// ========================================================================
// DAV language id cache
// Maps between MIME language identifiers and Win32 LCIDs.
// Copyright 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// ========================================================================
// Disable unnecessary (i.e. harmless) warnings
#pragma warning(disable:4127) // conditional expression is constant
#pragma warning(disable:4710) // (inline) function not expanded
// Standard C/C++ headers
#include <malloc.h> // For _alloca declaration ONLY!
// Windows headers
#include <windows.h>
// CAL headers
#include <caldbg.h>
#include <calrc.h>
#include <crc.h>
#include <ex\autoptr.h>
#include <ex\buffer.h>
#include <langid.h>
static LONG LHexFromSz (LPCSTR psz) { LONG lVal = 0;
Assert (psz); Assert (*psz);
do { lVal = lVal << 4;
if (('0' <= *psz) && ('9' >= *psz)) lVal += *psz - '0'; else if (('A' <= *psz) && ('F' >= *psz)) lVal += *psz - L'A' + 10; else if (('a' <= *psz) && ('f' >= *psz)) lVal += *psz - 'a' + 10; else return 0;
} while (*++psz);
return lVal; }
// LcidFind() - lookup language ID from the locale.
LONG CLangIDCache::LcidFind (LPCSTR pszLangID) { LONG * plid; plid = Instance().m_cache.Lookup (CRCSzi(pszLangID)); return plid ? *plid : 0; }
BOOL FNullTerminated (LPCSTR psz, DWORD cch) { for (DWORD ich = 0; ich < cch; ich++) if (0 == psz[ich]) break;
return (ich < cch); }
// FFillCacheData() for filling the cache with data
BOOL CLangIDCache::FFillCacheData() { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HKEY hkey = 0; CStackBuffer<CHAR,256> rgchKey; CStackBuffer<CHAR,256> rgchValue; LONG lRet; DWORD dwIndex = 0;
// Querying registry for buffer sizes
DWORD cchMaxKeyLen; // longest value name length (in characters without zero termination)
DWORD cbMaxKeyLen; // longest value name length (in bytes, including zero termination)
DWORD cbMaxValueLen; // longest value data length (in bytes, including zero termination)
// Load all thet lang ID's that come from the registry
lRet = RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "MIME\\DATABASE\\RFC1766", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { DebugTrace("LANGID: Failed to get MIME\\DATABASE\\RFC1766 registry key handle, error code 0x%08X.\n", lRet); goto ret; }
// Query for the length of the longest value name and for the length of the longest data piece under the key we have got.
// That will give us enough information about what size buffers we need for querying.
lRet = RegQueryInfoKeyA(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cchMaxKeyLen, // Value names come back in number of characters
&cbMaxValueLen, // Data length comes back in number of bytes
NULL, NULL); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { DebugTrace("LANGID: Failed to get registry key MIME\\DATABASE\\RFC1766 max data length buffer sizes, error code 0x%08X.\n", lRet); goto ret; }
// Calculate maximum number of bytes needed for the value name
cbMaxKeyLen = (cchMaxKeyLen + 1) * sizeof(CHAR);
// Allocate the query buffers on the stack
if ((NULL == rgchKey.resize(cbMaxKeyLen)) || (NULL == rgchValue.resize(cbMaxValueLen))) goto ret;
do { DWORD cbKey = cbMaxKeyLen; DWORD cbValue = cbMaxValueLen; DWORD dwType; LPSTR pch; LONG lLangId;
lRet = RegEnumValueA(hkey, dwIndex++, rgchKey.get(), &cbKey, NULL, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(rgchValue.get()), &cbValue); if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lRet) break;
// Encountering unknown error code is a failure
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { DebugTrace("LANGID: Failed to query registry key MIME\\DATABASE\\RFC1766 data with error code 0x%08X.\n", lRet); goto ret; }
// Skip unacceptable types.
if (REG_SZ != dwType) continue;
// Skip non-NULL terminated strings
if (!FNullTerminated (rgchValue.get(), cbValue)) continue;
// Find the semi-colon that separates the ID from the name
// and terminate the ID.
pch = strchr (rgchValue.get(), ';'); if (pch != NULL) *pch++ = '\0';
// Persist the name and add the key to the cache
#ifdef DBG
if (NULL != Instance().m_cache.Lookup (CRCSzi(rgchValue.get()))) DebugTrace ("Dav: language identifier repeated (%hs)\n", rgchValue.get()); #endif // DBG
// If making the copy of the string failed... Well we can live with it.
pch = Instance().m_sb.Append ( static_cast<UINT>((strlen (rgchValue.get()) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR)), rgchValue.get()); if (!pch) continue; // Skip addition to the cache if allocation failed so we do not crash in CRCSzi(pch).
// If we did not succeeded adding to the cache... Well we can live with it too.
lLangId = LHexFromSz(rgchKey.get()); if (0 != lLangId) { (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet (CRCSzi(pch), lLangId); }
} while (TRUE);
// Set in one ISO language code which W2K forgot in RTM bits (2195)
(void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("fr-mc", MAKELANGID (LANG_FRENCH,SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO));
// Set in some additional ISO language codes supported by Navigator,
// but not present in the Windows registry.
(void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("fr-fr", MAKELANGID (LANG_FRENCH,SUBLANG_FRENCH)); (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("de-de", MAKELANGID (LANG_GERMAN,SUBLANG_GERMAN)); (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("es-es", MAKELANGID (LANG_SPANISH,SUBLANG_SPANISH));
// Set in some of the known three-char language identifiers.
// We can live without them if addition to the cache failed.
(void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("eng", MAKELANGID (LANG_ENGLISH,SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US)); (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("fra", MAKELANGID (LANG_FRENCH,SUBLANG_FRENCH)); (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("fre", MAKELANGID (LANG_FRENCH,SUBLANG_FRENCH)); (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("deu", MAKELANGID (LANG_GERMAN,SUBLANG_GERMAN)); (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("ger", MAKELANGID (LANG_GERMAN,SUBLANG_GERMAN)); (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("esl", MAKELANGID (LANG_SPANISH,SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN)); (void)Instance().m_cache.FSet ("spa", MAKELANGID (LANG_SPANISH,SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN));
fSuccess = TRUE;
if (hkey) { RegCloseKey (hkey); }
return fSuccess; }