Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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L_DESC_PROGRAM = "rcancel - Cancel message in NNTP virtual servers" L_DESC_MESSAGEID = """<message-id>"" Specify message to cancel" L_DESC_SERVER = "<server> Specify computer to configure" L_DESC_INSTANCE_ID = "<virtual server id> Specufy virtual server id"
L_DESC_EXAMPLES = "Examples:" L_DESC_EXAMPLE1 = "rcancel.vbs -m ""<[email protected]>"""
L_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ID = "Invalid instance identifier." L_ERR_INVALID_MESSAGEID = "Invalid message identifier." L_ERR_CANCEL_ERROR = "Error canceling message: " L_ERR_CANCEL_SUCCESS = "Message canceled."
REM REM --- Globals --- REM
dim g_dictParms dim g_admin
set g_dictParms = CreateObject ( "Scripting.Dictionary" )
REM REM --- Set argument defaults --- REM
g_dictParms(L_SWITCH_MESSAGEID) = "" g_dictParms(L_SWITCH_SERVER) = "" g_dictParms(L_SWITCH_INSTANCE_ID) = "1"
REM REM --- Begin Main Program --- REM
if NOT ParseCommandLine ( g_dictParms, WScript.Arguments ) then usage WScript.Quit ( 0 ) end if
set g_admin = CreateObject("NntpAdm.Groups")
server = g_dictParms(L_SWITCH_SERVER) instance = g_dictParms(L_SWITCH_INSTANCE_ID) messageid = g_dictParms(L_SWITCH_MESSAGEID)
REM REM Check arguments REM if ( messageid = "" ) then usage WScript.Quit 0 end if if NOT IsNumeric (instance) then WScript.Echo L_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ID WScript.Quit 0 end if
if ( Left(messageid,1) <> "<" OR Right(messageid,1) <> ">" ) then WScript.echo L_ERR_INVALID_MESSAGEID WScript.Quit 0 end if
REM REM Cancel message REM g_admin.Server = server g_admin.ServiceInstance = instance g_admin.CancelMessage( messageid )
REM REM Show Result REM if (err.number <> 0) then WScript.echo L_ERR_CANCEL_ERROR WScript.echo Err.Description & " (Error 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" else WScript.echo L_ERR_CANCEL_SUCCESS end if WScript.Quit 0
REM REM REM --- End Main Program --- REM REM
REM REM ParseCommandLine ( dictParameters, cmdline ) REM Parses the command line parameters into the given dictionary REM REM Arguments: REM dictParameters - A dictionary containing the global parameters REM cmdline - Collection of command line arguments REM REM Returns - Success code REM
Function ParseCommandLine ( dictParameters, cmdline ) dim fRet dim cArgs dim i dim strSwitch dim strArgument
fRet = TRUE cArgs = cmdline.Count i = 0 do while (i < cArgs)
REM REM Parse the switch and its argument REM
if i + 1 >= cArgs then REM REM Not enough command line arguments - Fail REM
fRet = FALSE exit do end if
strSwitch = cmdline(i) i = i + 1
strArgument = cmdline(i) i = i + 1
REM REM Add the switch,argument pair to the dictionary REM
if NOT dictParameters.Exists ( strSwitch ) then REM REM Bad switch - Fail REM
fRet = FALSE exit do end if
dictParameters(strSwitch) = strArgument
ParseCommandLine = fRet end function
REM REM Usage () REM prints out the description of the command line arguments REM
Sub Usage WScript.Echo L_DESC_PROGRAM WScript.Echo vbTab & L_SWITCH_MESSAGEID & " " & L_DESC_MESSAGEID WScript.Echo vbTab & L_SWITCH_SERVER & " " & L_DESC_SERVER WScript.Echo vbTab & L_SWITCH_INSTANCE_ID & " " & L_DESC_INSTANCE_ID
WScript.Echo WScript.Echo L_DESC_EXAMPLES WScript.Echo L_DESC_EXAMPLE1 WScript.Echo L_DESC_EXAMPLE2 end sub