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// admin.h : Declaration of the CSmtpAdmin
// Dependencies:
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "metafact.h"
struct IMSAdminBase;
// Service Versioning:
#define SERVICE_IS_K2(dwVersion) ((dwVersion) == 1)
#define SERVICE_IS_MCIS(dwVersion) ((dwVersion) == 0)
// smtpadm
class CSmtpAdmin : public CComDualImpl<ISmtpAdmin, &IID_ISmtpAdmin, &LIBID_SMTPADMLib>, public ISupportErrorInfo, public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass<CSmtpAdmin,&CLSID_CSmtpAdmin> { public: CSmtpAdmin(); virtual ~CSmtpAdmin ();
// Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to
// support aggregation. The default is to support it
DECLARE_REGISTRY(CSmtpAdmin, _T("Smtpadm.Admin.1"), _T("Smtpadm.Admin"), IDS_SMTPADMIN_DESC, THREADFLAGS_BOTH) // ISupportsErrorInfo
STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid);
// ISmtpAdmin
// Properties:
// Pointers to other ISmtpAdmin interfaces:
STDMETHODIMP get_ServiceAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch ); STDMETHODIMP get_VirtualServerAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch ); STDMETHODIMP get_SessionsAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
STDMETHODIMP get_AliasAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch ); STDMETHODIMP get_UserAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch ); STDMETHODIMP get_DLAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch ); STDMETHODIMP get_DomainAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
STDMETHODIMP get_VirtualDirectoryAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch );
// Which service to configure:
STDMETHODIMP get_Server ( BSTR * pstrServer ); STDMETHODIMP put_Server ( BSTR strServer );
STDMETHODIMP get_ServiceInstance ( long * plServiceInstance ); STDMETHODIMP put_ServiceInstance ( long lServiceInstance );
// Versioning:
STDMETHODIMP get_HighVersion ( long * plHighVersion ); STDMETHODIMP get_LowVersion ( long * plLowVersion ); STDMETHODIMP get_BuildNum ( long * plBuildNumber ); STDMETHODIMP get_ServiceVersion ( long * plServiceVersion );
// Methods:
STDMETHODIMP EnumerateInstances ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsaInstances ); STDMETHODIMP EnumerateInstancesVariant ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsaInstances ); STDMETHODIMP CreateInstance ( BSTR pstrMailRoot, long * plInstanceId ); STDMETHODIMP DestroyInstance ( long lInstanceId ); STDMETHODIMP ErrorToString ( DWORD dwErrorCode, BSTR * pstrError ); STDMETHODIMP Tokenize ( BSTR strIn, BSTR * pstrOut );
// Data:
CComBSTR m_strServer; DWORD m_dwServiceInstance;
DWORD m_dwServiceVersion;
// Metabase:
CMetabaseFactory m_mbFactory;
HRESULT QueryMetabaseInstances ( IMSAdminBase * pMetabase, SAFEARRAY ** ppsaInstances ); HRESULT CreateNewInstance ( IMSAdminBase * pMetabase, long * plInstanceId, BSTR pstrMailRoot ); HRESULT DeleteInstance ( IMSAdminBase * pMetabase, long lInstanceId ); };