Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : dll_manager.h
Abstract: IIS Plus ISAPI Handler. Dll management classes. Author: Taylor Weiss (TaylorW) 03-Feb-2000 Wade A. Hilmo (WadeH) 08-Mar-2001
Project: w3isapi.dll
#ifndef _DLL_MANAGER_H_
#define _DLL_MANAGER_H_
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
#include <lkrhash.h>
#include <reftrace.h>
#include <acache.hxx>
* Declarations ************************************************************/
Encapsulate an ISAPI dll.
class ISAPI_DLL { friend class ISAPI_DLL_MANAGER;
// ACACHE and ref tracing goo
VOID * operator new( size_t size ) { //
// Make warning level 4 happy and touch
// the size argument in both free and checked
// builds...
if ( size != sizeof( ISAPI_DLL ) ) { DBG_ASSERT( size == sizeof( ISAPI_DLL ) ); }
DBG_ASSERT( sm_pachIsapiDlls != NULL ); return sm_pachIsapiDlls->Alloc(); } VOID operator delete( VOID * pIsapiDll ) { DBG_ASSERT( pIsapiDll != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( sm_pachIsapiDlls != NULL ); DBG_REQUIRE( sm_pachIsapiDlls->Free( pIsapiDll ) ); }
BOOL CheckSignature() { return ( m_Signature == ISAPI_DLL_SIGNATURE ); } static HRESULT Initialize( VOID ); static VOID Terminate( VOID );
// Construction and destruction
ISAPI_DLL() : m_nRefs(1), m_pfnGetExtensionVersion( NULL ), m_pfnTerminateExtension( NULL ), m_pfnHttpExtensionProc( NULL ), m_hModule( NULL ), m_pFastSid( NULL ), m_fIsLoaded( FALSE ), m_Signature( ISAPI_DLL_SIGNATURE ) { IF_DEBUG( DLL_MANAGER ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Created new ISAPI_DLL %p.\r\n", this )); }
VOID ReferenceIsapiDll( VOID ) { LONG nRefs;
// Don't go from 0 to 1 refs
DBG_ASSERT( m_nRefs != 0 );
nRefs = InterlockedIncrement( &m_nRefs );
if ( sm_pTraceLog != NULL ) { WriteRefTraceLog( sm_pTraceLog, nRefs, this ); } }
VOID DereferenceIsapiDll( VOID ) { LONG nRefs;
nRefs = InterlockedDecrement( &m_nRefs );
if ( sm_pTraceLog != NULL ) { WriteRefTraceLog( sm_pTraceLog, nRefs, this ); }
if ( nRefs == 0 ) { delete this; } }
HRESULT SetName( const WCHAR *szModuleName, HANDLE hImpersonation );
HRESULT Load( IN HANDLE hImpersonation, IN PSID pSid );
HRESULT SetFastSid( IN PSID pSid );
PSID QueryFastSid( VOID ) const { return m_pFastSid; }
// Accessors
const WCHAR * QueryModuleName( VOID ) const { return m_strModuleName.QueryStr(); }
PFN_GETEXTENSIONVERSION QueryGetExtensionVersion( VOID ) const { return m_pfnGetExtensionVersion; }
PFN_TERMINATEEXTENSION QueryTerminateExtension( VOID ) const { return m_pfnTerminateExtension; }
PFN_HTTPEXTENSIONPROC QueryHttpExtensionProc( VOID ) const { return m_pfnHttpExtensionProc; }
BOOL IsMatch( IN const WCHAR * szModuleName ) { return (_wcsicmp( szModuleName, m_strModuleName.QueryStr() ) == 0); }
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR QuerySecDesc( VOID ) const { return (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) m_buffSD.QueryPtr(); }
BOOL AccessCheck( IN HANDLE hImpersonation, IN PSID pSid );
private: //
// Avoid c++ errors
ISAPI_DLL( const ISAPI_DLL & ) {} ISAPI_DLL & operator = ( const ISAPI_DLL & ) { return *this; }
~ISAPI_DLL() { DBG_ASSERT( CheckSignature() ); m_Signature = ISAPI_DLL_SIGNATURE_FREE;
// If this gets moved then we need to alter
// cleanup paths during load.
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csLock );
IF_DEBUG( DLL_MANAGER ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Deleted ISAPI_DLL %p.\r\n", this )); } }
VOID Unload( VOID );
DWORD m_Signature; LONG m_nRefs; STRU m_strModuleName; STRU m_strAntiCanonModuleName;
volatile BOOL m_fIsLoaded;
static PTRACE_LOG sm_pTraceLog; static ALLOC_CACHE_HANDLER * sm_pachIsapiDlls;
// ISAPI Entry Points
PFN_GETEXTENSIONVERSION m_pfnGetExtensionVersion; PFN_TERMINATEEXTENSION m_pfnTerminateExtension; PFN_HTTPEXTENSIONPROC m_pfnHttpExtensionProc;
// Security members
HMODULE m_hModule; BUFFER m_buffSD;
// Fast check sid (the SID of the user which originally accessed DLL)
PSID m_pFastSid; BYTE m_abFastSid[ 64 ];
HRESULT LoadAcl( STRU &strModuleName );
VOID Lock( VOID ) { EnterCriticalSection( &m_csLock ); }
VOID Unlock( VOID ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &m_csLock ); } };
// Hash Table for ISAPI extension lookup
class ISAPI_DLL_HASH : public CTypedHashTable< ISAPI_DLL_HASH, ISAPI_DLL, LPCWSTR > { public: ISAPI_DLL_HASH() : CTypedHashTable< ISAPI_DLL_HASH, ISAPI_DLL, LPCWSTR > ( "ISAPI_DLL_HASH" ) { } static LPCWSTR ExtractKey( const ISAPI_DLL * pEntry ) { return pEntry->QueryModuleName(); } static DWORD CalcKeyHash( LPCWSTR pszKey ) { int cchKey = (int)wcslen(pszKey);
return HashStringNoCase(pszKey, cchKey); } static bool EqualKeys( LPCWSTR pszKey1, LPCWSTR pszKey2 ) { return _wcsicmp( pszKey1, pszKey2 ) == 0; } static void AddRefRecord( ISAPI_DLL * pEntry, int nIncr ) { if ( nIncr == +1 ) { pEntry->ReferenceIsapiDll(); } else if ( nIncr == - 1) { pEntry->DereferenceIsapiDll(); } }
private: //
// Avoid c++ errors
ISAPI_DLL_HASH & operator = ( const ISAPI_DLL_HASH & ) { return *this; } };
class ISAPI_DLL_MANAGER { public:
ISAPI_DLL_MANAGER( BOOL fInproc ) { m_fInproc = fInproc; }
HRESULT GetIsapi( IN const WCHAR * szModuleName, OUT ISAPI_DLL ** ppIsapiDll, IN HANDLE hImpersonation, IN PSID pSid );
BOOL IsInproc() { return m_fInproc; }
private: //
// Avoid c++ errors
ISAPI_DLL_MANAGER( const ISAPI_DLL_MANAGER & ) {} ISAPI_DLL_MANAGER & operator = ( const ISAPI_DLL_MANAGER & ) { return *this; }
ISAPI_DLL_HASH m_IsapiHash; BOOL m_fInproc; };
extern ISAPI_DLL_MANAGER * g_pDllManager;
#endif // _DLL_MANAGER_H_