Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Base classes that are used to define the different instalations
Christopher Achille (cachille)
Internet Services Setup
Revision History: April 2002: Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "compinst.hxx"
#include "webcomp.hxx"
#include "ftpcomp.hxx"
#include "complus.hxx"
#include "wwwcmpts.hxx"
#include "comncomp.hxx"
// Constructor
// Initialize the Component List to NULL
CComponentList::CComponentList() { DWORD i;
for ( i = 0; i < COMPONENTS_MAXNUMBER; i++ ) { // Initialize all to NULL
m_pComponentList[i] = NULL; }
m_dwNumberofComponents = 0; }
// Destructor
// Cleanup all the classes we created
CComponentList::~CComponentList() { DWORD i;
for ( i = 0; i < COMPONENTS_MAXNUMBER; i++ ) { if ( m_pComponentList[i] ) { delete m_pComponentList[i]; m_pComponentList[i] = NULL; } } }
// FindComponent
// Find a particular component based on its name
CInstallComponent * CComponentList::FindComponent(LPCTSTR szComponentName) { DWORD i;
for ( i = 0; i < GetNumberofComponents(); i++ ) { if ( _tcsicmp( m_pComponentList[i]->GetName(), szComponentName ) == 0 ) { return m_pComponentList[i]; } }
// Could not find
return NULL; }
// GetNumberofComponents
// Return the number of components that we have
DWORD CComponentList::GetNumberofComponents() { return m_dwNumberofComponents; }
// Initialize
// Initialize the components that we have to install
BOOL CComponentList::Initialize() { DWORD dwCurrent; DWORD dwComponents = 0; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
// Make sure we have not been called before, and we have no components
ASSERT( GetNumberofComponents() == 0 );
// Create the classes
m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CWebServiceInstallComponent); m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CFtpServiceInstallComponent); m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CCOMPlusInstallComponent); m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CDTCInstallComponent); m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CWWWASPInstallComponent); m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CWWWIDCInstallComponent); m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CWWWSSIInstallComponent); m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CWWWWebDavInstallComponent); m_pComponentList[ dwComponents++ ] = new (CCommonInstallComponent);
// Make sure that we have not gone past the array
// Check to make sure all classes were allocated.
// Initialize in order of dependencies, ie. keeping scripts_vdir before web service
for ( dwCurrent = 0; dwCurrent < dwComponents; dwCurrent++ ) { if ( m_pComponentList[ dwCurrent ] == NULL ) { // FAILED to allocate one of the classes
bRet = FALSE; break; } }
if ( !bRet ) { // Failed, so lets cleanup
for ( dwCurrent = 0; dwCurrent < dwComponents; dwCurrent++ ) { if ( m_pComponentList[ dwCurrent ] ) { delete m_pComponentList[ dwCurrent ]; m_pComponentList[ dwCurrent ] = NULL; } } } else { m_dwNumberofComponents = dwComponents; }
return bRet; }
// PreInstall
// Call the PreInstall function for the appropriate component
BOOL CComponentList::PreInstall(LPCTSTR szComponentName) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( pComponent && !( pComponent->PreInstall() ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("PreInstall of Component '%s' FAILED\n"), szComponentName )); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// Install
// Call the Install function for the appropriate component
BOOL CComponentList::Install(LPCTSTR szComponentName) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( pComponent && !( pComponent->Install() ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Install of Component '%s' FAILED\n"), szComponentName )); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// PostInstall
// Call the PostInstall function for the appropriate component
BOOL CComponentList::PostInstall(LPCTSTR szComponentName) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( pComponent && !( pComponent->PostInstall() ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("PostInstall of Component '%s' FAILED\n"), szComponentName )); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// PreUnInstall
// Call the PreUnInstall function for the appropriate component
BOOL CComponentList::PreUnInstall(LPCTSTR szComponentName) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( pComponent && !( pComponent->PreUnInstall() ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("PreUnInstall of Component '%s' FAILED\n"), szComponentName )); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// UnInstall
// Call the UnInstall function for the appropriate component
BOOL CComponentList::UnInstall(LPCTSTR szComponentName) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( pComponent && !( pComponent->UnInstall() ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("UnInstall of Component '%s' FAILED\n"), szComponentName )); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// PostUnInstall
// Call the PostUnInstall function for the appropriate component
BOOL CComponentList::PostUnInstall(LPCTSTR szComponentName) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( pComponent && !( pComponent->PostUnInstall() ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("PostUnInstall of Component '%s' FAILED\n"), szComponentName )); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// IsInstalled
// Is the component already installed or not
// Parameters:
// szComponentName [in] - The name of the component to check
// pbIsInstalled [out] - TRUE == it is installed
// FALSE == it is not installed
// Return Values
// TRUE - We do know if it was installed
// FALSE - We don't know if it was installed
BOOL CComponentList::IsInstalled( LPCTSTR szComponentName, LPBOOL pbIsInstalled ) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ( pComponent ) { bRet = pComponent->IsInstalled( pbIsInstalled ); }
return bRet; }
// GetFriendlyName
// Call the GetFriendlyName function for the appropriate component
BOOL CComponentList::GetFriendlyName( LPCTSTR szComponentName, TSTR *pstrFriendlyName ) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ( pComponent ) { bRet = pComponent->GetFriendlyName( pstrFriendlyName ); }
return bRet; }
// GetSmallIcon
// Retrieve the small icon for the OCM component
BOOL CComponentList::GetSmallIcon( LPCTSTR szComponentName, HBITMAP *phIcon ) { CInstallComponent *pComponent = FindComponent( szComponentName ); BOOL bRet = FALSE;
ASSERT( phIcon );
if ( pComponent ) { bRet = pComponent->GetSmallIcon( phIcon ); }
return bRet; }
// Initialize
// Initialize the component for install.
// The default function is to do nothing
BOOL CInstallComponent::Initialize() { return TRUE; }
// PreInstall
// PreInstall work for component. This should theoretically be nothing, we should
// do everything in the Install Part
BOOL CInstallComponent::PreInstall() { return TRUE; }
// Install
// This does all the meat of the install work. Everything should be done inside of
// here.
BOOL CInstallComponent::Install() { return TRUE; }
// PostInstall
// This does any post install work. In a theoretical world this would not be needed,
// but sometimes things need to be done after everything else
BOOL CInstallComponent::PostInstall() { return TRUE; }
// PreUninstall
// Anything that needs to be done before any uninstalation occurs.
BOOL CInstallComponent::PreUnInstall() { return TRUE; }
// Uninstall
// The core of the work to be done for uninstall.
BOOL CInstallComponent::UnInstall() { return TRUE; }
// PostUnInstall
// Anything that needs to be done after all the other uninstall stuff is done.
BOOL CInstallComponent::PostUnInstall() { return TRUE; }
// IsInstalled
// Is the component already installed or not
// Parameters:
// pbIsInstalled [out] - TRUE == it is installed
// FALSE == it is not installed
// Return Values
// TRUE - We do know if it was installed
// FALSE - We don't know if it was installed
BOOL CInstallComponent::IsInstalled( LPBOOL pbIsInstalled ) { // By default, we don't know if it is installed
return FALSE; }
// GetFriendlyName
// Get the friendly name for the application
// This willr eturn false if it does not know if,
// or true if it does
BOOL CInstallComponent::GetFriendlyName( TSTR *pstrFriendlyName ) { return FALSE; }
// GetSmallIcon
// Retrieve the Small Icon for this OCM component
// Parameters:
// phIcon - The icon retrieved
// Return Values:
// TRUE - Retrieve Successfully
// FALSE - No we do not know what the icon looks like,
// or we failed to retrieve it
BOOL CInstallComponent::GetSmallIcon( HBITMAP *phIcon ) { // By default, there is no icon
return FALSE; }
// IsUpgrade
// Is this an upgrade or a fresh install
// Return Values:
// TRUE - Upgrade
// FALSE - Fresh Install
BOOL CInstallComponent::IsUpgrade() { return g_pTheApp->IsUpgrade(); }
// GetUpdateVersion
// Is this is an upgrade, this is the version we are upgrading from
DWORD CInstallComponent::GetUpgradeVersion() { return g_pTheApp->GetUpgradeVersion(); }