// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// HTTP 1.1/DAV 1.0 response handling via ISAPI
// Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include <_davprs.h>
#include <new.h>
#include "ecb.h"
#include "header.h"
#include "body.h"
#include "instdata.h"
#include "custerr.h"
enum { //
// Protocol overhead for a chunk prefix, which is:
// chunk-size - formatted as 1*HEX
CB_CHUNK_PREFIX = 2 * sizeof(ULONG) + 2,
// Protocol overhead for a chunk suffix, which is:
// CRLF - at the end of chunk-data
// 0 - if this is the last chunk
// CRLF - again, if this is the last chunk
// CRLF - terminate the chunked-body (no trailers)
// Maximum amount of data (in bytes) per packet.
// We SHOULD limit ourselves to a reasonable maximum amount
// to get good chunking performance. At one time, we had to
// ourselves to 8K at most because the socket transport layer
// did not accept more than this amount for sending.
// WriteClient() and SSF::HSE_REQ_TRANSMIT_FILE failed when
// more than this amount is submitted.
// However, as of 06/03/1999, bumping this amount to 64K seems
// to work just fine.
CB_PACKET_MAX = 64 * 1024, // 64K
// So the amount of data that we can put in a chunk then is just
// the max packet size minus the chunked encoding protocol overhead
// minus one byte because packets containing headers must be
// null-terminated (IIS doesn't use the byte counts we pass in).
// Utility to check if the HTTP response code is one of the
// "real" error response codes. Inlined here so that we use
// it consistantly. Particularly, this is used to check if
// we want to do custom error processing.
static BOOL inline FErrorStatusCode ( int nCode ) { return ( ( nCode >= 400 ) && ( nCode <= 599 ) ); }
// ========================================================================
class CWSABufs { //
// Having a small number of buffers in a fixed size array means
// that we can delay, if not avoid altogether, dynamic allocation.
// The number of buffers is somewhat arbitrary, but should be large
// enough to handle the common cases. For example, DAVOWS GET
// typically uses two buffers: one for the headers, one for the body.
// Another example: error responses can use up to eight buffers (one
// per text body part added via AddText() by
// CResponse::FinalizeContent()).
enum { C_WSABUFS_FIXED = 8 };
// Dynamically sized array of WSABUFs for when we need more buffers
// than we can hold in the fixed array.
auto_heap_ptr<WSABUF> m_pargWSABufs;
// Pointer to which of the two WSABUF arrays above we use.
WSABUF * m_pWSABufs;
// Count of WSABUFs allocated/used
UINT m_cWSABufsAllocated; UINT m_cWSABufsUsed;
// Total size of the data in all WSABUFS used
UINT m_cbWSABufs;
CWSABufs( const CWSABufs& ); CWSABufs& operator=( const CWSABufs& );
public: // CREATORS
UINT CbAddItem( const BYTE * pbItem, UINT cbItem );
VOID Clear() { m_cWSABufsUsed = 0; m_cbWSABufs = 0; }
UINT CbSize() const { return m_cbWSABufs; }
VOID DumpTo( LPBYTE lpbBuf, UINT ibFrom, UINT cbToDump ) const; };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWSABufs::CWSABufs()
CWSABufs::CWSABufs() : m_pWSABufs(m_rgWSABufsFixed), m_cWSABufsAllocated(C_WSABUFS_FIXED), m_cWSABufsUsed(0), m_cbWSABufs(0) { }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWSABufs::CbAddItem()
UINT CWSABufs::CbAddItem( const BYTE * pbItem, UINT cbItem ) { //
// We can only hold up to CB_WSABUFS_MAX bytes. Any more than
// that would exceed the capacity of the socket transport layer's
// buffer at transmit time.
Assert( m_cbWSABufs <= CB_WSABUFS_MAX );
// Limit what we add so that the total does not exceed CB_WSABUFS_MAX.
cbItem = min( cbItem, CB_WSABUFS_MAX - m_cbWSABufs );
// Resize the WSABUF array if necessary.
if ( m_cWSABufsUsed == m_cWSABufsAllocated ) { m_cWSABufsAllocated *= 2;
if ( m_pWSABufs == m_rgWSABufsFixed ) { m_pargWSABufs = reinterpret_cast<WSABUF *>( g_heap.Alloc( sizeof(WSABUF) * m_cWSABufsAllocated ));
CopyMemory( m_pargWSABufs, m_rgWSABufsFixed, sizeof(WSABUF) * m_cWSABufsUsed ); } else { m_pargWSABufs.realloc( sizeof(WSABUF) * m_cWSABufsAllocated ); }
m_pWSABufs = m_pargWSABufs; }
// Add the new data to the end of the array
m_pWSABufs[m_cWSABufsUsed].len = cbItem; m_pWSABufs[m_cWSABufsUsed].buf = const_cast<LPSTR>( reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(pbItem)); ++m_cWSABufsUsed;
// Update the total byte count
m_cbWSABufs += cbItem;
return cbItem; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWSABufs::DumpTo()
// Dumps cbToDump bytes of data from the WSA buffers starting at ibFrom
// into a block of contiguous memory starting at lpbBuf.
VOID CWSABufs::DumpTo( LPBYTE lpbBuf, UINT ibFrom, UINT cbToDump ) const { UINT iWSABuf;
Assert( !IsBadWritePtr(lpbBuf, m_cbWSABufs + 1) );
// Skip WSA buffers up to the first one from which we will copy.
for ( iWSABuf = 0; iWSABuf < m_cWSABufsUsed && m_pWSABufs[iWSABuf].len <= ibFrom; iWSABuf++ ) { ibFrom -= m_pWSABufs[iWSABuf].len; ++iWSABuf; }
// Copy data from this and subsequent buffers up to the lesser
// of the number of bytes requested or the number of bytes
// remaining in the WSA buffers.
for ( ; iWSABuf < m_cWSABufsUsed && cbToDump > 0; iWSABuf++ ) { UINT cbToCopy = min(m_pWSABufs[iWSABuf].len - ibFrom, cbToDump);
memcpy( lpbBuf, m_pWSABufs[iWSABuf].buf + ibFrom, cbToCopy );
cbToDump -= cbToCopy; lpbBuf += cbToCopy;
ibFrom = 0; } }
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CResponse
// The response consists of a header and a body.
class CResponse : public IResponse { // Our reference to the ECB. This must a refcounted reference because
// the lifetime of the response object is indefinite.
auto_ref_ptr<IEcb> m_pecb;
// Response status (not to be confused with HTTP status below)
// The variable that will hold one of 2 values:
// 0 - we never started the responce through
// the transmitter, it was never created
// 1 - we already attempted to initiate the
// responce, so no new initiations should
// be allowed
LONG m_lRespStarted;
// HTTP status code (e.g. 501)
int m_iStatusCode;
// IIS-defined suberror used in custom error processing
// to generate the most specific response body possible
// for a given status code.
UINT m_uiSubError;
// Full status line (e.g. "HTTP/1.1 404 Resource Not Found")
// generated whenever the status code is set.
auto_heap_ptr<CHAR> m_lpszStatusLine;
// Body detail for error response body.
auto_heap_ptr<CHAR> m_lpszBodyDetail;
// Response header cache
CHeaderCacheForResponse m_hcHeaders;
// Response body
auto_ptr<IBody> m_pBody; BOOL m_fSupressBody;
// The response transmitter. Make this class a friend for
// easy access to private data (ecb, headers, body parts, etc.)
friend class CTransmitter; CTransmitter * m_pTransmitter;
// Private helpers
VOID FinalizeContent( BOOL fResponseComplete ); VOID SetStatusLine( int iStatusCode );
CResponse( const CResponse& ); CResponse& operator=( const CResponse& );
public: // CREATORS
CResponse( IEcb& ecb );
IEcb * GetEcb() const; BOOL FIsEmpty() const; BOOL FIsUnsent() const;
DWORD DwStatusCode() const; DWORD DwSubError() const; LPCSTR LpszStatusDescription() const; LPCSTR LpszStatusCode() const;
LPCSTR LpszGetHeader( LPCSTR pszName ) const;
VOID SetStatus( int iStatusCode, LPCSTR lpszReserved, UINT uiCustomSubError, LPCSTR lpszBodyDetail, UINT uiBodyDetail );
VOID ClearHeaders() { m_hcHeaders.ClearHeaders(); } VOID SetHeader( LPCSTR pszName, LPCSTR pszValue, BOOL fMultiple = FALSE ); VOID SetHeader( LPCSTR pszName, LPCWSTR pwszValue, BOOL fMultiple = FALSE );
VOID ClearBody() { m_pBody->Clear(); } VOID SupressBody() { m_fSupressBody = TRUE; } VOID AddBodyText( UINT cbText, LPCSTR pszText ); VOID AddBodyText( UINT cchText, LPCWSTR pwszText ); VOID AddBodyFile( const auto_ref_handle& hf, UINT64 ibFile64, UINT64 cbFile64 ); VOID AddBodyStream( IStream& stm ); VOID AddBodyStream( IStream& stm, UINT ibOffset, UINT cbSize ); VOID AddBodyPart( IBodyPart * pBodyPart );
// Various sending mechanisms
SCODE ScForward( LPCWSTR pwszURI, BOOL fKeepQueryString = TRUE, BOOL fCustomErrorUrl = FALSE); SCODE ScRedirect( LPCSTR pszURI ); VOID Defer() { m_rs = RS_DEFERRED; }
VOID SendPartial(); VOID SendComplete(); VOID SendStart( BOOL fComplete ); VOID FinishMethod();
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CTransmitter
class CTransmitter : public CMTRefCounted, private IBodyPartVisitor, private IAsyncCopyToObserver, private IAcceptObserver, private IAsyncStream, private IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver { //
// Back-reference to our response object. This is an
// auto_ref because, once created, the transmitter owns
// the response.
auto_ref_ptr<CResponse> m_pResponse;
// Transfer coding method
// Error information
// Iterator used to traverse the body
IBody::iterator * m_pitBody;
// Async driving mechanism
CAsyncDriver<CTransmitter> m_driver; friend class CAsyncDriver<CTransmitter>;
// Buffers for headers and text body parts
StringBuffer<CHAR> m_bufHeaders; ChainedStringBuffer<CHAR> m_bufBody;
// Accept observer passed to VisitStream(). This observer must
// be stashed in a member variable because reading from the stream
// is asynchronous and we need to be able to notify the observer
// when the read completes.
IAcceptObserver * m_pobsAccept;
// WSA buffers for text data
CWSABufs m_wsabufsPrefix; CWSABufs m_wsabufsSuffix; CWSABufs * m_pwsabufs;
// TransmitFile info for file data
auto_ref_handle m_hf; HSE_TF_INFO m_tfi;
// Fixed-size buffers to hold prefix and suffix text packets
// being transmitted until async I/O completes.
BYTE m_rgbPrefix[CB_PACKET_MAX]; BYTE m_rgbSuffix[CB_PACKET_MAX];
// Amount of header data left to accept
UINT m_cbHeadersToAccept;
// Amount of header data left to send.
UINT m_cbHeadersToSend;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FSendingIISHeaders()
// Returns TRUE if we want to have IIS format and send a status
// line along with any custom headers of its own.
BOOL FSendingIISHeaders() const { //
// If we have headers to send and we haven't sent any
// of them yet then we want to include custom IIS
// headers as well.
return m_cbHeadersToSend && (m_cbHeadersToSend == m_bufHeaders.CbSize()); }
// Flag which is TRUE when the impl has submitted the last
// part of the response for transmitting. It can be FALSE
// only with chunked responses.
BOOL m_fImplDone;
// Transmitter status. The transmitter status is always one
// of the following:
enum { //
// The transmitter is idle. That is, it is not executing
// any of the state functions below.
// The transmitter is running. The impl has added new
// response data (via ImplStart()) to be accepted while
// the transmitter is working on existing data on another
// thread.
// The transmitter is running and accepting existing
// response data.
// The transmitter is running and has finished accepting
// all existing response data. If the transmitter is
// working on a chunked response then it will go idle
// from here until the impl indicates that it has added
// more data via ImplStart().
LONG m_lStatus;
// Function which returns TRUE if the entire response has
// been accepted, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL FAcceptedCompleteResponse() const { //
// We have accepted the last chunk of the response when
// the impl is done adding chunks to the response and we've
// accepted the last chunk added.
// !!! IMPORTANT !!!
// The order of comparison here (m_lStatus then m_fImplDone)
// is important. Checking the other way around could result
// in a false positive if another thread were in ImplStart()
// right after setting m_fImplDone to TRUE.
return (STATUS_RUNNING_ACCEPT_DONE == m_lStatus) && m_fImplDone; }
// IAcceptObserver
VOID AcceptComplete( UINT64 );
// Transmitter state functions. When running, the transmitter is
// always executing one of the following state functions:
// SAccept
// The accepting state. When in this state the transmitter
// accepts resposne data in preparation for transmitting it.
// The impl can add data to the response body while the transmitter
// is accepting it -- the mechanism is thread-safe. In fact the
// best performance is realized when the transmitter accepts and
// transmits data at the same rate that the impl adds it.
// When the transmitter accepts a sufficient amount data
// (determined by the amount and type of data accepted)
// it enters the transmitting state.
// STransmit
// The transmitting state. The transmitter is transmitting
// accepted response data via the selected method (m_pfnTransmitMethod).
// The impl can add data to the response body while the transmitter
// is in this state. When transmission completes (the transmit methods
// are asynchronous) the transmitter enters the cleanup state.
// SCleanup
// The cleanup state. Cleans up transmitted data. From here the
// transmitter enters the accepting state if there is more data to
// transmit or the idle state if there isn't and the impl hasn't
// finished adding data yet.
typedef VOID (CTransmitter::*PFNSTATE)(); VOID SAccept(); VOID STransmit(); VOID SCleanup(); PFNSTATE m_pfnState;
// Transmit methods. When the transmitter enters the transmit state,
// it will transmit accepted data via the selected transmit method.
typedef VOID (CTransmitter::*PFNTRANSMIT)(); VOID TransmitNothing(); VOID AsyncTransmitFile(); VOID AsyncTransmitText(); VOID SyncTransmitHeaders(); PFNTRANSMIT m_pfnTransmitMethod;
// CAsyncDriver
VOID Run(); VOID Start() { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX Start()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this ); m_driver.Start(*this); }
// IAsyncStream
VOID AsyncWrite( const BYTE * pbBuf, UINT cbToWrite, IAsyncWriteObserver& obsAsyncWrite );
// IAsyncCopyToObserver
VOID CopyToComplete( UINT cbCopied, HRESULT hr );
// IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver
VOID IISIOComplete( DWORD dwcbSent, DWORD dwLastError );
CTransmitter( const CTransmitter& ); CTransmitter& operator=( const CTransmitter& );
public: // CREATORS
CTransmitter( CResponse& response ); ~CTransmitter() { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX Transmitter destroyed\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this ); }
// IBodyPartVisitor
VOID VisitBytes( const BYTE * pbData, UINT cbToSend, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept );
VOID VisitFile( const auto_ref_handle& hf, UINT64 ibOffset64, UINT64 cbToSend64, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept );
VOID VisitStream( IAsyncStream& stm, UINT cbToSend, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept );
VOID VisitComplete();
VOID ImplStart( BOOL fResponseComplete ); };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IResponse
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IResponse::~IResponse()
IResponse::~IResponse() { }
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CResponse
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::CResponse()
CResponse::CResponse( IEcb& ecb ) : m_pecb(&ecb), m_pBody(NewBody()), m_pTransmitter(NULL), m_rs(RS_UNSENT), m_iStatusCode(0), m_uiSubError(CSE_NONE), m_fSupressBody(FALSE), m_lRespStarted(0) { }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::GetEcb()
// Returns the pointer to the ECB. We are holding a ref on it
// so make sure that returned pointer is used no longer than this
// response object.
IEcb * CResponse::GetEcb() const { //
// Return the raw pointer
return m_pecb.get(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::FIsEmpty()
// Returns TRUE if the response is empty, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL CResponse::FIsEmpty() const { //
// The response is empty IFF no status code has been set
return m_iStatusCode == 0; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::FIsUnsent()
// Returns TRUE if the response is unsent (not deferred,
// forwarded or redirected), FALSE otherwise.
BOOL CResponse::FIsUnsent() const { return m_rs == RS_UNSENT; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::DwStatusCode()
DWORD CResponse::DwStatusCode() const { return m_iStatusCode; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::DwSubError()
DWORD CResponse::DwSubError() const { return m_uiSubError; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::LpszStatusDescription()
LPCSTR CResponse::LpszStatusDescription() const { //
// Getting just the status description is a little tricky since
// we only keep around the full status line (to avoid having to
// compute it more than once). Given that the format of the
// status line is ALWAYS "HTTP-version Status-Code Description"
// we know that the status line always appears immediately after
// the HTTP version and status code.
return m_lpszStatusLine + strlen( m_pecb->LpszVersion() ) + // description
1 + // " "
3 + // 3-digit status code (e.g. "404")
1; // " "
// Ok, so it's not that tricky...
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::LpszStatusCode()
LPCSTR CResponse::LpszStatusCode() const { Assert( m_lpszStatusLine != NULL );
return m_lpszStatusLine + strlen(m_pecb->LpszVersion()) + 1; // (e.g. "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" -> "200 OK")
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::LpszGetHeader()
LPCSTR CResponse::LpszGetHeader( LPCSTR pszName ) const { return m_hcHeaders.LpszGetHeader( pszName ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::SetStatus()
// Sets the status line portion of the response, superceding any
// previously set status line.
// Parameters:
// iStatusCode [in]
// A standard HTTP/DAV response status code (e.g. 404)
// lpszReserved [in]
// Reserved. Must be NULL.
// uiCustomSubError [in]
// Custom error Sub Error (CSE). If the status code is in the
// error range ([400,599]) and this value is anything except
// CSE_NONE then this value specifies the suberror used to
// generate a more specific custom error response body than
// the default for a given status code.
// lpszBodyDetail [in]
// Optional string to use as detail in an error response body.
// If NULL, use uiBodyDetail instead. If that is also 0,
// an error response body just consists of an HTML
// version of the status line.
// uiBodyDetail [in]
// Optional resource id to use as detail in an error response body.
// If 0, an error response body just consists of an HTML
// version of the status line.
VOID CResponse::SetStatus( int iStatusCode, LPCSTR lpszReserved, UINT uiCustomSubError, LPCSTR lpszBodyDetail, UINT uiBodyDetail ) { CHAR rgchStatusDescription[256];
// We must not change the response status once the response has
// started sending. Sometimes it's hard for client to keep track
// response has started sending. Now that the response object
// has the information, we can simply ignore the set status request
// when the response has started sending
// was Assert( RS_SENDING != m_rs );
if (RS_SENDING == m_rs) return;
// If we are setting the same status code again,
// do nothing!
if ( m_iStatusCode == iStatusCode ) return;
// Quick check -- the iStatusCode must be in the valid HSC range:
// 100 - 599.
// Assert this here to catch any callers who forget to map their
// SCODEs/HRESULTs to HSCs first (HscFromHresult).
Assert (100 <= iStatusCode && 599 >= iStatusCode);
// When a 304 response is to be generated, the request becomes
// very much like a HEAD request in that the whole response is
// processed, but not transmitted. The important part here is
// that you do not want to overwrite the 304 response with any
// other code other than error responses.
if ( m_iStatusCode == 304 ) // HSC_NOT_MODIFIED
{ // 304's should really be restricted to GET/HEAD
AssertSz ((!strcmp (m_pecb->LpszMethod(), "GET") || !strcmp (m_pecb->LpszMethod(), "HEAD") || !strcmp (m_pecb->LpszMethod(), "PROPFIND")), "304 returned on non-GET/HEAD request");
if ( iStatusCode < 300 ) return;
DebugTrace ("non-success response over-rides 304 response\n"); }
// Remember the status code for our own use ...
m_iStatusCode = iStatusCode;
// ... and stash it away in the ECB as well.
// IIS uses it for logging.
m_pecb->SetStatusCode( iStatusCode );
// Remember the suberror for custom error processing
m_uiSubError = uiCustomSubError;
// IF we are setting a NEW status code (we are),
// AND it's an error status code,
// clear out the body.
if ( FErrorStatusCode(m_iStatusCode) ) { m_pBody->Clear(); }
SetStatusLine( iStatusCode );
// Save the error body detail (if any). We'll use it in
// CResponse::FinalizeContent() later to build the error response
// body if the final result is an error.
// Figure out what to use for the body detail string:
// Use the string if one is provided. If no string
// is provided, use the resource ID. If no resource ID,
// then don't bother setting any body detail!
if ( !lpszBodyDetail && uiBodyDetail ) { //
// Load up the body detail string
LpszLoadString( uiBodyDetail, m_pecb->LcidAccepted(), rgchStatusDescription, sizeof(rgchStatusDescription) );
lpszBodyDetail = rgchStatusDescription; }
// Save off the body detail string.
if ( lpszBodyDetail ) { m_lpszBodyDetail = LpszAutoDupSz( lpszBodyDetail ); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::SetHeader()
// Sets the specified header to the specified value
// If lpszValue is NULL, deletes the header
VOID CResponse::SetHeader( LPCSTR pszName, LPCSTR pszValue, BOOL fMultiple ) { // We must not modify any headers once the response has started sending.
// It is up to the impl to enforce this -- we just assert it here.
Assert( RS_SENDING != m_rs );
if ( pszValue == NULL ) m_hcHeaders.DeleteHeader( pszName ); else m_hcHeaders.SetHeader( pszName, pszValue, fMultiple ); }
VOID CResponse::SetHeader( LPCSTR pszName, LPCWSTR pwszValue, BOOL fMultiple ) { // We must not modify any headers once the response has started sending.
// It is up to the impl to enforce this -- we just assert it here.
Assert( RS_SENDING != m_rs );
if ( pwszValue == NULL ) m_hcHeaders.DeleteHeader( pszName ); else { UINT cchValue = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszValue)); UINT cbValue = cchValue * 3; CStackBuffer<CHAR> pszValue(cbValue + 1);
// We have received wide string for the value. We need to convert it
// to skinny.
cbValue = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszValue, cchValue + 1, pszValue.get(), cbValue + 1, NULL, NULL); if (0 == cbValue) { DebugTrace ( "CResponse::SetHeader(). Error 0x%08lX from WideCharToMultiByte()\n", GetLastError() ); throw CLastErrorException(); }
m_hcHeaders.SetHeader( pszName, pszValue.get(), fMultiple ); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::AddBodyText()
// Appends a string to the response body
VOID CResponse::AddBodyText( UINT cbText, LPCSTR pszText ) { m_pBody->AddText( pszText, cbText ); }
VOID CResponse::AddBodyText( UINT cchText, LPCWSTR pwszText ) {
UINT cbText = cchText * 3; CStackBuffer<CHAR> pszText(cbText); LPCSTR pszTextToAdd;
// We have received wide string for the value. We need to convert it
// to skinny.
if (cbText) { cbText = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszText, cchText, pszText.get(), cbText, NULL, NULL); if (0 == cbText) { DebugTrace ( "CResponse::SetHeader(). Error 0x%08lX from WideCharToMultiByte()\n", GetLastError() ); throw CLastErrorException(); }
pszTextToAdd = pszText.get(); } else { // Make sure that we do not pass NULL forward,
// but instead we use empty string, as the callee
// may not handle NULL.
pszTextToAdd = gc_szEmpty; }
m_pBody->AddText( pszTextToAdd, cbText ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::AddBodyFile()
// Appends a file to the current response state
VOID CResponse::AddBodyFile( const auto_ref_handle& hf, UINT64 ibFile64, UINT64 cbFile64 ) { m_pBody->AddFile( hf, ibFile64, cbFile64 ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::AddBodyStream()
// Appends a stream to the current response state
VOID CResponse::AddBodyStream( IStream& stm ) { m_pBody->AddStream( stm ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::AddBodyStream()
// Appends a stream to the current response state
VOID CResponse::AddBodyStream( IStream& stm, UINT ibOffset, UINT cbSize ) { m_pBody->AddStream( stm, ibOffset, cbSize ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::AddBodyPart()
// Appends a body part to the current response state
VOID CResponse::AddBodyPart( IBodyPart * pBodyPart ) { m_pBody->AddBodyPart( pBodyPart ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::ScForward()
// Instructs IIS to forward responsibility for handling the
// current request to another ISAPI.
// Returns:
// S_OK - if forwarding succeeded, error otherwise
SCODE CResponse::ScForward( LPCWSTR pwszURI, BOOL fKeepQueryString, BOOL fCustomErrorUrl) { CStackBuffer<CHAR, MAX_PATH> pszQS; LPCSTR pszQueryString; SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Verify that the response is still unsent. A response can be
// either sent, forwarded, or redirected, but only one of the three
// and only once
AssertSz( m_rs == RS_UNSENT || m_rs == RS_DEFERRED, "Response already sent, forwarded or redirected!" );
// Get the query string
pszQueryString = m_pecb->LpszQueryString();
// If there was custom error processing, construct query string for it ...
if (fCustomErrorUrl) { // The query string for custom error to be forwarded is to be of the
// format ?nnn;originaluri, where nnn is the error code. Find out the
// length of the URL. Reallocate required space accounting for ?nnn;
// and '\0' termination.
UINT cb = 1 + 3 + 1 + static_cast<UINT>(strlen(m_pecb->LpszRequestUrl())) + 1; LPSTR psz = pszQS.resize(cb); if (NULL == psz) { DebugTrace( "CResponse::ScForward() - Error while allocating memory 0x%08lX\n", E_OUTOFMEMORY ); sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; }
_snprintf (psz, cb, "?%03d;%s", max(min(m_iStatusCode, 999), 100), m_pecb->LpszRequestUrl()); Assert (0 == psz[cb - 1]); // Just point the query string to the start.
// Note that if we are handling a custom error url we discard
// original query string
pszQueryString = pszQS.get(); } //
// ... otherwise if we have query string processing, construct the
// query string too...
else if (fKeepQueryString && pszQueryString && *pszQueryString) { // The composed query string has to be of the format ?querystring
// and '\0' termination.
UINT cb = 1 + static_cast<UINT>(strlen(pszQueryString)) + 1; LPSTR psz = pszQS.resize(cb); if (NULL == psz) { DebugTrace( "CResponse::ScForward() - Error while allocating memory 0x%08lX\n", E_OUTOFMEMORY ); sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; }
_snprintf (psz, cb, "?%s", m_pecb->LpszRequestUrl()); Assert (0 == psz[cb - 1]); // Just point the query string to the start
pszQueryString = pszQS.get(); } //
// ... otherwise we do not need the query string
else { pszQueryString = NULL; }
// If the forward request URI is fully qualified, strip it to
// an absolute URI
if ( FAILED( ScStripAndCheckHttpPrefix( *m_pecb, &pwszURI ))) { DebugTrace( "CResponse::ScForward() - ScStripAndCheckHttpPrefix() failed, " "forward request not local to this server.\n" );
// Why do we override error maping to 502 Bad Gateway with
// the error maping to 404 Not Found?
// Forward the request to the child ISAPI
sc = m_pecb->ScExecuteChild( pwszURI, pszQueryString, fCustomErrorUrl ); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace( "CResponse::ScForward() - IEcb::ScExecuteChild() " "failed to execute child ISAPI for %S (0x%08lX)\n", pwszURI, sc ); goto ret; }
return sc; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::ScRedirect()
// Instructs IIS to send a redirect (300) response to the client.
// Returns:
// S_OK - if forwarding succeeded, error otherwise
SCODE CResponse::ScRedirect( LPCSTR pszURI ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Verify that the response is still unsent. A response can be
// either sent, forwarded, or redirected, but only one of the three
// and only once
AssertSz( m_rs == RS_UNSENT || m_rs == RS_DEFERRED, "Response already sent, forwarded or redirected!" );
// Tell IIS to send a redirect response
sc = m_pecb->ScSendRedirect( pszURI ); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace( "CResponse::FRedirect() - ServerSupportFunction() failed to redirect to %hs (0x%08lX)\n", pszURI, sc ); goto ret; }
return sc; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::FinalizeContent()
// Prepare the response for sending by filling in computed values for
// headers (Content-Length, Connection, etc) and body (for error
// responses). After this function is called, the response should be
// ready for transmission.
VOID CResponse::FinalizeContent( BOOL fResponseComplete ) { BOOL fDoingCustomError = m_pecb->FProcessingCEUrl();
// Special case:
// If we have a FAILING error code, DO NOT send back an ETag header.
// This is somewhat of a hack because we should never have set an
// ETag on an error response in the first place. However, several
// places in the code blindly stuff the ETag into the response headers
// before determining the final status code. So rather than
// fix the code in each place (which is a pain) we filter out
// the ETag here.
// 300-level responses are considered to be errors by FSuccessHSC(),
// but the HTTP/1.1 spec says that an ETag must be emitted for
// a "304 Not Modified" response, so we treat that status code
// as a special case.
if (!FSuccessHSC(m_iStatusCode) && m_iStatusCode != 304) m_hcHeaders.DeleteHeader( gc_szETag );
// Handle error responses. This may mean setting default or custom
// error body text, or executing an error-handling URL. In the latter
// case, we want to get out immediately after fowarding.
if ( FErrorStatusCode(m_iStatusCode) ) { if ( m_pBody->FIsEmpty() && !fDoingCustomError && !m_pecb->FBrief()) { if (m_pecb->FIIS60OrAfter()) { // For IIS 6.0 or after, we use the new way to send custom error
// Perf Wadeh, we should hold on to the string till the IO completion
// routine returns
auto_heap_ptr<CHAR> pszStatus;
// Make sure that status line starts with one of HTTP versions.
Assert(!_strnicmp(m_lpszStatusLine.get(), gc_szHTTP, gc_cchHTTP)); Assert(' ' == m_lpszStatusLine[gc_cchHTTP_X_X]);
// Allocate the space for status string that we pass onto the CEcb.
// We will treat the space occupied by ' ' as accounting for space
// we will need for '\0' in the mathematics below.
cbStatusLine = static_cast<UINT>(strlen(m_lpszStatusLine.get())); cbStatusLine -= gc_cchHTTP_X_X;
pszStatus = static_cast<LPSTR>(g_heap.Alloc(cbStatusLine)); if (NULL != pszStatus.get()) { // m_lpszStatusLine has format "HP/x.x nnn yyyy...", where
// nnn is the status code. IIS expects up to pass in format
// "nnn yyyy....", so we need to skip the version part.
// Note, all the version part are of same length, this makes
// the adjustment easier. We copy including '\0' termination.
memcpy(pszStatus.get(), m_lpszStatusLine.get() + gc_cchHTTP_X_X + 1, cbStatusLine);
// Populate custom error info
custErr.pszStatus = pszStatus.get(); custErr.uHttpSubError = static_cast<USHORT>(m_uiSubError); custErr.fAsync = TRUE;
// Try to send the custom error. The ownership of the string
// will be taken by CEcb only in the case of success.
if (SUCCEEDED(m_pecb->ScAsyncCustomError60After( custErr, pszStatus.get() ))) { // Relinquish the ref, as if we succeeeded in the function
// above it has been taken ownership by CEcb.
m_rs = RS_FORWARDED; return; } }
// Otherwise, fall through to send error
} else { // Try a custom error. If a custom error exists, use it.
// Note that a custom error can refer to a URL in which
// case the request is forwarded to that URL to generate
// appropriate error content. If there is no custom error,
// then use the body detail (if any) formatted as a short
// HTML document. Before we start we check if the ECB is
// already for a custom error request. This is to prevent
// us from recursively calling ourselves on some custom error
// url that does not exist.
if ( FSetCustomErrorResponse( *m_pecb, *this ) ) { //
// If the custom error caused the response to be forwarded
// (i.e. the custom error was a URL) then we are done.
if ( m_rs == RS_FORWARDED) return;
// Raid NT5:187545 & X5:70652
// This is somewhat of a hack: IIS won't send a
// Connection: close header for us if the following
// conditions are true:
// 1. The original request was keep-alive.
// 2. We are sending an error response.
// 3. We have a file response body.
// 4. We intend to send the body.
// Because we are in this code path, we know we are sending
// an error (condition 2). If custom error processing added
// a body, we know that it must be a file body because the
// only custom error types are URL or file, and the URL case
// is handled above by fowarding the response. So, if we have
// a body, then condition 3 is satisfied. To check for
// condition 1, test the state of the connection before we
// close it (below). Condition 4 is satisfied if and only
// if do not supress the body. The body is supressed, for
// example, in a HEAD response.
// If all of the conditions are satisfied, then add our own
// Connection: close header.
if ( m_pecb->FKeepAlive() && !m_pBody->FIsEmpty() && !m_fSupressBody ) { SetHeader( gc_szConnection, gc_szClose ); } } } }
// Check if the body is still empty and send some
// stuff.
if ( m_pBody->FIsEmpty() ) { m_hcHeaders.SetHeader( gc_szContent_Type, gc_szText_HTML );
m_pBody->AddText( "<body><h2>" ); m_pBody->AddText( m_lpszStatusLine ); m_pBody->AddText( "</h2>" );
if ( m_lpszBodyDetail != NULL && *m_lpszBodyDetail ) { m_pBody->AddText( "<br><h3>" ); m_pBody->AddText( m_lpszBodyDetail ); m_pBody->AddText( "</h3>" ); } m_pBody->AddText( "</body>" ); }
// error response: Always close the connection.
m_pecb->CloseConnection(); }
// Set the status code from the original request
// if we are procesing the custom URL. We expect that
// the query string is of the format XXX;original url.
if ( fDoingCustomError ) { LPCSTR lpszQueryString = m_pecb->LpszQueryString(); int iOrgStatCode = 0;
// Normally we expect the query string to be present.
// However there is a possibility that ISAPIs can initiate
// this request and some ISAPI may misbehave.
// So we check if the query string is really there and
// silently fail.
if (lpszQueryString) { if ( 1 == sscanf(lpszQueryString, "%3d;", &iOrgStatCode) ) { // IIS behaved as per the promise.
// Set the response code in the ecb and hack our
// status line accordingly.
m_pecb->SetStatusCode( iOrgStatCode ); SetStatusLine( iOrgStatCode ); } }
// error response: Always close the connection.
DebugTrace("CResponse::FinalizeContent Original Status code in CEURL request %d", iOrgStatCode ); }
// If we can chunk the response and we don't have a complete
// response already then include a Transfer-Encoding: chunked
// header.
if ( m_pecb->FCanChunkResponse() && !fResponseComplete ) { m_hcHeaders.SetHeader( gc_szTransfer_Encoding, gc_szChunked ); }
// Otherwise the response body is already complete (i.e. we
// can quickly calculate its content length) or the client
// won't let us do chunking so set the correct Content-Length header.
else { char rgchContentLength[24];
// A 304 *can* send back all the headers of the real resource,
// (and we're trying to be a good little HTTP server, so we do!)
// BUT if we send back a >0 content-length on a 304, WININET
// hangs trying to read the body (which isn't there!).
// So hack the content type in this one case.
if (m_iStatusCode != 304) { _ui64toa( m_pBody->CbSize64(), rgchContentLength, 10 ); } else _ultoa( 0, rgchContentLength, 10 );
m_hcHeaders.SetHeader( gc_szContent_Length, rgchContentLength ); }
// If the body is to be supressed, then nuke it
// We nuke the body in two cases: if the body was suppressed
// or if the status code is a 304 not-modified.
if ( m_fSupressBody || (m_iStatusCode == 304)) // HSC_NOT_MODIFIED
// Nuke the status line and headers (EVEN DBG HEADERS!)
// for HTTP/0.9 responses.
if ( !strcmp( m_pecb->LpszVersion(), gc_szHTTP_0_9 ) ) { //
// Clear the status line.
// Clear the headers.
m_hcHeaders.ClearHeaders(); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::SetStatusLine()
// Sets the status line according to the info given.
VOID CResponse::SetStatusLine(int iStatusCode) { CHAR rgchStatusDescription[256];
// Load up the status string
// (Conveniently, the status description resource ID
// for any given status code is just the status code itself!)
LpszLoadString( iStatusCode, m_pecb->LcidAccepted(), rgchStatusDescription, sizeof(rgchStatusDescription) );
// Generate the status line by concatenating the HTTP
// version string, the status code (in decimal) and
// the status description.
{ CHAR rgchStatusLine[256]; UINT cchStatusLine;
_snprintf(rgchStatusLine, sizeof(rgchStatusLine), "%s %03d %s", m_pecb->LpszVersion(), iStatusCode, rgchStatusDescription); rgchStatusLine[CElems(rgchStatusLine) - 1] = 0; m_lpszStatusLine.clear(); m_lpszStatusLine = LpszAutoDupSz( rgchStatusLine ); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::SendStart()
// Starts sending accumulated response data. If fComplete is TRUE then
// the accumulated data constitutes the entire response or remainder
// thereof.
VOID CResponse::SendStart( BOOL fComplete ) { switch ( m_rs ) { case RS_UNSENT: { Assert( fComplete );
if (0 == InterlockedCompareExchange(&m_lRespStarted, 1, 0)) { FinalizeContent( fComplete );
if ( m_rs == RS_UNSENT ) { Assert( m_pTransmitter == NULL ); m_pTransmitter = new CTransmitter(*this); m_pTransmitter->ImplStart( fComplete );
// This is the path where response is complete.
// The ref of transmitter will be be taken
// ownership inside ImplStart() so noone should
// attempt to access it after this point as it
// may be released.
m_pTransmitter = NULL;
// Change the state after the transmitter pointer
// is changed to NULL, so that any thread that comes
// into SendStart() in the RS_SENDING state could be
// checked and denied the service. (i.e. by the time
// we check state for RS_SENDING we know that pointer
// is NULL if it is ment to be nulled in here).
m_rs = RS_SENDING; } }
break; }
case RS_DEFERRED: { //
// If the client does not accept a chunked response then we
// cannot start sending until the response is complete because
// we need the entire response to be able to compute the
// content length
if ( fComplete || m_pecb->FCanChunkResponse() ) { if (0 == InterlockedCompareExchange(&m_lRespStarted, 1, 0)) {
FinalizeContent( fComplete ); if ( m_rs == RS_DEFERRED ) { Assert( m_pTransmitter == NULL );
m_pTransmitter = new CTransmitter(*this); m_pTransmitter->ImplStart( fComplete );
// This is the path where response is complete.
// The ref of transmitter will be be taken
// ownership inside ImplStart() so noone should
// attempt to access it after this point as it
// may be released.
if ( fComplete ) { m_pTransmitter = NULL; }
// Change the state after the transmitter pointer
// is changed to NULL, so that any thread that comes
// into SendStart() in the RS_SENDING state could be
// checked and denied the service. (i.e. by the time
// we check state for RS_SENDING we know that pointer
// is NULL if it is ment to be nulled in here).
m_rs = RS_SENDING;
} } }
break; }
// If we're forwarding to another ISAPI or we already sent back
// a redirection response, then don't do anything further.
case RS_FORWARDED: case RS_REDIRECTED: { break; }
case RS_SENDING: { Assert( m_rs == RS_SENDING ); Assert( m_pecb->FCanChunkResponse() );
// If someone came here when transmitter is not available
// (was not created or complete response was already sent
// and the pointer was NULL-ed above, then there is no work
// for us.
if (NULL != m_pTransmitter) { m_pTransmitter->ImplStart( fComplete ); }
break; }
default: { TrapSz( "Unknown response transmitter state!" ); } } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::SendPartial()
// Starts sending accumulated response data. Callers may continue to add
// response data after calling this function.
VOID CResponse::SendPartial() { SendStart( FALSE ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::SendComplete)
// Starts sending all of the accumulated response data. Callers must not
// add response data after calling this function.
VOID CResponse::SendComplete() { SendStart( TRUE ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CResponse::FinishMethod()
VOID CResponse::FinishMethod() { //
// If no one else has taken responsibility for sending the
// response, then send the entire thing now.
if ( m_rs == RS_UNSENT ) SendStart( TRUE ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::CTransmitter()
// A few things to note about this constructor:
// The keep-alive value is cached to avoid having to get it off of the
// IEcb for every packet transmitted. Getting the value from the IEcb
// can incur a SSF call. Since the value can't change once we start
// transmitting, it is safe to cache it.
// The size of the text buffer is initialized to be twice as large as
// the maximum amount of text data that can be sent in a single network
// packet. The reason for this is to eliminate reallocations when adding
// to the buffer. The buffer may potentially be used for prefix and
// suffix text data, each being up to CB_WSABUFS_MAX in size.
// Headers are dumped into the text buffer and a pointer to them is
// then added to the WSABufs so that the headers count against the
// total amount of text that can be accepted for the first packet.
// If additional body text is later added to the WSABufs for that packet,
// it may be transmitted along with the headers in the same packet.
CTransmitter::CTransmitter( CResponse& response ) : m_pResponse(&response), m_hr(S_OK), m_tc(TC_UNKNOWN), m_pitBody(response.m_pBody->GetIter()), m_bufBody(2 * CB_WSABUFS_MAX), m_cbHeadersToSend(0), m_cbHeadersToAccept(0), m_fImplDone(FALSE), m_pwsabufs(&m_wsabufsPrefix), m_lStatus(STATUS_IDLE), m_pfnTransmitMethod(TransmitNothing) { ZeroMemory( &m_tfi, sizeof(HSE_TF_INFO) );
// If we are sending a status line and headers (i.e. we don't
// have an HTTP/0.9 response) then set up to send them along
// with the custom IIS headers in the first packet.
if ( response.m_lpszStatusLine ) { response.m_hcHeaders.DumpData( m_bufHeaders ); m_bufHeaders.Append( 2, gc_szCRLF ); // Append extra CR/LF
m_cbHeadersToAccept = m_bufHeaders.CbSize(); m_cbHeadersToSend = m_cbHeadersToAccept; m_pfnTransmitMethod = SyncTransmitHeaders; }
// Add the first transmitter ref on the impl's behalf.
// This ref is released when the impl says that it's
// done with the response in ImplStart().
// Other refs may be added by the transmitter itself
// whenever it starts an async operation, so this
// ref may not be the last one released.
TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX Transmitter created\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::ImplStart()
VOID CTransmitter::ImplStart( BOOL fResponseComplete ) { // We must not be called with fResponseComplete equal to TRUE
// several times. We can finish doing the work only once.
// This would prevent us from taking out IIS process if the
// callers would make that mistake.
if (m_fImplDone) { TrapSz("CTransmitter::ImplStart got called twice! That is illegal! Please grab a DEV to look at it!"); return; }
// If we don't know it already, figure out the transfer coding
// to use in the response.
if ( TC_UNKNOWN == m_tc ) { //
// If the response is not complete then we should not have
// a Content-Length header in the response.
Assert( fResponseComplete || NULL == m_pResponse->LpszGetHeader( gc_szContent_Length ) );
// Use chunked coding in the response only if the client
// will accept it and if we don't have a complete response
// (i.e. we do not have a Content-Length header).
m_tc = (!fResponseComplete && m_pResponse->m_pecb->FCanChunkResponse()) ? TC_CHUNKED : TC_IDENTITY; }
Assert( m_tc != TC_UNKNOWN );
// If the impl says it's done with the response then
// ensure we release its ref to the transmitter when
// we're done here.
auto_ref_ptr<CTransmitter> pRef; if ( fResponseComplete ) pRef.take_ownership(this);
// Note whether this is the last chunk of the response
// being added by the impl.
// !!!IMPORTANT!!!
// Set m_fImplDone before changing the status below because the
// transmitter may already be running (if this is a chunked response)
// and may run to completion before we get a chance to do anything
// after the InterlockedExchange() below.
m_fImplDone = fResponseComplete;
// Tell everyone that there is new data pending and ping the transmitter.
LONG lStatusPrev = InterlockedExchange( &m_lStatus, STATUS_RUNNING_ACCEPT_PENDING );
// If the transmitter is idle then start it accepting.
if ( STATUS_IDLE == lStatusPrev ) { m_pfnState = SAccept; Start(); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::SAccept()
// Accept data for transmitting.
VOID CTransmitter::SAccept() { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX SAccept()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// At this point we are either about to accept newly pended response
// data or we are continuing to accept existing data. Either way
// we are going to be accepting, so change the status to reflect that.
// If we have headers left to accept then
// accept as much of them as possible.
if ( m_cbHeadersToAccept > 0 ) { UINT cbAccepted = m_wsabufsPrefix.CbAddItem( reinterpret_cast<const BYTE *>(m_bufHeaders.PContents()) + (m_bufHeaders.CbSize() - m_cbHeadersToAccept), m_cbHeadersToAccept );
m_cbHeadersToAccept -= cbAccepted;
// If we could not accept all of the headers then send
// whatever we did accept now and we will accept more
// the next time around.
if ( m_cbHeadersToAccept > 0 ) { //
// Presumably we did not accept all of the headers
// because we filled up the prefix WSABUF.
Assert( m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() == CB_WSABUFS_MAX );
// Send the headers
m_pfnState = STransmit; Start(); return; } }
// Accept a body part. CTransmitter::AcceptComplete() will be called
// repeatedly for body parts as they are accepted.
// Add a transmitter ref before starting the next async operation.
// Use auto_ref_ptr to simplify resource recording and to
// prevent resource leaks if an exception is thrown.
// Ref is claimed by AcceptComplete() below.
{ auto_ref_ptr<CTransmitter> pRef(this);
m_pitBody->Accept( *this, *this );
pRef.relinquish(); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::VisitComplete()
// IBodyPartVisitor callback called when we accept the last response body
// part added so far. Note that the impl may still be adding body parts
// on another thread at this point.
VOID CTransmitter::VisitComplete() { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX VisitComplete()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// Sanity check: the transmitter must be running (or we wouldn't
// be here) and we must be accepting data. In fact we think we
// just finished or we wouldn't be here. However ImplStart() may
// have pended new data between the time we were called and now.
// If ImplStart() has not pended any new data yet then let
// everyone know that we are done accepting for now.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::AcceptComplete()
// IAcceptObserver callback called when we are done accepting data from
// a body part. We don't care here how much data was accepted --
// each VisitXXX() function takes care of limiting the amount of
// accepted data by putting the transmitter into the transmit state
// once the optimal amount of data for a transmittable packet is reached.
// Here we only care about the case where we reach the end of the response
// body before accepting an optimal amount of data.
VOID CTransmitter::AcceptComplete( UINT64 ) { //
// Claim the transmitter ref added by AcceptBody()
auto_ref_ptr<CTransmitter> pRef; pRef.take_ownership(this);
TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX AcceptComplete()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// If we have finished accepting the entire the response
// then transmit it.
if ( FAcceptedCompleteResponse() ) { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX AcceptComplete() - Last chunk accepted.\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this ); m_pfnState = STransmit; Start(); }
// If there is still data left to accept or ImplStart() has pended
// more data then continue accepting.
// Otherwise there is nothing to accept so try to go idle. ImplStart()
// may pend new data right as we try to go idle. If that happens then
// just continue accepting as if the data had been pended before.
else if ( STATUS_RUNNING_ACCEPT_DONE != m_lStatus || STATUS_RUNNING_ACCEPT_PENDING == InterlockedCompareExchange( &m_lStatus, STATUS_IDLE, STATUS_RUNNING_ACCEPT_DONE ) ) { Start(); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::STransmit()
// Transmit accepted data via the current transmit method.
VOID CTransmitter::STransmit() { (this->*m_pfnTransmitMethod)(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::SCleanup()
// Cleanup transmitted data.
VOID CTransmitter::SCleanup() { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX SCleanup()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// Quick check: If we are done accepting/transmitting the response then
// don't bother doing any explicit cleanup here -- our destructor
// will take care of everything.
if ( FAcceptedCompleteResponse() ) { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX SCleanup() - Last chunk has been transmitted.\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this ); return; }
// Clear any file part.
ZeroMemory( &m_tfi, sizeof(HSE_TF_INFO) );
// Clear any buffered text parts.
// Clear the WSABUFS and use the prefix buffers again.
m_wsabufsPrefix.Clear(); m_wsabufsSuffix.Clear(); m_pwsabufs = &m_wsabufsPrefix;
// Destroy any body parts we just sent.
// Reset the transmit method
m_pfnTransmitMethod = TransmitNothing;
// At this point the transmitter must be running and in
// one of the three accepting states.
// If there is still data left to accept or ImplStart() has pended
// more data then continue accepting.
// Otherwise there is nothing to accept so try to go idle. ImplStart()
// may pend new data right as we try to go idle. If that happens then
// just continue accepting as if the data had been pended before.
if ( STATUS_RUNNING_ACCEPT_DONE != m_lStatus || STATUS_RUNNING_ACCEPT_PENDING == InterlockedCompareExchange( &m_lStatus, STATUS_IDLE, STATUS_RUNNING_ACCEPT_DONE ) ) { m_pfnState = SAccept; Start(); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::Run()
VOID CTransmitter::Run() { //
// Keep things running as long as we're still transmitting
if ( !FAILED(m_hr) ) { //
// Assert: we aren't idle if we're executing state functions.
Assert( m_lStatus != STATUS_IDLE );
(this->*m_pfnState)(); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::IISIOComplete()
// Response transmitter async I/O completion routine.
VOID CTransmitter::IISIOComplete( DWORD dwcbSent, DWORD dwLastError ) { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX IISIOComplete() Sent %d bytes (last error = %d)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, dwcbSent, dwLastError );
// Take ownership of the transmitter reference added
// on our behalf by the thread that started the async I/O.
auto_ref_ptr<CTransmitter> pRef; pRef.take_ownership(this);
// If we had headers left to send then theoretically we just
// finished sending some of them. If so then subtract off
// what we just sent before continuing.
if ( m_cbHeadersToSend > 0 && dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Note: dwcbSent does not in any way give use the amount of
// headers sent. Use the size of the prefix buffer instead.
Assert( m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() <= m_cbHeadersToSend );
m_cbHeadersToSend -= m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize(); }
// Proceed with cleanup.
m_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); m_pfnState = SCleanup; Start(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::TransmitNothing()
// This transmit function is used as the initial default transmit function.
// If no body data is accepted for transmission before the transmitter
// is invoked (e.g. either because the body is empty, or because the
// previous transmission transmitted the last of the body).
VOID CTransmitter::TransmitNothing() { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX TransmitNothing()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// Nothing to transmit, just proceed to cleanup.
m_pfnState = SCleanup; Start(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::SyncTransmitHeaders()
VOID CTransmitter::SyncTransmitHeaders() { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX SyncTransmitHeaders()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// This function should (obviously) only be used to send headers
// including IIS headers.
Assert( m_cbHeadersToSend > 0 ); Assert( FSendingIISHeaders() );
shei.cchHeader = m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize(); if ( shei.cchHeader > 0 ) { Assert( shei.cchHeader + 1 <= sizeof(m_rgbPrefix) );
// Dump the contents of the prefix WSABUF into our prefix buffer
m_wsabufsPrefix.DumpTo( m_rgbPrefix, 0, shei.cchHeader );
// Null-terminate the headers because IIS doesn't pay any attention
// to cchHeader....
m_rgbPrefix[shei.cchHeader] = '\0'; shei.pszHeader = reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(m_rgbPrefix); }
shei.pszStatus = m_pResponse->LpszStatusCode(); shei.cchStatus = static_cast<DWORD>(strlen(shei.pszStatus)); shei.fKeepConn = m_pResponse->m_pecb->FKeepAlive();
if ( m_pResponse->m_pecb->FSyncTransmitHeaders(shei) ) { m_cbHeadersToSend -= shei.cchHeader; } else { DebugTrace( "CTransmitter::SyncTransmitHeaders() - SSF::HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX failed (%d)\n", GetLastError() ); m_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// Next thing to do is cleanup the headers we just transmitted.
m_pfnState = SCleanup; Start(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PbEmitChunkPrefix()
// Emit a chunked encoding prefix.
inline LPBYTE PbEmitChunkPrefix( LPBYTE pbBuf, UINT cbSize ) { //
// Emit the chunk size expressed in hex
_ultoa( cbSize, reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(pbBuf), 16 );
pbBuf += strlen(reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(pbBuf));
// followed by a CRLF
*pbBuf++ = '\r'; *pbBuf++ = '\n';
return pbBuf; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PbEmitChunkSuffix()
// Emit a chunked encoding suffix.
inline LPBYTE PbEmitChunkSuffix( LPBYTE pbBuf, BOOL fLastChunk ) { //
// CRLF to end the current chunk
*pbBuf++ = '\r'; *pbBuf++ = '\n';
// If this is the last chunk
if ( fLastChunk ) { //
// then add a 0-length chunk
*pbBuf++ = '0'; *pbBuf++ = '\r'; *pbBuf++ = '\n';
// and there are no trailers,
// so just add the final CRLF
// to finish things off.
*pbBuf++ = '\r'; *pbBuf++ = '\n'; }
return pbBuf; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::AsyncTransmitFile()
VOID CTransmitter::AsyncTransmitFile() { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX AsyncTransmitFile()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
Assert( m_tfi.hFile != NULL );
// Always async I/O
m_tfi.dwFlags = HSE_IO_ASYNC;
// Start building up the prefix...
LPBYTE pbPrefix = m_rgbPrefix;
// If we are sending headers then we dump those out
// first followed by the chunk prefix (if we are using
// Transfer-Encoding: chunked.
if ( m_cbHeadersToSend ) { Assert( m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() > 0 );
m_wsabufsPrefix.DumpTo( pbPrefix, 0, m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() );
pbPrefix += m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize();
if ( TC_CHUNKED == m_tc ) { pbPrefix = PbEmitChunkPrefix( pbPrefix, m_tfi.BytesToWrite + m_wsabufsSuffix.CbSize() ); }
// Oh yeah, we need to do a little more work here when
// we are including IIS headers
if ( FSendingIISHeaders() ) { // First, tell IIS to include the headers and format
// the status code.
m_tfi.dwFlags |= HSE_IO_SEND_HEADERS; m_tfi.pszStatusCode = m_pResponse->LpszStatusCode();
// Then null-terminate the headers in the prefix because
// IIS doesn't pay any attention to m_tfi.HeadLength in
// this case.
// Note: we do NOT increment pbPrefix here because we are
// not including the NULL as part of the data. It's just
// there to keep IIS from overrunning our buffer. Yes,
// our buffer size accounts for this. We assert it below.
*pbPrefix = '\0'; } }
// Otherwise, we are not sending headers so all of the data
// in the prefix WSABUF is body data, so emit the chunk prefix
// before dumping the body data.
else { if ( TC_CHUNKED == m_tc ) { pbPrefix = PbEmitChunkPrefix( pbPrefix, m_tfi.BytesToWrite + m_wsabufsSuffix.CbSize() + m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() ); }
if ( m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() ) { m_wsabufsPrefix.DumpTo( pbPrefix, 0, m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() );
pbPrefix += m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize(); } }
// It's sort of after the fact, but assert that we didn't
// overrun the buffer. Remember, we might have stuffed a
// null in at *pbPrefix, so don't forget to include it.
Assert( pbPrefix - m_rgbPrefix + 1 <= sizeof(m_rgbPrefix) );
// Finish up the prefix
m_tfi.HeadLength = (DWORD)(pbPrefix - m_rgbPrefix); m_tfi.pHead = m_rgbPrefix;
// Now start building up the suffix...
LPBYTE pbSuffix = m_rgbSuffix;
// If there is any data in the suffix WSABUF then add that first.
if ( m_wsabufsSuffix.CbSize() ) { m_wsabufsSuffix.DumpTo( pbSuffix, 0, m_wsabufsSuffix.CbSize() );
pbSuffix += m_wsabufsSuffix.CbSize(); }
// If we are using Transfer-Encoding: chunked then append the
// protocol suffix.
if ( TC_CHUNKED == m_tc ) pbSuffix = PbEmitChunkSuffix( pbSuffix, FAcceptedCompleteResponse() );
// It's sort of after the fact, but assert that we didn't
// overrun the buffer.
Assert( pbSuffix - m_rgbSuffix <= sizeof(m_rgbSuffix) );
// Finish up the suffix
m_tfi.TailLength = (DWORD)(pbSuffix - m_rgbSuffix); m_tfi.pTail = m_rgbSuffix;
// If this will be the last packet sent AND we will be closing
// the connection, then also throw the HSE_IO_DISCONNECT_AFTER_SEND
// flag. This VASTLY improves throughput by allowing IIS to close
// and reuse the socket as soon as the file is sent.
if ( FAcceptedCompleteResponse() && !m_pResponse->m_pecb->FKeepAlive() ) { m_tfi.dwFlags |= HSE_IO_DISCONNECT_AFTER_SEND; }
// Start async I/O to transmit the file. Make sure the transmitter
// has an added ref if the async I/O starts successfully. Use
// auto_ref to make things exception-proof.
{ SCODE sc = S_OK; auto_ref_ptr<CTransmitter> pRef(this);
TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX prefix=%d, suffix=%d, content=%d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, m_tfi.HeadLength, m_tfi.TailLength, m_tfi.BytesToWrite );
sc = m_pResponse->m_pecb->ScAsyncTransmitFile( m_tfi, *this ); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace( "CTransmitter::AsyncTransmitFile() - IEcb::ScAsyncTransmitFile() failed with error 0x%08lX\n", sc ); IISIOComplete( 0, sc ); }
pRef.relinquish(); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::AsyncTransmitText()
// Start transmitting the text-only response.
VOID CTransmitter::AsyncTransmitText() { LPBYTE pb = m_rgbPrefix;
TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX AsyncTransmitText()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// If we are sending text then there must be data in m_wsabufsPrefix.
Assert( m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() > 0 );
// Figure out the amount of headers we have in the prefix WSABUF.
// Given that all of the headers must be transmitted before any
// of the body, the amount of headers in the WSABUF is the lesser
// of the amount of headers left to send or the size of the WSABUF.
// The size of the body chunk is whatever is left (if anything).
UINT cbHeaders = min(m_cbHeadersToSend, m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize()); UINT cbChunk = m_wsabufsPrefix.CbSize() - cbHeaders;
// If we are sending any headers then dump those out first.
if ( cbHeaders ) { m_wsabufsPrefix.DumpTo( pb, 0, cbHeaders );
pb += cbHeaders; }
// Then, if we are using Transfer-Encoding: chunked, include
// the size of this chunk.
if ( TC_CHUNKED == m_tc ) pb = PbEmitChunkPrefix( pb, cbChunk );
// Next, dump out the data for this chunk
if ( cbChunk > 0 ) { m_wsabufsPrefix.DumpTo( pb, cbHeaders, cbChunk );
pb += cbChunk; }
// Finally, dump out the chunk suffix if we're using
// chunked encoding.
if ( TC_CHUNKED == m_tc ) pb = PbEmitChunkSuffix( pb, FAcceptedCompleteResponse() );
// It's sort of after the fact, but assert that we didn't
// overrun the buffer.
Assert( pb - m_rgbPrefix <= sizeof(m_rgbPrefix) );
// Start async I/O to transmit the text. Make sure the transmitter
// has an added ref if the async I/O starts successfully. Use
// auto_ref to make things exception-proof.
{ SCODE sc = S_OK; auto_ref_ptr<CTransmitter> pRef(this);
sc = m_pResponse->m_pecb->ScAsyncWrite( m_rgbPrefix, static_cast<DWORD>(pb - m_rgbPrefix), *this ); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace( "CTransmitter::AsyncTransmitText() - IEcb::ScAsyncWrite() failed to start transmitting with error 0x%08lX\n", sc ); IISIOComplete( 0, sc ); }
pRef.relinquish(); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::VisitBytes()
VOID CTransmitter::VisitBytes( const BYTE * pbData, UINT cbToSend, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ) { // TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX VisitBytes()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
UINT cbAccepted;
//$IIS If we still have IIS headers to send, then we must send them now.
//$IIS One might wonder why we can't simply be clever and effecient
//$IIS and just add the bytes to send along with the headers. The reason
//$IIS we cannot is because the IIS send headers call pays no attention
//$IIS to the stated size of the headers and sends only up to the first
//$IIS NULL. Since binary body part data could contain several NULLs,
//$IIS the result would be that part of the body would be lost.
if ( FSendingIISHeaders() ) { m_pfnState = STransmit; obsAccept.AcceptComplete( 0 ); return; }
// Accept as many bytes as we can. Note that we may not
// accept everything because of the WSABUFS size limit.
// (See CWSABufs class definition for an explanation.)
cbAccepted = m_pwsabufs->CbAddItem( pbData, cbToSend );
// If we accepted anything at all, then we'll want to use
// the text transmitter to send it later, unless we are
// already planning to use another transmitter (e.g. the
// file transmitter or header transmitter) for better
// performance.
if ( cbAccepted > 0 && m_pfnTransmitMethod == TransmitNothing ) m_pfnTransmitMethod = AsyncTransmitText;
// If we couldn't accept everything, then the WSABUFS are full
// so we have to transmit them before we can accept anything more.
if ( cbAccepted < cbToSend ) m_pfnState = STransmit;
// Finally, don't forget to tell our observer that we're done visiting.
obsAccept.AcceptComplete( cbAccepted ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::VisitFile()
VOID CTransmitter::VisitFile( const auto_ref_handle& hf, UINT64 ibOffset64, UINT64 cbToSend64, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ) { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX VisitFile()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// We can only transmit one file at a time. If we've already
// accepted a file for transmission then we cannot accept another
// one. We must transmit now.
if ( m_tfi.hFile != NULL ) { m_pfnState = STransmit; obsAccept.AcceptComplete( 0 ); return; }
// If we need to send headers with this packet, then we can only
// send them along with the file
// Accept as much of the file as we were told to. The amount of
// file data we can transmit is unlimited.
m_hf = hf; m_tfi.hFile = m_hf.get();
// Our way of seting it up depends on the fact if the file is larger
// than 4GB. Also we have no way to do offsets that are above 4GB
// through _HSE_TF_INFO. We should not get them here though as
// byteranges are disabled for files above 4GB. And seting 0 for
// BytesToWrite is special value that is to be used to ask for the
// whole file.
Assert(0 == (0xFFFFFFFF00000000 & ibOffset64)); m_tfi.Offset = static_cast<DWORD>(ibOffset64); if (0x00000000FFFFFFFF < cbToSend64) { m_tfi.BytesToWrite = 0; } else { m_tfi.BytesToWrite = static_cast<DWORD>(cbToSend64); }
// Subsequent text data (if any) will form the suffix to the file data,
// so cut over to the suffix WSABUFs.
m_pwsabufs = &m_wsabufsSuffix;
// Use the file transmitter come send time.
m_pfnTransmitMethod = AsyncTransmitFile;
obsAccept.AcceptComplete( cbToSend64 ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::VisitStream()
VOID CTransmitter::VisitStream( IAsyncStream& stmSrc, UINT cbToSend, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ) { TransmitTrace( "DAV: CTransmitter: TID %3d: 0x%08lX VisitStream()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
//$IIS If we still have IIS headers to send, then we must send them now.
//$IIS One might wonder why we can't simply be clever and effecient
//$IIS and just stream in bytes to send along with the headers. The reason
//$IIS we cannot is because the IIS send headers call pays no attention
//$IIS to the stated size of the headers and sends only up to the first
//$IIS NULL. Since binary body part data could contain several NULLs,
//$IIS the result would be that part of the body would be lost.
if ( FSendingIISHeaders() ) { m_pfnState = STransmit; obsAccept.AcceptComplete( 0 ); return; }
m_pobsAccept = &obsAccept;
cbToSend = min( cbToSend, CB_WSABUFS_MAX - m_pwsabufs->CbSize() );
// Add a transmitter ref before starting the next async operation.
// Use auto_ref_ptr to simplify resource recording and to
// prevent resource leaks if an exception is thrown.
auto_ref_ptr<CTransmitter> pRef(this);
stmSrc.AsyncCopyTo( *this, cbToSend, *this );
pRef.relinquish(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::CopyToComplete()
VOID CTransmitter::CopyToComplete( UINT cbCopied, HRESULT hr ) { //
// Claim the transmitter ref added by VisitStream()
auto_ref_ptr<CTransmitter> pRef; pRef.take_ownership(this);
m_hr = hr; m_pobsAccept->AcceptComplete( cbCopied ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransmitter::AsyncWrite()
// "Write" text to the transmitter by adding it to the transmit buffers.
// Despite its name, this call executes synchronously (note the call
// to WriteComplete() at the end) so it does NOT need an additional
// transmitter reference.
VOID CTransmitter::AsyncWrite( const BYTE * pbBuf, UINT cbToWrite, IAsyncWriteObserver& obsAsyncWrite ) { UINT cbWritten;
Assert( cbToWrite <= CB_WSABUFS_MAX - m_pwsabufs->CbSize() );
cbWritten = m_pwsabufs->CbAddItem( reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(m_bufBody.Append( cbToWrite, reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(pbBuf) )), cbToWrite );
// If we accepted anything at all, then we'll want to use
// the text transmitter to send it later, unless we are
// already planning to use another transmitter (e.g. the
// file transmitter or header transmitter) for better
// performance.
if ( cbWritten > 0 && m_pfnTransmitMethod == TransmitNothing ) m_pfnTransmitMethod = AsyncTransmitText;
if ( m_pwsabufs->CbSize() == CB_WSABUFS_MAX ) m_pfnState = STransmit;
obsAsyncWrite.WriteComplete( cbWritten, NOERROR ); }
// ========================================================================
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewResponse
IResponse * NewResponse( IEcb& ecb ) { return new CResponse(ecb); }
// Disable stubborn level 4 warnings generated by expansion of inline STL
// member functions. Why do it way down here? Because it appears to
// silence these expanded functions without supressing warnings for any
// code we've written above!
#pragma warning(disable:4146) // negative unsigned is still unsigned