFO * pUrlInfo, STRU * pstrPhysicalPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Have URL_MAP filters do their thing
pW3Context - Context pUrlInfo - Contains virtual/physical path pstrPhysicalPath - Filled with physical path
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fFinished = FALSE; W3_METADATA * pMetaData = NULL; STACK_STRU( strFilterPath, MAX_PATH ); STRU * pstrFinalPhysical = NULL;
if ( pW3Context == NULL || pUrlInfo == NULL || pstrPhysicalPath == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
pMetaData = pUrlInfo->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL );
// We now have the metadata physical path. Let filters change it here
if ( pW3Context->IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP ) ) { STACK_STRA( straPhys, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STRA( straSavePhys, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STRA( straUrl, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STRA( straScriptMap, MAX_PATH + 1 ); BOOL fRet; HTTP_FILTER_URL_MAP_EX filterMap;
hr = straPhys.CopyW( pUrlInfo->QueryUrlTranslated()->QueryStr() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
// Save a copy for comparison after filter notification
hr = straSavePhys.Copy( straPhys ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
hr = straUrl.CopyW( pUrlInfo->QueryUrl() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
filterMap.pszURL = straUrl.QueryStr(); filterMap.pszPhysicalPath = straPhys.QueryStr(); filterMap.cbPathBuff = straPhys.QuerySize(); filterMap.dwFlags = pMetaData->QueryAccessPerms(); filterMap.cchMatchingPath = pMetaData->QueryCBMatchingPathA(); filterMap.cchMatchingURL = pMetaData->QueryCBMatchingUrlA(); filterMap.pszScriptMapEntry = NULL;
if ( pUrlInfo->QueryScriptMapEntry() ) { hr = straScriptMap.CopyW( pUrlInfo->QueryScriptMapEntry()->QueryExecutable()->QueryStr() );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
filterMap.pszScriptMapEntry = straScriptMap.QueryStr(); }
fRet = pW3Context->NotifyFilters( SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP, &filterMap, &fFinished );
// Ignore finished flag in this case since we really can't do much
// to advance to finish (since an ISAPI is calling this)
if ( !fRet ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
// Remember the mapped path
if ( strcmp( straSavePhys.QueryStr(), filterMap.pszPhysicalPath ) != 0 ) { hr = strFilterPath.CopyA( (CHAR*) filterMap.pszPhysicalPath ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
pstrFinalPhysical = &strFilterPath; } else { pstrFinalPhysical = pUrlInfo->QueryUrlTranslated(); } } else { //
// No filter is mapping, therefore just take the URL_INFO's physical
// path
pstrFinalPhysical = pUrlInfo->QueryUrlTranslated();
DBG_ASSERT( pstrFinalPhysical != NULL ); }
// We don't accept short filename since they can break metabase
// equivalency
if ( wcschr( pstrFinalPhysical->QueryStr(), L'~' ) ) { BOOL fShort = FALSE; DWORD dwError = CheckIfShortFileName( pstrFinalPhysical->QueryStr(), pW3Context->QueryImpersonationToken(), &fShort ); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ); goto Exit; }
if ( fShort ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); goto Exit; } }
// Copy the physical path is requested
hr = pstrPhysicalPath->Copy( *pstrFinalPhysical ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
return hr; }
DWORD CheckIfShortFileName( IN WCHAR * pszPath, IN HANDLE hImpersonation, OUT BOOL * pfShort ) /*++
This function takes a suspected NT/Win95 short filename and checks if there's an equivalent long filename. For example, c:\foobar\ABCDEF~1.ABC is the same as c:\foobar\abcdefghijklmnop.abc.
NOTE: This function should be called unimpersonated - the FindFirstFile() must be called in the system context since most systems have traverse checking turned off - except for the UNC case where we must be impersonated to get network access.
pszPath - Path to check hImpersonation - Impersonation handle if this is a UNC path - can be NULL if not UNC pfShort - Set to TRUE if an equivalent long filename is found
Win32 error on failure --*/ { DWORD err = NO_ERROR; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; WCHAR * psz; BOOL fUNC;
psz = wcschr( pszPath, L'~' ); *pfShort = FALSE; fUNC = (*pszPath == L'\\');
// Loop for multiple tildas - watch for a # after the tilda
while ( psz++ ) { if ( *psz >= L'0' && *psz <= L'9' ) { WCHAR achTmp[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR * pchEndSeg; WCHAR * pchBeginSeg; HANDLE hFind;
// Isolate the path up to the segment with the
// '~' and do the FindFirst with that path
pchEndSeg = wcschr( psz, L'\\' ); if ( !pchEndSeg ) { pchEndSeg = psz + wcslen( psz ); }
// If the string is beyond MAX_PATH then we allow it through
if ( ((INT) (pchEndSeg - pszPath)) >= MAX_PATH ) { return NO_ERROR; }
memcpy( achTmp, pszPath, (INT) (pchEndSeg - pszPath) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); achTmp[pchEndSeg - pszPath] = L'\0';
if ( fUNC && hImpersonation ) { if ( !SetThreadToken( NULL, hImpersonation )) { return GetLastError(); } }
// IVANPASH: Although it looks simpler to use GetLongPathName
// instead of manually traversing the folders, we must use
// FindFirstFileW, because GetLongPathName requires ACLs for
// IIS_WPG from the root of the drive to work.
hFind = FindFirstFileW( achTmp, &FindData );
if ( fUNC && hImpersonation ) { RevertToSelf(); }
if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { err = GetLastError();
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "FindFirst failed!! - \"%s\", error %d\n", achTmp, GetLastError() ));
// If the FindFirstFile() fails to find the file then return
// success - the path doesn't appear to be a valid path which
// is ok.
if ( err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || err == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND || err == ERROR_INVALID_NAME ) { return NO_ERROR; }
return err; }
DBG_REQUIRE( FindClose( hFind ));
// Isolate the last segment of the string which should be
// the potential short name equivalency
pchBeginSeg = wcsrchr( achTmp, L'\\' ); DBG_ASSERT( pchBeginSeg ); pchBeginSeg++;
// If the last segment doesn't match the long name then this is
// the short name version of the path
if ( _wcsicmp( FindData.cFileName, pchBeginSeg )) { *pfShort = TRUE; return NO_ERROR; } }
psz = wcschr( psz, L'~' ); }
return err; }
HRESULT URL_CONTEXT::OpenFile( CACHE_USER * pFileUser, W3_FILE_INFO ** ppOpenFile, FILE_CACHE_ASYNC_CONTEXT * pAsyncContext, BOOL * pfHandledSync, BOOL fAllowNoBuffering, BOOL fCheckForExistenceOnly ) /*++
Routine Description:
Open the physical path for this request. If a map path filter did some redirecting, we will use that path. Otherwise we will just use the path determined by metadata and cached in the W3_URL_INFO
pFileUser - User to open file as ppOpenFile - Set to file cache entry on success pAsyncContext - In case an async read is desired, context with callback information pfHandledSync - Did the open complete synchronously fAllowNoBuffering - Allow the file to be opened with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING fCheckForExistenceOnly - Only interested in existence of the file
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr; BOOL fDoCache;
DBG_ASSERT( QueryMetaData() != NULL );
fDoCache = !QueryMetaData()->QueryNoCache();
// If an ISAPI filter changed the physical path, then we need to go
// directly to the file cache. Otherwise, we can go thru the
// W3_URL_INFO which may already have the cached file associated
if ( _strPhysicalPath.IsEmpty() ) { //
// No filter. Fast path :-)
DBG_ASSERT( _pUrlInfo != NULL );
hr = _pUrlInfo->GetFileInfo( pFileUser, fDoCache, ppOpenFile, pAsyncContext, pfHandledSync, fAllowNoBuffering, fCheckForExistenceOnly ); } else { //
// Filter case. Must lookup in file cache :-(
DBG_ASSERT( g_pW3Server->QueryFileCache() != NULL );
hr = g_pW3Server->QueryFileCache()->GetFileInfo( _strPhysicalPath, QueryMetaData()->QueryDirmonConfig(), pFileUser, fDoCache, ppOpenFile, pAsyncContext, pfHandledSync, fAllowNoBuffering, fCheckForExistenceOnly ); }
return hr; }
HRESULT URL_CONTEXT::Initialize( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize URL_CONTEXT lookaside
Return Value:
--*/ { return NO_ERROR; }
VOID URL_CONTEXT::Terminate( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Clean up URL_CONTEXT lookaside
Return Value:
--*/ { }