* S C R P T M P S . C P P * * Scriptmaps cacheing * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#include "_davprs.h"
#include "scrptmps.h"
#include "instdata.h"
// ========================================================================
// class CScriptMap
// Contains the parsed set of scriptmaps for a single metabase entry.
// Contains lookup functions to find scriptmaps that match certain
// conditions.
class CScriptMap : public IScriptMap, public CMTRefCounted {
typedef struct _inclusions {
DWORD fdwInclusions; LPCWSTR pwszMethods;
BOOL FAllMethodsIncluded () { // When a script map has an empty inclusion verb list, it means all verbs included
// (NOT all verbs excluded).
Assert (pwszMethods); return L'\0' == pwszMethods[0]; }
typedef CCache<CRCWszi, PINCLUSIONS> CInclusionsCache;
// INCLUSIONS data storage area.
ChainedBuffer<INCLUSIONS> m_bInclusions;
// Cache of scriptmap entries
CInclusionsCache m_cache;
// Pointer to first 'star' scriptmap in the list.
// This is the one that IIS will have called to process
// the request for this url. This is used by the virtual
// root cache.
// Note that we should ignore any 'star' scriptmaps when
// evaluating for matches. The first 'star' gets a crack
// at it, and that's that.
LPCWSTR m_pwszStarScriptmap;
// Private accessors
VOID AddMapping (LPCWSTR pwszMap, HDRITER_W* pit); BOOL FLoadScriptmaps (LPWSTR pwszScriptMaps);
// CLASS CIsMatch --------------------------------------------------------
// Functional class to find if a given scriptmap applys to a URI
class CIsMatch : public CInclusionsCache::IOp { const CInclusionsCache& m_cache; const LPCWSTR m_pwszMethod; const METHOD_ID m_midMethod; BOOL m_fCGI; DWORD m_dwAccess; LPCWSTR m_pwszMatch; LPCWSTR m_pwszURI; SCODE m_sc;
CIsMatch& operator=(const CIsMatch&);
CIsMatch(const CInclusionsCache& cache, const LPCWSTR pwszMethod, const METHOD_ID midMethod, LPCWSTR pwszUri, LPCWSTR pwszMatch, DWORD dwAcc)
: m_cache(cache), m_pwszMethod(pwszMethod), m_midMethod(midMethod), m_fCGI(FALSE), m_dwAccess(dwAcc), m_pwszURI(pwszUri), m_pwszMatch(pwszMatch), m_sc(S_OK) {}
SCODE ScMatched() const { return m_sc; } BOOL FMatchIsCGI() const { return m_fCGI; }
virtual BOOL operator()(const CRCWszi& crcwszi, const PINCLUSIONS& pin); };
CScriptMap& operator=(const CScriptMap&); CScriptMap(const CScriptMap&);
// Helper function
CScriptMap() : m_pwszStarScriptmap(NULL) { // Use COM-style ref-counting. Start with 1.
m_cRef = 1; }
BOOL FInit (LPWSTR pwszScriptMaps);
// Implementation of IRefCounted members
// Simply route them to our own CMTRefCounted members.
void AddRef() { CMTRefCounted::AddRef(); } void Release() { CMTRefCounted::Release(); }
SCODE ScMatched (LPCWSTR pwszMethod, METHOD_ID midMethod, LPCWSTR pwszMap, DWORD dwAccess, BOOL * pfCGI) const;
// Used by MOVE/COPY/DELETE to check for star scriptmapping
// overrides
BOOL FSameStarScriptmapping (const IScriptMap * pism) const { const CScriptMap* prhs = static_cast<const CScriptMap*>(pism); if (m_pwszStarScriptmap != prhs->m_pwszStarScriptmap) { if (m_pwszStarScriptmap && prhs->m_pwszStarScriptmap) if (0 == _wcsicmp (m_pwszStarScriptmap, prhs->m_pwszStarScriptmap)) return TRUE; } else return TRUE;
return FALSE; } };
CScriptMap::FInit (LPWSTR pwszScriptMaps) { // Init the cache
if ( !m_cache.FInit() ) return FALSE;
// Load the scriptmaps
return FLoadScriptmaps(pwszScriptMaps); }
void CScriptMap::AddMapping(LPCWSTR pwszMap, HDRITER_W * pitInclusions) { LPCWSTR pwszInclusion; METHOD_ID mid; PINCLUSIONS pin = NULL;
Assert (pwszMap);
// If there is a DLL, then we want to assemble an inclusions list
if (pitInclusions) { pin = m_bInclusions.Alloc (sizeof(INCLUSIONS));
// Record the start of the inclusion list
pin->pwszMethods = pitInclusions->PszRaw(); pin->fdwInclusions = 0;
// Rip through the list and identify all the known
// inclusions
while ((pwszInclusion = pitInclusions->PszNext()) != NULL) { mid = MidMethod (pwszInclusion); if (mid != MID_UNKNOWN) pin->fdwInclusions |= (1 << mid); } }
// At this point, we can add the cache item...
ScriptMapTrace ("Dav: adding scriptmap for %S -- including %S\n", pwszMap, (pin && pin->pwszMethods) ? pin->pwszMethods : L"none");
// CRC the mapping and stuff it into the cache.
// Note that we are safe in using the actual parameter string
// here because the CScriptMap object's lifetime is the same
// as the lifetime of the metadata on which it operates. See
// \cal\src\_davprs\davmb.cpp for details.
CRCWszi crcwszi(pwszMap);
(void) m_cache.FSet (crcwszi, pin); }
BOOL CScriptMap::FLoadScriptmaps (LPWSTR pwszScriptMaps) { HDRITER_W it(NULL);
UINT cchDav = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(gc_wszSignature));
Assert (pwszScriptMaps);
ScriptMapTrace ("Dav: loading scriptmap cache\n");
// Add in the default CGI/BGI mappings
AddMapping (L".EXE", NULL); AddMapping (L".CGI", NULL); AddMapping (L".COM", NULL); AddMapping (L".DLL", NULL); AddMapping (L".ISA", NULL);
// Parse through the scriptmap list and build up the cache.
// Each mapping is a string of the form:
// "<ext>|<*>,<path>,<flags>[,<included verb>...]"
// Note that if any of the mappings is invalid we fail the whole call.
// This is consistent with IIS' behavior.
UINT cchMapping = 0; for ( LPWSTR pwszMapping = pwszScriptMaps; *pwszMapping; pwszMapping += cchMapping ) { enum { ISZ_SM_EXT = 0, ISZ_SM_PATH, ISZ_SM_FLAGS, ISZ_SM_INCLUSION_LIST, CSZ_SM_FIELDS };
// Figure out the length of the mapping
// including the null terminator
cchMapping = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszMapping) + 1);
// Special case: star (wildcard) scriptmaps.
// These should mostly be ignored. We will never
// forward to a star scriptmap. If we find a star
// scriptmap, the only reason to keep track of it
// is so that we can compare it against another
// star scriptmap when checking the feasibility
// of a trans-vroot MOVE/COPY/DELETE. And for this
// comparsion, we check for EXACT equality between
// the scriptmaps by checking the entire scriptmap
// string.
// See the comments regarding m_pszStarScriptMap
// above for more detail.
if (L'*' == *pwszMapping) { if (NULL == m_pwszStarScriptmap) m_pwszStarScriptmap = pwszMapping;
continue; }
// Digest the metadata.
UINT cchUnused; if (!FParseMDData (pwszMapping, rgpwsz, CSZ_SM_FIELDS, &cchUnused)) { // FParseMDData() will return FALSE if there is no verb
// exclusion list because it is an optional parameter.
// If all the other parameters exist though then it's
// really ok.
if (!(rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_EXT] && rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_PATH] && rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_FLAGS])) { DebugTrace ("CScriptMap::FLoadScriptMaps() - Malformed scriptmaps\n"); continue; } }
// We belive that all the scriptmaps are
// extension based. But other than that
// there is no validation.
Assert (*rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_EXT] == L'.');
// If the path refers to our DAV DLL then skip this mapping.
// The way this works is: If the length of the path is at least
// as long as the length of our DLL name AND the final component
// of that path is the name of our DLL then skip the mapping.
// Eg. "HTTPEXT.DLL" will match the first condition of the if,
// "c:\foo\bar\HTTPEXT.DLL" will match the second condition of the if.
static const UINT cchDll = CchConstString(L".DLL"); UINT cchPath = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_PATH])); if (cchPath == cchDav + cchDll || ((cchPath > cchDav + cchDll) && *(rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_PATH] + cchPath - cchDll - cchDav - 1) == L'\\')) { // Now we know the final piece of the path is the correct length.
// Check the data! If it matches our dll name, skip this mapping.
if (!_wcsnicmp(rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_PATH] + cchPath - cchDll - cchDav, gc_wszSignature, cchDav) &&
!_wcsicmp(rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_PATH] + cchPath - cchDll, L".DLL")) { continue; } }
// Feed the optional inclusion list into a header iterator
// that AddMapping() will use to determine what verbs
// are included for this mapping. If there is no inclusion
// list then use an empty iterator.
// Adding a mapping with an empty iterator (vs. NULL)
// allows the scriptmap matching code to distinguish
// between a "real" scriptmap with an empty inclusion
// list and a default CGI-style scriptmap like those
// added at the beginning of this function.
it.NewHeader(rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_INCLUSION_LIST] ? rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_INCLUSION_LIST] : gc_wszEmpty);
// Add the extension-based mapping
AddMapping (rgpwsz[ISZ_SM_EXT], &it); }
return TRUE; }
SCODE CScriptMap::ScMatched ( LPCWSTR pwszMethod, METHOD_ID midMethod, LPCWSTR pwszURI, DWORD dwAccess, BOOL * pfCGI) const { LPCWSTR pwsz; SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Scan down the URI, looking for extensions. When one is found
// zip through the list of mappings. While this may not seem the
// most optimal, it really is. If we simply scaned the URI for
// each mapping. We would be scaning the URI multiple times. In
// this model, we scan the URI once.
if ((pwsz = wcsrchr(pwszURI, L'.')) != NULL) { // We have an extension so take a look
CIsMatch cim(m_cache, pwszMethod, midMethod, pwszURI, pwsz, dwAccess);
sc = cim.ScMatched();
if (pfCGI && (sc != S_OK)) *pfCGI = cim.FMatchIsCGI(); }
return sc; }
// CLASS CIsMatch ------------------------------------------------------------
//$REVIEW: Does this code work for DBCS/UTF-8 map names? These are filenames....
//$REVIEW: This function does not currently check the METHOD EXCLUSION LIST.
//$REVIEW: This might cause us to report a match when actually there are NO matches.
BOOL CScriptMap::CIsMatch::operator()(const CRCWszi& crcwszi, const PINCLUSIONS& pin) { Assert (crcwszi.m_pwsz);
// Every scriptmap in the cache should be an extension-based mapping.
// Compare the extension vs. the part of the URI that we're looking at.
// If they match then we have a scriptmap.
Assert (L'.' == *crcwszi.m_pwsz);
UINT cch = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen (crcwszi.m_pwsz));
if (!_wcsnicmp (crcwszi.m_pwsz, m_pwszMatch, cch) && ((m_pwszMatch[cch] == '\0') || !wcscmp (m_pwszMatch+cch, L"/") || !wcscmp (m_pwszMatch+cch, L"\\"))) { // Looks like we have a match
ScriptMapTrace ("Dav: %S matched scriptmap %S\n", m_pwszURI, crcwszi.m_pwsz);
// However, we only allow execution of CGI type child
// ISAPI's if EXECUTE priviledge is enabled
if ((pin != NULL) || (m_dwAccess & MD_ACCESS_EXECUTE)) m_sc = W_DAV_SCRIPTMAP_MATCH_FOUND;
m_fCGI = !pin; }
// See if it is included
// Note that, if all methods are included, no need to do further checking
if ((m_sc != S_OK) && pin && !pin->FAllMethodsIncluded()) { ScriptMapTrace ("Dav: checking '%S' against scriptmap inclusions: %S\n", m_pwszMethod, pin->pwszMethods);
// In the unknown method scenario, we just need
// to iterate the set of methods that are included
// and check it against the request method
if (m_midMethod == MID_UNKNOWN) { BOOL fIncluded = FALSE; HDRITER_W it(pin->pwszMethods); LPCWSTR pwsz;
while ((pwsz = it.PszNext()) != NULL) { fIncluded = !wcscmp (pwsz, m_pwszMethod); if (fIncluded) break; }
if (!fIncluded) { ScriptMapTrace ("Dav: unknown '%S' excluded from scriptmap\n", m_pwszMethod);
// Otherwise, the inclusions flags have the MID'th bit
// set if it is excluded.
else if (!(pin->fdwInclusions & (1 << m_midMethod))) { ScriptMapTrace ("Dav: '%S' excluded from scriptmap\n", m_pwszMethod);
return (m_sc == S_OK); }
IScriptMap * NewScriptMap( LPWSTR pwszScriptMaps ) { auto_ref_ptr<CScriptMap> pScriptMap;
pScriptMap.take_ownership (new CScriptMap());
if (pScriptMap->FInit(pwszScriptMaps)) return pScriptMap.relinquish();
return NULL; }