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// expire.h : Declaration of the CSmtpAdminService
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
// Dependencies
#include "metafact.h"
#include "cmultisz.h"
struct IMSAdminBase;
// smtpadm
class CSmtpAdminService : public CComDualImpl<ISmtpAdminService, &IID_ISmtpAdminService, &LIBID_SMTPADMLib>, public ISupportErrorInfo, public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass<CSmtpAdminService,&CLSID_CSmtpAdminService> { public: CSmtpAdminService(); virtual ~CSmtpAdminService (); BEGIN_COM_MAP(CSmtpAdminService) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISmtpAdminService) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) END_COM_MAP() //DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CSmtpAdminService)
// Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to
// support aggregation. The default is to support it
DECLARE_REGISTRY(CSmtpAdminService, _T("Smtpadm.Service.1"), _T("Smtpadm.Service"), IDS_SMTPADMIN_SERVICE_DESC, THREADFLAGS_BOTH) // ISupportsErrorInfo
STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid);
// ISmtpAdminService
// Properties:
// Which Server to configure:
STDMETHODIMP get_Server ( BSTR * pstrServer ); STDMETHODIMP put_Server ( BSTR strServer );
// No instance for the server interface
// Server Properties:
STDMETHODIMP get_ServerBindings ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrServerBindings ); STDMETHODIMP put_ServerBindings ( SAFEARRAY * pstrServerBindings );
STDMETHODIMP get_ServerBindingsVariant ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrServerBindings ); STDMETHODIMP put_ServerBindingsVariant ( SAFEARRAY * pstrServerBindings );
STDMETHODIMP get_SecureBindings ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrSecureBindings ); STDMETHODIMP put_SecureBindings ( SAFEARRAY * pstrSecureBindings );
STDMETHODIMP get_SecureBindingsVariant ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrSecureBindings ); STDMETHODIMP put_SecureBindingsVariant ( SAFEARRAY * pstrSecureBindings );
STDMETHODIMP get_Port ( long * lPort ); STDMETHODIMP put_Port ( long lPort );
STDMETHODIMP get_SSLPort ( long * lSSLPort ); STDMETHODIMP put_SSLPort ( long lSSLPort );
STDMETHODIMP get_OutboundPort ( long * lOutboundPort ); STDMETHODIMP put_OutboundPort ( long lOutboundPort );
STDMETHODIMP get_HopCount ( long * lHopCount ); STDMETHODIMP put_HopCount ( long lHopCount );
STDMETHODIMP get_SmartHost ( BSTR * pstrSmartHost ); STDMETHODIMP put_SmartHost ( BSTR strSmartHost );
STDMETHODIMP get_EnableDNSLookup ( BOOL * pfEnableDNSLookup ); STDMETHODIMP put_EnableDNSLookup ( BOOL fEnableDNSLookup );
STDMETHODIMP get_PostmasterEmail ( BSTR * pstrPostmasterEmail ); STDMETHODIMP put_PostmasterEmail ( BSTR strPostmasterEmail );
STDMETHODIMP get_PostmasterName ( BSTR * pstrPostmasterName ); STDMETHODIMP put_PostmasterName ( BSTR strPostmasterName );
STDMETHODIMP get_DefaultDomain ( BSTR * pstrDefaultDomainName ); STDMETHODIMP put_DefaultDomain ( BSTR strDefaultDomainName );
STDMETHODIMP get_DropDir ( BSTR * pstrDropDir ); STDMETHODIMP put_DropDir ( BSTR strDropDir );
STDMETHODIMP get_BadMailDir ( BSTR * pstrBadMailDir ); STDMETHODIMP put_BadMailDir ( BSTR strBadMailDir );
STDMETHODIMP get_PickupDir ( BSTR * pstrPickupDir ); STDMETHODIMP put_PickupDir ( BSTR strPickupDir );
STDMETHODIMP get_QueueDir ( BSTR * pstrQueueDir ); STDMETHODIMP put_QueueDir ( BSTR strQueueDir );
STDMETHODIMP get_MaxInConnection ( long * lMaxInConnection ); STDMETHODIMP put_MaxInConnection ( long lMaxInConnection );
STDMETHODIMP get_MaxOutConnection ( long * lMaxOutConnection ); STDMETHODIMP put_MaxOutConnection ( long lMaxOutConnection );
STDMETHODIMP get_InConnectionTimeout ( long * lInConnectionTimeout ); STDMETHODIMP put_InConnectionTimeout ( long lInConnectionTimeout );
STDMETHODIMP get_OutConnectionTimeout( long * lOutConnectionTimeout ); STDMETHODIMP put_OutConnectionTimeout( long lOutConnectionTimeout );
STDMETHODIMP get_MaxMessageSize ( long * lMaxMessageSize ); STDMETHODIMP put_MaxMessageSize ( long lMaxMessageSize );
STDMETHODIMP get_MaxSessionSize ( long * lMaxSessionSize ); STDMETHODIMP put_MaxSessionSize ( long lMaxSessionSize );
STDMETHODIMP get_MaxMessageRecipients ( long * lMaxMessageRecipients ); STDMETHODIMP put_MaxMessageRecipients ( long lMaxMessageRecipients );
STDMETHODIMP get_LocalRetries ( long * lLocalRetries ); STDMETHODIMP put_LocalRetries ( long lLocalRetries );
STDMETHODIMP get_LocalRetryTime ( long * lLocalRetryTime ); STDMETHODIMP put_LocalRetryTime ( long lLocalRetryTime );
STDMETHODIMP get_RemoteRetries ( long * lRemoteRetries ); STDMETHODIMP put_RemoteRetries ( long lRemoteRetries );
STDMETHODIMP get_RemoteRetryTime ( long * lRemoteRetryTime ); STDMETHODIMP put_RemoteRetryTime ( long lRemoteRetryTime );
STDMETHODIMP get_ETRNDays ( long * lETRNDays ); STDMETHODIMP put_ETRNDays ( long lETRNDays );
STDMETHODIMP get_SendDNRToPostmaster ( BOOL * pfSendDNRToPostmaster ); STDMETHODIMP put_SendDNRToPostmaster ( BOOL fSendDNRToPostmaster );
STDMETHODIMP get_SendBadmailToPostmaster ( BOOL * pfSendBadmailToPostmaster); STDMETHODIMP put_SendBadmailToPostmaster ( BOOL fSendBadmailToPostmaster );
STDMETHODIMP get_RoutingDLL ( BSTR * pstrRoutingDLL ); STDMETHODIMP put_RoutingDLL ( BSTR strRoutingDLL );
STDMETHODIMP get_RoutingSources ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrRoutingSources ); STDMETHODIMP put_RoutingSources ( SAFEARRAY * pstrRoutingSources );
STDMETHODIMP get_RoutingSourcesVariant ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrRoutingSources ); STDMETHODIMP put_RoutingSourcesVariant ( SAFEARRAY * pstrRoutingSources );
STDMETHODIMP get_LocalDomains ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrLocalDomains ); STDMETHODIMP put_LocalDomains ( SAFEARRAY * pstrLocalDomains );
STDMETHODIMP get_DomainRouting ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrDomainRouting ); STDMETHODIMP put_DomainRouting ( SAFEARRAY * pstrDomainRouting );
STDMETHODIMP get_DomainRoutingVariant ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrDomainRouting ); STDMETHODIMP put_DomainRoutingVariant ( SAFEARRAY * pstrDomainRouting );
STDMETHODIMP get_MasqueradeDomain ( BSTR * pstrMasqueradeDomain ); STDMETHODIMP put_MasqueradeDomain ( BSTR strMasqueradeDomain );
STDMETHODIMP get_SendNdrTo ( BSTR * pstrAddr ); STDMETHODIMP put_SendNdrTo ( BSTR strAddr );
STDMETHODIMP get_SendBadTo ( BSTR * pstrAddr ); STDMETHODIMP put_SendBadTo ( BSTR strAddr ); STDMETHODIMP get_RemoteSecurePort ( long * plRemoteSecurePort ); STDMETHODIMP put_RemoteSecurePort ( long lRemoteSecurePort );
STDMETHODIMP get_ShouldDeliver ( BOOL * pfShouldDeliver ); STDMETHODIMP put_ShouldDeliver ( BOOL fShouldDeliver );
STDMETHODIMP get_AlwaysUseSsl ( BOOL * pfAlwaysUseSsl ); STDMETHODIMP put_AlwaysUseSsl ( BOOL fAlwaysUseSsl );
STDMETHODIMP get_LimitRemoteConnections ( BOOL * pfLimitRemoteConnections ); STDMETHODIMP put_LimitRemoteConnections ( BOOL fLimitRemoteConnections );
STDMETHODIMP get_MaxOutConnPerDomain ( long * plMaxOutConnPerDomain ); STDMETHODIMP put_MaxOutConnPerDomain ( long lMaxOutConnPerDomain );
STDMETHODIMP get_AllowVerify ( BOOL * pfAllowVerify ); STDMETHODIMP put_AllowVerify ( BOOL fAllowVerify );
STDMETHODIMP get_AllowExpand ( BOOL * pfAllowExpand ); STDMETHODIMP put_AllowExpand ( BOOL fAllowExpand );
STDMETHODIMP get_SmartHostType ( long * plSmartHostType ); STDMETHODIMP put_SmartHostType ( long lSmartHostType );
STDMETHODIMP get_BatchMessages ( BOOL * pfBatchMessages ); STDMETHODIMP put_BatchMessages ( BOOL fBatchMessages );
STDMETHODIMP get_BatchMessageLimit ( long * plBatchMessageLimit ); STDMETHODIMP put_BatchMessageLimit ( long lBatchMessageLimit );
STDMETHODIMP get_DoMasquerade ( BOOL * pfDoMasquerade ); STDMETHODIMP put_DoMasquerade ( BOOL fDoMasquerade );
STDMETHODIMP get_Administrators ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrAdmins ); STDMETHODIMP put_Administrators ( SAFEARRAY * psastrAdmins );
STDMETHODIMP get_AdministratorsVariant ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsastrAdmins ); STDMETHODIMP put_AdministratorsVariant ( SAFEARRAY * psastrAdmins );
STDMETHODIMP get_LogFileDirectory ( BSTR * pstrLogFileDirectory ); STDMETHODIMP put_LogFileDirectory ( BSTR strLogFileDirectory );
STDMETHODIMP get_LogFilePeriod ( long * lLogFilePeriod ); STDMETHODIMP put_LogFilePeriod ( long lLogFilePeriod );
STDMETHODIMP get_LogFileTruncateSize ( long * lLogFileTruncateSize ); STDMETHODIMP put_LogFileTruncateSize ( long lLogFileTruncateSize );
STDMETHODIMP get_LogMethod ( long * lLogMethod ); STDMETHODIMP put_LogMethod ( long lLogMethod );
STDMETHODIMP get_LogType ( long * lLogType ); STDMETHODIMP put_LogType ( long lLogType );
// Methods:
// Data:
CComBSTR m_strServer;
long m_lPort; // obselete, use server bindings
CMultiSz m_mszServerBindings; // MultiString
CMultiSz m_mszSecureBindings; // MultiString
long m_lSSLPort; long m_lOutboundPort; long m_lRemoteSecurePort;
CComBSTR m_strSmartHost; BOOL m_fEnableDNSLookup; CComBSTR m_strPostmasterEmail; CComBSTR m_strPostmasterName;
CComBSTR m_strFQDN; CComBSTR m_strDefaultDomain;
CComBSTR m_strDropDir; CComBSTR m_strBadMailDir; CComBSTR m_strPickupDir; CComBSTR m_strQueueDir;
long m_lHopCount; long m_lMaxInConnection; long m_lMaxOutConnection; long m_lInConnectionTimeout; long m_lOutConnectionTimeout;
long m_lMaxMessageSize; long m_lMaxSessionSize; long m_lMaxMessageRecipients;
long m_lLocalRetries; long m_lLocalRetryTime; long m_lRemoteRetries; long m_lRemoteRetryTime;
long m_lETRNDays;
BOOL m_fSendDNRToPostmaster; BOOL m_fSendBadmailToPostmaster;
CComBSTR m_strRoutingDLL; CMultiSz m_mszRoutingSources; // MultiString
CMultiSz m_mszLocalDomains; // MultiString
CMultiSz m_mszDomainRouting; // MultiString
BOOL m_fDoMasquerade; CComBSTR m_strMasqueradeDomain;
CComBSTR m_strNdrAddr; CComBSTR m_strBadAddr;
BOOL m_fShouldDeliver; BOOL m_fAlwaysUseSsl; BOOL m_fLimitRemoteConnections; long m_lMaxOutConnPerDomain;
BOOL m_fAllowVerify; BOOL m_fAllowExpand; long m_lSmartHostType;
BOOL m_fBtachMsgs; long m_lBatchMsgLimit;
SAFEARRAY * m_psaAdmins;
CComBSTR m_strLogFileDirectory; long m_lLogFilePeriod; long m_lLogFileTruncateSize; long m_lLogMethod; long m_lLogType;
// Status:
BOOL m_fGotProperties; DWORD m_bvChangedFields; FILETIME m_ftLastChanged;
// Metabase:
CMetabaseFactory m_mbFactory;
HRESULT GetPropertiesFromMetabase ( IMSAdminBase * pMetabase ); HRESULT SendPropertiesToMetabase ( BOOL fFailIfChanged, IMSAdminBase * pMetabase );
// Validation:
BOOL ValidateStrings ( ) const; BOOL ValidateProperties ( ) const; void CorrectProperties ( ); };