// ccat.h -- This file contains the class definations for:
// CCategorizer
// CAttributes
// Created:
// Sep 3, 1996 -- Alex Wetmore (awetmore)
// Changes:
//// jstamerj 980227 14:13:42: Modified for Platinum categorizer
#ifndef __CCAT_H__
#define __CCAT_H__
#include <windows.h>
#include <transmem.h>
#include <listmacr.h>
#include "cat.h"
#include "cattype.h"
#include "idstore.h"
#include "catdefs.h"
#include "spinlock.h"
#include "catperf.h"
#define MAX_ENUM_RESULT 100
// maximum number of times to resolve forwarding addresses on a given address
// before giving up and realizing that its a loop
#define AB_HASHFILENAME "route.hsh"
VOID AsyncResolveCompletion(LPVOID pContext); VOID AsyncIMsgCatCompletion(LPVOID pContext);
BOOL FIsHResultRetryable(IN HRESULT hr);
// the address book
CatDebugClass(CCategorizer) { public: CCategorizer(); ~CCategorizer();
// Lifetime refcounting functions
LONG AddRef(); LONG Release(); VOID ReleaseAndWaitForDestruction();
// Initialize
HRESULT Initialize( PCCATCONFIGINFO pConfigInfo, DWORD dwICatItemPropIDs, DWORD dwICatListResolvePropIDs);
// Simple method to make sure the string terminates before
// the max length, and the string points to readable memory.
BOOL VerifyStringLength(LPSTR szString, DWORD dwMaxLength);
HRESULT AsyncResolveIMsg(IUnknown *pImsg, PFNCAT_COMPLETION pfnCatCompletion, LPVOID pContext);
HRESULT AsyncResolveDLs( IUnknown *pImsg, PFNCAT_COMPLETION pfnCatCompletion, LPVOID pContext, BOOL fMatchOnly, PBOOL pfMatch, CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, LPSTR pszAddress);
// cancel all outstanding long running calls on other threads
void Cancel();
// Shutdown the address book
HRESULT Shutdown(void);
// Method to access EmailIDStore
CEmailIDStore<CCatAddr> *GetEmailIDStore() { return m_pStore; }
// Method to access our default SMTP domain
LPSTR GetDefaultSMTPDomain() { return m_ConfigInfo.pszDefaultDomain; }
VOID CatCompletion( PFNCAT_COMPLETION pfnCatCOmpletion, HRESULT hr, LPVOID pContext, IUnknown *pIMsg, IUnknown **rgpIMsg);
VOID GetPerfCounters( PCATPERFBLOCK pCatPerfBlock) { //
// Fill in the global LDAP perf counters on demand
CopyMemory(&(GetPerfBlock()->LDAPPerfBlock), &g_LDAPPerfBlock, sizeof(CATLDAPPERFBLOCK)); CopyMemory(pCatPerfBlock, GetPerfBlock(), sizeof(CATPERFBLOCK)); }
VOID SetNextCCategorizer( CCategorizer *pCCat) { _ASSERT(m_pCCatNext == NULL); m_pCCatNext = pCCat; m_pCCatNext->AddRef(); }
VOID PrepareForShutdown() { m_fPrepareForShutdown = TRUE; Cancel(); }
// make sure that an email address is valid
BOOL VerifyEmailAddress(LPSTR szEmail); BOOL VerifyDomainName(LPSTR szDomain);
// Do the default processing of OnCatRegister
HRESULT Register();
// Helper routine to set all schema parameters in ICatParams based
// on a particular schema type
HRESULT RegisterSchemaParameters(LPSTR pszSchema);
// Routine to retrieve the ICatItem propID reserved for ptr to a
// CCatAddr
DWORD GetICatItemCCatAddrPropId() { return m_dwICatParamSystemProp_CCatAddr; }
// PropId we use to build a list of CCatAddr prior to the first
// resolution (we can't resolve as we go because asyncctx needs to
// be pre-initialized with the number of top level resolves
DWORD GetICatItemChainPropId() { return m_dwICatParamSystemProp_CCatAddr + 1; }
// Routine to retrieve ISMTPServer for this virtual server
ISMTPServer *GetISMTPServer() { return m_ConfigInfo.pISMTPServer; } ISMTPServerEx *GetISMTPServerEx() { return m_pISMTPServerEx; }
// Routine to retrieve the domain config interface for this virtual server
ICategorizerDomainInfo *GetIDomainInfo() { return m_ConfigInfo.pIDomainInfo; }
// Retrieve the cat flags for this virtual server
DWORD GetCatFlags() { return m_ConfigInfo.dwCatFlags; }
public: //
// A special DWORD that enables/disables cat for this VS
BOOL IsCatEnabled() { //
// Check the enable/disable DWORD (DsUseCat) as well as
// dwCatFlags (at least one flag must be set or we're still
// disabled)
return ((m_ConfigInfo.dwEnable != 0) && (m_ConfigInfo.dwCatFlags != 0)); }
private: //
// Copy in a config structure during initialization
// Releae all memory and interfaces held by the ConfigInfo struct
VOID ReleaseConfigInfo();
// Helper routine to copy paramters
HRESULT SetICatParamsFromConfigInfo();
// Access to our config struct
PCCATCONFIGINFO GetCCatConfigInfo() { return &m_ConfigInfo; }
ICategorizerParametersEx *GetICatParams() { return m_pICatParams; }
DWORD GetNumCatItemProps() { return m_cICatParamProps; } DWORD GetNumCatListResolveProps() { return m_cICatListResolveProps; }
// Delayed initialize function
HRESULT DelayedInitialize();
// Do delayed initialize if not already done
HRESULT DelayedInitializeIfNecessary();
PCATPERFBLOCK GetPerfBlock() { return &m_PerfBlock; }
#define SIGNATURE_CCAT ((DWORD)'tacC')
DWORD m_dwSignature; //
// Increment completion counters based on the list resolve status
HRESULT HrAdjustCompletionCounters( HRESULT hrListResolveStatus, IUnknown *pIMsg, IUnknown **rgpIMsg);
BOOL fIsShuttingDown() { return m_fPrepareForShutdown; }
// ref count
LONG m_lRefCount; LONG m_lDestructionWaiters; BOOL m_fPrepareForShutdown; HANDLE m_hShutdownEvent;
// this is the pointer to the underlying EmailID store object.
CEmailIDStore<CCatAddr> *m_pStore;
// ICategorizerParametersEx -- configuration information for this
// virtual server
ICategorizerParametersEx *m_pICatParams;
// Number of properties we need to allocate in each ICatParams
DWORD m_cICatParamProps;
// Number of properties we need to allocate in each ICatListResolve
DWORD m_cICatListResolveProps;
// The property ID in an ICategorizerItem used for CCatAddr *
DWORD m_dwICatParamSystemProp_CCatAddr;
// Configuration parameters passed in
// One of the following values:
// CAT_S_NOT_INITIALIED: Delayed initialize has not yet been done
// CAT_E_INIT_FAILED: Delayed initialize failed
// S_OK: Initialized okay
HRESULT m_hrDelayedInit;
// Keep track of what we have initialized
DWORD m_dwInitFlags; #define INITFLAG_REGISTER 0x0001
#define INITFLAG_STORE 0x0004
// A list to keep track of all outstanding list resolves
SPIN_LOCK m_PendingResolveListLock; LIST_ENTRY m_ListHeadPendingResolves;
// Refcounted pointer to a CCategorizer with a newer config
CCategorizer *m_pCCatNext;
// ISMTPServerEx interface pointer; if available
ISMTPServerEx *m_pISMTPServerEx;
// Performance counters
VOID RemovePendingListResolve( CICategorizerListResolveIMP *pListResolve);
VOID AddPendingListResolve( CICategorizerListResolveIMP *pListResolve);
VOID CancelAllPendingListResolves( HRESULT hrReason = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED));
friend VOID AsyncIMsgCatCompletion(LPVOID pContext); friend HRESULT MailTransport_Default_CatRegister( HRESULT hrStatus, PVOID pvContext); friend class CICategorizerListResolveIMP; friend class CICategorizerDLListResolveIMP; friend class CCatAddr; friend class CABContext; };
#endif //__CCAT_H__