// File: asncwrkq.cpp
// Description: Implementation of CAsyncWorkQueue.
// Author: Mike Swafford (MikeSwa)
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
// Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "aqprecmp.h"
#include "asncwrkq.h"
#include "asyncq.inl"
CPool CAsyncWorkQueueItem::s_CAsyncWorkQueueItemPool; DWORD CAsyncWorkQueueItem::s_cCurrentHeapAllocations = 0; DWORD CAsyncWorkQueueItem::s_cTotalHeapAllocations = 0;
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueueItem::new ]----------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Wrapper for new that will use CPool or Exchmem to allocate...
// whichever is appropriate.
// Parameters:
// size size of item to allocate (should always be
// sizeof (CAsyncWorkQueueItem)
// Returns:
// Pointer to newly allocated CAsyncWorkQueueItem
// History:
// 7/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
void * CAsyncWorkQueueItem::operator new(size_t size) { CAsyncWorkQueueItemAllocatorBlock *pcpaqwi = NULL;
_ASSERT(sizeof(CAsyncWorkQueueItem) == size);
pcpaqwi = (CAsyncWorkQueueItemAllocatorBlock *) s_CAsyncWorkQueueItemPool.Alloc(); if (pcpaqwi) { pcpaqwi->m_dwSignature = ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY_ALLOC_CPOOL_SIG; } else { //Fallback on Exchmem
pcpaqwi = (CAsyncWorkQueueItemAllocatorBlock *) pvMalloc(sizeof(CAsyncWorkQueueItemAllocatorBlock)); if (pcpaqwi) { pcpaqwi->m_dwSignature = ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY_ALLOC_HEAP_SIG; DEBUG_DO_IT(InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &s_cCurrentHeapAllocations)); DEBUG_DO_IT(InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &s_cTotalHeapAllocations)); } }
if (pcpaqwi) return ((void *) &(pcpaqwi->m_pawqi)); else return NULL; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueueItem::delete ]-------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Delete operator that will handle deleting via CPool or exchmem
// Parameters:
// pv Object to delete
// size Size of object
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 7/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
void CAsyncWorkQueueItem::operator delete(void *pv, size_t size) { _ASSERT(sizeof(CAsyncWorkQueueItem) == size); _ASSERT(pv); CAsyncWorkQueueItemAllocatorBlock *pcpaqwi = CONTAINING_RECORD(pv, CAsyncWorkQueueItemAllocatorBlock, m_pawqi); DWORD dwOldSignature = pcpaqwi->m_dwSignature;
//Reset signature before we free it, in case memory allocators
//do not overwrite it (we want our asserts to fire at the time
//of the double-free).
pcpaqwi->m_dwSignature = ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY_ALLOC_INVALID_SIG; switch(dwOldSignature) { case ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY_ALLOC_CPOOL_SIG: s_CAsyncWorkQueueItemPool.Free(pcpaqwi); break; case ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY_ALLOC_HEAP_SIG: DEBUG_DO_IT(InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &s_cCurrentHeapAllocations)); FreePv(pcpaqwi); break; default: _ASSERT(0 && "Invalid signature when freeing CAsyncWorkQueueItem"); } }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueueItem::CAsyncWorkQueueItem ]------------------------------
// Description:
// Default constructor for CAsyncWorkQueueItem
// Parameters:
// pvData Data to pass to completion function
// pfnCompletion Completion function
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
CAsyncWorkQueueItem::CAsyncWorkQueueItem(PVOID pvData, PASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_FN pfnCompletion) { _ASSERT(pfnCompletion);
m_dwSignature = ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY; m_pvData = pvData; m_pfnCompletion = pfnCompletion; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueueItem::~CAsyncWorkQueueItem ]-----------------------------
// Description:
// Default destructor for CAsyncWorkQueueItem
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
CAsyncWorkQueueItem::~CAsyncWorkQueueItem() { m_dwSignature = ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY_FREE; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueue::CAsyncWorkQueue ]--------------------------------------
// Description:
// Default constructor for CAsyncWorkQueue
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
CAsyncWorkQueue::CAsyncWorkQueue() { m_dwSignature = ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_SIG; m_cWorkQueueItems = 0; m_dwStateFlags = ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_NORMAL; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueue::~CAsyncWorkQueue ]-------------------------------------
// Description:
// Destructor for CAsyncWorkQueue
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
CAsyncWorkQueue::~CAsyncWorkQueue() { m_dwSignature = ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_SIG_FREE; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueue::HrInitialize ]-----------------------------------------
// Description:
// Initialization routing for CAsyncWorkQueue base. Initializes the
// CAsyncQueue
// Parameters:
// cItemsPerThread The number of items to process per async thread
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// Failure code from CAsyncQueue::HrInitialize()
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
HRESULT CAsyncWorkQueue::HrInitialize(DWORD cItemsPerThread) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = m_asyncq.HrInitialize(0, //there can be *no* sync threads
cItemsPerThread, 1,//init requires this value to be at least 1
this, CAsyncWorkQueue::fQueueCompletion, CAsyncWorkQueue::fQueueFailure, NULL);
return hr; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueue::HrDeinitialize ]---------------------------------------
// Description:
// Signals shutdown for queue code
// Parameters:
// paqinst Pointer to AQ server instance object
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
// 7/7/99 - MikeSwa Allow async threads to help process shutdown
HRESULT CAsyncWorkQueue::HrDeinitialize(CAQSvrInst *paqinst) { const DWORD MAX_ITERATIONS_NO_PROGRESS = 1000; //iterations before assert
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cLastCount = cGetWorkQueueItems(); DWORD cIterationsNoProgress = 0; _ASSERT(paqinst);
//Start processing all items in "shutdown" mode
// Make sure we have threads actively processing this queue before
// we settle down and wait for them to stop.
_ASSERT(!cGetWorkQueueItems() || m_asyncq.dwGetTotalThreads()); m_asyncq.StartRetry();
//Let the worker threads have some fun before we stop and do the single
//theaded initialization
while (cLastCount && (cIterationsNoProgress < MAX_ITERATIONS_NO_PROGRESS)) { if (cLastCount <= cGetWorkQueueItems()) cIterationsNoProgress++; //I'd like to see this case
cLastCount = cGetWorkQueueItems(); paqinst->ServerStopHintFunction();
//Since it may take longer than our stop hint to process a
//single item in the queue, we need to sleep instead of
//attempting to process an item (Bug #X5:118258).
Sleep(10000); } hr = m_asyncq.HrDeinitialize(CAsyncWorkQueue::HrShutdownWalkFn, paqinst); return hr; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueue::HrQueueWorkItem ]--------------------------------------
// Description:
// Queues items to async work queue
// Parameters:
// pvData Data item to pass to completion function
// pfCompletion Completion function
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if queue item could not be allocated
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
HRESULT CAsyncWorkQueue::HrQueueWorkItem(PVOID pvData, PASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_FN pfnCompletion) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CAsyncWorkQueueItem *pawqi = NULL;
_ASSERT(pvData); _ASSERT(pfnCompletion);
if (!pfnCompletion) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
//Create queue item, initialize it, and queue it
pawqi = new CAsyncWorkQueueItem(pvData, pfnCompletion); if (!pawqi) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
hr = m_asyncq.HrQueueRequest(pawqi, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cWorkQueueItems);
Exit: if (FAILED(hr) && pfnCompletion) { //call completion function
if (pawqi) pawqi->Release();
return hr; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueue::fQueueCompletion ]-------------------------------------
// Description:
// Completion function called by CAsyncQueue
// Parameters:
// pawqi CAsyncWorkQueueItem to process
// pvContext "this" pointer
// Returns:
// TRUE if item was process
// FALSE otherwise
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
BOOL CAsyncWorkQueue::fQueueCompletion(CAsyncWorkQueueItem *pawqi, PVOID pvContext) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; CAsyncWorkQueue *pawq = (CAsyncWorkQueue *) pvContext;
_ASSERT(pawqi); _ASSERT(pawq); _ASSERT(ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY == pawqi->m_dwSignature); _ASSERT(ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_SIG == pawq->m_dwSignature);
fRet = pawqi->m_pfnCompletion(pawqi->m_pvData, pawq->m_dwStateFlags);
if (fRet) InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &(((CAsyncWorkQueue *)pawq)->m_cWorkQueueItems));
return fRet; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueue::fQueueFailure ]----------------------------------------
// Description:
// Function to handle internal failures in CAsyncQueue
// Parameters:
// pawq "this" pointer
// pawqi CAsyncWorkQueueItem to process
// Returns:
// TRUE always
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
BOOL CAsyncWorkQueue::fQueueFailure(CAsyncWorkQueueItem *pawqi, PVOID pawq) { _ASSERT(pawqi); _ASSERT(pawq); _ASSERT(ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY == pawqi->m_dwSignature); _ASSERT(ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_SIG == ((CAsyncWorkQueue *)pawq)->m_dwSignature);
pawqi->m_pfnCompletion(pawqi->m_pvData, ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_FAILURE);
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &(((CAsyncWorkQueue *)pawq)->m_cWorkQueueItems));
return TRUE; }
//---[ CAsyncWorkQueue::HrShutdownWalkFn ]-------------------------------------
// Description:
// Function to walk an CAsyncWorkQueue queue at shutdown and clear out
// all of the pending work items
// Parameters:
// IN CAsyncWorkQueueItem ptr to data on queue
// IN PVOID pvContext AQ server intstance
// OUT BOOL *pfContinue, TRUE if we should continue
// OUT BOOL *pfDelete); TRUE if item should be deleted
// Returns:
// S_OK always
// History:
// 3/8/99 - MikeSwa Created
HRESULT CAsyncWorkQueue::HrShutdownWalkFn( CAsyncWorkQueueItem *pawqi, PVOID pvContext, BOOL *pfContinue, BOOL *pfDelete) { CAQSvrInst *paqinst = (CAQSvrInst *) pvContext;
_ASSERT(pfContinue); _ASSERT(pfDelete); _ASSERT(pawqi); _ASSERT(ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY == pawqi->m_dwSignature);
*pfContinue = TRUE; *pfDelete = TRUE;
//call server stop hint function
paqinst->ServerStopHintFunction(); pawqi->m_pfnCompletion(pawqi->m_pvData, ASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN);
return S_OK; }