Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : filectl.cxx
Abstract: OLE control to handle file logging object
Terence Kwan ( terryk ) 18-Sep-1996
IIS Logging 3.0
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "initguid.h"
#include <ilogobj.hxx>
#include "filectl.hxx"
#include <issched.hxx>
#include <atlimpl.cpp>
#define LOG_FILE_SLOP 512
// tick minute.
#define TICK_MINUTE (60 * 1000)
VOID LogWriteEvent( IN LPCSTR InstanceName, IN BOOL fResume );
// globals
LPEVENT_LOG g_eventLog = NULL;
CLogFileCtrl::CLogFileCtrl( VOID ) : m_fFirstLog ( TRUE), m_pLogFile ( NULL), m_fDiskFullShutdown ( FALSE), m_fUsingCustomHeaders ( FALSE), m_sequence ( 1), m_TickResumeOpen ( 0), m_strLogFileName ( ), m_dwSchedulerCookie ( 0), m_fInTerminate ( FALSE) /*++
Routine Description: Contructor for the log file control
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// initialize all the internal variable
ZeroMemory( &m_stCurrentFile, sizeof( m_stCurrentFile)); INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( &m_csLock ); }
// CLogFileCtrl::~CLogFileCtrl - Destructor
CLogFileCtrl::~CLogFileCtrl() /*++
Routine Description: destructor for the log file control
Return Value:
--*/ { TerminateLog();
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csLock ); }
STDMETHODIMP CLogFileCtrl::InitializeLog( LPCSTR szInstanceName, LPCSTR pszMetabasePath, CHAR* pvIMDCOM ) /*++
Routine Description: Initialize log
Arguments: cbSize - size of the service name RegKey - service name dwInstanceOf - instance number
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// get the default parameters
m_strInstanceName.Copy(szInstanceName); m_strMetabasePath.Copy(pszMetabasePath); m_pvIMDCOM = (LPVOID)pvIMDCOM;
// get the registry value
(VOID)GetRegParameters( pszMetabasePath, pvIMDCOM );
return 0; }
STDMETHODIMP CLogFileCtrl::TerminateLog( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: clean up the log
Return Value:
--*/ { Lock( );
m_fInTerminate = TRUE;
if ( m_pLogFile!=NULL) { m_pLogFile->CloseFile( ); delete m_pLogFile; m_pLogFile = NULL; }
if (m_dwSchedulerCookie) { RemoveWorkItem(m_dwSchedulerCookie); }
m_dwSchedulerCookie = 0;
m_fInTerminate = FALSE; Unlock( );
return(TRUE); }
STDMETHODIMP CLogFileCtrl::LogInformation( IInetLogInformation * ppvDataObj ) /*++
Routine Description: log information
Arguments: ppvDataObj - COM Logging object
Return Value:
--*/ { SYSTEMTIME stNow;
CHAR tmpBuf[512]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(tmpBuf); PCHAR pBuf = tmpBuf; DWORD err;
err = NO_ERROR; if ( FormatLogBuffer(ppvDataObj, pBuf, &dwSize, &stNow // time is returned
) ) { WriteLogInformation(stNow, pBuf, dwSize, FALSE, FALSE); } else {
err = GetLastError(); IIS_PRINTF((buff,"FormatLogBuffer failed with %d\n",GetLastError()));
if ( (err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) && ( pBuf == tmpBuf ) && (dwSize <= MAX_LOG_RECORD_LEN) ) { pBuf = (PCHAR)LocalAlloc( 0, dwSize ); if ( pBuf != NULL ) { goto retry; } } }
if ( (pBuf != tmpBuf) && (pBuf != NULL) ) { LocalFree( pBuf ); } return(0);
} // LogInformation
STDMETHODIMP CLogFileCtrl::GetConfig( DWORD, BYTE * log) /*++
Routine Description: get configuration information
Arguments: cbSize - size of the data structure log - log configuration data structure
Return Value:
--*/ { InternalGetConfig( (PINETLOG_CONFIGURATIONA)log ); return(0L); }
STDMETHODIMP CLogFileCtrl::QueryExtraLoggingFields( IN PDWORD pcbSize, PCHAR pszFieldsList ) /*++
Routine Description: get configuration information
Arguments: cbSize - size of the data structure log - log configuration data structure
Return Value:
--*/ { InternalGetExtraLoggingFields( pcbSize, pszFieldsList ); return(0L); }
STDMETHODIMP CLogFileCtrl::LogCustomInformation( IN DWORD, IN PCUSTOM_LOG_DATA, IN LPSTR ) { return(0L); }
void CLogFileCtrl::InternalGetExtraLoggingFields( PDWORD pcbSize, TCHAR *pszFieldsList ) { pszFieldsList[0]=_T('\0'); pszFieldsList[1]=_T('\0'); *pcbSize = 2; }
VOID CLogFileCtrl::InternalGetConfig( IN PINETLOG_CONFIGURATIONA pLogConfig ) /*++
Routine Description: internal; get configuration information function.
Arguments: log - log configuration data structure
Return Value:
--*/ { pLogConfig->inetLogType = INET_LOG_TO_FILE; strcpy( pLogConfig->u.logFile.rgchLogFileDirectory, QueryLogFileDirectory() );
pLogConfig->u.logFile.cbSizeForTruncation = QuerySizeForTruncation(); pLogConfig->u.logFile.ilPeriod = QueryPeriod(); pLogConfig->u.logFile.ilFormat = QueryLogFormat(); }
STDMETHODIMP CLogFileCtrl::SetConfig( DWORD, BYTE * log ) /*++
Routine Description: set the log configuration information
Arguments: cbSize - size of the configuration data structure log - log information
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// write the configuration information to the registry
PINETLOG_CONFIGURATIONA pLogConfig = (PINETLOG_CONFIGURATIONA)log; SetSizeForTruncation( pLogConfig->u.logFile.cbSizeForTruncation ); SetPeriod( pLogConfig->u.logFile.ilPeriod ); SetLogFileDirectory( pLogConfig->u.logFile.rgchLogFileDirectory ); return(0L); } // CLogFileCtrl::SetConfig
DWORD CLogFileCtrl::GetRegParameters( IN LPCSTR pszRegKey, IN LPVOID ) /*++
Routine Description: get the registry value
Arguments: strRegKey - registry key
Return Value:
--*/ {
DWORD err = NO_ERROR; MB mb( (IMDCOM*) m_pvIMDCOM ); DWORD dwSize; CHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cbTmp = sizeof(szTmp); CHAR buf[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD dwPeriod;
if ( !mb.Open("") ) { err = GetLastError(); return(err); }
// Get log file period
if ( mb.GetDword( pszRegKey, MD_LOGFILE_PERIOD, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, &dwPeriod ) ) { //
// Make sure it is within bounds
if ( dwPeriod > INET_LOG_PERIOD_HOURLY ) { IIS_PRINTF((buff,"Invalid log period %d, set to %d\n", dwPeriod, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PERIOD));
dwPeriod = DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PERIOD; } } else { dwPeriod = DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PERIOD; }
SetPeriod( dwPeriod );
// Get truncate size
if ( dwPeriod == INET_LOG_PERIOD_NONE ) {
SetSizeForTruncation ( DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_TRUNCATE_SIZE ); if ( mb.GetDword( pszRegKey, MD_LOGFILE_TRUNCATE_SIZE, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, &dwSize ) ) {
if ( dwSize < MIN_FILE_TRUNCATION_SIZE ) { dwSize = MIN_FILE_TRUNCATION_SIZE; IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Setting truncation size to %d\n", dwSize)); }
SetSizeForTruncation( dwSize ); } } else { SetSizeForTruncation( NO_FILE_TRUNCATION ); }
// Get directory
if ( !mb.GetExpandString( pszRegKey, MD_LOGFILE_DIRECTORY, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, szTmp, &cbTmp ) ) { lstrcpy(szTmp, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY_NT ); }
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( szTmp, buf, MAX_PATH+1 ); SetLogFileDirectory( buf ); return(err);
} // CLogFileCtrl::GetRegParameters
BOOL CLogFileCtrl::OpenLogFile( IN PSYSTEMTIME pst ) /*++
Routine Description: internal routine to open file.
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; BOOL bRet = FALSE; HANDLE hToken = NULL; DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; CHAR rgchPath[ MAX_PATH + 1 + 32];
if ( m_pLogFile != NULL) {
// already a log file is open. return silently
IIS_PRINTF( ( buff, " Log File %s is already open ( %p)\n", m_strLogFileName.QueryStr(), m_pLogFile));
} else {
// If this the first time we opened, get the file name
if ( m_fFirstLog || (QueryPeriod() != INET_LOG_PERIOD_NONE) ) { m_fFirstLog = FALSE; FormNewLogFileName( pst ); }
// Append log file name to path to form the path of file to be opened.
if ( (m_strLogFileName.QueryCCH() + m_strLogFileDirectory.QueryCCH() >= MAX_PATH) || (m_strLogFileDirectory.QueryCCH() < 3) ) {
fReturn = FALSE;
if ( (g_eventLog != NULL) && !m_fDiskFullShutdown) {
const CHAR* tmpString[1]; tmpString[0] = rgchPath; g_eventLog->LogEvent( LOG_EVENT_CREATE_DIR_ERROR, 1, tmpString, ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME ); } SetLastError( ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME ); goto exit; }
lstrcpy( rgchPath, QueryLogFileDirectory()); // if ( rgchPath[strlen(rgchPath)-1] != '\\' ) {
if ( *CharPrev(rgchPath, rgchPath + strlen(rgchPath)) != '\\' ) { lstrcat( rgchPath, "\\"); } lstrcat( rgchPath, QueryInstanceName() );
// There is a small chance that this function could be called (indirectly)
// from an INPROC ISAPI completion thread (HSE_REQ_DONE). In this case
// the thread token is the impersonated user and may not have permissions
// to open the log file (especially if the user is the IUSR_ account).
// To be paranoid, let's revert to LOCAL_SYSTEM anyways before opening.
if ( OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, &hToken ) ) { DBG_ASSERT( hToken != NULL ); RevertToSelf(); }
// Allow logging to mapped drives
bRet = IISCreateDirectory( rgchPath, TRUE ); dwError = GetLastError();
if ( hToken != NULL ) { SetThreadToken( NULL, hToken ); SetLastError( dwError ); } if ( !bRet ) {
if ( (g_eventLog != NULL) && !m_fDiskFullShutdown) {
const CHAR* tmpString[1]; tmpString[0] = rgchPath; g_eventLog->LogEvent( LOG_EVENT_CREATE_DIR_ERROR, 1, tmpString, GetLastError() ); }
IIS_PRINTF((buff,"IISCreateDir[%s] error %d\n", rgchPath, GetLastError())); fReturn = FALSE; goto exit; }
lstrcat( rgchPath, "\\"); lstrcat( rgchPath, m_strLogFileName.QueryStr());
m_pLogFile = new ILOG_FILE( );
if (m_pLogFile != NULL) {
if ( m_pLogFile->Open( rgchPath, QuerySizeForTruncation(), !m_fDiskFullShutdown ) ) {
m_pLogFile->QueryFileSize(&m_cbTotalWritten); } else {
delete m_pLogFile; m_pLogFile = NULL; fReturn = FALSE; }
} else {
IIS_PRINTF((buff,"Unable to allocate ILOG_FILE[err %d]\n", GetLastError()));
fReturn = FALSE; } }
return ( fReturn);
} // CLogFileCtrl::OpenLogFile
BOOL CLogFileCtrl::WriteLogDirectives( IN DWORD Sludge ) /*++
Routine Description: virtual function for the sub class to log directives to the file.
Sludge - number of additional bytes that needs to be written together with the directives
Return Value:
TRUE, ok FALSE, not enough space to write.
--*/ { //
// if we will overflow, open another file
if ( IsFileOverFlowForCB( Sludge ) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Unable to write directive\n")); return(FALSE); }
return TRUE; } // CLogFileCtrl::WriteLogDirectives
BOOL CLogFileCtrl::WriteCustomLogDirectives( IN DWORD ) { return TRUE; }
VOID CLogFileCtrl::I_FormNewLogFileName( IN LPSYSTEMTIME pstNow, IN LPCSTR LogNamePrefix ) {
CHAR tmpBuf[MAX_PATH+1];
WORD wYear = ( pstNow->wYear % 100); // retain just last 2 digits.
switch ( QueryPeriod( ) ) {
wsprintf( tmpBuf, "%.2s%02.2u%02u%02u%02u.%s", LogNamePrefix, wYear, pstNow->wMonth, pstNow->wDay, pstNow->wHour, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_EXTENSION); break;
wsprintf( tmpBuf, "%.2s%02.2u%02u%02u.%s", LogNamePrefix, wYear, pstNow->wMonth, pstNow->wDay, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_EXTENSION); break;
wsprintf( tmpBuf, "%.2s%02.2u%02u%02u.%s", LogNamePrefix, wYear, pstNow->wMonth, WeekOfMonth(pstNow), DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_EXTENSION); break;
case INET_LOG_PERIOD_MONTHLY: wsprintf( tmpBuf, "%.2s%02u%02u.%s", LogNamePrefix, wYear, pstNow->wMonth, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_EXTENSION); break;
case INET_LOG_PERIOD_NONE: default:
wsprintf(tmpBuf, "%.6s%u.%s", LogNamePrefix, m_sequence, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_EXTENSION);
m_sequence++; break;
} // switch()
return; }
VOID CLogFileCtrl::SetLogFileDirectory( IN LPCSTR pszDir ) {
STR tmpStr; HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; DWORD maxFileSize = 0;
// if period is not none, then return
if ( QueryPeriod() != INET_LOG_PERIOD_NONE ) { return; }
// Get the starting sequence number
m_sequence = 1;
// Append instance name and the pattern.
// should look like c:\winnt\system32\logfiles\w3svc1\inetsv*.log
tmpStr.Copy(pszDir); // if ( pszDir[tmpStr.QueryCCH()-1] != '\\' ) {
if ( *CharPrev(pszDir, pszDir + tmpStr.QueryCCH()) != '\\' ) { tmpStr.Append("\\"); } tmpStr.Append( QueryInstanceName() ); tmpStr.Append( "\\" ); tmpStr.Append( QueryNoPeriodPattern() );
hFile = FindFirstFile( tmpStr.QueryStr(), &findData ); if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return; }
do {
PCHAR ptr; DWORD sequence = 1;
ptr = strchr(findData.cFileName, '.'); if (ptr != NULL ) { *ptr = '\0'; ptr = findData.cFileName;
while ( *ptr != '\0' ) {
if ( isdigit((UCHAR)(*ptr)) ) { sequence = atoi( ptr ); break; } ptr++; }
if ( sequence > m_sequence ) { maxFileSize = findData.nFileSizeLow; m_sequence = sequence; DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Sequence start is %d[%d]\n", sequence, maxFileSize)); } }
} while ( FindNextFile( hFile, &findData ) );
if ( (maxFileSize+LOG_FILE_SLOP) > QuerySizeForTruncation() ) { m_sequence++; }
} // SetLogFileDirectory
VOID CLogFileCtrl::WriteLogInformation( IN SYSTEMTIME& stNow, IN PCHAR pBuf, IN DWORD dwSize, IN BOOL fCustom, IN BOOL fResetHeaders ) /*++
Routine Description: write log line to file
Arguments: stNow Present Time fResetHeaders TRUE -> Reset headers, FALSE -> Don't reset headers pBuf Pointer to Log Line dwSize Number of characters in pBuf fCustom TRUE -> Using custom logging, FALSE -> normal logging
Return Value:
--*/ {
BOOL fOpenNewFile; DWORD err = NO_ERROR; DWORD tickCount = 0;
Lock ( );
if ( m_pLogFile != NULL ) { if ( QueryPeriod() == INET_LOG_PERIOD_DAILY ) { fOpenNewFile = (m_stCurrentFile.wDay != stNow.wDay) || (m_stCurrentFile.wMonth != stNow.wMonth); } else { fOpenNewFile = IsBeginningOfNewPeriod( QueryPeriod(), &m_stCurrentFile, &stNow) || IsFileOverFlowForCB( dwSize);
// Reset headers if day is over. Used for weekly or unlimited files.
if ( !fOpenNewFile && !fResetHeaders) { fResetHeaders = (m_stCurrentFile.wDay != stNow.wDay) || (m_stCurrentFile.wMonth != stNow.wMonth); } } } else { fOpenNewFile = TRUE; }
if (fOpenNewFile ) {
// open a file only after every minute when we hit disk full
if ( m_TickResumeOpen != 0 ) { tickCount = GetTickCount( );
if ( (tickCount < m_TickResumeOpen) || ((tickCount + TICK_MINUTE) < tickCount ) ) // The Tick counter is about to wrap.
{ goto exit_tick; } }
// Close existing log
// Open new log file
if ( OpenLogFile( &stNow ) ) { //
// Schedule Callback for closing log file and set flag for writing directives.
ScheduleCallback(stNow); fResetHeaders = TRUE; } else { err = GetLastError();
// The file is already bigger than the truncate size
// try another one.
if ( err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { FormNewLogFileName( &stNow ); err = NO_ERROR; goto retry_open; }
goto exit; } }
// Reset Headers if needed
if ((fResetHeaders) || (fCustom != m_fUsingCustomHeaders)) { BOOL fSucceeded; if (fCustom) { m_fUsingCustomHeaders = TRUE; fSucceeded = WriteCustomLogDirectives(dwSize); } else { m_fUsingCustomHeaders = FALSE; fSucceeded = WriteLogDirectives(dwSize); } if (!fSucceeded) { err = GetLastError( );
if ( err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { FormNewLogFileName( &stNow ); err = NO_ERROR; goto retry_open; }
TerminateLog(); goto exit; }
// record the time of opening of this new file
m_stCurrentFile = stNow; }
// write it to the buffer
if ( m_pLogFile->Write(pBuf, dwSize) ) { IncrementBytesWritten(dwSize);
// If this had been shutdown, log event for reactivation
if ( m_fDiskFullShutdown ) { m_fDiskFullShutdown = FALSE; m_TickResumeOpen = 0;
LogWriteEvent( QueryInstanceName(), TRUE ); } } else { err = GetLastError(); TerminateLog( ); }
if ( err == ERROR_DISK_FULL ) { if ( !m_fDiskFullShutdown ) { m_fDiskFullShutdown = TRUE; LogWriteEvent( QueryInstanceName(), FALSE ); } m_TickResumeOpen = GetTickCount(); m_TickResumeOpen += TICK_MINUTE; }
Unlock( );
} // LogInformation
DWORD CLogFileCtrl::ScheduleCallback(SYSTEMTIME& stNow) { DWORD dwTimeRemaining = 0; switch (m_dwPeriod) { case INET_LOG_PERIOD_HOURLY: dwTimeRemaining = 60*60 - (stNow.wMinute*60 + stNow.wSecond); break; case INET_LOG_PERIOD_DAILY: dwTimeRemaining = 24*60*60 - (stNow.wHour*60*60 + stNow.wMinute*60 + stNow.wSecond); break; case INET_LOG_PERIOD_WEEKLY: dwTimeRemaining = 7*24*60*60 - (stNow.wDayOfWeek*24*60*60 + stNow.wHour*60*60 + stNow.wMinute*60 + stNow.wSecond); break; case INET_LOG_PERIOD_MONTHLY: DWORD dwNumDays = 31;
if ( (4 == stNow.wMonth) || // April
(6 == stNow.wMonth) || // June
(9 == stNow.wMonth) || // September
(11 == stNow.wMonth) // November
) { dwNumDays = 30; }
if (2 == stNow.wMonth) // February
{ if ((stNow.wYear % 4 == 0 && stNow.wYear % 100 != 0) || stNow.wYear % 400 == 0) { //
// leap year.
dwNumDays = 29; } else { dwNumDays = 28; } } dwTimeRemaining = dwNumDays*24*60*60 - (stNow.wDay*24*60*60 + stNow.wHour*60*60 + stNow.wMinute*60 + stNow.wSecond); break; }
// Convert remaining time to millisecs
dwTimeRemaining = dwTimeRemaining*1000 - stNow.wMilliseconds; if (dwTimeRemaining) { m_dwSchedulerCookie = ScheduleWorkItem( LoggingSchedulerCallback, this, dwTimeRemaining, FALSE); }
return(m_dwSchedulerCookie); }
CHAR * SkipWhite( CHAR * pch ) { while ( ISWHITEA( *pch ) ) { pch++; }
return pch; }
DWORD FastDwToA( CHAR* pBuf, DWORD dwV ) /*++
Routine Description: Convert DWORD to ascii (decimal ) returns length ( w/o trailing '\0' )
Arguments: pBuf - buffer where to store converted value dwV - value to convert
Return Value: length of ascii string
--*/ { DWORD v;
if ( dwV < 10 ) { pBuf[0] = (CHAR)('0'+dwV); pBuf[1] = '\0'; return 1; } else if ( dwV < 100 ) { pBuf[0] = (CHAR)((dwV/10) + '0'); pBuf[1] = (CHAR)((dwV%10) + '0'); pBuf[2] = '\0'; return 2; } else if ( dwV < 1000 ) { pBuf[0] = (CHAR)((v=dwV/100) + '0'); dwV -= v * 100; pBuf[1] = (CHAR)((dwV/10) + '0'); pBuf[2] = (CHAR)((dwV%10) + '0'); pBuf[3] = '\0'; return 3; } else if ( dwV < 10000 ) {
pBuf[0] = (CHAR)((v=dwV/1000) + '0'); dwV -= v * 1000; pBuf[1] = (CHAR)((v=dwV/100) + '0'); dwV -= v * 100; pBuf[2] = (CHAR)((dwV/10) + '0'); pBuf[3] = (CHAR)((dwV%10) + '0'); pBuf[4] = '\0'; return 4; }
_ultoa(dwV, pBuf, 10); return (DWORD)strlen(pBuf); } // FastDwToA
VOID LogWriteEvent( IN LPCSTR InstanceName, IN BOOL fResume ) { if ( g_eventLog != NULL ) {
const CHAR* tmpString[1]; tmpString[0] = InstanceName;
g_eventLog->LogEvent( fResume ? LOG_EVENT_RESUME_LOGGING : LOG_EVENT_DISK_FULL_SHUTDOWN, 1, tmpString, 0); } return; } // LogWriteEvent
VOID WINAPI LoggingSchedulerCallback( PVOID pContext) { CLogFileCtrl *pLog = (CLogFileCtrl *) pContext;
// There is a possibility of deadlock if another thread is inside TerminateLog
// stuck in RemoveWorkItem, waiting for this callback thread to complete. To
// prevent that we use the synchronization flag - m_fInTerminate.
pLog->m_dwSchedulerCookie = 0;
if (!pLog->m_fInTerminate) { pLog->TerminateLog(); } }