Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
implementation for w3wplist utility
Author: Hamid Mahmood (t-hamidm) 06-08-2001
Revision History: --*/ #include <precomp.hxx>
#include "w3wplist.hxx"
#include <ntrtl.h>
w3wpList::w3wpList() /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { m_pdwProcessId = NULL; m_pszTargetAppPoolId = NULL; m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray = 0; m_chVerbosity = 0; m_dwNumProcessId = 0; m_startingIndex = 0; m_dwTargetPID = 0; InitializeListHead(&m_listHead);
// initialize global data
w3wpList::~w3wpList() /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT (m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray == 0); DBG_ASSERT (m_chVerbosity == 0); DBG_ASSERT (m_dwNumProcessId == 0); DBG_ASSERT (m_startingIndex == 0); DBG_ASSERT (m_dwTargetPID == 0); DBG_ASSERT (m_pdwProcessId == NULL); DBG_ASSERT (m_pszTargetAppPoolId == NULL); DBG_ASSERT (IsListEmpty (&m_listHead) == TRUE ); }
HRESULT w3wpList::Init( IN UCHAR chVerbosity, IN BOOL fIsListMode, IN WCHAR* pszInputAppPoolId, IN DWORD dwPID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes all the class members.
chVerbosity -- verbosity level
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo;
m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray = MIN_SIZE; m_chVerbosity = chVerbosity; m_fIsListMode = fIsListMode; m_dwTargetPID = dwPID; m_startingIndex = 0; InitializeListHead(&m_listHead); InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
m_pdwProcessId = new DWORD[m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray];
if ( m_pdwProcessId == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto end; }
if ( pszInputAppPoolId != NULL ) { m_pszTargetAppPoolId = new WCHAR[wcslen(pszInputAppPoolId) + 1];
if ( m_pszTargetAppPoolId == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto cleanup; }
wcscpy ( m_pszTargetAppPoolId, pszInputAppPoolId ); }
// figure out how to read the num of processors
GetSystemInfo( &systemInfo ); m_dwNumThreads = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
goto end; cleanup: delete [] m_pdwProcessId; end: return hr; }
VOID w3wpList::DestroyObject() /*++
Routine Description:
deallocates memory.
Return Value:
--*/ { W3WPLIST_NODE* pW3wpListNode = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry = NULL; m_fIsListMode = FALSE; m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray = 0; m_chVerbosity = 0; m_dwNumThreads = 0; m_dwNumProcessId = 0; m_startingIndex = 0; m_dwTargetPID = 0; delete [] m_pdwProcessId; m_pdwProcessId = NULL;
delete [] m_pszTargetAppPoolId; m_pszTargetAppPoolId = NULL;
// deleting the link list
while ( ! IsListEmpty (&m_listHead) ) { pListEntry = RemoveHeadList(&m_listHead);
pW3wpListNode = CONTAINING_RECORD ( pListEntry, W3WPLIST_NODE, m_listEntry ); //
// terminate the ProcessDetails obj
// before deleting
pW3wpListNode->m_wpDetails.Terminate(); delete pW3wpListNode; }
pW3wpListNode = NULL; }
HRESULT w3wpList::GetProcesses() /*++
Routine Description: Gets all the PIDs and starts up threads to go through them. Arguments:
Return Value:
HRESULT hr -- S_OK if successful, else failed with error code
--*/ { BOOL fIsFull = FALSE; BOOL fCreateThreadFailed = FALSE; DWORD dwBytesReceived; DWORD dwBufferSize; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwCount; HANDLE* pHandles = NULL;
// Enumerate all the processes. Memory is
// re-allocated if the original size
// was not enough.
do { dwBufferSize = sizeof (DWORD) * m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray; if ( EnumProcesses ( m_pdwProcessId, dwBufferSize, &dwBytesReceived ) == FALSE ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto end; }
m_dwNumProcessId = dwBytesReceived/sizeof(DWORD);
// Check for overflow, if yes increase size of
// m_pdwProcessId array
if ( m_dwNumProcessId == m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray ) { DWORD * pdwTemp = m_pdwProcessId; m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray *= 2; m_pdwProcessId = new DWORD[m_dwCurrSizeOfProcessIdArray]; delete [] pdwTemp; pdwTemp = NULL;
if ( m_pdwProcessId == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto end; }
fIsFull = TRUE; } else { fIsFull = FALSE; } } while (fIsFull == TRUE);
// enable debug privilege for the current process
hr = EnableDebugPrivilege(); if ( hr != S_OK ) { goto end; }
// Create array for thread handles
pHandles = new HANDLE[m_dwNumThreads];
if ( pHandles == NULL ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto end; }
// spin off threads in suspended mode
for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < m_dwNumThreads; dwIndex++ ) {
pHandles[dwIndex] = CreateThread( NULL, /* no security descriptor */ 0, /* default stack size */ SpinNewThread, this, /* thread parameters */ CREATE_SUSPENDED , /* suspended mode*/ NULL /* not getting thread id */ );
if ( pHandles[dwIndex] == NULL ) // thread creation failed
{ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); fCreateThreadFailed = TRUE; break; } }
// we need dwCount b/c CreateThread may fail,
// then we just need to loop through dwCount
// threads
dwCount = dwIndex; if ( fCreateThreadFailed == TRUE ) { for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwCount; dwIndex++) { TerminateThread( pHandles[dwIndex], GetLastError() ); CloseHandle( pHandles[dwIndex]); } goto end; }
// Set our own event handler for CTRL_C_EVENT,
// CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT if verbosity > 0
// else we don't debug
if ( m_chVerbosity > 0 ) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler( ConsoleCtrlHandler, TRUE ); } //
// resume thread
for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwCount; dwIndex++) { ResumeThread( pHandles[dwIndex]); }
// wait for all threads to exit
WaitForMultipleObjects( dwCount, // number of handles in array
pHandles, // object-handle array
TRUE, // wait option
INFINITE // time-out interval
); //
// check for Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Break, etc
// Turn back the default handler for CTRL_C_EVENT,
if ( m_chVerbosity > 0 ) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler( ConsoleCtrlHandler, FALSE ); }
for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwCount; dwIndex++) { CloseHandle(pHandles[dwIndex]); }
end: delete [] pHandles; return hr; }
DWORD WINAPI w3wpList::SpinNewThread( LPVOID lpParam ) /*++
Routine Description: static Thread function Arguments:
Return Value:
--*/ { w3wpList* pw3wpList = (w3wpList*) lpParam; pw3wpList->EnumAllWPThread(); return TRUE; }
VOID w3wpList::EnumAllWPThread() /*++
Routine Description: Each thread goes through the PID array and processess specific process.
So, thread n will process the first available PID and then PIDs at an increment of NumOfThreads positions in the array Arguments:
Return Value:
None --*/ { //
// get the first available index to start with
DWORD dwStartIndex = InterlockedIncrement(&m_startingIndex); //
// since m_startingIndex is initialized to zero and we want to start
// from index 0
// walk throught the array of PIDs and
// call DoWork on each of them. DoWork
// creates ProcessDetails obj for
// each PID and gets the requests
// if it were a worker process
for ( DWORD i = dwStartIndex; i < m_dwNumProcessId; i += m_dwNumThreads) { //
// continue until we find the PID
// of our interest. Only interesting
// if lInputPID != -1, i.e were looking
// at the app pool id
if ( (m_dwTargetPID != -1 ) && (m_dwTargetPID != m_pdwProcessId[i]) ) { continue; }
DoWork( m_pdwProcessId[i] );
if (m_dwTargetPID == m_pdwProcessId[i]) { break; } }// end for
VOID w3wpList::DoWork( IN DWORD dwPID ) /*++
Routine Description: Ccreates ProcessDetails obj for each PID and gets the requests if it were a worker process. It then adds that obj to the list Arguments:
dwPID -- PID of the process
Return Value:
None --*/ { HRESULT hr;
W3WPLIST_NODE* pW3wpListNode = NULL;
// create new Node for the list
pW3wpListNode = new W3WPLIST_NODE();
if ( pW3wpListNode == NULL ) { goto end; }
// Initialize the ProcessDetails obj
// in the node
pW3wpListNode->m_wpDetails.Init( dwPID, m_chVerbosity, m_fIsListMode );
// return value is S_OK if this was a worker process,
// else it is S_FALSE
hr = pW3wpListNode->m_wpDetails.GetProcessDetails(m_pszTargetAppPoolId);
if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { goto cleanup; } //
// It was a worker process, add the node to
// the list
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection ); InsertTailList( &m_listHead, &(pW3wpListNode->m_listEntry) ); LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
goto end;
cleanup: pW3wpListNode->m_wpDetails.Terminate(); delete pW3wpListNode; end: return; }
HRESULT w3wpList::EnableDebugPrivilege() /*++
Routine Description:
Changes the privilege of the current process so that it can debug other processes.
Return Value:
HRESULT hr -- S_FALSE, if exe name does not match S_OK if name matched and other funcitons called from within also passed Error code: if anything else failed --*/ { HRESULT Status = S_OK; HANDLE Token; PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewPrivileges; BYTE OldPriv[1024]; ULONG cbNeeded; LUID LuidPrivilege; //
// Make sure we have access to adjust and to get the
// old token privileges
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &Token) ) { Status = GetLastError(); goto EH_Exit; }
cbNeeded = 0;
// Initialize the privilege adjustment structure
LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &LuidPrivilege);
NewPrivileges = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) calloc(1, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES) + (1 - ANYSIZE_ARRAY) * sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES));
if (NewPrivileges == NULL) { Status = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto EH_Token; }
// set new privilege
NewPrivileges->PrivilegeCount = 1; NewPrivileges->Privileges[0].Luid = LuidPrivilege; NewPrivileges->Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
// Enable the privilege
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges( Token, FALSE, NewPrivileges, sizeof(OldPriv), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)OldPriv, &cbNeeded ) ) { //
// If the stack was too small to hold the privileges
// then allocate off the heap
if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { PBYTE pbOldPriv; BOOL Adjusted;
pbOldPriv = (PUCHAR)calloc(1, cbNeeded); if ( pbOldPriv == NULL ) { Status = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto EH_NewPriv; }
Adjusted = AdjustTokenPrivileges( Token, FALSE, NewPrivileges, cbNeeded, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)pbOldPriv, &cbNeeded );
if ( !Adjusted ) { Status = GetLastError(); } } }
EH_NewPriv: free(NewPrivileges); EH_Token: CloseHandle(Token); EH_Exit: return Status; }
VOID w3wpList::OutputRequests() /*++
Routine Description:
Outputs the information for each of the ProcessDetails obj
Return Value:
None --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry; W3WPLIST_NODE* pListNode;
for ( pListEntry = m_listHead.Flink; pListEntry != &m_listHead; pListEntry = pListEntry->Flink ) { pListNode = CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, W3WPLIST_NODE, m_listEntry );
DBG_ASSERT (pListNode->CheckSignature()); pListNode->m_wpDetails.DumpRequests(); } }
BOOL w3wpList::ListEmpty() /*++
Routine Description:
Returns TRUE if the list of ProcessDetails obj is empty
Return Value:
BOOL --*/ { return IsListEmpty(&m_listHead); }
BOOL WINAPI w3wpList::ConsoleCtrlHandler( DWORD dwCtrlType ) { BOOL fReturnValue = TRUE;
switch (dwCtrlType) { // Handle the CTRL+C signal.
int __cdecl wmain(DWORD argc, WCHAR ** argv) { #define COL_WIDTH 30
WCHAR pszIndent[] = { L" " }; w3wpList w3wplstMyList; BOOL fIsListMode = FALSE; WCHAR* pszInputAppPoolId = NULL; UCHAR chInputVerbosity = 0; LONG lInputPID = -1; HRESULT hr;
if ( argc <= 1 ) // no input args; list mode
{ fIsListMode = TRUE; }
else if ( argc == 2 ) // better be /?, else it's error
{ if ( _wcsicmp (argv[1], L"/?") == 0 ) // help
{ wprintf (L"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n\n\n"); wprintf (L"%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", L"Description: Use this tool to obtain worker process information, determine which", L"worker process is assigned to a given application pool and show the requests", L"that are queued in the worker process."); wprintf (L"Syntax: w3wplist [{/p | /a} <identifier> [<level of details>]]\n\n"); wprintf (L"Parameters:\n");
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n\n", COL_WIDTH, L"Value", L"Description");
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n", COL_WIDTH, L"/p", L"Indicates that the <identifier> is a worker", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"process PID number." );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n\n", COL_WIDTH, L"/a", L"Indicates that the <identifier> is an application", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"pool identifier." );
wprintf ( L"%-*s\n", COL_WIDTH, L"<identifier>" );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n", COL_WIDTH, L"application pool identifier", L"Displays information associated with all active ", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"worker processes for the application pool", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"specified." );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n\n", COL_WIDTH, L"worker process PID", L"Displays information associated with the worker", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"process specified." );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n", COL_WIDTH, L"<level of details>", L"Verbosity levels are cumulative" );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n", COL_WIDTH, L"/v or /v0", L"Displays the worker process PID, the application", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"pool identifier, the application pool friendly-", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"name, and the total number of requests that have", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"been processed." );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n", COL_WIDTH, L"/v1", L"Adds the Universal Resource Identifier, host name,", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"and the HTTP verb." );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n", COL_WIDTH, L"/v2", L"Adds the URI query and the protocol version." );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n", COL_WIDTH, L"/v3", L"Adds the time, date, client-ip, and the referer,", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"user-agent, and cookie headers if available." );
wprintf ( L"%-*s%s\n%-*s%s\n\n", COL_WIDTH, L"/v4", L"Adds the remaining available headers for the ", COL_WIDTH, pszIndent, L"current request." );
wprintf ( L"%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", L"Examples:", L" C:\\>w3wplist", L" C:\\>w3wplist /a app_pool_014", L" C:\\>w3wplist /p 4852", L" C:\\>w3wplist /a app_pool_014 /v", L" C:\\>w3wplist /p 4852 /v1" );
goto end;
} else if ( _wcsicmp (argv[1], L"/p") == 0 ) { wprintf (L"%s\n%s\n", L"No worker process PID (W3wp.exe) was specified. Use Windows Task Manager to", L"obtain a valid W3wp.exe PID number."); goto end; } else if ( _wcsicmp (argv[1], L"/a") == 0 ) { wprintf (L"%s\n%s\n", L"No application pool identifier was specified. Search in Metabase.xml to obtain", L"a valid application pool identifier."); goto end; } else // invalid syntax
{ wprintf (L"Invalid syntax. Type w3wplist /? for help.\n"); goto end; } } else if (argc == 4) { if ( (_wcsicmp(argv[3], L"/v") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(argv[3], L"/v0") == 0 ) ) { chInputVerbosity = 0; } else if (_wcsicmp(argv[3], L"/v1") == 0) { chInputVerbosity = 1; } else if (_wcsicmp(argv[3], L"/v2") == 0) { chInputVerbosity = 2; } else if (_wcsicmp(argv[3], L"/v3") == 0) { chInputVerbosity = 3; } else if (_wcsicmp(argv[3], L"/v4") == 0) { chInputVerbosity = 4; } else if ( argc != 3 ) { wprintf (L"Invalid syntax. Type w3wplist /? for help.\n"); goto end; } } if ( (argc == 3 ) || (argc == 4) ) { // default verbosity of 0
if ( _wcsicmp (argv[1], L"/p") == 0 ) { lInputPID = wcstol(argv[2], L'\0', 10); }
else if ( _wcsicmp (argv[1], L"/a") == 0 ) { pszInputAppPoolId = argv[2]; } }
// initialize the object
hr = w3wplstMyList.Init( chInputVerbosity, fIsListMode, pszInputAppPoolId, lInputPID );
if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto error; }
hr = w3wplstMyList.GetProcesses();
if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto error; }
// if list is empty, it means that either the input
// PID number was not a worker process or was invalid,
// or the input app pool id was invalid
if ( w3wplstMyList.ListEmpty() ) { // some message of not found
if ( lInputPID != -1 ) // /p switch was input
{ wprintf( L"%s\n%s\n%s\n", L"The worker process PID number (W3wp.exe) is not valid or is not associated with", L"a W3wp.exe process. Use Windows Task Manager to obtain a valid W3wp.exe PID", L"number." ); } else if ( pszInputAppPoolId != NULL ) // /a switch was input
{ wprintf( L"%s\n%s\n", L"The application pool identifier is not valid or does not exist. Search in", L"Metabase.xml to obtain a valid application pool identifier." ); } }
// print out requests
// deallocate memory
w3wplstMyList.DestroyObject(); goto end; error:
// message of error
wprintf ( L"Error occured. Error code : %d\n", HRESULT_CODE(hr) ); end: return 0; }