/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **/ /**********************************************************************/
This module implements the private interface to the blob cache.
FILE HISTORY: MCourage 09-Dec-1997 Created */
#include <tsunami.hxx>
#include <tscache.hxx>
#include <dbgutil.h>
#include "tsmemp.hxx"
#include "blobcach.hxx"
#include "blobhash.hxx"
* Globals */ CBlobHashTable * g_pURITable; CBlobHashTable * g_pBlobTable; CBlobCacheStats * g_pURICacheStats; CBlobCacheStats * g_pBlobCacheStats;
PTRACE_LOG g_pBlobRefTraceLog; #endif
* Private helper function declarations */ inline VOID DerefBlob(PBLOB_HEADER pBlob); BOOL BlobFlushFilterAll(PBLOB_HEADER pBlob, PVOID pv);
* function definitions */ BOOL BlobCache_Initialize( VOID ) { #if TSUNAMI_REF_DEBUG
g_pBlobRefTraceLog = CreateRefTraceLog( 256, // LogSize
0 // ExtraBytesInHeader
); #endif // TSUNAMI_REF_DEBUG
g_pURITable = new CBlobHashTable("uri"); if (!g_pURITable) { goto error; } g_pBlobTable = new CBlobHashTable("blob"); if (!g_pBlobTable) { goto error; }
g_pURICacheStats = new CBlobCacheStats; if (!g_pURICacheStats) { goto error; }
g_pBlobCacheStats = new CBlobCacheStats; if (!g_pBlobCacheStats) { goto error; } return TRUE;
error: if (g_pURICacheStats) { delete g_pURICacheStats; }
if (g_pBlobCacheStats) { delete g_pBlobCacheStats; }
if (g_pBlobTable) { delete g_pBlobTable; }
if (g_pURITable) { delete g_pURITable; }
return FALSE; }
VOID BlobCache_Terminate( VOID ) { FlushBlobCache(); delete g_pBlobTable; DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "BlobCache_Terminate: deleted g_pBlobTable.\n" )); delete g_pURITable; DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "FileCache_Terminate: deleted g_pURITable.\n" ));
delete g_pURICacheStats; delete g_pBlobCacheStats;
if( g_pBlobRefTraceLog != NULL ) { DestroyRefTraceLog( g_pBlobRefTraceLog ); g_pBlobRefTraceLog = NULL; } #endif // TSUNAMI_REF_DEBUG
BOOL CacheBlob( IN PBLOB_HEADER pBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a Blob info structure to the cache.
pBlob - The structure to be cached.
Return Values:
TRUE on success. FALSE on failure (the item was not cached) --*/ { CBlobHashTable * pHT; CBlobCacheStats * pCS; enum LK_RETCODE lkrc; BOOL bRetval;
DBG_ASSERT( NULL != pBlob ); DBG_ASSERT( NULL != pBlob->pBlobKey ); DBG_ASSERT( TS_BLOB_SIGNATURE == pBlob->Signature ); DBG_ASSERT( !pBlob->IsCached ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->pBlobKey != NULL ); CHECK_BLOB_TYPE(pBlob->pBlobKey->m_dwDemux);
// URI's in the URI table, and directories in the dir table
if (RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO == pBlob->pBlobKey->m_dwDemux) { pHT = g_pURITable; pCS = g_pURICacheStats; } else { pHT = g_pBlobTable; pCS = g_pBlobCacheStats; }
// Add a reference for the caller
pBlob->IsCached = TRUE;
// put it in the hash table
lkrc = pHT->InsertRecord(pBlob, false);
if (LK_SUCCESS == lkrc) { bRetval = TRUE;
DBG_ASSERT( pCS ); pCS->IncBlobsCached(); } else { bRetval = FALSE; pBlob->IsCached = FALSE; }
return (pBlob->IsCached); }
VOID DecacheBlob( IN PBLOB_HEADER pBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Remove a Blob info entry from the cache. After a call to DecacheBlob the entry will not be returned by CheckoutBlob. The entry itself is cleaned up when the last CheckinBlob occurs. Calling DecacheBlob checks the entry in.
pBlob - The Blob info structure to be decached
Return Values:
None. --*/ { CBlobHashTable * pHT; CBlobCacheStats * pCS;
DBG_ASSERT( NULL != pBlob ); DBG_ASSERT( TS_BLOB_SIGNATURE == pBlob->Signature ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->IsCached ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->pBlobKey != NULL ); CHECK_BLOB_TYPE(pBlob->pBlobKey->m_dwDemux);
if (RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO == pBlob->pBlobKey->m_dwDemux) { pHT = g_pURITable; pCS = g_pURICacheStats; } else { pHT = g_pBlobTable; pCS = g_pBlobCacheStats; }
DBG_REQUIRE( LK_SUCCESS == pHT->DeleteKey(pBlob->pBlobKey) ); DBG_ASSERT( pCS ); pCS->DecBlobsCached();
pBlob->IsFlushed = TRUE; DerefBlob(pBlob); }
VOID FlushBlobCache( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes all entries from the cache. Unlike DecacheBlob, this function does not check any entries in.
Return Value:
None --*/ { DBG_ASSERT( g_pBlobCacheStats ); g_pBlobCacheStats->IncFlushes(); FilteredFlushBlobCache(BlobFlushFilterAll, NULL); }
LK_PREDICATE BlobFlushCachePredicate( PBLOB_HEADER pBlob, void* pvState ) { TS_BLOB_FLUSH_STATE * pFlushState = static_cast<TS_BLOB_FLUSH_STATE*>(pvState); LK_PREDICATE lkpAction;
if (pFlushState->pfnFilter(pBlob, pFlushState->pvParm)) { //
// put it on the list
pBlob->AddRef(); // for the list
InsertHeadList(&pFlushState->ListHead, &pBlob->FlushList); lkpAction = LKP_PERFORM; } else { lkpAction = LKP_NO_ACTION; }
return lkpAction; }
VOID FilteredFlushBlobCacheHelper ( IN CBlobHashTable * pHT, IN PBLOBFILTERRTN pFilterRoutine, IN PVOID pv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes entries based on a caller specified filter. The caller provides a boolean function which takes a cache entry as a parameter. The function will be called with each item in the cache. If the function returns TRUE, the item will be decached (but not checked in). Otherwise the item will remain in the cache.
pFilterRoutine - A pointer to the filter function Return Value:
None --*/ { TS_BLOB_FLUSH_STATE FlushState; //
// Initialize the flush state
FlushState.pfnFilter = pFilterRoutine; InitializeListHead(&FlushState.ListHead); FlushState.pvParm = pv;
// Delete elements from table and construct list
pHT->DeleteIf(BlobFlushCachePredicate, &FlushState);
// Update element state and delete blobs as necessary
for (pEntry = FlushState.ListHead.Flink; pEntry != &FlushState.ListHead; pEntry = pNext ) {
pNext = pEntry->Flink; pBlob = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, BLOB_HEADER, FlushList ); DBG_ASSERT( TS_BLOB_SIGNATURE == pBlob->Signature );
pBlob->IsFlushed = TRUE;
DerefBlob(pBlob); // remove list's reference
} }
VOID FilteredFlushBlobCache ( IN PBLOBFILTERRTN pFilterRoutine, IN PVOID pv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes entries based on a caller specified filter. The caller provides a boolean function which takes a cache entry as a parameter. The function will be called with each item in the cache. If the function returns TRUE, the item will be decached (but not checked in). Otherwise the item will remain in the cache.
pFilterRoutine - A pointer to the filter function Return Value:
None --*/ { DBG_ASSERT( g_pURICacheStats ); DBG_ASSERT( g_pBlobCacheStats );
g_pURICacheStats->IncFlushes(); g_pBlobCacheStats->IncFlushes();
FilteredFlushBlobCacheHelper(g_pURITable, pFilterRoutine, pv); FilteredFlushBlobCacheHelper(g_pBlobTable, pFilterRoutine, pv); }
VOID FilteredFlushURIBlobCache ( IN PBLOBFILTERRTN pFilterRoutine, IN PVOID pv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes entries based on a caller specified filter. The caller provides a boolean function which takes a cache entry as a parameter. The function will be called with each item in the cache. If the function returns TRUE, the item will be decached (but not checked in). Otherwise the item will remain in the cache.
This routine only flushes the URI cache.
pFilterRoutine - A pointer to the filter function Return Value:
None --*/ { DBG_ASSERT( g_pURICacheStats );
FilteredFlushBlobCacheHelper(g_pURITable, pFilterRoutine, pv); }
BOOL CheckoutBlob( IN LPCSTR pstrPath, IN ULONG cchPath, IN DWORD dwService, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN ULONG iDemux, OUT PBLOB_HEADER * ppBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Look up an entry in the cache and return it.
pstrPath - The pathname of the desired Blob info in UPPERCASE!! TSvcCache - This structure identifies the calling server instance, which is also used to identify the cache entry. ppBlob - On success this output points to the cached entry. Otherwise it is set to NULL.
Return Value:
TRUE if the item was found, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { CBlobHashTable * pHT; CBlobCacheStats * pCS; CBlobKey blobKey; PBLOB_HEADER pBlob; BOOL bRetVal; BOOL bFlushed;
DBG_ASSERT( pstrPath != NULL ); CHECK_BLOB_TYPE(iDemux);
// Look in the hash table
blobKey.m_pszPathName = const_cast<char *>(pstrPath); blobKey.m_cbPathName = cchPath; blobKey.m_dwService = dwService; blobKey.m_dwInstance = dwInstance; blobKey.m_dwDemux = iDemux;
// URI's in the URI table, and everything else in the blob table
if (RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO == blobKey.m_dwDemux) { pHT = g_pURITable; pCS = g_pURICacheStats; } else { pHT = g_pBlobTable; pCS = g_pBlobCacheStats; } pHT->FindKey(&blobKey, &pBlob);
if (NULL == pBlob) { bRetVal = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Make sure it's valid and update state
DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->IsCached ); DBG_ASSERT( !pBlob->IsFlushed );
// success
bRetVal = TRUE; *ppBlob = pBlob; exit:
DBG_ASSERT( pCS ); if (bRetVal) { pCS->IncHits(); } else { pCS->IncMisses(); }
return bRetVal; }
BOOL CheckoutBlobEntry( IN PBLOB_HEADER pBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function checks out an entry to which the caller already has a reference.
pBlob - The blob structure to be checked out.
Return Value:
TRUE - Blob was successfully checked out FALSE - Blob was checked out, but should not be used by the caller. (it's been flushed) --*/ { BOOL bSuccess; CBlobCacheStats * pCS;
DBG_ASSERT( pBlob != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->IsCached ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->pBlobKey != NULL ); CHECK_BLOB_TYPE(pBlob->pBlobKey->m_dwDemux);
if (RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO == pBlob->pBlobKey->m_dwDemux) { pCS = g_pURICacheStats; } else { pCS = g_pBlobCacheStats; } DBG_ASSERT( pCS );
if (pBlob->IsFlushed == FALSE) { pCS->IncHits(); bSuccess = TRUE; } else { pCS->IncMisses(); bSuccess = FALSE; }
return bSuccess; }
VOID CheckinBlob( IN PBLOB_HEADER pBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Indicate that a previously checked out Blob info is no longer in use.
pvBlob - The Blob info structure to be checked in.
Return Value:
None. --*/ { DBG_ASSERT( pBlob != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->IsCached ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->pBlobKey != NULL ); CHECK_BLOB_TYPE(pBlob->pBlobKey->m_dwDemux);
DerefBlob(pBlob); }
inline VOID DerefBlob( PBLOB_HEADER pBlob ) /*++
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( pBlob != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->IsCached ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->pBlobKey != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pBlob->Signature == TS_BLOB_SIGNATURE ); CHECK_BLOB_TYPE(pBlob->pBlobKey->m_dwDemux);
LONG lRefCount;
// Track memory corruption in free builds.
if ( TS_BLOB_SIGNATURE != pBlob->Signature ) { DBG_ASSERT(!"The blob is corrupted"); // This was hit once on winweb during NT5 deployment. Unfortunately
// it was too close to escrow for a complete investigation.
return; }
lRefCount = pBlob->Deref(); DBG_ASSERT( lRefCount >= 0 ); if (lRefCount == 0) { DBG_ASSERT(pBlob->IsFlushed);
pBlob->Signature = TS_FREE_BLOB_SIGNATURE;
// No one is using this one. Destroy!
// First let the user specified cleanup run
if (pBlob->pfnFreeRoutine) { DBG_REQUIRE( pBlob->pfnFreeRoutine(pBlob) ); }
// Delete the key stuff.
// This should probably be in some other place
// since we didn't allocate this string.
// The FREE should go in some counterpart to
// TsCacheDirectoryBlob.
CBlobKey * pblock = pBlob->pBlobKey; FREE(pblock->m_pszPathName); //
// Delete the blob
// Since TsAllocateEx does this funky trick to
// allocate the key and the blob at once, we
// only have to free the key.
FREE(pblock); } }
BOOL BlobFlushFilterAll( PBLOB_HEADER pBlob, PVOID pv ) { return TRUE; }
// blobcach.cxx