Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : wam_process.cxx
Abstract: Manages OOP ISAPI processes Author: Wade Hilmo (wadeh) 10-Oct-2000
Environment: Win32 - User Mode
Project: ULW3.DLL
#include <initguid.h>
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "isapi_handler.h"
#include "iwam_i.c"
#include "wam_process.hxx"
WAM_PROCESS::WAM_PROCESS( LPCWSTR szWamClsid, WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER * pWamProcessManager, LPCSTR szIsapiHandlerInstance ) : _cCurrentRequests( 0 ), _cTotalRequests( 0 ), _cRefs( 1 ), _pWamProcessManager( pWamProcessManager ), _pIWam( NULL ), _bstrInstanceId( NULL ), _cMaxRequests( 0 ), _dwProcessId( 0 ), _hProcess( NULL ), _fGoingAway( FALSE ), _fCrashed( FALSE ) /*++
Routine Description:
szWamClsid - The CLSID of the WAM application to create pWamProcessManager - A pointer to the WAM process manager szIsapiHandlerInstance - The instance ID of the ISAPI handler that's creating this object. Used for debugging purposes
Return Value:
--*/ { _pWamProcessManager->AddRef();
InitializeListHead( &_RequestListHead ); wcsncpy( _szWamClsid, szWamClsid, SIZE_CLSID_STRING );
_szWamClsid[SIZE_CLSID_STRING - 1] = L'\0';
strncpy( _szIsapiHandlerInstance, szIsapiHandlerInstance, SIZE_CLSID_STRING );
_szIsapiHandlerInstance[SIZE_CLSID_STRING - 1] = '\0';
Routine Description:
Initializes the parts of the WAM_PROCESS object not appropriate to the constructor. This includes starting up the remote process via CoCreateInstance and collecting data about the process once it's running
szApplMdPathW - The metabase path of the application
Return Value:
--*/ { CLSID clsid; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWSTR szIsapiModule; DWORD cbIsapiModule;
IF_DEBUG( ISAPI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Creating WAM_PROCESS %p, CLSID=%S.\r\n", this, _szWamClsid )); }
// Get some info about the ISAPI module
DBG_REQUIRE( ( szIsapiModule = _pWamProcessManager->QueryIsapiModule() ) != NULL ); cbIsapiModule = (DWORD)( wcslen( szIsapiModule ) + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR );
// Set the name for the WAM_PROCESS
if ( szApplMdPathW ) { hr = _strApplMdPathW.Copy( szApplMdPathW ); } else { hr = _strApplMdPathW.Copy( L"" ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Get the CLSID for this WAM_PROCESS
hr = CLSIDFromString( (LPOLESTR)_szWamClsid, &clsid );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto ErrorExit; }
hr = strClsid.CopyW( _szWamClsid );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto ErrorExit; }
// CoCreate it
hr = CoCreateInstance( clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWam, (void**)&_pIWam );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p. Failed to CoCreate WAM.\r\n", this ));
_pIWam = NULL;
goto ErrorExit; }
// Set the proxy blanket so that the client can't
// impersonate us.
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p. Failed to CoCreate WAM.\r\n", this ));
goto ErrorExit; }
// Now initialize it.
_dwProcessId = 0; _hProcess = NULL;
hr = _pIWam->WamInitProcess( (BYTE*)szIsapiModule, cbIsapiModule, &_dwProcessId, strClsid.QueryStr(), _szIsapiHandlerInstance, GetCurrentProcessId() );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p. WamInitProcess failed.\r\n", this ));
// If we're failing with ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED,
// then we should try and get the process handle so
// that the error routine below will kill off the
// process. This will allow subsequent attempts
// to instantiate the WAM_PROCESS to succeed.
if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED ) && _dwProcessId != 0 ) { _hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE | PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, _dwProcessId ); }
goto ErrorExit; }
// Get a handle to the new process
_hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE | PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, _dwProcessId );
if ( !_hProcess ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p. Failed to get process handle.\r\n", this ));
goto ErrorExit; }
hr = _pWamProcessManager->QueryCatalog()->GetApplicationInstanceIDFromProcessID( _dwProcessId, &_bstrInstanceId );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// If we've made it this far, then it's not reasonable for the
// above GetApplicationInstanceIDFromProcessID call to fail.
DBG_ASSERT( FALSE && "GetApplicationInstanceIDFromProcessID failed on running app." );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p. Failed to get instance ID.\r\n", this ));
goto ErrorExit; }
IF_DEBUG( ISAPI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p created successfully.\r\n", this )); }
return hr;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Attempt to create WAM_PROCESS %p failed. CLSID=%S, HRESULT=%08x.\r\n", this, _szWamClsid, hr ));
// Log the failed attempt. We want to put a rich error
// message into the event log to aid administrators in
// debugging, so we'll FormatMessage the error.
const WCHAR * pszEventLog[2]; WCHAR szErrorDescription[MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT]; WCHAR * pszErrorDescription = NULL; HANDLE hMetabase = GetModuleHandleW( L"METADATA.DLL" ); DWORD dwFacility; DWORD dwError;
// Check the facility code for the failed HRESULT. If it's really
// a win32 error, then we should call FormatMessage on the win32
// error directly. This makes prettier messages in the event log.
dwFacility = ( hr >> 16 ) & 0x0fff;
if ( dwFacility == FACILITY_WIN32 ) { dwError = WIN32_FROM_HRESULT( hr ); } else { dwError = hr; }
if( FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, hMetabase, dwError, MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), (LPTSTR)&pszErrorDescription, sizeof( szErrorDescription ) - 1, NULL ) && pszErrorDescription ) { wcsncpy(szErrorDescription, pszErrorDescription, MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT ); szErrorDescription[MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT-1] = L'\0';
LocalFree(pszErrorDescription); } else { wsprintfW( szErrorDescription, L"%08x", hr ); }
pszEventLog[0] = _strApplMdPathW.QueryStr(); pszEventLog[1] = szErrorDescription;
g_pW3Server->LogEvent( W3_EVENT_FAIL_LOADWAM, 2, pszEventLog, 0 );
// Clean up instance ID and IWam goo
if ( _bstrInstanceId ) { SysFreeString( _bstrInstanceId ); _bstrInstanceId = NULL; }
if ( _pIWam ) { _pIWam->Release(); _pIWam = NULL; }
// Since COM can sometimes return bogus failures when
// we try and get the instance ID, we need to check to
// see if the process was really created and terminate
// it if so.
if ( _hProcess ) { TerminateProcess( _hProcess, 0 );
CloseHandle( _hProcess );
_hProcess = NULL; _dwProcessId = 0; }
return hr; }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS::ProcessRequest( ISAPI_REQUEST * pIsapiRequest, ISAPI_CORE_DATA * pIsapiCoreData, DWORD * pdwHseResult ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes a request by passing the necessary data to the OOP host.
pIsapiRequest - The ISAPI_REQUEST for this request pIsapiCoreData - The core data for the request pdwHseResult - Upon return, the return code from HttpExtensionProc
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwHseResult; //
// Bump the counters for this process and
// Add a reference for the request to both
// the process object and to the ISAPI request
// object.
InterlockedIncrement( &_cTotalRequests ); InterlockedIncrement( &_cCurrentRequests );
// We need to keep a list of outstanding requests so that we
// can clean everything up in the case of shutdown or an OOP
// crash.
LockRequestList(); InsertHeadList( &_RequestListHead, &pIsapiRequest->_leRequest ); UnlockRequestList(); */ //
// Associate the WAM process with the ISAPI_REQUEST and call
// out to the OOP host. This essentially causes the ISAPI_REQUEST
// to take a reference on this object until it's destroyed.
pIsapiRequest->SetAssociatedWamProcess( this );
if ( ETW_IS_TRACE_ON(ETW_LEVEL_CP) ) { g_pEtwTracer->EtwTraceEvent( &IISEventGuid, ETW_TYPE_IIS_OOP_ISAPI_REQUEST, &pIsapiCoreData->RequestId, sizeof(ULONGLONG), &_dwProcessId, sizeof(DWORD), &_cTotalRequests, sizeof(DWORD), &_cCurrentRequests, sizeof(DWORD), NULL, 0 ); }
hr = _pIWam->WamProcessIsapiRequest( (BYTE*)pIsapiCoreData, pIsapiCoreData->cbSize, pIsapiRequest, &dwHseResult );
// Check for failure.
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// Need to check for special case failures that result
// from OOP process crashes.
// RPC_S_CALL_FAILED - indicates OOP process crashed
// during the call.
// RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE - indicates OOP process crashed
// before the call.
// RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE - The OOP process was just not there
// (ie. previously crashed, etc.)
// RPC_E_SERVERFAULT - The ISAPI AVed in HttpExtensionProc()
// WARNING - HandleCrash can potentially cause this object
// to be destroyed. Don't do anything except
// return after calling it!
HandleCrash(); return hr; } }
*pdwHseResult = dwHseResult;
return hr; }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS::ProcessCompletion( ISAPI_REQUEST * pIsapiRequest, DWORD64 IsapiContext, DWORD cbCompletion, DWORD dwCompletionStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes a completion by passing the necessary data to the OOP host.
pIsapiRequest - The ISAPI_REQUEST for this request IsapiContext - The ISAPI_CONTEXT that identifies the request (opaque) cbCompletion - The number of bytes associated with the completion dwCompletionStatus - The result code for the completion
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
DBG_ASSERT( pIsapiRequest ); DBG_ASSERT( IsapiContext != 0 );
hr = pIsapiRequest->PreprocessIoCompletion( cbCompletion );
// Let the OOP process handle the completion
hr = _pIWam->WamProcessIsapiCompletion( IsapiContext, cbCompletion, dwCompletionStatus );
// This release balances the release taken when the ISAPI_REQUEST
// made the async call into the server core.
// Check for failure.
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { //
// Need to check for special case failures that result
// from OOP process crashes.
// RPC_S_CALL_FAILED - indicates OOP process crashed
// during the call.
// RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE - indicates OOP process crashed
// before the call.
// RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE - The OOP process was just not there
// (ie. previously crashed, etc.)
// RPC_E_SERVERFAULT - The ISAPI AVed in HttpExtensionProc()
// WARNING - HandleCrash can potentially cause this object
// to be destroyed. Don't do anything except
// return after calling it!
HandleCrash(); return hr; } }
return hr; }
VOID WAM_PROCESS::DecrementRequestCount( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Hmmm. Let me think for a minute...
Oh yeah, this function decrements the request count.
Return Value:
--*/ { /*
// Remove this request from the active request list
LockRequestList(); RemoveEntryList( &pIsapiRequest->_leRequest ); UnlockRequestList();
// Release the ISAPI_REQUEST object.
// Release this requests reference on the WAM_PROCESS object.
Release(); */
InterlockedDecrement( &_cCurrentRequests ); }
VOID WAM_PROCESS::HandleCrash( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handles a crashed request
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// If we get here, then we have to assume that the OOP host
// process has crashed. When this happens, COM is going to
// release the references on any ISAPI_REQUEST objects held
// by the process. As these ISAPI_REQUEST's drop to zero,
// they will be releasing references on this object.
// At this time, there's not much we can do, except call
// TerminateProcess on it to make sure it's dead and pull
// it off the hash table so no new requests are routed to
// it.
// The Disable call that pulls it from the hash table could
// very well release the final reference on this object.
// We cannot touch any members after that.
// We need to make sure that we only call Disable once!
_fCrashed = TRUE;
if ( InterlockedExchange( &_fGoingAway, 1 ) == 0 ) { //
// Log the crash
_pWamProcessManager->RegisterCrash( _szWamClsid );
const WCHAR *pszEventLog[1];
pszEventLog[0] = _strApplMdPathW.QueryStr();
g_pW3Server->LogEvent( W3_EVENT_OOPAPP_VANISHED, 1, pszEventLog, 0 );
TerminateProcess( _hProcess, 0 );
// Don't leak the handle...
CloseHandle( _hProcess ); _hProcess = NULL;
// Force COM to release any references it's holding
// to ISAPI_REQUEST objects.
Disable( TRUE ); } }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS::Disable( BOOL fRemoveFromProcessHash ) /*++
Routine Description:
Disables the WAM_PROCESS. Any new requests for the application associated with this process will cause a new process to start after this function is called.
fRemoveFromProcessHash - If TRUE, then this function should remove the WAM_PROCESS from the hash table. This flag will be FALSE when this function is called from the WAM process manager's shutdown. In that case, the LKRHash DeleteIf function will handle removing the object from the hash.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
_fGoingAway = TRUE;
// Remove the process from the hash if directed.
if ( fRemoveFromProcessHash ) { _pWamProcessManager->LockWamProcessHash(); hr = _pWamProcessManager->RemoveWamProcessFromHash( this ); }
// Once we remove the process from the hash, we should recycle it.
// This will force COM to start a new process in the case where
// new requests arrive for this AppWamClsid before the shutdown
// code has a chance to kill off this instance.
VARIANT varInstanceId = {0}; varInstanceId.vt = VT_BSTR; varInstanceId.bstrVal = _bstrInstanceId; hr = _pWamProcessManager->QueryCatalog()->RecycleApplicationInstances( &varInstanceId, 0 );
// This code could potentially fail under a number of circumstances.
// For example, if we are disabling this application because it
// crashed, we don't really expect to be able to recycle it.
// This is not a big deal. We'll just do some debug spew and get
// on with it.
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error 0x%08x occured attempting to recycle disabled " "application %S\r\n", hr, _szWamClsid )); }
if ( fRemoveFromProcessHash ) { _pWamProcessManager->UnlockWamProcessHash(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS::CleanupRequests( DWORD dwDrainTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is basically just a timer that allows time to pass until either the supplied timeout is reached, or all requests are completed, whichever is first.
dwDrainTime - The timeout in milliseconds
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwWaitSoFar = 0; //
// We will loop here until either the specified time has
// passed, or until all requests are done.
while ( _cCurrentRequests ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p waiting for %d requests.\r\n", this, _cCurrentRequests )); Sleep( 200 );
if ( dwDrainTime < ( dwWaitSoFar += 200 ) ) { break; } }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p done draining with %d requests " "still outstanding.\r\n", this, _cCurrentRequests ));
return NOERROR; }
Routine Description:
Shuts down the WAM_PROCESS and associated OOP host process
Note that we make the assumption that the caller of this function has taken steps to ensure that new requests are properly routed. In the typical case, this means that somebody has called Disable to pull us off the hash table. In the special case where LKRHash calls this function when the WAM process has is being deleted, we assume that the web service is in shutdown state and no new requests are arriving.
Also note that it's up to the caller to hold a reference if necessary to ensure that this object doesn't get destroyed while this function is running.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
// If we get here, we expect that this object has been pulled off
// the hash table (and that the _fGoingAway flag is set).
DBG_ASSERT( _fGoingAway );
// If there are no requests running, then we can gracefully unload
// any extensions in the OOP host. Otherwise, we're basically
// going to crash the OOP host by terminating it with requests in
// flight.
// This latter case should only happen if we are being demand
// unloaded, through the UI, via ADSI, or via IMSAdminBase.
if ( _cCurrentRequests == 0 ) { _pIWam->WamUninitProcess(); }
// Time to kill the process. We could potentially use the COM
// ShutdownProcess API, but it doesn't really buy us anything.
// We're just gonna terminate it.
DBG_ASSERT( _hProcess );
if ( _hProcess ) { TerminateProcess( _hProcess, 0 );
CloseHandle( _hProcess ); _hProcess = NULL; }
// Force COM to release any references it's holding
// to ISAPI_REQUEST objects.
// Now that the process is gone, COM will clean up any
// References on ISAPI_REQUEST objects that were held in
// it. It is also possible that there are threads
// unwinding in the core that are doing work on behalf
// of the OOP host, and there may even be I/O completions
// that will occur for this process.
// As these objects reach zero references, they will
// release their references on this object. This object
// will be destroyed when the last reference is released.
return hr; }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS::Unload( DWORD dwDrainTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
Unloads the WAM_PROCESS, allowing for a timeout that allows outstanding requests to complete before killing them off.
dwDrainTime - The timeout in milliseconds before requests are killed
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
// We'd better not do this more than once.
if ( InterlockedExchange( &_fGoingAway , 1 ) == 0 ) { //
// WARNING - Calling Disable can potentially cause this object
// to be destroyed. We need to take a reference until
// the Shutdown function returns.
hr = Disable();
hr = CleanupRequests( dwDrainTime );
hr = Shutdown();
Release(); }
return hr; }
VOID WAM_PROCESS::AddIsapiRequestToList( ISAPI_REQUEST * pIsapiRequest ) { pIsapiRequest->AddRef(); LockRequestList(); InsertHeadList( &_RequestListHead, &pIsapiRequest->_leRequest ); UnlockRequestList(); }
VOID WAM_PROCESS::RemoveIsapiRequestFromList( ISAPI_REQUEST * pIsapiRequest ) { LockRequestList(); RemoveEntryList( &pIsapiRequest->_leRequest ); InitializeListHead( &pIsapiRequest->_leRequest ); UnlockRequestList();
pIsapiRequest->Release(); }
VOID WAM_PROCESS::DisconnectIsapiRequests( VOID ) { LIST_ENTRY * pleTemp; ISAPI_REQUEST * pIsapiRequest; HRESULT hr;
LockRequestList(); pleTemp = _RequestListHead.Flink;
while ( pleTemp != &_RequestListHead ) { pIsapiRequest = CONTAINING_RECORD( pleTemp, ISAPI_REQUEST, _leRequest );
DBG_ASSERT( pIsapiRequest );
hr = CoDisconnectObject( pIsapiRequest, 0 );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to disconnect ISAPI_REQUEST %p. HRESULT=%08x.\r\n", pIsapiRequest, hr ));
DBG_ASSERT( FALSE && "Error disconnecting ISAPI_REQUEST." ); }
pleTemp = pleTemp->Flink;
pIsapiRequest->Release(); }
UnlockRequestList(); }
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( _cCurrentRequests == 0 );
if (_bstrInstanceId) { SysFreeString(_bstrInstanceId); _bstrInstanceId = NULL; }
DeleteCriticalSection( &_csRequestList );
IF_DEBUG( ISAPI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS %p has been destroyed.\r\n", this )); }
_pWamProcessManager->Release(); }
Routine Description:
Initializes the parts of the WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER object not appropriate to the constructor. This includes instantiating the COM+ admin catalog interface.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
IF_DEBUG( ISAPI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Creating WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER %p.\r\n", this )); } //
// Need to get the COM admin interface
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_COMAdminCatalog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICOMAdminCatalog2, (void**)&_pCatalog );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER %p. Failed to CoCreate ICOMAdminCatalog2.\r\n", this ));
goto ErrorExit; }
IF_DEBUG( ISAPI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER %p created successfully.\r\n", this )); }
return hr;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Attempt to create WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER %p has failed. HRESULT=%08x.\r\n", this, hr ));
return hr; }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER::GetWamProcess( LPCWSTR szWamClsid, LPCWSTR szApplMdPathW, DWORD * pdwWamSubError, WAM_PROCESS ** ppWamProcess, LPCSTR szIsapiHandlerInstance ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns a WAM_PROCESS pointer associated with the specified CLSID. If no corresponding WAM_PROCESS exists, one will be started.
szWamClsid - The CLSID of the desired WAM_PROCESS szApplMdPathW - The metabase path of the application pdwWamSubError - Upon failed return, contains the WAM sub error (which is used to generate the text of the error response sent to the client) ppWamProcess - Upon return, contains the WAM_PROCESS pointer szIsapiHandlerInstance - The instance ID of the W3_ISAPI_HANDLER that's looking for a WAM_PROCESS. This is used for debugging purposes.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; WAM_PROCESS * pWamProcess = NULL; WAM_APP_INFO * pWamAppInfo = NULL; DWORD dwNumPreviousCrashes;
DBG_ASSERT( szWamClsid ); DBG_ASSERT( szApplMdPathW ); DBG_ASSERT( pdwWamSubError ); DBG_ASSERT( ppWamProcess ); //
// Look to see if the WAM_PROCESS has already been
// loaded. If so, then we can just return it.
// This is the common path, and we want to avoid
// taking a lock for this case.
_WamProcessHash.FindKey( szWamClsid, &pWamProcess );
if ( pWamProcess != NULL ) { *ppWamProcess = pWamProcess;
return hr; }
// Ok, so we didn't already find it. Now, let's
// lock the hash table and load it.
// Better check once more now that we have the lock just
// in case someone got to it since our initial check
// above.
_WamProcessHash.FindKey( szWamClsid, &pWamProcess );
if ( pWamProcess != NULL ) { *ppWamProcess = pWamProcess; goto ExitDone; }
// Check to see if we have exceeded the AppOopRecoverLimit.
hr = GetWamProcessInfo( szApplMdPathW, &pWamAppInfo, NULL );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto ExitDone; }
if ( pWamAppInfo->_dwAppOopRecoverLimit != 0 ) { hr = QueryCrashHistory( szWamClsid, &dwNumPreviousCrashes );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto ExitDone; }
if ( dwNumPreviousCrashes >= pWamAppInfo->_dwAppOopRecoverLimit ) { //
// If we've exceeded the recover limit,
// then we should fail now.
hr = E_FAIL;
goto ExitDone; } }
// Try and create the new WAM_PROCESS...
pWamProcess = new WAM_PROCESS( szWamClsid, this, szIsapiHandlerInstance );
if ( !pWamProcess ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto ExitDone; }
// Create the WAM_PROCESS object. This will start the
// host process.
hr = pWamProcess->Create( szApplMdPathW );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to create WAM_PROCESS %p. Error 0x%08x\r\n", pWamProcess, hr ));
goto ExitDone; }
// Add the newly created WAM_PROCESS to the hash table
if ( _WamProcessHash.InsertRecord( pWamProcess ) != LK_SUCCESS ) { pWamProcess->Release(); hr = E_FAIL; // CODEWORK - Consider passing lkreturn to caller
goto ExitDone; }
// Finally, set the return object for the caller
*ppWamProcess = pWamProcess;
if ( pWamAppInfo != NULL ) { pWamAppInfo->Release(); pWamAppInfo = NULL; }
return hr; }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER::GetWamProcessInfo( LPCWSTR szAppPath, WAM_APP_INFO ** ppWamAppInfo, BOOL * pfIsLoaded ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves the app info associated with the provided metabase path and indicates whether the application is currently loaded or not.
Note that this function is expensive because it reads the metabase on each call. It is currently only called when an application is unloaded or changed via the UI or an administrative API.
Don't call this function if you care about performance.
szAppPath - The metabase path (ie. "/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT") to retrieve ppWamAppInfo - Upon return, contains a pointer to the app info pfIsLoaded - Upon return, indicates if the application is loaded
Return Value:
--*/ { MB mb( g_pW3Server->QueryMDObject() ); WAM_APP_INFO * pWamAppInfo = NULL; WAM_PROCESS * pWamProcess = NULL; DWORD dwRequiredLen; DWORD dwAppIsolated; DWORD dwAppOopRecoverLimit; WCHAR szClsid[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
DBG_ASSERT( szAppPath ); DBG_ASSERT( ppWamAppInfo );
// Get the info from the metabase
if ( !mb.Open( szAppPath ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Done; }
// Get the AppIsolated value
if (!mb.GetDword(L"", MD_APP_ISOLATED, IIS_MD_UT_WAM, &dwAppIsolated, METADATA_INHERIT)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Done; }
// Set the CLSID
switch ( dwAppIsolated ) { case APP_ISOLATED:
// Read it from the metabase
dwRequiredLen= SIZE_CLSID_STRING * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (!mb.GetString(L"", MD_APP_WAM_CLSID, IIS_MD_UT_WAM, szClsid, &dwRequiredLen, METADATA_INHERIT)) { DBG_ASSERT(dwRequiredLen <= SIZE_CLSID_STRING * sizeof(WCHAR)); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Done; }
case APP_POOL:
// Set it from the hardcoded pool clsid
case APP_INPROC: default:
// Set it to an empty string
szClsid[0] = L'\0';
break; }
// Get the AppOopRecoverLimit
if (!mb.GetDword(L"", MD_APP_OOP_RECOVER_LIMIT, IIS_MD_UT_WAM, &dwAppOopRecoverLimit, METADATA_INHERIT)) { //
// Ok, so we didn't get the value. The default is dependent
// on whether this is the pool or isolated (and in the case
// of inproc, we'll just default to zero.)
if ( dwAppIsolated == APP_ISOLATED ) { dwAppOopRecoverLimit = DEFAULT_RECOVER_LIMIT; } else { dwAppOopRecoverLimit = 0; } }
// Allocate a new WAM_APP_INFO
pWamAppInfo = new WAM_APP_INFO( (LPWSTR)szAppPath, szClsid, dwAppIsolated );
if ( !pWamAppInfo ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto Done; }
pWamAppInfo->_dwAppOopRecoverLimit = dwAppOopRecoverLimit;
// Return the new object
*ppWamAppInfo = pWamAppInfo;
// Finally, check to see if the application is loaded
if ( pfIsLoaded != NULL ) { if ( pWamAppInfo->_dwAppIsolated != APP_INPROC ) { _WamProcessHash.FindKey( pWamAppInfo->_szClsid, &pWamProcess ); }
if ( pWamProcess != NULL ) { *pfIsLoaded = TRUE; pWamProcess->Release(); pWamProcess = NULL; } else { *pfIsLoaded = FALSE; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER::RemoveWamProcessFromHash( WAM_PROCESS * pWamProcess ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes a WAM_PROCESS from the hash
pWamProcess - The WAM_PROCESS to remove
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LK_RETCODE lkret; lkret = _WamProcessHash.DeleteRecord( pWamProcess );
if ( lkret != LK_SUCCESS ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to delete WAM_PROCESS %p from hash. LK_RETCODE=0x%p.\r\n", pWamProcess, lkret ));
hr = E_FAIL; // CODEWORK - Consider passing lkreturn to caller
} else { IF_DEBUG( ISAPI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Removed WAM_PROCESS %p from hash.\r\n", pWamProcess )); } }
return hr; }
// static
LK_PREDICATE WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER::UnloadWamProcess( WAM_PROCESS * pWamProcess, void * ) /*++
Routine Description:
Unloads a WAM_PROCESS. This function is exclusively called by LKRHash's DeleteIf function during WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER shutdown just before the hash table is deleted.
pWamProcess - The WAM_PROCESS to shut down pvState - Required by LKRHash - we don't use it
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
DBG_ASSERT( pWamProcess );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Unloading application %S.\r\n", pWamProcess->QueryClsid() ));
hr = pWamProcess->Disable( FALSE ); hr = pWamProcess->CleanupRequests( 0 ); hr = pWamProcess->Shutdown();
return LKP_PERFORM; }
Routine Description:
Return Value:
_WamProcessHash.DeleteIf( UnloadWamProcess, NULL );
return hr; }
VOID WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER::RegisterCrash( LPCWSTR szWamClsid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Updates the crash count for the specified application
szWamClsid - The CLSID of the WAM whose process crashed
Return Value:
--*/ { WAM_CRASH_RECORD * pWamCrashRecord = NULL; LIST_ENTRY * pleTemp = NULL;
pleTemp = _CrashHistoryList.Flink;
while ( pleTemp != &_CrashHistoryList ) { pWamCrashRecord = CONTAINING_RECORD( pleTemp, WAM_CRASH_RECORD, leCrashHistory );
DBG_ASSERT( pWamCrashRecord );
if ( _wcsicmp( pWamCrashRecord->szClsid, szWamClsid ) == 0 ) { break; }
pleTemp = pleTemp->Flink; pWamCrashRecord = NULL; }
// If pWamCrashRecord is non-NULL, then we need to increment
// its crash history. If it is NULL, then we won't worry about
// it.
if ( pWamCrashRecord != NULL ) { pWamCrashRecord->dwNumCrashes++; } }
HRESULT WAM_PROCESS_MANAGER::QueryCrashHistory( LPCWSTR szWamClsid, DWORD * pdwNumCrashes ) /*++
Routine Description:
Queries the number of times a particular WAM has crashed.
szWamClsid - The CLSID of the WAM whose process crashed pdwNumCrashes - On successful return, contains the data
Return Value:
--*/ { WAM_CRASH_RECORD * pWamCrashRecord = NULL; LIST_ENTRY * pleTemp = NULL; HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
pleTemp = _CrashHistoryList.Flink;
while ( pleTemp != &_CrashHistoryList ) { pWamCrashRecord = CONTAINING_RECORD( pleTemp, WAM_CRASH_RECORD, leCrashHistory );
DBG_ASSERT( pWamCrashRecord );
if ( _wcsicmp( pWamCrashRecord->szClsid, szWamClsid ) == 0 ) { break; }
pleTemp = pleTemp->Flink; pWamCrashRecord = NULL; }
// If pWamCrashRecord is non-NULL, then we need to return
// it's crash history.
// If it is NULL, then we didn't find it, and we need to
// create a new record.
if ( pWamCrashRecord != NULL ) { *pdwNumCrashes = pWamCrashRecord->dwNumCrashes; } else { pWamCrashRecord = new WAM_CRASH_RECORD;
if ( pWamCrashRecord == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } else { wcsncpy( pWamCrashRecord->szClsid, szWamClsid, SIZE_CLSID_STRING ); pWamCrashRecord->szClsid[SIZE_CLSID_STRING-1] = L'\0';
InsertHeadList( &_CrashHistoryList, &pWamCrashRecord->leCrashHistory ); }
*pdwNumCrashes = 0; }
return hr; }