* T H R D P O O L . C P P * * DAV Thread pool implementation * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#pragma warning(disable:4001) /* single line comments */
#pragma warning(disable:4050) /* different code attributes */
#pragma warning(disable:4100) /* unreferenced formal parameter */
#pragma warning(disable:4115) /* named type definition in parentheses */
#pragma warning(disable:4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
#pragma warning(disable:4200) /* zero-sized array in struct/union */
#pragma warning(disable:4201) /* nameless struct/union */
#pragma warning(disable:4206) /* translation unit is empty */
#pragma warning(disable:4209) /* benign typedef redefinition */
#pragma warning(disable:4214) /* bit field types other than int */
#pragma warning(disable:4514) /* unreferenced inline function */
#pragma warning(disable:4710) /* unexpanded virtual function */
#include <windows.h>
#include <thrdpool.h>
#include <except.h>
#include <caldbg.h>
#include <profile.h>
#include <ex\idlethrd.h>
// CDavWorkerThread ----------------------------------------------------------
class CDavWorkerThread { private:
// Owning thread pool
CPoolManager& m_cpm;
// Handle to completion port
HANDLE m_hCompletionPort;
// Handle to worker thread
HANDLE m_hThread;
// Shutdown event
HANDLE m_hShutdownEvent;
// Block on GetQueuedCompletionStatus for work items
VOID GetWorkCompletion(VOID);
// Thread function
static DWORD __stdcall ThreadDispatcher(PVOID pvWorkerThread);
CDavWorkerThread(const CDavWorkerThread& p); CDavWorkerThread& operator=(const CDavWorkerThread& p);
explicit CDavWorkerThread (CPoolManager& cpm, HANDLE h); virtual ~CDavWorkerThread();
// Expose shutdown event
HANDLE QueryShutdownEvent() { return m_hShutdownEvent; } BOOL ShutdownThread() { return SetEvent (m_hShutdownEvent); }
// Expose the thread handle
HANDLE QueryThread() { return m_hThread; } };
// CDavWorkerThread ----------------------------------------------------------
CDavWorkerThread::CDavWorkerThread (CPoolManager& cpm, HANDLE h) : m_cpm(cpm), m_hCompletionPort(h), m_hThread(0), m_hShutdownEvent(0) { DWORD dwThreadId;
// Create shutdown event
m_hShutdownEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hShutdownEvent == NULL) { DebugTrace ("Dav: WorkerThread: failed to create shutdown event: %ld", GetLastError()); return; }
// Create worker thread
m_hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, ThreadDispatcher, this, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dwThreadId); if (m_hThread == NULL) { DebugTrace ("Dav: WorkerThread: failed to create thread: %ld", GetLastError()); return; } ResumeThread (m_hThread);
return; }
CDavWorkerThread::~CDavWorkerThread() { CloseHandle (m_hThread); CloseHandle (m_hShutdownEvent); }
DWORD __stdcall CDavWorkerThread::ThreadDispatcher (PVOID pvWorkerThread) { // Get pointer to this CWorkerThread object
CDavWorkerThread * pwt = reinterpret_cast<CDavWorkerThread *>(pvWorkerThread);
// Run the thread until we're done -- i.e. until GetWorkCompletion() returns
// normally. Note that I say 'normally' here. If an exception is thrown
// anywhere below GetWorkCompletion(), catch it, deal with it, and continue
// execution. Don't let the thread die off.
for ( ;; ) { try { //
// Install our Win32 exception handler for the lifetime of the thread
CWin32ExceptionHandler win32ExceptionHandler;
// If GetWorkCompletion() ever returns normally
// we're done.
pwt->GetWorkCompletion(); return 0; } catch ( CDAVException& ) { } } }
VOID CDavWorkerThread::GetWorkCompletion (void) { Assert (m_hThread); Assert (m_hCompletionPort);
do { CDavWorkContext * pwc = NULL; DWORD dwBytesTransferred; LPOVERLAPPED po; DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Wait for work items to be queued. Note that since we are using
// the lpOverlapped structure, a return value of 0 from
// GetQueuedCompletionStatus() does not mean the function failed.
// It means the async I/O whose status is being returned failed.
// We need to make the error information available to the context
// so that it can do the appropriate thing.
// From the MSDN documentation:
// "If *lpOverlapped is not NULL and the function dequeues a completion
// packet for a failed I/O operation from the completion port,
// the return value is zero. The function stores information in the
// variables pointed to by lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, lpCompletionKey,
// and lpOverlapped. To get extended error information, call GetLastError."
if ( !GetQueuedCompletionStatus (m_hCompletionPort, &dwBytesTransferred, reinterpret_cast<PULONG_PTR>(&pwc), &po, INFINITE) ) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); // Do NOT break; See above comment.
// Check for termination packet
if (!pwc) { DebugTrace ("Dav: WorkerThread: received termination packet\n"); break; }
// Check for termination signal.
if (WAIT_TIMEOUT != WaitForSingleObject (m_hShutdownEvent, 0)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: WorkerThread: shutdown has been signaled\n"); break; }
// Record the completion status data.
pwc->SetCompletionStatusData(dwBytesTransferred, dwLastError, po);
// Execute the work context.
// DebugTrace ("Dav: WorkerThread: calling DwDoWork()\n"); // NOISY debug trace! -- should be tagged
} while (TRUE);
return; }
// CPoolManager --------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CPoolManager::FInitPool (DWORD dwConcurrency) { INT i;
// Create the completion port
m_hCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, dwConcurrency); if (!m_hCompletionPort.get()) { DebugTrace ("Dav: thrdpool: failed to create completion port:" "GetLastError is %d", GetLastError()); return FALSE; }
// Create the workers
for (i = 0; i < CTHRD_WORKER; i++) m_rgpdwthrd[i] = new CDavWorkerThread (*this, m_hCompletionPort.get());
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPoolManager::PostWork (CDavWorkContext * pWorkContext) { Assert (Instance().m_hCompletionPort.get());
// Post the work request
if (!PostQueuedCompletionStatus (Instance().m_hCompletionPort.get(), 0, (ULONG_PTR)pWorkContext, 0)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: PostQCompletionStatus() failed: %d", GetLastError()); return FALSE ; }
return TRUE; }
VOID CPoolManager::TerminateWorkers() { INT i; INT cWorkersRunning; HANDLE rgh[CTHRD_WORKER];
// Kill all workers that are running
for (cWorkersRunning = 0, i = 0; i < CTHRD_WORKER; i++) { if ( m_rgpdwthrd[i] ) { PostWork (NULL); rgh[cWorkersRunning++] = m_rgpdwthrd[i]->QueryThread(); } }
// Wait for all the threads to terminate
WaitForMultipleObjects (cWorkersRunning, rgh, TRUE, INFINITE);
// Delete the worker objects, and close the handles
for (i = 0; i < CTHRD_WORKER; i++) { delete m_rgpdwthrd[i]; m_rgpdwthrd[i] = 0; } }
CPoolManager::~CPoolManager() { TerminateWorkers();
#ifdef DBG
for (INT i = 0; i < CTHRD_WORKER; i++) Assert (m_rgpdwthrd[i] == NULL); #endif // DBG
// CDavWorkContext -----------------------------------------------------------
// CDavWorkContext::~CDavWorkContext()
// Out of line virtual destructor necessary for proper deletion
// of objects of derived classes via this class.
CDavWorkContext::~CDavWorkContext() { }
// CIdleWorkItem -------------------------------------------------------------
class CIdleWorkItem : public IIdleThreadCallBack { //
// Work context to post
CDavWorkContext * m_pWorkContext;
// Time (in milliseconds) `til when the context should be posted
DWORD m_dwMsecDelay;
CIdleWorkItem(const CIdleWorkItem& ); CIdleWorkItem& operator=(const CIdleWorkItem& );
public: // CREATORS
CIdleWorkItem( CDavWorkContext * pWorkContext, DWORD dwMsecDelay ) : m_pWorkContext(pWorkContext), m_dwMsecDelay(dwMsecDelay) { }
~CIdleWorkItem() {}
DWORD DwWait() { return m_dwMsecDelay; }
BOOL FExecute() { //
// Return FALSE to remove idle work item, TRUE to keep it.
// We want to remove the item if we successfully posted it
// to the work queue. We want to keep it otherwise (and
// presumably attempt to repost it later...)
return !CPoolManager::PostWork( m_pWorkContext ); }
VOID Shutdown() { //
// We have no idea what the work context may be waiting for.
// It could be something that would hang shutdown if it
// doesn't get another chance to run. So just run it.
(void) FExecute(); } };
BOOL CPoolManager::PostDelayedWork (CDavWorkContext * pWorkContext, DWORD dwMsecDelay) { //
//$OPT If the delay is very short and the queue length of
//$OPT the worker threads is "long enough" such that the
//$OPT probability that it will be at least dwMsecDelay
//$OPT milliseconds before the work context is executed,
//$OPT consider putting the work context directly on the
//$OPT worker queues.
auto_ref_ptr<CIdleWorkItem> pIdleWorkItem(new CIdleWorkItem(pWorkContext, dwMsecDelay));
return pIdleWorkItem.get() && ::FRegister( pIdleWorkItem.get() ); }